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Step-by-Step Lesson Elements

Student Name: Kasey Jacobs

Grade Level: Kindergarten Subject Area: Phonics

State Standards:
1. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RF.K.2.A Recognize and produce rhyming words.
2. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RF.K.2.E Add or substitute individual sounds (phonemes) in simple, one-syllable words to make new words.
3. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RF.K.3.A Demonstrate basic knowledge of one-to-one letter-sound correspondences by producing the primary
sound or many of the most frequent sounds for each consonant.

Lesson Objective(s) & Targeted Outcome(s):

● TLW come up with rhyming words that correlate to a variety of words
● TLW pick out a word that doesn’t rhyme with the rest of the words
● TLW come up with words that have /l/ consonant blends
● TLW categorize /l/ consonant blends
● TLW blend sounds to make words
● TLW make words with the beginning /l/ consonant blend

Materials & Resources:

● Google Slides
● Consonant L blend worksheets

Knowing the Students:

● Students will need to be familiar with rhyming
● Students will need to know their letter and sounds
Literacy Connection:
● Blending and segmenting words
● Students are using listening and reading skills to identify consonant blends
● Using their knowledge of letters and sounds to make words
● Rhyming words

Technology Integration:
● Google Slides
● Youtube
● Online educational game

Estimated 4. Instructional Procedures 9. UDL, Differentiation, and

Time Accommodations
Introduction/Activate Prior Knowledge:
● Champs song: C=voice level H=raise your hand A-phonics M-in your spot
P=Everybody is participating S=success
● Students repeat I can statement on google slides, “I can identify L consonant
5 min blends”
● Ask students what consonant blends they worked on yesterday
● Watch youtube video (What Is a Blend? | bl, cl, gl, sl | Writing & Reading Skills
for Kids | Phonics Song | Jack Hartmann)
● Ask students what blends they heard in the song (bl, cl, gl, sl) and write on the
Step-By-Step Procedures
1. Today, we are going to learn about l consonant blends like br, cr, fr, and dr.
● If students are struggling with
2. Tell students to get their clapping hands ready, put the /b/ sound in left palm
and /l/ sound in your right hand and put the sounds together as you clap it identifying blends in words,
together to make /bl/ sound (do for the rest of the sounds cl, gl, sl) write the word on the board
3. Click on next slide in google slides. Ask students what is the beginning blend and underline the beginning
>20 min you hear in clock, blue, glove, and slide. Students will share out. blend in the word
4. Click on next slide in google slides. Ask the students what kind of words they ● If students are struggling with
see in the picture that have the blends bl, cl, gl, sl and circle the pictures that finding words, point out the
the students come up with the r consonant blends. Give students a moment to
picture of bread, dress, crack,
think about the word they see before they share out
5. Click on the next slide in google slides. Have students come up with the or freeze and ask what the
beginning blend in flashlight, clock, and slide. Tell students that their job is to beginning sound of those
figure out what the beginning blend is and point to the picture of the flashlight, words are
clock, and slide that has the same beginning sound. ● If students are finding it hard to
6. Click on the next slide in google slides. Tell students to repeat the I can decipher beginning blends in
statement, “I can blend sounds to make words”
words, write the beginning
7. Click on the next slide in google slides. Tell students to get their arm ready
because we are going to make words. Go through words, slim, plot, club, flap. blend above the pictures
The beginning blend you point to your shoulder, middle vowel you point to the
middle of your arm, and final sound you point to your wrist. Put all sounds
together on your arm to make all four words
8. Click on the next slide on google slides. Have students repeat, “I can rhyme
words” ● If students don’t understand
9. Click on the next slide on google slides. Ask students, which word doesn’t
rhyming words, underline the
rhyme with the rest of the words? (hat, cat, bat, bit) Ask the students why it
doesn’t rhyme. Do same routine for other words in the row. ending sounds in the rhyming
10. Click on the next slide on google slides. Ask students, what is a word that words and ask what word
rhymes with hot? Cat? Lip? (The words can be nonsense words, as long as doesn’t have the same ending
they rhyme) sound
11. Click on the next slide on google slides and click on the blends game link. ● Write the spelling of the words
When it asks what blends to go over during the game, click all L consonant crab, bed, and dress.
beginning blends. Pick sticks for students that are sitting successful to play
Substitute beginning sounds in
the game. Remind students that we will not be able to finish the game
because time does not allow it. Pick 4-5 sticks the word to make rhyming
12. Click on the next slide on google slides. Go over the worksheet they will have words
to work on. Their job is to write the beginning blend that correlates to the
picture next to it. When they are done, they can color the pictures. Do the first
two with them. ● If students are struggling, write
13. Pass out worksheets to students that are sitting quietly.
out the word of the picture and
ask what the beginning blend is
or ask students to separate the
sounds they hear in the
beginning of the word
5. Closure:
1 min ● Thumbs up or thumbs down if they understand
● Tell students to kiss their brains because they rocked it!
5 min 10. Assessment & Evaluation:
● Asking questions throughout
● Ask students to come up with their own rhyming words
● Ask students to come up with beginning blend they hear in certain words
● Ask students to give a thumbs up or thumbs down if they think we were
successful in the I can statement
● Blends worksheet
11. Reflection (after teaching lesson):
After doing the /r/ consonant blends, the students were very comfortable with /l/ consonant blends. The music that I showed that went along
with the lesson was really helpful with the students. They seemed to remember the consonant blends with the music that went along with it.
After looking at the worksheet they did at the end of the lesson, I could tell majority of the students understood the concept.

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