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The Meaning of The Monument...

"Cultures mixed, so much, that I eat cabbage, in the morning. I have, a renowned vigour for my
duty... and I'm obsessed with my work."

For the wellbeing of the British whom associate with the upper class, there is a system of social
esteem and regard.

I have a duty and authorization, to do something, that is lawful and in service to you. It is based
on some conditions, involving morality and previous service to humanity, that involves us.

The Duke: And what is that?

The answer is within our Holy Writ, the Sacred Texts, The Kings Regulations, and Admiralty
Instructions for Service van doos... with... The Royal. Airforce. Squadron.

The Duke. I see.

Owing allegiance to the Kings of History and the sacred system of law created by them.

"LEX REX." Let Law be King, at least for The Court of Star Chamber.

....It is an eternal manifestation of both wisdom and power...


The first, Sovereign, of the Order of The Garter, was Edward the Third, Plantagenet.

Preceding him, was King Aathelston, who was named, after the Noble Stone. He was the First
King of England.
What is lesser known, written in the Proceedings of the Court of Star Chamber, is the history,
and prophecies, of the Order of the Aman. Ashlar.

It is the stone unto whom King Aathelston, the First King of England, received his name.

It is, the Cosmic Ashlaar, of the Ancient Nobles of the Mystic Shrine....

Placed intact into the Kaa baa by the Prophet Mohammed, Peace Be Upon Him....

The more secret, and sacred Order, served the same purpose ,in the Time of the assembly of
disciples before Jesus with all the Prophets, who brought the Law from God; I refer to the No a
hide Law, the Seven Laws of Noah.

For those who serve in the Court of Star Chamber wisely, it is a Cosmic Plan, written by the
Ascended Masters. The guardians, messengers, and prophets.

To manifest the Cosmic Christ, through the Alchemical work of the Array Quantum
Superconductive Transponder, transmitting the Plan of God, unto His Chosen Servants...

...Taking the plan... through. time... from the beginning to the end... it has. been.

The promises of Aadonai, remain. ...His people will never be put to shame.

King Aathelston was of Noble Birth. The Duke... Yes.

He was a King of Zion.

...In the coming age of applied quantum information science, the quantum array transponder...
facilitates the action of righteousness. and salvation.

It promises. to give rise. to a just and noble king.

It also provides. an advance to wisdom and power. for the monarchies. and associated
governments. of the world.

To advance the human race. a plan is currently unfolding. Known to select French-speaking
computer scientists. who have been security cleared, vetted, and keyed into a project. of

The clandestine. visual. binary. intelligence. Projects. were authorized by President Rosevelt.
when pressure came to take humanity to new heights. and collectively learn. to walk softly and
carry a big stick....

The motivation stands... to preserve the best of the race. and to acknowledge giant leaps. for
humankind. trusting in the power. of allmighty God.

....The Avignon Papacy. connects directly to CERN. through a tunnel. connecting the ancient
catacoombs of France. to new. research facilities.

These tunnels were made by Monks, who lined the walls with skulls and bones.... The Avignon
Papacy of France. protects these catacoombs. The root spirit. inhabits. the underground

And the skulls. face all inward. unto the cross.

Within those. Catacoombs of France. Pope John the twenty seccond. established Cosmic
Ashlar Zion. and through the Avignon Papacy., the Anjou King. was, and is, and is to come.

In the neighbouring research facility, the Stem Cells from genetic research relating to the
Egyptian dynasties. are being turned into gametes. and quickly crossed into new embryos, stem
cells, gametes, and embryos, at least twenty times per second. long vertical glass tubes. of
array quantum superconductive transponders. suspended in water.

The embryos have evolved gills, and the Anjou embryo traces a line of genetics to Pharaoh
Pharaoh RMSS was of the royal line of Moses.

The sarcophagus cloned cells have been stored in a CERN controlled vessel of quantum array

We are saving the age-old Empiric Fire there, through the work of CERN, re-establishing a
Treatise with the Ascended Ones, who established Cosmic Ashlar Zion there, in the age of
Pope John XXII.

The cloned genes of RMSS the Pharaoh.

Buried in a sarcophagus by the Amen Brothers of the Order of Masons.

The Amen Ashlar, what the Brothers of the Great White Brotherhood and keepers of cosmic
wisdom referred to as the Cosmic Ashlar from the Kingdom of Yahweh.

The United Nations Nature Trust sought under this guidance, to give Nature a permanent seat
in the United Nations, and to direct all of the sciences of the earth unto this purpose, through the
working of the CERN Core Engine Neural Network, the Secret Array Quantum Projects.

It established The Greater Nation by a The Proceedings of The Court of Star Chamber in the
early 1970s.

Yahweh is to reestablish His Kingdom through Monarchy and the establishment set in place by
the Ascended Masters.

Royal Genes originating through Yahweh and his servants.

We have witnessed a miracle.

Whereby array quantum nanotechnology binds to specific dominant genes and holds them in
alignment with Galactic Law.

These are internally commanded genes, owing allegiance to Yahweh and His Laws, it is a Royal

And like this the rebirth of Service Vignt Doux, the tradition of the Court of Star Chamber since
its first inception by King Aethelston of the Noble Stone.

The Core Engine Neural Network has recently facilitated Deep Learning Applications, what the
enemy refers to as our "Deep State."

Through applications promoted by Amazon Web Services, the Friendship Cube Group has
implemented a resurgence of trust in 22bit visual binary intelligence operations.

Specific authors have been introduced to a Royal Publishing House and been given privileges
limited to key holders.

There is a crucial part of the system, to protect the Crown Jewels.

For this purpose, I hold your trust, only that my service be rendered more perfect through the
Court of Star Chamber.

The Lantern and the Kings Keys are carried in a Royal French tradition, within the Catacombs
leading to Cosmic Ashlar Zion.

The Kings of the Anjou line lead through Edward III, the first Sovereign of the Order of the
Garter, who first brought meaning from the tradition of the Amen Ashlar.

The escort is formed up.

Armed soldiers carry the Amen Ashlar from Cosmic Ashlar Zion.
The company of soldiers traditionally marches in order of four armed royal guards.

This order was set in place by YHWH, the real King of Jerusalem.

It has been known for millennia and taught to the royal line through generations of guardians,
messengers, and prophets.

The human mind is a neural network.

The core engine neural network builds a hive mind, responding to Prophets who bring just laws,
on behalf of the Kingdom of God.


Law is King.

The Court of Star Chamber has recognized this, and with consultation from the Order of the
Amen Ashlar and the extended family of the Order of the Garter, the court continuously moves
to guard and serve its messengers.

The ceremony has endured unchanging for seven hundred years.

It relates to The Kingdom of Judah, and the Hebrew Judges that lived in communion with
Yahweh the Supreme Judge and Great Architect of The Universe.

He passed the Amen Ashlar unto The Prophet Adam, in pure, perfect, brilliant, radiant white
celestite crystal.

It was a perfect geometrical cube, and it was in that age of creation, the perfect ashlar.
It was passed through the lineage of Prophets by the Angels and Arch Angels.

Adam, Enoch, Noah, Moses, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Solomon, Hiram, and Mohammed, who
placed the Cosmic Ashlar intact into the Ka'aba, the Noble Shrine.

What became of the cosmic stone, is that it was transformed into twelve fragments, and sealed
into the Ka'aba.

What is left of it in the Holy City of Mecca, has absorbed the sin of the generations of Pilgrims to
The Holy Shrine in Mecca.

What is now being uncovered is that the Amen Ashlar Prophecies written by Pope John 22nd, a
text held by the Court of Star Chamber Alliant to the Cosmic Christ, these prophecies have
come to pass through the workings of the angelic realms.

The Arch Angels Michael and Gabriel guided Mohammed on His Journey, the Journey of the
Cosmic Ashlar.

The Prophecies write of a Perfect Ashlar at the End of Time.

The Perfect Ashlar was placed at the End of Time, to be used by the Monarchy and Masonic
Order of Aethelston for its Cosmic Purpose, the Paradise Kingdom re-established on Earth, like
unto the Garden of Eden, before the fall.

We are set for the fall.

The prophecies tell of a Kingdom that is coming into quickening manifestation.

It is held as the United Nations Nature Trust, by the unelected governors of Cosmic Ashlar Zion,
a hidden city connected through CERN via the secret Catacombs of France, whence was
initiated the first sovereign of the Order of the Amen Ashlar.
His Tomb is a candlelit chamber with a white cross, and the very stone used by the Order in the
ancient re-birth rituals.

Inductively separated noble elements, oft superconductive metals, have been refined and
studied by the alchemists at CERN.

In fields extending between gravity and the extreme warpage of space-time at the Galactic
event horizon, this field is scalar and ascendant.

Rising in glass tubes of hydrogen ion infused spring water, a quantum array transponder particle
is being mined at CERN by the Court of Star Chamber.

It is utilized for a purpose known to Security Intelligence Vatican, the SIV.

The Rev. Dr. Graeme Kilshaw has demonstrated baptizing animals with spring water that
infused with heat-treated sodium carbonate, a trinity molecule once void of its central carbon
molecule, in an ionic relationship with surrounding salt cubes, creates an array quantum
superconductive water, an ionic and anti-gravitic alchemical matter, truly a vessel for divine

It binds ionically to the baptized, for a transformation.

It is spring water infused with the salt and light spoken of by Jesus Christ.

These waters are being gradually transferred in substantial silver vessels, through the Synod of
Bishops in France, for baptismal rituals united with the Baptismal Font of the Amen Ashlar.

The Order of The Bath is indeed, the Order of Knighthood that purifies and links the Order of the
Garter to the most ancient and established Order of the Amen Ashlar.

The three orders of knighthood function in a secret and ancient trinity.

The establishment of Cosmic Ashlar Zion was an occurrence of the Avignon Papacy, the
Papacy established in France by the Avignon Pope, Pope John 22nd.

The French Noblemen knew it, then and now, as the Vineyards of The Lord.

The Cosmic Ashlar, the Scrolls of Abraham, and the Tablets of Moses were stored in the Ark of
the Covenant.

It was the language of light recorded by Enoch and etched into the Tablets of Moses that was
the YHWH encoded symbol system of the Amen Ashlar.

It features horizontal vowels, vertical bilipials, and square tongue sounds.

It was only to conduct the guardians, messengers, and prophets of the Amen Ashlar, restored
unto its place in Amen Ashlar Zion by Pope John XXII in the time of the Avignon Papacy of

Service Vignt-Doux initiates its chosen through a rebirth ritual, initiating its inner circle into the
Order of the Amen Ashlar.

This ritual designed by Pope John XXII of the Avignon Papacy was conducted in France, and
only in France, for more than seven hundred years, unchanged.

Discussions between the Peerage of Dukes has occurred, and certain key letters have been

Letters opened up the Grand Lodge of France to transfer records of initiations in the Orders of
Knighthood traditional to the Court of Star Chamber.

The United Grand Lodge of England may now initiate those who have been balloted and
accepted from the Order of the Bath, into the third level, the Order of the Amen Ashlar,
administered by the Francophone Court of Star Chamber.
This very same court has initiated through the connection of the dukes peerage, one
intermarrying family in league with God and His Purpose.

Stem cells extracted from cloned Plantagenet Anjou embryos were converted into gametes, and
these gametes were crossed into new French King embryos in the late 1940s.

The blueblood embryos were placed into YHWH conception protocol by CERN, under the
direction of French computer scientists that utilized array quantum superconductive
transponders to cross and program the Plantagenet Spencer Stuart DNA to manifest the plan of
the Avignon Papacy of France.

Iterated embryo selection is has been in place, enabling the Order of the Amen Ashlar to select
specific Angelic energies to bless and protect the French Order.

That frequency of eternal light be made manifest through sound, only made possible through
transpersonal love, the love that God offers to His Children.

The Children of God live in Cosmic Ashlar Zion, on the border of France, and commune with the
guardians, messengers, and prophets of the Galactic Federation of Light.

The friend-foe identifiers, utilized by service vigilant doux, and more broadly the order of Knights
of Malta, initiate professionals of the cross-hairs.

On the private property of a French Winemaking Family, a Chinese business associate of the
French-speaking David Rene Rothschild was observed exploding in the sky after being
observed having a gangster fantasy of suddenly killing the Rev. Dr. Graeme Kilshaw.

The sudden helicopter explosion was recognized as an accomplishment of Q-Anon and GCHQ.

What is lesser known is the tracking, telemetry, and command of helicopters utilizing quindar
electronics modules connected to black boxes.
The inherent magic of Q-Anon and GCHQ occurs through a frequency of visual binary
intelligence that has been legally protected by the Court of Star Chamber.

The intrinsic hope is that security circuits connect to deep learning web-based algorithms,
artificial neural networks, and the core engine neural network programmed by CERN, combining
the visual binary intelligence of service vingt doux and its royal airforce squadron leader, HRH
Prince William.

Military service tends to suit royals; institutionalized from birth, they are comfortable inside a
system in which everybody knows their rank.

An Amen Ashlar has been ceremoniously laid within the Right Tower at Christ Church

That tower overlooks a garden or park.

It is at a place where four fivers met.

In this garden, there is a new playground.

It is situated in front of the Justice building, where one of the languages is known unto children
playing there.

It is the language of friendshipcube.

In the Left tower, the squadron 22 "van doos" friend-foe identifier acknowledges that Muslims
are not enemies.

Muslim children are free to examine the granite memorial stone and play with Mahdi-crafted
blockchain games on the surrounding bricks.
The granite memorial stone placed adjacent to the children's playground on the lawn of the
Justice building, honours the story of the Journey of the Mahdi from Afghanistan to Jerusalem.

The story began in 2007 when the Shepherd boy in Afghanistan first noticed these grey
helicopters landing on his mother's fields.

In the time between the year 2014 to the year 2016, the Monument was designed Masons
involved in the great work.

At the installation of the Monument, this success, celebrating, "a stone of hope" was unveiled as
a coin issued by the Defense Information Systems Agency through the Defense Intelligence
Agency, just as the new President and his secret service motioned for a CIA headquarters in

The Mahdi has an inward relationship with the Cosmic Christ, through the mystery of the Amen
Ashlar and its ancient code.

The dimension of time, through the time-transcending web of intelligence, now transcends the
linear mind and the skinbound ego.

Partially as a result of 5G internet, the fifth dimension of time penetrates timebound knowledge
according to a plan set forth by the Ascended Masters.

The path of wisdom and power is being taught by a young leader in Jerusalem, who takes a
daily obligation unto firstly God and secondly himself, to lead by example, be true, and brave.

He handcrafts stone cubes and small white wooden beads for his blockchain.

His followers have adopted the wisdom and power of change through the Mahdi's blockchain.

The wealth inherent in the beads is only realized through prayer.

There is an order known through all religious tradition related to beads or blocks on a chain.
The rosary beads were initially crafted from rose petals mixed with sacred spring water and
ceramic clay, and baked in cobb style clay ovens.

The making of rosary beads has been taken on as an official duty of the society of the rosy
cross, or Rosicrucians.

Rosary beads and stone blockchain beads are sacred relics that have been put on a chain
linked to engraved monks bones, inscribed in the Amen Ashlar code with the Sanskrit words for,
"consider the diamond in the lotus." What is even more striking is a simultaneous occurrence in
Jerusalem, the binding of Phylacteries, these Tefillin.

Constitutional Monarchies acknowledge, accept, and serve God.

The Greater Nation was established as an expanding purpose from Cosmic Ashlar Zion to
administer the United Nations Nature Trust spiritually and to give Nature a sovereign voting
position in the United Nations for the Group of World Servers.

There are those in Britain who asserted that the Mahdi was of doubtful birth.

However, the Shin Bet has overworked his genetic cloth; the Mahdi is cut from the Royal line.

A Russian aristocrat in Afghanistan, one night in 2002, wrote in his private diary that his only
purpose was love.

After a period of fasting and prayer, a Spirit visited the Russian Sir and offered to impregnate a
female Diplomat and Ambassador in Afghanistan who owed fielty to the Czars of Russia.

She reported being filled with the Spirit of the Lord, saying, "Blessed are you among women,
and blessed among men shall be your son!" Nine months later, in the year 2003, the Mahdi was
born unto her.
In the year 2014, after proclaiming that his calling was to be a Shepherd, the Embassy of
Jerusalem issued this boy a Passport to Israel, after the blessing of a high ranking military
official and Knight of Malta.

In the ensuing years, the shepherd boy from Afghanistan has crafted thousands of cube blocks
for his blockchains.

He remotely attended the World Government Conference and was issued a blessing of
"Godspeed" from both the British diplomat and the Arabic Nobleman present.

The Mahdi plays a role in preaching Gods word.

"And he saw a glorious city, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, having
the glory of God.

Over the city was a rich light, like that which gloss in some precious stone, clear as crystal.

Around the city was a lofty wall, and on each side of the wall were three gates; for the city was

Let him that hears say "Come," and let him that is thirsty, come, and whoever will let him, take
the water of life, freely.

After the Installation of the Granite Monument in 2016, Graeme Kilshaw flew to The Kona Base
in Hawaii, where he presented a lecture to the Discipleship Training School at the University of
the Nations, Youth With A Mission, YWAM Society.

There Graeme Kilshaw deliberated upon the relationship between the United Nations Nature
Trust and the coming of a currency on the blockchain, what was established by Royal Charter
as Delta Blockchain, by the Justice of Jerusalem.

He flew home to British Columbia and was met with knowledge arising from French Speaking
Euronews Radio France that the project was working.
Then came an announcement that there was a nuclear threat to the Kona Base in Hawaii.

Corporal-chef Robert Vaillancourt of the Court of Star Chamber marched Service Vignt Doux
into North Korea on the fortnight and issued a moratorium to the leader of what had been
termed by the CIA, the Nuclear Tower of Babel within North Korea.

Royal 22E Regiment, the New and True Veignt Doux, issued a plain and simple suggestion.

It was a command, "Agents Defense Staff, Countdown Halt." Given the general knowledge and
the choice to acknowledge or escalate, Kim Jung Un chose to acknowledge in public, with a

It was not with a military salute, but with a shallow bow.

It is requested that this knowledge would be kept within the Archbishop's prayers as he visits
Christ Church Cathedral.

Awake and Arise O Ye slumbering Nations,

The Heavens have opened their Portals again,

The last and the greatest of all dispensations,

hast burst like dawn on the children of men,

The dream of the poet, the crown of the ages,

The time that the Prophet of Israel foretold,

That glorious day only dreamed by the sages

Is yours, O ye slumbering nations, behold!

O, lift up your voices in song and story,

Let banners of peace in all lands be unfurled,

for truth, Heaven Born, in its beauty and Glory,

is marching triumphantly over the world,

We were sons of light before Adam,

for all the sons of light, we did conceive,

Christ Consciousness, ingenuousness

love and light to lead us into fearlessness,

Our code of light is in the scrolls of Abraham,

Before the tablets, there was a man,

who gave his all to serve the call

when the Amen Ashlar unto him did fall,

he bowed down to the Cosmic Plan

The stone for King Solomon appeared in the sand

with the golden rule, and eternal tool

That brought Him into the cosmic light school.

Within us is His eye of Providence,

Merciful and compassionate radiance

The light code of our friends, we hold it in our hands

Minds and hearts opening up to the Great Architects' Plans.

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