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Own er's M a nu al T
Z e r o W or r y Ki d s
Law of Attraction
Activation Tools

Satu Tunkelo and Juho Tunkelo

Owner’s Manual to
Zero Worry Kids

Satu Tunkelo and Juho Tunkelo

Foreword by
Bob Doyle, from The Secret

Design and Layout By

Anneli Asplund

This information is copyrighted by Parenting for Happy Kids. The e-book may not be
reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,
including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system,
without permission in writing from the publisher.

© 2010 Parenting for Happy Kids – All rights reserved 1



Foreword by Bob Doyle....................................................................3


1. What All Parents Should Know About The Law of Attraction....7

• Your Kids Have An Inborn Ability To Live The Law Of Attraction! ..................11
• Getting Your Kids Back On Track With The Law Of Attraction.......................13

2. How The Law Of Attraction Works For Parenting.......................22

• Like Attracts Like - Even With Kids.................................................................23
• Pushing The Right Buttons - From Toddler to
• How Much Do You Really Need The Word "No"?.....................................26
• Turning Recurring Frustrations Into Recurring Joy...................................30

3. How To Manifest A Happy Family..................................................35

• Emotion Increases The Speed of Manifesting A Happy Family ......................36
• Positive Expectations Create Everyday Miracles And A Happy Future.....37
• Deliberate Positive Emotions = Money In Your Family's Happiness
• The Emotion of Success Pulls Your Kid Into the Vortex of Perpetual

4. What Your Kids REALLY Want From Their Parents....................42

• Time, Time, Time!...........................................................................................43
• The Integrating Power of Shared Moments....................................................45
• It's All About Appreciating The Connection.....................................................47

5. What Is Zero Worry Parenting?.....................................................49

• Your Time To Enjoy Being A Parent!...............................................................52


By Bob Doyle

Today, as a result of films like “The Secret” and other amazing and
groundbreaking work being shared in the conversation of the Law of
Attraction, hundreds of thousands of adults are taking on learning these

For some, it is a struggle. For others, it seems to come more easily.

Either way, why are we doing this? Why is this something we’re “taking on?”
The simple answer is that we were never taught these principles as children.
Many of us were never told that we could do anything we wanted with our

As children, we had no idea the power of our imagination, thoughts, and

feelings. So as adults, there are many facets of the Law of Attraction that
occur to us as difficult as adults.

How much different would you life be today had you ALWAYS been fully
supported in the exploration of your true passions? What if we truly had
always followed our bliss, and been supported not only by our parents, but by
our communities as well? By the World?

Clearly, this is not the reality in our world today. As adults, we have taken on a
lot of resistance to living our lives the way we truly want, and now we’re
working through all that.

Now, however, we have the choice to teach the younger generations what we
are now learning for ourselves. That we truly do live in a Universe of Infinite
Possibility, and that when we allow ourselves to create visions that inspire us,
and follow our intuition, that we will REALIZE those visions provided we don’t
let ourselves be stopped by limiting beliefs.

It’s a big job, no question. Particularly because many of us are going through
the process ourselves, and by no means consider ourselves experts. But
that’s ok! We’re starting a process that may take many generations to
complete…but I feel it to be a very worthy cause. It’s why I do what I do with
my life.


This book makes this job a lot easier by simply sharing key principles you can
share with your kids, whatever the age. In the process, you’ll be affirming
these truths to yourself as well, and fine-tuning your own ability to create your
life by design!

I truly feel that empowering children with these principles is the best gift you
can give them along with the guidance you will provide along the way, both in
what you say, and what you do.

Have fun changing the World!

Bob Doyle


Welcome to the journey of a lifetime!

On this journey, you'll discover your hidden abilities to be the most

perfect parent, to your most perfect kids!

And while perfection can be an intimidating word, we mean that in the sense
that is perfect for YOU and YOUR children.

On your journey, you'll pass through the different phases of childhood and
teenage years, discovering your unseen parenting abilities with help of the
Law of Attraction.

Simply put, the Law of Attraction means that whatever you put your attention
to, expands and is attracted to you.

Simple, isn't it?

However, we've seen that when applied to parenting, many people need
something extra to get it all working right for you.

To get there, you'll be given sample success stories to model after,

some easy to understand principles illustrated, and tools you can use
on a daily basis.

This is what we offer to you, for FREE, in this Zero Worry Parenting Guide.

Looking at these simple examples, you'll find it easy to discover your own
precious gifts as a parent.

Gifts you can easily use to help your kids feel good any time they need to, so
they'll attract more and more positive things in their lives.


On your Zero Worry Parenting journey you will learn:

How to get connected with your kids and teens - and stay
that way through life

How to give your kids what they want and need the most...
without shortchanging yourself

How to give up the habit of worrying over your kids - and

focus on the things that matter

How to make your kids more confident and stronger...

so they'll grow up strong for life!

And many, MANY more delightful new strategies for an easier, flow-like
parenting experience.

We wish you a Happy, Fun Journey, as you become one of the the very first
people EVER...

...Consciously enjoying the Law of Attraction in parenting!

Satu Tunkelo & Juho Tunkelo

Anneli Asplund & Richie Coutts

The Zero Worry Parenting Team

PS: To get the maximum benefits of the Law of Attraction in parenting, with
maximum speed, go to Sign up for the six-
month Zero Worry Parenting experience and investing just an hour or two per
week, you can experience for yourself... the joy of having the Law of
Attraction do the heavy lifting for you. Parenting CAN be easy, fun, and lead
to a life-long wonderful relationship with your kids. We'll be looking forward to
helping you with any specific questions you may have. See you on the Inside

What All Parents Should Know About
The Law of Attraction

"A happy family is but an earlier heaven."

- George Bernard Shaw -

Welcome to Parenting According to the Law of
You will be amazed at how different the everyday things in life,
and in family, can be when combined with the easy going, easy
living, easily understood principles of the Law of Attraction.

This Manual is really a manual

in name only – nobody likes to
RTFM or read the “fine” manual,

It's more like a cookbook,

containing recipe after recipe of
timeless proportions – all to
make your life easier and
happier in every way.

After reading this little booklet you will know:

• How to create 'Islands of Zero Worry' in the

midst of your busy family life,
• Be confident that your child's future is going to
be very bright, and
• KNOW you will always have a great relationship
with them.

We know that for a fact... because we were once where you are now!

Chapter 1 - What All Parents Should Know About The Law of Attraction 8
Welcome our new friend. Now let's begin!

I think you'll agree that parenting is the most precious task we could
ever have in our lives.

You have new life in your family. That life will undoubtedly pass on your
traditions and knowledge, and at the same time, represent something
completely new.

Parenting can be very demanding, but what matters the most, from the
perspective of the Law of Attraction, is what kind of attitude we take to

In other words: how we allow ourselves to be reborn in the birth of our kids.
That sounds a little heavy, but really it's as natural as can be...

"Of course if you like your kids, if you love them from the moment they
begin, you yourself begin all over again, in them and with them."
- William Saroyan -

This wonderful quote from William Saroyan tells us what being a parent is all

It is handling new beginnings again and again; in a way, like a new birth for
you. Once you are gifted with your first child, you need to be reborn, or find
yourself in a new way. When you get more children, it happens again and
again, and you’ll need to restore balance in your life again.

Parenting is a huge responsibility.

It wields huge power.
It holds huge potential.

Daunting? It doesn't need to be!

Chapter 1 - What All Parents Should Know About The Law of Attraction 9
With the help of the
Law of Attraction,
we can find an
equilibrium between
our responsibilities,
power and potential.

In order to not lose yourself in

everyday tasks and responsibilities, which kids
naturally bring with them from the very beginning, you need to
understand the aspects of the Law of Attraction in more practical terms.

This will help us find the pleasure and enjoyment in family life and in being
with kids, because ultimately, they are a source of such huge joy.

Also, the Law of Attraction will come in handy in our effort to use our
enormous power and authority correctly, when it comes to our kids.

We can train ourselves to recognize whole new nuances to, and tones of, our
power, which matters more than we may have previously understood. For
instance, the use of the word “no” can be understood in totally new ways in
light of the Law of Attraction.

Parenting carries with it huge potential. We can nurture both the hidden
potential of our kids and the potential in the relationship between us
and our kids while learning the subtlety and finesse of the Law of

We can learn to play our cards well by understanding the mindset of Zero
Worry Parenting, even if sometimes we may think we didn't get a good hand
to play with. Zero Worry Parenting is like a breath of fresh air, a sense of relief
for labored parents who are overstretched in all directions.

And that's not marketing-speak, mind you. That's a fact we can back up, as
you'll come to see!

Chapter 1 - What All Parents Should Know About The Law of Attraction 10
Your Kids Have An Inborn Ability To Live The Law Of
“Innocence is always unsuspicious.”
- Thomas C. Haliburton -

Newborns are, in many ways, completely untouched and unspoiled,

which to a lot of people feels kind of mysterious. It is mysterious
because newborns are in perfect unity with the Law of Attraction and
other Laws of Nature, unlike most adults.

Their parents fall in love with them and want to touch them all the time.
Babies also want to be touched. By saying babies are untouched, we mean
that their souls are untouched, as they are still in perfect harmony with
themselves and with Nature itself.

It is almost confusing to us to see our babies and kids so present in the

moment, but that is simply part of their being in complete harmony with the
Law of Attraction. And because they are so present, they are happy and

Children are 100 percent present in every

moment, which we grownups cannot as easily
be (or at least we've lost touch with it as we've
grown in other ways).

It is very important to let our kids grow up in a way that allows them to
maintain their lively connection to the Law of Attraction.

Along with nurturing and loving our babies and kids, one of the most
important tasks a parent has is to cherish their kids' ability to live in harmony
with the Law of Attraction.

Sometimes it happens naturally, and sometimes it requires a reminder here

and there. You're currently reading one of those reminders. :)

Chapter 1 - What All Parents Should Know About The Law of Attraction 11
“Grown-ups never understand anything by themselves, and it is tiresome
for children to be always and forever explaining things to them.”
- from The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint Exupery -

If you want a really good, fun way to see how true

this is, read The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint

On the surface, it's a story about a little boy prince

ruling his tiny planet, which is in fact, an asteroid.
This timeless, and very telling, story is really about
strange grown-ups, and not so much about a weird
little boy! It's better – and more true – to think that
the boy has an innate ability to live in harmony with
the Law of Attraction.

What on earth (or asteroid, in this case) does it mean to have an innate ability
to live in harmony with the Law of Attraction? It means that kids can naturally
focus on things that they want more of.

They want love and affection, they want undivided attention, they want our
time, they want and they want, and they want... You've seen this, haven't

Through this constant wanting, they are simply craving the best “building
materials” for their physical and mental growth, the best supply for their self-
esteem, the best support to maintain the connection they inherently have.

Wanting is so natural and simple for them that we can feel a (more or less)
quiet revolution happening in our lives after having a baby. Babies tend to
turn us back onto the happy trail, the existence of which we have either
forgotten, or somehow lost, along the way.

Yes, it can be a challenge to remember this is actually happening. But it's the
first step to enjoying an easier life together, with less resistance and more
happiness than you'd ever imagine!

Chapter 1 - What All Parents Should Know About The Law of Attraction 12
If we can track down the Law of Attraction, we can make our family life easier
by focusing on the right things, such as how we treat each other. If we treat
each other in a loving way, we will get more love – we can feel deeper
feelings of love and we will be loved more deeply by others.

This is how it begins – by recognizing, re-activating and nurturing the inborn

ability to live the Law of Attraction!

How To Get Your Kids Back On Track With The Law Of


If you suspect, or in fact know, that your kids have for some reason lost
their connection to the Law of Attraction during their growing years,
there are simple things you can do to help them get back to harmony.

It is so vital to enjoy the Law of Attraction working in a positive way in their

life, so they can grow up in a happy family and grow up straight to become
happy, responsible and successful individuals.

Here you have a short and simple list of what you can do for your kids, in
order to restore the connection with the Law of Attraction, regardless of their

1. Be on your kid's level

2. Be present for your kid

3. Speak simply to your kid

4. Use your imagination: use stories & secrets

5. Use positive words as much as possible.

Now let's get into each of these in some delightful detail!

Chapter 1 - What All Parents Should Know About The Law of Attraction 13
1. Be on your kidʼs level
If you want to get your kid reconnected with the Law of Attraction, it is
always a great help to be on your kid's level.

You, as a grown-up, can stretch in the direction of your kid’s maturity level,
but they cannot reach up to your mental and physical level, as they lack many
skills and a certain maturity. You must squat mentally and start to observe
how your kid's mind operates. You will find that there is a certain universal
logic typical for each age.

To illustrate how true this is, consider this:

An old friend from another country spent Christmas with us recently. Amazing to us,
she understood everything the kids were saying at the dinner table, or while
receiving and opening their Christmas presents, or while playing their games, and
so on. She didn't share a common language with the five kids, all of different ages,
yet she understood all of them.

She comes from a different continent, speaks a different language, and nobody
could have translated for her everything the five kids were chatting about. But she
had a solid connection with the kids, and had lively chats with them using the
universal language, which you could call 'understanding.ʼ

At first, we thought she must be a mind reader, but she explained that her nieces
and nephews back home used to behave in the same exact ways when they were
the same ages, as if their minds followed the same exact logic. So it was easy for
her to simply see what was going on a non-verbal level , even without knowing
exactly what they were saying.

As you can see, when you start understanding the inner workings of how kids
think, it makes the connection between parents and kids that much stronger.
It is different at each age, but still easy to see when you learn to attune
yourself to it.

When that connection is strong and lively, kids

feel secure and happy. Their positive emotions
are like magnets – they attract more good things
to happen. That is how the Law of Attraction

Chapter 1 - What All Parents Should Know About The Law of Attraction 14
2. Be present for your kid

To reopen your kids' minds towards the Law of Attraction, be

unconditionally present for them.

Children are surprisingly sensitive about this, keeping their “sensors” open to
feel whether you are really present for them or not. If you are not present to
them, they kind of take the initiative and forcibly (if involuntarily) take what
they feel they need.

So they keep interrupting you a thousand times, especially when you are
trying to concentrate on very important work, or take a phone call from a top
client, or do another, supposedly exceptionally critical task.

Kids sense that there is something going on around them, in which they need
or want to be involved, even if you have certain rules in your house and they
usually follow those rules.

In other words, they sense you're not 100 percent present for them, and they
yank you right back.

Consider this example:

A mother of two planned to get back to working life after a two-year stay-at-home

In her job application, she wrote how her time at home had enhanced her
organizational skills. She was never late, which was very good for a mother of two
small ones.

Even so, things sometimes

have a tendency to go upside
down. On the morning of her
interview, this mother had the
worst bad hair day imaginable.

Her kids refused to go with

their nanny. They didn't so
much as want to get dressed
that morning. After a long
struggle, she finally got them
dressed by pushing them
along in every way possible.

Chapter 1 - What All Parents Should Know About The Law of Attraction 15
When the kids were finally all clothed, the younger one needed to go to the potty.
While the youngest one sat on her potty, the mom ran around checking her cell
phone and rounding up other essentials to take with her.

For a split second, when the mom was not keeping an eye on the little one, the child
decided to lock herself inside the bathroom. The mother needed to call a locksmith
to open the door. She was sure the delay would cost her the interview.

Time ran out, and the flustered mother, red in the face, was so annoyed that she
canceled the interview and simply told them she couldnʼt take the job.

Surely, you have experienced or heard of something along these lines.

If you first give children what they want, in this

case your 100 percent presence, the Law of
Attraction will not only work in your favor, but
will give you exactly what you want – silence
and personal space without distractions.

Kids will notice how the Law of Attraction works for both of you, and
they’ll want more of it, because it feels good!

It is much better to keep the initiative on your side. First, give your kids what
they need, to trigger the Law of Attraction in your favor. This will defuse the
difficult situation, and you will open the pathways for getting what you want,

Following this sequence also prevents problems that kids might cause if a
sense of conflict remains.

Let's see what a reframed case of this morning story would look like:

The mom decided to wake up earlier and make all the preparations she needed to
make before waking her kids up.

The previous day, she had bought a hand puppet (a bunny rabbit), anticipating that
she would need to create a positive distraction to get the kids to do as she wanted
on the important morning.

And indeed, the bunny rabbit got the kids laughing while they were putting on
clothes. Everything went smoothly and everyone had a good time.

Chapter 1 - What All Parents Should Know About The Law of Attraction 16
She dropped the girls off at the nannyʼs place and had ample time to get to her job
interview. The interview went so well that she was hired on the spot.

The strength at home translated to strength in the workplace!

In this way, it is possible to prevent everyday conflicts at home and stay

in a Zero Worry state as a parent.

3. Speak simply to your kid

To get your kids back on track with the Law of Attraction, just speak as
simply as you can to your kids.

Kids get confused easily if they don't understand the words you use,
especially if they are in a new situation with new people. So it is worth using
simple and kind words with them.

If you don't see yourself speaking to your kids in a simple way, refer to this
universal story, which virtually anyone can relate to:

There are two kinds of pediatricians.

Those who are on the kid's level and
use simple words and easy
explanations for what they do. Then
there are doctors who just do their job,
regardless of the patientʼs age.

It is easy to guess in which case the

pediatrician has the Law of Attraction
working in their favor (and the kid's
favor, too – it's universal, after all).

The pediatrician who gets the little

patient to relax in a strange room filled
with frightening equipment uses simple words and explains accurately
and slowly what is happening. He or she makes it clear that the procedure will hurt
the little patient only for a short moment.

If a kid doesnʼt hear simple words from a doctor, and all they understand is pain,
they will be immediately afraid, and avoid seeing doctors even when they are
grownups. Not to mention dentists!

Chapter 1 - What All Parents Should Know About The Law of Attraction 17
But if they feel comfortable and confident, and know that a procedure will only hurt
for a moment, theyʼll love to go back to that nice doctor who gave them a few kind
words and a big, encouraging smile. They might even want to become a nice doctor
themselves when they grow up!

We could even broaden this idea of speaking simply to include being simple
with your kids. Simplicity happens when you are consistent with kids.

It gives them certainty, which is one of the basic elements for positive growth.
Also, certainty makes them feel good. And who wouldn't like to feel good and
attract more nice things by feeling good?

Feelings are very important when it comes

to the Law of Attraction. Simply put:
feeling good gets it to work faster for you.
You can bet your sensitive kids, and even
teens, will notice it!

We'll delve more deeply into the connection between emotions and the Law
of Attraction in the chapter Emotion Increases The Speed of Manifesting A
Happy Family.

4. Use your imagination: use stories and secrets

In order to get your kids back on track with the Law of Attraction, you
are encouraged to use your imagination as much as possible!

Use stories about real life, from your own childhood or from their early
childhood, to reawaken their connection with you and with the fine laws of life.

Stories connect people in an amazing way. Memorize something special that

happened when you were together, or any special happening that had a very
happy ending.

Stories make kids feel very special, and it always feels good to be special.
And feeling good always awakens the Law of Attraction to work for you and
your kids.

Chapter 1 - What All Parents Should Know About The Law of Attraction 18
A mom, 41 years old, tells us that her kids love to hear stories, again and again,
from when they were in her belly. It's always as interesting for them to hear these
stories as it was when the stories were completely new. They love to hear about
how they used to kick; one more wildly, the other more moderately.

The stories always go on to tell of the babiesʼ hiccups – and the little audience
becomes so elated that they get hiccups again. They all roll laughing, and
sometimes daddy comes from another room to see what's going on. He always
joins in the laughter.

Secrets work as well, because kids of all ages love them. When they get
to know a secret, they feel good because they are obviously being

The same happens with secrets as with stories: that good feeling awakens
the Law of Attraction to work on your kids.

However, imagination is much more than just stories and secrets.

It is an unbounded collection of tricks that get kids to laugh. What could be a

better motivator than a proper laugh?

Chapter 1 - What All Parents Should Know About The Law of Attraction 19
Laughter should be used as a secret weapon much more often. The positive
feeling that it creates can be the basis for everything productive. When your
kid feels good, he feels confident, capable and competent. And that makes
him feel connected.

5. Use positive words as much as possible

To reawaken your kids' ability to be in connection with the Law of
Attraction, it is good to use positive words as often as possible.

It is even better if you can use only positive words. That obviously takes some
more practice, but you can become a master of positive words by steadfastly
practicing their usage, and by being aware of their influence on your kid's

Positive words are in very close connection with positive emotions. It is that
simple. Kind words work much better in any situation than negative words. It
is like pushing a button that makes favorable things happen. And that
inevitably makes your life easier.

In case you are skeptical, wondering if it is possible to be always positive,

don't worry. It will evolve, as most skills do. Don't beat yourself up about it if it
seems tricky at first.

Don't be mistaken about the importance of choosing to use positive words,

though. If you've read The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles, the
well-known 'bible' of Law of Attraction and Wealth, you could say that there is
only ONE thing that could cause his system to not work. And that is any hint
of negativity inserted into the process.

So ultimately, the degree of our ability to choose positive words and as a

consequence, positive emotion, determines our success in applying the Law
of Attraction to our lives!

Lots to think about there, but let's move on...

Chapter 1 - What All Parents Should Know About The Law of Attraction 20
What your kids can do by themselves to get back on
You may be relieved to know there are also things our kids can do for
themselves to get back on track with the Law of Attraction. It's not ALL
up to you, after all!

This is especially good for older kids and teens if they have lost the
connection to the Law of Attraction already. Another reason it’s good? They
are a bit older now, and they prefer to do more things independently from
their parents.

To get back on track, your kids can focus on

using positive words, just as you saw in the
previous chapter. Positive words are in close
connection to positive feelings and emotions.
They’re gateways to more and more of the same –
good things emerging in their lives.

In the same way, you can teach your older kids to focus on what they want,
instead of complaining about something in their lives, or not wanting
something to happen.

This does not necessarily mean that you need to buy your kids or teens new
clothes or games every day, becoming a vehicle to fulfill all their wishes. It
means you can teach them to prioritize and figure out what they really want.
Whatever your kids really want, they will get it.

By now, you may have already gotten a clue about what Zero Worry
Parenting is really about... hang on, it'll all become clear soon!

Chapter 1 - What All Parents Should Know About The Law of Attraction 21
How The Law Of Attraction
Works For Parenting

"We never know the love of our parents for us

till we have become parents."
- Henry Ward Beecher -

Like Attracts Like - Even With Kids

“The positive thinker sees the

invisible, feels the intangible,
and achieves the impossible.”
- Unknown -

As a parent, you may often come across difficult situations and need to
get your kids to cooperate. And if you happen to have kids of the
“negative age” or teenagers, it's even less likely that they'll cooperate
the way you'd like them to.

At any given moment, being in a hurry increases the tension within you – you
just want things to happen the way you’d like. And before long, you might
become afraid that everything won't go as planned. So your focus will actually
be on fear, and as the Law of Attraction would have it, you'll soon experience
that very thing you're afraid of!

The tension of being in a hurry tends to cause the opposite of what you want
to happen!

Let's not go any further in that direction. It’s time to call upon the Law of
Attraction to work in favor of you and your kids. It's actually very easy; it's
enough to simply remember that like attracts like.

If you are feeling nervous, the situation with the kids is also likely to be tense.
So the first thing to do is loosen up your nerves. Take a deep breath, let it all
out and just relax for a moment.

In case you feel so tense and rushed that you cannot even imagine doing
that, let's take a look at someone who constantly makes this difficult choice
seem easy.

Chapter 2 - How The Law of Attraction Works For Parenting 23
This is the story of a dentist friend of ours, aptly called The Singing Dentist.

The Singing Dentist works at a special dental clinic where the patients are kids
suffering from autism. As you may know, kids with autism are quite unpredictable,
especially when they feel fear.

Going to the dentist might be frightening enough, even without autism, as the
reception room smells weird, there are very bright lamps and frightening equipment
all around…anyone can feel very exposed and vulnerable.

Frightened kids who suffer from autism may very easily resort to biting – the
dentist's hand, equipment… anything. So you may wonder whether it is even
possible to take care of their teeth without some serious relaxation medication.

Our dentist friend found at least one specific way to help autistic kids to relax in a
natural way: to be on the same level as them and to soothe them on that level. She
sings to them! As it happens, singing causes them to trust her and to be relaxed
before and during the procedure, which makes it possible to actually get the job

Again, small, but smart, action like this provides incredible results!

What we can all learn from the endearing story of the singing dentist is that
by focusing on producing a relaxation response, instead of fear or other
negative emotions, we can make the impossible possible!

Easy, right?!

Pushing The Right Buttons - From Toddler to Teenager

"Children make your life important."
- Erma Bombeck -

In your quest for Zero Worry Parenting, it is essential that you learn to
recognize the “buttons” to avoid pushing in your kid's mind – the ones that
tend to make things spiral out of control. Just as important though, is to learn
how to push the positive buttons – the ones that make things go that much
easier every time.

And lest we forget, this is important not only in anticipation of demanding

situations, but simply to make everyday life go smoothly and to create an
overall positive 'vibe' within your family.

Chapter 2 - How The Law of Attraction Works For Parenting 24
Many people feel that whatever
their lives are like, children make
it special and important. And it is
100 percent true. This makes the
point abundantly clear: You have a
very important task in improving
the quality of the lives of your kids
– recognize their secret “buttons,”
and use only the positive ones.

Doing this makes life so much easier

and also edges you quite a bit closer
to the Zero Worry Parenting mindset.

For instance – if you need to tell your

kids something disappointing, it's
good to do it with a touch of compassion and understanding. If you need to
tell them that you must work tonight instead of taking them to a concert, it's
much better to feel with them instead of doing what comes easier – defending
your own position (“I can't get out of this, it's not fun for me either,” etc.).

In short, kids are generally much more

receptive to bad news when it comes with
empathy and understanding attached. They
will feel like you're on their side and didn't
intentionally make their lives more difficult.

Another example: If your kids don't like to get up early in the morning – and
yet they have to – you can dodge a lot of bullets by guiding their attention
onto something that gives them a good feeling right away.

Put on some music you know they'll like, for instance, and prepare their
favorite breakfast once in a while. Even if it doesn't happen every morning,
this experience will help them get up on the right foot and they'll know you're
on their side.

This gets a good feeling going with them right away, so you and your kids
together will attract more and more nice things that day! It all goes well from

Chapter 2 - How The Law of Attraction Works For Parenting 25
On the other hand, if their attention is on the dreariness of having to wake up
early in the morning, it creates a basis for recurring morning disasters, likely
escalating into new disasters throughout the day. Since you have the ability to
choose, surely you'll choose the better button to push, right?

When they’re grown, your kids will understand how special their parents
were, making their everyday life not only tolerable, but nice and smooth. They
will respect you more, because you have respected them by consciously
choosing to push their “positive buttons.”

And who knows, they may well remember this when they have their own kids
and do the same favor for your grandkids, as well. So there is no doubt about
it – not only do children make your life feel important, but you, too, make a big
impact in their lives!

Now that you've learned an easy way to create a positive vibe in your family,
let's take this up a notch and tackle something very common and seemingly
difficult to resolve...

How Much Do You Really Need The Word "No"?

“Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones,

you'll start having positive results.”
- Willie Nelson -

The idea of “like attracts like” has probably become very familiar to you
by now, through the examples in this book. Negativity attracts
negativity and positivity attracts positivity. It really is that simple.

The word “NO” is quite necessary, and at times very useful, but it is still
always negative.

Now that we’ve become aware of its negative quality, we can start observing
how much we use it during the day with our children, and what effect it may
have on them.

If we're to be honest, most parents end up using the word “no” surprisingly

Chapter 2 - How The Law of Attraction Works For Parenting 26
In the heat of the moment, “NO,” “DON'T,” and other negative
expressions slip out very easily. Unfortunately, it is that easy to attract
negative forces through the unfailing Law of Attraction.

In Zero Worry Parenting, we recommend that people tone down the use of
these negatively charged words, as we want you to reawaken the endless
positive forces of the Law of Attraction.

When it comes to the Law of Attraction, we all know the power of saying, “You
can be, do and have anything you want.” What is surprising though, is that
this is the very basis from which your kids quite naturally and innocently think
and act!

Knowing this simple fact can sometimes completely redefine how we view our
kids’ motives when they’ve done something, that at first blush, seems
strange, immature or stubborn.

Especially when under stress, we, sometimes blunt, adults prevent our kids
from thinking and acting in the ways that are most natural to them. We
inadvertently use negative words too much; “NOs” and “DON'Ts” galore.

These words are useful, and even

necessary, sometimes, but they are
definitely a double-edged sword. They
hold certain power, but they get worn
out quicker the more you use them.

As you continue to use the NO words,

it soon starts to feel like your kids are
incredibly stubborn – they neither
listen to you, nor believe what you say
(and this is true in a way).

Eventually this leads to the birth of a

negative vortex: The kids stop
reacting to negative words and just do
exactly as they want. Shortly after
that, they may start to rebel even
more openly. At that point, the vicious
circle is in place and will perpetuate
itself, unless it is cut short by you!

Chapter 2 - How The Law of Attraction Works For Parenting 27
But don't feel too bad about it. This just happens to be how the Law of
Attraction works. Like attracts like. Hard words attract hard behavior. Kind
words attract kindness in return. YOU have the power to choose what

We are truly fortunate because the Law of Attraction always responds

according to our own feelings and attitudes, so there is always the possibility
of a better option. Even a slight improvement makes a big difference.

As you may have noticed,

your kids tend to think
they can do or have
anything they want. That
is actually perfectly true –
in the light of the Law of
Attraction, they CAN be,
do and have anything
they want.

If you want to be a responsible parent and simultaneously live

according to the Law of Attraction, and in perfect alliance with your
kids, try this: The next time your children demand something from you,
instead of saying NO right away, try something like “yes, you can have
it... some time later.”

They will be taken aback, as they haven’t gotten the usual, negative response
they thought they were going to hear.

This doesn't mean you give them false hope, either. You are simply agreeing
with their needs first, staying positive, and giving them something to think

Chapter 2 - How The Law of Attraction Works For Parenting 28
“Yes Dear, you can do it some time next week, or next month, or even
next year,” sounds much more agreeable to them than an outright “NO,”
or a complete denial without due explanation.

Kids just want to hear, “Yes, you can do it,”

or, “Yes, you can have it,” as they are so
intimately connected with the Law of
Attraction (quite correctly feeling they should
have it if they want it).

Inside, they actually desire that validation

much more than the specific thing they're
asking for!

In the moment, it doesn't matter as much whether what they want will actually
happen later or not, but it feels good to know that it will happen. This positive,
trusting feeling reinforces their connection with the Law of Attraction, which
will then activate and start working in their favor!

If you use the chance to give to your kids what they need, they will get more,
and you will get more, as well. All of you feel good, and good feelings attract
more positive things, which also feel good.

The exact timing for when your kid can do or have something is not so
essential, but the good feeling that they get right away from your positive
words is!

When you stay with a good feeling, it will grow, and you'll start to experience
more of that feeling.

This is why Zero Worry Parenting recommends to at least observe the usage
of negative words and gradually learn to avoid using them altogether.

Now, let's move on to even more dangerous territory – turning around dicey

Chapter 2 - How The Law of Attraction Works For Parenting 29
Turning Difficult Situations Into Recurring Joy

“To get the full value of joy you must have someone to divide it with.”
- Mark Twain -

It's time to feel good already – because the situations that used to
awaken your kids' negative feelings are now about to be transformed
into joyous events!

First, think about those difficult situations that tend to repeat over and over,
even when you think you're doing your absolute best with the kids – those
situations where typically, everything somehow just goes exactly opposite of
what your intention was.

Chapter 2 - How The Law of Attraction Works For Parenting 30
Just sit down, take a deep breath and go through the following exercise.

1. Write down situations with your kids where

everything always seems to go wrong,
contrary to what you intend to happen.

2. Let go of the negative feelings connected

with each of those situations.

3. Rewrite those same situations so that the

results produce good feelings – for you, as
well as your children.

4. Resolve to forget the old ways of doing

things, and commit to acting according to
your list of reframed situations.

When you're all done, you will probably come to see that in many of those
difficult situations you somehow pushed your kids' “negative buttons.” This
caused their negative feelings to flare up in a flash, making the situations
even worse. If the situations repeat on a daily basis, it's even more difficult to
see it clearly and deal with it.

But fear not, it is very easy. Just put a little distance to it. That distance will
help you recognize what went wrong in those difficult situations and you'll be
able to see other options to dealing with them, leading to better outcomes.

On one hand, parents don't see their kids as they really are because they are
so close to their kids most of the time. On the other hand, nobody knows kids
better than their parents. Parenthood is an eternal paradox, but you can still
decide to solves its problems.

Chapter 2 - How The Law of Attraction Works For Parenting 31
Taking some distance is the first step to solving the paradox of
parenthood. If you can't take some distance physically, practicing the
list exercise above is just as good.

This way, you will give your kids, as well as yourself, a chance to do things in
a new way. No matter how entrenched a situation may feel, there is always a
possibility of doing things in a different way.

Step by step, you will get a better feeling for those situations. After a while, it
will be possible, and even easy, to decide to act in a new way and get a
positive outcome. You will find that joy will eventually be there, as you work
on changing your outlook on these situations!

The following quote from Kahlil Gibran is a good reminder about the fact that
kids are only visiting us. Therefore, we should take better care of our dear
visitors emotionally, especially in stressful moments:

Your children are not your children. They

are the sons and daughters of life's
longing for itself. They come through you,
but not from you. And though they are
with you, yet they belong not to you. You
may house their bodies, but not souls.
You may strive to be like them, but seek
not to make them like you. You are the
bows from which your children as living
arrows are sent forth. The Archer sees the
mark upon the path of the infinite, and He
bends you with His might that His arrows
may go swift and far.
Let your bending in the archer's hand be
for gladness; for even as He loves the
arrow that flies, so He loves also the bow
that is stable. - Kahlil Gibran

Chapter 2 - How The Law of Attraction Works For Parenting 32
Let's look at an example that
sheds some more light on
transforming difficult

Computer gaming is a long-

standing, unresolved issue in
many families, causing a lot of

Too many parents are in

agony, trying to decide where
to set limits, as they can see
their kids enjoying the games,
but at the same time, they can
see the problems these
games can cause. Parents try
to set limits, but kids undercut
the rules, claiming their friends
can play certain games they're
not allowed to, and for much
longer periods of time.

This particular parenting worry

doesn't concern only boys,
who might play games that are
too violent. Girls can become
wrapped up with their computers; chatting, instant messaging, etc. for hours
on end. Both situations are problematic. The kids don't hear anything, and
they may not move away from the computer unless you physically remove
them, turn over the table, or cut off the electricity.

Many parents feel like they are at a dead end, extremely irritated after asking
their kids to come to the dinner table dozens of times, or asking them to do
their homework hundreds of times. So often, parents would rather ban
gaming and online activity completely.

Despite the obvious problems, there are good things associated with
computer games. These games can bring accolades and friends to kids who
are shy or non-athletic, or to kids who may not otherwise be able to gain
many friends.

Chapter 2 - How The Law of Attraction Works For Parenting 33
Parents can defuse the situation with this, a creative solution to a
commonplace modern dilemma:

A seven year old schoolboy's family solved the rising problem of playing computer
games too much in a way everybody was happy with. The limits were already set
and the boy was happy with them, but his parents still felt that their sensitive boy
was playing too much. The boy somehow felt that there was something wrong with
him, as his playing caused so much stress in his family.

One night, the boy was thinking of his gaming and other things while lying in his bed
before sleep, as he was very philosophical and ponderous by nature.

His father sat there with him and listened to the boy talk about the games he
played. The boy showed such enthusiasm and interest that the father figured, can it
be so bad? So he decided to mirror the boy's feelings and become just as
enthusiastic about it, asking questions about the games and complimenting the
boyʼs game-playing skills.

The result was nothing short of miraculous. The father showed in very simple, but
no uncertain terms, that he was on his son's side. The boy felt an immense sense
of relief, newfound confidence, and an ability to fall asleep without any worries. He
wasn't the bad guy after all, and he even had a newfound ally in his interests.

But the most amazing thing was the reciprocity that followed. The next day, the boy
set his own limits and kept to them, knowing his gaming was now accepted, and no
longer a source of constant disagreement.

What can we say?

Mirroring works wonders!

Chapter 2 - How The Law of Attraction Works For Parenting 34
How To Manifest A Happy Family

"I get the best feeling in the world when you say
hi or even smile at me because I know, even if
its just for a second, that I've crossed your
- Unknown -

Emotion Increases The Speed of Manifesting A Happy

There are only two emotions from our perspective ....... The one that feels
good, that feeling of hope or happiness or love. That good feeling, that
positive emotion, is guidance saying, that which you are thinking right now
is in alignment with what you are wanting.
- Esther Hicks – Abraham -

According to the Law of

Attraction, when you feel
good about something or
someone, you go with the
flow. If you feel bad, you
end up going against the
flow. And obviously, that
never ends well.

To find out why you are

feeling bad about something,
you just need to stop and
face that feeling. If you do
that, it will actually readily tell
you why you are feeling bad.
It often helps when you look
the unpleasant feeling
straight in the eye, so to

Then you need only let it go.

You'll come to know the
good feeling emerging from
beyond it.

Now, let's get into some practical ways to foster those positive emotions...

Chapter 3 - How To Manifest A Happy Family 36
Positive Expectations Create Everyday Miracles And A
Happy Future

“There is little difference in people, but that little difference

makes a big difference.
The little difference is attitude. The big difference is whether
it is positive or negative.”
- W Clement Stone -

Positive expectation is another important piece of the puzzle as we

build Zero Worry Families. Positive expectation can be created in many
ways, and it's probably a lot easier than you think.

You may know people who are like “kid magnets” wherever they go. They
have the ability to simply be on the level of the kids, in a heartbeat. Actually,
they really ARE there, as they have the ability to be childlike. These kinds of
people easily get kids to do anything at all.

Think about this little story, and what you can take away from it:

A young visiting substitute teacher in a busy suburban daycare raised some

unexpected attention. He seemed to possess an uncanny ability to hold the
attention of even the so-called difficult children. He effortlessly managed to get the
kids around him to do anything...simply by engaging them from their own level.

He would tell them wild stories from his home village (he was originally from an
African country) – always relevant to what he needed them to do. He would get
them out the door in two minutes flat by saying he was going to fly a kite. He would
race them, challenge them...anything to get them engaged on a fun, positive level.
He even got them to come in on time in the morning, because they all couldn't wait
to be with him.

The kids simply latched onto the positive expectation he managed to set, time and
again. No convincing, coercion or forcing necessary. Talk about effortless!

This is because kids are very sensitive and keep their 'sensors' naturally
open. They easily feel their parents' or teachers' expectations, even from the
faintest hints.

Chapter 3 - How To Manifest A Happy Family 37
If you put out negative hints, kids feel there is
something wrong with them and they get
confused. It just does not help when trying to get
things rolling smoothly. If you give off positive
signals instead, you can get things rolling easily.

Here's a different example of the power of positive expectation:

Jack Welch, the former CEO of General Electric and one of the all-time greatest
heroes of business, had a mother who was uncompromising in setting expectations
for her son. It wasn't uncompromising in the sense that she would be hard on him,
just that she instilled in him an absolutely invincible sense of achievement – an
unshakeable belief in being able to achieve and overcome ANYTHING.

She would not give in to any challenges and refused to believe her son couldn't
achieve something. So Jack Welch grew up with that expectation, which turned into
a belief that made him a giant in his line of business.

Think about it: Simple, positive expectation and an early sense of success
and achievement gave birth to one of the most successful CEOs in history!

But there's even more... What happens when positive expectations turn into

Deliberate Positive Emotions = Money In Your Family's

Happiness Bank

“The key to joyful deliberate creating is to choose the subjects of your

thoughts intentionally while paying close attention to how each thought
feels, for unless you are aware of how the thought feels, you have no
understanding of where you are on the sliding scale of vibrational
- Esther Hicks, Abraham -

Chapter 3 - How To Manifest A Happy Family 38
As you probably know, everything you do in life has a compounding
effect. If you keep putting away a percentage of your earnings every
month for a few decades, you will get rich no matter what happens.

If you decide to treat your spouse well through the thick and thin of it, you will
enjoy a pleasant twilight when in advanced age.

Similarly, if you cultivate positively

charged emotions throughout your
children’s defining years, you will
undoubtedly be rewarded for it –
both immediately and as they grow
up to be adults.

Emotions represent the

essence of what is in
your experience and in
your thoughts. At all
times, you and your
kids will be manifesting
the essence of what
you're thinking about.

And so, if you get into the

habit of cultivating a positive
'tone' of thought, one that
feels good to both of you,
both you and your kids will grow
to see your thoughts manifesting as physical reality.

Little by little, you will see evidence of it. As you start seeing it, you can be
sure you're on the right path, and that you're thinking about it the right way.
Undoubtedly, it will 'rub off on' your kids as well.

The sooner you make the decision to favor positively charged thoughts
(thoughts that feel good to you), the sooner you will see the tone of your
whole family change in magnificent ways.

Chapter 3 - How To Manifest A Happy Family 39
The Emotion of Success Pulls Your Kid Into the Vortex...
of Perpetual Happiness!
“He has achieved success who has worked well,
laughed often, and loved much”
- Elbert Hubbard -

This final point gets more and more important as your children keep
growing up into adults. You may think that the word 'success' implies
success in the world – first in school, then in college, and finally, in the
working world.

But success is important on the smallest of levels, as well. For kids, success
simply means experiencing 'getting it right' and receiving undeniable
validation for it.

The important thing for us as parents to realize is that kids measure their
success against our reactions to their actions. In other words, when they ask
for you to watch what they do for the four hundredth time – be it building a
puzzle, drawing something, riding a bike, or completing their homework –
they do it to validate what they did. You are their yardstick of success!

If you compliment and

encourage them, even
when they didn't quite
get it right, they will be
incredibly encouraged
to go for it even more.
Many times, a simple
nod, a smile or a pat
on the back will do the

Chapter 3 - How To Manifest A Happy Family 40
The time to be critical will come later, if at all. As they grow, they will be able
to look more closely at what they do and judge for themselves.

You have the easy part of being the one who makes them feel good about
themselves and who helps them to achieve success in everything they do.

Getting used to success at an early age – or at

ANY age for that matter – always creates a more
successful future. Therefore, getting regular
positive feedback and regular experiences of
success, however small they may be, is perhaps
the most important inheritance you could ever give
to your kids.

Because material goods, as useful as they are, will always erode in time. But
learning to experience success will yield endless rewards, replicated in bigger
and bigger ways in your children's various life situations. So, using whatever
level of success you think you have achieved in life, you can always help your
kids learn and perpetuate a mode of successful living.

Here is a lesser-known, but fascinating, example to drive the point home:

Mrs. Kirsti Paakkanen, who ran the famous Marimekko fashion house well into her
eighties, grew up as an underprivileged child, basically in a shack in a remote
village. Even so, her mother made sure she felt something beyond those conditions
every day. No matter what was going on in their lives, Kirstiʼs mother would tell her
daughter that she is not only a capable, worthy person, but a miracle.

The malnourished little girl got to hear every day that she was a MIRACLE. She
grew up to create many miracles in the business arena, and went on to be lauded
around the globe for her personal attitude toward life and work.

Such is the awesome power of having experiences of success right

from early childhood!

Chapter 3 - How To Manifest A Happy Family 41
What Your Kids REALLY Want
From Their Parents

"If the person you are talking to doesn't appear to be listening,

be patient. It may simply be that he has
a small piece of fluff in his ear."
- Winnie the Pooh -

Time, Time, Time!
"What the world really needs is more love and less paperwork."
- Pearl Bailey -

Lack of time bothers too many people, all too

often. Your inbox is overloaded, your calendar is
full of meetings (and on the best days, two
meetings at the same time on different
continents), and your cell phone keeps beeping
on, as if on a continuous loop.

Then there are the kids' hobbies – almost every night

and all through the weekend. Scurrying around and
constantly performing multiple things at a time is now
an essential part of your kids’ lives, as well.

After school, our kids rush off to their hobbies, where they might spend their
afternoons and evenings, and come back home just in time for bedtime,
squeezing in homework somewhere between brushing their teeth and
checking text messages for the last time before closing their eyes.

Kids start to suffer, not only from being in a perpetual hurry, but also from
rushing through their lives.

Kids today suffer from being rushed. Period.

They also often suffer from a rushed life – in other words, a life that is rushed
ahead of their current levels of maturity. There is this continuous, perceived
need to learn, to develop, to reach maturity, to become an adult. And to do all
this before their peers.

This example illustrates how bizarre these kinds of demands can be on a

young person:

A ten year old boy wanted to start playing soccer and went to a local soccer club as
the season started. He was told that he was too old to start playing soccer, as all
the team members had started when they were five to seven years old.

The parents of the boy were shocked. How on earth could it be impossible for a ten
year old boy to play on a soccer team? When exactly was the right time to
experiment with all kinds of sports, if not in childhood?!

Chapter 4 - What Your Kids REALLY Want From Their Parents 43
All this is starting to sound like children's lives are placed ahead of the
children themselves, and that more traditional time together with the family is
disappearing. But with enough conscious parents who prefer a more natural
approach, that will not have to happen.

To grow up well-adjusted, kids just need something very simple: time from
their parents. Time, Time, Time. And if you really want to give your time to
your kids, it may take some prioritizing in your own life.

The world-famous author of the Harry

Potter books, J. K. Rowling, has solved
her time management problems in a
very endearing way. She has said that
out of three important things, it is
possible to do two things properly.
Here’s her list of important things:

• To raise kids,
• To be an author and write,
• To keep her home tidy.

I think you can guess which two she has chosen... :-)

We can recommend the same from the Zero Worry Parenting perspective, as
TIME is the most popular answer when kids are asked what they want most
from their parents. It is time and presence; two concepts that are almost the
same thing; two sides of the same coin.

Zero Worry Parenting combines time and presence into magical


The moments don't necessarily need to be that long. The older your kids are,
the less time they need from their parents, but they do need you to be
completely present in the moments that you share with them.

Chapter 4 - What Your Kids REALLY Want From Their Parents 44
As a result of your devoted time, you will forge a strong connection with your
kids, and other family members, as well. That connection generates
memorable magic in those moments. The magic moments are the ones your
kids will remember forever. They will turn them into memorable stories for
their own kids and grandkids.

Give your time freely without expectation, and you will get your investment
back in some form, sooner or later. Every time you do it, it WILL be rewarded.
The more abundant your devotion is in terms of time and presence, the more
rewarding your return will be.

"When 'my' and 'thy' merge, there is total surrender;

your will is one with the totality."
- Eckhart Tolle -

The Integrating Power of Shared Moments With Your

"In the end, it's not going to matter how many breaths you took,
but how many moments took your breath away."
- Unknown -

Education professionals often point out that it is very important to share

feelings with your kids, whether they are toddlers or teenagers.

It is essential to share the moment when your kid is admiring a ladybug, or to

share the moment when your teenager finds out how bad it feels to have
been treated unfairly in a sports team.

If you give your kid’s feelings your full attention, just for a few seconds, your
kid gets the feeling that they are accepted. The moment doesn’t need to last
very long. It’s far more important that you are present in your kid’s feeling and
give your full attention to them.

Chapter 4 - What Your Kids REALLY Want From Their Parents 45
The same concept applies when
a teenager finds a girlfriend or
b o y f r i e n d . I t ’ s a b s o l u t e l y,
crucially important to share that
joyful feeling with your teen, who
will be thrilled to know that he or
she is capable of finding a friend
with whom she or he can
experience love in a new way. By
sharing in that feeling, you give
them your acceptance, even if
that acceptance doesn’t in reality
extend to his or her choice of
heart, which can change quite
soon at that particular age.

As you nurture the root of your

teen’s love, that tree of love
will grow much stronger in
later years, and will bear many,
many beautiful fruits during
his or her life.

And for you – you will have invested in the finest emotional level of your
relationship with your child. As you both grow older, you will be much more
likely to keep sharing those moments.

Consider this real life sentiment:

A mother of three kids, all under school age, sighs, “I wish I could always remember
how much kids love to laugh. So easily, I become this drill sergeant to them, even
though I understand that my own life would be easier if I remembered to get things
done by laughing with them.”

Laughing and feeling happy are essential parts of sharing a moment.

Kids will actually come to you, and even help you with pleasure, when they
know it will lead to a few hearty laughs together. It's that important to them!

Laughter will easily replicate when they've grown up – they will like to visit
their old folks, knowing there will be good times to be had!

Chapter 4 - What Your Kids REALLY Want From Their Parents 46
It's All About Appreciating The Connection
“He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not,
but rejoices for those which he has.”
- Democritus -

How much do you value the connection you have with your kids?

We think that it is the most valuable thing you have. It is all. If you are
connected to your kids, you will always know how they are. If you are not
connected, you can only guess how they are doing and hope the best for
them. But hopes can be far from their reality.

We do NOT mean that you should become a “helicopter parent” (someone

who is constantly hovering around and above their kids, exhausting
everyone). Parents who do that do it out of a desire to protect their kids from
any harm. This is a misguided desire though, as we all need to learn to
become independent, in our very own ways.

The easiest way to maintain connection is by having conversations with your

kids. Everything and anything that comes up. In addition to conversation,
there are endless possibilities to maintain the connection, or even build it up
from scratch if it's not there or not working properly.

This could very well be one of the most touching stories ever told about this

An older lady who loved all kids without limits, regardless of whether they were her
own kids, grandkids or just anybody's kids, lived in a flat. Every night she would
listen through the wall as her young neighbors left their baby alone to cry herself to
sleep,while they left the house to go somewhere.

Her heart almost broke as she decided it was not a good idea to interfere in her
neighbor's family matters by ringing their door bell and suggesting that she take
care of the baby – but she desperately wanted to help the baby somehow.

This went on every night. Then she suddenly had a thought: she could sing for the
baby after the parents left. The baby would hear her singing on the other side of the

Chapter 4 - What Your Kids REALLY Want From Their Parents 47
For the first three nights, the lady sang, but the baby continued to cry. On the fourth
night, the lady was again about to start singing when she heard the baby starting to
cry. The baby cried for a while, but soon stopped as she heard the soothing sound
of singing.

On the fifth night, the elderly lady started singing, right after she heard the baby
starting to cry. The baby quickly calmed down again.

Then she started to sing to the baby at the same time every night, before the crying
started. The baby clearly felt the connection with the caring lady. So it was a very
happy arrangement in the end.

This elderly lady is as an example of how it is possible to create a connection

in a very creative way. We need to remember that kids really need the
connection with their parents, they even look forward to their parents'
interfering with them, if they are not feeling good or if they have some

You shouldn't stop trying to build that connection, even if your teenager starts
talking back to you in an opinionated manner. Just listen to them, because
that's how they’ll learn to want to start paying attention to you.

It's not necessarily that important what you say; that feeling of connection is
what matters. When that feeling is good and strong, kids will discuss even
sensitive issues with you.

So, now that the connection is there, what does this all lead to?

Chapter 4 - What Your Kids REALLY Want From Their Parents 48
What Is Zero Worry Parenting?

"Life without love is like a tree without blossoms or fruit."

- Kahlil Gibran -

Zero Worry Parenting is...
all about nurturing both the child and childhood, as children have
an innate ability to live in accordance with the Law of Attraction,
respecting it and all its aspects.

Nurturing the child means that you try to see your kid just the way they
are, and allow their inner wisdom to grow from inside out.

When kids' wisdom gets to grow inside out, without any major
hindrances, it means that their strengths are allowed to grow stronger.
And at the same time, their weaknesses are also allowed to grow

This way, you can learn to nurture your kids' weak, even fragile, seeds
to grow and become strong sprouts, and then seedlings.

Zero Worry Parenting is...

about reviving and refreshing the connection to the Law of
Attraction, whenever your kid has lost it for some reason or it's
become weak. You now possess some very useful tips for reviving it in
the chapter How To Get Your Kids Back On Track With The Law Of

Zero Worry Parenting is...

about creating or recreating the connection between parents and
their children. If that connection has been cut for any reason, you can
always renew it. You can do this by focusing on the most important
things in parenting, such as taking the time to be with the kids and
sharing meaningful moments with them.

Zero Worry Parenting is...

about considering kids' personality types and personal tendencies,
in everyday life, where learning and assimilation of new skills and things
takes place continuously.

Chapter 5 - What Is Zero Worry Parenting? 50
Zero Worry Parenting is...
about dedicating your precious time to your precious kids. It is
about being 100 percent present in their meaningful moments – which
in truth, are just as important to their parents. Now is the time to stop
rushing from one moment to the next.

Zero Worry Parenting is...

about allowing our kids to grow in their own time, at their own
paces. To give them the chance to mature of their own accord, instead
of rushing them into adulthood.

Zero Worry Parenting is...

about focusing on kids' inner values and strengths instead of
external ones.
No need to have your kids compete head-to-head with siblings,
classmates or friends.

When our kids get to be who they are, they feel freed up to become the
next American Idol, win an Olympic gold medal, become a Nobel
laureate, or whatever their ultimate dream may be.

Zero Worry Parenting...

opens our minds to see how valuable our kids are, as they are.

Now, for the ultimate payoff for a parent...

Chapter 5 - What Is Zero Worry Parenting? 51
Your Time To Enjoy Being A Parent!
“All I can say about life is, Oh God, enjoy it!”
- Bob Newhart -

Many parents, especially mothers, would like to be perfect parents.

They worry almost unceasingly that they

are not good enough for their kids. And
unfortunately, in a way that is true. The
more they worry about being good
enough mothers or fathers, the more
their attention is focused on the lack of

When they worry, they are not capable of

being fully present for their kids. It leads
to absentee parenting of sorts.

The more they worry about small

everyday problems, the more they end
up placing their attention on the problem,
instead of solving it.

But just as easy as it is to switch a

lamp on and off, it is easy to switch
our own lights on!

You are perfect as you are, and when

you allow yourself to be who you
REALLY are, you will be your true
self when your light is on.

Every parent is a perfect parent just the way they are, when they allow their
light to shine. What more could our kids ever need than for us to be just who
we are?

Chapter 5 - What Is Zero Worry Parenting? 52
When you let your own light shine, you use your time for what is truly
essential. You will always have time for the important things in your life
anyway (Haven’t you noticed?). A smoker always has time for a smoke;
newlyweds always have the time to be intimate with each other.

When you let your light shine, the light in which you see your kids, just the
way they are (and the light in which they see you), is brighter. The more they
get to be the way they truly are, the happier they will be.

When you let your light shine, you give yourself, as well as your kids, the
permission to blossom at your, and their, very bests. Zero Worry Parenting is
about enjoying your life to the fullest. The more you enjoy your life, the more
things you will have to enjoy in your life!

So start enjoying! :)

PS. If the thought of living a Zero Worry Lifestyle has

made you curious, go to
right now and sign up for more information. A new class is
about to start soon!

Chapter 5 - What Is Zero Worry Parenting? 53

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