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Journal of Cultural Heritage 15 (2014) 165–172

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Original article

Use of ZnO nanoparticles for protecting oil paintings on paper support against
dirt, fungal attack, and UV aging
Osama M. El-Feky a , Enas A. Hassan b , Shaimaa M. Fadel b , Mohammad L. Hassan b,c,∗
Restoration and Conservation Department, Faculty of Archaeology, Cairo University, 12622 Giza, Egypt
Cellulose and Paper Department, National Research Centre, Dokki, 12622 Giza, Egypt
Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology Group, Centre of Excellence for Advanced Sciences, National Research Center, Dokki, 12622 Giza, Egypt

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Zinc oxide nanoparticles were prepared and used for surface treatment of oil paintings painted on paper
Received 2 October 2012 supports. The prepared coating mixture containing 2% of ZnO nanoparticles showed excellent trans-
Accepted 29 January 2013 parency. The effect of coating on protecting the paper support and paintings against microbial attack by
Available online 27 March 2013
Trichoderma reesei and Aspergillus niger, dirt accumulation, and UV aging was studied. Coatings contain-
ing ZnO nanoparticles enhanced the durability of linseed oil-based paintings toward UV aging regarding
Keywords: the change in color. Coatings containing ZnO nanoparticles improved resistance to microbial attack when
subjected to inoculums containing T. reesei or A. niger fungi. In addition, coatings containing ZnO nanopar-
ZnO nanoparticles
ticles reduced accumulation of dirt on oil paintings when left in open air for 6 months; cleaning of
Color paintings was quite easy compared to the non-coated paintings or those coated with the varnish without
Trichoderma reesei ZnO nanoparticles.
Aspergillus niger © 2013 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

1. Aim of the research Many natural and synthetic materials are used for restoration
of oil paintings. There are no ideal materials and there are short-
The aim of the current work is to investigate the use of ZnO comings for each of them. The responsibility for choosing the
nanoparticles as a coating for oil paintings on paper supports to pro- correct materials and methods of application lies on the conser-
tect the paper support and oil paintings against UV aging, dirt, and vator who carries out the treatment. The conservator must have
microbial attack by cellulose- and oil-degrading microorganisms, sufficient understating of the processes involved to enable eval-
namely Trichoderma reesei and Aspergillus niger fungi. uation of the possible irreversible effects on a particular object
[4]. Therefore, preparation of durable and efficient materials for
use in the area of conserving oil paintings on paper supports is of
2. Introduction
significant importance.
Paper supports and paintings are subject to biodegradation by
Oil paintings on paper supports are deteriorated by time. Paper
different microorganisms. Since paper consists mainly of cellulose
has been praised and used by writers and artists such as Albrecht
and hemicelluloses, it could be attacked by different microorgan-
Durer, Michelangelo, Giambattista Bodoni, Francisco Goya, and
isms that secret cellulases and hemicelluloases enzymes [5]. In
Picasso [1]. There are archaeological oil paintings on paper supports
addition, the use of oils, such as linseed oil, in paintings makes them
painted by Rembrandt, Delacroix, Hans Thoma, E. von Gebhardt,
subject to attack by microorganisms that can degrade oils [6].
and others [2]. There are many forms for deterioration of oil paint-
Some metal oxide nanoparticles have antimicrobial activity.
ings on paper supports such as darkening of the final varnish layer,
Nanoparticles are much more active than larger size particles
cracks in the varnish, paint and ground layer, and aging of paper
because of their much higher surface area and ability to display
support. Moreover, parts of the ground layer and paint layer may
unique physical and chemical properties. The use of nanoparticles
fall apart. So, restoration and conservation of these oil paintings is
as antimicrobial agents for archeological objects has been already
an important target [3].
proposed and tested, but mainly on stone substrates [7,8].
Zinc oxide nanoparticles exhibit excellent antibacterial activ-
ity [9]. Although the exact mechanism for antimicrobial effect of
∗ Corresponding author. Cellulose and Paper Department, Centre of Excellence for ZnO has not yet been clearly elucidated, the suggested mechanisms
Advanced Sciences, National Research Centre, Dokki, 12622 Giza, Egypt. include the role of reactive oxygen species (ROS) generated on the
Tel.: +202 33335926; fax: +202 33370931.
E-mail addresses:,
surface of the particles [10], zinc ion release [11], and nanoparticles (M.L. Hassan). internalization [12].

1296-2074/$ – see front matter © 2013 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
166 O.M. El-Feky et al. / Journal of Cultural Heritage 15 (2014) 165–172

Regarding the antifungal activity, ZnO nanoparticles showed

significant antifungal activity against some fungal strains such as
Aspergillus flavus, A. niger and Candida albicans [13], postharvest
pathogenic fungi Botrytis cinerea and Penicillium expansum [14],
Saccharomyces cerevisiae, C. albicans, A. niger, and Rhizopus stolonifer
[15,16], plant pathogenic fungi Pythium debarynum and Sclerotium
rolfsii [17].
Being a semiconducting material, the band gap between con-
duction and valence electrons plays a vital role in the generation of
reactive oxygen species (ROS), which cause deterioration of micro-
bial cell membrane [18]. Moreover, for the production of ROS and
rupture of the microbial cell membrane, the surface contact of
nanoparticles with the biological membrane is necessary, which
assists in the damage of microbial enzyme bodies, thereby killing
the pathogenic microbes.
The use of ZnO nanoparticles with cellulosic materials to impart
them antimicrobial properties has been investigated. For example,
zinc oxide nanoparticles have been used on cotton fabrics or paper
sheets to impart them antimicrobial properties [19–26].
Another important property of zinc oxide nanoparticles is their
self cleaning effect on the surfaces they are applied onto in the
presence of UV light [27]. This phenomenon was explained by the
photocatalytic activity of ZnO nanoparticles. Under UV irradiation,
ZnO nanopaticles are able to decompose and to mineralize bio-
recalcitrant organic pollutants in the form of CO2 and H2 O [28].
In addition, ZnO nanoparticles prevent dust or dirt accumulation
on the surface of different materials by what is known as “lotus
effect” [29].

3. Experimental

3.1. Materials

Zinc chloride, sodium sulfide, and polyethylene imine were Scheme 1. Sketches for the different painting series used.
reagent grade chemicals and used as-received. Commercially avail-
able Fabriano paper was used for painting. The following color
pigments were used [30]: titanium dioxide was used for the white were used for comparison. The second series was Fabriano paper
color; vermilion (mercuric sulfide) was used for red color; yel- sheets painted with linseed oil-based red, blue, and yellow col-
low ochre (iron oxide) was used for yellow color; and ultramarine ors. Samples from this series were coated with the varnish with or
blue was used for the blue color. Commercial linseed oil was used without the ZnO nanoparticles. The third series was Fabriano paper
for preparation of the colors. Paraloid B66 (commercial acrylic- sheets painted with linseed oil-based white color (titanium diox-
based resin) was used for preparation the TiO2 white color. A ide). Samples from this series were coated with the varnish with
non-yellowing commercial varnish mixture (Satin) was used as- or without the ZnO nanoparticles. The fourth series was Fabriano
received; its dry content was 24%. The varnish was containing paper sheets painted with acrylic-based white color (titanium diox-
acrylic and ketone resin, linseed oil, matting agent (silica), an UV ide). Samples from this series were coated with the varnish with or
stabilizer, and quick drying petroleum. without the ZnO nanoparticles.

3.2. Preparation of ZnO nanoparticles 3.4. Coating with varnish/ZnO nanoparticles mixture

The method used for ZnO nanoparticles was based on the previ- ZnO nanoparticles were suspended in the commercial varnish
ously used method for preparation of ZnS nanoparticles using Zinc solution at concentration of 2%. To ensure homogeneity of the
chloride and sodium sulfide in the presence of polyethyleneimine nanoparticles in the coating mixture, the mixture was subjected to
[31]. After separation of ZnS, it was treated thermally in an ultrasonic treatment for 5 minutes under cooling using 750-watt
oven at 600 ◦ C for 120 minutes to obtain ZnO [32]. The pre- ultrasonic processor (Sonix, USA). The samples of different series
pared ZnO nanoparticles were characterized using X-ray diffraction were coated with the ZnO nanoparticles suspension using a paint-
(XRD) using Diano X-ray diffractometer with Co K␣ irradiation ing brush according to the common practice.
at ␭ = 1.79026A◦ . Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) was
carried out using a JEOL 1230 transmission electron microscope 3.5. UV aging of oil paintings
(Japan) with acceleration voltage 100 KV.
For UV aging, a Fade-O-Meter instrument (Perkin-Elmer, Nor-
3.3. Preparation of oil paintings walk, CT) was used at room temperature for 150 h, and the
temperature and humidity were at about 30 ◦ C and 50%, respec-
Fabriano paper sheets (15 × 20 cm) were used for oil painting. tively. The UV light is generated by carbon arc light source and
Four series of samples were prepared (Scheme 1). The first series wavelength range of emitted light was 350–430 nm. After the
was Fabriano paper sheets coated with the varnish with or without experiments, the paper supports were conditioned at 65% relative
ZnO nanoparticles (2% wt. percent). Blank Fabriano paper sheets humidity and 25 ◦ C for 48 h before testing.
O.M. El-Feky et al. / Journal of Cultural Heritage 15 (2014) 165–172 167

Table 1
Average temperature (◦ C) during the dirt accumulation test in open air.

Temperature Month

July August September October November December

Maximum 36 35 33 28 25 20
Minimum 24 24 22 18 14 12

3.6. Testing of oil paintings

Tensile strength was carried out according to TAPPI T494

standard method using a Lloyd universal testing machine at a con-
stant crosshead speed of 6.25 cm/min.
The changes in the color parameters L, a, and b were measured
with a Hunterlab colorimeter; L index of color represents black-
to-white color, a index represents green-to-red color, and b index
represents blue-to-yellow color. The overall change in color indices
due to aging was expressed as E according to the following for-
mula [33]: Fig. 1. TEM of the prepared ZnO nanoparticles.
E = L + a + b
of ZnS nanoparticles; the diameter was in the range from 122 to
where L, a, and b are the differences between the values of 286 nm.
the color indices before and after aging. ZnO nanoparticles showed the known XRD pattern of hexagonal
phase of wurtzite structure (Fig. 2), which was in good agreement
3.7. Dirt accumulation test with literature reports [32]. The XRD pattern showed peaks at 2␪
value of 31.7 (100), 34.4 (002), 36.2 (101), 47.5 (102), 56.6 (110),
The paintings were left in open air for 6 months from July to 62.8 (103), 66.4 (200), 67.9 (112) and 69.1 (201).
December. Table 1 shows the average temperature during every
month. 4.2. Coating of color-painted Fabriano paper with ZnO
3.8. Inoculation with T. reesei and A. niger fungi
Fabriano paper sheets were painted with linseed oil-based col-
T. reesei and A. niger used in this study were chosen because of ors (blue, red, and yellow) and with linseed oil-based white color
their ability to degrade cellulose and oils, respectively. They were (titanium dioxide). The coloring materials used are among the most
obtained from the culture collection of Northern Regional Research famous and most popular colors used in the past in different eras.
Laboratory, Department of Agriculture, Peoria, IL. Fungi were main- Vermilion (mercuric sulfide) was used for red color; it had been
tained in peptone yeast extract agar slants in a 4 ◦ C refrigerator. used in ancient time. Yellow ochre (Iron oxide) was used for yel-
Each fungal strain was cultivated on peptone yeast extract agar low color; it had been used during the Prehistoric age. Ultramarine
plates at 30 ◦ C for 7days. Pieces of samples (total area 70 cm2 ) were blue is a historical pigment found in Egyptian tomb paintings. In
placed inside the plates on a 1% agar agar suspension in water. This addition, Raphael, Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo Buonarotti
suspension contained 1 g/L KH2 PO4 and 0.5 g/L MgSO4 [34]. Agar used that pigment in their paintings.
agar by itself did not have any nutrients and was used only to keep Oil paintings that are usually not going to be framed under glass
constant humidity. are usually varnished to protect them from dirt, dust, and pollution.
Series 1 (Fabriano paper coated with the varnish with or without The varnish also homogenizes the final appearance of a painting and
ZnO nanoparticles) were inoculated with T. reesei culture. Series 2 adds depth to the color paintings.
(oil-painted Fabriano paper coated with the varnish with or with- The oil-painted samples were varnished using the acrylic-
out ZnO nanoparticles) were inoculated with A. niger culture. All based varnish solution with or without ZnO nanoparticles. Due
samples were incubated at 30 ◦ C for 4 weeks. to the nano-size nature of the ZnO used, the coating had high

3.9. SEM of oil painting samples

Scanning electron microscopy was performed using a Jeol 6310

(Jeol Instruments, Tokyo, Japan) system running at 5–10 keV. Before
scanning, samples were coated with gold using sputter coater sys-
tem (Edwards Sputter Coater, UK).

4. Results and discussion

4.1. Preparation and characterization of ZnO nanoparticles

In a previous work, ZnS nanoparticles with diameter of 9–17 nm

were successfully prepared using sodium sulfide and zinc chloride
in the presence of polyethylene imine at 8 ◦ C [31]. Fig. 1 shows
the TEM images of the prepared ZnO nanoparticles by heat-treated Fig. 2. XRD pattern of the prepared ZnO nanoparticles.
168 O.M. El-Feky et al. / Journal of Cultural Heritage 15 (2014) 165–172

Fig. 3. Paintings coated with (a) acrylic varnish containing ZnO nanoparticles and (b) varnish containing the commercial micro-size ZnO.

transparency compared to coating obtained on the same samples the other hand, an ascomycete, A. niger is among the most well
with commercially available micro-size ZnO dispersed in the same known lipase producers; it can attack oils in paintings [36–38].
varnish (Fig. 3). As it is obvious from the images, a white layer is SEM of different oil paintings samples inoculated with T. reesei
clearly seen at the surface of the sample after drying in case of using and A. niger, and incubated for 4 weeks are shown in Figs. 5 and 6.
the micro-size ZnO while samples coated with ZnO nanoparticles In Fig. 5 where Fabriano paper were coated with the varnish with
exhibited no color alteration. and without ZnO nanoparticles, SEM images clearly show that the
varnish containing ZnO nanoparticles inhibited the fungus growth
4.3. Effect of ZnO nanoparticles coating on dirt accumulation (Fig. 5c). On the other hand, in case of blank Fabriano paper sheets
growth of T. reesei was clear from spreading the spores of the fungus
The effect of coating white-, red-, yellow-, and blue-color lin- (Fig. 5a). Even in case of applying the varnish on the paper sheets
seed oil-based paintings samples (series 2 and 3) with the varnish (Fig. 5b) some spores of the fungus were seen.
(with or without the ZnO nanoparticles) on accumulation of dirt Fig. 6 shows SEM images of linseed oil-painted Fabriano paper
and dust was investigated. Fig. 4 shows pictures of oil-painted col- samples inoculated with A. niger. Presence of linseed oil on the sur-
ored samples left in the open air for 6 months; the samples were face of Fabriano paper sheets resulted in remarkable growth of the
hanged vertically on a wooden stand. The samples were divided A. niger fungus; the spores and hyphens of the fungus were clearly
into three areas as sketched in Scheme 1: on the first area, only the seen (Fig. 6a). Coating of the linseed oil-treated paper sheet with the
color was applied onto the paper, on the second area, the varnish varnish, which is acrylic-based varnish, could not completely pre-
was applied above the color, and on the third area, the varnish con- vent the growth of the fungus and still the spores and hyphens could
taining ZnO nanoparticles was applied. As it can be clearly seen, the be seen (Fig. 6b). Previous studies showed that acrylic coatings can
accumulation of dirt was very high in the areas where ZnO nanopar- hinder the accessibility of the A. niger enzymes to the degradable
ticles were absent. Even the presence of the varnish layer resulted material [39]. Growth of the hyphens of A. niger on the acrylic var-
in accumulation of dirt. The same results were obtained in case of nish in this study could be due to the fact that the commercial
samples painted using the oil-based white color. varnish used contains linseed oil. It could be also due to defects of
Cleaning of the areas coated with the varnish containing ZnO the varnish coating and thus the fungus hyphens can reach the oil
nanoparticles was very easy using a soft brush compared to the layer. On the other hand, in case of coating the oil-painted layer with
other areas where the dirt particles strongly adhered to the painted the varnish containing ZnO nanoparticles, there was no growth of
layer or the varnish (Fig. 4). the inoculums of the fungus (Fig. 6c).

4.4. Effect of ZnO nanoparticles coating on microbial growth 4.5. Effect of UV aging on Fabriano paper and oil paintings

The ability of ZnO nanoparticles to affect the viability of the two The effect of UV aging for 150 hours on the properties of ZnO
fungus strains T. reesei and A. niger on paper-supported oil paintings nanoparticles-coated and non-coated Fabriano paper sheets and
samples was studied. An ascomycete, T. reesei is a mesophilic fungus paintings was studied. The effect on the change in color parameters
which is one of the most efficient xylanase and cellulase produc- (L, a, and b) and tensile strength of paper supports was studied.
ers. T. reesei produces a suite of cellulolytic enzymes with distinctly Tables 2 and 3 show the change in color (E) of the different
different activities, including endocellulases, exocellulases, and ␤- series as a result of UV aging at room temperature for 150 hours. In
glucosidases which synergistically depolymerize cellulose [35]. On case of series 1 (paper sheet coated with varnish layer with or with-
out ZnO nanoparticles), slight differences between the E of blank
paper sheet, the sheet coated with the varnish only, or the varnish
containing the ZnO nanoparticles was found. The decrease in E
of samples as a result of adding ZnO nanoparticles to the varnish
was ∼7%. This could be due to the fact that Fabriano paper sheet
is made of pure cellulose, which is known to be durable under UV
light. Cellulose unit has no groups absorbing UV radiation. Thus, its
photo-degradation is induced by internal, external chromophoric
impurities, or additives [40,41]. The photo-degradation processes
involved in cellulose are main chain scission, dehydroxylation,

Table 2
The change of color (E) of series 1 samples (Fabriano paper sheets coated with
acrylic varnish) as a result of UV aging for 150 hours.


Fig. 4. Picture of colored paintings after being left in open air for 6 months (left) Blank paper Blank paper Blank paper sheet +
and after cleaning with a brush and a dry piece of cotton (right). Area A: painted sheet sheet + varnish varnish + ZnO nanoparticles
with color + varnish + ZnO nanoparticles; area B: painted with color + varnish; area
Series 1 8.86 8.13 7.54
C: painted with color.
O.M. El-Feky et al. / Journal of Cultural Heritage 15 (2014) 165–172 169

Fig. 5. SEM of samples inoculated with Trichoderma reesei for 4 weeks: a: blank Fabriano paper sheets; b: Fabriano paper sheets + varnish; c: Fabriano paper
sheets + varnish + ZnO nanoparticles.

dehydromethylation and dehydrogenation, which lead to forma- Furthermore, the varnish used was containing an UV stabilizer to
tion of several free radicals that cause degradation and yellowing enhance its durability to color change, as stated by the manu-
of cellulose [41]. In addition, zinc oxide is known to filter out facturer. Therefore, a slight effect for the ZnO nanoparticles was
the shorter, i.e., higher energy, wavelengths of UV light. Due to observed.
the nano-size nature of the ZnO used in the coating varnish, the In case of series 2, where Fabriano paper was painted with the
property of filtering out the shorter UV light is expected to be linseed oil-based yellow, blue, and red colors followed by applying
much higher due to higher surface area of the nanoparticles [42]. a varnish with or without ZnO nanoparticles, UV light did not cause

Fig. 6. SEM of samples inoculated with Aspergillus niger for 4 weeks: a: linseed oil-painted Fabriano paper sheets; b: linseed oil-painted Fabriano paper sheets + varnish; c:
linseed oil-painted Fabriano paper sheets + varnish.
170 O.M. El-Feky et al. / Journal of Cultural Heritage 15 (2014) 165–172

Fig. 7. Effect of UV aging on the properties of the different oil-painted samples.

changes in color indices of paintings made using the yellow and red varnish was 8, 15, and 23% in case of yellow, red, and blue colors,
colors inorganic pigments. Both of vermilion (mercuric sulfide) and respectively. The change in the color of the linseed oil used as a
yellow ochre (iron oxide) had excellent fastness in UV light [43,44]. matrix is also expected but it may not be obvious in the colored
But in case of the ultramarine blue color, a drastic change in color samples.
took place as a result of UV aging. The weak UV light fastness of In case of series 3 (TiO2 -linseed oil-based paintings), significant
that pigment was reported before [45,46]. Coating of the blue paint change in E values took place in case of the painted sample and
with the acrylic varnish significantly reduced the change of the blue the painted sample coated with the varnish (without ZnO nanopar-
color as a result of UV aging. The presence of ZnO nanoparticles in ticles). The change in the color could be attributed to the oxidation
the varnish layer further reduced the change in the blue color. The of the linseed oil under the effect of UV light [47]. In addition, tita-
decrease in E as a result of addition of ZnO nanoparticles to the nium dioxide pigment, upon e xposure to ultraviolet, induces the
O.M. El-Feky et al. / Journal of Cultural Heritage 15 (2014) 165–172 171

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