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Front cover
Course Exercises Guide
IBM Storwize V7000 Implementation
Course code SSE1G   ERC 3.1
August 2016 edition
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Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi

Exercises description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii

Exercise 0. Lab environment overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0-1

Section 1: Identify lab hardware and resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0-2
Section 2: Team lab data sheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0-3
Section 3: Connect to the Admin server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0-4
Section 4: Setup connection to the WIN server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0-5

Exercise 1. System initial configuration with Service Assistant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1

Section 1: Access the SSE1 Simulated lab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2
Section 2: Connect to V7000 node1 Service Assistant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2
Section 3: Verify current system settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3
Section 4: Perform the cluster creation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-6

Exercise 2. Storwize V7000 system setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1

Section 1: Connect to the V7000 management GUI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2
Section 2: Complete system configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3

Exercise 3. System user authentication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1

Section 1: Review system initial configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2
Section 2: Establish an SSH Client Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6
Section 3: Generate SSH keys for root and local user CLI access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-9
Section 4: Modify superuser credentials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-12
Section 5: Create an administrator user access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-13
Section 6: Validate administrator user CLI access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-15

Exercise 4. Provision internal storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1

Section 1: Evaluate internal storage resource . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2
Section 2: Create internal storage pool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3
Section 3: Create a RAID array and add MDisks to storage pool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5

Exercise 5. Examine external storage resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1

Section 1: Launch DS Storage Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2
Section 2: Verify LUNs presented to the Storwize V7000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3
Section 3: Verify LUNs presented to the Storwize V7000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-8

Exercise 6. Managing external storage resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-1

Section 1: Modify external storage resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2
Section 2: Create storage pools from external resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-3
Section 3: Modify external resource MDisk names using the GUI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-5
Section 4: Modify external resource names using the CLI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-9

Exercise 7. Host definitions and volume allocations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-1

Section 1: Identify WWPN on the Windows server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-2
Section 2: Create a Windows host object in V7000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-3
Section 3: Identify WWPN on the AIX server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-6
Section 4: Create an AIX host object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-8

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2012, 2016 iii

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

TOC Section 5: Create and map volumes to a Windows server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-9

Section 6: Create and map volumes to an AIX server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-16

Exercise 8. Access storage from Windows and AIX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-1

Section 1: Discover V7000 volumes on Windows host . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-2
Section 2: Correlate host disks to Storwize V7000 volumes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-4
Section 3: Create a simple volume on Windows host . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-6
Section 4: Add existing data to the mounted drives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-10
Section 5: Discover Storwize V7000 volumes on AIX host . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-12
Section 6: Create an AIX host mount point using the V7000 volume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-14

Exercise 9. Hybrid pool and Easy Tier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-1

Section 1: Change Easy Tier setting for single tier pool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-2
Section 2: Create a Hybrid pool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-4
Section 3: Create new volumes in the hybrid pool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-8
Section 4: Create Windows disks for the mapped volumes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-11
Section 5: Start IOmeter to run traffic to the volumes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-13
Section 6: Review IOmeter results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-23

Exercise 10. Access Storwize V7000 through iSCSI host . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-1

Section 1: Define iSCSI ports on the V7000 system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-2
Section 2: Connect the iSCSI host to the V7000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-3
Section 3: Create an iSCSI Windows-based host on the Storwize V7000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-8
Section 4: Create and map volumes to the iSCSI Windows-based server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-9
Section 5: Verify volume access on a host server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-10
Section 6: Configure multiple iSCSI target ports for MPIO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-13

Exercise 11. Volume dependencies and tier migration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-1

Section 1: Review volume and MDisk dependencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-2
Section 2: Migrate a volume to another pool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-5

Exercise 12. Reconfigure internal storage: RAID options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-1

Section 1: Delete the internal drive pool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-2
Section 2: Create a RAID-10 pool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-4
Section 3: Explore different RAID configuration options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-5
Section 4: Assign storage to the RAID 10 array. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-8
Section 5: Migrate volumes to the RAID-10 pool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-11

Exercise 13. Thin provision and volume copy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-1

Section 1: Create a thin-provisioned volume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-2
Section 2: Access a thin-provisioned volume from a host . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-8
Section 3: Create a volume copy with volume mirroring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-10
Section 4: Delete the source volume that was copied . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-16

Exercise 14. Real-time compression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-1

Section 1: Review status before creating a compressed volume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-2
Section 2: Create a compressed volume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-3
Section 3: Review status after creating a compressed volume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-5
Section 4: Access a compressed volume from a host . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-7
Section 5: Determine candidate volumes for compression with Comprestimator . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-10
Section 6: Convert existing volumes to compressed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-12

Exercise 15. Import data migration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-1

Section 1: Assign backend LUN to Windows host group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-2
Section 2: Initialize the backend LUNs on the Windows server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-3

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2012, 2016 iv

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

TOC Section 3: Copy data to the disks on the Windows server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-4
Section 4: Assign LUN from the backend storage to the V7000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-5
Section 5: Discover and rename new LUN (MDisk) with existing data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-7
Section 6: Import existing data on the MDisk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-9
Section 7: Map volume to the Windows server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-12
Section 8: Migrate a volume (LUN) to another pool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-12
Section 9: Validate access of imported volume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-14
Section 10: Delete the migration pool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-16

Exercise 16. Copy Services: FlashCopy and consistency groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-1

Section 1: Review data content prior to FlashCopy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-2
Section 2: Define and perform FlashCopy for two related volumes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-3
Section 3: Map the FlashCopy volumes to a host . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-11
Section 4: Unmap the FlashCopy volumes from the host . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-13
Section 5: Review FlashCopy status via the CLI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-15
Section 6: Perform incremental FlashCopy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-18

Exercise 17. User roles and access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-1

Section 1: User roles GUI access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-2
Section 2: Create a user with copy operator role . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-3
Section 3: Create a user with monitor role . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-3
Section 4: Define a FlashCopy mapping in the CLI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-4
Section 5: Test the copy operator user access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-5
Section 6: Test the monitor user access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-6

Exercise 18. Migrate existing data with Migration Wizard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-1

Section 1: Examine current disk status on the WIN server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-2
Section 2: Assign backend LUNs to the team WIN server host . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-2
Section 3: Initialize the backend LUNs on the WIN server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-4
Section 4: Format the disks on the WIN server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-4
Section 5: Copy data to the disks on the WIN server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-6
Section 6: Assign LUNs from the DS3K to the V7000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-6
Section 7: Examine and rename new LUNs on the V7000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-7
Section 8: Migrate LUNs to the V7000 with the Migration Wizard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-9
Section 9: Map the migrated volumes to a host . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-13
Section 10: Validate the migrated disks on Windows server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-17
Section 11: Examine the volume and MDisk type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-18
Section 12: Migrate image volumes to striped volumes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-19
Section 13: Finalize the migration of the volumes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-24

Exercise 19. Easy Tier and STAT analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-1

Section 1: Check volume status for exploration of Easy Tier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-2
Section 2: Stop the IOmeter application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-2
Section 3: Download the heat map file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-3
Section 4: Open a heat map file with the STAT tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-4
Section 5: Review a single tier pool with the STAT tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-8
Section 6: Review a two tier pool with the STAT tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-11

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IBM Spectrum™ IBM Spectrum Accelerate™ IBM Spectrum Archive™
IBM Spectrum Control™ IBM Spectrum Protect™ IBM Spectrum Scale™
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Exercises description


Exercises description

This guide includes a series of hands-on exercises to reinforce the exit skills that are identified in
the course objectives. Read the following notes before starting the labs to become familiar with the
lab environment.

The following is a list of the resources available to each team, as required to perform the lab
• IBM Storwize V7000 (two nodes) DS3400 LUNs storage through Storwize V7000
• Windows 2008 Server R2
• pSeries running AIX LPAR
• Windows ADMIN server VM to access lab resources
A team name is used to qualify a set of team resources. In general, the team name is defined by
four values that comprise the six character name ID. The first character identifies the storage type
(V=V7000, S=SVC, and so on). The next 3 characters represent the third octet of the subnet in
which the resources are configured (A third octet of 9 would result in the 3 characters being 009).
The next character represents environment ID in which a set of resources are assigned together
within the subnet (there is an A side and a B side of resources in the same subset). The last
character represents the team number assignment for the given set of resources. An example team
name is V009A1. Resources that are in the same subnet share the same back-end storage device.

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Exercises description

pref This course includes the following exercises:

• Exercise 00: Lab environment overview
• Exercise 01: System initial configuration with Service Assistant
• Exercise 02: Storwize V7000 System Setup
• Exercise 03: System user authentication
• Exercise 04: Provision internal storage
• Exercise 05: Examine external storage resources
• Exercise 06: Managing external storage resources
• Exercise 07: Host definitions and volume allocations
• Exercise 08: Access storage from Windows and AIX
• Exercise 09: Hybrid pool and Easy Tier
• Exercise 10: Access Storwize V7000 through iSCSI host
• Exercise 11: Volume dependencies and tier migration
• Exercise 12: Reconfigure internal storage: RAID options
• Exercise 13:Thin provision and volume copy
• Exercise 14: Real-time compression
• Exercise 15: Import data migration
• Exercise 16: Copy Services: FlashCopy and consistency groups
• Exercise 17: User roles and access
• Exercise 18: Migrate existing data with Migration Wizard
• Exercise 19: Easy Tier and STAT analysis
In the exercise instructions, you can check off the line before each step as you complete it to track
your progress.
Validate each configuration action performed in the management GUI and CLI entries before
executing the task. Once a task is submitted, it might be difficult to undo the configuration change.
Some task will respond with a successful completion and some do not. Most of the names and
commands ARE case sensitive. For the exercise, always use UPPERCASE when creating specifies
names. This will make it easier to distinguish names from the objects.
Most exercises include required sections, which should always be completed. It might be
necessary to complete these sections before you can start later exercises. If you have sufficient
time and want an extra challenge, some exercises might also include optional sections that you can

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Exercises description


The screen shots used in this guide are for reference only. They should be used as guides and not
as directions to be performed. Follow the instructions that are provided in each lab exercise, not the
screen captures, which are examples only and might not be identical to your lab system.

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Exercise 0. Lab environment overview


Exercise 0. Lab environment overview

Estimated time

This exercise describes the lab environment and how to connect to it.

At the end of this exercise, you should be able to:
• Use the lab data sheet to interpret the team assigned lab equipment
• Carry out access of the lab environment

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Exercise 0. Lab environment overview

Exercise instructions
Section 1: Identify lab hardware and resources


This section is an overview of the IBM Storwize V7000 lab hardware configuration.

The following is a list of the lab resources available for each team:
• A Storwize V7000 with two nodes
• A shared DS3400 or DS3500 for external storage LUNs.
▪ Shared between two lab teams
• An AIX LPAR running on a Power Systems server
• A System x server running Windows 2008 Server
• A VM as the Admin server to access exercise resources running Windows 2008 Server.
The key resource to access the lab environment is the Admin server VM. From this resource the
student will access all the other lab resources. All lab exercises and procedures for these labs are
written based on the following shared applications:
• RDP: Remote Desktop Connection used to connect to servers
• Firefox web browser: Used to connect to various hardware components
• PuTTY: Used to open a command-line interface (CLI) session to various hardware components
• SDDDSM (Windows) and SDDPSM (AIX): Used to support the multipath configuration in the
SAN environment
The ADMIN server VM has these applications already installed.

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Exercise 0. Lab environment overview

Section 2: Team lab data sheet
This section identifies information about the Team lab data sheet (which the instructor should
provide) that includes information necessary to enter the data that is needed for the labs. The team
lab data sheet identifies each team resource by the assigned team number and team letter set.
__ 1. Determine the team name and team set ID you are assigned.
__ 2. Using your team identifier, enter the information into the exercise data sheet below, or use
the data sheet that is given to you by the Instructor.


The team name is used to qualify a set of team resources. In general, the team name is defined by
four values that comprise the six character name ID. The first character identifies the storage type
(V=V7000, S=SVC, and so on). The next 3 characters represent the third octet of the subnet in
which the resources are configured (A third octet of 9 would result in the 3 characters being 009).
The next character represents environment ID in which a set of resources are assigned together
within the subnet (there is an A side and a B side of resources in the same subnet). The last
character represents the team number assignment for the given set of resources. An example team
name is V009A1. Resources that are in the same subnet share the same back-end storage device.
The following table lists the resources that the student will access in the labs.
The IRLP Citrix web site _________________________________________
The Team Citrix Logon ID _______________ Password ________________.

Resources Resource Name TCP/IP Address ID / Password

Team Name N/A N/A
Team Set ID N/A N/A
Team System ID N/A N/A
Admin server
WIN server
AIX server
DS3400/DS3500 (back-end storage)
V7K management GUI IP
V7K Node1 service IP N/A
V7K Node2 service IP N/A
V7K Node 1 Port 1 iSCSI IP
V7K Node 1 Port 2 iSCSI IP
V7K Node 2 Port 1 iSCSI IP/
V7K Node 2 Port 2 iSCSI IP
Gateway IP N/A
IP Subnet Mask N/A

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Exercise 0. Lab environment overview

Section 3: Connect to the Admin server
This section describes the procedure to connect to the lab hardware through the IBM Remote Lab
Platform (IRLP) Citrix server. The instructor may use this procedure as an instructor-led exercise to
ensure that all students connect to the remote hardware. If so, you can skip this section.


The access to the IBM supplied lab environment is through the IRLP. Access to this lab
environment is via a Citrix server that is managed at the IRLP. The instructor will provide
information and credentials for each lab team to access their assigned environment.
To access the Citrix server, each desktop system must locally install the Citrix Receiver software.
The student would then point their browser to open a connection to the Citrix server running at the
If you are using lab equipment other than the IRLP hardware for executing lab exercises
(non-IRLP) then use the connection procedures and information given by the instructor to access
the hardware.

__ 3. Open a web browser on the student system, and navigate to the Citrix server address
shown on the team lab data sheet.


The Firefox web browser might feel compelled to protect certain access to connections or sites that
it has deemed as untrusted. You need to reassure Firefox that you understand the risks, add the
exception, get the certificate, and confirm the security exception.

__ 4. The Citrix server logon window is displayed. Enter the Citrix credentials that are provided by
the instructor for the remote lab session.
__ 5. Click Log On to continue.
__ 6. Click the Remote Desktop Connection icon. This will connect you to your lab team Admin
__ 7. Log in using the credentials provided for the Admin server.

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Exercise 0. Lab environment overview

Section 4: Setup connection to the WIN server
This section describes the procedure to setup connection to the WIN server. The instructor may use
this procedure as an instructor-led exercise to ensure that all students connect to the remote
hardware. If so, you can skip this section.
__ 8. From the Admin desktop, right-click on the RDP shortcut icon and select Rename. Change
the default name to teamsetID-WIN (refer to your team data sheet).
__ 9. Click the teamsetID-WIN server icon. This will connect you to your WIN server.
__ 10. The Remote Desktop Connection is displayed. Enter the IP address for the WIN server
(refer to the team lab data sheet).
__ 11. Click the Options button.

__ 12. The Remote Desktop Connection General tab is displayed. Enter the user name of
Administrator (refer to the team lab data sheet).
__ 13. Click the Display tab.

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Exercise 0. Lab environment overview

__ 14. The Remote Desktop Connection General tab is displayed. Adjust the Display configuration by
dragging the slider bar to the value of 800 by 600 pixels. Do not click the Connect button yet.

__ 15. Return to the General tab display.

__ 16. Click the Save button.
__ 17. Click the Connect button.

__ 18. Log in using the credentials provided for the systemID-WIN server (refer to the team lab
data sheet). Click the OK button.
__ 19. Once you have successful log into the systemID-WIN server, verify that the WIN server
desktop is displayed in a smaller window.
__ 20. Select Start > Log off to close.

End of exercise

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Exercise 1. System initial configuration with Service Assistant


Exercise 1. System initial configuration

with Service Assistant
Estimated time

This exercise explores the initial setup using the IBM Storwize V7000 Service Assistant. Students
will use the Service Assistant Tool to initialize the V7000 node canisters to form a system cluster.

At the end of this exercise, you should be able to:
• Establish connection to the Service Assistant Tool using the node URL
• Identify the system information and status of each node canister
• Carry out the initialization of the Storwize V7000 cluster using the management IP address

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Exercise 1. System initial configuration with Service Assistant

Exercise instructions
Section 1: Access the SSE1 Simulated lab
This section describes the procedure to connect to the IBM Storwize V7000 Implementation
Workshop Simulated Lab.


This exercise can be completed either by the guided simulation or as an instructor-led

demonstration. Refer to your instructor as to which method will be used before proceeding.

__ 1. From the Admin server desktop, double-click on the SSE1 Simulation html shortcut.
__ 2. Follow the procedure specified in the simulation.


To complete this lab, you will need to use your IBM Storwize V7000 Implementation Workshop
Exercise Guide (SSE1). A viewable lab data sheet and helpful hints can also be found within the
simulation to help guide you through the exercise.
You also may need to zoom out your browser view of the content to see the full simulation screens.

Section 2: Connect to V7000 node1 Service Assistant

This procedure connects to the Service Assistant Tool to review the node settings and initialize a
Storwize V7000 cluster.
__ 3. From the Admin server desktop, double-click on the Mozilla Firefox icon.
__ 4. Enter the URL of your team V7000 Node1 Service IP address.
http://xx.xx.xx.xx (Where yy is your team number)


Your web browser might feel compelled to protect certain access it has been deemed as untrusted.
These certificate warnings are self-issued and not harmful. If required, accept and confirm the
following security exception to continue:
• I understand the Risk
• Add exception
• Confirm Security Exception

__ 5. Welcome to the Service Assistant login is displayed. Observe the change in the URL for the
V7000 Node1 Service IP address.

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Exercise 1. System initial configuration with Service Assistant



The management GUI URL prefix of http automatically changes to https, a secure encrypted
website with Digital Certification. Therefore the service IP address defaults to

__ 6. Observe that the superuser ID exists by default. Log on with credentials provided for this lab.

Section 3: Verify current system settings

This procedure explores the system settings on each node.
__ 7. From Service Assistant Tool Home (default) page, observe that the top right corner of the
GUI indicates the serial number and node ID (ex. 78G00NN-1 = node1) of the node you are
currently logged into and the upper left corner of the GUI indicates the serial number and
status of the node.

__ 8. From the Service Assistant Home page, observe that both nodes are in Candidate status.


The Change Node table columns are summarized below:

• Node Name: The first node option is selected by default; however, no node names have been
• Node Status: All nodes are listed as a Candidate. A node with this status indicates the node is
not configured and is available to be configured in an V7000 cluster. We will identify each node
based on its serial number (78G00NN-1).
• Error: There should be no errors indicated. If errors were detected, Error codes would be
displayed in the order of priority. When an error code is indicated, you can click the plus sign on
the Node Errors panel to view details and recommended actions to correct.
• Panel: A unique 6-digit value that is assigned to each node.
• System: The system name that is assigned once a node has been initialized.
• Site: Indicates whether the cluster configuration is a single (site1) location cluster or if it is split
between two locations (that is, site1, site2).
• Relationship: The node that is logged in is referred to as the Local node and the other nodes
have a value of Candidate.

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Exercise 1. System initial configuration with Service Assistant

__ 9. Under the Node Detail section for node1 (78G00NN-1), observe that the Configuration
Node status indicates No.


The Node Detail table section displays selected node information and is summarized below:
• Node tab: General information about the node that includes the node state and configuration
node status.
• Hardware tab: Information about the hardware.
• Access tab: Management IP addresses and the service addresses for this node.
• Ports tab: Information about the I/O ports.

__ 10. Click node2 (78G00NN-2).

__ 11. Under the Node Detail_Node section for node2, verify that the Configuration Node status
also indicates No.
__ 12. Expand the Node Errors section. If an error occur, this section will provide information on
the error code service procedures that must be followed to address the issue.


Each of the two node canisters have a separate service IP address that is specified for the Ethernet
port 1.

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Exercise 1. System initial configuration with Service Assistant

__ 13. Open a new tab on the browser window to verify this information from the secondary node
__ 14. Enter the URL of the V7000 Node2 Service IP address.


If the certificate warnings appear, accept and confirm the security exception to continue.

__ 15. Welcome to the Service Assistant login is displayed. The superuser ID exists by default. Log
on with credentials provided for this lab.
__ 16. The Storwize V7000 Service Assistant Home page is displayed. From the V7000 Node2
Service Assistant, verify the node2 is still in Candidate status.
__ 17. Click node1 (78G00NN-1) and verify its status and that there are no open errors.
__ 18. Click Log out to exit the node2 (78G00NN-1) Service Assistant Tool GUI.

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Exercise 1. System initial configuration with Service Assistant

Section 4: Perform the cluster creation
The next step is to initialize the cluster and assign a management IP address.
__ 19. Select the Storwize V7000 node1 browser window or tab.
__ 20. From the Service Assistant Home page, select node1 (78G00NN-1) to be used as the
Configuration Node of the cluster.


A cluster is a Storwize V7000 system that consists of two nodes, which are the node canisters
inside a control enclosure. The cluster setup must be done only once per cluster and not once per
control enclosure.

__ 21. Click Manage System menu on the left to start the procedure to initialize the system cluster.
__ 22. Enter the following parameters (refer to the team lab data sheet):


Press the Tab key after each entry.

__ a. System name: systemID_V7K

__ b. Accept the default IP Type of IPv4
__ c. Enter the V7000 cluster management GUI IP address
__ d. Enter the IP Subnet Mask
__ e. Enter the Gateway IP address
__ 23. Verify that the System Information content was entered correctly.

__ 24. Click Create System to create the cluster.

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Exercise 1. System initial configuration with Service Assistant



This initialization typical takes up to 15 minutes for the cluster configuration to complete across
both nodes. You are viewing a modified version on this process.

__ 25. Examine the several task result windows that are displayed during the initialization process.

__ 26. After a system reboot, the node will become available again. Click OK.

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Exercise 1. System initial configuration with Service Assistant

__ 27. From the Manage System window, observe the initialization process. You can ignore the
Not Responding message.

__ 28. Once the operation has completed successfully. Click Return.

__ 29. From the Manage System menu, observe that the system management IP address has
been established on node1(78G00NN-1).

__ 30. Click the Home menu option.

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Exercise 1. System initial configuration with Service Assistant

__ 31. From the Service Assistant Home page, under the Change Node section, observe the
following changes:
- Both node now contains a node name.
- Both node status automatically changed from Candidate to Active. If the nodes might
still be in process, wait until both nodes become Active.
- Both node system serial number has been replaced with the system name
(systemID-V7K) you created.


The nodes that are part of the cluster will now operate as a single system and present a single point
of control for system management and service.

__ 32. Under the Node Detail_Node section for node1. Observe that node1 has been assigned as
the configuration node of the cluster.


All system management and error reporting are provided through an Ethernet interface to the
configuration node in the system.

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Exercise 1. System initial configuration with Service Assistant

__ 33. Select node2.
__ 34. Under the Node Detail_Node section of node2, verify Configuration Node status is still No.


Node2 functions as the secondary node in the cluster. If the current configuration node fails,
secondary node can continue operations without further delays.

__ 35. Click Log out to exit from the IBM Storwize V7000 Service Assistant Tool.
__ 36. Click the Exit button to close the Service Assistant browser window.

End of exercise

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Exercise 2. Storwize V7000 system setup


Exercise 2. Storwize V7000 system

Estimated time

This exercise completes the initial setup task for the Storwize V7000 system using the System
Setup wizard. The student will specify license functions, set date and time, and establish email

At the end of this exercise, you should be able to:
• Establish connection to the Storwize V7000 management graphical user interface (GUI)
• Use the System Setup wizard of the Storwize V7000 to complete the initial system setup
• Verify the configuration node of the Storwize V7000 clustered system

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Exercise 2. Storwize V7000 system setup

Exercise instructions
Section 1: Connect to the V7000 management GUI
This procedure completes the Storwize V7000 cluster configuration by performing the system setup
using the V7000 System Setup wizard.


This exercise can be completed either by a guided simulation or as an instructor-led demonstration.

Refer to your instructor as to which method will be used before proceeding.

__ 1. From the Admin server desktop, double-click on the SSE1 Simulation html shortcut.
__ 2. Follow the procedure specified in the simulation.


To complete this lab, you will need to use your IBM Storwize V7000 Implementation Workshop
Exercise Guide (SSE1). A viewable lab data sheet and helpful hints can also be found within the
simulation to help guide you through the exercise.
You also may need to zoom out your browser view of the content to see the full simulation screens.
__ 3. From the Admin server desktop, double-click on the Mozilla Firefox icon.
__ 4. Enter the URL of your team V7000 management GUI IP address.


Your web browser might feel compelled to protect certain access it has been deemed as untrusted.
These certificate warnings are self-issued and not harmful. If required, accept and confirm the
following security exception to continue:
• I understand the Risk
• Add exception
• Confirm Security Exception


If you log on to the management GUI for the first time after the initial setup of the system has
completed, then you will be shown the System License agreement.

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Exercise 2. Storwize V7000 system setup

__ 5. From the System License agreement pane, click Accept to agree with the terms in the
license agreement.
__ 6. Observe that a special user who is known as the superuser is presented in the system log in
__ 7. Enter the new password credentials specified for this lab. Tab down and re-enter the same
password value to confirm.
__ 8. Click the Log in button to continue.

Section 2: Complete system configuration

This procedure completes the initialization of the Storwize V7000 System using the Setup Wizard.
__ 9. From the System Setup Welcome window, observe the list of information that is required to
complete the system setup. Click the Next button.

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Exercise 2. Storwize V7000 system setup

__ 10. The System Name screen is displayed. Verify that the system name is your assigned
systemID_V7K. Click the Apply and Next> button.

__ 11. Assuming that the administrator has purchased additional licenses, from the License
Functions window, enter the license values as the following:


Select the first field and enter the value, then used the tab key to complete the remaining entries.

__ a. Remote Mirroring = 3
__ b. External Virtualization = 2
__ c. Real-time Compression = 3

__ 12. Click the Apply and Next> button.

__ 13. Review the svctask chlicense commands generated to apply each license entry. Click
__ 14. From the Date and Time window, select the radio button that is associated with Manually.


Date and Time can also be derived from an NTP server.

__ 15. Click the Apply and Next> button.

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Exercise 2. Storwize V7000 system setup

__ 16. Observe that the system time zone is set to Use Browser Settings. Click the Use Browser
Settings option to de-select this option.
__ 17. Select the Time Zone field. Click the scroll bar and select (GMT-5:00) Eastern Time (US &
__ 18. Click the Apply and Next> button.

__ 19. Review the list of svctask commands generated to change the system time zone and set
the cluster time. Observe that no ntp server IP address has been configured. Click the
Close button.
__ 20. The Call Home_System Location window is displayed. From the System Location window,
enter the following parameters for the physical location of the system to be serviced or to
ship parts:


Select the first field and enter the value, then used the tab key to complete the remaining entries.

__ a. Company name: IBM System Storage

__ b. System address: 555 Davis Drive
__ c. City: RTP
__ d. State (abbr.) or province: NC
__ e. Postal code: 27709
__ f. Country or region: Click the scroll bar and select United States
__ g. Description: First floor

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Exercise 2. Storwize V7000 system setup


__ 21. Click the Next > button.

__ 22. From the Call Home_Contact window, enter the following parameters for the system point of


Select the first field and enter the value, then used the tab key to complete the remaining entries.

__ a. Name: Joe Tech

__ b. Email:
__ c. Phone (primary): 555-454-5555

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Exercise 2. Storwize V7000 system setup

__ d. Phone (alternate): 555-454-5556

__ 23. Click the Apply and Next> button.

__ 24. Review the list of generated CLI commands used to establish the email notification system
location and point of contract. Click Close.
__ 25. The Call Home_Email Servers window is displayed. Enter the IP address of the email
server in which to receive notifications. Click the Tab key.
__ 26. Verify that the email server is reachable by sending an Internet Control Message. Click the
Ping button.

__ 27. Click the Apply and Next> button.

__ 28. Review the svctask mkemailserver command generated to establish the email server
IP address that will handle call home and event notification. Click the Close button.

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Exercise 2. Storwize V7000 system setup

__ 29. From the Summary window, review system information. Click the Finish button to continue.

__ 30. Review the svctask chsystem command generated to complete the system setup
tasks. Click the Close button.
__ 31. The Setup Completed window is displayed. Click the Close button to be redirected to the
management GUI.

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Exercise 2. Storwize V7000 system setup

__ 32. The Suggest Task window is displayed. This is generated by the system to remind you to
create pools. This task will be completed later in another lab. Click the Cancel button.

__ 33. From the Storwize V7000 System window, observe that the control enclosure is online
__ 34. Verify that the system has discovered one controller online and there are no errors issued.
__ 35. Click the yellow arrow to rotate system to view the rear panel of a Storwize V7000 control
__ 36. Select the top node canister (node1) to view its status and details. Observe that node1 is
operational and is assigned to the cluster as the Configuration Node.

__ 37. Select the bottom node canister (node2) to view its status and details.

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Exercise 2. Storwize V7000 system setup



The Storwize V7000 control nodes are logical nodes, which implies that the configuration node can
be either canister 1 (node1) or canister 2 (node2).

__ 38. Click the blue arrow to rotate system to return system to its front view.


We will explore the components of the Storwize V7000 later in the lab.

__ 39. Select the Superuser ID and click Log out to exit the systemID_V7K management GUI.

End of exercise

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Exercise 3. System user authentication


Exercise 3. System user authentication

Estimated time

This exercise explores the Storwize V7000 system initial configuration and hardware resource
using the root superuser credentials. The student will also create and modify administrator users’
credentials to enable SSH management access to the Storwize V7000 clustered system using both
the graphical user interface (GUI) and command-line interface (CLI).

At the end of this exercise, you should be able to:
• Use the Storwize V7000 management GUI to identity system information
• Use the PuTTY Utility tool to create an SSH client connection between host server and V7000
• Create an administrator user ID to management the Storwize V7000 system
• Use PuTTYGen to generate SSH key pair for authentication access
• Modify local user credentials to add SSH authentication access
• Verify Storwize V7000 system information using CLI SSH authentication access

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Exercise 3. System user authentication

Exercise instructions
Section 1: Review system initial configuration
This procedure reviews the Storwize V7000 system configuration details and identify the location of
the hardware components.
__ 1. From the Admin server desktop, open a browser window.
__ 2. Enter the URL of the systemID-V7K management GUI IP address.
__ 3. Log on with superuser credentials (refer to the team lab data sheet).


By default the IBM Storwize V7000 System panel is displayed (Monitoring > System).

__ 4. Observe the three main options for navigating through the management GUI.


With the release of the Storwize V7000 v7.4 software code, the management GUI offers an intuitive
dynamic view of the system model, a list of function contextual menus and system indicators to
monitor the capacity allocation, performance, and health status of the system.

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Exercise 3. System user authentication

__ 5. Observe the seven dynamic function icons located on the left of the System panel. Hover
the mouse cursor over each function icon to view its pop-up context menu.
__ 6. From the System panel center window, observe the system dynamic view of the IBM
Storwize V7000 Control Enclosure model. This mode represents the existing configuration.
__ 7. Observe the system capacity band around the model. This band provides a quick view of
the system capacity that has been allocated.


Hovering the mouse cursor over each component highlights its details. Right-clicking on a
component displays pop-up menu with a description and identify important parameters and
functions of the selected element.

__ 8. Right-click on the Storwize V7000 Control Enclosure gray area. Observe the list of menu
options available.
__ 9. Select Properties. Examine the system details that includes the system machine
type/model number and serial number.

__ 10. Hover the mouse pointer over all drive slots to view the technology information about the


What are the two types of drive technology that are installed in the Storwize V7000 Control
______________________________ ___________________________

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Exercise 3. System user authentication

__ 11. Right-click any drive slot of the enclosure and select Properties. Click the link to view
more details.

__ 12. Click the yellow arrow to rotate the system to view the rear components. Observe that the
system rotates by 180° from front and rear.
__ 13. Hover the mouse cursor over the rear components to view details on its power supplies,
node canisters, installed Fibre Channel (FC) host interface cards, active Ethernet and SAS
ports and connectors.

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Exercise 3. System user authentication



A yellow arrow can serve as a warning or a reminder. At this point, it serves as a reminder that there
are inactive unconfigured FC ports. A port with offline status indicates that its link is not connected.
• It is normal for port 2 of the canisters in the expansion enclosure at the end of a SAS chain to be
• If no expansion enclosures are connected to a system, it is normal for port 4 of each canister in
the control enclosure to be offline.


A list of the active Fibre Channel WWPNs as well as the SAS ports status is also viewable from the
front on the enclosure. Right-click on the enclosure and select View > Fibre Channel Ports or SAS
Ports option.

__ 14. Click the blue arrow to return to the front view.

__ 15. Explore the four static system-wide indicators at the bottom of the System panel. These
system-wide indicators are accessible from any GUI display panel.


System indicators:
• The Running Task indicator provides details and status on tasks being initiated by the user or
• The Capacity (leftmost) indicator allows you to toggle between viewing the overall physical
capacity (the initial amount of storage that was allocated) and virtual capacity.
• The Health status (rightmost) indicator warns administrators of critical errors or alerts that need
immediate attention. During this time, you can click the X icon to open the context menu to see
the status critical errors or alerts.
• The Performance (center) indicators provide general system statistics on the system CPU
utilization, host and internal interfaces, volumes, and managed disks (MDisks). You can switch
between MBps or input/output operations per second (IOPS).

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Exercise 3. System user authentication

__ 16. Click the Overview link in the upper right corner of the bowser. This feature is a modified
version of the previous code System > Overview panel that tracks the number of system
resource that is allocated.


At this point, the system resources have not been configured.

Section 2: Establish an SSH Client Connection

The procedure establishes an SSH client connection between the host server and the Storwize
V7000 CLI.
__ 17. From Storwize V7000 management GUI, select Access > Users.


The column width in any display area can be resized by dragging the edge of its heading box left or
right. A column heading can be dragged and dropped to reorder the display order of the columns.

__ 18. The Users panel is displayed. Observe the list of default User Groups.

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Exercise 3. System user authentication

__ 19. From the All User panel, observe that the superuser ID is the only user defined. Notice that
a password is configured but no SSH key configured.


The Security Administrator can manage all the Storwize V7000 features and functions. This is the
most powerful role. All functions are permitted, including user management functions.

__ 20. Minimize the systemID-V7K management GUI browser.

__ 21. From the Admin server desktop, open a PuTTY session.
__ 22. From the PuTTY Configuration Session window, complete the following settings:
__ a. Host Name (or IP address): Enter the Storwize V7000 management IP address (refer
to the team lab data sheet).
__ b. Port: 22 (accept the default)
__ c. Connection type: SSH (accept the default)
__ d. Saved Sessions: Enter your systemID-V7K (refer to the team lab data sheet).
__ e. Click the Save button.

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Exercise 3. System user authentication

__ f. Click Open to start a session.

__ 23. If you are connecting to an SSH session for first time, you might see a PuTTY Security Alert.
Click Yes to continue.
__ 24. Log in with the Storwize V7000 management superuser credentials and password (refer to
the team lab data sheet).


The command prompt might contain the storage system product ID and/or the system name,
followed by the logged in user name.

__ 25. Issue the lscurrentuser command to display the name and role of the logged-in user.

__ 26. Issue the lsusergrp command to list all of the user groups that have been created on the

__ 27. Type exit to close the systemID-V7K CLI session.

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Exercise 3. System user authentication

Section 3: Generate SSH keys for root and local user CLI access
In this procedure, you will generate an SSH key pair and associate the key pair with a user name.
__ 28. From the admin server desktop, double-click the PuTTYgen icon.


You can toggle to and from the Admin Server desktop using the Show desktop system tray icon.

__ 29. From the PuTTYgen Generator window, performing the following steps:
__ a. Type of key to generate: Accept the default (SSH-2 RSA).
__ b. Click the Generate button. This process will generate a key pair (public and private).


Move the mouse cursor around in the blank (gray) area below the Key generator progress bar (to
generate some randomness) until the progress bar is full. The more the cursor is moved, the faster
the key pair will be generated.

__ 30. When key generation is completed, observe that the PuTTY Key Generator presents two
buttons: Save public key and Save private key.
__ 31. Once the private/ public key pair has been generated, the PuTTYGen Generator window list
key attributes of the key pair.

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Exercise 3. System user authentication

__ 32. From the Key panel, append -superuser user name to the Key comment field.


The key comment can help identify a key pair in the event multiple key pairs are generated.

__ 33. Click the Save public key button. Navigate to the C:\Software\MyKeys folder to save the
public key as
__ 34. Click the Save private key button. Save the private key in the C:\Software\MyKeys folder
as superuser.ppk.
__ 35. Click Yes to confirm that you wish to save the private key without a Key Passphrase.


The Key Passphrase is used to encrypt the file that contains the RSA Key. In order to use the key
for public-key encryption, user will need to enter the passphrase to decrypt its file. Using a
passphrase helps increase security when using SSH keys.

From PuTTYgen, create a second set of keys.

__ a. Ensure the SSH-2 RSA radio button is defaulted.
__ b. Click the Generate button to generate a pair of public and private keys.

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Exercise 3. System user authentication



Remember to move the cursor within the Key generator box to generate the key pair faster.

__ 36. Once key generation is completed, prior to saving the keys, append -teamname user name
to the Key comment field.

__ 37. Click the Save public key button. Navigate to the C:\Software \MyKeys folder to save the
public key as
__ 38. Click the Save private key button. Save the private key in the C:\Software \MyKeys folder
as teamname-admin.ppk.
__ 39. Click Yes to confirm that you wish to save the private key without a Key Passphrase.


The Key Passphrase is used to encrypt the file that contains the RSA Key. In order to use the key
for public-key encryption, user will need to enter the passphrase to decrypt its file. Using a
passphrase helps increase security when using SSH keys.

__ 40. Navigate to the admin server C:\Software\MyKeys folder. Verify that both the superuser
and teamname-admin private/ public key pairs are listed.

__ 41. Close both the MyKeys folder and the PuTTYgen window.

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Exercise 3. System user authentication

Section 4: Modify superuser credentials
In this procedure, the student will modify the superuser’s credential to enable SSH authentication
access to manage the clustered system using CLI.
__ 42. Return to the systemID-V7K management GUI Access > Users view.
__ 43. Right-click the superuser ID and select Properties from the pull down menu.
__ 44. From the User Properties pane using the following parameters to assign SSH keys to the
superuser ID:
__ a. Accept the default of Local as the Authentication Mode.
__ b. Under the Local Credentials pane, click the Browse button associated with the SSH
Public Key field entry. Navigate to the C:\Software\MyKeys folder.
__ c. Click on the key.
__ d. Click the Open button to load file.
__ e. Verify that the file is now listed in the SSH Public Key field.
__ f. Click OK to upload the public key the system.

__ 45. Review the generated svctask chcurrentuser command in the Modify User pane the
key file is being passed to the system on behalf of the current user. Click the Close button.

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Exercise 3. System user authentication

__ 46. Verify the superuser ID now indicates Yes for the SSH Key column.


As best practice, when using scripts it is more secure to use the SSH keys rather than passwords.

Section 5: Create an administrator user access

This procedure creates a local administrative user ID with authorization to manage the Storwize
V7000 using both the management GUI and CLI SSH authentication.
__ 47. From the User pane, click the Create User button.
__ 48. Create a user using the following parameters:
__ a. Assign a name of teamname-admin for this user.
__ b. Accept Local as the default Authentication Mode.
__ c. Select Administrator in the User Groups pull-down list.
__ d. Enter the password value of password and retype password to verify.
__ a. Click the SSH Public Key File Browse button. Navigate to the C:\Software \MyKeys
__ b. Click on the key.
__ c. Click the Open button.
__ d. Verify that the file is now listed in the SSH Public Key field.

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Exercise 3. System user authentication

__ e. Click the Create button.

__ 49. Review the generated svctask mkuser command. Observe that the key file is passed to
the system and a password is set up for the teamname-admin user that is being created.
Note that the -usergrp 1 value denotes the Administrator user group. Click the Close
__ 50. Verify that the teamname-admin user ID has been created with SSH authentication.
__ 51. From the User Groups filter list, click Administrator.
__ 52. Observe that the teamname-admin user ID is assigned to the Administrator user group
which authorizes administrative privileges to management the V7000 clustered system.

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Exercise 3. System user authentication



Administrator users can manage all functions of the system except those that manage users, user
groups, and authentication. Administrator-role users can run the system commands that the
security-administrator-role users can run from the CLI except for commands that deal with users,
user groups, and authentication.

__ 53. Log out of the systemID-V7K management GUI.

Section 6: Validate administrator user CLI access

This procedure validates user’s CLI access and authentication to the Storwize V7000 system
information using the CLI.
__ 54. From the Admin server, open a PuTTY session.
__ 55. Select the saved systemID-V7K session for the Storwize V7000. Click the Load button.
__ 56. From the Category pane, select Connection > SSH > Auth to view the options controlling
the SSH Authentication.
__ 57. Click the Browse button associated with the Private key file for authentication field.
Navigate to the C:\Software MyKeys folder.
__ 58. Select the teamname-admin.ppk file (that you generated earlier).
__ 59. Verify that the teamname-admin.ppk (private key) is listed in the window.

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Exercise 3. System user authentication



This is the private key that matches the public key that you had stored in the system. If you want to
log in with a password instead of a key, this field needs to be cleared.
If you are managing the Storwize V7000 system as a superuser, you must upload the
superuser.ppk key.

__ 60. From the Category pane, select Session.

__ 61. Click Save to save the private key with the V7000 saved session.
__ 62. Click the Open button to start the SSH session with the systemID-V7000 CLI.


If this is the first time the SSH session is started, you might see a PuTTY Security Alert.


The SSH keys are stored in the Windows Registry. If the SSH access was configured earlier, an
older key might still be in the registry. Click Yes to reset the key.

__ 63. Log in with the teamname-admin user ID (refer to the team lab data sheet). Observe that
the SSH performs authentication of its private key with the public key that was previously
installed to the system.

__ 64. Enter the lsuser command to display a list of the assigned users of the system.

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Exercise 3. System user authentication



Since the v6.2.0 release, the svcinfo list command prefix and the svctask action
command prefix are no longer required when a command is entered.
The CLI provides command-line completion to ease command entry. Enter enough characters until
the command name is unambiguous then press the Tab key. The remainder of the command name
is filled in automatically. Also the up arrow of the keyboard retrieves previously entered commands.

__ 65. Enter the lssystem command to display system information and settings. Scroll down to
review the full output of this command.

__ 66. Press the up arrow of the keyboard to retrieve the lssystem command and append ip to
the command to list the Storwize V7000 system’s management IP addresses.
lssystem ip

__ 67. Enter the lsiogrp command to display information about I/O groups and assigned

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Exercise 3. System user authentication

__ 68. Enter the lsnodecanister -delim, command to obtain a list of the nodes in the
system. Observe that each node has an object ID as well as a name and the configuration
node of the clustered system.


The –delim or delimiter parameter condenses the on-screen content by separating the data
fields with a comma (or other special characters, such as a colon or slash) instead of white space to
minimize text wrapping.

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Exercise 3. System user authentication

__ 69. Enter the lsnodecanisterhw node1 command to display hardware detailed
information about a specific node, including the installed host adapters. Scroll down to
review the full output of this command.


Use the help (or man) command to display help information for system commands or the –h
parameter behind the svcinfo and svctask. If you specify a command name using
command_name, the complete help file text for the command is displayed. If you do not specify a
command name, a comprehensive list of all commands is displayed (with one brief descriptive line).

__ 70. Type exit to close the systemID-V7K CLI session.

End of exercise

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Exercise 4. Provision internal storage


Exercise 4. Provision internal storage

Estimated time

This exercise defines managed disks (MDisks) from the IBM Storwize V7000 physical internal
drives to be used as virtualize storage resources. This exercise will also explore the internal
storage environment to verify the managed resources.

At the end of this exercise, you should be able to:
• Categorize internal storage resources that can be managed by the Storwize V7000
• Create a storage pool to house and allocate managed disk (MDisk) space
• Define internal storage RAID array into MDisk resources to be used as virtualize system

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Exercise 4. Provision internal storage

Exercise instructions
Section 1: Evaluate internal storage resource
This procedure reviews the internal drive resources and its attributes.
__ 1. From the Admin server desktop, open a browser window.
__ 2. Enter the URL of the systemID-V7K management GUI IP address.
__ 3. Log on with teamname-admin credentials provided in the team lab data sheet.
__ 4. From the Storwize V7000 management GUI, select Pools > Internal Storage.
__ 5. From the Drive Class Filter, All Internal (by default) lists the details of each drive that is
installed the Storwize V7000 enclosure. Scroll down to view the complete drive list.


The Use column indicates that all drives are in Candidate status and ready to be assigned to an
array. Each drive can be identified by a Enclosure ID and its Drive Slot location.

__ 6. Under the Drive Class Filter, select the 278.9 GiB Enterprise option.


How many SAS Enterprise drives are installed in the enclosure? _____

__ 7. Select the 278.9 GiB Flash option. Observe that only 2 Flash drives are displayed.

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Exercise 4. Provision internal storage

__ 8. Observe the internal storage capacity allocation indicator in the upper right corner of the
GUI browser. Currently no capacity has been allocated.


The Total Capacity shows the overall capacity of the internal storage that is installed in this IBM
Storwize V7000 storage system.
The MDisk Capacity shows the internal storage capacity that is assigned to the MDisks, which
means capacity already configured in RAID arrays.
The Spare Capacity shows total capacity of all drives that were designated as spare drives.
The percentage bar indicates the percentage of the total capacity that is allocated to the MDisk
capacity, with the grayed area showing the capacity of the spare disks.

Section 2: Create internal storage pool

This procedure creates a storage pool to house managed disks (MDisks).
__ 9. From the Navigate path link above, select Pools (or select Pools > Pools).
__ 10. The Suggest Task window is displayed. This is generated by the system to remind you to
create pools. Click the Cancel button.
__ 11. Click the Create button from the Pools panel toolbar.
__ 12. From the Create Pools pane window, enter the name teamname-RAID5. Click the Create

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Exercise 4. Provision internal storage

__ 13. Examine the svctask mkmdiskgrp command generated to create a storage pool. The
-easytier setting of auto indicates that the Easy Tier function is to be automatically
enabled if the pool is to contain more than one tier of storage (Flash and HDD
technologies). The -guiid value corresponds to the particular GUI icon selected for the
pool. The pool is defined with a (default) extent size of 1024 MB. The -warning value of
80% indicates that a warning message is to be generated when the 80% of the pool
capacity has been allocated. Click the Close button.


The extent size affects the maximum addressable capacity of the Storwize V7000 system.The
maximum addressable size decreased from 4 PB to 2 PB; which is more than sufficient for our
exercise environment.
The extent size is not a real performance factor rather it is a management factor. If you have
preexisting storage pools it’s recommended to create a storage pool with the same extent size as
the extent size of existing storage pools. If you don’t have any other storage pools you can leave
the default extent size of 1GiB.
You can allow changes to the default extent size using the Settings > GUI Preferences. Select the
General option and click the box next to enable Advanced pool settings. Click the Save button to
save changes.

__ 14. Verify that the teamname-RAID5 pool in the MDisks by Pools pane.

__ 15. Right-click on the teamname-RAID5 pool. Observe the list of options in which to view or
modify the MDisk.
__ 16. Select Properties. Click the View more details links to view the pool’s details.

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Exercise 4. Provision internal storage

__ 17. Currently no storage has been assigned to this pool. Observe that the Easy Tier status
indicates it is Balanced and the pool is operating with an extent size of 1 GiB (1024 GiB).
Click the Close button.

Section 3: Create a RAID array and add MDisks to storage pool

Once the pool has been defined, you must assign storage to a specified pool. This procedure
creates a RAID array using the internal storage and adds member drives into a storage pool which
becomes virtual storage capacity for volume allocation.
__ 18. Select Pools > MDisks by Pools.
__ 19. From the lower area of the MDisks by Pool panel window, observe the storage options that
have been detected by the GUI as available resources in which to assign the capacity to a
storage pool.


Each option is based on preset values that provides the best outcome for your system

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Exercise 4. Provision internal storage



If no storage has been assigned to a storage pool, the system provides an Add Storage notification
right corner of the No Storage capacity indicator. The Add Storage button will remain as a reminder
until storage has been added to the pool.

__ 20. Click the Got it! button to remove the pop-up notification. Click the Add Storage button.


You can also right-click on the pool name or right-click on the Add Storage button to display the
Assign Storage to Pool teamname-RAID5 panel).

__ 21. The Assign Storage to Pool teamname-RAID5 is displayed. Observe the list of options in
which to assign storage.

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Exercise 4. Provision internal storage



The GUI provides three options to assign storage based on where the storage is located and its
use. For the Quick Internal and External options, the management GUI displays the
recommended configuration based on drive class, RAID level and the width of the array. You will
explore more details on creating external storage later. The Internal Custom option allow you to
assign storage that has been added to a system to customize your storage configuration.

__ 22. Select the Advanced Internal Custom icon.

__ 23. From the Drive Assignment tab window, create a RAID array using the following
__ a. Select the 278.9 GiB Enterprise 10K from the pull-down menu. Observe that the
iogrp0 and the Block Size of 512 (extents size) are being assigned to the pool.
__ b. Observe the defaults available for the drives and RAID level. Select the Distributed
RAID 5 from the RAID pull-down menu.
__ c. Observe that one spare with a strip width of 9 and an array width of 18 is being assigned
for this array. This indicates that the RAID 5 distributed array can tolerate the failure of
one member drive.

__ d. Click the Summary tab. Observe that one MDisk is being assigned for the Distributed
RAID 5 array using all 18 Enterprise drives.

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Exercise 4. Provision internal storage

__ e. Click the Assign button.

__ 24. Review the generated svctask mkdistributedarray command used to create a

distributed array and assign its capacity to the team internal storage pool. The
-driveclass value specifies the class being used to create the array. The -drivecount
value specifies the number of drives to use for the array. The -rebuildareas 1 specifies
the reserved capacity that is distributed across all drives available to an array. This capacity
restores data after a drive failure. The -strip 256 specifies the strip size in KiB for the
array being configured.The -stripewidth value indicates the width of a single unit of
redundancy within a distributed set of drives. Click the Close button.


Storwize V7000 V7.6 supports Distributed RAID 5 and Distributed RAID 6 arrays. Distributed RAID
arrays are designed to improve RAID implementation for better performance and availability by
offering faster drive rebuilds using the spare capacity reserved on each drive in the array. No spare
drive required.
All drives maintain an active online status doing the rebuild process. The rebuild area is the disk
capacity that is reserved within a distributed array to regenerate data after a drive failure; it provides
no usable capacity.
Best practice: Recommendation is to use same drive class for array/MDisk.


What is the maximum capacity value of the teamname-RAID5 pool? ________

__ 25. Click the plus sign (+) to the left of teamname-RAID5 pool to examine its details.
__ 26. Observe the default name assigned for the MDisk_01 array and its Online status. Note the
amount of capacity allocated for the pool.

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Exercise 4. Provision internal storage



Why is the capacity value of the storage pool less than the RAID MDisk physical capacity?
Answer: It appears that (.01 TiB)of capacity space missing. This 1 GiB LUN space holds the
cluster information, which is stored in the metadata RAID group.

__ 27. Right-click any column heading. Click the Tier check box to add a Tier Technology column
to the display.

__ 28. Right-click on the teamname-RAID5 pool MDisk_01. Click the to View more details link.
__ 29. Examine the content of the MDisk_01. Observe that the MDisk ID assigned and that the
RAID state (status) indicates its being initialized.
__ 30. Note that the storage tier and the extra RAID related details, such as RAID level, strip size,
and Rebuild Area (spare) goal, can also be found here.

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Exercise 4. Provision internal storage



RAID arrays only exit as MDisks in storage pools. Each MDisk is divided into a number of extents,
which are numbered from 0, sequentially from the start of the end of the MDisk. The extent size is a
property of pools. When an MDisk is added to a pool, the size of the extents that the MDisk is
divided into depends on the attribute of the pool to which it has been added.


Record the following information:

What is the assigned MDisk ID? _____
What is the mode of the MDisks assigned in the pool?_____

__ 31. Click the Close button.

__ 32. In the lower left corner of the GUI browser, observe that the array initialization has
generated a Running Tasks. If the array is still processing, you can click the twisted arrow
to view the progress status of the array being initialized.


Although an array is being initialized, this has no impact to the available of the RAID array as it
actively online. Therefore, you can continue to assigned storage resources while the array is still
being initialized.

__ 33. Click OK to close the Array Initialization panel.

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Exercise 4. Provision internal storage

__ 34. Right-click on the MDisk_01 array and select the Dependent Volumes. Currently, there are
no volumes using extents from this MDisk, therefore an empty list is displayed. Click the
Close button.
__ 35. Right-click on the teamname-RAID5 pool MDisk_01array again and select the Drives
__ 36. From the Members Drives for MDisk panel, observe the Use column attribute has changed
to Member for each drive used in the MDisk_01array. Scroll down to view the complete list.
__ 37. Observe that the Use column does not indicate a spare drive has been assigned to protect
the array.


Once a drive becomes part of an array, its Use attribute changes from Candidate to Member
indicating it is now part of an array. If you recall, a distributed array provides reserved capacity on
each disk within array to regenerate data if there is a drive failure.

__ 38. Observe that the object ID for the MDisk and the object ID of the storage enclosure to which
the MDisk belongs to are listed. Click the Close button.

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Exercise 4. Provision internal storage

__ 39. Right-click on any column heading and click the ID check box to add an ID column to the


In the Storwize V7000 system, each object within an object category has an object name and an
object ID. Object IDs are often used in commands that are generated by the GUI.

__ 40. Right-click on the teamname-RAID5 pool MDisk_01again and select Rename.

__ 41. From the Rename MDisk panel, add SAS- to the default MDisk_01 name to match the tier
technology of the assigned array. Click the Rename button.

__ 42. Examine the svctask chmdisk command generated to rename the array. Click the
Close button.
__ 43. Verify that the MDisk assigned to the teamname-RAID5 pool name has been updated to
__ 44. Select Pools > Volumes by Pools.
__ 45. Observe that no volumes have been allocated at this point, and the Easy Tier pool status is
set to Balanced mode.
__ 46. From the Volume by Pools display area, hover the mouse cursor over the RAID icon and
assigned RAID name. Observe that a pencil image and a framed text box are illuminated
which indicate modifications are permitted.

__ 47. Click on the RAID pool icon representing the teamname-RAID5 pool.

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Exercise 4. Provision internal storage

__ 48. Use the Change Icon left or right arrow to select the RAID 5 icon. Click the OK button.

__ 49. Examine the svctask chmdiskgrp command uses the –guiid parameter that has an ID
of 9 for RAID5. Click the Close button.
__ 50. Log out of the systemID-V7K management GUI.

End of exercise

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Exercise 5. Examine external storage resources


Exercise 5. Examine external storage

Estimated time

This exercise explores the ability to manage external storage systems on the Fibre Channel SAN.
Students will used the DS Storage Manager to verify the LUNs that are presented to the Storwize
V7000 clustered system.

At the end of this exercise, you should be able to:
• Carry out to procedure to Automatic Discovery external storage
• Identify external storage resources attached to the IBM Storwize V7000 SAN Fabric
• Correlate the LUNs that are mapped to the IBM Storwize V7000 host type

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Exercise 5. Examine external storage resources

Exercise instructions
Section 1: Launch DS Storage Manager
The first time you execute the DS Storage Manager, Enterprise Management Window is not
configured with the management domain. Therefore, the DS storage Manage needs to scan the
local subnet for existing storage subsystems.
__ 1. From the Admin server desktop, double-click the DS Storage Manager Client icon.
__ 2. The IBM System Storage DS Manager window is displayed and the Initial Automatic
Discovery pop-up window is also displayed.

__ 3. In the Initial Automatic Discovery pop-up window, click the Yes button to begin automatic
discovery of the storage device.


The discover process takes only a few minutes to discover a single storage device.

__ 4. Verify that the storage device shows a status of Optimal.

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Exercise 5. Examine external storage resources

__ 5. Right click on the unnamed storage device in the tree list. In the pop-up menu, click the
Rename button.

__ 6. Click the OK button again to begin an initial automatic discovery of hosts and storage
subsystems attached to the local subnetwork


After the initial automatic discovery is complete, the Devices tab of the Enterprise Management
window displays all hosts and storage subsystems attached to the local subnetwork.

The Enterprise Management window can take up to a minute to refresh after an initial automatic

Section 2: Verify LUNs presented to the Storwize V7000

This procedure uses the DS Storage Manager application to explore the external storage system
configuration and hardware resources.

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Exercise 5. Examine external storage resources



The Storwize V7000 lab environment supports two separate external storage systems, the DS3400
and the DS3524. Ensure that you are following steps related to your storage system. Each storage
devices have been pre-configured and shared with other teams. Refer to the refer to the team lab
data sheet that identifies the LUNs that are assigned to your team.

__ 7. From the DS Storage Manager (Enterprise Management) Devices tab, examine the name
of the storage subsystem.


What is the name of your DS3K storage system? DS3400 or DS3524 (circle one)

__ 8. From the DS Storage Manager (Enterprise Management) Devices tab, double-click the
storage subsystem entry representing the DS3K back end storage device.


If asks to login in with a password, refer to the team lab data sheet for the login credentials. Do not
add or change the password.

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Exercise 5. Examine external storage resources

__ 9. Observe that the summary information of the managed DS3K storage subsystem is
displayed under the (default) Summary tab.

__ 10. From the Summary tab, click Storage Subsystem Profile in the Hardware Components
box [DS3400] or click View Storage Subsystem Profile in the Monitor box [DS3524].
__ 11. The Storage System Profile pop-up window is displayed. Click the Controllers tab
[DS3400] or the Hardware > Controllers tab [DS3524].
__ 12. Observe that this model is configured with a dual controllers. In the Find field box, type
Product ID.

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Exercise 5. Examine external storage resources



What is the Product ID name of the DS3K storage system? ____________

__ 13. Observe the speed of the Fibre Channel (FC) Host Interface Card (HIC) installed. In the
Find field box, type world-wide node.
__ 14. Click the telescope icon multiple times to view all instances of the world-wide node
identifier in the larger window.


The unique World Wide Node Name (WWNN) is used to identity the storage device in a Storage
Area Network (SAN). Each port on an IBM Storage Device also has a unique and persistent (16
hexadecimal) World Wide Port Name (WWPN) that is actually 8 bytes. Three of these bytes are
used for the vendor ID. The WWPN represents each Fibre Channel port presented to a SAN. IBM
Storage uses a methodology whereby each WWPN is a child of the WWNN. This means that if you
know the WWPN of a port, you can easily identify the vendor and match it to the WWNN of the
storage device that owns that port.
Examples of a Vendor IEEE WWPN name format:
• 1 = IEEE 803.2 standard format (example 10:00:00:00:c9:2f:65:d6) - Emulex owns
the 0000c9 company ID.
• 2 = IEEE 803.2 extended format (example: 21:00:00:e0:8b:90:90:04) - QLogic owns
the 00e08b company ID.
• 5 = IEEE Registered Name format (example 50: 05: 07:63:00:c7:01:99) - IBM owns the
005076 company ID.

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Exercise 5. Examine external storage resources



What are the last 3 bytes of the WWN identifier for the DS3K storage system? ____________
Based WWPN format, what is the name of the Vendor HBA that is installed in the DS3K storage
system? _______________

__ 15. Click the Arrays tab [DS3400] or the Hardware > Arrays tab [DS3524].


How many arrays have been defined on the DS3K storage system? _____

__ 16. Click Close to close the profile window.

__ 17. From the Summary tab, click Configured Host in the Hosts & Mappings box [DS3400] or
the Host Mappings box [DS3524].
__ 18. The View Configured Hosts window is displayed. The V7000 clustered system is defined to
the DS3K as a host group with the name of V7K-teamsetID. Observe that the IBM
Storwize V7000 host type that is set to IBM TS SAN VCE.


The Storwize V7000 is defined as a SCSI initiator (host) to the external storage system. The IBM
TS SAN VCE host type uses an Auto Logical Drive Transfer (ADT) that allows the Storwize V7000
to properly manage SCSI LUN ownership between controllers used the paths specified by the host.

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Exercise 5. Examine external storage resources

Section 3: Verify LUNs presented to the Storwize V7000
This procedure uses the DS Storage Manager application to verify the LUNs that are available to
the Storwize V7000.
__ 19. From the Summary tab, click Host-to-Logical Drive Mappings in the Hosts & Mappings
box [DS3400] or the Host Mappings box [DS3524].
__ 20. The Host-to-Logical Drive Mappings window is displayed. Click the Accessible By column
heading to sort the entries.Scroll down to view the Logical volumes or drives that are
assigned to the V7K-teamsetID host group.
__ 21. Examine the contents of the drive mappings pop-up window. Observe the logical drive
name, LUN number, and drive capacity of each LUN (scroll down to view the complete list)


The team set letter identifies the LUNs that are assigned to your team (refer to the team lab data


How many LUNs or logical drives are assigned to your team V7K-teamsetID host group?

__ 22. Click Close to exit the Host-to-Logical Drive Mappings pop-up window.
__ 23. Close the DS Storage Manager application.

End of exercise

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Exercise 6. Managing external storage resources


Exercise 6. Managing external storage

Estimated time

This exercise creates storage pools using the external storage LUNs presented to the Storwize
V7000 system for management. In addition, verify the location of the system quorum disk.

At the end of this exercise, you should be able to:
• Use the management GUI and CLI to rename the external storage system resources
• Create virtualize system capacity from LUNs presented as MDisks
• Identify the location of the system quorum disks

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Exercise 6. Managing external storage resources

Exercise instructions
Section 1: Modify external storage resources
This procedure verifies the external storage provisioning using V7000 GUI and identifies steps to
rename external storage controller.
__ 1. From the Admin server desktop, double-click on the Mozilla Firefox icon.
__ 2. Enter the URL of the systemID-V7K management GUI IP address.
__ 3. Log on with teamname-admin credentials provided in the team lab data sheet.
__ 4. Navigate to Pools > External Storage.
__ 5. Observe that only one external storage system with a default name of controller0 has been
discovered by the system.
__ 6. Examine the last 3 bytes of the WWNN value displayed (you may need to scroll right). Verify
that the last 3 bytes match the value previously recorded from the DS3K storage system.
__ 7. Click the (+) plus sign to expand the controller view.


You can right-click any column heading to add or remove from the display table using the
associated check box.

__ 8. Review the list of newly discovered MDisks that are assigned to the storage system.


A new storage controller (external storage system) is listed automatically when the SAN zoning
configuration is done, but typically without detected disk drives. If the MDisks are listed, select
Action > Discover storage to issue the detectmdisk command.

__ 9. Observe the access mode of unmanaged as well as the capacity and LUN number for each
MDisk (image shown in a modified view).

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Exercise 6. Managing external storage resources



All newly discovered MDisks are always interpreted in an unmanaged mode. Each MDisk
represents a LUN that has been assigned to the V7KySET host group from the DS3K storage
system.You must assign MDisks to the specific pool to be able to manage the allocated capacity.

__ 10. Right-click the default name of controller0. Select Rename from the pull-down menu.
__ 11. From the Rename Storage System pane, assign a new name of systemID-DS3K to
controller0 (refer to the team lab data sheet). By default a storage system is referred to as a
__ 12. Click the Rename button.

__ 13. Review the svctask chcontroller -name command which is used to change the name of
the storage system. Click the Close button.
__ 14. Confirm that the name of the storage system has been updated to systemID-DS3K.


The GUI automatically refreshes its display about every 15 seconds. If you experience a delay after
renaming the external resources, you can refresh the browser view by using the URL entry field
reload page icon, or log out and back into the GUI.

__ 15. Right-click any column heading and click the ID check box to add an ID column to the

Section 2: Create storage pools from external resources

This procedure defines storage pools by using the external presented to the Storwize V7000
system as MDisks.
__ 16. Navigate to Pools > MDisks by Pools.
__ 17. Click the Create Pool button to create a new storage pool.
__ 18. From the Create Pools panel, enter the name teamsetID-DS3KSAS. Click the Create

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Exercise 6. Managing external storage resources

__ 19. Observe that the system generates the svctask mkmdiskgrp command to create a
storage pool. The -easytier setting of auto indicates that the Easy Tier function is to be
automatically enabled if the pool is to contain more than one tier of storage (Flash and HDD
technologies). The -guiid value corresponds to the particular GUI icon selected for the
pool. The pool is defined with a (default) extent size of 1024 MB. The -warning value of
80% indicates that a warning message is to be generated when the 80% of the pool
capacity has been allocated. Click the Close button.
__ 20. Verify that the teamsetID-DS3KSAS pool is listed in the MDisks by Pools display pane.
__ 21. Right-click the teamsetID-DS3KSAS pool and select Add Storage.

__ 22. From the Assign Storage to Pools pane, select the Quick External icon.
__ 23. From the expanded Assign Storage to Pools window, create a RAID array using the
following parameters:
__ a. Select the teamsetID-DS3K storage system.
__ b. Select MDisks 0 through 2 (each with a capacity size of 100 GiB)
__ c. Verify that the MDisks field indicate that three MDisks are selected.
__ d. Select Enterprise as the Tier Technology for the array.
__ e. Observe the total capacity being assigned to the pool.
__ 24. Click the Assign button.

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Exercise 6. Managing external storage resources

__ 25. Examine the svctask chmdisk -tier command that is generated for each MDisks to
change the tier type to Enterprise. The svctask addmdisk command is used to assign
the MDisks with its object ID a new storage pool.
__ 26. Click the plus sign (+) to the left of teamsetID-DS3KSAS pool to examine its details.


The GUI automatically refreshes its display about every 15 seconds.

__ 27. Click the name column to sort the mdisk sequentially. Verify that the five mdiskXs listed
correlates to the assigned System Object ID.

Section 3: Modify external resource MDisk names using the GUI

This procedure identifies steps to multi-select resources to be renamed using the same action from
the management GUI.
__ 28. Right-click any column and click the Tier check box to add a Tier Technology column to the

__ 29. Press the Ctrl key to select MDisk entries listed under the teamsetID-DSKSAS pool.


Ensure that the MDisks are selected in according to their assigned System Object ID.

__ 30. Right-click and select the Rename.

__ 31. From the Rename MDisks pane, perform the following:
__ a. Enter the teamsetID-mdisk as the mdisks names.
__ b. Change the starting index to 0
__ c. Verify that the name of teamsetID-mdiskX correlate to its storage system object ID

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Exercise 6. Managing external storage resources

__ d. Click the Rename button to continue.

__ 32. Observe that a separate svctask chmdisk command is generated to rename each
MDisk. Click the Close button.
__ 33. Verify that the mdisk names are now renamed teamsetID-mdiskX.
__ 34. Click the Create Pool button again to create a second storage pool.
__ 35. From the Create Pools panel, enter the name teamsetID-DS3KSATA. Click the Create
__ 36. Observe that the system generates the svctask mkmdiskgrp command to create a
storage pool. Click the Close button.
__ 37. Verify that the teamsetID-DS3KSATA pool is now listed in the MDisks by Pools panel


At this point you will not add storage to the teamsetID-DS3KSATA pool using this option.

__ 38. Navigate to the External Storage view.

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Exercise 6. Managing external storage resources



The Storwize V7000 management GUI Filter option can be used to view common associated
components. The Advanced Filter icon provides a high-level filter field that allows you to view
specific content of value.

__ 39. From the External Storage panel toolbar, use the Filter field search box to search for entries
that contain the word teamsetID. Search arguments are not case-sensitive.
__ 40. Examine the three teamsetID-mdiskX entries that were previously assigned to
teamsetID-DS3KSAS pool. Observe that the mode of these MDisks has changed from
unmanaged to managed.


Once an MDisks has been assigned to storage pool means that their capacity and allocation are
now being managed by the Storwize V7000 system.

__ 41. Click the small reset search icon to clear the search results.
__ 42. Click on any column to sort the mdisk sequentially by its assigned mdisk number.
__ 43. To view more details of the MDisk, right-click the teamsetID-mdisk0 entry. From the
pop-up menu, select Properties.
__ 44. From the Properties for MDisk teamsetID-mdisk0 pane view. Observe that the MDisk
information is similar to the summary line for the MDisk entry (This format is a bit easier to
read. Scroll to view the complete output).
__ 45. Observe that the Path count of 2 is equal to the maximum path count allowed by the cluster.
Note that the quorum index is empty.

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Exercise 6. Managing external storage resources



Each managed disk will have an online path count, which is the number of nodes that have access
to that managed disk; this represents a summary of the I/O path status between the cluster nodes
and the particular storage device. The maximum path count is the maximum number of paths that
have been detected by the cluster at any point in the past. Therefore, if the current path count is not
equal to the maximum path count then the particular managed disk may be degraded.

__ 46. Observe the Unique Identifier (UID). The LUN ID and unique identifier (UID) are linked and
cannot be changed dynamically when Storwize V7000 is managing the MDisk. Click the
Close button.

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Exercise 6. Managing external storage resources

__ 47. Right-click on any column heading and click the check box next to UID to add it to the
__ 48. Minimize the management GUI browser.

Section 4: Modify external resource names using the CLI

This procedure identifies steps to rename external storage resources by leveraging CLI commands
that use a repetitive loop to issue a command to operate on a series of objects.
__ 49. From the Admin server desktop, open an SSH session to your V7000 management CLI.
__ 50. Log in as systemID-V7K (refer to the team lab data sheet).


The CLI session allows you can change resource names to issue the same command by using the
up arrow key to retrieve and modify the command. However, this technique is fine for a few objects,
but can be somewhat cumbersome when a larger number of objects need modification.

__ 51. To list information about MDisks from only the DS3K storage system, filter on the name of
the storage system. Enter the following command:
lsmdisk –filtervalue controller_name=systemID-DS3K –delim ,

__ 52. Observe that the first three MDisk entries contain the updated names in the format of

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Exercise 6. Managing external storage resources

__ 53. To obtain detailed information about a given specific MDisk or object, enter the command
(use the scroll bar to view the complete output):
lsmdisk teamsetID-mdiskX(where X is the object ID)


This output format is sometimes referred to as the verbose view of the list command.

__ 54. Use the arrow to recall the lsmdisk command, and append the command to list only
MDisks whose name begins with MDisk using the following command:
lsmdisk -filtervalue name=mdisk* -nohdr


CLI offers speed as a command line users only need to utilize their keyboards to navigate the
interface. The asterisk can be used as a handy wildcard. The -nohdr keyword suppresses the
column headers and implicitly includes the -delim function. The V7000 CLI environment is
actually a highly restricted Bash shell. While UNIX commands, such as cd or grep are not
accessible, commands provided by the shell itself, such as while, do, read, and echo are

__ 55. The goal is to rename the remaining mdisks consecutively. Recall the previous command
and append it with a do-loop using the following:
lsmdisk -filtervalue name=mdisk* -nohdr |while read id name; do
chmdisk -name teamsetID-mdisk$id $id; done

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Exercise 6. Managing external storage resources

__ 56. Observe the entry only returns a command prompt. If the entry was not correct the output
would indicate an invalid entry.


CLI commands provided with the Bash shell are helpful when a single command needs to be
repetitively issued; often executed with only a few lines, such as renaming multiple MDisks.

__ 57. Verify that all MDisks have been renamed appropriately with the following command. Re-enter
the following command or use the up arrow of the keyboard to recall the list MDisks command:
lsmdisk –filtervalue controller_name=systemID-DS3K –delim ,


You can use the up arrow to retrieve the list command and modify the filter value to the name of the
MDisks using an asterisk (*) after new mdisk name.

__ 58. Type exit to close the CLI session.

__ 59. Navigate back to the V7000 management GUI Pools > External Storage view.
__ 60. Observe that all of the external storage MDisks have been properly renamed.
__ 61. Press the Ctrl key to select MDisk entries teamsetID_mdisk3 through
teamsetID_mdisk5 with the capacity size of 40 GiB. Right-click on the selected entries
and select Assign.
__ 62. From the From the Assign 3 MDisk to Pool pane, select the following parameters:
__ a. Select the systemID-DS3KSATA pool.
__ b. Select Nearline as the Tier Technology for the array.
__ c. Click the Assign button.

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Exercise 6. Managing external storage resources

__ 63. Examine the svctask commands generated for each MDisks to change the tier type to
Nearline and to assign MDisks to a new storage pool. Click the Close button.
__ 64. Observe that the selected MDisks mode has changed from unmanaged to managed.
__ 65. Select Pools > MDisks by Pools.
__ 66. Click the (+) plus sign to expand the teamsetID-DS3KSATA pool view. Verify that MDisk
entries teamsetID-mdisk3 through teamsetID-mdisk5 have been assigned to the SATA

__ 67. Select Pools > Volume by Pools.

__ 68. Click on the RAID pool icon representing the teamsetID-DS3KSAS pool.
__ 69. Use the Change Icon left/right arrows to select the Tier 1 icon. Click the OK button.
__ 70. Examine the svctask chmdiskgrp command used to used to change the icon Tier 1.
Click the Close button.
__ 71. Click on the RAID pool icon representing the teamsetID-DS3KSATA pool.
__ 72. Use the Change Icon left/right arrows to select the Tier 2 icon. Click the OK button.
__ 73. Examine the svctask chmdiskgrp command used to change the icon Tier 2. Click the
Close button.
__ 74. Verify that the each pool icon represents the assigned RAID array.

__ 75. From the Pool Filter pane, note the pool’s total capacity. If you recall there is (.01 TiB) of
missing capacity.
__ 76. Minimize the systemID-V7K management GUI.
__ 77. From the Admin server desktop, double-click the PuTTY icon. Open the systemID-V7K
CLI session.
__ 78. Log in using the teamname-admin credentials.

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Exercise 6. Managing external storage resources



With the latest code offerings, the system quorum disks are now only visible using the Storwize
V7000 CLI. The system assesses each logical unit (LU) to determine its potential use as a quorum
disk, and assigns three eligible quorum disks to store quorum date.

__ 79. Enter the lsquorum command to view the managed disks assigned to store quorum data.
__ 80. This output represents the Storwize V7000 storage controller. Observe the quorum index
assigned for each quorum disk. The ID number identifies the location of quorum disk.


Quorums are identified by their assigned quorum index values - 0, 1, and 2. One of the quorum
index maintains the active status of Yes and the others status is No indicating they are in stand-by

__ 81. Enter the lsfreeextents SAS-MDisk_01 command to view the number of free
extents available on a managed disk.


Single 1 terabyte = 240 bytes = 1099511627776bytes = 1024 gigabytes. This 1 GiB LUN space
holds the cluster configuration information, which is stored in the a metadata Redundant Array of
Independent Disks (RAID) group, and is seen as a metadata file system - also called a quorum.
To calculate the missing capacity from the teamname-RAID5, ((add 1 + 4209 SAS-MDisk_01 free
extents)/4210 free extents x 1024 pool extent size = 4.111322812 (4.12 TiB))

__ 82. Observe that the active quorum is index 2 resident on SAS-MDisk_01 ID 7.

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Exercise 6. Managing external storage resources



Best practice: System administrator must ensure that the quorum disks are spread across storage
systems, with the active quorum placed in the storage system that is deemed to be the most robust
in the enterprise (typically local to the clustered system).

__ 83. Type exit to close the systemID-V7K CLI session.

__ 84. Log out of the systemID-V7K management GUI.

End of exercise

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Exercise 7. Host definitions and volume allocations


Exercise 7. Host definitions and volume

Estimated time

This exercise use the intuitive IBM Storwize V7000 GUI and CLI to define hosts and volumes, and
check the availability of the new disks on the respective hosts.

At the end of this exercise, you should be able to:
• Identify the hosts’ world wide port number (WWPN) using host interface
• Define Fibre Channel Protocol (FCP) host objects using both the Storwize V7000 GUI and CLI
• Create volumes and map volumes to host objects using the Storwize V7000 GUI

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Exercise 7. Host definitions and volume allocations

Exercise instructions
Section 1: Identify WWPN on the Windows server
Before a Windows host can be defined on the V7000, the WWPN of the host must be identified.
This procedure uses the Windows command prompt to display the WWPNs of the host HBAs.
__ 1. From the Admin server desktop, double-click on the teamname-WIN server icon to start a
remote desktop session.
__ 2. Log in with the WIN server’s credentials (refer to the team lab data sheet).
__ 3. From the teamname-WIN server, open a command prompt window.
__ 4. Enter the qaucli -g command to display the WWPNs for the HBA.


Record the two WWPNs for the teamname-WIN Server.

What are the last 3 bytes of the WWPN for WIN HBA (Port 1) instance 0? _____________
What are the last 3 bytes of the WWPN for WIN HBA (Port 2) instance 1? _____________

__ 5. Type exit to close the command prompt window.

__ 6. From the teamname-WIN server, click Start > Log off.

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Exercise 7. Host definitions and volume allocations

Section 2: Create a Windows host object in V7000
This procedure defines a Windows host system on the IBM Storwize V7000 system.
__ 7. From the Admin server desktop, double-click on the Mozilla Firefox icon.
__ 8. Enter the URL of the systemID-V7K management GUI IP address.
__ 9. Log in using the teamname-admin credentials (refer to the team lab data sheet).
__ 10. From the V7000 management GUI, navigate to Hosts > Hosts.


A host object represents a host that can own storage. SAN-attached hosts usually are connected
with two or more Fibre Channel adapter ports for redundancy. This implies that they have multiple
paths to access storage. Through SAN zoning and fabric logins, the Storwize V7000 system learns
the appropriate WWPNs to access a host. To accommodate the multiple paths, a host object is
created to represent the host using the IBM Storwize V7000 GUI.

__ 11. Click the Add Host button to create a Windows FCP Host.

__ 12. From the Add Hosts pane window, select the Fibre Channel host connection type.
__ 13. Define a Windows-attached FCP host using the following information:
__ a. Enter teamname-WIN as the WIN host name (refer to the team lab data sheet).
__ b. From the Host port (WWPN) pull down list, select the first WWPN value associated with
the WIN.
__ c. Click the Add button (+) to select the second host WWPN port.
__ d. Click the Advanced link.
- Click the pull down menu to view the list of host types supported. The most commonly
used host type is Generic, accept the default.
- Click the I/O groups pull down to view the menu options: Accept the All default to assign
host access to all 4 I/O groups.

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Exercise 7. Host definitions and volume allocations

__ e. Verify your selections, and then click the Add button.

__ 14. The command generated svctask mkhost is used to define the logical host object. The
-fcwwpn specifies that two WWPNs with a 16-character hexadecimal string added to the
host object. The -iogroup specifies that the host can access the volumes from all four I/O
groups. The -name and -type indicates the teamname-WIN host is assigned as a generic
host. Observe the object ID assigned to this host. Click the Close button.
__ 15. Verify that the teamname-WIN host object has been created.
__ 16. Right-click the any column and click the ID check box to add an ID column to the display.

__ 17. Right-click the teamname-WIN host object and select Properties.

__ 18. From the Host Details properties pane, click the check the box to Show Details. Observe
that by default the teamname-WIN host has access to all four I/O groups.

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Exercise 7. Host definitions and volume allocations

__ 19. Click the Edit button. If required, you can restrict host access to volumes in a particular I/O
group. This option also allows you to make modification to the host name and host type.


Currently no volumes has been allocated to the host.

__ 20. Select the Port Definition tab.

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Exercise 7. Host definitions and volume allocations

__ 21. Observe that the system has detected the WIN host’s two WWPNs that are now logged in to
each Storwize V7000 node through the Fibre Channel network.


The host ports are inactive if the nodes have not received any Small Computer System Interface
(SCSI) commands or any I/O activity transpired from the WWPN.

__ 22. Return to the Overview pane. Click the Cancel button and then the Close button.
__ 23. Minimize the browser session with the systemID-V7K management GUI.

Section 3: Identify WWPN on the AIX server

This procedure uses SSH to access an AIX server and display the WWPNs of the HBA.


Before an AIX host can be defined on the V7000, the WWPN of the host must be identified.

__ 24. From the Admin server desktop, open an PuTTY session:

__ 25. In the Host Name (or IP address) window, enter the IP address of the AIX server. Ensure
that the Port is 22 and that the connection type is SSH.
__ 26. In the Saved Sessions window, type in teamname-AIX (refer to the team lab data sheet).
__ 27. Click the Save button to save for future use.
__ 28. Click the Open button.

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Exercise 7. Host definitions and volume allocations

__ 29. Log in to the AIX server credentials (refer to the team lab data sheet).
__ 30. Enter the AIX lsdev –Cc adapter | grep fcs command to display the HBA adapter

__ 31. Enter the AIX lscfg -vl fcs# | grep Network command to display detail for each
HBA adapter name and filter to just display the WWPN
(Where # is the fcs number, and l is letter L.)

Or you can use the lscfg -vl fcs* | grep Network command with an asterisk (*)
wildcard character to display WWPNs collectively.


Record the two WWPNs for the teamname-AIX server.

What are the last 3 bytes of the WWPN for AIX fcs0? _____________
What are the last 3 bytes of the WWPN for AIX fcs1? _____________

__ 32. Enter the cfgmgr command to force the AIX ports to log back into the FC switch.


You must wait until the command prompt returns before the task is completed.

__ 33. Type exit to log out of the AIX session.

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Exercise 7. Host definitions and volume allocations

Section 4: Create an AIX host object
This procedure configures an AIX host system in the V7000 using the V7000 management GUI.
__ 34. From the Admin server desktop, navigate to the browser session with the systemID-V7K
management GUI.
__ 35. From the V7000 management GUI, navigate to Hosts > Hosts.
__ 36. Click the Add Host button to create the AIX FCP host.
__ 37. Click the Fibre Channel for the host connection type.
__ 38. Define an AIX FCP host using the following information:
__ a. Enter teamname-AIX as the host name.
__ b. Select the WWPN values associated with the AIX host.


Click the Add button (+) to select the second host WWPN port.


If necessary, click the Rescan button to refresh menu to get the WWPN to appear. If the WWPN are
still not displayed, re-enter the cfgmgr command from AIX.

__ c. For the Advanced settings, accepts all defaults.

__ d. Verify your selections, and then click the Add button.
__ 39. Review the command svctask mkhost generated to create the teamname-AIX host
object and the object ID assigned to this host. Click the Close button.
__ 40. Verify the AIX host object has been created.

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Exercise 7. Host definitions and volume allocations

__ 41. Select Hosts > Ports by Host.
__ 42. From the Host Filter list, right-click on the AIX host and select Properties. Click the Port
Definitions tab to view its WWPNs that are now logged in to each Storwize V7000 node.
Click the Close button.

Section 5: Create and map volumes to a Windows server

This procedure create volumes and then map each volume to a Windows host object to enable the
volume to be accessed through the associated host object WWPNs.
__ 43. From the systemID-V7K management GUI, navigate to Volumes > Volumes.
__ 44. From the Volumes window toolbar, click Create Volume.
__ 45. The Create Volume panel is displayed. Observe the list of options in which to create
different types of volumes.

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Exercise 7. Host definitions and volume allocations



This example shows a standard topology, which is single-site configuration, to create basic,
mirrored, or custom volumes.
Quick Volume Creation:
With the v 7.5 release, IBM introduced a new feature that fills all fully allocated volumes with zeros
as a background task whilst the volume is online. Basic and Mirrored volumes are automatically
enabled by default for quick initialization formatting which means that the fully allocated volume will
be filled with zeros when the host try to read them.
The Custom option provides an alternative means to creating volumes that are based on
user-defined customization rather than taking the standard default settings for each of the options
under quick volume creation.

__ 46. From the Create Volume Advanced window, select the Custom preset to create a volume
without formatting.Observe the list of tabs.


The Quick Volume Creation initialization process can take hours or weeks depending on volume
size. The Custom option allows you to disable the quick initialization formatting feature.

__ 47. From the Volume Details tab, complete the following parameters to create a custom volume:
__ a. Enter 2 in the Quantity box.
__ b. Enter 10 in the Capacity box and accept the GiB default.
__ c. Accept the default None as the Capacity savings.
__ d. Enter the name of teamsetID-WIN and accept the number scheme applied.

__ 48. Click the Volume Location tab. Complete the following parameters to define the pool to be
__ a. Accept the default None for the Volume copy type.
__ b. Choose teamname-RAID5 pool from the pull-down menu to specific the pool in which
the volume will be created.

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Exercise 7. Host definitions and volume allocations

__ c. Accept all other default options, Volume copy type, Caching I/O group, Preferred
node, and Accessible I/O groups.


Caching I/O groups set to Automatic default allows the system to balance I/O caching across
multiple I/O groups.
Preferred Node set to Automatic default allows the system to maintain data accessibility through
the partner node when the preferred node workload performance exceeds its capabilities or in the
event of a failure.
Accessible I/O groups set to Only the caching I/O group default allows only the assigned I/O
group to performance caching function for the volume.

__ 49. Click the General tab. Complete the following parameters:

__ a. Uncheck the box to disable Format Volume.
__ b. Accept Enabled to allow cache mode for read/write access.

__ 50. Click the Summary tab to review the configuration details.

__ 51. Verify that the two (teamsetID-WIN0 and teamsetID-WIN1)volumes are specified
correctly. Observe the total capacity allocated (scroll down to view complete output).

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Exercise 7. Host definitions and volume allocations

__ 52. Click Create and Map to Host to create the two volumes with an option to map directly to a
host object.


By default, the Storwize V7000 use KiB, MiB, GiB, and TiB (binary counting method) for MDisk
and VDisk (volume) size displays. The GiB units represents a single storage unit as 2^30 bytes, or
1024 mebibytes (1 mebibyte = 1,048,576 bytes). A volume is referred to as a vdisk (virtual logical
disk) in the CLI and presented in KB, MB, GB and TB size.

__ 53. Examine the svctask mkvdisk commands generated for each volume created. The
-mdiskgroup specifies the MDisk group the WI volumes are assigned to. The -size
specifies the volume size in bytes. Click the Continue button.


Record the volume object ID for each volume:

teamsetID-WIN0 ___________ teamsetID-WIN1 ___________

__ 54. Observe that the two new volumes to be mapped to the WIN host object in the background
of the Create Volumes panel.

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Exercise 7. Host definitions and volume allocations

__ 55. From the Map 2 Volumes to Host pane, select from the pull down menu the teamname-WIN
host object. Click the Map button.

__ 56. Examine the svctask mkvdiskhostmap commands generated to map each volume to the
WIN host. Observe that the host ID and volume IDs are referenced in the output. Click the
Close button.
__ 57. Verify that the new volume have now been mapped to the WIN host. Observe that each
volume is assigned a unique identifier (UID) also known as object ID. The UID is also a
serial number that can be to identity a volume to a host.


Each volume UID can also be traced back to the storage system WWPN (...5076802...).

__ 58. Right-click the any column and click the ID and Preferred Node ID check box to add these
columns to the display (Adjust column for viewing).


A Preferred Node ID is assigned to each volume at the time of creation. The preferred node
handles all of the I/O traffic to and from the assigned volume. The preferred node property of a
volume helps to balance the I/O load balance between nodes in the I/O group.

__ 59. Click Create Volume button to create another volume.

__ 60. From the Create Volume panel, select the Advanced Custom preset icon.

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Exercise 7. Host definitions and volume allocations

__ 61. Under the Volume Details tab, use the following parameters to create a custom volume for
the AIX host:
__ a. Enter 1 in the Quantity box.
__ b. Enter 10 in the Capacity box and accept the GiB default.
__ c. Accept the default None as the Capacity savings.
__ d. Enter the name of teamsetID-WIN2.
__ 62. Click the Volume Location tab. Choose teamsetID-DS3KSATA pool from the pull-down
menu to specific the pool in which the volume will be created. Accept all other default
__ 63. Click the General tab and uncheck the box to disable Format Volume.
__ 64. Click the Summary tab to review the volume configuration details.
__ 65. Click Create to create the volume, but do not map it to a host.
__ 66. Examine the svctask commands generated to create the volume. Click the Close button.
__ 67. Verify that the teamsetID-WIN2 volume has been assigned to the correct pool and is not
mapped to a host. Observe that the volume state is Online and available for use.
__ 68. If necessary, right-click on any column heading and select the ID check box to include ID
column to the display.

__ 69. Navigate to Volumes > Volumes by Host.

__ 70. From the teamname-WIN host panel, right-click the teamsetID-WIN0 volume entry.
__ 71. Observe the list of options in which to mange the volume. Select the Properties option.

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Exercise 7. Host definitions and volume allocations

__ 72. From the Properties for volume pane, click the View more details link. Scroll down to
examine the details for the volume. Observe that the volume was created as a Striped

__ 73. Click the Close button.

__ 74. Right-click the teamsetID-WIN0 volume entry again. Select View Mapped Hosts...
__ 75. From the Volume Details pane, observe that the Host Maps tab is displayed. It identifies the
host or the hosts where this volume has been mapped. Observe the SCSI IDs assigned
during the creation.

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Exercise 7. Host definitions and volume allocations



The number of devices on a SCSI bus depends on the data path for the bus. A cluster supports
wide SCSI buses, which have a 16-bit data path and support a maximum of 16 devices. Therefore,
there are sixteen possible SCSI identification numbers that can be assigned to the devices on a

__ 76. Click the Member MDisks tab to view the MDisk(s) providing extents to this volume.


How many extents are allocated to created the teamsetID-WIN0 volume? ______

__ 77. Click the Close button.

Section 6: Create and map volumes to an AIX server

This procedure creates a volume and then map volume to an AIX host object to enable the volume
to be accessed through the associated host object WWPNs.
__ 78. From the Volumes > Volumes by Host panel, select teamname-AIX from the Host Filter
__ 79. Click Create Volume.
__ 80. From the Create Volume Quick Volume Creation window, select the Basic preset.
__ 81. Use the following parameters to create a basic volume for the AIX host:
__ a. Select the teamsetID-DS3KSAS pool.
__ b. Enter 1 in the Quantity box.
__ c. Enter 10 in the Capacity box and accept the GiB default.
__ d. Accept the default None as the Capacity savings.
__ e. Enter the name of teamsetID-AIX1 (make sure you include the dash).
__ f. Accept the default Automatic for the I/O group.
__ g. View the Summary of the volume configuration details.

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Exercise 7. Host definitions and volume allocations

__ 82. Click the Create and Map to Host button.
__ 83. Examine the Examine the svctask mkvdisk commands generated to create the volume.
Click the Continue button.
__ 84. From the Map Volumes to Host pane, select from the pull down menu the teamname-AIX
host object. Click the Map button.
__ 85. Review the svctask mkhostvdiskmap command generated to map volume to the
teamname-AIX host. Click the Close button.
__ 86. From the Volumes > Volumes by Host view for AIX, observe that the volume has a status
of Online (formatting) as zeroes are being written to the volume.
__ 87. Right-click on any column heading and select the ID check box to include ID column to the

__ 88. Click the Running Tasks icon and select the 1Volumes Format task to view volume status.
__ 89. Observe the formatting percentage and the completion time of the formatting activity (image
shown was modified for viewing). You can ignore the estimated time as it does not affect the
ability of the host to use the volume.

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Exercise 7. Host definitions and volume allocations



When formatting is completed, the volume status changes to Online automatically.

__ 90. Click the OK button to close.

__ 91. From the Volumes by Host pane, click Create Volumes to create a second AIX volume
using the following parameters:
__ a. Select the Basic preset.
__ b. Select the teamname-DS3KSATA pool. Accept all other default options
__ c. Volume size of 5 GB
__ d. Volume name teamsetID-AIX2.
__ e. Click the Create button.
__ 92. Examine the Examine the svctask mkvdisk commands generated to create the volume.
Click the Close button.
__ 93. Verify that only the teamsetID-AIX1 volume has been mapped to the AIX.
__ 94. Navigate to Hosts > Host Mappings. Examine the SCSI ID column.


Why are there two SCSI IDs with a value of 0?

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Exercise 7. Host definitions and volume allocations

__ 95. Navigate to the Monitoring > System view. Select the Overview link in the upper right
corner of the GUI browser interface to view system configuration.

__ 96. The Overview panel provides a quick summary view of the system configuration. Hover
over each option to view its identity.
__ 97. Click the Volume icon. Observe that the GUI re-directs you to the Volumes > Volumes
panel that list of logical volumes that the system presents to attached hosts.
__ 98. Navigate to Volumes > Volumes by Pool. Select each pool that is listed under Pool Filter to
view its details.


Associated with each pool button is a concise summary of the number of volumes in that storage
pool, the used and available capacity of the pool, and a tiny visual capacity bar depicting capacity
consumption. Selecting a pool opens a display of more detailed information for that pool, including
a list of volumes using extents of the pool.

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Exercise 7. Host definitions and volume allocations



Record the following for each pool:

Pool name Easy tier Settings # of volumes Allocated capacity Total capacity

__ 99. Locate the Allocation status pod icon in the lower left corner of management GUI window.
__ 100.The Allocation status pod contains a at-a-glance view of the system allocated capacity.
Click the Allocated bar to switch between real and virtual capacity allocations.


At this point these values are pretty close because no Thin-Provisioned volumes have been allocated yet.

__ 101.Select Monitoring > Performance.

__ 102.Hover the mouse pointer over graph area to view the real-time statistics for the CPU utilization,
volume, interface, and MDisk bandwidth of your system and nodes (image modified for viewing).

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Exercise 7. Host definitions and volume allocations



Each graph represents five minutes of collected statistics and provides a means of assessing the
overall performance of your system.
The CPU utilization graph shows the current percentage of CPU usage and peaks in utilization. It
can also display compression CPU usage for systems with compressed volumes.
The Interfaces graph displays data points for Fibre Channel (FC), iSCSI, serial-attached SCSI
(SAS), and IP Remote Copy interfaces. You can use this information to help determine connectivity
issues that might impact performance.
The Volumes and MDisks graphs on the Performance panel show four metrics: Read, Write, Read
latency, and Write latency. You can use these metrics to help determine the overall performance
health of the volumes and MDisks on your system. Consistent unexpected results can indicate
errors in configuration, system faults, or connectivity issues.

__ 103.Log out of the systemID-V7K management GUI.

End of exercise

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Exercise 8. Access storage from Windows and AIX


Exercise 8. Access storage from

Windows and AIX
Estimated time

This exercise explores the storage access from a Windows and an AIX host. Students set up host
discovery with both Windows and AIX hosts while having volumes appear as new disks on these
hosts. The student uses the host tools and Storwize V7000 related software like the SDDDSM and

At the end of this exercise, you should be able to:
• Create new volume partitions on host systems including Windows and AIX
• Compare Storwize V7000 volumes to Windows volume partitions using SDDDSM and
• Create simple volumes mount points on host servers

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Exercise 8. Access storage from Windows and AIX

Exercise instructions
Section 1: Discover V7000 volumes on Windows host
This procedure uses the Disk Management to create partitions on the Windows host servers.
__ 1. From the Admin server desktop, double-click on the teamname-WIN server icon to start a
remote desktop session.
__ 2. Log in with the WIN server credentials (refer to the team lab data sheet).
__ 3. From the teamname-WIN server, click the Server Manager icon which is next to the Start


The Server Manager can also be invoked by right-clicking the Computer icon, and click Manage to
open the Server Manager.

__ 4. From the Server Manager pane, click the plus sign (+) associated with the Storage entry.
__ 5. Double-click the Disk Management entry.
__ 6. Verify that the Windows SYSTEM C: drive is the only disk listed.
__ 7. Right-click the Disk Management and select Rescan Disks.

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Exercise 8. Access storage from Windows and AIX

__ 8. Verify that there are two newly detected disks added to the list of disks.
__ 9. Right-click the left portion of any one of the Unknown Disk of the drive designation. Select
Initialize Disk.

__ 10. Accept the default selection of MBR to initialize both disks, and click the OK button.


If one or both of these disks were recognized by Windows due to residual data, right-click the disk
entry and click Delete Partition from the pop-up menu to delete the existing control data.

__ 11. Observe that the two new Windows Basic 10 GB disks have been initialized. The disk space
shows as Unallocated because it hasn’t been formatted by Windows yet.

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Exercise 8. Access storage from Windows and AIX

Section 2: Correlate host disks to Storwize V7000 volumes
This procedure identifies which Storwize V7000 volume is which Windows disk.
__ 12. From the teamname-WIN server desktop, click the SDDDSM icon to open the command
line interface in the correct folder location.


The SDDDSM interface can also be opened by clicking Start > All Programs > Subsystem
Device Driver DSM > Subsystem Device Driver DSM.

__ 13. Enter datapath query adapter SDDDSM command and press Enter. The output
displays the installed Fibre Channel HBA adapters.
__ 14. Observe that each adapter has 4 active paths.

__ 15. Enter the datapath query device SDDDSM command and press Enter. This output
displays the SCSI devices that are attached and the device serial number listed for each
__ 16. Observe the preferred paths selected by the SDD. This output also represents the SCSI
device access before the Windows mount points are created.

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Exercise 8. Access storage from Windows and AIX



The SDD automatically distinguishes and routes the I/O for the virtualize LUNs through the
preferred paths on the preferred node. The asterisk marks the alternate paths or non-preferred
paths. If no path on the preferred node is available, I/O failover processing to the alternate path or
non-preferred node occurs.

__ 17. If you do not have nonzeros under the select counter column, enter the datapath clear
device 0 device number 3 count all command and press Enter. This command
dynamically sets the select counter to zero.
__ 18. Run the datapath query device command again to view the output.


Record the DEVICE NAME and the last few bytes of the SERIAL number for each disk as shown in
the SDDDSM output.

Device name Last 3 bytes of serial number

__ 19. Minimize the SDDDSM.

__ 20. From the Admin server, open a browser window.
__ 21. Enter the URL of your team StorwizeV7000 management IP address.
__ 22. Log on with teamname-admin credentials provided in the team lab data sheet.
__ 23. Navigate to Volumes > Volumes by Host.
__ 24. Select teamname-WIN in the Host filter. Locate the UID column.
__ 25. Correlate the teamname-WIN#s volume name and UID column with the SDDDSM Disk
name and SERIAL number from the table above.

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Exercise 8. Access storage from Windows and AIX



Due to SAN device discovery and the I/O group ownership of the Storwize V7000 volumes, the
Windows disk entries might not be in the same sequence as the Storwize V7000 volume UIDs.

__ 26. Minimize the browser session with the Storwize V7000 management GUI.

Section 3: Create a simple volume on Windows host

This procedure runs the Simple Volume wizard on a Windows server to create a mount point for
Storwize V7000 volumes that are mapped to the teamname-WIN server.
__ 27. Navigate back to the teamname-WIN server remote desktop session.
__ 28. From the teamname-WIN server, navigate back to the Server Manager > Disk
Management pane.
__ 29. Observe that the two new Windows Basic disks have been initialized. Right-click the Disk#
Unallocated partition. Click New Simple Volume.
__ 30. Welcome to the New Simple Volume Wizard window is displayed. Click the Next > button to
__ 31. From the Specify Volume Size pane, accept the default value to use the entire capacity for
the Partition size. Observe that the Disk Management partition size is displayed in
megabytes and not gigabytes. Click the Next > button.
__ 32. From the Assign Drive Letter on Path pane, accept the defaults drive letter. Click the Next >
__ 33. From the Format Partition pane, complete the following parameters:
__ a. Accept the default NTFS for File system
__ b. Accept the default for Allocation unit size.
__ c. Enter the teamsetID-WIN0 as the Volume label.
__ d. Accept the default to Perform a quick format.

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Exercise 8. Access storage from Windows and AIX

__ e. Click Next > button.

__ 34. From the Completing the New Simple Volume Wizard pane, review the volume format
settings. Click the Finish button to create and mount the Windows volumes.

__ 35. Observe that the teamsetID-WIN0 volume mount point has been created with the same
capacity specified as the Storwize V7000 volume. Observe the status of the volume is
__ 36. Right-click the second Disk# Unallocated partition. Click New Simple Volume.
__ 37. The New Simple Volume Wizard welcome screen is displayed. Click Next.
__ 38. The Specify Volume Size screen is displayed. Accept the default value to use the entire
capacity for the Partition size. Disk Management shows partition size in megabytes and not
gigabytes. Click Next.

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Exercise 8. Access storage from Windows and AIX

__ 39. The Assign Drive Letter on Path screen is displayed. Accept the defaults drive letter. Click
__ 40. The Format Partition screen is displayed. Accept the default NTFS for File system,
Allocation unit size, and to Perform a quick format
__ 41. Enter the teamsetID-WIN1 as the Volume label. Click the Next button.
__ 42. The Completing the New Simple Volume Wizard screen is displayed.Verify the selected
__ 43. Click Finish to create the Windows volume.
__ 44. Verify that the two Windows Basic disks, labeled as teamsetID-WIN0 and
teamsetID-WIN1 are now mounted and online. Observe the drive letters that are assigned
to each volume mount point.

__ 45. Return to the teamname-WIN server SDDDSM.

__ 46. Use the up arrow to retrieve the datapath query device command to verify paths
access after the Windows mount point were created.

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Exercise 8. Access storage from Windows and AIX



The select counter column represents the number of times the paths have been accessed. The
number is added by 1.

__ 47. Enter the datapath clear device 0 count all command and press Enter. This
command dynamically sets the select counter to zero.
__ 48. Run the datapath query device command again to view the output.
__ 49. Observe that the State column has been reset to all zeros.
__ 50. Type exit to close the SDDDSM command prompt window.
__ 51. Return to the Server Manager navigation tree. Click the plus sign (+) to expand
Diagnostics view of the physical device infrastructure.
__ 52. Next, select the Device Manager.
__ 53. From the Device Manager pane, click the plus sign (+) to expand the Disk drives view.
__ 54. Observe the two instances of IBM 2145 Multi-Path Disk Devices created by SDDDSM.


As Storwize V7000 volumes gets mounted to a host they are represented by the SDDDSM/MPIO
as IBM 2145 Multi-Path Disk Device instance to the upper layers of Windows. Each instance
correlates to the disk entries in Disk Management. The SCSI Disk Device represents the four paths
zoned to connect the host to the Storwize V7000 system.

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Exercise 8. Access storage from Windows and AIX

Section 4: Add existing data to the mounted drives
In this procedure, students will copy existing data to the new Windows volume mounted drives to
generate write activity. This information will be used in a later lab exercise.
__ 55. Return to the Disk Management pane. Right-click on the teamsetID-WIN0 drive and select

__ 56. Navigate to the C:\ Software \ ClassFolders\.

__ 57. From the ClassFolders, copy the FolderDB-4GB folder to the teamsetID-WIN0 disk
__ 58. Return to the ClassFolders, copy the FolderPic-4GB folder to the teamsetID-WIN1
disk drive.

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Exercise 8. Access storage from Windows and AIX



These files are fairly large to copy. Continue to the next section of this lab once the copy starts.

__ 59. Click Start > Logoff to exit from the teamname-WIN server.
__ 60. Navigate back to the systemID-V7K management GUI.
__ 61. Select the Settings > Network.
__ 62. Select Fibre Channel Connectivity from the Network Filter list.
__ 63. From the View connectivity drop-down lists, select Hosts and the select teamname-WIN.
__ 64. Click Show Results button.

__ 65. Examine the content of the Remote WWPN column these values should look familiar they
are the WWPNs of the teamname-WIN.
__ 66. Examine the content of the Local WWPN column these are the V7000 ports zoned with the
teamname-WIN host WWPNs.


This view allows the zoning between the host HBA ports and the V7000 Fibre Channel ports to be

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Exercise 8. Access storage from Windows and AIX

Section 5: Discover Storwize V7000 volumes on AIX host
This procedure uses the AIX SSH connection to create partitions on the AIX host servers.
__ 67. From the Admin server desktop, open an SSH session to your team AIX server.
__ 68. Log in with the server credentials, if requested (Refer to the team lab data sheet).
__ 69. Enter the following AIX commands to list the disk configuration:
__ a. lsdev -Cc disk
__ b. cfgmgr
__ c. lsdev -Cc disk


The LUNs are represented as hdisk0, hdisk1, and so on. The hdisk0 is the root volume group
(rootvg). The hdisk0 gets created during the install alone with the other physical or virtual disks.


What is the hdisk number of the MPIO device? _____________

__ 70. Enter pcmpath query adapter command and press Enter. The output displays the
installed Fibre Channel HBA adapters. Observe that each adapter has 2 active paths.

__ 71. Enter the pcmpath query device command and press Enter. This output lists the FSCSI
hdisks that are attached and the device serial number listed for each device. Note that only
one hdisk has been discovered by the SDD.

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Exercise 8. Access storage from Windows and AIX

__ 72. Observe that four paths have been identified by the SDDPCM but no preferred paths have
been selected. This output also represents the FSCSI device access before the AIX mount
point is created.


The SDDPCM identifies four paths for the hdisk that relates to the host ports that are zoned for
access in the lab environment. Currently all four paths have a state of CLOSE because the host
access infrastructure still needs to be defined.

__ 73. If you do not have nonzeros under the select counter column, enter the pcmpath clear
device 1 count all command and press Enter to reset select counter to zero.
__ 74. Run the pcmpath query device command again to view the output.


Record the DEVICE NAME and the last few bytes of the SERIAL number for the disk as shown in
the SDDPCM output.

Device Name Last 3 bytes of serial number

__ 75. Minimize the AIX SSH connection view.

__ 76. Return to the Storwize V7000 GUI.
__ 77. Navigate to Volumes > Volumes by Host.
__ 78. Select teamsetID-AIX in the Host filter. Locate the UID column.
__ 79. Correlate the teamsetID-AIX1 volume name and UID column with the SDDDPCM Disk
name and SERIAL number from the table above.

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Exercise 8. Access storage from Windows and AIX

Section 6: Create an AIX host mount point using the V7000 volume
__ 80. Using the MPIO hdisk, enter the mkvg -y teamsetID_AIXVG hdiskX command to
create a volume group (Where X is the 2145 AIX hdisk#).

__ 81. Enter the lspv command to list the physical volume that are capable of being shared in a
storage pool.

__ 82. Enter the lsvg -l teamsetID_AIXVG to list the volume group identifier of which this
physical disk is a member.
__ 83. Observe that the volume group has been created but the logical volume and mount point
still need to be defined.

__ 84. Enter the pcmpath query device command to verify paths access within the hdisk
after the volume group was created. Note that state of the paths of the hdisk is now OPEN.


To determine which paths are those to the preferred node, SDDPCM has to send a small number of
I/Os to each path. Once identified, each path to the non-preferred node is marked with an asterisk.

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Exercise 8. Access storage from Windows and AIX

__ 85. To create a logical volume and file system for the teamsetID-AIXVG volume group, enter
the following command (this is one long command and will not display in its entirety):
crfs –v jfs –g teamsetID-AIXVG -a size=256M -m /teamsetID-AIXVGMP
–p rw

__ 86. Enter the lsvg -l teamsetID-AIXVG command.

__ 87. Observe that the volume group now has a logical volume (lv00) and a mount point of
teamsetID-AIXVGMP, but the logical volume state (LV STATE) is closed.

__ 88. Enter the pcmpath query device command. Observe that the SDDPCM displays an
increase in the select counts for half of the paths of this hdisk.

__ 89. Enter the lsfs command to display the characteristics of file system /dev/lv00.
Observe the last entry that indicates the /dev/lv00 mount point, automatic mount,
permission, and file system size.

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Exercise 8. Access storage from Windows and AIX

__ 90. Enter the mount /teamsetID-AIXVGMP command to mount and list the file system.
Followed by the df –k command to display information for all currently mounted file

__ 91. Now that the file system has been mounted, enter the lsvg -l teamsetID-AIXVG
command to list the volume group.
__ 92. Observe that after that the LV STATE is now open.

__ 93. Enter the datapath query device command to review the hdisk path status and the
selected counts again.


Beginning with SDDPCM v2.5.0.0, a symbolic link of datapath has been added to the pcmpath
command so that either command can be entered to obtain the same results.

__ 94. Enter the pcmpath query version command to verify the version level of SDDPCM.

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Exercise 8. Access storage from Windows and AIX

__ 95. Create a file to verify read/write access. Enter the following commands:
__ /teamsetID-AIXVGMP
__ b. echo ‘Writing to DS3K via V7K’ > file1.txt
__ c. ls
__ d. cat file1.txt

__ 96. Use the SDDPCM command to check traffic and status. Enter the datapath query device
command and compare the select path count information from the previous output.

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Exercise 8. Access storage from Windows and AIX

__ 97. The AIX ODM contains pathing or connectivity data for the hdisk. Enter the odmget –q
“name=hdiskx” CuPath command to display the path connection data. Scroll down to
see all 8 paths(where x is your hdisk #).


Each of the hdisk’s path connection data identifies a target WWPN that presented the LUN instance
(the V7000 volume) to AIX. This AIX server is zoned for eight paths and the eight WWPNs
(connections) are those of the two nodes of the V7000.

__ 98. Type exit to log out of the AIX session.

__ 99. From the Admin server desktop, navigate back to the browser session with the Storwize
V7000 management GUI.
__ 100.Select Settings > Network.
__ 101.Select Fibre Channel Connectivity from the Network Filter list.
__ 102.From the View connectivity drop-down lists, select Hosts and then select AIX.

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Exercise 8. Access storage from Windows and AIX

__ 103.Click Show Results to view zoning information for the AIX host.

__ 104.Observe that the zoning data of the AIX HBA ports with the system ports is shown. These
system ports (Local WWPN column) should match the connection data from the AIX paths
__ 105.Log out of the systemID-V7K management GUI.

End of exercise

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Exercise 9. Hybrid pool and Easy Tier


Exercise 9. Hybrid pool and Easy Tier

Estimated time

This exercise explores the features that are associated with Easy Tier and Flash drives. The
student will create a Hybrid pool to implement East Tier Technology. In addition, review Easy Tier
configurations, build volumes within the IBM Storwize V7000 GUI, generate I/Os for Easy Tier
evaluation, and view the performance monitor to show current utilization. The IOmeter tool is used
to generate storage activity.

At the end of this exercise, you should be able to:
• Modify Easy Tier settings on an existing single storage pool
• Create a Hybrid pool by adding Flash-based MDisks to an existing storage pool
• Create Storwize V7000 volumes to be used in the Easy Tier evaluation
• Use IOmeter tool to generate I/O activity for analyzing

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Exercise 9. Hybrid pool and Easy Tier

Exercise instructions
Section 1: Change Easy Tier setting for single tier pool
__ 1. From the Admin server desktop, double-click the PuTTy icon.
__ 2. Open an SSH session to the systemID-V7K management IP address.
__ 3. Enter the lsmdiskgrp –delim , command to list the current storage pools to view their
__ 4. Locate the teamsetID-DS3KSATA pool entry. Observe that its Easy Tier setting for this
pool is set to auto and its status is balanced.


As of 7.3 software code, the easy_tier attribute can take on the values “auto”, “on”, “off”,
and “measure”.
Similarly, the easy_tier_status attribute undergoes changes with licensing:
• The status, "active" means that Easy Tier is managing the extents of the multi-tier pools
while it is “balanced” for a single-tier pool.
• The status “balanced” means that Easy Tier is activity managing the extents to provide
enhanced performance by rebalancing the extents among the MDisks within the storage tier.
This feature is also known as Storage Pool Balancing.
• The status "measured" indicates that Easy Tier statistics are being collected for all volume
disks (vdisks) but no extent management is taking place.
• The status "inactive" means that Easy Tier is neither collecting statistics nor managing the

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Exercise 9. Hybrid pool and Easy Tier

__ 5. Enter the lsvdisk teamsetID-WIN2 command to examine the details of the volume
allocated from the teamname-DS3KSATA pool.
__ 6. Observe that the teamsetID-WIN2 volume easy_tier_status of balanced indicates it
is not being monitored by Easy Tier for I/O activity (scroll down to view the complete output).

__ 7. Enter the chmdiskgrp –easytier measure teamsetID-DS3KSATA command to

change the Easy Tier setting from balanced to measure.

__ 8. Recall the lsmdiskgrp –delim , command to examine the pool details.

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Exercise 9. Hybrid pool and Easy Tier

__ 9. Observe that the Easy Tier setting for the teamsetID-DS3KSATA pool has been changed
from auto to measure. This indicates that volumes assigned to this pool are now being
measured for I/O activity.

__ 10. Recall the lsvdisk teamsetID-WIN2 command. Observe that the

easy_tier_status entry has automatically changed from balanced to measure at the
volume level to indicate I/O activity is now being monitored.

__ 11. Minimize the systemID-V7K session.

Section 2: Create a Hybrid pool

This procedure adds Flash-based MDisk to an existing storage pool to define a Hybrid storage


The Easy Tier function of Storwize V7000 allows for significant cost savings by automatically
placing data among different storage tiers. The feature can be implemented for internal and
external storage.
Using both single tier and multi tier storage pools are essential in determining the advantage of
having Flash Mdisk in your storage environment by implementing the Easy Tier function.

__ 12. Navigate to the systemID-V7K management GUI.

__ 13. Select Pools > Internal Storage.

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Exercise 9. Hybrid pool and Easy Tier

__ 14. From the Drive Class Filter, All Internal drive list. Verify that both 278.9 GiB Flash drives
have a use attribute of Candidate.
__ 15. Select Pools > MDisks by Pools.
__ 16. Below the MDisk by Pools panel, observe the display of the 278.9 GiB Flash drives and the
total capacity which can be assigned. This serves as a reminder and a quick option to
assign storage.


Do not use this option as it only provides the ability to only create a RAID 10. This feature basically
serves as a reminder and a quick option in which to assign storage.

__ 17. Right-click on the teamsetID-DS3KSAS and select Add Storage.

__ 18. From the Assign Storage to Pool pane, select the Advanced feature Internal Custom.
__ 19. From the Drive Assignment section, observe that the 278.9 GiB FLASH drive class is
automatically displayed as it is the only remaining drive class with available drives in
Candidate status.
__ a. Accept the default option of 2 to use the remaining drives.
__ b. Change the RAID level to RAID-1, and accept 0 for no spare with a stripe width of 2 and
an array width of 2.
__ c. Observe that the capacity increase for the specified pool.

__ d. Click the Summary Tab. Observe that the system configuration will create one
MDisk_02 using only 2 Flash drives to configure the RAID-1 array.

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Exercise 9. Hybrid pool and Easy Tier

__ e. Click the Assign button to add Flash drives to the assigned pool.

__ 20. Examine the svctask mkarray command that is generated to define the RAID1 array.
This command also indicates the drives within the array and defines the MDisk group ID.
The -stripe 256 value specifies the virtualization type and extent size of 256 MB. The
-sparegoal 1 indicates that it is RAID protected and indicates the storage pool in which
this array is add to. Click the Close button.
__ 21. Click the plus sign (+) sign to examine its details of teamsetID-DS3KSAS pool to examine
its details.
__ 22. Observe the MDisk_0# (example shows MDisk_02) that has been defined with the amount
of capacity allocated for the pool (For the time being, overlook the fact that the Flash-based
MDisk is a RAID 1 array.)
__ 23. Right-click any column and click the Tier check box to add a Tier Technology column to the

__ 24. Observe that this task has generated a Status Alert. Click the Status Alert icon in the lower
right corner of the management GUI interface window.
__ 25. Click the descriptive alert to view details of the alerts. The Events table is displayed.The
status of an event depends on the type of event that is triggered.

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Exercise 9. Hybrid pool and Easy Tier



This alert indicates the Array MDisk_02 array currently has 0 spare protection. It is not best practice
to create an array as all RAID array must be protected with an sufficient spare. Due to unforeseen
circumstances there are no available flash candidate drives available. This does not change the
health status on the system. Therefore, you will ignore this alert and CONTINUE with the lab using
only 2 flash drives for this array.
You have the option to run the Event Log Run Fix procedure to remove the alert from the event log.
However, it will reappear each time a tasking is generated.

__ 26. Right-click on the new Flash array MDisk_0# (example shows MDisk_02) and select
__ 27. Change its default MDisk name to FLASH-MDisk_02 to match the array tier technology.
__ 28. Examine the svctask chmdisk command generated to rename the array. Click the
Close button.
__ 29. Verify that the Flash-based MDisk_02 is now renamed.
__ 30. Navigate to Pools > Volumes by Pool.
__ 31. From the Pool Filter pane, click the teamsetID-DS3KSAS pool icon.
__ 32. From the Volumes by Pool panel, observe the change in the teamname-DS3KSAS’s icon.
This icon represents that Easy Tier status is now active.


The teamsetID-DS3KSAS pool is now a multi-tier hybrid pool with Flash-based and
Enterprise-based MDisks all in the same pool. Because the Easy Tier setting for the pool defaults to
auto, the Easy Tier status of the pool became active automatically.

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Exercise 9. Hybrid pool and Easy Tier

__ 33. Click the pool label and rename the name the pool to teamsetID-DS3KHyrid. Press Enter.

__ 34. Examine the generated svctask chmdiskgrp CLI command to change the pool name.
Verify that the displayed pool name has been updated to the new name. Click the Close button.
__ 35. Verify that the teamsetID-DS3KSAS pool is now renamed.

Section 3: Create new volumes in the hybrid pool

This procedure creates volumes that will be used by IBM Easy Tier to measure and analyze their
activity in the Hybrid pool.
__ 36. Navigate to Volumes > Volumes.
__ 37. Click Create Volumes button to create another volume.
__ 38. From the Create Volumes Advanced window, select the Custom preset.
__ 39. Under the Volume Details tab, complete the following parameters:
__ a. Create three 50 GiB volumes with the names of teamsetID-EasyTier.
__ b. Change the default numbering to start with 1.
__ c. Accept the default None as the Capacity savings.
__ 40. Click the Volume Location tab and select the teamsetID-DS3KHybrid pool. Accept all
other default options.
__ 41. Click the General tab. Click the check the box to disable Format Volume.
__ 42. Click the Summary tab to review the volume configuration details.
__ 43. Click the Create button.
__ 44. Review the svctask mkvdisk commands generated to create each volume. Click the
Close button.
__ 45. Verify the three teamsetID-EasyTier volumes are listed. Observe the UID and the storage
capacity of each volume.

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Exercise 9. Hybrid pool and Easy Tier

__ 46. Multi select teamsetID-EasyTier1, teamsetID-EasyTier2 and teamsetID-WIN2.
Right-click and select Map to Host...
__ 47. Select the teamname-WIN host in the Modify Host Mappings panel.
__ 48. Click the Map button to map these volumes to the WIN host.
__ 49. Review the svctask mkvdiskhostmap commands generated to assign each volumes to
the WIN host object. Click the Close button.
__ 50. Navigate to Volumes > Volumes by Host. Select WIN in the Host Filter list. Verify the
three volumes teamsetID-EasyTier1, teamsetID-EasyTier2 and teamsetID-WIN2 are
__ 51. Right-click the column header and click the Easy Tier Status check box to add to this
column to the display.
__ 52. Observe the UID, storage capacity and the Easy Tier status of each volume.


An Easy Tier Active indicates that automatic data placement is enabled. This allows Easy Tier to
collectively measure the host access activities to the data on each storage extent. Based on this
analysis, Easy Tier provides a mapping that identifies high activity extents, and then moves the
high-activity data according to its relocation plan algorithms.

__ 53. Right-click on the teamsetID-EasyTier1 volume and select View Mapped Hosts...
__ 54. Click the Member MDisks tab. Observe the number of extents allocated for the selected

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Exercise 9. Hybrid pool and Easy Tier



The capacity values show that all of the extents are allocated from the Enterprise tier in the hybrid
storage pool. Flash-based MDisks are not used unless no space is available among the
Enterprise-based MDisks. Flash-based extents are reserved for the migration of hot extents.

__ 55. Repeat the same steps to check the extent distributions for the teamsetID-EasyTier2 and
teamsetID-WIN2 volumes.


All extents have been allocated from Enterprise-based MDisks in the hybrid pool.

__ 56. Click the Close button.

__ 57. Minimize the systemID-V7K management GUI.
__ 58. Navigate to the systemID-V7K CLI session.
__ 59. Enter the lsmdiskgrp <pool name> command. Scroll down to view the Easy Tier
information for the teamsetID-DS3KHybrid and teamsetID-DS3KSATA storage pools.
record information in the table list below.


Record the following information from the V7000 CLI sessions:

Storage pool teamsetID-DS3KHybrid teamsetID-DS3KSATA

# of tiers Two One
easy_tier (on/auto/off)
easy_ tier_status
tier ssd
tier enterprise
tier nearline

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Exercise 9. Hybrid pool and Easy Tier

__ 60. Enter the lsvdisk teamsetID-WIN2 command. Scroll down to view the Easy Tier status
and current capacity utilization for the volume copies. Record information in the table list below.
__ 61. Enter the lsvdiskextent teamsetID-WIN2 command to view the extents allocated.
Record information in the table list below.


Record the following information from the V7000 CLI session:

Volume name teamsetID-WIN2

vdisk_uid (last 4 digits)
easy_tier (on/off)
tier nealine
# Extents on

__ 62. Type exit to close the systemID-V7K CLI session.

Section 4: Create Windows disks for the mapped volumes

__ 63. From the Admin server desktop, double-click on the teamname-WIN server icon.
__ 64. Log in using the assigned credentials, if requested (refer to the team lab data sheet).
__ 65. From the teamname-WIN server, navigate to the Server Manager > Storage > Disk
__ 66. From the menu toolbar, select Action > Rescan Disks.
__ 67. Right-click one of the three (new) unknown disks and select Initialize Disk.
__ 68. From the Initialize Disk pane, click the OK button to initialize all three disks.
__ 69. From the WIN server desktop, click the SDDDSM icon to open the CLI in the correct folder

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Exercise 9. Hybrid pool and Easy Tier

__ 70. Enter the datapath query device command to correlate the MDisk UID with the disk
volumes numbers.
__ 71. Return to the Disk Management window, right-click the unallocated portion of the disk that
correlates to the teamsetID-EasyTier1 volume.
__ 72. Select New Simple Volume. The wizard welcome screen is displayed. Complete the
following parameters to partition the drive.
__ 73. The Specify Volume Size screen is displayed. Accept the default and click Next.
__ 74. The Assign Drive Letter screen is displayed. Accept the default and click Next.
__ 75. The Format Partition screen is displayed. Set the partition values as follows:
__ a. Specify Volume Size: Accept the default
__ b. Assign Drive Letter: Accept the default
__ c. File System: NTFS
__ d. Allocation Unit size: Accept the default
__ e. Volume Label: teamsetID-EasyTier1
__ f. Perform a quick format: Accept the checked default
__ 76. Click the Next button.
__ 77. Click the Finish button.
__ 78. Repeat these actions for teamsetID-EasyTier2 and teamsetID-WIN2.


Use the SDDDSM datapath query device command output to label the correct disk.

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Exercise 9. Hybrid pool and Easy Tier

__ 79. Verify that all three file systems are created in the Volume List window.

__ 80. Close the teamname-WIN server Server Manager.

__ 81. Type exit to close the SDDDSM.

Section 5: Start IOmeter to run traffic to the volumes

This procedure uses the IO meter utility to configure the disk parameters to test and measure the
input and output (I/O) performance the Hybrid pool and SATA pool volume behavior.
__ 82. From the teamname-WIN server desktop, navigate to the C:\Software. Right-click on the
IOmeter.exe file and create a shortcut on the WIN server desktop.
__ 83. Right-click on the desktop IOmeter icon and select Run as administrator to run IOMeter
with administrative privileges.

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Exercise 9. Hybrid pool and Easy Tier


__ 84. Click 'I Agree" on Open Source License to proceed.


IOmeter has 2 basic components, the IOmeter and Dynamo. The GUI (IOmeter) is run on a
Windows host reports the numbers and the Dynamo is the workload generator used for disk testing
Workers. With the start IOmeter tool, a Dynamo executable file is generated and placed in the
Windows tool task bar. Dynamo performs the disk I/O operations, record the performance
information and returns the data to the IOmeter. More than one copy of a Dynamo can be running at
the same time. Each running copy of Dynamo is called a manager; each thread within a copy of
Dynamo is called a worker.

__ 85. Click the Dynamo file icon in the Windows tool task bar to view the file details. Wait for the
Dynamo to connect before proceeding.

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Exercise 9. Hybrid pool and Easy Tier



DO NOT close the Dynamo file window, you must leave this application running (only minimize it).

__ 86. Return to the IOmeter interface.

__ 87. Observe that your teamname-WIN server is listed in the Topology panel. Click plus sign (+)
to view a list of workers. IOmeter by default opens 8 disk workers.

__ 88. Select Worker 1 in the Topology box.

__ 89. The Disk Targets tab is displayed by default. The disks listed are manager’s available disk
that represents the logical mounted drives on the teamanme-WIN host.


The yellow icons with a red slash through it means that the drive needs to be prepared before the
test starts.

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Exercise 9. Hybrid pool and Easy Tier

__ 90. Click the check box next to the teamsetID-EasyTier2 disk.


When preparing an unprepared logical drive, IOmeter uses the sum of the values of the Maximum
Disk Size + Starting Disk Sector controls as an upper bound on the size of iobw.tst.

__ 91. From the right of the Disk Targets pane, enter a Maximum Disk Size of 4000000 to create a
4 GB iobw.tst output file for this worker. This controls how much of the disk IOmeter can
use in the desired size in sectors.


The Starting Disk Sector control specifies the lowest-numbered disk sector used by the selected
worker(s). The default is 0, meaning the first 512-byte sector in the disk or \iobw.tst file.

__ 92. Accept the Starting Disk Sector default of 0.


The # of Outstanding I/Os control specifies the maximum number of outstanding asynchronous I/O
operations per disk the selected worker(s) will attempt to have active at one time. (The actual queue
depth seen by the disks may be less if the operations complete very quickly.)

__ 93. The default value is 1. Enter 32 for the # of Outstanding I/O. Larger block sizes up to 64K
will yield best results.

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Exercise 9. Hybrid pool and Easy Tier



The Test Connection Rate control specifies how often the worker(s) open and close their disk(s).
The default is Off, meaning that all the disks are opened at the beginning of the test and are not
closed until the end of the test.

__ 94. Click the Access Specification tab.

__ 95. From the Global Access Specifications panel list, select the entry called Default. Click Edit
__ 96. The Edit Access Specification panel appears. Complete the following parameters to create
the profile:
__ a. Change the default field name to teamsetID-EasyTier2.
__ b. Adjust the Transfer Request Size to 1 MB and 2 KB.
__ c. Adjust the Percent Read/Write Distribution to 100% Write.
__ d. Adjust the Percent Random/Sequential Distribution to 100% Sequential.
__ e. Accept all other defaults.
__ f. Click the OK button to close the panel.

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Exercise 9. Hybrid pool and Easy Tier

__ 97. From the Edit access Specification panel, verify the preconfigured access specifications
settings for the teamsetID-EasyTier2 profile.
- Name: teamsetID-EasyTier2
- Transfer Request size: 1 MB 2 KB
- Percent Read/Write Distribution: 100% Write
- Percent Random/Sequential Distribution: 100%Sequential

__ 98. Click the OK button to close panel.

__ 99. From the Global Access Specifications panel list, select the teamsetID-EasyTier2
specification profile. Click <<Add button to add the selected profile to the Assigned Access
Specification panel.

__ 100.Return to the Topology panel and select Worker2.

__ 101.Click the Disk Targets tab. Use the Ctrl key to multi-select the boxes next to
teamsetID-EasyTier1 and teamsetID-WIN2.

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Exercise 9. Hybrid pool and Easy Tier

__ 102.For the Maximum Disk Size and # of Outstanding I/Os, enter the same parameters specified
for Worker 1and accept the other defaults.

__ 103.Click the Access Specification tab.

__ 104.From the Global Access Specifications panel list, select the entry called Default. Click Edit
__ a. Change the Name field to teamsetID-EasyTier1+Other.
__ b. Adjust the Transfer Request Size to 0 MB and 32 KB.
__ c. Adjust the Percent Read/Write Distribution to 100% Read.
__ d. Adjust the Percent Random/Sequential Distribution to 100% Random.
__ e. Click the OK button.

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Exercise 9. Hybrid pool and Easy Tier

__ 105.From the Edit Access Specifications panel, verify the preconfigured access specifications
settings for the teamsetID-EasyTier1 profile:
- Name: teamsetID-EasyTier1+Other
- Transfer Request size: 0 MB 32 KB
- Percent Read/Write Distribution: 100% Read
- Percent Random/Sequential Distribution: 100% Random

__ 106.Click the OK button to return to the Access Specification tab.

__ 107.Select the teamsetID-EasyTier1+Other specification profile. Click Add to move it to the
Assigned Access Specification panel.
__ 108.Click the Results Display tab.
__ 109.From the Results Since pane, select the radio button next to the Last Update.
__ 110.From the Update Frequency (seconds) pane, use the up arrow to set the frequency update
to 1 second.

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Exercise 9. Hybrid pool and Easy Tier

__ 111.Return Topology pane and select your teamname-WIN host.
__ 112.Click the Network Targets tab.Observe the network interfaces used by the network
worker(s) currently selected in the Topology panel.


IOmeter currently supports the TCP/IP and Virtual Interface Architecture network protocols.

__ 113.Select each remaining worker 3 through 8 and then select the Disconnect Worker icon.

__ 114.Click the Start Test green flag icon in the tool bar area to start I/O.

__ 115.A standard Save File dialog appears. Change the default results.csv file name to

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Exercise 9. Hybrid pool and Easy Tier

__ 116.Click the Save button in the Documents folder.


Once the IOmeter is stopped, a StorwizeV7000-IO.csv file is created with the test samples.

__ 117.Close the Documents window.

__ 118.Navigate to the Dynamo file window that is running the IOmeter disk IO operations. The
status bar shows Preparing Drives. Verify this does not show errors.


DO NOT close the Dynamo file window, you must leave this application running (only minimize it).

__ 119.Return to the IOmeter application.

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Exercise 9. Hybrid pool and Easy Tier

__ 120.Observe the Preparing disks status displayed in the IOmeter lower right task bar. This
process of Preparing Drives might take up to 25 minutes to complete, depending on the
number of volumes disks.

Section 6: Review IOmeter results

This procedure sets the Display section to view the results for each worker or manager.
__ 121.From the IOmeter Results Display tab, set the Display section as follows:
__ a. Click the first display option for Total I/Os per Second button for All Managers. Change
the display to Total MBs per Second (Decimal).
__ b. Click the second display option, Total MBs per Second (Decimal). From the Topology
panel, click and drag Worker1 (for teamsetID-EasyTier2) to the bar chart area and
__ c. Click the third display option, Average IO Response Time (ms). Change the display to
Total MBs per Second (Decimal). From the Topology panel, click Worker2 (for
teamsetID-EasyTier2) and drag to the bar chart area and release.
__ d. Click the fourth display option, Maximum IO Response Time (ms). Change the display to
Total I/Os per Second for All Managers.
__ e. Click the fifth option,% CPU Utilization (total). Change the display to Average I/Os
Response Time (ms) for All Managers.
__ f. Accept the last display options Total Error Count for All Managers).

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Exercise 9. Hybrid pool and Easy Tier

__ 122.Observe that once the volumes are ready, the Preparing Disks status changes to Run 1 of 1
and the results page shows activity.


Notify an instructor if any activity is seen in the Total Error Count bar. The Total number of I/O errors
bar indicates errors that have occurred during the test (normally zero). The errors that are counted
are only those that cause the ReadFile or WriteFile call to return an error code. IOmeter does not
perform data verification to make sure the data was read/written properly.

__ 123.Return to the Dynamo file running. Observe that the dynamo file is now capturing counter
statistics on each volume.

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Exercise 9. Hybrid pool and Easy Tier



DO NOT close the Dynamo file, leave this window alone (you can minimize it).

__ 124.Navigate to the Windows Explorer. Each teamsetID-EasyTier1 volume disk being

monitored by the IOmeter contains a iobw.tst file that was created with the specified size
(or available space, if smaller) at the start of the IOmeter.


If the file already exists (the drive has already been prepared), changing this control will not resize
iobw.tst.The iobw.tst file must be manually removed after testing is complete.

__ 125.Right-click on the teamsetID-EasyTier1 volume drive and select Properties.

__ 126.Observe the used and free space capacity. With a maximum disk size of 4 GB, this limits the
file size so it doesn't fill the entire drive.

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Exercise 9. Hybrid pool and Easy Tier



Testing blank volumes is much quicker and provides better information when testing random IO
performance. Random I/O test on a very small volume (file) isn't practical, as large volume offers
better results.

__ 127.Click the Cancel button. Close the Windows Explorer.

__ 128.Return to IOmeter and select the Disk Targets tab.
__ 129.Select each assigned work (Worker 1 and Worker 2). Observe that the drive icon is now a
solid yellow (with no slash).These drives are only shown if they are writable.


Do not log off of the teamname-WIN server. However you may either minimize the window or
Disconnect from Windows.

__ 130.Return to the systemID-V7K management GUI.

__ 131.Navigate to Monitoring > Performance.
__ 132.The GUI Performance view presents the overall performance metrics for the Storwize
V7000 environment. Observe that it displays CPU utilization, network interface traffic
statistics, volume, and MDisk activity.
__ 133.Compare the MBps values in the Volumes quadrant with the Total MBps counters in
IOmeter. The Storwize V7000 performance monitor displays metrics at five second
intervals. You can adjust the IOmeter Update Frequency (seconds) value to this value for a
closer comparison.

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Exercise 9. Hybrid pool and Easy Tier

__ 134./The Performance view data can be displayed at the node level. From the System Statistics
pull-down select node1. This display is the aggregate performance of volumes that are
owned by node1.

__ 135.Compare the Mbps values in the Volumes quadrant with the Total MBps of the Worker1
status bar in the IOmeter GUI.


I/O is handled for the teamsetID-EasyTier2 volume by node1 (its preferred node). If the preferred
node of your teamsetID-EasyTier2 is node2, update the display using the System Statistics

__ 136.From the System Statistics pull-down select node2. This display is the aggregate
performance of volumes that are owned by node1.
__ 137.Compare the MBps values in the Volumes quadrant with the Total MBps of the Worker2
status bar in the IOmeter GUI.


I/O for the teamsetID-EasyTier1 and teamsetID-WIN2 volumes is being serviced by node2
(their preferred node).

__ 138.Do not log off or shut down the teamname-WIN server. Click the X in the upper corner of the
teamname-WIN session and Disconnect.
__ 139.Click Log Out to exit from the systemID-V7K management GUI.

End of exercise

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Exercise 10. Access Storwize V7000 through iSCSI host


Exercise 10.Access Storwize V7000

through iSCSI host
Estimated time

This exercise explores the storage access from an iSCSI host in Windows OS. Students set up host
discovery with volumes appearing as new disks. The student will use the host tools and Storwize
V7000 related software like the SDD and explore the failover behavior of iSCSI.

At the end of this exercise, you should be able to:
• Modify the Storwize V7000 Ethernet ports to support iSCSI volume access
• Create iSCSI host port connections to the Storwize V7000 using the iSCSI initiator
• Define an iSCSI host object on the Storwize V7000 system
• Create a volume and map volume to iSCSI host object using the Storwize V7000 GUI

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Exercise 10. Access Storwize V7000 through iSCSI host

Exercise instructions
Section 1: Define iSCSI ports on the V7000 system
This procedure establishes iSCSI Ethernet connection on the Storwize V7000 system.
__ 1. From the systemID-V7K management IGUI, navigate to Settings > Network.
__ 2. From the Network filter list, select the iSCSI network option.
__ 3. The iSCSI Configuration information is displayed. Examine the iSCSI Name (IQN) displayed
for each node.

__ 4. Select the Ethernet Ports in the Network filter list. Observe the io_grp listed. If necessary,
click the plus (+) to expand the view.
__ 5. Right-click the node 1 port 1 entry. Click Modify IP Settings.
__ 6. From the Modify Port 1 of Node 1 pane, enter the iSCSI IP address that has been assigned
for this node port (refer to the team lab data sheet).
__ 7. Observe that the Subnet Mask and Gateway fields are filled in automatically. Modify the
gateway address to match the one assigned to the management GUI. Click Modify.

__ 8. Examine the svcinfo lsportid is generated to verify the port information. The
svctask cfgportip command is then generated to assign the gateway IP address, the
IPv4 IP address and the subnet mask IP address to node 1 port 1. Click the Close button.
__ 9. Observe that Node 1 Port 1 has now been configured with an iSCSI address.
__ 10. Repeat the task to modify the other Node and Port entries to enter the assigned iSCSI IP
address for each node port.

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Exercise 10. Access Storwize V7000 through iSCSI host

__ 11. Verify that all Ethernet ports have been updated to specify the correct iSCSI IP addresses.

Section 2: Connect the iSCSI host to the V7000

This procedure completes all the related configuration on the host system to support an
iSCSI-attached host.


The Microsoft iSCSI Initiator, MS MPIO multipath support, and SDDDSM driver support for V7000
must already be installed on this Windows server.

__ 12. From the admin server desktop, navigate to Server Manager > Configuration > Services.
__ 13. From the Services panel, locate Microsoft iSCSI Initiator Service.
__ 14. Verify that the Status column indicates the iSCSI service is Started and the Startup column
is Automatic.

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Exercise 10. Access Storwize V7000 through iSCSI host



If the iSCSI service is not running, follow these general tasks on the host system:
• From the Services panel, right-click on the Microsoft iSCSI Initiator Service and select
• From the General tab, use the pull down menu to select Automatic.
• Click the Apply button, and then Click the Start button.
• Click the OK button to close panel.

__ 15. From the Admin server desktop, double-click the Microsoft iSCSI Initiator icon.


You can also access this feature using the Start > All Programs > Administrator Tools > iSCSI

__ 16. The iSCSI Initiator Properties is displayed. From the Target tab (default), observe that no
target has been discovered.

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Exercise 10. Access Storwize V7000 through iSCSI host

__ 17. Click the Configuration tab. Observe the value of the Initiator Node Name (or IQN) for the

__ 18. Click the Discovery tab.

__ 19. From th Discovery panel, click the Discover Portal button to add the target portal.

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Exercise 10. Access Storwize V7000 through iSCSI host

__ 20. In the Discover Portal dialog box, enter the iSCSI IP address of Node 1 Port 1 of the V7000
system. Leave the default port number of 3260. Click the OK button.

__ 21. Verify that the iSCSI IP address for the system’s Node1 Port 1 has been added in the Target
Portals box.

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Exercise 10. Access Storwize V7000 through iSCSI host

__ 22. Return to the Targets tab. Note that the Storwize V7000 IQN has been discovered
automatically by the iSCSI initiator with an Inactive status. Click the Connect button.

__ 23. The Connect to Target panel is displayed. Select both check boxes so that this connection is
automatically restored at system boots and multipath is enabled. Click the OK button.

__ 24. Verify that the target status is now connected or logged on.
__ 25. Click the Configuration tab. Observe the unique iSCSI IQN name that is displayed. The
IQN value is required to create the Admin Windows host object on the Storwize V7000
__ 26. Click the Change button. From the iSCSI Initiator Name panel. Observe that the unique
Initiator Node Name for Node1 has been highlighted. Do not change anything. Use the
Ctrl+C keys to copy the IQN value to the clip board. Click the Cancel button.

__ 27. Click the OK button to close the iSCSI Initiator Properties panel.

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Exercise 10. Access Storwize V7000 through iSCSI host

Section 3: Create an iSCSI Windows-based host on the Storwize V7000
__ 28. Navigate to the systemID-V7K management GUI browser session.
__ 29. Navigate to Hosts > Hosts.
__ 30. Click Add Host to create the host object for the Admin server host.
__ 31. From the Add Hosts pane window, click the iSCSI radio button for the host connection type.
__ 32. Define a Windows-attached iSCSI Ethernet host using the following information:
__ a. Name: Assign a host name of teamname-iSCSI (refer to the team lab data sheet).
__ b. iSCSI port: Enter or copy and paste (Ctrl+V) the iSCSI IQN name in the field entry box.
The IQN name is equivalent to the WWPN used to create the FCP host.
__ c. Verify the correct IQN name is displayed in the iSCSI Port field. Click the Add button.

__ 33. Examine the mkhost command with the -iscsiname parameter used to create the iSCSI
host object. Click the Close button.
__ 34. Navigate to Hosts > Ports by Host.
__ 35. Observe that the teamname-iSCSI host identifies the IQN port name value used to created
the Windows-based host. Do not be alarmed with the inactive status of the host. Note the
iSCSI host port is only logged into 1 Storwize V7000 node.

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Exercise 10. Access Storwize V7000 through iSCSI host

__ 36. Navigate to Hosts > Hosts. Observe that the teamsetID-iSCSI host Degraded status.


If an iSCSI host does not have a multipath driver that is installed, whether the host is mapped or not
mapped to a volume that is accessible through multiple I/O groups, the host status is always
degraded. Therefore, host will continue to show a degraded status until there is a mapped volume.

Section 4: Create and map volumes to the iSCSI Windows-based server

__ 37. Navigate to Volumes > Volumes to map a volume to the iSCSI host.
__ 38. Click Create Volume button.
__ 39. From the Create Volume panel, select the Advanced Custom preset icon.
__ 40. Under the Volume Details tab, use the following parameters to create a custom volume for
the iSCSI host:
__ a. Enter 1 in the Quantity box.
__ b. Enter 5 in the Capacity box and accept the GiB default.
__ c. Accept the default None as the Capacity savings.
__ d. Enter the name of teamsetID-iSCSI0.
__ 41. Click the Volume Location tab. Choose teamname-RAID5 pool from the pull-down menu
to specific the pool in which the volume will be created. Accept all other default options.
__ 42. Click the General tab and uncheck the box to disable Format Volume.
__ 43. Click the Summary tab to review the volume configuration details.
__ 44. Click the Create and Map to Host button.
__ 45. Examine the svctask mkvdisk commands generated to create the volume. The
-mdiskgroup specifies the MDisk group the iSCSI volume is assigned to. The -size
specifies the volume size in bytes. Click the Continue button.
__ 46. From the Map Volume to Host pane, select from the pull down menu the teamname-iSCSI
host object. Click the Map button.
__ 47. Examine the svctask mkvdiskhostmap commands generated to map each volume is
being mapped to the iSCSI host. Observe that the host ID and volume ID are referenced in
the output. Click the Close button.

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Exercise 10. Access Storwize V7000 through iSCSI host

__ 48. Verify that the teamsetID-iSCSI0 volume has been assigned to the teamname-iSCSI
host. Observe that the volume status is Online and available for use.


Record the last 3 bytes of the UID for the volume VC_iSCSI _____________

__ 49. Navigate to Host > Hosts. Observe that the iSCSI host status is now Online.
__ 50. Click Hosts > Ports by Host. Note that the host IQN port status is now Active.
__ 51. Minimize the systemID-V7K management GUI.

Section 5: Verify volume access on a host server

__ 52. From the Admin server desktop, navigate to Server Manager > Storage > Disk
__ 53. If the volumes have not been discovered by Windows automatically, select from Action
pull-down menu Rescan Disks.
__ 54. Right-click on the unknown disk and select Initialize Disk.
__ 55. From the Initialize Disk pane, click the OK button to initialize the new disk.


Since we have only one drive that should be mounted there is no need to run the SDDDSM
datapath query device command to correlated the UID.

__ 56. Right-click the Disk# Unallocated partition.

__ 57. Click New Simple Volume.
__ 58. The wizard welcome screen is displayed. Complete the following parameters to partition the
__ 59. The Specify Volume Size screen is displayed. Accept the default and click Next.
__ 60. The Assign Drive Letter screen is displayed. Accept the default and click Next. The Format
Partition screen is displayed.

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Exercise 10. Access Storwize V7000 through iSCSI host

__ 61. Set the partition values as follows:
- Specify Volume Size: Accept the default
- Assign Drive Letter: Accept the default
- File System: NTFS
- Allocation Unit size: Accept the default
- Volume Label: teamsetID-iSCSI0
- Perform a quick format: Accept the checked default
__ 62. Click Next. Click Finish.

__ 63. Right-click on the teamsetID-iSCSI0 volume drive and select Explore.

__ 64. Copy the C:\Software\ClassFolders\FolderPics-100MB folder to the
teamsetID-iSCSI0 volume drive.

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Exercise 10. Access Storwize V7000 through iSCSI host

__ 65. From the Admin server desktop, open a Command Prompt window.
__ 66. In the Command Prompt window, enter the diskpart command.
__ 67. From the DISKPART prompt, enter the list disk command to view the list of mounted
__ 68. Observe the disk number that correlates to the teamsetID-iSCSI0 disk number that you
partitioned and mounted. Note that the disk size is presented in MBs.
__ 69. Enter the select disk # command (where # is the 5 GB disk).

__ 70. Once the disk is selected, enter the detail disk command to view the details of the
teamsetID-iSCSI0 disk.
__ 71. Observe the IBM 2145 Multiple-Path Disk Device and iSCSI Type entry in the
detail disk report.

__ 72. Type exit twice to exit the Diskpart prompt and close the Command Prompt.

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Exercise 10. Access Storwize V7000 through iSCSI host

__ 73. Navigate to Server Manager > Diagnostics > Device Manager.
__ 74. Click the plus sign of Disk drives. There is an entry for an IBM 2145 SCSI disk. Note also
the IBM 2145 Multi-Path disk device created by the MS MPIO driver.


At this point only one path has been configured between the iSCSI server and the Storwize V7000
system node1 port 1. Should node1 become unavailable due to planned or unplanned outages, the
system will automatically failover the iSCSI IP address to node2 port 1. Consequently, MPIO
support is not required.

Section 6: Configure multiple iSCSI target ports for MPIO

__ 75. Return to the Admin server desktop and open the Microsoft iSCSI Initiator Properties
__ 76. Click the Discovery tab. Click Discover Portal. The Discover Target Portal window is
__ 77. Enter the iSCSI IP address of Node 1 Port 2 of the V7000 system. Leave the default port
number of 3260. Click the OK button.

__ 78. Click the Targets tab. Observe that adding port 2 of node1 does not discover a new target.


Using the Rescan disks in Disk Management nor Scan for hardware changes in Device Manager
will discover a new instance of the Storwize V7000 system presented volume.

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Exercise 10. Access Storwize V7000 through iSCSI host

__ 79. From the Admin server desktop, open an SSH session with the systemID-V7K
management IP address.
__ 80. Log in using the ID of teamname-admin credentials.
__ 81. Enter the lsportip –delim , -filtervalue node_id=1 command to view the iSCSI
IP addresses assigned to the node 1 ports.
__ 82. Observe that the Node 1 Port iSCSI IP addresses are all listed as full configured with an
active status.

__ 83. Enter the rmportip –node 1 1 command to remove the iSCSI IP address of Node 1 Port
1 in order to test connectivity through the added iSCSI port.
__ 84. Recall the lsportip –delim , -filtervalue node_id=1 command to view the iSCSI
IP addresses assigned to node 1.
__ 85. Observe that the V7000 Port 1 Node 1 iSCSI IP address is now listed as unconfigured.

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Exercise 10. Access Storwize V7000 through iSCSI host



You can also view the iSCSI port status by navigating to the systemID-V7K management GUI.
Select Settings > Network > Ethernet Ports.

__ 86. Navigate back to the Admin server desktop.

__ 87. Navigate to the C:\Software\ClassFolders and copy the FolderPDF-2MB folder to
the teamsetID -iSCSI0 volume to verify the connectivity still exists between the iSCSI
initiator and target.
__ 88. Return to the systemID-V7K management CLI session. Enter the rmportip –node 1 2
command to remove the iSCSI IP address of Node 1 Port 2 (the only other path).
__ 89. Recall the lsportip –delim , -filtervalue node_id=1 command to view the iSCSI
IP addresses assigned to node 1.
__ 90. Observe that Node1 and Ports 1 and 2 are now both unconfigured.

__ 91. Return to the Server Manager > Device Manager > Disk Drives panel to examine the disk
drive entries.
__ 92. Click Action > Scan for hardware changes to see the change.

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Exercise 10. Access Storwize V7000 through iSCSI host

__ 93. Observe that shortly after the port removal, the teamsetID- iSCSI0 volume, as
represented by IBM 2145 SCSI Disk Drive, is no longer seen by this server.

__ 94. Return to the Admin server desktop and open the Microsoft iSCSI Initiator Properties
__ 95. Examine the Targets tab of the iSCSI initiator. The node1 iSCSI target is no longer
connected and the iSCSI initiator is attempting to reconnect. You may need to click the
Refresh button.


Since this is a network issue rather than a Storwize V7000 system issue, the IP addresses of node1
are not forwarded to node2 by the Storwize V7000.

__ 96. Return to the systemID-V7K management CLI session, enter the following command to
restore the iSCSI IP address of node1 port 2.
cfgportip –gw xx.xx.xx.xx –mask xx.xx.xx.xx –ip xx.xx.xx.xx –node 1 2
(Refer to the team data sheet for the gw, mask, and IP addresses)

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Exercise 10. Access Storwize V7000 through iSCSI host

__ 97. Return to the iSCSI Initiator Properties panel. Examine the Targets tab of the iSCSI
initiator. The node1 iSCSI target is restored. You may need to click Refresh button to view

__ 98. Return to the Server Manager > Device Manager > Disk Drives panel to examine the disk
drive entries.
__ 99. Examine the disk drive entries in Device Manager. Observe that the teamsetID-iSCSI0
volume, as represented by IBM 2145 SCSI Disk Drive, is restored.
__ 100.From the V7000 management CLI session, enter the following command to restore the
iSCSI IP address of node1 port 1.
cfgportip –gw xx.xx.xx.xx –mask xx.xx.xx.xx –ip xx.xx.xx.xx –node 1 1
(Refer to the team data sheet for the gw, mask, and IP addresses)
__ 101.Recall the lsportip –delim , -filtervalue node_id=1 command to view that all iSCSI
IP addresses assigned to node 1 has been restored.
__ 102.Return to the iSCSI Initiator Properties panel, click the Discovery tab and add the two
V7000 iSCSI IP port addresses for Node 2 as target portals.

__ 103.Click the Targets tab. Observe that the IQN for Node 2 of the system has been discovered.
__ 104.Select the Node 2 target and click the Connect button.
__ 105.The Connect to Target window is displayed. Select both check boxes so that this connection
is automatically restored at system boots and multipath is enabled. Click the OK button.

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Exercise 10. Access Storwize V7000 through iSCSI host

__ 106.Observe that a second target has been discovered for Node2.

__ 107.Click the OK button.

__ 108.Return to the systemID-V7K management GUI. Select Settings > Network > Ethernet
Ports and verify that all IP addresses for Node 1 and Node 2 are configured and active.


If both iSCSI IP addresses associated with one of the nodes are removed, the MPIO support will
failover I/O to the other node.

__ 109.From the Admin server desktop, navigate to the C:\Software\ClassFolders and copy
FolderDB-300MB folder to the teamsetID-iSCSI0 volume after the multipath
environment has been set up.

__ 110.Log out from the systemID-V7K management GUI browser session.

__ 111.Exit from the systemID-V7K management CLI session.

End of exercise

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Exercise 11. Volume dependencies and tier migration


Exercise 11. Volume dependencies and

tier migration
Estimated time

This exercise reinforces the relationship between volumes and the MDisks providing storage
capacity to those volumes. The student will review dependencies of volumes to the pools. The
student will also migrate a volume from one storage pool to another.

At the end of this exercise, you should be able to:
• Examine the attributes and dependencies of volumes and pools using the Storwize V7000
management GUI
• Carry out the migration of a volume from one storage pool to another

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Exercise 11. Volume dependencies and tier migration

Exercise instructions
Section 1: Review volume and MDisk dependencies
__ 1. From the Admin server desktop, double-click on the Mozilla Firefox icon.
__ 2. Enter the URL of the systemID-V7K management GUI IP address.
__ 3. Log on with teamname-admin credentials provided in the team lab data sheet.
__ 4. Navigate to Pools > Volumes by Pool.
__ 5. Select each pool. Examine each pool that is listed under Pool Filter.


Record the following for each pool:

Pool name # of volumes Allocated capacity Total capacity

__ 6. Select the teamname-RAID5 pool from the Pool Filter display.

__ 7. Observe the list of volumes created from the pool.
__ 8. If required, right-click on any column headings and check the Easy Tier Status box to add it
to the display.

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Exercise 11. Volume dependencies and tier migration

__ 9. Observe the Easy Tier status of each volume in the pool.


Record the Easy Tier Status for each volume in the teamname-RAID5 pool.
Volume name Easy Tier status

__ 10. Navigate to Pools > MDisks by Pools. Click the plus sign next to the teamname-RAID5
pool to view the MDisk of this pool.

__ 11. Right-click the MDisk entry. Select Dependent Volumes from its pop-up list.
__ 12. Examine the volumes in the list. Each of the listed volumes is using extents from the given

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Exercise 11. Volume dependencies and tier migration



The volumes dependent on MDisk pane identifies the list of volumes using extents from this MDisk.
If anything happens to this MDisk, it would not be good news for the listed volumes that are
dependent upon its well-being.


Record the names of the volumes that would be affected if the MDisk was deleted.

__ 13. Click the Close button.

__ 14. Navigate to Monitoring > System view.
__ 15. From the dynamic graphics view, click the blue or yellow arrow to rotate the system to the
__ 16. Right-click on each node canister and select Show Dependent Volumes from its pop-up
list o see which volumes would be inaccessible if the component was taken offline or
powered off.


If during a maintenance procedure, the Show Dependent Volumes action indicates that there are
dependent volumes, you might choose to stop the procedure to investigate whether it is possible to
reinstate the redundancy in the system so that a procedure can be carried out without loss of
access to data.

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Exercise 11. Volume dependencies and tier migration

Section 2: Migrate a volume to another pool
This procedure migrates volumes to other storage pools in the storage system. This migration
activity is totally transparent to host data access.
__ 17. Navigate to the Pools > Volumes by Pool view.
__ 18. From the teamname-RAID5 pool, right-click the teamname-WIN0 entry. Click the Migrate
to Another Pool... option.


Only pools with the same extent size as the source pool would be listed in the target pool list. The
extent size column can be viewed by right-clicking in the column heading area to cause the extent
size of each pool to be displayed.

__ 19. Select the teamsetID-DS3KSATA pool as the destination pool for the teamsetID-WIN0
volume. Click the Migrate button.

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Exercise 11. Volume dependencies and tier migration

__ 20. Examine the svctask migratevdisk - copy 0 command generated by the GUI to
migrate the teamsetID-WIN0 volume (-vdisk) to the teamname-DS3KSATA pool
(-mdiskgrp). Click the Close button.
__ 21. Observe that the Easy Tier Status indicates the volume is now being Measured even though
the migrate processing is still ongoing.
__ 22. Press the Ctrl key to select volumes teamsetID-iSCSI and teamsetID-WIN1. Click the
Migrate button to migrate these volumes to the teamsetID-DS3KHybrid pool.
__ 23. Examine the svctask migratevdisk command generated to migrate each -vdisk
volume to the teamsetID-DS3KHybrid pool (-mdiskgrp). Click the Close button.
__ 24. Observe that the Easy Tier Status for each volumes being reassigned to the
teamsetID-DS3KHybrid pool.


Observe that a volume is considered to be owned by the source pool until all of its extents have
been migrated to the target pool.
As each migration job completes for the volume, the volume’s pool name is automatically updated.

__ 25. Once the three migration processes are completed, observe that the teamname-RAID5
pool no longer have any dependent volumes.


The completed task can be listed from the Recently Completed Tasks section of the Running Tasks
status pod. Each informational message remains in the Recently Completed Tasks box for about an
hour from the time of its task completion.

__ 26. From the teamsetID-DS3KHybrid pool, observe that there are two tiers of storage in this
pool. The Easy Tier Status for this pool is Active.

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Exercise 11. Volume dependencies and tier migration

__ 27. Verify that the teamsetID-WIN1 and the teamsetID-iSCSI0 volumes now reside in this
pool. In the volume details data, notice that the Easy Tier Status of the volume is also


This Easy Tier for this pool was turned on automatically by default because the pool contains two
tiers of storage. The Easy Tier status for the volume is set to active automatically when its pool has
two tiers of storage and the pool’s Easy Tier status is active. Easy Tier monitors the I/O activity of
this volume and automatic data relocation activity can occur.

__ 28. Right-click the teamsetID-WIN1 volume. Click View Mapped Hosts... Click the Member
MDisks tab.
__ 29. Examine the extent distributions across the MDisks shown. The extents of this volume are being
migrated from MDisks in the teamname-RAID5 pool to MDisks of the
teamsetID-DS3KHybrid pool.

__ 30. Click the Close button.

__ 31. Navigate to the teamname-WIN server.
__ 32. Open the Windows Explorer and navigate to the C:\Software\ClassFolder. Copy the
FolderPDF-2MB folder to the teamsetID-WIN1 volume drive.

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Exercise 11. Volume dependencies and tier migration



If the migration is in process, application I/O activity will proceed as usual and is oblivious to the
background infrastructure changes.

__ 33. Navigate back to the systemID-V7K management GUI session.

__ 34. Select Volumes > Volumes by Pool.
__ 35. Select the teamsetID-DS3KSATA pool. Examine the pool details.
__ 36. Observe that the teamsetID-WIN0 volume now resides in this pool and the Easy Tier
status for all volumes in this pool is Measured.


The pool’s Easy Tier status of measured was manually set. There is only one tier of storage in this
pool. Easy Tier monitors the I/O activity of this volume but no data relocation activity occurs.

__ 37. Right-click on the teamsetID-WIN0 volume. Click View Mapped Hosts... and click the
Member MDisks tab.
__ 38. Examine the MDisk extent distributions. Extents are migrated from the MDisks of the
teamname-RAID5 pool to MDisks in this pool.

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Exercise 11. Volume dependencies and tier migration



Even though this pool has an Flash-based MDisk, a volume’s extents are initially placed on
Enterprise-based MDisks. Based on Easy Tier monitoring and automatic data placement, eligible
extents would be gradually migrated to Flash-based MDisks.

__ 39. Click the Close button.


Record the following for each pool:

Pool name # of volumes Allocated capacity Total capacity

__ 40. Do not log off or shut down the teamname-WIN server. Click the X in the upper corner of the
WIN1 session and Disconnect.
__ 41. Click Log Out to exit from the systemID-V7K management GUI.

End of exercise

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Exercise 12. Reconfigure internal storage: RAID options


Exercise 12. Reconfigure internal

storage: RAID options
Estimated time

This exercise provides a closer examination of the RAID presets and internal storage configuration
options available with the Storwize V7000 management GUI. The student will delete a pool to get
free disks and then explore the different RAID options with the disks.

At the end of this exercise, you should be able to:
• Explore GUI presets RAID options in which to add storage to a pool
• Carry out the creation of RAID 10 arrays using the system internal drives
• Carry out the migration of volumes from one storage pool to another

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Exercise 12. Reconfigure internal storage: RAID options

Exercise instructions
Section 1: Delete the internal drive pool
__ 1. From the Admin server desktop, double-click on the Mozilla Firefox icon.
__ 2. Enter the URL of the systemID-V7K management GUI IP address.
__ 3. Log on with teamname-admin credentials provided in the team lab data sheet.
__ 4. Navigate to Pools > Internal Storage.
__ 5. Verify that all drives have a use attribute of Member indicating that are members of arrays.
There should be no drive assigned as a spare.

__ 6. Navigate to Pools > MDisks by Pools.

__ 7. Click the plus sign to expand the view of the teamname-RAID5 pool. Since the migration of
the volumes, no capacity from the pool is being used.
__ 8. Right-click on the SAS-MDisk_01 in the RAID5pool and select the Drives option to view the
number of drives assigned to this MDisk array.


Record the following information:

Total capacity of the RAID5 pool ________
Pool ID of the RAID5 pool ______
# of member drives in MDisk in RAID5 pool ______

__ 9. Observe the system capacity in the Allocated Storage Capacity status pod at the lower left
corner of the browser window.

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Exercise 12. Reconfigure internal storage: RAID options

__ 10. Right-click the teamname-RAID5 pool entry. Select Delete in the pop-up list.

__ 11. Examine the svctask rmmdiskgrp command with the -force option to delete the
MDisk from the teamname-RAID5 pool container. Click the Close button.
__ 12. Observe that the SAS-MDisk-01 array for the teamname-RAID5 pool has been successfully
deleted. Notice that the rmmdiskgrp command did not deleted teamname-RAID5 pool.
__ 13. Examine at the Allocated Storage Capacity status pod at the lower left corner of the browser
window. Observe that due to the removal of the pool, the capacity values of the system have
been updated dynamically.
__ 14. Navigate to Pools > Internal Storage. Click 278.9 GB Enterprise in the Drive Class Filter
__ 15. Examine the Use column. Verify that all drives have a use attribute of Candidate. These
drives were “de-configured” back to individual drives and now available to become
members of arrays. Observe the Total Capacity available for allocation.

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Exercise 12. Reconfigure internal storage: RAID options



Hot spare drives are not affected by the array MDisk deletion. Therefore you will need to reset the
use attribute from spare to candidate. To modify the drive use attribute by right-clicking on the drive
entry and select Mark as > Candidate from the pop-up menu. You can also use the chdrive
-use candidate ## command (## is the drive ID number) to modify the drive use attribute.

Section 2: Create a RAID-10 pool

This procedure creates a mirrored RAID-10 array configuration.
__ 16. Return to the Pools > MDisk by Pools view.
__ 17. Observe that the teamname-RAID5 pool no longer has any MDisk assigned. Right-click on
the teamname-RAID5 pool and select Delete.
__ 18. Click the Create button from the MDisks by Pools panel toolbar.
__ 19. From the Create Pools pane window, enter the name teamname-RAID10. Click the Create

__ 20. Examine the system generated the svctask commands used to create the RAID10
storage pool. Click the Close button.

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Exercise 12. Reconfigure internal storage: RAID options

Section 3: Explore different RAID configuration options
This procedure explores the different RAID options before adding storage to the RAID 10 storage
pool. From the MDisks by Pools panel, observe the Enterprise drive icon indicates that 18 drives
are available for storage allocation.
__ 21. Hover over the Enterprise icon and click the Assign button.


Since a pool must be defined before you can add storage to any pool, we will use the RAID 10 pool
to review other RAID options.

__ 22. From the Assign Internal Storage pane, use the pull-down menu to select the
teamname-RAID10 pool.
__ 23. Observe that the management GUI displays the recommended configuration based on drive
class, RAID level and the width of the array.
In this case, the GUI has selected out of the 18 drives, 12 drives be used to created a
RAID-6 array using one MDisk.

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Exercise 12. Reconfigure internal storage: RAID options



Traditional RAID 6, also known as double-parity RAID, is more compute-intensive as it uses two
parity stripes on each disk which calculations for each write operation. Therefore, RAID 6 is slower
on writes than most other RAID levels.
RAID 6 is mostly found in installations using SATA drives, especially large-capacity SATA drives in
their arrays. SCSI drives are generally smaller and considered more reliable than SATA drives -
outside of that, there are no technical reasons why you cannot use RAID 6 with SCSI drives.

__ 24. Click the Cancel button.


Do not click the Assign button. We are only exploring the configuration option.

__ 25. Right-click on the teamname-RAID10 pool and select Add Storage.

__ 26. From the Assign Storage to Pools pane, select the Quick Internal icon.
__ 27. Observe that the management GUI provides the same recommended configuration option
based on the drive class, RAID level and the width of the array.


Do not click the Assign button.

__ 28. Select the Advanced Internal Custom icon.

__ 29. From the Drive Assignment tab window, use the RAID pull-down menu to select the
Distributed RAID 6.

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Exercise 12. Reconfigure internal storage: RAID options

__ 30. Observe that the management GUI offers the same RAID array configuration as the
Distributed RAID 5 using one spare with an array width of 18 drives.


Why is there less capacity being assigned to the Distributed RAID 6 with a maximum of 18 drives,
than the Distributed RAID 5 using the same amount of drives?


Answer: RAID 5 distributed array provides a single RAID redundancy with a spare goal, therefore it
can tolerate the failure of one member drive. Whereas, RAID 6 uses less storage providing dual
redundancy to include spare goal protection allowing for dual disk failures within the RAID set
before any data is lost.
Keep in mind that the spare drives are idle and cannot contribute to performance.

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Exercise 12. Reconfigure internal storage: RAID options

Section 4: Assign storage to the RAID 10 array.
__ 31. From the Advanced Internal Customs, Drive Assignment view, change the RAID level to
the RAID10.
__ 32. Use the default number of drives presented to define the RAID-10 array. Out of the 18
drives, one drive is being assigned as the hot spare with a stripe width of 8 and an array
width of 8 drives per array.

__ a. Click the Summary tab. Observe that two MDisks, each with 8 Enterprise drives are
being assigned for the RAID 10 arrays.
__ b. Click the Assign button.

__ 33. Examine the svctask mkarray commands that are generated to create each RAID 10
array and to assign the arrays to the teamname-RAID10 pool. The -drive value specifies
the number of drives to use for the array. The -sparegoal 1 specifies the number of
spares that this array's members is protected by. The -strip 256 specifies the strip size
in KiB for the array being configured.The -stripewidth value indicates the width of a
single unit of redundancy within a distributed set of drives. Click the Close button.

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Exercise 12. Reconfigure internal storage: RAID options



RAID 10, also known as RAID 1+0, requires a minimum of four disks, and stripes data across
mirrored pairs. As long as one disk in each mirrored pair is functional, data can be retrieved. If two
disks in the same mirrored pair fail, all data will be lost because there is no parity in the striped sets.
RAID 10 provides redundancy and performance, and is the best option for I/O-intensive
applications. One disadvantage is that only 50% of the total raw capacity of the drives is usable due
to mirroring.

__ 34. Click the plus sign (+) to the left of teamname-RAID10 pool to examine its details.
__ 35. Observe the default name assigned for the MDisk_01 and MDisk_02 arrays and its Online
status. Note the amount of capacity allocated for each array.


The arrays are being initialized. Progress can be displayed by clicking the in the Running Tasks
status pod. Application I/Os are supported while the arrays are being initialized.

__ 36. Right-click any column heading. Click the ID check box to add an ID column to the display.


Record the following information:

The pool ID for teamname-RAID10 ________
The two RAID array IDs _________ and __________

__ 37. Right-click on each MDisks assigned to the teamname-RAID10 pool and select the Drives

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Exercise 12. Reconfigure internal storage: RAID options

__ 38. Examine the use attributes of the drive list. Verify that each array list 8 member drives. Click
the Close button.

__ 39. Right-click one of the MDisk entries and select Properties from the menu. Click the View
more details link.
__ 40. Observe that the RAID10 is protected with a spare goal and spare drive of one spare that is
needed to protect each array member.

__ 41. Click the Close button.

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Exercise 12. Reconfigure internal storage: RAID options

__ 42. Return to the Pools > Internal Storage. Click 278.9 GB Enterprise in the Drive Class Filter
__ 43. Examine the use attributes of the drive list now. Confirm that you have 16 member drives,
one spare drive, and one candidate drive.

Section 5: Migrate volumes to the RAID-10 pool

This procedure migrates volumes previously assigned to the teamsetID-DS3KHybrid and
teamsetID-DS3KSATA pool to the teamname-RAID10 pool.
__ 44. Navigate to Volumes > Volumes.
__ 45. Press the Ctrl key and select the teamsetID-WIN0, teamsetID-WIN1 and
teamsetID-iSCSI0 volumes. Right-click and select the Migrate to Another Pool... from
the menu.
__ 46. Since the selected volumes were housed in different storage pools, only the
teamname-RAID10 pool displayed. Select the RAID10 pool. Click the Migrate button.

__ 47. Examine the svctask migratevdisk commands generated for each volumes to
migrate to the teamname-RAID10 pool. Click the Close button.
__ 48. Navigate to Volumes > Volumes by Pool.
__ 49. From the default teamname-RAID10 pool, examine the Allocated to Volume capacity bar.

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Exercise 12. Reconfigure internal storage: RAID options



Why is there 25 GB of allocated volume capacity when there are no volumes currently allocated to
the RAID 10 pool?

__ 50. Click the Running Tasks icon on in the lower left corner of the pane. Observe that there are
five tasks running.
__ 51. Select each task to view the progress status. Although the arrays are still being initialized,
as the destination pool, the migration requests for the three volumes are still being

__ 52. After reviewing each running task, click the OK button.

__ 53. Select the teamsetID-DS3KHybrid pool to examine the pool details. Because this is a
multi-tier storage pool that contains SSDs, the Easy Tier status is Active for both pool and

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Exercise 12. Reconfigure internal storage: RAID options

__ 54. Observe that the teamsetID-WIN1 and teamsetID-iSCSI0 volume’s Easy Tier status has
changed from active to measured.

__ 55. Right-click on the teamsetID-WIN1 volume. Select View Mapped Host... and click the
Member MDisks tab to examine its extent distribution.
__ 56. Observe that the extents are being migrated from the DS3K MDisks to array MDisks of the
teamname-RAID10 pool. The migration process might take a little while to complete. Click
the Close button.
__ 57. Return to the teamname-RAID10 pool. Observe as each volume migration completes, the
volume’s pool ownership transfers to this target pool.

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Exercise 12. Reconfigure internal storage: RAID options

__ 58. Right-click on the teamsetID-WIN0 volume and click the Member MDisks tab to examine
its extent distribution. Observe that they are being migrated from the DS3K MDisks to array
MDisks of the teamname-RAID10 pool. Click the Close button. When the three volume
migration jobs are completed, verify that all three volumes are listed in the
teamname-RAID10 pool.


Why is the Easy Tier status for the volumes now inactive?


Record the following for each pool:

Pool name # of volumes Allocated capacity Total capacity

__ 59. Click Log Out to exit from the systemID-V7K management GUI.

End of exercise

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Exercise 13. Thin provision and volume copy


Exercise 13. Thin provision and volume

Estimated time

In this exercise the thin provisioning function of the Storwize V7000 is explored. This feature
extends storage utilization efficiency and economy to all supported external storage systems. For
the transformation, the volume mirroring function is often used.
Using volume mirror, the student will transform a normal provisioned volume to a thin provisioned

At the end of this exercise, you should be able to:
• Carry out the creation of a thin-provisioned volume on the Storwize V7000
• Carry out the creation of a mirrored volume copy that exploits thin-provisioning on the Storwize

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Exercise 13. Thin provision and volume copy

Exercise instructions
Section 1: Create a thin-provisioned volume
This procedure creates a Thin-Provisioned volume and map volume to host.
__ 1. From the Admin server desktop, double-click on the Mozilla Firefox icon.
__ 2. Enter the URL of the systemID-V7K management GUI IP address.
__ 3. Log on with teamname-admin credentials provided in the team lab data sheet.
__ 4. Navigate to Volumes > Volumes by Pool.
__ 5. Click teamsetID-DS3KSATA pool in the Pool Filter list. Examine the pool Volume
Allocation bar.


Record the values for the following information:

Allocated to Volumes ______________
Capacity ________________________

__ 6. From the Volumes by Pool pane, click Create Volumes.

__ 7. From the Create Volume Advanced window, select the Custom icon.
__ 8. Under the Volume Detail tab, complete the following parameters to create a Thin Provision
__ a. Define one volume with a name of teamsetID-THIN and a size of 50 GiB.
__ b. Select Thin Provision for the capacity savings.

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Exercise 13. Thin provision and volume copy

__ 9. Select the Volume Location tab.
__ a. Pool: Select the teamsetID-DS3KSATA pool
__ b. Accept all other defaults

__ 10. Select the Thin Provision tab. Scroll down to examine the default capacity management
settings of the thin-provision volume.


As write activities occur, the volume’s physical capacity expands automatically while maintaining a
2% (of virtual size) buffer.
Should the physical or real capacities reach 80% of its virtual size, warning messages will be
Real capacity is consumed in grain sized increments driven by write activity. Use the default grain
size of 256 K.

__ 11. Accept all defaults. Click the Summary tab.

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Exercise 13. Thin provision and volume copy

__ 12. Scroll down to examine the summary configuration details. Even though the volume’s
apparent size would be 50 GiB, only 1 GiB of real capacity would be allocated from this
pool. The pool’s free space after the volume’s allocation is also listed.
__ 13. Click the Create and Map to Host button.

__ 14. Examine the generated svctask mkvdisk command that will create this thin-provisioned
volume. The –autoexpand parameter allows the volume real capacity to automatically
increase as a result of write activity. The –rsize parameter is set to be 2% of the –size
value, and the –unit is in GiB. Click the Continue button.
__ 15. Select the teamname-WIN host from the Map volume to host pane. Click the Map button.
__ 16. Examine the generated svctask mkvdiskhostmap command generated to map thin
provision volume to the Windows host. Click the Close button.
__ 17. Navigate to Volumes > Volumes by Pool. Examine the new volume entry. Observe the
unique icon assigned to the volume’s capacity.


The teamsetID-THIN volume icon serves as an eye catcher or flag to indicate that it is a
thin-provisioned volume with both virtual capacity and real capacity. This volume inherits the pool’s
Easy Tier status of Measured for evaluation.

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Exercise 13. Thin provision and volume copy

__ 18. Right-click on the teamsetID-THIN volume and select Volume Copy Properties.
__ 19. From the Properties of Volume Copy, click the View more details link to view the volume
copy details.
__ 20. Observe that the volume name reference (Copy 0). Although a thin provision volume
creates two capacity space on the volume, it is still a single volume that can be converted to
a fully allocated volume - if required.
__ 21. Hover over the capacity bar area of the volume (the image has been modified for view). The
capacity bar indicates that the volume available (real) capacity is less than what was
allocated at the time of creation.

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Exercise 13. Thin provision and volume copy



Why is there a difference between the volume’s allocated capacity and its available capacity?
Recall that the extent size of each pool is 1024 MiB which is one extent size beyond the 1 GiB
capacity that is available.
Answer: The capacity as specified by the –rsize value is used as a contingency buffer when
the volume is defined with the autoexpand option. As data is written, the system software
automatically acquires extents to maintain this buffer-sized head room. Thus far, only metadata
for the volume has been written, causing the volume’s real capacity consumption to
automatically expand by one extent beyond the contingency buffer.

__ 22. Click the Close button.

__ 23. From the teamsetID-DS3KSATA pool’s view, examine the capacity bar. Observe the
allocated capacity amount compared to its total capacity.


Even though a volume of 50 GiB was defined, the Allocated to Volumes only indicates that 2 GiB of
real capacity from the 50 GiB volume has been allocated. The pool capacity of 120 GiB still
indicates its capacity as free space.


Hover over the allocated capacity bar to view the virtual capacity of 120 GiB.

__ 24. From the Admin server desktop, open an SSH session to your systemID-V7K
management IP.
__ 25. Log in with the teamname-admin credentials (Refer to the team lab data sheet).

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Exercise 13. Thin provision and volume copy

__ 26. To view the volume capacity saving, enter the lsvdisk teamsetID-iSCSI# (or enter
lsvdisk # (# is the volume ID)).


The used capacity of 0.75KB represents the initial allocation of the metadata directory that is
needed to manage the thin-provisioned volume. The directory is used to keep track of grain-sized
storage space assignments within the extents of the volume.
Also, note a real capacity of only1.02 GB has been allocated to the volume.

__ 27. Minimize the systemID-V7K SSH session.

__ 28. Return the systemID-V7K management GUI. Navigate to the Monitoring > System view.
__ 29. From the Storwize V7000 dynamic graphical view area, hover over the capacity utilization
belt-line. Observe the Thin Provision Savings as it indicates 48 GiB in thin-provisioning

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Exercise 13. Thin provision and volume copy



The Thin Provision capacity savings indicates the sum of non-compression allocated storage and
the amount of data on compressed volumes.

Section 2: Access a thin-provisioned volume from a host

__ 30. From the Admin server desktop, double-click on the teamname-WIN icon. Log in using the
server credentials (refer to the team lab data sheet).
__ 31. From the teamname-WIN server, right-click the My Computer icon, and click Manage to
open the Server Manager.
__ 32. From the Server Manager pane, navigate to Storage > Disk Management.
__ 33. Right-click the Disk Management and select Rescan Disks.
__ 34. Based on the volume size, locate the disk volume with a capacity of 50 GiB.
__ 35. Right-click on the partition Unknown disk space and select Initialize. Click OK to Initialize.
__ 36. Use the New Simple Volume Wizard to define and mount a volume disk with a volume
name as teamsetID-THIN. Select to Perform a quick format.

__ 37. Navigate to the C:\Software\ClassFolders and copy the FolderDB-4GB folder to

the teamsetID-THIN volume.

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Exercise 13. Thin provision and volume copy

__ 38. Right-click in the Explorer view to display Properties of the volume. Examine the volume’s
used versus free space values as defined by Windows.

__ 39. Navigate to the systemID-V7K management IP SSH session.

__ 40. Recall the lsvdisk teamsetID-THIN to compare the used capacity with the real
capacity for the volume.

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Exercise 13. Thin provision and volume copy



You might have to wait a couple of minutes for the volume’s data to be destaged from the node cache.
Notice that the volume has automatically expanded and the 1 GB (or more precisely, 2% of 50 GB)
contingency buffer is being maintained.
These capacity values are quite a bit smaller than Windows’ perception of the volume’s capacity.

__ 41. Minimize the systemID-V7K SSH session.

Section 3: Create a volume copy with volume mirroring

This procedure adds a thin-provisioned volume copy to the fully allocated volume with the goal of
deleting the fully allocated copy. This technique allows allocated but unused space (defined as
grain sized strings of zeros) to be released.
__ 42. Navigate to the systemID-V7K management GUI. Select to Pools> Pools.
__ 43. Right-click on any column heading to add the ID to the display.


Record the teamsetID-DS3KSATA pool ID _______

__ 44. Select to Volumes > Volumes by Pool to examine the details of each pool in the Pool


Record the following for each pool:

Pool name # of volumes Allocated capacity Total capacity

__ 45. Select teamsetID-DS3KHybrid pool.

__ 46. Right-click on any column heading to add the ID to be displayed in the table.


Record the teamsetID-AIX1 volume ID __________

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Exercise 13. Thin provision and volume copy



With the v7.6 release, you can no longer create a volume mirrored copy with one of those copies
being a thin provisioned volume copy. This task will now have to be performed using the CLI.

__ 47. Navigate to the systemID-V7K management IP SSH session.

__ 48. Based on the information that you gathered, enter the following command to add volume
copy to the teamsetID-AIX1 and to place one of the mirrored copies into the
teamsetID-DS3KSATA storage pool:
addvdiskcopy -autoexpand -grainsize 256 -mdiskgrp
teamsetID-DS3KSATA -rsize 2% teamsetID-AIX1


The addvdiskcopy command is used to create a mirror copy. The options of -autoexpand,
-grainsize, and -rsize are for creating a Thin-Provisioned volume that will be assigned to a
separate mdiskgrpd (storage).

__ 49. Return to the systemID-V7K management GUI Volumes by Pool view.

__ 50. Observe that the teamsetID-AIX1volume entry now has two copies. Each mirrored copy
has the same UID as the teamsetID-AIX1.
__ 51. Notes that Copy 0* is the original fully allocated primary copy (used for reads and writes)
which was created from the teamsetID-DS3KHybrid pool.
__ 52. Observe that Copy 1 has been assigned to the teamsetID-DS3KSATA pool.

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Exercise 13. Thin provision and volume copy



While the mirrored copy can be added to any pool, the copy will be added to the
teamsetID-DS3KSATA pool to migrate to a lower-cost storage tier as well as release unused
Another common use case for volume mirroring is to add the mirrored copy to a different pool (of a
different storage system) to enhance the availability of the volume at the local site.

__ 53. Click the Running Tasks icon to display active tasks. Observe that a volume
synchronization task is in progress.
__ 54. Click the running task to confirm that copy 1 of teamsetID-AIX1is being synchronized with
copy 0.
__ 55. Return to the Volumes by Pool view. Right-click on any column heading to add the
Capacity Savings to be displayed in the table.
__ 56. Scroll to the right to view the Capacity Savings column (image shown in a modified view).
The teamsetID-AIX1 pool now indicates the Copy 1 is now performing capacity saving as
a Thin Provisioned Volume.

__ 57. Click teamsetID-DS3KSATA pool in the pool filter. Observe that the teamsetID-AIX1
volume entry still references the teamsetID-DS3KHybrid pool.

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Exercise 13. Thin provision and volume copy



You can change the capacity savings for a specific volume. You simply highlight a volume and click
Modify Capacity Savings. This will open the Modify Capacity Savings window. Specify a saving
type: None for generic, Thin Provisioning or Compression.

The system will add a new copy with the chosen capacity savings method to the highlighted volume
and set the -autodelete flag. This flag will delete the original copy once the sync process has

__ 58. Navigate to the systemID-V7K management IP SSH session.

__ 59. Recall the lsvdisk teamsetID-AIX1 command to compare the used capacity
between the two volume copies.

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Exercise 13. Thin provision and volume copy

__ 60. Observe that Copy 0 maintains its fully allocated capacity and Copy 1 consumes a very
small amount of the real capacity.

__ 61. Navigate to the systemID-V7K management GUI Volumes by Pools view.

__ 62. Right-click on the teamsetID-AIX1 volume entry and select Properties. Click the View more
details link.

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Exercise 13. Thin provision and volume copy

__ 63. Examine the Mirror Sync Rate value of 50 (in the lower middle of the pane).


The default setting is 50 or synchronization rate which is about 2 Mbps. The synchronization rate
must be set such that the volume copies will resynchronize quickly after loss of synchronization.

The default synchronization rate is typically too low for SSD volume mirrors. Instead, set the
synchronization rate to 80 or above.

__ 64. Click the Close button.

__ 65. Navigate to the systemID-V7K management IP ssh session.
__ 66. Enter the following command to change the teamsetID-AIX1 volume Mirror Sync Rate to
100 Mbps.The value of 100 correlates to a copy rate of 64 Mbps.
chvdisk –syncrate 100 teamsetID-AIX1
__ 67. Recall the lsvdisk teamsetID-AIX1 command to verify that the Mirror Sync Rate
has changed to 100 Mbps.
__ 68. Navigate to the Volumes > Volumes by Host view.
__ 69. Select the teamsetID-AIX host in the host filter.
__ 70. Right-click the teamsetID-AIX1 volume entry. Select View Mapped Hosts...
__ 71. Click the Member MDisks tab. By default, extent distributions across the MDisks for both
copies are displayed.

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Exercise 13. Thin provision and volume copy

__ 72. Use the down arrow list to view the extents for each Copy.

__ 73. Click the Close button.

Section 4: Delete the source volume that was copied

After the teamsetID-AIX1 Copy 1 synchronization task is complete, this procedure will delete the
Copy 0 version of the volume.
__ 74. Verify that the Copy 1 synchronization task is complete before proceeding.
__ 75. Navigate to Volumes > Volumes by Pools.
__ 76. Select the teamsetID-DS3KHybrid pool. Right-click the Copy 0 entry of the
teamsetID-AIX1volume and select Delete from the pop-up list.

__ 77. Click the Yes button to confirm the deletion of copy 0 form the of the

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Exercise 13. Thin provision and volume copy

__ 78. Examine the generated svctask rmvdiskcopy command that removes Copy 0 from the
volume. Click the Close button.
__ 79. Confirm that the teamsetID-AIX1volume, along with volume copy entries has been
deleted from the teamsetID-DS3KHybrid pool.
__ 80. Click teamsetID-DS3KSATA pool. Observe that the teamsetID-AIX1volume is now a
single copy volume. Note that the allocated and virtual capacities of the pool have increased
__ 81. Right-click on any column heading. Select the Copy ID option in the pop-up menu to
confirm that only copy 1 exists for the teamsetID-AIX1 volume.

__ 82. From the Volumes by Pool view. Compare each pools resource values with those recorded
earlier in the exercise.


Record the following for each pool:

Pool name # of volumes Allocated capacity Total capacity


__ 83. Navigate to the systemID-V7K management IP SSH session.

__ 84. Enter the lsvdisk teamsetID-AIX1 command. With only Copy 1 left, there is no
change the volume capacity.

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Exercise 13. Thin provision and volume copy



The volume mirroring function of the Storwize V7000 provides a powerful tool to reclaim allocated
but unused capacity from existing volumes, regardless of storage tier. It transparently and
painlessly removes allocated excess capacity from application servers to increase capacity
utilization efficiency across the enterprise.

__ 85. Type exit to close the systemID-V7K management IP SSH session.

__ 86. Click the toggle arrows contained in the Allocated Storage Capacity pod to view the
system capacity values between virtual and allocated.
__ 87. Navigate to Monitoring > System view. Click the Overview link to examine the number of
system resources that have been allocated.
__ 88. Click Log Out to exit from the systemID-V7K management GUI.

End of exercise

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Exercise 14. Real-time compression


Exercise 14. Real-time compression

Estimated time

This exercise explores the Real-time Compression feature of the Storwize V7000. Students create
a compressed volume and use the Comprestimator tool to evaluate possible compression rates on
their existing data.

At the end of this exercise, you should be able to:
• Carry out creation of compressed volumes on the Storwize V7000
• Use the IBM Comprestimator utility to identify candidate volumes for compression
• Carry out conversion of an existing volume to a compressed volume on the Storwize V7000

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Exercise 14. Real-time compression

Exercise instructions
Section 1: Review status before creating a compressed volume


Real-time Compression is activated when the first volume copy with the compressed attribute is
allocated in an I/O group. The Real-time Compression feature is automatically deactivated when
the last compressed volume copy is removed from the I/O group.

__ 1. From the Admin server desktop, double-click on the Mozilla Firefox icon.
__ 2. Enter the URL of the systemID-V7K management GUI IP address.
__ 3. Log on with teamname-admin credentials provided in the team lab data sheet.
__ 4. Navigate to Pools> Pools. Right-click on any column heading and add Compression Savings to
the display. This indicates that Real-time Compression is not active on any pool in the I/O group.

__ 5. Navigate to Monitoring > Performance. Examine the CPU utilization value.


Due to IOMeter being activated in the Easy Tier lab exercise, on-going I/O activity is being
simulated and thus some amount of system CPU utilization is reported.

__ 6. In the CPU Utilization box, select the box that is associated with Compression % to
prepare for subsequent viewing of compression statistics.

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Exercise 14. Real-time compression

Section 2: Create a compressed volume
__ 7. Navigate to Volumes > Volumes. Click the Create Volumes.
__ 8. From the Create Volumes panel, select the Advanced Custom icon.
__ 9. Under the Volume Detail tab, complete the following parameters to create a Compression
__ a. Define one volume with a name of teamsetID-COMP and a size of 50 GiB.
__ b. Select Compressed for the capacity savings.


Compression is supported for all storage pools whether internal or external.

__ 10. From the Volume Location tab, select the teamsetID-DS3KSATA pool. Accept all other
__ 11. Select the Compressed tab. Observe the similarity between the Compressed and the Thin
Provision volume.


A compressed volume is a type of thin-provisioned volume. The parameters and its defaults are
almost identical to those for the thin provisioned. The exception is the lack of the grain size
parameter. Grain size is internally controlled for compressed volumes.

__ 12. Scroll down to view more details. Observe the caution message box.

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Exercise 14. Real-time compression



The caution message box is presented when the first compressed volume is requested in an I/O
Group. This also serves as a reminder to ensure application performance, CPU resources are
adequate before activating Real-time Compression.

__ 13. Click the Summary tab. Examine the configuration settings. Observe that it indicates only 1
GiB of real capacity is allocated for the volume. Also, verify the correct pool
(teamsetID-DS3KSATA pool) is selected.
__ 14. Click the Create and Map to Host button.

__ 15. Examine the generated svctask mkvdisk command that will create the compressed
volume. The –autoexpand parameter allows the volume real capacity to automatically
increase as a result of write activity. The –compressed parameter specifies the volume
type. The –rsize parameter is set to be 2% of the –size value, and the –unit is in GiB.
Click the Continue button.
__ 16. Assign the teamsetID-COMP volume to the teamname-WIN host. Click the Map button.
__ 17. Navigate to Volumes > Volumes by Host.
__ 18. Click teamname-WIN in the Host Filter list. Confirm the teamsetID-COMP volume has
been added to the mapped volumes list for this host. Observe the eye-catching icon
assigned to the compressed volume.
__ 19. Right-click on any column heading to add the Compression Savings to the display.

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Exercise 14. Real-time compression

__ 20. Examine the values under the Capacity heading. Observe that the capacity before
compression as well as compression savings values are being tracked by the GUI.


As an added value, the GUI provides on-going benefit analysis of compression savings as data is
written to the volume (this statistic is not available with the CLI).

__ 21. Right-click the teamsetID-COMP volume. Click View Mapped Host...

__ 22. Click the Member MDisks tab to view the volume’s extent distribution. A compressed
volume is also a striped volume. Its extents are distributed across the MDisks of the pool.

__ 23. Click the Close button.

Section 3: Review status after creating a compressed volume

__ 24. From the Admin server desktop, open an PuTTY session to your systemID-V7K
management IP.
__ 25. Log in with the teamname-admin credentials (Refer to the team lab data sheet).
__ 26. To view the volume compression savings, enter the lsvdisk teamsetID-COMP
command (or enter lsvdisk # (# is the volume ID)).

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Exercise 14. Real-time compression

__ 27. Observe that the newly allocated compressed volume which is similar to a thin-provisioned
volume, starts with only a small amount of real capacity allocated.

__ 28. Return to the systemID-V7K management GUI.

__ 29. Navigate to Volumes > Volumes by Pool.
__ 30. Click teamsetID-DS3KSATA pool in the Pool Filter list. Examine the two capacity bars for
this pool as well as the Capacity Savings column.


The Volume Allocation capacity values have been updated upon the allocation of the
teamsetID-COMP volume. The Compression Savings capacity bar contains more interesting data
once write activity occurs on the volume.

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Exercise 14. Real-time compression

__ 31. Examine the Allocation Status pod at the lower left corner. Click the toggle arrows to obtain
data that is related to compression. This status pod is available from all GUI views.

Section 4: Access a compressed volume from a host

__ 32. From the Admin server desktop, double-click on the teamname-WIN icon to start a remote
desktop session. Provide credentials, if requested (refer to the team lab data sheet).
__ 33. From the teamname-WIN server, right-click the My Computer icon, and click Manage to
open the Server Manager.
__ 34. From the Server Manager pane, navigate to Storage > Disk Management.
__ 35. Right-click the Disk Management and select Rescan Disks. Locate the disk volume with a
capacity of 50 GB.
__ 36. Initialize the new disk. Define a New Simple Volume on the disk with a volume name as
teamsetID-COMP. Select to Perform a quick format.

__ 37. Open the Explore view. Navigate the C:\Software\ClassFolder and copy the
FolderDB-4GB folder to the teamsetID-COMP volume drive. Rename the folder to
FolderDB1 and recopy the FolderDB folder again.


Since the FolderDB is over 4 GB and a rather large sequential copy, it might take a while to
complete. Better candidates for primary data compression are online transactional data rather than
large sequential writes. We are just using this large folder to illustrate compression capacity savings.

__ 38. During the copying process, quickly return to your systemID-V7K management GUI.
Locate the Performance indicators at the bottom of the GUI.
__ 39. Observe the activities that is occurring while the folders are being copied to the
teamsetID-COMP volume drive. Hover over each gage to view the Bandwidth, IOPS, and
Latency (image modified for viewing.

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Exercise 14. Real-time compression

__ 40. Right-click on the volume drive and select Properties. Examine the volume’s used versus
free space values as defined by Windows.

__ 41. Click the OK button to close the properties view window.

__ 42. Return to the Volumes > Volumes by Pool.
__ 43. Select the teamsetID-DS3KSATA pool.
__ 44. Right-click the column headings. Select to add the ID and Compression Savings to the
__ 45. Examine the teamsetID-COMP volume entry. The Compression Savings data contains a
non-zero value.


Due to cache destaging activity, wait a few more seconds to let the GUI automatically refresh the
view for an updated value.

__ 46. Return to your systemID-V7K management IP SSH session.

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Exercise 14. Real-time compression

__ 47. Recall the lsvdisk teamsetID-COMP command. Examine the Used, Real and Free
capacity values. Observe the uncompressed_used_capacity.

__ 48. Recall the lsvdisk command for the teamsetID-THIN volume. Compare the capacity
that is used with that of the teamsetID-COMP volume.
__ 49. Return to the systemID-V7K management GUI.
__ 50. Navigate to Volumes > Volumes by Pool. Examine the teamsetID-DS3KSATA pool
updated capacity details.
__ 51. Hover over the Compression Savings capacity bar to view the Used and Before
Compression savings for the pool.


The compression saving percentage is the ratio of the saved capacity that is divided by total (saved
plus used) capacity. Since there is only one compressed volume in the pool at the moment, these
values match those in the Compression Savings column for the volume entry.

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Exercise 14. Real-time compression

__ 52. Navigate to Monitoring > System. Examine the updated system level capacity column
values for compression.
__ 53. Hover the mouse pointer over the capacity belt-line to review various capacity values
__ 54. Observe that the Allocation Status pod now contains updated statistics that are related to


Benefits of a compressed volume vs. a thin provision volume.

Thin provisioning volume doesn’t really make the actual data being stored more space efficient; it
just makes sure that the overall storage capacity is not held captive by a LUN or volume. It does
this by only allocating space to a volume as that space is consumed.
Whereas the compressed volume operates on the data and try to reduce its volume. Compression
works by identifying redundancy “within a file” and then removing those redundancies. Its range of
comparison is just the data “within the particular file” being examined. So while the processor
overhead is larger than thin provision requirements, the memory resource requirements are
relatively small because it is looking at a file at a time.

Section 5: Determine candidate volumes for compression with

This procedure uses the Comprestimator tool to review candidate volumes for compression to
determine capacity savings using compression.
__ 55. Navigate to the teamname-WIN server desktop. Open a Command Prompt window (Start >
Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt).
__ 56. Enter the following commands to launch the IBM Comprestimator tool:
__ a. cd \Software\Comp*

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Exercise 14. Real-time compression

__ b. Type: comprestimator.exe –l
(Where the –l parameter lists available disk numbers in Windows. )
__ 57. Observe the output lists those entries with 2145 which represent mounted Storwize V7000
volume drives.

__ 58. Navigate to Server Manager > Storage > Disk Management. Verify that each disk the
Comprestimator drive number matches its Windows Disk number.
__ 59. Locate the Disk numbers for teamsetID-WIN0 and teamsetID-WIN1.
__ 60. From the Command Prompt window, enter Comprestimator –n X –P -s SVC command
to run the Comprestimator on teamsetID-WIN0.
(Where the –n X identifies the Windows disk number and –P requests the output
to be in easier to read paragraph format, and the -s is the storage system
type (only parameters SVC or XIV are supported)
__ 61. Examine the output savings for both compression and thin provisioning. Observe that the
compression accuracy range is 5%.


The data content of this volume is database oriented. A compression savings of 40% or greater is a
good candidate for compression.

__ 62. Recall the Comprestimator.exe –n X –P -s SVC command to run the Comprestimator

on teamsetID-WIN1.

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Exercise 14. Real-time compression

__ 63. Examine the output savings for both compression and thin provisioning.


The data content of this volume is primarily photos or pre-compressed files. The Comprestimator
confirms that this data content is not a good candidate for further compression. As an aside, this
volume might be a candidate for conversion to thin-provisioned.

__ 64. Leave the Comprestimator Command Prompt window open.

Section 6: Convert existing volumes to compressed

The volume mirroring function of Storwize V7000 can be deployed to convert an existing volume to
compressed. This conversion is transparent and not disruptive to host processing.
__ 65. From the systemID-V7K management GUI, navigate to Volumes > Volumes.
__ 66. Right-click the teamsetID-WIN0 volume. Click Modify Capacity Savings... to add a
volume copy to this volume.
__ 67. Select Compressed as the capacity savings method. Click the Modify button.

__ 68. Examined the svctask addvdiskcopy command is used to create a mirror copy. The
-autodelete flag will delete the original copy once the sync process has finished. The
options of-autoexpand parameter allows the volume real capacity to automatically
increase as a result of write activity. The -compressed parameter is the type of volume to
be assigned a mdiskgrp (storage). Click the Close button.
__ 69. Observe that the teamsetID-WIN0 volume entry now has two copies. Each mirrored copy
has the same UID as the teamsetID-WIN0.

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Exercise 14. Real-time compression

__ 70. Observe that both copies were created from the teamsetID-DS3KHybrid pool with Copy
0* being the original fully allocated primary copy (used for reads and writes).


Record the Preferred Node for the teamsetID-WIN0 volume _____________

__ 71. Return to your systemID-V7K management IP SSH session.

__ 72. Enter the lsvdisk teamsetID-WIN0 command. Note that Copy 0 is set for
auto_delete which will delete the original copy once the sync process has finished. Copy
0 also indicates it is not a compressed_copy.

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Exercise 14. Real-time compression

__ 73. Examine the attributes of volume Copy 1. Confirm that it has an attribute of Compressed.

__ 74. Return to the systemID-V7K management GUI. Navigate to the Volumes > Volumes by
Pool view.
__ 75. Click teamname-RAID10 pool. Observe that Copy 1 for teamsetID-WIN0 has been
created as a compressed copy.


The GUI is able to provide compression statistics. The Compression Savings rate and capacity is
displayed for the volume entry if the column is selected manually. A Compression Savings capacity
bar for the pool is generated upon the first allocation of a compressed volume in the pool.
These compression statistics are dynamically calculated and refreshed as the GUI refreshes the

__ 76. Right-click on the teamsetID-WIN0 volume entry and select Properties. Click the View more
details link.
__ 77. Examine the Mirror Sync Rate value of 50 (in the lower middle of the pane).

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Exercise 14. Real-time compression

__ 78. Click the Running Tasks icon on in the lower left corner of the pane. Select the volume
synchronization task to view its progress status. Observer the completion time.

__ 79. Return to your systemID-V7K management IP SSH session.

__ 80. Enter the following command to change the teamsetID-WIN0 volume Mirror Sync Rate to
100 Mbps.The value of 100 correlates to a copy rate of 64 Mbps.
chvdisk –syncrate 100 teamsetID-WIN0
__ 81. Recall the lsvdisk teamsetID-WIN0 command to verify that the Mirror Sync Rate
has changed to 100.
__ 82. Return to the systemID-V7K management GUI Volumes by Pools view.
__ 83. Navigate to Monitoring > Performance. Check the box associated with Compression %
to review the CPU utilization for compression.
__ 84. From the default System Statistics view, examine the CPU utilization that is caused by the
volume copy synchronization.

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Exercise 14. Real-time compression



The default view provides statistics at the system level which is for both nodes of the I/O group.

__ 85. Select the drop-down at the upper left corner to change the reporting from System Statistics
to the preferred node of the teamsetID-WIN0 volume Copy1.

__ 86. Select the drop-down and change the view to the other node of the I/O group.
Compression is performed by the volume’s preferred node.
__ 87. Return to the System Statistics view to compare and contrast the statistics of the three
different drop-down options.
__ 88. Check the Running Tasks status bar at the bottom of the screen to monitor the
synchronization progress.


Since no other compression activity is occurring, when the CPU utilization of Compression % goes
down to zero, copy 1’s synchronization with copy 0 would be completed.

__ 89. Once the synchronization progress is complete. Return to your systemID-V7K

management IP SSH session.

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Exercise 14. Real-time compression

__ 90. Recall the lsvdisk teamsetID-WIN0 command. Observe that only Copy 1 of the
teamsetID-WIN0 volume now exist. Note the capacity utilization values for Copy 1.


Record the Compression Savings value for the teamsetID-WIN0 Copy 1 volume. ________

__ 91. Return to the teamname-WIN server, navigate to the Command Prompt window that was
used for Comprestimator.
__ 92. Recall the Comprestimator.exe –n X –P -s SVC command to run the Comprestimator
on teamsetID-WIN0 volume.
__ 93. Compare the teamsetID-WIN0 volume Comprestimator’s estimated values with the actual
values report by the GUI for Copy 1. They should be within the accuracy range of 5%.

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Exercise 14. Real-time compression

__ 94. From the V7000 management GUI, navigate to Volumes > Volumes by Pool. Click
teamname-RAID10 pool.
__ 95. Observe that teamsetID-WIN0 has returned to a single entry volume. Examine the
Compression savings.


What is the volume capacity that has been allocated for the teamname-RAID10 pool? __________

__ 96. Compare each pools resource values with those recorded earlier in the exercise.


Record the following for each pool:

Pool name # of volumes Allocated capacity Total capacity

__ 97. Navigate to Monitoring > System. Hover the mouse pointer over the capacity belt-line to
examine the Compression Savings and other capacity values reported.

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Exercise 14. Real-time compression

__ 98. Observe the Allocation Status pod now contains updated statistics that are related to

__ 99. Cycle through the Allocation status pod. Observe the capacity options and values displayed.
__ 100.Do not log off or shut down the teamname-WIN server. Click the X in the upper corner of the
teamname-WIN session and Disconnect.
__ 101.Click Log Out to exit from the systemID-V7K management GUI.

End of exercise

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Exercise 15. Import data migration


Exercise 15. Import data migration

Estimated time

In this exercise, the student will utilizes the Import feature to virtualize an external LUN. The student
will create the image mode pair and migrate the image type volume to striped or to the virtualized
Storwize V7000 environment.

At the end of this exercise, you should be able to:
• Modify LUN assignment to the Storwize V7000 from the storage system
• Implement migration of existing data (LUN) to the Storwize V7000 virtualized environment using
the Import Wizard

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Exercise 15. Import data migration

Exercise instructions
Section 1: Assign backend LUN to Windows host group
This procedure accesses the backend storage to assign one LUN to the WIN server host group.
Once assigned, the LUN is initialized using the WIN server.
__ 1. From the Admin server desktop, double-click the DS Storage Manager Client icon.
__ 2. From the DS Storage Manager (Enterprise Management) Devices tab, examine the name
of the storage subsystem.


Circle which DS3K storage type you are using: DS3400 or DS3500

__ 3. From the DS Storage Manager (Enterprise Management) Devices tab, double-click the
storage subsystem entry representing the DS3K back end storage device.
__ 4. The Summary tab is displayed. From the Summary pane, click the Modify tab and then click
Edit Host-to-Logical Mappings [DS3400] or click the Host Mappings tab [DS3524].
__ 5. Locate the logical drive name of APP3VOL_teamsetID (refer to the team lab data sheet).


These drives are assigned to the Host Group called V7KySET (where y represents the team
environment ID).

__ 6. Click on APP3VOL_teamsetID [DS3400] or right-click on APP3VOL_teamsetID

__ 7. Click the Change button.

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Exercise 15. Import data migration

__ 8. The Change Mapping window is displayed. Under the Host Group or host option, use the
pull down list to select the HostWIN_teamsetID.
__ 9. Assign a LUN number of 0 for this logical drive. Click the OK button.

__ 10. Click the Yes button to confirm that you want to change the mapping.
__ 11. Verify that the LUN is now mapped to the team assigned HostWIN_teamsetID host group.
__ 12. Minimize the DS Storage Manager session window.

Section 2: Initialize the backend LUNs on the Windows server

This procedure discovers and initializes the disk from the backend storage device on the WIN
__ 13. From the Admin server desktop, double-click on the teamname-WIN icon to start a remote
desktop session. Provide credentials, if requested (refer to the team lab data sheet).
__ 14. Navigate to Server Manager > Storage > Disk Management view.
__ 15. Right-click the Disk Management and select Rescan Disks
__ 16. Observe that the host has detected a new disk and added to the list of disks.
__ 17. Follow the previous procedures to Initialize the new disk.
__ 18. Create a New Simple Volume. Label the volume as APP3VOL-teamsetID and Perform
a quick format.
__ 19. Observe that the APP3VOL-teamsetID Windows Basic disk has been mounted
successfully and online. Right-click on the APP3VOL-teamsetID and select Properties.
Click the Hardware tab.

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Exercise 15. Import data migration



What is the drive letter assigned to the APP3VOL-teamsetID volume drive? _________

__ 20. Observe the IBM 1726-4xx FAStT Multi-Path Disk Device instance created by DS Storage
Manager MPIO feature is highlighted.


What is the LUN number assigned to the APP3VOL-teamsetID volume drive? ________

__ 21. Click the OK button to close the properties view.

Section 3: Copy data to the disks on the Windows server

This procedure copies a folder on to the newly formatted disk, renames the copied folder, and then
sets the disk to offline mode.
__ 22. After the disk has been formatted, navigate to C:\Software\ClassFolder using
Windows Explorer.
__ 23. Copy the FolderPic-4GB folder to the APP3VOL-teamsetID volume drive. Rename
the copied folder as PICTURES.
__ 24. From the teamname-WIN server, navigate back to Server Manager > Disk Management.
__ 25. Right-click on the APP3VOL-teamsetID disk# area. From the menu list, click Offline.

__ 26. Verify that the APP3VOL-teamsetID volume drive is now Offline.

__ 27. Minimize the teamname-WIN server.

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Exercise 15. Import data migration

Section 4: Assign LUN from the backend storage to the V7000
This procedure reassigns the LUN on the DS3K from the Windows server to the V7000.
__ 28. Navigate back to the DS Storage Manager management interface.
__ 29. From the Summary tab, click the Modify tab. Click Edit Host-to-Logical Mappings
[DS3400] or click the Host Mappings tab [DS3524].
__ 30. Locate the logical drive name of APP3VOL_teamsetID that is assigned to the Windows
Host Group.


Now that the logical drive that is currently assigned to the Windows host contains existing data, our
next task is to change the LUN mapping from the Windows host to the Storwize V7000 for
A V7000 volume associated with this drive needs to be created and then assigned back to the
same application host.
This procedure can be used in situations where a storage administrator needs decommission a
storage by migrating existing data from one storage to another storage without removing the data
from the original source and with minor disruption to the attached host server.

__ 31. Click on APP3VOL_teamsetID [DS3400] or right-click on APP3VOL_teamsetID

__ 32. Click the Change button.
__ 33. The Change Mapping window is displayed. Click on the Host Group or host arrow and
select the HostV7K_teamsetID host group from the pull down list.
__ 34. Accept the default LUN number assignment for this logical drive. Click the OK button.

__ 35. Click the Yes button to confirm that you want to change the mapping.
__ 36. Verify that the APP3VOL_teamsetID LUN with the same LUN ID is now mapped to your
HostV7Kx host group.

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Exercise 15. Import data migration

__ 37. Click the Close button to exit the Edit Host-to-Logical Drive Mappings dialog.
__ 38. From the Summary tab, click Storage Subsystem Profile link in the Hardware
Components pane [DS3400] or click View Storage Subsystem Profile link in the Monitor
pane [DS3524].
__ 39. Click the Logical Drives > Standard tab [DS3400] or click Storage > Logical Drives tab
__ 40. In the Find: field type app3vol.
__ 41. Click the Find: field telescope icon until Logical Drive name. APP3VOL_teamsetID is
__ 42. Scroll through the logical drive properties for the APP3VOL_teamsetID drive to locate its
logical drive ID (image modified for viewing).


This identifier is assigned by the storage system to uniquely identify the logical drive.


Record the LUN number and the last 4 bytes of the logical drive ID for the APP3VOL-x LUN.

LUN name LUN # Last 4 bytes of logical drive ID


__ 43. Click the Close button.

__ 44. Close the DS Storage Manager application.

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Exercise 15. Import data migration

Section 5: Discover and rename new LUN (MDisk) with existing data
__ 45. From the Admin server desktop, open the Mozilla FireFox browser window.
__ 46. Enter the URL of your systemID-V7K management IP address.
__ 47. Log in using your teamname-admin credentials (refer to the team lab data sheet).
__ 48. Navigate to Pools > External Storage.


Since the new LUN is from the systemID-DS3K storage system, it was automatically discovered
by the management GUI. If there is no new MDisk entry from the given storage system, click
Actions > Detect MDisks at the top of this view.

__ 49. Examine the new MDisk entry representing the newly discovered LUN. Observe that it has
an access mode of unmanaged and is from the systemID-DS3K storage system.
__ 50. Verify that the new MDisk LUN number matches the LUN number you had assigned from
the external storage system management interface.
__ 51. Right-click the MDisk entry. Click Properties and select the View more details link.
__ 52. Examine the first part of the long UID number. It is the logical drive ID externalized by the
storage system.
__ 53. Compare that the tail end of the first part of this number with the 4-byte value you had
previously recorded from the external storage system management interface.

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Exercise 15. Import data migration



The UID along with the LUN value confirms that this is the correct LUN to be migrated from the
teamsetID-DS3K storage system to the Storage V7000.


The storage system WWNN is another key indicator that the LUN/MDisk came from the correct
external storage system.


What is the ID of the unmanaged mode MDisk? _____


It is particularly important to rename these MDisks that contain existing data so that they are not
mistaken as LUNs to be used either as free space or LUNs that belong to another applications.

__ 54. Right-click the new unmanaged MDisk entry. Select Rename from the pop-up list.
__ 55. Rename the MDisk to teamsetID-APP3VOL matching its LUN name in the external
storage system management interface.
__ 56. Examine the –name parameter of the svctask chmdisk command is generated to
rename of the MDisk. Click the Close button.
__ 57. Verify that the MDisk has been renamed.

__ 58. Right-click on any column heading. Click the ID check box to add it to the display.

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Exercise 15. Import data migration

Section 6: Import existing data on the MDisk
This procedure will virtualize existing data from the DS3K backend storage system and make it
accessible to the Storwize V7000 as an image mode volume using a Migration Pool with the selected
extent size.
__ 59. Right-click the newly renamed MDisk teamsetID-APP3VOL. Select Import from the
pop-up list to invoke the Import wizard.

__ 60. The Import MDisk Volume window is displayed. Examine the name that is being assigned to
the new volume by the Import Wizard. The name is a composite of the MDisk’s external
storage system name and the MDisk’s LUN number.
__ 61. Observe the default volume name and the Import methods that are presented.


The Import to temporary pool as image-mode volume option allows you to virtualize existing
data from the external storage system without migrating the data from the source MDisk (LUN) and
then present them to host as image mode volume. This data will become accessible via IBM
Storwize V7000 system while still be available on the backend storage system original LUN.
The Migrate to existing pool option allows you to create an image mode volume and start migrate
the data to the selected storage pool. After the migration process completes the data will be
removed from the original MDisk and placed on the MDisks in the target storage pool.

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Exercise 15. Import data migration

__ 62. Accept the default option to Import to temporary pool as image-mode volume. Click the
Import button.

__ 63. Examine the commands that are generated. The mkmdiskgrp command creates a
-MigrationPool_1024 with the extent size of 1024. The mkvdisk command create an
image of the teamsetID-APP3VOL MDisk and assigns it to the Migration Pool under the default
name of teamsetID-DS3K_LUN UID. Observe the sync rate set for the migration process.
__ 64. The migration of data from the external storage system to the Storwize V7000. Observe that
the access mode has changed from unmanaged to image. It became a member of a
Migration Pool.

__ 65. Navigate to Pools > Pools by MDisks. Observe that the MigrationPool_1024 pool is
listed in the MDisks by Pools display pane.
__ 66. Hover over the Capacity column red indicator bar for the MigrationPool_1024 pool.
Observe that the pool is full which indicates a warning.
__ 67. Click the plus sign (+) to the left of MigrationPool_1024 pool to examine its details.
__ 68. Observe that the teamsetID-APP3VOL MDisk has now been added to the
MigrationPool_1024 pool.

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Exercise 15. Import data migration



The MigrationPool_1024 is normally used as a vehicle to migrate data from existing external LUNs
into storage pools, either located internally or externally, on the IBM Storwize V7000. You should
not use image-mode volumes as a long-term solution for reasons of performance and reliability.

__ 69. Navigate to Pools > Volumes by Pool.

__ 70. Click MigrationPool_1024 pool in the Pool Filter list to review the details of this migration pool.
__ 71. Right-click any column heading. Click the UID check box to add it to the display.


Record the following information for the migrated volume:

The volume ID _______
The last three bytes of the UID ________

__ 72. Right-click the teamsetID-DS3K_LUN UID volume entry. Click View Mapped Hosts...
__ 73. Currently no host has been mapped to the teamsetID-DS3K_LUN UID volume. Click the
Member MDisks tab.
__ 74. Observe that the extents of the teamsetID-DS3K_LUN UID volume that were migrated to
the Migration Pool from the teamsetID-DS3K storage system. Click the Close button.

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Exercise 15. Import data migration

__ 75. Return to the External Storage view and verify that theAPP3VOL-teamsetID MDisk is
presented as an image mode volume.

Section 7: Map volume to the Windows server

This procedure maps the teamsetID-DS3K_LUN UID volume to the same Windows host that the
external storage system LUN is mapped to.
__ 76. Navigate to the Pools > Volumes by Pool and select the MigrationPool_1024 pool.
__ 77. Right-click teamsetID-DS3K_LUN UID volume and select the Map to Host... option from
the pop-up list.
__ 78. From the Map Volume to Host pane, select teamname-WIN host entry that correlates to the
HostWINx external storage system host system. Click the Map button.
__ 79. Examine the svctask mkvdiskhostmap command generated to map the
teamsetID-DS3K_LUN UID volume to the teamname-WIN host. Click the Close button.


You can also map volumes to a host using the following procedures:
__ a. From the Hosts > Hosts menu.
__ b. Right-click the host entry. Click Modify Volume Mappings... in the pop-up list.
__ c. The Modify Host Mapping pane is displayed. Select the volume from the Unmapped
volumes column.
__ d. Click the right >> arrow button to move the volume to the Volumes Mapped to Host
__ e. Click the Apply button.

Section 8: Migrate a volume (LUN) to another pool

At this point, the volume is still owned by the Migration Pool. This procedure migrates the volume to
an internal RAID pool.
__ 80. Navigate to Volumes > Volumes by Pool.

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Exercise 15. Import data migration

__ 81. Select the teamname-RAID10 pool from Pool Filter list. Observe the pool details.


What is the teamname-RAID10 pool Volume Allocation capacity? _____________

How many volume are currently assigned to the teamname-RAID10 pool? ______

__ 82. Select the MigirationPool_1024 pool. Observe the Volume Allocation bar capacity total.
__ 83. Right-click the teamsetID-DS3K_LUN UID volume entry. Click the Migrate to Another
Pool... option.
__ 84. Examine the svctask migratevdisk - copy 0 command generated by the GUI to
migrate the teamsetID-DS3K_LUN UID volume (-vdisk) to the teamname-RAID10 pool
(-mdiskgrp). Click the Close button.
__ 85. Observe that the Running Tasks status pod indicates a migration process has started. If
recall, the volume sync rate is set to 80% so this process should not take too long to
__ 86. Observe that the MigirationPool_1024 pool Volume Allocation capacity bar shows a
continuous decrease from the original capacity of 11 GiB (the capacity of the LUN or

__ 87. Quickly, select the teamname-RAID10 pool. Note that the Volume Allocation capacity bar
has increased by 11 GiB, with no change in the volume count.

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Exercise 15. Import data migration

__ 88. Navigate to Pools > External Storage view. Recall that the MDisk initially had an access
mode of image, but after the volume migration to another pool began, the MDisk’s access
mode was changed to managed as the corresponding volume became striped.

__ 89. Return to the Volumes > Volumes by Pool teamname-RAID10 pool view.
__ 90. Once the migration is complete, verify that the teamsetID-DS3K_LUN UID volume is part
of the teamname-RAID10 pool volume list.
__ 91. Right-click the teamsetID-DS3K_LUN UID volume entry. Click Rename from the pop-up
of options.
__ 92. Change the migrated volume default name to the same name as the LUN
teamsetID-APP3VOL_V. Click the Rename button.
__ 93. Examine the GUI generated svctask chvdisk -name command. Click the Close
__ 94. Verify the teamsetID-APP3VOL_V volume has been renamed accordingly.

Section 9: Validate access of imported volume

__ 95. Return to the teamname-WIN server view.
__ 96. Navigate to Server Manager > Storage > Disk Management.
__ 97. Right-click Disk Management. Click Rescan Disks.


The Rescan Disks step might not be necessary if the disk has been discovered automatically by

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Exercise 15. Import data migration

__ 98. Verify whether the Windows OS still recognizes this volume.


When the LUN/volume APP3VOL was directly connected to this server, Windows operating system
wrote its signature to the LUN, and a partition was created.


If the discovered disk does not have a drive letter,

• Right-click the disk entry and select Change Drive Letter and Paths.
• From the pop-up list of options. Click Add in the next pop-up window
• On the Add Drive Letter or Path pop-up window, click OK to take the default drive letter for the

__ 99. Navigate to the SDDDSM command window.

__ 100.Enter the datapath query device command.

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Exercise 15. Import data migration

__ 101.Validate that the Windows disk matches the volume UID of the APP3VOLx_V volume you
had mapped to this server.

__ 102.Open the Explorer view. The volume should contain a PICTURES folder. Right-click on the
folder and select Properties. Verify that the folder capacity is still at 4 GiB.
__ 103.Navigate to the C:\Software\ClassFolder and copy the FolderPics-100 MB folder
this volume to generate new write activity.


A LUN that was directly access from an external storage system has been migrated it to Storwize
V7000 management. The data has been migrated to the Storwize V7000 internal storage.

__ 104.Do not log off or shut down the teamname-WIN server. Click the X in the upper corner of the
teamname-WIN session and Disconnect.

Section 10:Delete the migration pool

__ 105.Navigate back to the systemID-V7K management GUI browser session.
__ 106.Navigate to Pools > MDisks by Pools. Examine the capacity values for the
MigrationPool_1024 pool.


The APP3VOL MDisk is a member of this pool, but none of its capacity is used because the
relevant volume data has been migrated to the teamname-RAID10 pool.

__ 107.Right-click the MDisk entry. Click Remove from the pop-up list.The Remove MDisk from
Pool screen is displayed.
__ 108.Examine the svctask rmmdisk command that removes this MDisk from the
MigrationPool_1024 pool. Click the Close button.
__ 109.Observe that with the migrated volume deleted the MigrationPool_1024 remained.

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Exercise 15. Import data migration

__ 110.Navigate to Pools > Volumes by Pool > MigrationPool_1024 view. Examine the empty
pool remains with 0 MDisk and 0 volume copies. This pool can be renamed and used for
future import activities.
__ 111.Return to the Pools > MDisks by Pools. Right-click on the MigrationPool_1024 and select


An alternative way to remove the MDisk is to have force deleted the pool. The Import Wizard
allocates a new pool when it is needed again.

__ 112.Click Log Out to exit from the systemID-V7K management GUI.

End of exercise

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Exercise 16. Copy Services: FlashCopy and consistency groups


Exercise 16. Copy Services: FlashCopy

and consistency groups
Estimated time

This exercise work with the Copy Services to create a Consistency Group to maintain the
consistency of data across multiple disk volumes in a FlashCopy mapping relationship. Students
will review the consistency group predefined and customize settings. Students will also present the
target volumes to the host system.

At the end of this exercise, you should be able to:
• Execute the Copy Services one-click Backup as Consistency Group function to create a
consistency group containing a two-volume FlashCopy mapping pair with the backup preset
• Carry out incremental FlashCopy for mappings that are contained in a consistency group and
revalidate updated content
• Carry out volume mapping to map target volumes to the host server

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Exercise 16. Copy Services: FlashCopy and consistency groups

Exercise instructions
Section 1: Review data content prior to FlashCopy
__ 1. From the Admin server desktop, open a Mozilla FireFox browser window.
__ 2. Enter the URL of your teamsetID-V7K management IP address.
__ 3. Log in using the teamname-admin credentials (refer to the team lab data sheet).
__ 4. Navigate to Volumes > Volumes by Host.
__ 5. Click teamname-WIN host in the Host Filter list.
__ 6. Enter the character string teamsetID-W in the Filter Search field.


Record the UID for teamsetID-WIN0 volume. ___________

Record the UID for teamsetID-WIN1 volume. ___________

__ 7. From the Admin server desktop, double-click on the teamname-WIN icon to start a remote
desktop session.
__ 8. Log in using the teamname-WIN credentials (refer to the team lab data sheet).
__ 9. Navigate to Server Manager > Storage > Disk Management view.
__ 10. Verify both teamsetID-WIN0 and teamsetID-WIN1 disks are listed.

__ 11. From the teamname-WIN server desktop, open the SDDDSM command line interface.
__ 12. Enter the datahpath query device command.
__ 13. Correlate the listed 2145 devices with the Windows disk number.
__ 14. Validate the SERIAL number of each disk entry matches the Windows disk volume label
and the GUI volume’s UID values.
__ 15. Previously you should have copied data to both volume disks. Use the Windows Explorer to
verify there is content in both disks.

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Exercise 16. Copy Services: FlashCopy and consistency groups



If not, then copy a Folder from the C:\Software\ClassFolders drive to each disks.


Record the folders that are listed on each disk:

teamsetID-WIN0 disk:__________________ ____________________ ___________________
teamsetID-WIN1 disk:__________________ ____________________ ___________________

Section 2: Define and perform FlashCopy for two related volumes

In this procedure, the teamsetID-WIN0 and teamsetID-WIN1 volumes are treated as volumes
with write dependencies within the same application.
__ 16. Return to the systemID-V7K management GUI.
__ 17. Navigate to Copy Services > FlashCopy.


A FlashCopy consistency group needs to be created to contain the FlashCopy mappings for both
teamsetID-WIN volumes.

__ 18. From the list of volumes, multi-select the teamsetID-WIN0 and teamsetID-WIN1 volumes.
__ 19. Right-click in the volumes shaded area. From the pop-up menu, click Create Backup as
Consistency Group.

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Exercise 16. Copy Services: FlashCopy and consistency groups

__ 20. Examine the svctask commands generated. This is a long string task log, scroll to the top
to view the list of commands. The mkfcconsistgrp to create a backup as consistency
group (do not click Close yet). The mkvdisk command creates the first target volume in
the consistency group and the mdiskgrp command assigns it to a storage pool. The
mkfcmap command create a new FlashCopy mapping to map the source volume to the
target volume for subsequent copying. The mapping also defines the mapping as an
–incremental and set the background -cleanrate and -copyrate.


Complete the following questions from these task commands:

• What is the ID of the created consistency group container? _________
• What is the FlashCopy source volume (teamsetID-WIN1) and ID created? ___________
• What is the storage pool of the volume? ____________
• What is the FlashCopy target volume in the mapping relationship? ________ ___________
• What is the FlashCopy mapping ID ______
• What is the copyrate? _______

__ 21. Scroll down to examine the next mkvdisk command issued to create the second target
volume in the consistency group. This command also set to -autoexpand and adds a
-compressed task to the target volume. Since teamsetID-WIN0 is a compressed
volume, its target is also created with the compressed attribute.


Complete the following question from the these task commands:

What is the FlashCopy source volume teamsetID-WIN0 and ID created? ___________
What is the FlashCopy target volume in the mapping relationship? ________ ___________
What is the FlashCopy mapping ID ______
What is the copyrate? _______

__ 22. Scroll to the bottom of the string log to review the svctask startfcconsistgrp
command. The startfcconsistgrp command is generated to automatically start the
consistency group process. The -prep 1 and prepares all of the mappings at one time by
its object ID. Click the Close button.


Consistency groups address the requirement to preserve point-in-time data consistency across
multiple volumes for applications that include related data that spans multiple volumes. For these
volumes, Consistency Groups maintain the integrity of the FlashCopy by ensuring that “dependent
writes” are run in the application’s intended sequence.

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Exercise 16. Copy Services: FlashCopy and consistency groups

__ 23. Navigate to Copy Services > FlashCopy.
__ 24. Locate the teamsetID-WIN0 and teamsetID-WIN1 volumes that are in the consistency
__ 25. Click the plus (+) signs to display each volume the details.
__ 26. Observe the target volume that was created for each FlashCopy mapping relationship.
__ 27. Observe the status and progress of the background copy for each mapping.
__ 28. Note the fccstgrp0 default name assigned for this Consistency Group.
__ 29. Observe the Flash Time which indicates the time and date the FlashCopy operations


The status of the consistency group was automatically triggered by the startfcconsistgrp
command. The progress is established by the -copyrate that default to 80.


Record the name of the target that was created in each FlashCopy mapping relationships?
________________ ______________

__ 30. Click the Running Task status pod that is displayed in the lower left of the GUI.
__ 31. Observe that two tasks have been generated. The first task formats the target volume.

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Exercise 16. Copy Services: FlashCopy and consistency groups

__ 32. Click FlashCopy operations task. This operation creates the mapping relationship
between each of the source and target volumes, and displays the copy progress.


Given the embedded progress bars available with each FlashCopy mapping entry, it is not
necessary to use the Running Task status pod for progress information to monitor the progress of
each source and target volume mapping relationship.

__ 33. Click the OK button.

__ 34. Navigate to Copy Services > Consistency Groups.
__ 35. Observe the icon associated with the fccstgrp0 default name.
__ 36. Click the plus (+) sign associated with the fccstgrp0 default name to examine the group
__ 37. Observe the fcmap default name assigned to each mapping relationship.


The consistency group icon is linked to the status column which indicates the overall of the
consistency group relationship. Each of fcmap status is controlled by the source volume defined
With copy in progress, both the source and the target volumes are enabled for read and write

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Exercise 16. Copy Services: FlashCopy and consistency groups

__ 38. Right-click on any column heading. Click the ID, Incremental, and Background Copy Rate
check boxes to add them to display.


The Backup preset creates incremental FlashCopy mappings with a default background copy rate
of 50.The background copyrate copies at a default 2 Mbps (50) to up to 64 Mbps.

__ 39. Right-click the consistency group name. Click Rename in the pop-up list.
__ 40. Enter a new name of FCCG1. Click the Rename button.
__ 41. Examine the svctask chfcconsistgrp command generated.
__ 42. Verify that the name change has occurred successfully.
__ 43. Navigate to the teamname-WIN server to generate some additional write activity on both
__ 44. With the FlashCopy background copy in progress. Open Windows Explore and navigate the
__ 45. Copy the following folders to the specific volume drives:
▪ FolderPics-4GB to teamsetID-WIN0
▪ FolderDB-4GB to teamsetID-WIN1


These folders are being copied after the FlashCopy was started for the source volumes.

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Exercise 16. Copy Services: FlashCopy and consistency groups

__ 46. Return to the Copy Services > FlashCopy Mappings.
__ 47. Observe the Progress column percentage change in the between the two FlashCopy
mappings contained in the FCCG1 group.
__ 48. Right-click on any column heading. Click the ID, Incremental, and Background Copy Rate
check boxes to add them to display.


Record the ID for the mapping that contains the teamsetID-WIN1 ______

__ 49. Right-click on any one of the FlashCopy mapping. Observe that the Start option in the
pop-up list is not active.
__ 50. Observe the change in the copyrate between the mapping relationship. Recall that
teamsetID-WIN0 was created as a compressed source/target pair.


After about one minute into the copying process, the progress for fcmap1 (compressed volume
pair) shows a much higher percentage value than that of the fcmap0 (fully allocated volume pair).
Recall a compressed volume is a type of thin-provisioned volume and thus the deallocated space of
the volume is tracked by metadata and does not need to be copied.

__ 51. Right-click the fcmap# that is associated to teamsetID-WIN1 FlashCopy mapping.

Observe that both the Start and Stop option in the pop-up list is not active.

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Exercise 16. Copy Services: FlashCopy and consistency groups



Mappings that reside in consistent groups cannot be started at the individual mapping level.

__ 52. The copy rate of a mapping can be changed dynamically. Select Edit Properties in the
pop-up menu.
__ 53. From the Edit FlashCopy Mapping pane, click on the slider bar of the Background Copy
Rate and move the bar to the far right to increase the copy rate from 50 (default) to 100.
__ 54. Click the Save button.

__ 55. Examine the svctask chfcmap command with –copyrate that is used to increase the
copy rate to 100 for the mapping whose ID you had recorded earlier. Click the Close button.
__ 56. Navigate to Monitoring > Performance to view compression CPU utilization activity during
the copy.


Now that the FlashCopy layer is above lower cache in the IBM Spectrum Virtualize software stack,
which can benefit from read prefetching and coalescing writes to backend storage. Also, preparing
FlashCopy is much faster because upper cache write data does not have to go directly to backend
storage but to lower cache layer. Therefore, performance has been significantly improved.

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Exercise 16. Copy Services: FlashCopy and consistency groups

__ 57. Navigate to Copy Services > Consistency Groups view.Examine the Consistency Group
__ 58. Observe the changes in copy progress for the FCCG1 group.


With the change in the copy rate, the fcmap0 (teamsetID-WIN1) mapping has completed much
faster than the fcmap1 (teamsetID-WIN0) source and target volumes which are both

__ 59. Observe that with fcmap# (teamsetID-WIN1) background copy completed, the status of
the individual mapping changed to Copied.


Since the mapping is incremental, once the background copy is complete, the mapping records the
differences between the source and target volume only. However, if the connection to both nodes in
the I/O group that the mapping is assigned to is lost, the source and target volumes will become

__ 60. Right-click on the fcmap1 teamsetID-WIN0 FlashCopy mapping. Select the Edit
Properties option.
__ 61. Use the slider bar to increase the copy rate value to 100. Click the Save button.
__ 62. Examine the svctask chfcmap command with –copyrate that is used to increase the
mapping copy rate to 100. Click the Close button.
__ 63. Once both FlashCopy mappings have been completed. Observe that the Consistency
Group status changes to Idle or Copied.

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Exercise 16. Copy Services: FlashCopy and consistency groups



When a Consistency Group has a status of Idle or Copies, the source and target volumes can act
as independent volumes even if a mapping exists between the two. Both volume in the mapping
relationship has read and write caching is enabled.

Section 3: Map the FlashCopy volumes to a host

__ 64. Navigate to Volumes > Volumes.
__ 65. Observe that the volume entry now includes the FlashCopy volumes.
__ 66. Press the Ctrl key and select the teamsetID-WIN0_01 and teamsetID-WIN1_01
__ 67. Right-click on the volume highlighted entries and click the Map to Host... button.
__ 68. Select the teamname-WIN host object from the Host drop-down list in the Modify Mappings
__ 69. Click the Map button.
__ 70. Examine the svctask mkvdiskhostmap commands generated to map each volume to the
WIN host. Observe that the host ID and volume IDs are referenced in the output. Click the
Close button.
__ 71. Navigate to Hosts > Host Mappings.
__ 72. This view shows a given host’s access to its assigned volumes. Observe the SCSI ID of the
volume as it is assigned to the host.
__ 73. Enter the character string teamsetID-W in the Filter Search field.
__ 74. Verify that both FlashCopy target volumes have been assigned to this host.


Both source volumes were previously assigned to the same host.

__ 75. Return to the teamname-WIN server.

__ 76. Navigate to Server Manager > Storage > Disk Management view.
__ 77. Right-click on Disk Management and click Rescan Disks to detect the newly added disks.

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Exercise 16. Copy Services: FlashCopy and consistency groups

__ 78. Observe the new disks are placed offline. Right-click each disk and click Online.
__ 79. Observe that each source/target pair has been assigned the same Windows volume label.


Windows allows both source and target volumes in this configuration to be labeled the same only
when the disks are formatted as Basic disks (that is, not Dynamic disks). The server will
automatically assign the next available drive letter. If the volume it not labeled correctly, right-click
on the disk


Record the drive letters that is assigned to source/target pair:

teamsetID-WIN0 ____ and teamsetID-WIN1_01____
teamsetID-WIN0 ____ and teamsetID-WIN1_01____

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Exercise 16. Copy Services: FlashCopy and consistency groups

__ 80. Use Windows Explorer to compare the contents of each target volume drives with those of
the source volume drives on the teamname-WIN server.


Why is it that not all folders were copied to their respective target volumes?
Answer: FlashCopy is a point-in-time copy. If any data is written to a source volume after the
FlashCopy background copy operations starts, it is not reflected in the target volumes.

Section 4: Unmap the FlashCopy volumes from the host

This procedure uses the incremental FlashCopy function to resynchronize the content of target
volumes to that of the source volumes.
__ 81. From the teamname-WIN server, navigate to the C:\Software\ClassFolders.
__ 82. Copy the FolderPic-100 MB folder to the target versions of teamsetID-WIN0 volume
drive and the teamsetID-WIN1 volume drive.
__ 83. Rename this folder in each target volume as FolderTarget.
__ 84. Return to the V7000 management GUI.
__ 85. Navigate to Hosts > Host Mappings.
__ 86. Use the Filter option to display only the teamsetID-WIN volumes.
__ 87. Multi-select the teamsetID-WIN#_01 (target) volumes. Right-click on the highlighted area
and select Unmap Volumes.
__ 88. Enter 2 in the entry field to delete volumes from the teamname-WIN host.

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Exercise 16. Copy Services: FlashCopy and consistency groups

__ 89. Click the Unmap button.

__ 90. Examine the svctask rmvdiskhostmap commands generated to unmap each

teamsetID-WIN#_01 target volume from the teamname-WIN host. Click the Close button.


Unlike most commands that are generated by the GUI, these commands use object names instead
of object IDs.

__ 91. Return to the teamname-WIN server.

__ 92. Verify that the target disk drives that correlates to the it’s source is no longer listed in
Windows Disk Management.


Due to dynamic device detection, the two unmapped volumes should automatically be removed
from the Windows Disk Management pane. If not, you can select Disk Management > Rescan
Disks to refresh the view.


Typically, you would be required to reboot the server to clean up Windows directory data. Due to
the IOmeter and Dynamo file running on the same server, DO NOT REBOOT the server.

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Exercise 16. Copy Services: FlashCopy and consistency groups

Section 5: Review FlashCopy status via the CLI
This procedure examines a few more details that are associated with the FlashCopy mapping that
are not viewable with the GUI.
__ 93. From the Admin server desktop, open an SSH session to your V7000 management CLI.
Log in as systemID-V7K.
__ 94. Issue the lsfcconsistgrp command to display the attributes of the FlashCopy
consistency group you created.

__ 95. Enter the lsfcconsistgrp FCCG1 command to obtain more details about the FCCG1
consistency group. Observe the FC mapping IDs.

__ 96. Enter the lsfcmap -delim , command to list the detailed information about each
FlashCopy mapping contained in the FCCG1 consistency group.

__ 97. Enter the lsfcmap fcmap0 command to examine the FlashCopy mapping status and
details (ID 0 which is the teamsetID-WIN1_01 target volume).
__ 98. Observe that the incremental value is set to on. This preset was automatically established
with the FlashCopy Backup Consistency Group creation.
__ 99. Examine the start_time (YY:MM:DD:HH:MM:SS) field of the last copy invocation.

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Exercise 16. Copy Services: FlashCopy and consistency groups

__ 100.Observed the grain size value of 256 for this FlashCopy mapping. This is the default grain
size for non-compressed (teamsetID-WIN1 source and target) volumes defined in
FlashCopy mappings.


Record the values of the difference field _______ and grain_size field________.


Previously, you copied the same folder to each of the source volumes after the background copies
started. The difference value indicates the changes (or differences) between the source and
target volumes. Incremental copy can be used to synchronize these volumes by only copying those
areas that had changed.

__ 101.Enter the lsfcmap fcmap1 command to examine the FlashCopy mapping status and
details (teamsetID-WIN0_01 target volume).

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Exercise 16. Copy Services: FlashCopy and consistency groups

__ 102.Compare the start_time field of the last copy invocation to fcmap0.


What are the values listed in the difference field _____ and grain_size field ______?


The grain field is the percentage of grains that have changed since the last FlashCopy operation.
The difference percentage represents grain sized data areas that would need to be copied from
the source volume to the target volume upon restart of the incremental copy.
Each grain represents, by default, 256 K. Locate the grain_size entry value of 64 or 64 K for this
mapping. Recall teamsetID-WIN0 is a compressed volume. To optimize FlashCopy performance
for compressed volumes, the system automatically assigns the 64 K grain size as the default for
mappings that contain a compressed volume.

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Exercise 16. Copy Services: FlashCopy and consistency groups

Section 6: Perform incremental FlashCopy
__ 103.Navigate to the V7000 management GUI session.
__ 104.Navigate to Copy Services > Consistency Groups. Observe the current progress of the
mappings as well as copy status of the consistency group.
__ 105.Right-click in the FCCG1 consistency group entry. Click Start to restart the consistency

__ 106.Examine the generated svctask startfcconsistgrp command to restart the

consistency group. Click the Close button.
__ 107.Examine the Progress percentage values of the FCCG1 consistency group.
__ 108.Observe that the initial copy progress value for each mapping is the complement of the
difference value you copied previously from the CLI FlashCopy mapping verbose output.
__ 109.Observe the Flash Time has been updated from what was displayed in the CLI.


Because the FlashCopy Backup preset is defined as incremental FlashCopy, only the grains that
have changed need to be copied.
After the copy operations have completed for both FlashCopy mappings, the consistency group
returns to the status of Idle or Copied.

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Exercise 16. Copy Services: FlashCopy and consistency groups

__ 110.Navigate to the systemID-V7K management CLI session.
__ 111.Recall the lsfcmap fcmap1 or lsfcmap 1 command to list one of the mapping details to
confirm the current value in the difference field of the mapping. Observe the updated
__ 112.Issue the following commands to map the two FlashCopy target volumes
(teamsetID-WIN0_01 and teamsetID-WIN1_01) to the WIN1 host:
mkvdiskhostmap -force –host teamname-WIN teamsetID-WIN0_01
mkvdiskhostmap -force –host teamname-WIN teamsetID-WIN1_01

__ 113., Issue the lshostvdiskmap teamname-WIN to verify the volumes are listed.


Record the last couple of bytes of the UID of the teamsetID-WIN0_01volume __________
Record the last couple of bytes of the UID of the teamsetID-WIN1_01 volume __________

__ 114.Type exit command to close the systemID-V7K management CLI.

__ 115.Navigate back to the teamname-WIN server.
__ 116.From the Disk Management view, perform a Rescan Disks, if necessary.
__ 117.Observe that there are newly detected disks added to the list of disks. If the added disks are
indicated as offline, then right-click each disk and click Online in the menu list.
__ 118.Open the SDDDSM and issue the datapath query device command to validate the
SERIAL number disk entries with the UIDs recorded from the CLI.
__ 119.Type exit to close prompt.
__ 120.Examine the contents of both volumes with Windows Explorer. Confirm that the target
volumes are now synchronized with their respective source volumes.
__ 121.Navigate to the systemID-V7K management GUI.
__ 122.Navigate to Monitoring > System. Examine the system various options of capacity usage
__ 123.Navigate to Pools > Volumes by Pool. Examine each pool in the Pool Filter list.

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Exercise 16. Copy Services: FlashCopy and consistency groups



Record the following for each pool:

Pool name # of volumes Allocated capacity Total capacity

__ 124.Do not log off or shut down the WIN1 server. Click the X in the upper corner of the
teamname-WIN session and Disconnect.
__ 125.Click Log Out to exit from the systemID-V7K management GUI.

End of exercise

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Exercise 17. User roles and access


Exercise 17.User roles and access

Estimated time

This exercise experiments with the creation of user accounts and differentiates user roles (or
authority) based on user groups.

At the end of this exercise, you should be able to:
• Create user names with various security roles on the Storwize V7000
• Differentiate between the user roles on the Storwize V7000

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Exercise 17. User roles and access

Exercise instructions
Section 1: User roles GUI access


This procedure defines user roles and authenticate Storwize V7000 management GUI access.

__ 1. From the Admin server desktop, open a browser window.

__ 2. Enter the URL of your systemID-V7K management IP address.
__ 3. Log in using the teamname-admin ID. Refer to the team lab data sheet.
__ 4. Navigate to Access > Users.
__ 5. Click the All Users button from the User Groups filter list.


User groups are used for local and remote user authentication as well as role-based administration.
The five default user groups representing five different user roles are defined:
• The SecurityAdmin role has access to all GUI and CLI functions. It also has the authority to
manage users, user groups, and user authentication.
• The Administrator role has access to all GUI and CLI functions except those related to users,
user groups, and authentication.
• The CopyOperator role has the authority to manage existing FlashCopy mappings and
Metro/Global Mirror relationships using the GUI and CLI. The role has the ability to start, modify,
stop mappings and relationships and switch copy direction. In addition, it has all the functions
that are associated with the monitor role.
• The Service role is limited to service and support activities that are typically used by IBM
support. It also has all the functions that are associated with the monitor role.
• The Monitor role can access all the information-related panels and commands, back up
configuration data, change its own password and SSH key, and issue the following commands:
finderr, dumperrlog, dumpinterallog, and chcurrentuser. This role cannot perform
actions that change the state of the system or the resources that the system manages.

__ 6. Right-click the teamname-admin entry.

__ 7. Examine the pop-up list of options. Observe that this user has the authority to remove its
password and SSH key. Also, using the Properties option, they can change their own
password and SSH key.

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Exercise 17. User roles and access



Because teamname-admin is in the Administrator user group, it does not have the authority to
delete itself, manage other users, or create new users. These options are in gray - indicating they
are not available.

__ 8. Log out from the systemID-V7K management GUI.

Section 2: Create a user with copy operator role


This procedure uses the superuser account to create a new user with the copy operator role type.

__ 9. Log in again in to the systemID-V7K management GUI using the superuser account.
__ 10. Navigate to Access > Users.
__ 11. Click Create User to create a new user. The create user window is displayed.
__ 12. Assign a user Name of teamname-copyop.
__ 13. Select the Authentication Mode as Local.
__ 14. Select CopyOperator in the User Group drop-down list.
__ 15. Set the Password to password.
__ 16. Do not set up the SSH Public Key.
__ 17. Click the Create button to create the user.
__ 18. Review the generated svctask mkuser command. Click the Close button.
__ 19. Verify that the newly created CopyOperator user is displayed.

Section 3: Create a user with monitor role


This procedure uses the superuser account to create a new user with the monitor role type.

__ 20. Click Create User again to create another user. Perform the following:
__ a. Assign a user Name of teamname-monitor.
__ b. Select the Authentication Mode as Local.
__ c. Select Monitor in the User Group drop-down list.
__ d. Set the Password to password.

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Exercise 17. User roles and access

__ e. Do not set up the SSH Public Key.
__ f. Click Create to create the user.
__ 21. Review the generated svctask mkuser command. Click the Close button.
__ 22. Verify that the newly created Monitor user is displayed.


Each user has a password to enable access to the V7000 management GUI and CLI. For Storwize
V7000 code levels prior to v6.3.0, the password entitles GUI access only. SSH keys need to be set
up for CLI access.

__ 23. Log out from the systemID-V7K management GUI as the superuser.

Section 4: Define a FlashCopy mapping in the CLI


Before testing the new user names, we need to define a FlashCopy mapping using the CLI.

__ 24. Open an SSH session to your systemID-V7K management CLI.

__ 25. Log in using the teamname-admin ID.
__ 26. Enter the lsvdisk -delim , command to view the list of system volumes.
__ 27. Enter the following commands to rename the teamsetID-AIX2 volume to teamsetID-NEW.
chvdisk -name teamsetID-NEW teamsetID-AIX2

__ 28. Enter the follow commands to create a 5 GB stripe volume name teamsetID-NEWTG
mkvdisk -mdiskgrp teamname-RAID10 -iogrp 0 -size 5 -unit gb -name

__ 29. Recall the lsvdisk -delim , command to view volume changes.

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Exercise 17. User roles and access

__ 30. Enter the command to create a standalone FlashCopy mapping using the
teamsetID-NEW volume as the source and teamsetID-NEWTG as the target. Name
this mapping as teamsetID-FCTEST1.
mkfcmap -source teamsetID-NEW -target teamsetID-NEWTG
-name teamsetID-FCTEST1

__ 31. Enter lsfcmap -delim ,the command to verify the definition.

__ 32. Exit from the SSH sessions on the systemID-V7K management CLI.

Section 5: Test the copy operator user access


Users in the CopyOperator group have full view or monitor capability but have no authority to create
objects. This user role is designed to manage copy services operations. It has the authority to start,
modify, and stop existing FlashCopy mappings and Remote Copy relationships.
This procedure experiments with the authority allowed with the copy operator role.

__ 33. Navigate to the systemID-V7K management GUI browser session.

__ 34. Log in using the teamname-copyop ID.
__ 35. Navigate to Pools > MDisks by Pools.
__ 36. Observe that the Create Pool option is disabled.
__ 37. Navigate to Volumes > Volumes.
__ 38. Observe that the Create Volumes option is disabled.
__ 39. Navigate to Hosts > Hosts.
__ 40. Observe that the Add Hosts option is also disabled.
__ 41. Navigate to Copy Services > FlashCopy Mappings.
__ 42. Right-click the FCTEST1 mapping entry. Click Start to start the copy.
__ 43. Review the svctask startfcmap command. Click the Close button.
__ 44. Log out from the systemID-V7K management GUI.
__ 45. From the Admin server desktop, open a PuTTY session.
__ 46. Select the systemID-V7K saved session. Click the Load button.
__ 47. From the PuTTY navigation tree, select SSH > Auth.
__ 48. Delete the key entry in the Private key file box.
__ 49. Click the Open button.

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Exercise 17. User roles and access

__ 50. Log in as teamname-copyop credentials.
__ 51. Enter the lsfcmap -delim , command to list the FlashCopy mappings.
__ 52. Enter the following commands to rename the teamsetID-FCTEST1 mapping to
chfcmap -name teamsetID-FCTESTA teamsetID-FCTEST1
__ 53. Recall the lsfcmap -delim , command to verify the name change.

__ 54. Enter the stopfcmap teamsetID-FCTESTA command to stop the

teamsetID-FCTESTA mapping.
__ 55. Recall thelsfcmap -delim , to verify the changes.
__ 56. Enter rmfcmap teamsetID-FCTESTA command to attempt to delete the mapping.


The Copy Operator role has the authority to start, stop, change attributes of FlashCopy mappings
and Remote Copy relationships. But it lacks the authority to create or delete these objects.

Section 6: Test the monitor user access


The Monitor role can view information but does not have the ability to perform actions.
This procedure experiments with the authority allowed with the monitor role.

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Exercise 17. User roles and access

__ 57. Navigate to the systemID-V7K management GUI browser session.
__ 58. Log in using the teamname-monitor ID.
__ 59. Navigate to Copy Services > FlashCopy Mappings.
__ 60. Right-click teamsetID-FCTESTA to attempt to start the mapping.
__ 61. Observe that all tasking operation are disabled.

__ 62. Navigate to Access > Audit Log.

__ 63. Observe that a history of action commands performed on the systems and identified by user
name is available for any user role.

__ 64. Click Log Out from the systemID-V7K management GUI.

__ 65. Exit from the SSH sessions on the systemID-V7K management CLI.

End of exercise

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Exercise 18. Migrate existing data with Migration Wizard


Exercise 18.Migrate existing data with

Migration Wizard
Estimated time

This exercise exploits the Storwize V7000 Migration Wizard to migrate existing data to the V7000
environment. The student will work directly with the backend storage LUNs from a Windows server
to initialize and populate it with data. The LUNs are then migrated to the V7000 and mapped to the
Windows server by using the migration wizard.

At the end of this exercise, you should be able to:
• Modify LUN assignment to the Storwize V7000 from the storage system
• Implement migration of multiple LUNs with existing data to the Storwize V7000 virtualized
environment using the Import Wizard

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Exercise 18. Migrate existing data with Migration Wizard

Exercise instructions
Section 1: Examine current disk status on the WIN server


This procedure connects to the WIN server and uses Windows Disk Management to view the
current disks that are accessed.

__ 1. From the Admin server desktop, double-click on the teamname-WIN server icon to start a
remote desktop session.
__ 2. Login with the credentials provided in the team lab data sheet.
__ 3. Navigate to Server Manager > Storage > Disk Management view.


What disk volumes are currently accessed by the WIN server?


__ 4. Minimize the WIN server remote desktop session.

Section 2: Assign backend LUNs to the team WIN server host


This procedure accesses the backend storage to assign three LUNs to the WIN server host group.
Once assigned, LUNS are initialized using the WIN server.

__ 5. From the Admin server desktop, double-click the DS Storage Manager Client icon.
__ 6. From the DS Storage Manager (Enterprise Management) Devices tab, examine the name
of the storage subsystem.


Circle which DS3K storage type you are using: DS3400 or DS3524

__ 7. From the DS Storage Manager (Enterprise Management) Devices tab, double-click the
storage subsystem entry representing the DS3K backend storage device.
__ 8. The Summary tab is displayed. From the Summary tab, click the Modify tab and then click
Edit Host-to-Logical Mappings [DS3400] or click the Host Mappings tab [DS3524].

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Exercise 18. Migrate existing data with Migration Wizard

__ 9. Locate the logical drive names of APP1DB_teamsetID, APP1LOG_teamsetID and
APP2DATA_teamsetID (refer to the team lab data sheet).


These drives are assigned to the Host Group called V7KySET (where y represents the team
environment ID).

__ 10. Click on APP1DB_teamsetID [DS3400] or right-click on APP1DB_teamsetID

__ 11. Click the Change button.
__ 12. The Change Mapping window is displayed. Under the Host Group or host option, use the
pull down list to select the HostWIN_teamsetID.
__ 13. Assign a LUN number of 1 for this logical drive. Click the OK button.

__ 14. Click the Yes button to confirm that you want to change the mapping.
__ 15. Repeat this process to map the APP1LOG_teamsetID as LUN number of 2 and
APP2DATA_teamsetID as LUN number of 3 to your WIN_teamsetID host.
__ 16. Verify that the two LUNs are now mapped to the team assigned HostWIN_teamsetID
host group.

__ 17. Minimize the DS Storage Manager session window.

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Exercise 18. Migrate existing data with Migration Wizard

Section 3: Initialize the backend LUNs on the WIN server


This procedure discovers and initializes the disks from the backend storage device on the WIN

__ 18. Navigate to the teamname-WIN server.

__ 19. Navigate to Server Manager > Storage > Disk Management view.
__ 20. Right-click the Disk Management and select Rescan Disks.
__ 21. Verify that three new disks have been detected and added to the list of disks.
__ 22. Right-click on one of the new disk Unknown area. Follow the previous procedures to
Initialize the three volume disks.
__ 23. Observe that the three new Windows Basic disks have been initialized. The disk space
shows as Unallocated because it hasn’t been formatted by Windows yet.

Section 4: Format the disks on the WIN server


This procedure uses Windows Disk Management to create partitions on the Windows host server,
and mount LUNs to the disk space for use. The formatting time may take several minutes,
depending on the size of the disk.

__ 24. From the teamname-WIN server, right-click in the Basic area of the first disk that indicates
Unallocated. Click Properties.
__ 25. In the General tab, locate the reference to the LUN number. Click the Cancel button.
__ 26. Repeat this process to identify the reference to the LUN number for the remaining disks.


Record disk LUN numbers:

Disk# _________ Disk# ________ Disk# ______________

__ 27. Right-click in the Unallocated area of the Disk that had a LUN number 1.
__ 28. Click New Simple Volume.
__ 29. The New Simple Volume Wizard welcome screen is displayed. Click the Next button.

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Exercise 18. Migrate existing data with Migration Wizard

__ 30. The Specify Volume Size screen is displayed. Accept the default value to use the entire
capacity for the Partition size. Disk Management shows partition size in megabytes and not
gigabytes. Click the Next button.
__ 31. The Assign Drive Letter on Path screen is displayed. Accept the defaults drive letter. Click
the Next button.
__ 32. The Format Partition screen is displayed. Accept the default NTFS for File system,
Allocation unit size, Volume label, and to Perform a quick format.
__ 33. Set the Volume Label to APP1DB-teamsetID. Click the Next button.
__ 34. The Completing the New Simple Volume Wizard screen is displayed. Verify the selected
settings. Click Finish to create the Windows volume.
__ 35. Repeat this process to partition and label the APP1LOG-teamsetID (LUN2) and
APP1DB-teamsetID (LUN3) disks.
__ 36. Verify that the three volumes have been labeled correctly.

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Exercise 18. Migrate existing data with Migration Wizard

Section 5: Copy data to the disks on the WIN server


This procedure copies data to the Windows server newly formated disks and renames folders.

__ 37. After the disks have been formatted, navigate to C:\Software\ClassFolders using
Windows Explorer.
__ 38. Copy the \FolderPDF-300MB to the APP1DB disk. Rename the copied folder as
__ 39. Copy the \FolderPDF-2MB to the APP1LOG disk. Rename the copied folder
__ 40. Copy the \FolderPics-100MB to the APP1DB disk. Rename the copied folder as
__ 41. Navigate to the Server Manager > Storage > Disk Management view.
__ 42. Right-click on each new volume disk (APP1DB, APP1DB and APP2DATA). In the menu,
click Offline.
__ 43. Minimize the teamname-WIN server view.

Section 6: Assign LUNs from the DS3K to the V7000


This procedure presents storage to the host by reassigning the LUNs on the DS3K to an V7000
host group.

__ 44. From the Admin server desktop, navigate back to the DS Storage Manager session with the
__ 45. From the Summary tab, click the Modify tab. Click Edit Host-to-Logical Mappings
[DS3400] or click the Host Mappings tab [DS3524].
__ 46. Locate the logical drive names of APP1DB_teamsetID, APP1LOG_teamsetID and
APP2DATA_teamsetID. These drives are assigned to your Windows Host.


These logical drives that are currently assigned to the Windows host contain existing data that is to
be migrated to the V7000.
V7000 volumes associated with these drives need to be created and then assigned back to the
same application host.

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Exercise 18. Migrate existing data with Migration Wizard

__ 47. Click on each LUN (APP1DB_teamsetID, APP1LOG_teamsetID and
APP2DATA_teamsetID and change the mapping to your V7Kx host group.
__ 48. Verify that the three LUNs are now mapped to the team assigned V7Kx host group.
__ 49. Click the Close button to exit the Edit Host-to-Logical Drive Mappings dialog.
__ 50. From the Summary tab, click Storage Subsystem Profile in the Hardware Components
pane [DS3400] or click View Storage Subsystem Profile in the Monitor pane [DS3524].
__ 51. Click the Logical Drives > Standard tab [DS3400] or click Storage > Logical Drives tab
__ 52. In the Find: field type app.
__ 53. Click the Find: field telescope icon until Logical Drive name. APP1DB_teamsetID is
__ 54. Scroll through the logical drive properties for the APP1DB_teamsetID drive to locate its
logical drive ID.


This identifier is assigned by the storage system to uniquely identify the logical drive.

__ 55. Click on the Mappings tab. Locate the APP1DB_teamsetID drive to view the assigned


Record the size, LUN ID and the last 4 bytes of the logical drive ID for APP1DB, APP1LOG and
LUN name Size LUN # Last 4 bytes of logical drive ID

__ 56. Close the DS Storage Manager application.

Section 7: Examine and rename new LUNs on the V7000


This procedure examines the LUNs discovered from the DS3K and renames them on the V7000.

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Exercise 18. Migrate existing data with Migration Wizard

__ 57. From the Admin server desktop, open a browser window to your teamname-V7K
management IP address.
__ 58. Log in using the teamname-admin ID. Refer to the team lab data sheet.
__ 59. Navigate to Pools > External Storage to view the new LUNs. If necessary, click the plus
sign (+) to expand view.


If the new LUNs from the DS3K storage system were not automatically discovered (that is, no new
MDisk entries from the given storage system),
__ a. Click Action > Discover Storage button at the top of this view.
__ b. The svctask detectmdisk command generated by the GUI performs device
discovery on the SAN to discover newly assigned LUNs. Click the Close button.

__ 60. Examine the new MDisk entries representing the newly discovered LUNs or MDisks. Verify
that each MDisk has an access mode of unmanaged and is from the DS3K storage system.
__ 61. Verify each MDisk’s LUN number correlates to the LUN number assigned from the storage
system management interface (the value is displayed in hexadecimal).


Although the MDisks contain existing data, there is no way for the V7000 system to differentiate
these unmanaged MDisks from those that do not contain existing data.

__ 62. Ensure the ID column is displayed in this view. Click the ID heading to sort the entries by ID.


It is particularly important to rename these MDisks that contain existing data so that they are not
mistaken as LUNs to be used either as free space or LUNs that belong to another applications.

__ 63. Right-click on the first new unmanaged MDisk by its LUN number. Select Rename from the
pop-up list.

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Exercise 18. Migrate existing data with Migration Wizard

__ 64. Rename the MDisk to APP1DB-teamsetID matching its LUN name in the external
storage system management interface.

__ 65. Review the GUI generated svctask chmdisk -name commands. Click the Close button.
__ 66. Repeat the process to rename the remaining new unmanaged MDisks
(teamsetID-APP1LOG and teamsetID-APP2DATA) to correlate to the LUN names in
the external storage system management interface.
__ 67. Verify that the three MDisks have been renamed similar to the original names specified in
the DS3K and verify that their new names correlate to their original LUN numbers.

Section 8: Migrate LUNs to the V7000 with the Migration Wizard


This procedure migrates LUNs (or the data) from backend storage to the V7000 system by creating
V7000 volumes whose extents pointers are directed to these MDisks.

__ 68. From the systemID-V7K management GUI, navigate to Pools > System Migration.
__ 69. Observe the Storage Allocation status bar at the lower left corner and observe the current
allocated capacity value.
__ 70. Click the Start New Migration button to invoke the Migration Wizard.

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Exercise 18. Migrate existing data with Migration Wizard

__ 71. The Storage Migration Wizard Before You Begin screen is displayed. Before you begin
migrating external storage, confirm that the restrictions and prerequisites are met. Select all
boxes with in the Restrictions pane and the Prerequisites pane.

__ 72. Click the Next button.

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Exercise 18. Migrate existing data with Migration Wizard

__ 73. The Prepare Environment for Migration screen is displayed. Review the requirements for
host preparation and SAN zoning.

__ 74. Click the Next button.

__ 75. The Map Storage screen is displayed. Review the tasks listed that serves as a reminders to
ensure that the LUNs to be migrated can be discovered by the V7000 on the SAN.

__ 76. Click the Next button.

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Exercise 18. Migrate existing data with Migration Wizard

__ 77. The svctask detectmdisk command is generated by the wizard to obtain a current list
of MDisks on the SAN that has been assigned to the V7000. Click the Close button.
__ 78. The Migrating MDisks screen is displayed. Verify that the list of MDisks that have been
discovered contain the access mode of unmanaged is displayed.
__ 79. Add the ID and Mode columns to the display.


The top of this screen indicates the option to double-click an MDisk entry to view detailed data
about a given MDisk. You might also see the teamsetID-APP3VOL from a previous lab. Do not
include this volume.

__ 80. Double-click the APP1DB entry to verify content.


This step of the Migration Wizard affords the flexibility of viewing the details for MDisks that have
been subsequently assigned to the V7000.
Since you have already verified the MDisk to application correlation and renamed the MDisk
appropriately, this step isn’t really necessary.

__ 81. Click Close to return to the wizard.

__ 82. Multi-select the APP1DB, APP1LOG and APP2DATA MDisk entries (Do not include the
APPVOL3 volume). Observe the capacity of each MDisk as well as its storage system LUN

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Exercise 18. Migrate existing data with Migration Wizard



It is not necessary to select all the MDisks listed to import at once. However, it is good practice to
migrate or import related MDisks concurrently (such as a database and its log volumes or
multi-volume file systems).

__ 83. Click the Next button.

__ 84. Review the generated commands. The svctask mkmdiskgrp command is used to create a
storage pool whose extent size is 8192 MB. Using the largest extent size possible for this
pool enables MDisk addressability when importing extremely large capacity LUNs.
__ 85. Scroll down to review the three svctask mkvdisk commands generated to create two
volumes. Each volume is paired with its own MDisk and is assigned a virtualization type of
image. Both of the newly created volumes are placed in the migration pool.
__ 86. Observe that a size value was not specified in the mkvdisk commands. An image volume
derives its size from the capacity of its associated MDisk.


Record the object ID of each newly created volume.

Volume Name Object ID


__ 87. Click the Close button.

Section 9: Map the migrated volumes to a host


At this point, the existing data is said to be managed by the V7000. However it is not virtualized yet
because each volume’s extents are sourced exclusively from one MDisk. The newly created
volumes can now be assigned to a host for access.
This procedure uses the Migration Wizard to create a host object and assign a newly created
volumes to the host.

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Exercise 18. Migrate existing data with Migration Wizard



To create a host object, the WWPNs of the host HBA ports have to be defined. One way, among
many, is to obtain this information using the host itself.

__ 88. From the Admin server desktop, navigate to the WIN server remote desktop session.
__ 89. Double-click the SDDDSM icon on the desktop to open the Subsystem Device Driver
__ 90. Enter the datapath query wwpn SDD command to display the WWPN values for this


Record the teamname-WIN host wwpn:

Port 1_______________
Port 2 ______________

__ 91. Return to the your systemID-V7K management browser session.

__ 92. The Storage Migration Wizard Configure Hosts screen is displayed.
__ 93. From the Configure Hosts screen, observe the reminder regarding the device drivers and
host system zoning. Verify that the teamname-WIN server is already defined in the list.


If the WIN host is not already defined, then do the following steps:
__ a. Click the Add Host button.
__ b. Select the proper host type connection (refer to the team lab data sheet):
__ c. Enter teamname-WIN in the Name box.
__ d. Select the WWPNs that correlates to the WIN host. Click the Add button.
__ e. Review the generated command to create the WIN host object and note its object ID.
__ f. Verify that the WIN host object has been created.

__ 94. From the Configure Hosts screen, add the ID column to the display. Select your
teamname-WIN host.
__ 95. From the taskbar, click Actions. In the drop down list, observe the options available to
rename, delete, or view the properties of the host object. Click the Properties option.

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Exercise 18. Migrate existing data with Migration Wizard

__ 96. From the Host Details: default window, explore the Overview tab to view host information
such as the number of Fibre Channel ports defined for the host; and the I/O groups the host
is entitled to access volumes.
__ 97. Click the Port Definitions tab. Verify the host ports defined for this host object matches the
host wwpn recorded previously.

__ 98. Click the Close button.

__ 99. From the Configure Hosts screen, click the Next button.
__ 100.The Map Volumes to Hosts screen is displayed. Examine the name assigned to each
volume. The names are based on the storage system name concatenated with its image
MDisk LUN number; since each volume is tied to its specific MDisk.

__ 101.Multi-select the three volume entries. Click Actions from the task bar.
__ 102.From the drop down list, click Rename to assign more meaningful and application relevant
names to these volumes.

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Exercise 18. Migrate existing data with Migration Wizard

__ 103.Rename each volume based on its associated MDisk name but append a _V to it.

__ 104.Click the Rename button.

__ 105.Review the three GUI generated svctask chvdisk -name commands to rename the two
volumes. Click the Close button.
__ 106.Since the GUI generated commands tend to use object IDs, add the ID column in the
__ 107.Verify that the updated name of the volume relates to its original MDisk name. Note the
capacity of these volumes is derived from the size of the corresponding MDisks.
__ 108.Observe the allocated capacity value in the Storage Allocation status bar. The capacity of
these two volumes has been added to the system total.


The notes on this screen indicate that the volumes can now be mapped to a host. Once they are
mapped you can then scan for new devices on that host.

__ 109.Reselect the volume entries. Click the Map to Host button from the pane task bar. In the
Modify Host Mappings pane, select your teamname-WIN server host.

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Exercise 18. Migrate existing data with Migration Wizard

__ 110.Click the Map button.

__ 111.Review the two svctask mkvdiskhostmap commands generated by the GUI to assign
each of these two volumes to the WIN host. Click the Close button.
__ 112.Observe that the volumes have been mapped to the host and now can be discovered and
accessed by the host.


Do not exit the wizard but go to the WIN server session now.

Section 10:Validate the migrated disks on Windows server

__ 113.Navigate to your teamname-WIN server.
__ 114.From the teamname-WIN server, navigate to Server Manager >Storage > Disk


The new disk drives contain existing data, therefore, Windows will automatically recognizes the
volume label of each volume and assigns a default drive letter for each volume.
There might be a slight delay before the drive letter of a volume displays. This can be contribute to
Windows sorting out the drive letter assignments.

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Exercise 18. Migrate existing data with Migration Wizard



If volume are not automatically detected, right-click Disk Management. Click Rescan Disks to
view the three new disk entries representing the three volumes.

__ 115.The volume label of each disk should match its corresponding V7000 volume name.
__ 116.Right-click one of the disk entries. In the pull down list, click Explore to explore the volume


The each volume should contain existing data created at the beginning of this exercise.

__ 117.Double-click the SDDDSM desktop icon. Enter the SDD datapath query device
command to display device information.
__ 118.Validate the serial number of the disk entries with the V7000 volume UID values to confirm
that the correct volumes are being viewed.


Observe that the device type is 2145, which is the V7000. Access to the DS3K LUNs that contain
the existing data is now through the V7000 volume extent pointers.

Section 11:Examine the volume and MDisk type


Since the current GUI view is within the steps of the Migration Wizard, this procedure uses the CLI
session to view the object entries of the three volumes and their corresponding MDisks.

__ 119.Navigate to the Admin server desktop.

__ 120.From the Admin server desktop, open an SSH session with the systemID-V7K
management CLI.
__ 121.Log in using the teamname-admin ID. Refer to the team lab data sheet.

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Exercise 18. Migrate existing data with Migration Wizard

__ 122.Enter the commands to display the volumes and display the MDisks that are recognized by
the V7000 system. Use a filter of image.
__ a. lsvdisk -delim , -filtervalue type=image

__ b. lsmdisk -delim , -filtervalue mode=image


Observe that the virtualization type of the volumes is image, and that the MDisk access mode is
also image. Both the volumes and the MDisks reside in the MigrationPool_8192.
Technically at this point, the import or data migration process has completed. The host and
application are both up and running. The volume and MDisk image pairs can exist as such for any
desired length of time.

Section 12:Migrate image volumes to striped volumes


This procedure migrates image volumes to striped volumes using the Migration Wizard. This will
use the Migration Wizard for this task. The volume mirroring function of the V7000 will be used.
Volume Mirroring enables a duplicate set of extents to be created for a volume. Typically these
extents are sourced from a different storage pool. This additional set of extents is referred to as
copy 1 of a volume because the original copy is called copy 0. Subsequent application writes cause
both copies to be updated. As a review, recognize that this is one volume with two copies or two
sets of extents and not two separate volumes.

__ 123.From the Admin server desktop, navigate back to the browser session with the
systemID-V7K management GUI.

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Exercise 18. Migrate existing data with Migration Wizard

__ 124.From the Storage Migration Map Volumes to Hosts screen is displayed. Add the
Virtualization Type to the display heading. Click the Next button.
__ 125.The Select Pool screen is displayed. Add the ID column to the Select Pool display.
__ 126. Select the teamname-RAID10 pool. Observe its pool ID. Click the Next button.

__ 127.Examine the three generated svctask addvdiskcopy commands. Another copy or set
of extents for the volume is being allocated for each volume in the SAS pool. Click the
Close button.
__ 128.The last step of the wizard is displayed. Observe that the progress bar for this migration
effort is almost completed. Click the Finish button.

__ 129.The System Migration view now lists the three volumes being migrated to the virtualized
environment. Add to the column headings to include the ID, In Migration Pool, and # of
__ 130.Hover the mouse pointer over the Running Tasks indicator at the bottom of the screen.

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Exercise 18. Migrate existing data with Migration Wizard



Each volume now has two copies. The original image type copy in the migration pool and a second
copy in the target SAS pool. View the Progress bar for each volume. it indicates the volume copy
synchronization progress for the second volume copy.
The Running Tasks indicates that three volume synchronization background tasks are in progress.
Click anywhere in the bubble for more detail. Copy 1 of each volume is being synchronized with its
corresponding copy 0.

__ 131.Navigate to Pools > Volumes by Pool.

__ 132.Click MigrationPool_8192 in the Pool Filter list.
__ 133.Observe that three volumes and their copies reside in this pool. The pool's Volume
Allocation capacity bar shows 100% utilization.
__ 134.Add to the display the Pool column and verify that each copy of the volume is in its own pool.


The Storage Allocation status bar now reflects the updated allocated capacity at the system level.

__ 135.Right-click the copy 0 version of the teamsetID-APP1DB_V entry. Click Properties from
the pop-up menu to view details for this volume. Observe that the virtualization type of the
__ 136.Right-click the copy 1 version of the teamsetID-APP1DB_V entry. Click Properties from the
pop-up menu to view details for this volume. Observe that the virtualization type of the volume.
__ 137.Record the Virtualization type of the following volumes:

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Exercise 18. Migrate existing data with Migration Wizard



APP1DB_V Copy 0 ________________

APP1DB_V Copy 1 ________________

__ 138.Right-click the volume name for the teamsetID-APP1DB_V entry. Click View Mapped
Hosts from the pop-up menu.
__ 139.Click the Member MDisks tab. The default view for this tab shows the extent distribution for
Both Copies of the volume.
__ 140.Click Both Copies and select each copy in the drop-down list to view extents per each


The extent size for the MigrationPool_8192 is 8192 MB. Thus only two extent pointers are needed
for the image copy. An extent size of 512 MB was chosen for the other pools. Thus the striped copy
requires more extent pointers to address volume.

__ 141.Click the Close button.

__ 142.Navigate to Hosts > Volumes by Host > WIN. Verify the volume mappings that were
created earlier through the Migration Wizard.


When a volume has two copies, reads and writes occur on the primary copy which by default is
copy 0. The GUI flags the primary copy with an asterisk. To maintain the mirror, copy 1 is updated
with writes but is not used for reads.
In a data import scenario, it might be desirable to drive both reads and writes to copy 1 which is the
destination copy of the data migration effort. This switch can be done easily.

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Exercise 18. Migrate existing data with Migration Wizard

__ 143.Right-click Copy 1 of the teamsetID-APP1DB_V volume. Click Make Primary in the pull
down list.

__ 144.Review the svctask chvdisk -primary command generated. It is setting copy 1 to be

the read and write copy. Copy 0 will be updated with write activity but no longer used for
reads.Click the Close button.
__ 145.Right-click each Copy 1 of the teamsetID-APP1LOG_V and the
teamsetID-APP2DATA_V volumes and click Make Primary to change the copy role.
__ 146.Review the svctask chvdisk command generated to make Copy 1 the - primary
copy. Click the Close button.
__ 147.Navigate to the teamname-WIN server.
__ 148.From the teamname-WIN server, copy the FolderPics-100MB folder from the
C:\Software\classFolders to the APP1DB volume to generate some write activity.


This new write activity will cause both copies of the volume to be updated. The host is totally
unaware that three sets of extents exist for the volume.

__ 149.Do not log off or shut down the teamname-WIN server. Click the X in the upper corner of the
teamname-WIN session and Disconnect.

__ 150.Navigate to the Admin server.

__ 151.From the systemID-V7K management GUI, navigate to Pools > MDisks by Pools.

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Exercise 18. Migrate existing data with Migration Wizard

__ 152.Observe that the capacity bar of the MigrationPool_8192 has no free capacity. The three MDisks
have an access mode of image as all their extents are associated with copy 0 of the two volumes.


Observe the capacity bar and capacity utilization numbers of the systemID-RAID10 pool. Copy 1
for the three volumes has increased the consumed capacity of this pool.

__ 153.From the Admin server desktop, open an SSH session with the systemID-V7K
management CLI.
__ 154.Enter the commands to increase the mirror copy synch rate for the APP1DB, APP1LOG
and APP2DAT volumes (unless they have already completed). Use the volume names in
the command.
chvdisk -syncrate 100 app1dbvolname
chvdisk -syncrate 100 app1logvolname
chvdisk -syncrate 100 app2datavolname
__ 155.Log out from the systemID-V7K management GUI session.
__ 156.Select Monitoring > Performance to view the increased I/O rates.
__ 157.Observe that the three synchronization tasks should complete fairly quickly.due to the
increase in the copy rate. Assuming no other activity, when the I/O rates go down to zero
the copies have completed.


Place the cursor over a graph line causes the graph to change into a series of dots, each represent
a 5-second interval. Hover the cursor over a dot to cause the data transfer rate to be displayed.

Section 13:Finalize the migration of the volumes

__ 158.Return to the systemID-V7K management GUI.
__ 159.Navigate to Pools > System Migration.
__ 160.Verify that the progress bars for the three volumes contain 100%, that is, if the background
synchronization for the volume copies in the target pool has completed.

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Exercise 18. Migrate existing data with Migration Wizard



Subsequent writes cause both copies to be updated so that the data in the original LUNs are still
maintained to currency.

__ 161.In the System Migration view, multi-select the three volume entries. Click Actions. From the
drop down list, click Finalize.

__ 162.The finalize process deletes copy 0 of each volume. The GUI requires confirmation for
object deletions. Enter a 3 in the Finalize Volume Migrations box then click OK to delete the
three copies.
__ 163.Examine the two svctask rmvdiskcopy commands generated to delete copy 0 of each
volume. Click the Close button.


This invocation of the Migration Wizard has completed. Observe that the existing data from the
original two LUNs has become V7000 managed and virtualized. The System Migration view is now
reset for subsequent migration requests.

__ 164.Navigate to Volumes > Volumes by Host. Click teamnname-WIN server in the host filter. If
required, add ID and Copy ID to the display.
__ 165.Examine the volume entries. Only copy 1 is left. The host is not aware that copy 0 has been
deleted. Reads and writes are now sourced from copy 1 of each volume.


The Storage Allocation status bar capacity value has been updated now to reflect the deletion of the
two volume copies.

__ 166.Navigate to Pools > MDisks by Pools.

__ 167.Verify that the MigrationPool_8192 is now empty.

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Exercise 18. Migrate existing data with Migration Wizard



When an image type volume is deleted, its corresponding MDisk is automatically removed from the
storage pool. The empty MigrationPool_8192 can either be deleted or kept for subsequent imports.

__ 168.Navigate to Pools > External Storage. Locate the APP1DB, APP1LOG and APP2DAT
MDisk entries.


What is the Mode status of the APP1DB, APP1LOG and APP2DATA MDisks? ____________


The removed MDisks now have an access mode of unmanaged. When the APP1* LUNs are
unassigned to the V7000 from the DS3K, these MDisk entries will be deleted automatically the next
time a detect MDisk function is invoked.
The Migration Wizard can then be invoked to import the next set of related external storage LUNs,
or use an alternative to the Migration Wizard which is the Import Wizard.

__ 169.Exit from the systemID-V7K management CLI session.

End of exercise

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Exercise 19. Easy Tier and STAT analysis


Exercise 19. Easy Tier and STAT analysis

Estimated time

In this exercise the student will evaluate the previously collected values from the Easy Tier activity
and analyze them with the help of the IBM Storage Tier Advisor Tool (STAT) to make the right
decisions for adding SSD drives and getting the most benefit out of this type of drive.

At the end of the exercise, you should be able to:
• Execute the STAT utility to obtain HTML performance I/O reports
• Use the IBM Storage Tier Advisor Tool (STAT) to analysis the benefit of Easy Tier on volumes
and storage pools activity

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Exercise 19. Easy Tier and STAT analysis

Exercise instructions


The Easy Tier function was activated on two storage pools: teamname-DS3KHybrid storage pool and
teamsetID-DS3KSATA storage pool. Once Easy Tier is active, a heat map is generated or updated
approximately every 24 hours. The STAT tool provides heat distribution maps for volumes with Easy Tier
status of active or measured. Recommendations are also included for storage pools with an Easy Tier
status of active.

Section 1: Check volume status for exploration of Easy Tier

__ 1. From the Admin server desktop, open the systemID-V7K management CLI.
__ 2. Log on with teamname-admin credentials (refer to the team lab data sheet).
__ 3. Enter the lsmdiskgrp –delim , command to verify the storage pool Easy Tier setting
and status.
__ 4. Observe that Easy Tier is active for the teamname-DS3KHybrid and
teamsetID-DS3KSATA storage pools.
__ 5. Observe that the Easy Tier status is measured for the teamsetID-DS3KSATA storage pool
(a single tier pool).


The pool Easy Tier setting was manually set to measured to measure I/O activity for volumes in the
pool, but Easy Tier Automatic Data Placement is not performed as it is a single tier pool.

__ 6. Enter the lsvdisk teamsetID-WIN2 command to check the current Easy Tier setting and
status of the teamsetID-WIN2 volume.

Section 2: Stop the IOmeter application

__ 7. From the Admin server desktop, double-click on the teamsetID-WIN icon to start a remote
desktop session.
__ 8. Log in using the credentials provided in the team lab data sheet.
__ 9. From the teamsetID-WIN server, navigate to the IOmeter window.
__ 10. From the IOmeter task bar, click the Stop icon to stop the IOmeter processing.

__ 11. Click Start > Log off to exit from the teamsetID-WIN server.

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Exercise 19. Easy Tier and STAT analysis

Section 3: Download the heat map file
__ 12. From the Admin server desktop, open browser window.
__ 13. Enter the URL of the systemID-V7K management GUI IP address.
__ 14. Log on with teamname-admin credentials (refer to the team lab data sheet).
__ 15. Navigate to Settings > Support. Click Show full log listing to view the multiple files.

__ 16. Enter the text string easy into the filter box.
__ 17. Locate the /dumps/easytier/ heat
map file.
__ 18. Right-click the specified entry. Click the Download button.


A heat data file generates every 24 hours. Any existing heat data file is overwritten whenever a new
heat data file is produced; however, it will include all the information to date for all measured pools
and volumes.

The file must be off-loaded by the user and processed with the STAT utility and invoked from a
Windows command prompt.

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Exercise 19. Easy Tier and STAT analysis

Section 4: Open a heat map file with the STAT tool
__ 19. A dialogue box opens. Select Open with and click the Browse button.
__ 20. In the Choose Helper Application box, click the Browse button.

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Exercise 19. Easy Tier and STAT analysis

__ 21. Once the heat data file is in the correct directory, you must run the STAT.exe to generate the
STAT HTML reports. Navigate to c:\Program Files(x86)\IBM\STAT. Select
STAT.exe. Click the Open button.

__ 22. Observe that the STAT.exe executable is now highlighted in the Open with box. Click the
OK button.


The STAT tool processes the easytier heat data file and places the volume heat distributions and
SSD configuration recommendations in a default file named index.html. This file resides in the
same folder as the STAT.exe.

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Exercise 19. Easy Tier and STAT analysis

__ 23. Press any key to continue.


The STAT utility creates a set of HTML files in which the user can open the resulting “index.html” in
a browser to view the System Summary results. The index.html is a default in which the file date
might not reflect the heat data files generated date.

__ 24. From the Admin desktop, open Windows Explorer and navigate to c:\Program
__ 25. Observe that the file is set to open in a FireFox browser. Double-click the file to view the
System Summary results.

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Exercise 19. Easy Tier and STAT analysis



You can also navigate to the IBM\STAT\DATA_Files. The Data_Files allows you to view
individual html results on a specific pool, System Summary and Systemwide Recommendation.

__ 26. Examine the System Summary of the STAT utility output. This report is based on when data
generated and measured over a specific time period.

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Exercise 19. Easy Tier and STAT analysis



The STAT Utility tool is a self explanatory interface that explains all parameter features identified in
the tool.

__ 27. Observe the first table which displays the system model number and the serial number of
the configuration node. It also indicates the total number of pools and volumes that were
monitored and the overall results of the hot data savings.
__ 28. The second table identifies the storage pools by their object ID. Each pool is a hypertext that
can be selected to view the specific pool measured information.
__ 29. Correlate the pools listed to the early lsmdiskgrp CLI output Easy Tier setting.


Record the pool name and the Easy Tier setting for the following:
Pool ID 0 ______________________, ______________
Pool ID 1 ______________________, ______________
Pool ID 2 ______________________, ______________

Section 5: Review a single tier pool with the STAT tool

__ 30. In the System Summary Report second table, click the P2 (Pool 2) entry link.
__ 31. Examine the report data and observe the notes below the Average Utilization of Mdisk IOPS
table to better understand the displayed information.

__ 32. Scroll down the page to display other information links for this pool.

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Exercise 19. Easy Tier and STAT analysis

__ 33. Click on the Workload Distribution Across Tiers link.
__ 34. Examine the skew of the workload in which the blue line represents the NL pool (Y-axis) and
denotes the accumulative small I/O percentage distributed on the top x intensive data.
__ 35. Click on the Recommended SSD Configuration link.
__ 36. Examine the report data and observe the recommendations and the predicted performance

__ 37. Observe that for this example environment, pool ID 2 is the single tier. Adding an
Flash-based MDisk to this pool might improve I/O performance by the listed percentage.

__ 38. Click on the Recommended Enterprise Configuration link.

__ 39. Examine the report data and observe the recommendations and the predicted performance

__ 40. Click on the Volume Heat Distribution link.

__ 41. Observe the list of volumes where I/O has been measured (volumes with Easy Tier status of
active or measured).

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Exercise 19. Easy Tier and STAT analysis

__ 42. Examine the report data and observe the notes below the Volume Heat Distribution table to
better understand the displayed information.

__ 43. Return to the systemID-V7K management CLI.

__ 44. Recall the lsmdiskgrp –delim , command to reference to the volume IDs to the captured
heat data file.
__ 45. Examine the heat distribution of the volume copy entry for teamsetID-WIN2 using the
Volume ID (Actual IDs might vary. Use the system GUI or CLI as reference).


The I/O profile that is assigned to this volume was read-random with a size of up to 32 K (that is,
less than 64 K). Note that Easy Tier found this volume having all hot extents. Keep in mind that the
results for your team might not be the same, depending on the timing of the heat map generation as
well as other I/O activity. Since this volume is in the single tier teamsetID-DS3KSATA storage
pool, none of its extents are migrated to SSD-based storage.

__ 46. Examine the volume details of the teamsetID-COMP volume. It resides in the single tier
pool where Easy Tier has been manually set to measured.


Record the following information for the teamsetID-COMP volume:

Volume ID _____
Easy Tier status __________
Real capacity usage _________

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2012, 2016 19-10

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
Exercise 19. Easy Tier and STAT analysis



The I/O activity of a compressed volume is measured by Easy Tier and reported by STAT, but its
extents will not be moved. Extent movement is disabled for compressed volumes. If the volume
resides in a hybrid pool, its hot extents will not be moved to the SSD storage tier.

Section 6: Review a two tier pool with the STAT tool

__ 47. Return to the STAT output in the browser.
__ 48. Click the Summary Report link in the navigation section of the screen.
__ 49. In the System Summary Report table, click the P1 (Pool 1) entry link.
__ 50. Examine the report data and observe the notes below the Average Utilization of Mdisk IOPS
table to better understand the displayed information.

__ 51. Scroll down the page to display other information links for this pool.
__ 52. Click on the Recommended NL Configuration link.
__ 53. Examine the report data and observe the recommendations and the predicted performance

__ 54. Click on the Volume Heat Distribution link.

__ 55. Examine the heat distribution of the volume copy entry for teamsetID-EasyTier1 using the
Volume ID (Actual IDs might vary. Use the system GUI or CLI as reference).

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Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
Exercise 19. Easy Tier and STAT analysis

__ 56. Observe that based on the heat distribution file, the blue portion suggests that data is
largely cold there for this confirms that basis of adding a Nearline tier to this pool.


The I/O profile that is assigned to this volume was read-random with a size of up to 32 K (that is,
less than 64 K).

__ 57. Return to the Storwize V7000 management GUI.

__ 58. Navigate to Volumes > Volumes by Pool.
__ 59. Select the teamsetID-DS3KHybrid pool.
__ 60. Locate the teamsetID-EasyTier1 volume. if necessary add Capacity to the column
__ 61. Examine its capacity values. The capacity values show that all of the extents are allocated
from the HDD tier in the hybrid storage pool.
__ 62. Right-click on the teamsetID-EasyTier1 volume and select View Mapped Hosts...
__ 63. Click the Member MDisks tab. Observe the current Extents assigned to the Flash Tier.
Depending on the activity, the findings might show extent migration from the Enterprise Tier
to the Flash Tier.
__ 64. Return to the STAT output in the browser.
__ 65. Examine the heat distribution of the volume copy entry for teamsetID-EasyTier3 using the
volume IDs (since your IDs might vary, use the system GUI or CLI as reference).

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Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
Exercise 19. Easy Tier and STAT analysis



The I/O profile that is assigned to this volume was write-sequential with a transfer size greater than
64 K. In the generated heat map, there are either no or very few hot extents.
Due to Windows formatting activity, one or two extents might have been considered hot in this
artificial lab environment.

__ 66. Return to the Storwize V7000 management GUI Volumes > Volumes by Pool.
__ 67. From the teamsetID-DS3KHybrid pool, locate the teamsetID-EasyTier3 volume to
examine its capacity values.
__ 68. Right-click on the teamsetID-EasyTier3 volume and select View Mapped Hosts...
__ 69. Click the Members MDisks tab. Examine each MDisk capacity values. Extents might have
migrated from the HDD Tier to the SSD Tier.


The teamsetID-EasyTier3 volume was not mapped to a host and has had no I/O activity. There
will be no capacity migrated to the Flash MDisks. You can verify with the STAT heat data file and
Storwize V7000 GUI.

__ 70. Click Log Out to exit from the V7000 management GUI.
__ 71. Enter the command exit to exit from the V7000 management CLI.

End of exercise

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© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2012, 2016.

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