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General Capabilities:
Numeracy Critical and creative Ethical Behaviour Personal and social Intercultural
Literacy ✔ ICT ✔ thinking Competence Understanding

Cross-curriculum priorities:
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and Cultures Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability

Notes about device access in the classroom: iPad for each student if possible.
Curriculum OBJECTIVE (what & how) EXPERIENCES
LINKS (Introduction, Body and Conclusion)

Week1 1
Week ENGLISH– Literature
ENGLISH 1. 1. actively
Listen Respondto orally to the teachers
the reading of book questions
“Hattie 1. 1. Formativeassessment
Formative Assessmentwill
will be inIntroduction
Lesson1 2
Lesson during
and the Fox” bysecond
Mem Foxreading of Hattie and the the form
include of “Think-Pair-Share”.
anecdotal notes  
Teacher Ask the class,
begins “Who remembers
the lesson by focusingthe thebook we read
students at the start
attention on aofstuffed
this week?” then
hen sitting Story Map is an interactive activity
Innovate on familiar texts Fox. onTeacher
ask students to think explaindesk.
on the front that Think
to begin we will
aloud do a second
“I wonder whatreading
that henof the book,on
is doing “Hattie and the
my desk!” Fox” to
then Book
that willCreator
be usedwillfollowing
be used for
byInnovate on familiar
experimenting withtexts progress/achievement introducefamiliarise ourselves
story book for theand prepare for the activities in todays lesson.
week. studentreading
in-class to create
of their own book
the book.
about alternative
by experimenting with based on Hattie and the Fox but with a
character, setting or 2. Create
2. a Create
class Story Map
a book demonstrating
using the app Book the that stands out that could 
events/outcomes Introduce the book, “Hattie and the Fox” to students and explain that this will be the (
character, setting or twist.
plot (ACELT1833) events and structure
Creator basedof
on“Hattie andthe
Hattie and theFox
with throughout the book
happen in the lesson.
which they basis
Bodyof the next three English lessons. L9496/index.html)
plot (ACELT1833)
a twist. will then share with their pair. 
Think aloud:
Spend“Aha! This (hold
approximately the stuffed
5 minutes toy)the
reading must
hen from the book
the reading askwe
2. Summative assessment about to read!” some of the following questions (Todays read through contains questions so
Summative assessment will 
will be used in the form of
 Elaboration: imagining an 2.
a checklist to track to
Read the thatbook from will
students beginning
be very to end, using
familiar sticky
and able notes
to do on the back of the book to
the activity):
alternative event or include a rubric used to mark each prompt1.think Whataloud’s,
emotionquestions and gaps
is Hattie feeling in the
on the text
front – This
cover? willcan
How model to students
you tell?
responded orally during that whilst reading they should
outcome in the original students “Book Creator” book. 2. What are Hattie’s friendsthink about
saying predicting
in response what could
to Hattie’s happen
warning? Whynext etc.
aren’t they
the reading of the book E.g. “I wonder whose nose is in the bush!”
text listening to her?
and subsequent class “Hattie must be scared of the creature in the bushes!”
3. Who will save the animals from the creature in the bush?
activity. “I wonder what will happen when Hattie meets the creature!”
4. Do you think a hen and a fox would be friends?
 Put students in pairs (based on seating arrangement) and ask them to think about
what a different outcome could be of the story. Allow them to think about what else
 Following the reading of the book, explain to the students that as a class they will
could happen at the start, middle or end to change what the story is about. After
create a “Story Map” based on what they have just learnt about Hattie and the Fox.
some thinking time, let them share their answers with a pair.
 Begin the Story Map and for each section, ask various students from each group of

desks toCall on pairs
come to share
up with their answers
a suitable answer.with the class one at a time.
  story
The Themap
activity will be
include thecentred
followingaround the students
possible answers:using an IPad so prepare prior
to the lesson
- Title: Hattie and theenough
Fox IPads for each student – or Plan B can be an IPad per pair and
- Setting:they can farm,
Park, work together.
field (allow students to be creative)
-Characters: Hattie,
They have priorgoose, pig, sheep,
knowledge horse,
of the app, cow,Creator”
“Book fox as they have used it in class
- Orientation/beginning:
before. Hattie and her friends are frightened of a creature they can
 hiding Giveinthem
the bushes and getting
clear instructions thatcloser
using to
story of Hattie and the Fox as a basis, they
- Complication:
can createThe foxown
their is scaring the friendly
story (Simple changes animals
may include: changing character names,
- Resolution:
changingThe cow ‘moos’
animals, andthe
changing scares theinfox
animal theaway
bush, making it under the sea etc.). Let
 Send the theStory Maplook
students to the printer
at the copy toof be stuck
Hattie andonthethe classroom
Fox wall. throughout the
and walk around
activity to make sure they are on task and that help will be provided if needed.
 To wrap up the lesson, the teacher will ask the class the following questions:

can tell me what these mean: title, setting, character, orientation,
To wrap up this lesson, students/pairs will raise their hand if they would like to
complication, resolution”
present their book to the class. (If more than three books are to be presented,
“What is the name of the main character in the book?”
explain that within the next few lessons others that did not present today will have
“What animals were apart of the book?”
an opportunity to do so)
 Tell them that today is the last time they will formally read through the whole picture
book and in the next/final lesson on this topic, they will be doing some exciting
interactive activities for the whole lesson.
 Use a rubric to mark the students’ individual books.

Week 1 ENGLISH 1. Act out the story, with each student 1. Formative assessment will take Introduction
Lesson 3 being a character, while the Read-Aloud place in the form of observations  Prior to the lesson, teacher will have prepared multiple character cards in a hat.
plays on Youtube. and anecdotal notes based on any  Teacher will explain that in today’s lesson every student is becoming a character Youtube video – Play in the
Innovate on familiar texts from the story, “Hattie and the Fox”. Explain that because there are lots of students background so students can follow
students unwilling to participate.
by experimenting with along as they act out the story.
2. Participate in a Kahoot! Quiz based on and only 7 characters, there will be more than one of the same character in the
character, setting or
the last three English lessons. 2. Summative assessment will be a classroom. gXMELG-I3E
plot (ACELT1833)
Kahoot! Quiz that all students will
participate in, to demonstrate Body Kahoot! quiz on the story events,
their understanding of the story,  Go around the classroom and have students pick a card out of the hat and the card sequence, structure and what they
structure and what has been they pick will be ‘their character’. learnt this week.
learnt in the last 3 lessons.  Guide the students into the separate character groups so that all the hens are
Teacher will note down the together, all the sheep are together etc.
names of the students who
answered correctly and those that  Prepare the interactive YouTube clip so that it plays during the activity. Teacher must
were not able to (time, content make sure that she can pause the video between each characters part.
problems)  First, play the beginning of the clip of the hen. Pause the clip, then all the ‘hens’
repeat the video by saying, “Goodness gracious me! I can see a nose in the bushes!”
 Continue this with each group of characters ensuring that if students get confused or
mixed up, you slow it down and have greater pauses between the character changes.
 At the end of the story when the Fox jumps out, instruct all the “foxes” to jump up
and down. Then the ‘cows’ will moo and the ‘Foxs’ will sit on the mat.
 After going through the whole story and each character having their part, instruct the
students to sit back at their desks with their IPads out.
 Give the students the class Kahoot! code and explain that to finish off all of the work
done this week with “Hattie and the Fox” they will each participate in a class quiz.

 To conclude the lesson go over the activities completed in the last few lessons with
the students and ask:
“What was your favourite Hattie and the Fox activity?”
“What was your least favourite part?”
“What do you think might happen in the group of animals next?”
“Who remembers what the following words mean:
Title, characters, setting, orientation, complication and conclusion
 If there time permits it, allow for students that weren’t able to present their Book
Creator projects to do so now.

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