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PAP Report

GTA V Roleplay Server

Course: Management and Programming of Computing Systems.

Teacher: Bruno Reis

Project being developed by: Miguel Teixeira and Bruno Ferreira

Date of the report: 10/12/2017

PAP Report
GTA V Roleplay Server

Rationale ......................................................................................................................... 4

Scripts Developed ........................................................................................................... 5

Script Description ............................................................................................................ 6

Admin Script ............................................................................................................. 6

Register/Login Script ................................................................................................ 6

Resources Handler Script ......................................................................................... 6

Object Creation Script ............................................................................................... 6

Money/Bank & ATM Script ........................................................................................ 6

Time Sync ................................................................................................................. 7

Weather Script .......................................................................................................... 7

Clothes Store Script .................................................................................................. 7

Car Dealership Script................................................................................................ 7

Scripted Jobs Description................................................................................................ 8

 Arms Dealer Script ............................................................................................. 8

 Drug Dealer Script.............................................................................................. 8

 Drug Smuggler Script ......................................................................................... 8

Script Commands: ........................................................................................................... 9

PAP Report
GTA V Roleplay Server
Admin Script................................................................................................................. 9

Car Dealership Script & Car System Script ................................................................ 18

Car Dealership Script .................................................................................................... 19

Car System ............................................................................................................. 19

Bank/Money Script ..................................................................................................... 22

Commands for Banks ............................................................................................. 23

Commands for ATMs .............................................................................................. 24

Resources Handler Script .......................................................................................... 26

Illegal Jobs .................................................................................................................... 32

Drug Dealer................................................................................................................ 33

Objective of the Job ................................................................................................ 33

Types of Drugs ....................................................................................................... 34

Drug Dealer Commands ......................................................................................... 34

Drug Smuggler ........................................................................................................... 37

Objective of the Job ................................................................................................ 37

Drug Smuggler Commands .................................................................................... 38

PAP Report
GTA V Roleplay Server
 Objective for the project: Creation and development of a GTA V Roleplay
server (real life simulation), offering ways to buy properties such as, vehicles,
houses, clothes, customize your character, modify vehicles, offer a variety of
jobs, both illegal and legal, in between many other features.

Platforms/Systems being used in this project

 Languages being used: C# (Server-Side), JavaScript (Client-Side), SQL.

 Visual Studio 2017 Enterprise: Main platform is used for the development of
this project, programming for all server scripts.
 SQL Server: Communication between the players (client) and the server,
register/login, saving player information as progress is done on the server.

 GT-MP API: Necessary for the development of the project, so we are able to
program straight into the game engine and be able to interact with it (Link Here).

 Game GTA V: Original version of the game is necessary to able to connect and
play on the server.
PAP Report
GTA V Roleplay Server

Scripts Developed

 Admin Script;
 Arms Dealer Script;
 Money/Bank and ATM Script;
 Car Dealership Script;
 Car System Script;
 Clothes Store Script;
 Register/Login Script;
 Drug Dealer Script;
 Resources Handler Script;
 Object Creation Script;
 Time Sync Script;
 Weather Script;
 Drug Smuggler Script;
PAP Report
GTA V Roleplay Server
Script Description

Admin Script: So far contains a list of 38 scripted commands for usage only by
authorized users (server administrators), allows for easy server management and
server control.

Register/Login Script: One of the most important scripts developed for the server,
allow for the character creation and register to the server database, so that progress
made can be saved accordingly to what has been done by the player (client).

Resources Handler Script: One of the most useful scripts developed for the server for
easy management and changes/updates of other loaded server scripts with no need for
a server restart.

Object Creation Script: Just a basic script developed that adds thousands of game
objects into the game world.

Money/Bank & ATM Script: So far contains 8 commands for usage by the player
(client), this script allows for the use of banks and ATMs scripted in the world, allowing
for such things as in checking the amount of money present in the player’s wallet and
bank account.

o The commands include, but are not limited to:

o Checking Wallet Balance;
o Checking Bank Account Balance;
o Withdrawing Money from the player’s bank account and depositing to the
bank account.
PAP Report
GTA V Roleplay Server

Time Sync: This script has one very simple function and that’s basically to sync the
server time to all players, in a way that the server time will always be the same to all the
players, whether day or night time. With this script, the server updates and syncs the
server time to the host machine current time every minute.

Weather Script: Much like the Time Sync script, this script has only one very simple
function, and that’s basically set and sync the server weather to a random iteration of all
of the weather types available by the API, the change of weather, is also set on a
random timer (set between 30 minutes and 120 minutes), so that the weather can be a
more dynamic and allow for a more diversity, may very well it be foggy, rainy or clear

Clothes Store Script: This script allows for the players to walk into clothes stores
scripted around the map, change the player model (skin), and/or use a custom player
model and be able to buy separate clothes for his character.

Car Dealership Script: This script, with 8 commands so far, creates vehicles
dealerships across town, players can choose their vehicle of choice and if they have the
money they can purchase them, along with other useful vehicle commands:

o Start/Stop the vehicle engine;

o Lock/Unlock the vehicle;
o Able to choose a parking location for the vehicle;
o Allow the player to open the car hood/trunk;
o This script creates a stand in the map, where the player can see the car
models that are available to be bought, and buy them directly from the
PAP Report
GTA V Roleplay Server

Scripted Jobs Description

 Arms Dealer Script: This is one of the illegal server scripted jobs, players with
this job are able to buy packages in certain locations on the map and deliver
them to another location marked on their GPS in exchange for weapon materials,
this weapon materials will later be able to be crafted into actual weapons,
depending on the type of materials in question, this weapons can later on be kept
by the player or sold to other players by the arms dealer.

 Drug Dealer Script: Another of the illegal server scripted jobs, much like the
arms dealer, the drug dealer function is to obtain drugs from the warehouse,
buying them. These drugs can later be kept/used by the player to obtain certain
buffs, or sold to other players.

 Drug Smuggler Script:

PAP Report
GTA V Roleplay Server
Script Commands:

Admin Script
For the commands in this script, the user is required to be an administrator to use
them. Before most of the commands, a check to see if the user issuing the command is
an administrator is made (AdminCheck), as shown in Figure 1 below:

Figure 1- Example of AdminCheck

 Command “Spec” and “Unspec“ - Allows for an administrator (Admin) to

spectate (Figure 2) and stop spectating (Figure 3) another player or admin
currently logged into the server.

Figure 2 - Using "Spec" Command

Figure 3- Using “Unspec” Command

PAP Report
GTA V Roleplay Server

What is a dimension?

A dimension is an integer value, basically a virtual reality, or a different scenario

within the game world, if a player is currently in dimension one, he will not be able to
see a player that is on dimension three, or a vehicle/entity that belongs on dimension

What is an Entity?

An entity is pretty much everything added into the server that can be controlled in
certain way, change the rotation, position, dimension, in between others, may this be a
vehicle or an added game object.

Figure 4- Using "SetEntityDimension"


 Command “Set Entity Dimension” (/sed) – This command changes the

dimension of a specific entity into the chosen dimension set by the admin.

 Command “Set Dimension” (/sd) - Much like the ‘SetEntityDimension’

command, this command serves the same purpose, the only difference is that
this one is specific to change only the players dimension.

Figure 5 - Using "SetDimension" Command

PAP Report
GTA V Roleplay Server

 Command “Car ID” (/carid) - This command, only usable by admins, tells the
ID (Identification) of a specified vehicle that the player is inside of.

*insert game chat*

 Command “Kill” (/kill) - This command is strictly used by admins, in case a

player is not behaving or abiding by the rules, the admins will use it as a way to
warn the player that their behavior is not correct.

Figure 6 - Using "Kill" Command

 Command “Kick” (/kick) &”Silent Kick” (/skick) – Using this command,

the administrator can kick (force a player to disconnect) to the chosen player
from the server (forcefully leave the server, due to rule-breaking), the kick may
appear in chat for all players in the server ‘(/kick)’ or be silent, and leave no
message about the kicked player ‘(/skick)’.

Figure 7 - Using "kick" command

PAP Report
GTA V Roleplay Server

 Command “Noon” (/noon) &“Midnight” (/midnight) – After issuing this

command, the game time will switch to Noon (12:00PM) or Midnight (12:00AM).

Figure 8 - Noon and Midnight Commands

 Command “Mod” – This command allows for the server admin to modify a
car that he is currently inside of, this includes cosmetic/exterior mods, from
bumpers to spoilers to car color as well as many others that area available within
the game’s API, this also includes performance modifications from turbo, to
engine, breaks, and many others, as long as they are incorporated in the API.

 Command “Colors” & “RGBColors” – With these commands the

admins are able to change the color of the vehicle they are inside of, the main
difference between the commands, lies in the specification of the color the player
desires, while “Colors” does not have a variety as big as “RGBColors”, it is easier
to use, because “RGBColors” requires the player to insert the hex code for the
color they want.
PAP Report
GTA V Roleplay Server
 Command “Car” – This command spawns(creates) a vehicle of administrator
choosing into the game world and places the administrator inside of the vehicle,
as long as the vehicle exists in the game engine.

 Command “Teleport” (/tpto) – This command allows for an administrator to

teleport to a chosen player online at the server, this command saves the admin
location before the teleport into the database for later use with the ‘(/back)’

 Command “Back”(/back) - This command is dependent of the ‘(/tpto)’

command, basically when the ‘(/tpto)’ command is used it saves the
administrator’s last location into the database for later use, with this command
the admin can teleport himself back to his initial location.

 Command “Teleport Here” (/tphere) – This command basically does the

same as the command above, yet in a different way, it basically teleports the
chosen player to the administrator location, saving the player’s old
coordinates(location) for later use

 Command “Teleport Back” (/tpback) – This command is dependent of the

(/tphere) command, basically when the ‘(/tphere)’ command is used it saves the
player’s last location with this command we can send the player back to his initial
PAP Report
GTA V Roleplay Server
 Command “Give Weapon” (/giveweapon) – With this command the
administrator can give any available weapon within the game engine with any
amount of chosen ammo to any player or to himself.

 Command “Broadcast” – An admin can broadcast a message to the entire

server using this command, it is very useful in case the server needs to be
restarted or shut down temporarily, just used to pass server information towards
the community (players online).

 Command “Set Skin“ (/setskin) – This command allows for an administrator

to change his skin or any other player’s skin, as long as the said skin exists
within the game engine.

 Command “Weather” – This command allows for the admin to change the
server weather to any available weather in between ID (1-13), (clear day,
raining, snow, foggy) any weather IDs below 1 or above 13 causes server
crashes and are so restricted within the command.

 Command “Godmode” – This command upon being used by an

administrator gives him the so called ‘GodMode’, making him and whatever
vehicle he’s currently inside impossible to kill/destroy.

 Command “Give Money” (/givemoney) – With this command an

administrator can give any amount of money to any available player or to himself.
PAP Report
GTA V Roleplay Server
 Command “Full Heal” (/fullheal) – This command will heal the chosen
player to his max health and max armor, being this value 100.

 Command “Set Health” (/sethp) – This command will heal the chosen
player to his max health, being this value 100.

 Command “Set Armor” (/setarmor) – This command will heal the chosen
player to his max armor, being this value 100.

 Command “Reset Time” (/resettime) – This command upon usage,

automatically reset the game time, hours and minutes, to the host machine
(server), somewhat an obsolete since there’s a ‘TimeSync’ script in place.

 Command “Save Coords” & “Saved Coords” (/savecoords),

(/savedcoords) – With this commands an administrator can save his current
position and rotation to a .txt file with a name of his chosing, this can be
extremely useful if a script requires a specific coordinate, to create a vehicle,
game object, or restrict a command/action to a location, with the ‘(/savedcoords)’
command the administrator can see in-game what coordinates have been saved
into the .txt file.
PAP Report
GTA V Roleplay Server
 Command “Invisible” – This command allows for an administrator to
becoming invisible, no other players can see him, unless he disables his

 Command “Explode” – Allows for an administrator to cause an explosion

on the chosen player, will most likely cause the player to die.
PAP Report
GTA V Roleplay Server

 Command “Slap” – Using this command will make the chosen player fly to
the chosen height by the administrator, cause him to fly down the sky, or maybe
not that high, depending on the chosen height.

 Command “Car Power” – Once the administrator uses this command

inside a vehicle and with an input of his choosing between (1-500), the vehicle
will gain an increased power depending on the input multiplier the admin as

 Command “Teleports” – Retrieves to the administrator the entire list of all

the custom teleports coded into the script, those locations are available to be
teleported to using ‘(/tploc)’.

 Command “Teleport Location” (/tploc) – Allows for an administrator to

teleport to a location that has been coded into the server, the list can be viewed
using the command ‘(/teleports)’.

 Command “Admin Help” – This command allows the administrator to see

the entire list of commands that can be used as an administrator, command
information is only viewable by server administrators.
PAP Report
GTA V Roleplay Server

Car Dealership Script & Car System Script

All the commands in these two scripts can be used by any player, so none of
these commands are restricted to administrator only.
PAP Report
GTA V Roleplay Server
Car Dealership Script

Command “Buy Car” (/buycar) – This command is used to purchase vehicles from
a local dealership, it can be used by any player and only usable under one
circumstance, the player must be inside a car that is currently a ‘dealership car’ server
scripted and only purpose is to be purchased by the player, upon usage the user is
requested to input a custom license plate for the vehicle(between 4-8 characters), this
license plate is later used to detect the vehicle within the database, along with all the
information and who owns the car, the command checks if the player has enough
money to buy the car and if that license plate was already registered into the database.

Car System

Command “Vehicle Park” (/vpark) – This command is restricted to only cars that
have been purchased by players and it only works to the owner of the car, basically
what this does is saving mostly the position and rotation of the vehicle, along with some
other minor information into the vehicles database and changes the vehicle dimension
from zero to a random dimension, making the car despawn(disappear).
PAP Report
GTA V Roleplay Server

Command “Vehicle Get” (/vget) – This command, much like the ‘(/vpark)’
command is restricted to owned vehicles, the player is asked for an input (license plate)
of the owned vehicle and the vehicle spawns(is created) in the last parked position from
the ‘(/vpark)’ command, this only works with vehicles the player using it currently owns,
the list of owned vehicles can be checked with another command.

Command “Properties” – With this command, the player will be able to see the list
of owned vehicles and the respective license plates and car name.
PAP Report
GTA V Roleplay Server

Command “Lock” – Upon usage, both inside and outside the vehicle, the car will
be locked, no players can get inside the car or open/close the trunk of hood of the
vehicle, this command is also restricted to only the owner of the vehicle.

Command “Trunk & Hood” – With this command the player can open/close the
trunk or hood of the vehicle visually, only works when the vehicle is currently unlocked.

Command “Locate” – Any player that uses this command can track the current
location of his vehicle, in case they forgot where they last left their vehicle or if it has
been stolen, the player can only track the vehicles he owns and he must have
purchased a GPS to his vehicle.
PAP Report
GTA V Roleplay Server

Bank/Money Script
All the commands within this script are meant to be used by all players and
allows for the interaction within banks and ATMs scripted to the server.
PAP Report
GTA V Roleplay Server
Commands for Banks

 Command “Deposit” – With this command the player can deposit the
money he has on him to his bank account, only works if used within range of the
bank counter.

 Command “Withdraw” - With this command the player can withdraw

money from his bank account to his wallet, only works if used within range of the
bank counter.

 Command “Balance” - With this command the player can check the correct
amount of money he has in his bank account.
PAP Report
GTA V Roleplay Server

 Command “Wallet” – With this command the player can check how much
money he is carrying with him on his wallet.

Commands for ATMs

PAP Report
GTA V Roleplay Server

 Command “ATM Withdraw” (/awithdraw) – Similar to the ‘(/withdraw)’

command, but this command only works when within range of an ATM machine
and is used to withdraw money from the bank account to the player’s wallet.
(ATM Machines limited to $5.000 per usage).

 Command “ATM Deposit” (/adeposit) – Similar to the ‘(/deposit)’

command, but this command only works when within range of an ATM machine
and is used to deposit money to his bank account. (ATM Machines limited to
$5.000 per usage).

 Command “ATM Balance” (/abalance) – Similar to the ‘(/balance)’

command, used to check the money on the bank account, but only usable from
ATM machines.

**More possible commands, add here, bank robbery?

PAP Report
GTA V Roleplay Server

Resources Handler Script

This script was created for easy server management in terms of updating scripts,
with few commands we can simply reload the script file with the updated one without
having to restart the whole server, extremely usefully when creating new scripts and
testing is needed.

All this following commands are restricted to administrator use only.

 Command “Restart” – This command once used by the administrator will

restart(reload) all the server loaded scripts, forcing them to update with the new
files, or simply to reduce load on the server after a long time without being

 Command “Restart Resource” (/rr) – Resource start allows for the admin
to restart a specific resource (script file), forcing it to update with the new one,
without the need for a full server restart.
PAP Report
GTA V Roleplay Server

 Command “Stop Resource” (/rstop) – Allows the administrator to stop a

specific resource (script file) from being loaded to the server without the need for
a server restart.

 Command “Start Resource” (/rstart) – Much like the ‘(/rstop)’ command

this command will start a script (load) that is currently not being loaded.
PAP Report
GTA V Roleplay Server

Enriching Environments
We have created a separate script, that also affects other script, such as the Drug
Dealer and Drug Smuggler, the objective being adding objects into the server in a way
of creating ‘life’ into the environment, making it seem less empty, not just objects but
also static NPCs (AI).

The server objects we’ve added already go over the five thousand, areas were created
to job pickup areas, such as the Drug Dealer pickup and the Drug Smuggler and the
Drug Warehouse, over a thousand of several types of trees were added around the
map, even a custom prison interior for roleplay purposes, although no law enforcement
or prison system is yet in place.

The next pages will follow some before and after images of some areas, not all.
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GTA V Roleplay Server
PAP Report
GTA V Roleplay Server
PAP Report
GTA V Roleplay Server
PAP Report
GTA V Roleplay Server

Clothes Store Script (not fully scripted)

 With this script we allow players to use all the clothes stores around the map
to buy a new player skin or change his clothes, currently the clothes section is
not yet scripted, you are only able to change the main player skin.

Script Commands
 Command “Buy Skin” (/buyskin) – With this command the player will be
able to buy a new character skin for himself, this command requires an input
for the skin ID available by the API, the idea is to add menus later on for full
character customization.
PAP Report
GTA V Roleplay Server
Illegal Jobs

Drug Dealer

Objective of the Job

 Players that have chosen this job will be able to obtain drugs from the drug
warehouse, only Drug Dealer players will be able to obtain them that way, the
drug dealer’s job after acquiring those drugs is to sell to other players, at an
agreed amount of money between both parties, this drugs can later be used to
obtain an increase in character stats (health, armor).
PAP Report
GTA V Roleplay Server

Types of Drugs
 There are three types of drugs added into the server, those drugs being ‘Weed’,
‘Crack’, ‘Meth’, all this drugs once used by the player give a raise in character
stats, in this case Health and Armor.
o Weed – Once it is consumed an animation will be played on the player’s
character for a couple seconds and the player will gain ‘10’ health, 100
being the maximum allowed.
o Crack – Exact same as the above but the player will gain ‘10’ armor, 100
also being the maximum allowed.
o Meth – Pretty much the same as the above but instead of gaining only
one stat at a time, the player will gain ‘15’ on each stat, both health and
armor, the plan was to allow for a maximum of 125 of each stat, but due to
API limitations it’s not possible.

Drug Dealer Commands

 Command “Job Help” (/jobhelp) – Just like any other job, this command
displays an introduction on the job, as in a way to help guide players, and also
displaying the list of commands available for that specific job.
PAP Report
GTA V Roleplay Server

 Commands “Buy Weed”, “Buy Crack”, “Buy Meth” (/buyweed), (/buycrack),

(/buymeth) – This commands are restricted to the drug dealer job only, players
that do not have this job assigned won’t be able to use this commands, the
commands itself are pretty much self-explanatory, they’re all restricted to use
only at the drug warehouse buy location.
PAP Report
GTA V Roleplay Server

 Command “Warehouse” (/warehouse) – This command is restricted to use by

only drug dealers and its function is to update the player’s GPS with the location
of the warehouse where drugs are purchasable

 Commands “Sell Weed”, “Sell Crack”, “Sell Meth” (/sellweed), (/sellcrack),

(/sellmeth) – All this commands are restricted to drug dealers only, and have only
one job, sell drugs in between players.

 Commands “Use Weed”, “Use Crack”, “Use Meth” (/useweed), (/usecrack),

(/usemeth) – This commands are usable by all players, as long as they possess
the said drug in their inventory, as for their usage it’s the same as explained on
‘Types of Drugs’ section.
PAP Report
GTA V Roleplay Server

Drug Smuggler

Objective of the Job

 Players that have this job assigned will be able to purchase three types of
packages from three different locations around the map, this packages once
purchased by the player are suppost to be delivered to the drug warehouse in
order to raise the stock and sustain the drug dealer job, making them able to
purchase from the drug warehouse stock.
PAP Report
GTA V Roleplay Server

Drug Smuggler Commands

 Command “Get Crate” (/getcrate) – Using this command at the right location
the player will purchase one of three types of different packages, depending on
the location he obtained it from, the player can only possess one package in his
inventory at a time and he is supposed to deliver it to the drug warehouse for
some profit money.

 Command “Drop Crate” (/dropcrate) – This command can be used by the

player to drop the drug crate from his inventory in case he no longer wishes to
deliver it or purchased a wrong one perhaps.
PAP Report
GTA V Roleplay Server

 Command “Deliver Crate” (/delivercrate) – Once at the warehouse and a crate

at his possession, the player can there use the command at the right location to
exchange it for some money.

 Command “Job Help” (/jobhelp) – Just like all the other jobs, displays
information on the current job.
PAP Report
GTA V Roleplay Server

Arms Dealer

Objective of the Job

 With this job, the players objective is to gather materials in order to craft
weapons, there are three types of materials, A, B and C, each one representing a
tier of weapons, Low-End, Medium-End, High-End, the lowest tier being weapons
like melee, such as Bats, Hammers and such, higher tier leading up to Heavy
Sniper Rifles and Automatic Assault Rifles, obviously each type of materials have
different prices according to the weapons categories they represent, once the
player has purchased a package, he will be given a new route to his GPS, so he
can go there and exchange it for an amount of 250 materials depending on the
package he bought, this materials can later be sold to another player, or used to
craft any type of weapon, this weapons can later be sold to another player or
kept and stored by the player himself.
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GTA V Roleplay Server

Materials Type
 Materials Type A – This tier allows for the crafting of the following weapons.
 Bat (200), Hammer (200), Crowbar (200), Pistol (1000), AP Pistol (1500),
Marksman Pistol (1000).
 Materials Type B – This tier allows for the crafting of the following weapons.
 Micro SMG (2000), SMG (2000), Assault SMG (2000), Mini SMG (2000),
Gusenberg (2500), Pump Shotgun (2500), Sawnoff Shotgun (1500).
 Materials Type C – This tier allows for the crafting of the following weapons.
 AK-47 (2500), M4 Carbine (2500), Sniper Rifle (5000), Heavy Sniper Rifle
(6500), Auto Sniper (6500).

Arms Dealer Commands

 Commands “A Route”, “B Route”, “C Route” (/aroute), (/broute), (/croute) –
This command once used by the arms dealer, will create a new route on his
GPS, towards the location where the crate can be purchased, depending on the
command it will show three different locations.

 Command “Deliver” – Once a package has been acquired/purchased a new

route will be updated onto the player’s GPS showing him the deliver location to
exchange for the materials, once there this command must be typed.
PAP Report
GTA V Roleplay Server

 Command “Create Gun” (/creategun) – This command can be used by all

players, as long as they have the materials for the weapon they desire to craft, a
list will be displayed with all the available weapons to be created and an input will
be required.

 Command “Sell Gun” (/sellgun) - Unlike the ‘(/creategun)’ command, this

command is restricted to Arms Dealers only, once a weapon has been crafted by
the player, he can then sell it to another player in range.

 Command “Sell Materials” (/sellmats) – This command is not restricted to the

Arms Dealer, any player is able to use it and sell their weapon materials of any
kind to any other player in range of him.
PAP Report
GTA V Roleplay Server

Legal Jobs

Trucking (not fully scripted)

Job Objective
 Once the plays has assigned this job, he will be able to drive one of the truck
available to him in the truck yard by the docks, once inside, he can start a service
and a new random location will be updated on his GPS to make his delivery,
might this be a clothes store, gas station or a food store, once delivery is made
the player must then return to the truck yard to collect is payment and do another
delivery if he chooses to, payment amount will be determined by the distance of
the delivery.

Fishing (not yet scripted)

Job Objective
 There will be several location around the map where the player can actively fish
once he has purchased a fishing rod from a 24-7 store, once his cooler is full of
fish he can then make his way to the fish market and sell the fish, the payment
amount will be dependent of the type of fish and weight.

Mining (not yet scripted)

Job Objective
 With this job assigned players will need to drive a ruble truck and make his way
towards the quarry to start mining, once done mining the player will have in his
inventory a certain amount of rough stone, this stone must later be processed at
the refinery and some raw materials might come out of it, those raw materials will
then be sold at the buyer.
PAP Report
GTA V Roleplay Server

Taxi Driver (not yet scripted)

Job Objective
 Once the player has this job assigned, he will then be able to rent a taxi vehicle
for the day, any other players that request a taxi will send a notification to the taxi
driver with the location, taxi drivers that own a taxi license may use their personal
vehicle for the job.

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