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Assessment for Learning Exit Cards

Exit slips are presented to students at the end of class. The teacher will pose a question at the

end of class that students will be required to fill out on their exit card before they leave. The

question will involve a key concept from the days lesson and will test student understanding.

This will give the teacher the ability to determine which students understand the concept, and

which students will require more help. The teacher can also evaluate what percentage of the

class and if they should move on or if the students need more time with the topic. An example of

an exit card I would use in a chemistry class is below.

Exit Card April 4, 2018 Name:

Balance The Following Chemical Equation

Fe2O3 + C →Fe + CO2


2Fe2O3 + 3C →4Fe + 3CO2

Fe=4 Fe=4
O=6 O=6
C=3 C=3

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