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Student: Nguyen Ngoc Han

* Question:
In the last century when a human astronaut first arrived on the Moon he
said: “It is a big step for mankind”. But some people think it makes little
difference to our daily life. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
* Answer:
"A man on the moon and safely returned to Earth within a decade" was an
American national target set by President John F. Kennedy in 1961. On July 20,
1969, Astronaut Neil Armstrong had a "giant step for mankind" when he first set
foot on the moon. Apollo 11 is the first human flight to the Moon, marking a
milestone in the history of human space exploration.
Broadcast live on TV to global audiences, Armstrong stepped on the
surface of the Moon and described the event by saying, "This is a small step for
a human, but a big step for mankind." But some people think that it has a small
effect on their lives. I don’t completely disagree with their thinking because they
see only temporary problems, without thinking about the great benefits of the
science of exploring the universe to humans.

The world famous picture of Neil Armstrong when he arrived on the

Moon the moon in 1969
Aerospace technology is a high technology industry, which is integrated
from various scientific and technology fields to create and implement facilities
such as satellites, spacecraft, rockets, ground stations, etc to explore, conquer
and use space for the benefit of man. Not only the leading nations in the space
conquest such as the United States, Russia, Japan, European countries, emerging
countries like China, India are also running the same technology to master the
space. There are currently around 1,100 active orbiting satellites, including
government satellites and private satellites.
In the 1980s, satellite communications were expanded to make television
programs and people were able to receive satellite signals on the antennas at
their homes. The satellites have identified wildfires and have sent us photos of
the nuclear power plant disaster in Chernobyl in 1986. The astronomical
satellites have begun to find new stars and have given us a first look at our
galactic centers and other outer space objects.
Space science is widely applied and practically effective in the
development of economy, culture, education, health, security and national
defense in most countries in the world.
Earth observation satellites are specially designed satellites to observe
Earth from orbit. Applied in reconnaissance and Earth observation satellite work
will be deployed for military or intelligence applications. The Gulf War has
proven the value of satellites in modern conflict. In this war Allied side were
able to use the "high" control of space to gain a decisive advantage. The
satellites were used to provide information on the formation and movement of
enemy troops, early warning of enemy missile attacks, and accurate navigation
in typical desert terrain. The advantages of satellite have allowed the coalition
forces to quickly bring the war to an end, saving lives for many people.
Spatial systems will increasingly be integrated into every field of defense,
weather monitoring, communications (such as television, data transmission,
transmission, telephony and internet), setting up mapping, navigation, global
positioning, scientific information provision, agricultural support and remote
sensing for chemicals, fire and other disasters.
Another good example of this is when talking about NASA, what you
think of in the beginning will be spacecraft or missile launches. However, the
work of this organization actually has many benefits close to Earth and its
NASA is the world's main source of information on how our planet Earth
works. NASA director Robert M. Lightfoot Jr., in an interview with Futurism,
explained that the discovery and study of the universe is directly connected to
the rise of mankind.
The work on the International Space Station (ISS) is just one example.
According to Lightfoot, the ISS is "Earth's and Earth's." As one way to
emphasize the relationship between space research and the future of humanity,
he said: "The water filtration systems that we use on the ISS - we have taken a
modified version and Send them to third world countries, and they can actually
use the chemical filtration systems we use."We do a lot of things."
Michelle Thaller, Assistant Director at NASA's Goddard Space Flight
Center, made another example in an interview with Futurism: "We have
satellites capable of measuring groundwater. The water is running out in places
like northwestern India, and people do not have clean water for this reason. We
can tell people where they are going to have drought or water problems. "
Actually, to be able to confirm whether we have water to drink or not, we
need science. We need a space program.
NASA is not just worried about each water source. The organization also
focuses on food safety, climate science, and more. They are deploying 110
scientific missions simultaneously with a budget of $ 5 billion. This figure
seems to be a lot, but according to Thaller, "there is no organization in the world
that can do it better." True, it's an investment that's a $ 5 billion investment that
Earth and the world has done ".

Organizations like NASA are the hope of mankind

And that investment is bringing "sweet fruit". In fact, it saves lives. For
example, in the 1980s, a NASA satellite discovered the beginning of a hole in
the Earth's ozone layer. NASA has reported to the United Nations. As a result,
the United Nations has signed the Montreal Protocol and banned the chemicals
that are causing it. "
If NASA does not detect the ozone hole in Antarctica, humanity will
cause serious damage in 2060. "It will be the end of the world today, we will not
have agriculture. We will not be able to leave the Earth in 2060. "
In addition, according to Nancy Ellen Abrams - a cosmologist, humanity's
concern is not the center of the universe, but for the future of Earth. I think that
cosmology can play a huge role in actually changing the way we see humanity
and can help human beings to stop the dangers that threaten life within the earth,
and both from outer space.

In short, the fact that Neil Armstrong arrived on the moon is one of the
most important milestones in the process of conquering the universe of mankind.
It can be said that the importance of space research not only affects a few
countries and territories, it is actually influencing the development of the whole
human race.
Reference source:

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