Sie sind auf Seite 1von 4


1.2.2 Local client copy

Local client copy is performed using Tcode sccl.

The client copy logs are available using tcode scc3.

Local client copy steps :

o Log on to the target system

o Create an entry for your new target client using scc4
o Log on to this new target client with user SAP* and default password pass.
o Start the client copy using transaction sccl.
o Select the source client and the copy profile.
o Schedule the client copy in bacground
o The client copy logs are available in scc3.

1.2.3 Remote client copy

This method uses RFCs.

The network must have good performances in order for the client copy to be as fast as possible.

An RFC must have been declared in sm59 to access the source client.

Remote client copy steps :

o Log on to the target system

o Create an entry for your new target client using scc4
o Log on to this new target client with user SAP* and default password pass.
o Start the remote client copy tcode : scc9.
o Select the source client ( select the right rfc destination ) and the copy profile.
o Schedule the client copy in background
o The client copy logs are available in scc3.

NOTE :The first step is the dictionnary comparison beetween the source and target system. If
these are not identical, the client copy will be canceled. Still, it is possible to exclude the tables
that are not the same using RSCCEXPT. But this must be done carefully as it can have a
negative impact on the data consistency in the target client. You have to make sure that this will
not have any impact on the target client usability.

1.2.4 Client Export / import

The copy is performed in 2 steps :

 The client export during which the source client is exported to files in /usr/sap/trans/data |
 The client import during which data is imported in the target client.

You must have enough space in the /usr/sap/trans file system to perform the client export.

 1st step : export

o Log on to the target system

o Create an entry for your new target client using scc4
o Log on to the source system / source client.
o Start Tcode scc8
o Select the target system and export profile
o Schedule the export in background
o The transport request containing the client export are then shown
o Depending on the choosen export profil there can be up to 3 transport requests
created :

Request <S-SID>KO<number> will hold the cross client data,

Request <S-SID>KT<number> will hold the client dependant data,

Request <S-SID>KX<number> will also hold some client dependant data.

 2nd Step : import

o Log on to the newly created target client using SAP* and password pass.
o Start the stms transaction
o Display the target system’s import queue,
o Select the transport requests generated by the client export and import theses
transport requests on the target client.
o The transport requests will be imported in the following sequence :

request <S-SID>KO<number> (client independant),

request <S-SID>KT<number> (client dependant),

request <S-SID>KX<number> (client dependant).

o The system automatically detects these are client export transport requests and
automatically performs the import of the 3 requests.
o The import logs can be seen in stms.

 3rd step : post import phase:

o Once the import is done, start the scc7 Tcode to perform the post client import
o Schedule the post import job,
o The log will be available in scc3.

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