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Lesson Plan in Mathematics Grade 7: Statistics (Measures of Central Tendency)

By: Ian Lawrence C. Mallari, BSED 4E Mathematics

I. Objectives
ath the end of he lesson 100% of the students will be able to achieve at least 85%
proficiency level to:
a. Cognitive:
i. Define Mean , Median and Mode
ii. Compute the Mean
iii. Identify the Median and the Mode
b. Affective
i. Interact with others thru team work.
ii. Present their work on the board.
c. Psycomotor
i. Construct a presentation for the mean, median and mode
ii. Follow the process in identifying the mean median and mode.
Values: Honesty, Cooperation, Patience and Optimism
II. Subject Matter: Central Tendency of ungrouped data (Mean, Median and Mode )
a. Topic: Mean, Median and Mode of ungrouped data.
b. Reference: Advance Alegebra, Trigonometry and Statistics Text Book MATHEMATICS.
Fourth year, Soledad Jose-Dila Ed.d et al. DEPED, Module of k-12 s. 2016
c. Materials: Cartolina (4 pics 1 word), Colored Chalks and Colored Cartolinas
a. Mean: The AVERAGE set of numbers.
b. Median: the MIDPOINT of a set of data.
c. Mode: the MOST frequently occuring value in a set of data
d. In statistics, a central tendency (or measure of central tendency) is a central or typical
value for a probability distribution

III. Procedure
Teachers Activity Student’s Activity
1. Daily Routine
(Put something on the Board)
2. Prayer
Will you please pray for us ms.________
3. Checking of Attendance
Attendace Officer , give me the attendance for each Attendance officer will give each groups
group. attendance.
(If ther is no absent, then the whole class have an
4. Checking of assignments Assignment:

Assignment: Topic Summation

1. A) Rhen Rhen has a baon from Friday to 1. 𝑥1 + 𝑥2 + 𝑥3 + 𝑥4

Monday of
x1 = x2 = , x3 = , x4= and x5=
Make a summation notation for this and
evaluate it.

5 2.
𝑎) ∑ 𝑥𝑖

2. One of Grade 7 Einstein student has a Grade

of ___ in Math , ___ in Science ,___ in
Environment, ___ in MAPEH, ___in English
find the total of the students Grade and his
Motivation (5mins) (4 Pics 1 Word)
(4 pics 1 Word) Answer: Average
Mean Group 1 will have to guess the word on
the picture

Answer: Middle
Group 2 will have to guess the word on
the picture

Median Answer: MANY

Group 3 will have to guess the word on
the picture


Very Good for Each Group !

Great Grade 7 Einstein
6. Lesson Proper (15mins)
4 pics and 1 word you answer are connected in our

Our lesson for today is about the Central Tendencies

in Statistics
They are the Mean, Median and Mode.
Lets start with the Mean


Kayo ang Bida!

The mean class is the average of all elements in Student A. Sir, it is called Sigma
the set.
(I know class that you remember what this Symbol Student B. Sir, x is equal to Summation of
means Σ𝑥 ) x divided by N
* Call a student
What do you think this Formula Means:
* Call a student
-Thats Right!
“Where as Σ𝑥 is the summation of all value of the Students bring out the pieces of Papers
elements, and N is the number of all elements in the

I want you all to bring out a piece of paper. And I

challenge you 7 Einstein the solve this with me!

Example #1
I want to Find the Average allowance of Teacher Ian
for the 1st week of Februrary
Monday: P75.00
Tuesday: P85.00
Wednesday: P 70.00
Thursday: P70.00
Friday: P70.00
Saturday: P120.00
Sunday: P119.00 Student C : We have 7 numbers. Sir

So class how many numbers (N) do we have?

*Call a student
Nice Nice !

Now I know that some of you are answering this on

their paper
So what is the Summation of this given.

So What now are complete Given

-call a student
Answer: Σ𝑥 =P636 and N = 7
No applying now this in our Formula
75 + 85 + 70 + 70 + 70 + 120 + 119
75 + 85 + 70 + 70 + 70 + 120 + 119 7
609. 7
𝑥= 𝑥 = 91
𝑥 = 91
What now is our mean So our mean is P91.00.
-Call a student
So our mean is P91.00

Fixing Skill Fixing Skills

Example # 2 Example # 2
Hours spend by 7 students in using their phones and All Students will try to solve this in their
surfing the internet. paper.

Student Hrs Student Hrs

A 2 A 2
B 3 B 3
C 4 C 4
D 2 D 2
E 3 E 3
F 4 F 4
G 2 G 2
H 4 H 4

2+3+4+2+3+4+2+4 2+3+4+2+3+4+2+4
𝑥= 𝑥=
8 8

21 21
𝑥= 𝑥=
8 8
𝑥 = 3 ℎ𝑟𝑠 𝑥 = 3 ℎ𝑟𝑠

Example # 3 93 + 95 + 96 + 96 + 98 + 92
The Grades of a College student at BPSU are 93, 95, 6
96, 96, 98 and 92.
Find the Arithmetic Mean of his Grades. 570
Call a student
𝑥 = 96

Okey Now Try this on your seats

Median (Central point of the set) Student H: Sir it is the Center of the
Base on what you see on the 4 pics one word what elements
do you think is a median.
Call a student
Your observant !
Median represented by Md, is the value of the
middle term when the data are arranged in
ascending or decending order.
It is affected by the number of items not by the size
of extreme balues..
Steps in getting the median (while the example #1 is
being used)
1. Arrange the Data in the array of ascending
or descending order.
2. Take note of the items in the middle
position. If there is an odd number of items,
the middle item is the median
3. If the number is an even number, the
median is taken as arithmetic mean values
falling in the middle.
But wait class! Do anyone here remember what is an
odd number and an even number?

Can anyone tell me what it is? Please raise your Students Raise hands.
-call student I
Very good! You are recalling your past lesson quite Student I: Odd numbers are numbers like
good. 1 , 3 , and 5 while even numbers are
numbers divisible by 2.

Continuation for example for the Median Unarrange Arrange

Unarrange Arrange 75 70
75 70 85 70
85 70 70 70
70 70 70 75
70 75 70 85
70 85 120 119
120 119 119 120
119 120
Monday: P75.00
Monday: P75.00 Tuesday: P85.00
Tuesday: P85.00 Wednesday: P 70.00
Wednesday: P 70.00 Thursday: P70.00
Thursday: P70.00 Friday: P70.00
Friday: P70.00 Saturday: P120.00
Saturday: P120.00 Sunday: P119.00
Sunday: P119.00

It is odd , number 7 is an odd number so our Median 75 is the Median Sir

is? With me class!
For the Example #2 using example number 2 above

Arranged Arranged
Student Hrs Student Hrs
A 2 2 A 2 2
B 3 2 B 3 2
C 4 2 C 4 2
D 2 2 D 2 2
E 3 3 E 3 3
F 4 4 F 4 4
G 2 4 G 2 4
H 4 4 H 4 4

What do you observe class? Anyone? Student Raise hands!

You get it Right! The number is even.

Class if the numbers given are in even

We should 1st arrange then get the 2 middle then Student : 2 and 3 !
divide it by 2.

For this one the 2 middle are.?

Call student.

Good 7 Einstein.

So 2 and 3 thats right

No we do this: Look carefully Class.

2+3 2+3
𝑀𝑑 = 𝑀𝑑 =
2 2
5 5
𝑀𝑑 = 𝑀𝑑 =
2 2
𝑀𝑑 = 2.5 𝑀𝑑 = 2.5
So our Median is 2.5
Is there any other question class?
Do you get it?
It is easy isn’t it. Yes Sir. It is easy
Fixing Skills for Median
The Grades of a College student at BPSU are 93, 95,
96, 96, 98 and 92.
Find the Median for this Data

Answer: Student will answer:

92 , 93, 95, 96, 96, 98
95 + 96 95 + 96
𝑀𝑑 = 𝑀𝑑 =
2 2
191 191
𝑀𝑑 = 𝑀𝑑 =
2 2
𝑀𝑑 = 95.5 𝑀𝑑 = 95.5


Any Question for the Median?

It is easy right
Mode (The most frequently occuring value in a
given set of data.)
7 Einstein do you know that this is the most easiest
to get of all the 3.
This requires no calculation and just counting. You
just have to analyze the data.

What is the mode of our 1st example? Student M : 70 sir is the mode of our 1st
Call a student . example
Nice Nice

What is the mode of our 2nd Example? Student N: 2 Sir

Very Good?
Student Hrs
A 2 2
B 3 2
C 4 2
D 2 2
E 3 3
F 4 4
G 2 4
H 4 4

As you can see in our second example the mode is 2

and 4, this is distribution is called is unimodal

While in number example 1 is unimodal.

What do you think is the Mode of this set of Data?

Call a student

Class it is very easy Right!

Students will Try this on they Paper Student will Answer:

Example #3

The Grades of a College student at BPSU are 93, 95, Mo = 96 Sir

96, 96, 98 and 92.


Fixing Skill

Try This!
What is the MODE of this given.
1. The BSED 4 Math at JCP have a Grade of for their Answers:
DEMO teaching.
98, 99, 97, 97, 97, 94, 97, 95 1. 98, 99, 97, 97, 97, 94, 97, 95.
2. Rhen has a data of what he eat for the 10 days for Unimodal
his lunch.

What is the food he mostly eat for his lunch

Munggo Lumpia
Lugaw Leeg ng Manok
Rice Rice 2. Lumpia Unimodal.
Lumpia Mcdonalds 1pc Chicken
Lumpia Lumpia

3. The average age of female beautiful, charming,

generous teachers of JCP.
32, 30, 26, 29, 39, 48, 43, 21, 31, 40, 41

Awesome 7 Einstein 3. No Mode


Will you help me for the generalization my great 7 Student P:

Einstein students.! The mean class is the average of all
elements in the set.
The mean class is the average of all elements in the Formula:
set. Σ𝑥
Formula: 𝑁
𝑁 Student Q: Median represented by Md, is
the value of the middle term when the
data are arranged in ascending or
Median represented by Md, is the value of the decending order.
middle term when the data are arranged in
ascending or decending order.
Student R: Mode: The most frequent
Mode (The most frequently occuring value in a given occuring value in the given set of data,
set of data.)



Student has a academic grades of : +92 + 96 + 93 + 95 + 98 + 93 + 98

Subject Grades
Filipino 92 665
Science 96 7
Environmental 93 𝑥 = 95
Md= 92, 93, 93, 95, 96, 98, 98
Mathematics 98
T. L. E. 93
Md= 92, 93, 93, 95, 96, 98, 98
English 98

What conclusion can you find using the 3 central

tendecies, the mean, the median and the mode.

What can you say about this student
Grades Frequency
92 1
93 2
95 1
96 1
98 2

Mo= 93 and 98, Multimodal

Very for those who got a perfect Score!

And all of you are great! Mean Median and Mode!

Values Integration
A short Story about life. . .
Grade 7 Einstein
I want you to find the Mean Median and Mode of
your grades for the 3rd grading period.
Let’s find out what are the use of the 3 central
tendencies in interpreting your grades .
Very Good Class.... Good Bye and Thank you Sir. May the
I think all of you now know how to get the Mean blessing of the lord be with you.
Median and Mode.
Use it well. And Thank you and Good Bye Class.

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