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MI-16103 Seat No._ __

M. C. A. (Sem. V) Examination

April/May - 2010

P-502 : Advance Networking

(New Course)

Time: 3 Hours] [Total Marks: 75

1 Attempt the following: (any three) 15

(a) Write a short note on the components of the Internet.
(b) Explain how the network is affected from the security
and performance related factors.
(c) Write a short note On File Services.
(d) Write a short note in Mail Server.
(e) Write a short note on Database Server.

2 Attempt the following: (any three) 15

(a) Write a short note on User management in network
(b) Write a short note on components of wireless network.

(c) Write a short note on components of firewall.

(d) Write a short note on different size of networks.
(e) Write a short note on performance tuning in networking.

3 Attempt the following: (any three) 15

(a) Write a short note on FTP protocols.
(b) Write a short note on TELNET.

(c) Write a short note on ping routine and its application.

(d) Write a shOlt note on usage of samba server.
(e) Write a short note on SMTP protocol.
4 Attempt the following: (any two) 10
(a) Explain sendtoO receivefromO s;stem calls on Unix O.S.
(b) Explain any two byte manipulation function of socket
on Unix.
(c) Explain socketO and bindO system calls on Unix 0.8.

5 Solve the following exercise with explanation. 10

(a) A subnet mask in class B has 22 Is. How many subnets
does it defines?
(b) If IP address is and the subnet mask is then what is the subnet address?
(c) What is the supernet mask if the supernet is composed
of 64 class C address.
(d) An organization is granted a block of classless address
with the stating AddJ:ess 199.~4. 76.28/26? So how many
addresses are granted ?
(e) The subnet mask for a class C network is .
How many sub-networks are available?

6 An ISP is granted a block of address 10

The ISP needs to distribute the addresses into following
3 groups. Define the range of first and last customers in
each group.
(i) 64 customers l'equires 128 addresses
(ii) 128 customer requires 64 addresses
(iii) 128 customers requires 32 addresses
6 An organization is granted with the block in 10
class B. The administrator wants to create 1024 subnets.
(i) Find the subnet mask
(ii) Find the no. of address in each subnet.
(iii) Find the first and the last addI'ess in the first subnet.
(iv) Find the first and last address in the last subnet.

KP-16103 Seat
M. C. A. (Sem. V) Examination

December - 2009

P-502 : Advanced Networking

(New Course)

Time : 3 Hours] [Total Marks : 75

1 Answer the following questions: (any three) 15

(a) Differentiate ad hoc network with infrastructure wireless
(b) Draw and explain medium sized network.
(c) Explain Goals of performance tuning.
(d) List and explain components needed for building
different sizes of networks.

2 Answer' any two : 20

(a) List and explain any three Socket System Calls.
(b) What is network address? Explain Network Address
(c) How to find HostId and NetTd from given address in class
full addressing? Explain steps for Class A, B and C.

3 Answer the following questions: (any three) 15

(a) Explain database and mail services of a network server.
(b) What is Network Security? List Benefits of Network
(c) Explain internal security of wireless network.
(d) Differentiate Risk Analysis and Defence Models of

4 Answer any three : 15

(a) Differentiate Physical Address, Internet Address, Port
(b) List and explain any two methods of winsock control.
(c) List and explain ping routine.
(d) Write a note on socket and socket address.

5 Answer the following questions: (any two) 10

(a) Write note on Byte Manipulation Functions of Berkeley
(b) Differentiate Classless Addressing with Classful


(c) What is Port Address ? Explain in brief.

KP-16103] [ 300/7-9 J
MCA Sem. V Examination

April 2009

P-502: Advanced Networking (New Course)

Time: 3: Hours Total Marks: 75

Q-l. Answer the Following Questions: (Any Three) [15]

[11 What is local network? How to Connect LAN to internet explain with
[2] What is the use of wireless access point and wireless network interface card?
[31 Explain various network services
[4] Differentiate network user and group

Q-2. Answer any Two: [20]

[1] What is Network Security? Explain benefits of Network Security
[2] What is socket? Explain any three functions with its use?
[31 MCA department is granted the site address This department
needs 21 subnets. Design the subnet, give range of all Subnets.

Q-3. Answer the Following Questions: (Any Three) [15]

[1] Explain infrastructure wireless networking?
[2] Explain security methodology?
[3] Differentiate class full and classless addressing
[41 Explain Physical Address, Internet Address, Port Address

Q-4. Answer any Three: [15]

[11 Differentiate subnetting with supernetting.
[2] List and explain any two events of winsock control
[3] List and explain any two properties of win sock control
[4] Write a note on heterogeneous network setup?

Q-5. Answer the Following Questions: (Any Two) [10]

[1] Write note on address conversion routines of Berkeley

[2] Differentiate Berkeley socket with Win Socket
[3] Explain any tow Byte Manipulation Functions


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NP-9204 Seat No.- - - ­

M. C. A. (Sem. V) Examination

April I May - 2008

P - 502 : Software Engineering - II

Time: 3 Hours] [Total Marks:

Instructions : (1) All questions are compulsory.

(2) Draw required diagrams in answers.

1 Give the answel'S of following questions : 15

(a) Explain reverse engineering.
(b) Write a brief note on Agent Oriented Analysis.
(c) Discuss WebApp Eng. Layers.

2 Wl'ite note on principles of business process re~ngineering. 10

3 Give the answers of following questions : 20

(a) Write a brief note on BPR model
(b) Write a detailed note on testing web-based application.

4 Give the answers of following questions: 20

(a) Write short note on Quality Attributes of Web based
(b) What do you mean by restructuring? List and Explain
its types in brief.
(c) Explain forware engineering in detail with example.
(d) Discuss structure of Client/Server system in details.

5 Give the answers of following questions: 10

(a) List and explain the distribution of Software Components.
(b) Explain Middleware and Object Request broker
architecture in detail.
• PH-9204'

PM-9204 Seat No.- - - -

M. C. A. (Sem. V) Examination

April I May - 2007

P-502 : Software Engineering - II

(New Course)

Time: 3 Hours] [Total Marks: 75

Q1.Write a short note on any 4 (FOUR) from the followlng [20]

(a) Middleware.
(b) Object request broker architecture
(c) Software components of client server system.
(d) Guidelines for Distribution of computer application systems.
(e) Client I server testing strategies. -,
(f) Software engineering for client server system.

Q2. Write a short note on any 4 (FOUR) from the following [20]
(a) Discuss the framework of web engineering applications.
(b) Discuss the quality attributes of Web based applications.
(c) Formulation of web based application.
(d) Explain Web Process in detail.
(e) Discuss architectural desIgn for web appliea'Hon.
(f) Discuss the testing issues related with web application

Q3. Write a short note on ,any 4 (FOUR) from the following [20}
, (a) Business process reengineering.
(b) Forward engineering with client server approach
(c) Code restructuring
(d) Data restructuring .
(e) Reverse engineering & user interface
(f)Software mamten,ance with business process reengineering

Q4. Write a short note on any 3 (Three) from the following [15]
(a) What is. agent oriented programming?
(b) Agent oriented analysis
(c) Agent oriented design
(d) Agent oriented software engineering ,

MN-9204 Seat
M. C. A. (Sem. V) Examination

December - 2007

502 : Software Engg. - II

(New Course)
Time: 3 Hours] [Total Marks: 75

Instructions: (1) All questions carry equal marks. (15 marks)

(2) Que. 4 and Que. 5 are compulsory questions.

1 Discuss analysis modelling issues of Client/Server software

1 Discuss testing issues of Client/Server software engineering.

2 Discuss WebApp engineering layers.

2 How do you formulate Web-Based application? Discuss with

3 Explain Forward Engineering in detail with suitable example.

3 Some people believe that artificial intelligence technology will
increase the abstraction level of reverse engineering process.
Give and explain arguments in the favor of this point.

4 Explain in detail about Agent Oriented Programming.

5 You are a WebApp designer for a distance learning company.

You intend to implement an Internet-based "learning engine"
that will enable you to deliver course content to students. The
learning engine provides the basic infrastructure for delivering
learning content on any subject (content designers will
prepare appropriate content). Develop a prototype interface
design for the learning engine.

MN-9204] [200 ]

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