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Journal of Engineering Research, Volume 18 No.

2 June 2013

An EPANET Analysis of Water Distribution Network

of the University of Lagos, Nigeria
A. E. Adeniran and M. A. Oyelowo
Works & Physical Planning Department, University of Lagos, Nigeria
E-mail:, and

The University of Lagos, Nigeria, one of the foremost universities in Africa was established in 1962. The present
water distribution network of the University was designed and constructed in 1982 when the population was about
12,000. The current population of the University is about 85,000 with no significant improvement made to the
water distribution network. The water demand has risen from 2.48 million litres per day (mlpd) in 1991 to 10.75
mlpd in 2012, whereas the water supply situation has declined to 3.70 mlpd in 2012. This has led to an inefficient
water distribution and a serious gap of about 7.05 mlpd between water supply and demand in the University. In
this paper, a comprehensive analysis of the water distribution system in the University of Lagos was carried out
through the use EPANET, a computer aided tool. The study concluded that the performance of the existing
distribution network under current water demand is inefficient and recommended appropriate improvement.

Keywords: water supply, water demand, supply gap, distribution analysis, EPANET.

1.0 Introduction
The history of water distribution network analysis from medieval period to modern time has
been concisely documented by Walski (2006). In the article published by American Water
Works Association (AWWA) he chronicled the development of water distribution systems and
analysis methods from wood pipes to the modern piping materials; from crude rule of thump
analysis to lengthy long-hand iterative Hardy Cross method to modern computer aided design.
Water distribution networks are designed and constructed to convey treated water from the
water treatment plant to the end users. Today, water is taken for granted by the consumers. It
is expected that clean water in the right quantity will be available by just turning the tap. It
took a large number of incremental advances in science and technology to make modern water
distribution systems as reliable and inexpensive as they are today (Walski, 2006). While this
may be so for the developed countries, the same cannot be said of developing countries where
the majority of the population does not have access to clean water due to inadequate supply
and distribution system (Adeniran and Bamiro, 2010). According to Anil (2004), it is necessary
to plan and construct suitable water supply schemes including well designed distribution
network in order to ensure the availability of sufficient quantity of good quality of water to the
various section of the community in accordance with their demand and requirements. Vasan
and Simonovic (2010) suggested the simulation of the water distribution network system by
modeling, analyzing, and its performance evaluation through scenario investigation of the
physical and hydraulic parameters.

1.2 Theory of Water Distribution Network Analysis

One of the earliest theories into finding solution to water flow and pressure in water
distribution network includes the popular Hardy Cross method which is an iterative method for
determining the flow in pipe network systems where the inputs and outputs are known, but
the flow inside the network is unknown. Adeleke and Olawale (2013) developed a computer
program of pipe network analysis using Java programming language for the Hardy Cross method to
study some existing pipe network in Osun State to evaluate their suitability towards
sustainable resource planning. The Hardy Cross method is an adaptation of the Moment
distribution method, which was also developed by Hardy Cross as a way to determine the
moments in indeterminate structures. The introduction of the Hardy Cross method for analyzing
pipe flow networks revolutionized municipal water supply design. Before the method was
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introduced, solving complex pipe systems for distribution was extremely difficult due to the
nonlinear relationship between head loss and flow. The method was later made obsolete by
computer solving algorithms employing Newton-Raphson method or other solution methods
that removed the need to solve nonlinear systems of equations by hand. Pipe network analysis
of water distribution systems has evolved from a time consuming process done infrequently to
a quick and easy process done regularly on systems of all sizes. Consequently, two network
analysis programs were introduced by Shamir and Howard (1968) and Epp and Fowler (1970).
Both renditions used the Newton-Raphson method to linearize the nonlinear mass and energy

1.3 Computer-based Software for Water Distribution Network Analysis

Following the advent of window based packages introduced by Microsoft and Apple Macintosh
software, developers started developing software like FOTRAN, BASIC, COBOL, C++, MS Excel
etc. These software have logic circuits and capacities to carry out complex calculations in short
period (Adeniran, 2007). Engineers and scientists soon found that most of the manual iterative
works they carried out with Hardy Cross Method can easily be performed using these
platforms. Recently, researchers focus on stochastic optimization methods that deal with a set
of points simultaneously in its search for the global optimum. Savic and Walters (1997)
combined gradient algorithm with EPANET network solver. Many modeling programs are now
available for commercial and educational use. Recently, several computer programs running
on personal computers, such as EPANET, UNWB-LOOP, WADISO, U of K KYPIPE, and WATER
have been created and made available.

1.4 Justification for the use of EPANET

In this paper, the EPANET software developed by the USA Environmental Protection Agency is
adopted because it is for general public and educational use and it is available free on-line. It is
not only free but it requires relatively small computer space to operate. It has unlimited
number of pipes that can be analyzed. In addition, the Users Manual to guide the users in
understanding the software can also be downloaded free. These are obvious advantages for
students, researchers and professionals of the developing economies who may not have the
financial means to acquire other sophisticated tools. EPANET has become a popular tool in
analyzing complex and simple water distribution networks in both the developed and
developing countries of the world. The simulation capabilities of EPANET have been utilized by
both professionals and researchers in the design, operations and improvement to various
water network distribution systems. EPANET applications in solving and/or optimizing water
distribution network problems have been reported by Fabunmi (2010), Guidolin et al (2010),
Ingeduld et al (2006) and Abubakar and Sagir (2013). This present work applies EPANET to
analyze the existing municipal drinking water distribution network of the University of Lagos,
Nigeria and suggests improvement based on the output of the analysis.

2.0 Methodology
2.1 Study Area
The University of Lagos is located in the Mainland of the city of Lagos in the South Western
Nigeria. The city of Lagos; the commercial and business capital of Nigeria is located on 06o ’N
030 ’E on the West Afri an Coast. The offi ial population of Lagos “tate as 9, , y the
Nigeria 2006 population census. The environment is characteristic of coastal terrain with
wetlands, low-lying sandy islands and beaches. The University covers an area of about 860
hectares. Figure 1 shows the relative location of the University in the continent of Africa and
the Nigerian nation.
JER 18(2) 69-83 A. E. Adeniran & M. A. Oyelowo 71

Figure 1: Relative Location of the University of Lagos in Africa

Source: Adeniran (2011)

The Administrative map showing the location of the university with geo-reference coordinates,
obtained from the University of Lagos Works and Physical Planning Department, is as shown in
Figure 2. The university has a residential population of about 85,000. It acts as a stand-alone
municipality providing its own water, wastewater collection and treatment, and electricity
supply systems.

Fig. 2: Map of the University of Lagos, Nigeria

2.2 Collection of Data

In order to carry out the analysis and simulation of the University of Lagos Water Network, the
following information were obtained from the records of the various units and departments of
the university. These data include: (i) The population data (Students Affairs, Housing and
Academics Affairs Units) (ii) Water Supply Records 1991 to 2012 (Works & Physical Planning
Dept) (iii) General layout map of the University (Works & Physical Planning Department) (iv)
Existing water distribution layout map (Works & Physical Planning Department) (iv) Elevations of
water distribution nodal points (Works & Physical Planning Department) and (v) Direct sample
head counts of the various sectors to determine the water demand at each node in the
distribution network.
JER 18(2) 69-83 A. E. Adeniran & M. A. Oyelowo 72

2.2.1 Population Data and Water Supply/Demand Records 1991 to 2012

The population of the campus from 1991 to 2012 was obtained from the records in the
Directorate of Academic Planning, Housing Units and the Students Affairs Office. As shown in
Figure 3 the population rose from 21,534 in 1991 to 85323 in 2012. The records of water
supply from 1991 to 2012 were obtained from the records in the Water and Sewage Unit of the
university and shown in Figure 4. The demand records are based on the population of the
University and per capita demand of 150 liters per person per day. The population based
demand estimate, also shown in Figure 4, implies a large gap between actual supply and
estimated demand.



Population Based Water Demand

Actual Water Supply


Water Supply vs Demand

















































Figure 3: Population Data Figure 4: Water Supply and Demand 1991 - 2012
Source: Office of the Director of Academic Planning Source: Works & Physical Planning Department

2.2.2 The University Distribution Network System

The land use map of the University is as shown in Figure 5 and layout of the existing
distribution network is shown in Figure 6 as obtained from the Works and Physical Planning
Department. These were used to skeletonize the existing water distribution system as required
by the EPANET platform.

Figure 5: Unilag Land use Map Figure 6: Layout of Water Distribution Network

2.2.3 Nodal Point Elevation and Water Demand of Existing Water Distribution Network
In lieu of an existing comprehensive GIS or topographic map of the university, the spot heights of
the distribution nodal points were carried out relative to the sea level by the Land Surveying Unit
using Leveling and Surveying Total Station instruments. The elevation of the nodal points are also
indicated in Table 1 (APPENDIX I). These are used by EPANET in the hydraulic analysis of the
JER 18(2) 69-83 A. E. Adeniran & M. A. Oyelowo 73

network. The population of each sector that is served with water supply from each node was
extrapolated from the records of the Academic Planning and the Housing Units. The data was
also confirmed by sample field head counts. The reconciled population figures are included in
Table 1 (Appendix I).

To determine the current nodal demands the records of the meters installed at each nodal
point were obtained. The sizes of the meters vary from demand nodes to demand nodes
depending on the size of the supply pipes from the mains (Figure 7). The average supply at
each of the nodes is aggregated and used to evaluate the current network based on the actual
supply to the nodes and the supply from the water supply draw-off points. Table 1 (Appendix I)
also shows the aggregation of actual supply records at the nodes as obtained from the meter

Figure 7: Sample Nodal Meters at the University of Lagos, Nigeria

Source: Field Photographs

2.3 Data Analysis

2.3.1 Nodal Demand Estimations
Population Demand : In order to estimate the demand at each node, the population for each
node is used to multiply the per capita demand of the node. The daily demand is further
translated into liters per second (lps) for consistency with EPANET specifications.

Fire Demand: During a fire break out, large quantity of water is required to extinguish it,
therefore provision is made in the water work to supply sufficient quantity of water or keep as
reserve in the water mains for this purpose. In the analysis for the total water demand, it is
expected that provision of about 10% be made for fire demand. In this case 10% of the
population demand is added as fire demand (Lingkungan, 2012).

Minor Losses: A provision of 5% is made for minor losses. This is to take care of losses at
fittings, valves and bends.

Unaccounted For Water (UFW): Unaccounted for water can contribute significantly to water
losses in a distribution network. It is important to recognize that UFW does not equate to
JER 18(2) 69-83 A. E. Adeniran & M. A. Oyelowo 74

"leaks." Water can be "unaccounted for" because of faulty meters and use for purposes that
are not metered, such as gardening, and washing of filters at the water plant. The average
amount of unaccounted for water as a percent of water usage is 12% globally. The study area
for this work is located in a developing country, as such, 15% is allowed for as UFW
( Water/index.php/Unaccounted_for_Water). The analysis of the
demand at each node is tabulated in Table 2 (Appendix II).

2.3.2 Skeletonization of the Network

The next step in using EPANET was to skeletonize the network and assign node numbers to
the nodal points. Figure 8 shows the skeletonization of the network on the University of Lagos
map. The skeletonization was based on the water distribution layout Figure 6. The
skeletonization was then placed as a map on EPANET platform as shown on Figure 9.

Figure 8: Skeletonization of the Network Figure 9: Skeletonization on EPANET Platform

2.3.3 Assigning Distribution Network Parameters

After the skeletonization of the network on EPANET platform, the next step was to assign
network parameters. The networks parameters include: pipe lengths, pipe diameters,
roughness coefficients (Hazen-Williams or Darcy-Welsbach), Nodes numbers, and Nodal
elevations. These are basic network parameters on which future simulation will be based
depending on the flow to be simulated. The network parameters are as shown in Table 3
(Appendix III).

The nodal elevations, a parameter required by EPANET, have earlier been shown in Table 1.
The pipe network is made of asbestos cement pipes. In accordance with best practices in
pipeline analysis, the Hazen-Williams friction factor for asbestos cement pipe is 140
( index).

2.4 EPANET Analysis of the Distribution Network

2.4.1 Theory of EPANET Network Analysis Algorithm
The purpose of a system of pipes is to supply water at adequate pressure and flow. However,
pressure is lost by the action of friction at the pipe wall. The pressure loss is also dependent on
the water demand, pipe length, gradient and diameter. Several established empirical equations
describe the pressure-flow relationship (Webber, 1971). These equations have been
incorporated into EPANET network modeling software and the algorithm is briefly described
JER 18(2) 69-83 A. E. Adeniran & M. A. Oyelowo 75

here. The main principle of EPANET network analysis is based on the continuity equation and
conservation of energy theory. The continuity equation implies that the algebraic sum of the
flow rates in the pipes meeting at a node together with any external flows is zero. This is
illustrated in Figure 10 and Equations 1 and Equation 2.

Figure 10: Continuity Equation Diagram


Q1 + Q2 = Q3 + D (1)

D = Q 1 + Q2 - Q3 (2)

Where Q = Flow in or out of the node and D = Demand at the node or nodal demand.

The conservation of energy condition implies that, for all paths around closed loops and
between fixed grade nodes, the accumulated energy loss including minor losses minus any
energy gain or heads generated must be zero. This is illustrated by Figure 11 and Equation 3.

Figure 11: Part of a Network to illustrate Conservation of Energy


Given total head loss for each link (pipe) as h f and assuming counterclockwise flow
direction to be positive, then:

-hf 1 - hf 4 + hf 3 + hf 2 = 0 (3)

The Hazen-Williams head loss equation is given by Wurbs, R. A. and James , W. P. (2010) in
Equation 4.
JER 18(2) 69-83 A. E. Adeniran & M. A. Oyelowo 76

 Q 
h f  10.69 

D 4.87 L
 CHW 

where; hf = head loss (m), L = pipe length (m), D = pipe diameter (m), Q = flow rate in the pipe
(m3/s), and CHW = Hazen-William Coefficient

The algorithm used in EPANET software to solve the flow continuity and head loss equations
that characterize the hydraulic state of the pipe network is based on Newton-Raphson iteration
method for solving the simultaneous equations which are derived from the flow and head loss
in the network. This is achieved in very efficient manner through the computer-based software.

3.0 Results And Discussions

The information about the current and future demands and network situation were used to
analyze the university distribution network using EPANET platform. The results obtained are
discussed here.

3.1 Current Nodal Supply and Demand Situations

The average current supply in terms of nodal draw-off in litres per second (lps) and the analysis
of actual current nodal demands for each of the nodes in the distribution network is as shown
in Figure 12.

Figure 12 : Supply at Node Points (Nodal Draw Offs)

Figure 12 shows very clearly that the current supplies at the nodal points fall short of the
demands in almost all the situations. The two points showing negative demands are actually
the location points of the tanks where the supply enters into the water distribution networks.
By convention, a negative (-) draw-off at a node signifies supply going into the network, while a
positive (+) draw-off signifies supply going out of the network. It is obvious that, to meet
current demand, the sources of water supply must be improved upon in terms of upgrading the
existing sources and adding new sources to increase supply into the system.
JER 18(2) 69-83 A. E. Adeniran & M. A. Oyelowo 77

3.2 Nodal Heads Results under Current Demand

The results obtained for the pressure heads at the nodes from the simulation under the
current situation is as shown in Figure 13. In the University of Lagos, most of the buildings are
two storey buildings, that is, the buildings are mostly 9.0m in height. A query was done using
EPANET software for all nodes with pressure head below 9.0m. The result obtained is as
shown in Figure 14.

Figure 13: Water Heads Based on Current Demand Figure 14: Results of Nodes with Head below 9.0m

It is observed, from the EPANET map that 36 out of the 43 nodes have pressure heads below
the required minimum pressure head of 9.0m. This shows that the pressure in the network is
generally low and the network is not efficient. The consequence of this is the use of several
ground water tanks with small water pumps, Figure 15, with the attendant high cost of
operation and maintenance.

Figure 15: Typical Ground Water, Overhead Tanks and Booster Pump System
Due to Insufficient Pressure Head

3.3 Water Flow and Velocity in Pipes under Current Demand

Design and Layout of water distribution networks in Building Code compliance document
G12/ASI sets out acceptable minimum flow rates in pipes at 0.30 lps while the velocity must
not exceed 3.0 m/s. ( water-supply/system-layout-and-
pipework/). EPANET was used to investigate the current flow and velocity situations in the
pipes under the current demand conditions.
JER 18(2) 69-83 A. E. Adeniran & M. A. Oyelowo 78

3.3.1 EPANET Output of Flow Rates in Network

Figures 16 and 17 blow show the results obtained for the flow rates in the network. The flow
rate in the networks ranges from 0.10 lps to 6.95 lps. The results of the analyses of flow in the
network show that the flows in the network are generally good with 48 out of 53 pipes having
flow rate above 0.3 lps.

Figure 16: Results of Flow in Pipes Based on Current Demand Figure 17: Results of Flow in Pipes above 0.30 LPS

3.3.2 EPANET Output of Velocities in the Network

The results for the velocities are shown in Figure 18 and Figure 19 below. It is observed that
the velocities range from 0.01m/s to 2.16m/s. The velocity of flow in the network is good. All
the pipes have velocity falling below 3.0 m/s.

Figure 18: Results of Velocity in Pipes Based on Current Demand Figure 19: Results of Velocity in Pipes below 3.0 m/s

3.4 EPANET Analysis of the Network for with Improved Operation of Tank No. 1
A major defect noticed in the Distribution Network is that Tank No. 1 is not operating optimally
due to a defective control valve. The height of this tank is 30m. EPANET was used to evaluate
the scenario in which the control valve is repaired or replaced and advantage is taken of the
height of the tank which will bring the elevation to 38.549m as against the current operating
elevation of 8.549m. The results are presented in Figure 20 to Figure 23.

3.4.1 EPANET Output of Heads Below 9.0m with Improved Operation of Tank No. 1
Figure 20 shows the graph of the water pressure heads for each of the nodes. Figure 21 is the
result of EPANET query for all heads below 9.0m. It is seen that there is no nodal heads below
9.0m. These results indicate an improved situation and water will be able to reach all the
building without the use of booster pumps, ground tanks and elevated tanks.
JER 18(2) 69-83 A. E. Adeniran & M. A. Oyelowo 79

Figure 20: Water Heads with Improved Operation of Tank Figure 21: Nodal Head below 9.0m with Improved Tank 1 Operation

3.4.2 EPANET Output of Flow and Velocities with Improved Operation of Tank No. 1
Figure 22 shows the result of EPANET query for flow rate above 0.3 lps. It is shown that of the
53 pipes in the network, 46 pipes will now have flow well above the minimum flow rate of 0.3
lps. Also from Figure 23, it is seen that the EPANET query for velocity below 3m/s return the
result that all the pipes in the network are now under the required velocities.

Figure 22: Flow Rates with Improved Operation of Tank 1 Figure 23: Velocity with Improved Operation of Tank 1

4.0 Conclusion and Recommendations

In this study, the empirical analysis of the University of Lagos, Nigeria water distribution
network has been carried out using EPANET, a computer based simulation software for water
distribution network. Prelude to the analysis, a review of literature was carried out where the
past and current network analysis methods were examined. The current conditions of water
supply and distribution in the University of Lagos was also examined. Relevant data required
for the analysis were collected. The results of all the analysis were supported by charts, screen
prints and pictures. The analysis revealed a gap between the current water supply and the
water demand in the university. The analysis of the existing water distribution shows a rather in
efficient network which is the reason for lack of water supply to most parts of the university.
The pressures at the nodes are generally low and the quanta of water flowing in some pipes are
inadequate. A major defect in the network is the fact that Tank No. 1, which is the biggest and
at highest elevation, is not being put to optimum use currently. Though the tank has a head of
30m, the current operation simply allows water in and out of the tank as if it were on ground
level. This is due to a defect in the control valve required to maintain a static head of not less
than 30m. In order to identify the solution, a scenario was then created to examine the effect
of the tank being operated at an elevation of 38.549m instead of the present 8.549m (ground
JER 18(2) 69-83 A. E. Adeniran & M. A. Oyelowo 80

level elevation). The results of the analysis shows that the network will immediately be under
very good pressure heads at the nodes, the velocities in the pipes would be adequate and only
few pipes would have low water flow rate.

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JER 18(2) 69-83 A. E. Adeniran & M. A. Oyelowo 81

Table 1: Nodal Locations, Population Served, Nodal Elevation and Supply
Node Supply Location Elevation Supply Comment
Name Population m lps

1 El Kanemi Hall 1,052 6.569 0.82 Nodal Draw Off

2 Faculty of Education 6,380 6.536 4.61 Nodal Draw Off
3 Amina Hall 1,292 6.462 1.01 Nodal Draw Off
4 Ramsome Kuti Shopping Complex 1,195 6.355 0.72 Nodal Draw Off
5 Muti-Purpose Hall 2,500 6.389 1.50 Nodal Draw Off
6 Eyo Ita Close/Henry Carr Hall 950 6.383 0.74 Nodal Draw Off
7 Shodeinde Hall 1,728 6.441 1.35 Nodal Draw Off
8 Faculty of Environmental Sciences 1,680 6.886 1.21 Nodal Draw Off
9 Sports Centre 1,800 6.435 1.30 Nodal Draw Off
10 Kofo Ademola Hall 1,024 6.462 (9.48) Inflow from Tank 2
11 Ransome Kuti Quarters 515 6.445 0.43 Nodal Draw Off
12 Religion Centre 650 7.044 0.43 Nodal Draw Off
13 Works and Physical Planning Dept. 865 6.881 0.62 Nodal Draw Off
14 Social Sciences/Creative Arts 4,698 5.163 2.83 Nodal Draw Off
15 HRDC/ISL 6,710 7.393 4.85 Nodal Draw Off
16 Distance Learning/Honours Hostel 5,316 8.857 4.16 Nodal Draw Off
17 New Hall Complex 7,308 7.728 5.72 Nodal Draw Off
18 Nana-Mbonu Ojike Staff Quarters 198 7.245 0.14 Nodal Draw Off
19 Centre for Information Tech 1,850 8.273 1.34 Nodal Draw Off
20 Tinubu Crescent Staff Quarters 594 7.837 0.50 Nodal Draw Off
21 Service Area/HRU 348 8.549 (53.03) Inflow from Tank 1
22 Ozolua road Quarters 660 8.404 0.56 Nodal Draw Off
23 Abdul Attah/Eni Njoku Quarters 144 8.398 0.12 Nodal Draw Off
24 Faculty of Arts 2,744 8.828 1.98 Nodal Draw Off
25 Bookshop/Mass Comm Dept 258 8.496 0.19 Nodal Draw Off
26 Moremi/Mariere/Jaja/Erastus Halls 5,200 8.041 4.07 Nodal Draw Off
27 Staff and Nursary Schools 2,654 6.995 1.92 Nodal Draw Off
28 Health, Gas & Mbanefo Centres 2,136 8.566 1.80 Nodal Draw Off
29 Jibowu Close Staff Quarters 144 8.473 0.12 Nodal Draw Off
30 Alvan Ikoku Staff Quarters 252 8.398 0.21 Nodal Draw Off
31 Medical Quarters, High Rise Bldgs. 792 9.082 0.67 Nodal Draw Off
32 Senate House Building 620 9.082 0.49 Nodal Draw Off
33 Old Senate House 724 9.371 0.52 Nodal Draw Off
34 Faculty of Engineering 4,259 2.209 3.08 Nodal Draw Off
35 Science/Chemical Engineering 6,578 8.753 4.75 Nodal Draw Off
36 Guest Houses 860 4.188 0.72 Nodal Draw Off
37 Faculty of Business Administration 6,257 6.128 4.52 Nodal Draw Off
38 Faculty of Law 1,185 7.021 0.86 Nodal Draw Off
39 University Library/Staff Club 2,125 5.065 1.79 Nodal Draw Off
40 Department of Architecture/Gardens 1,252 4.294 0.90 Nodal Draw Off
41 Lagoon Front Security Post 45 2.107 0.03 Nodal Draw Off
42 Marine Security Post 23 1.978 0.01 Nodal Draw Off
43 Lodges 46. 4.127 0.04 Nodal Draw Off
JER 18(2) 69-83 A. E. Adeniran & M. A. Oyelowo 82

Appendix II
Table 2: Analysis of Demands at the Distribution Network Nodes
Node Name Population lpcd Demand Demand Fire Minor UFW Total
Daily Demand Losses Nodal
Draw off
l/day l/s 10% 5% 15% l/s
1 El Kanemi Hall 1,052 130 136,760 1.58 0.16 0.08 0.24 2.06

2 Faculty of Education 6,380 120 765,600 8.86 0.89 0.44 1.33 11.52

3 Amina Hall 1,292 130 167,960 1.94 0.19 0.10 0.29 2.53
4 Kuti Shopping Complex 1,195 100. 119,500 1.38 0.14 0.07 0.21 1.80
5 Muti-Purpose Hall 2,500 100 250,000 2.89 0.29 0.14 0.43 3.76
6 Eyo Ita /Henry Carr Hall 950 130 123,500 1.43 0.14 0.07 0.21 1.86
7 Shodeinde Hall 1,728 130 224,640 2.60 0.26 0.13 0.39 3.38
8 Faculty of Environ Sciences 1,680 120 201,600 2.33 0.23 0.12 0.35 3.03
9 Sports Centre 1,800 120 216,000 2.50 0.25 0.13 0.38 3.25
10 Kofo Ademola Hall +(-26.13 Tank2) 1,024 130. 133,120 1.54 0.15 0.08 0.23 -24.13
11 Ransome Kuti Quarters 515 140 72,100 0.83 0.08 0.04 0.13 1.08
12 Religion Centre 650 110 71,500 0.83 0.08 0.04 0.12 1.08
13 Works & Phy. Plan Dept. 865 120 103,800 1.20 0.12 0.06 0.18 1.56
14 Social Sci. /Creative Arts 4,698 100 469,800 5.44 0.54 0.27 0.82 7.07
15 HRDC/ISL 6,710 120 805,200 9.32 0.93 0.47 1.40 12.12
16 DLI /Honours Hostel 5,316 130 691,080 8.00 0.80 0.40 1.20 10.40
17 New Hall Complex 7,308 130 950,040 11.00 1.10 0.55 1.65 14.29
18 Nana-Mbonu Ojike Quarters 198 120 23,760 0.28 0.03 0.01 0.04 0.36
19 Centre for Information Tech 1,850 120 222,000 2.57 0.26 0.13 0.39 3.34
20 Tinubu Crescent Quarters 594 140 83,160 0.96 0.10 0.05 0.14 1.25
21 Service Area/HRU +(-135.48 Tank1) 348 120 41,760 0.48 0.05 0.02 0.07 -134.96
22 Ozolua road Quarters 660 140 92,400 1.07 0.11 0.05 0.16 1.39
23 Abdul Attah/Eni Njoku Qtrs 144 140 20,160 0.23 0.02 0.01 0.04 0.30
24 Faculty of Arts 2,744 120 329,280 3.81 0.38 0.19 0.57 4.95
25 Bookshop/Mass Comm Dept 258 120 30,960 0.36 0.04 0.02 0.05 0.47
26 Moremi/Mariere/Jaja/Erastus Halls 5,200 130 676,000 7.82 0.78 0.39 1.17 10.17
27 Staff and Nursary Schools 2,654 120 318,480 3.69 0.37 0.18 0.55 4.79
28 Health, Gas & Mbanefo Centres 2,136 140 299,040 3.46 0.35 0.17 0.52 4.50
29 Jibowu Close Staff Quarters 144 140 20,160 0.23 0.02 0.01 0.04 0.30
30 Alvan Ikoku Staff Quarters 252 140 35,280 0.41 0.04 0.02 0.06 0.53
31 Medical Quarters, High Rise Blgs 792 140 110,880 1.28 0.13 0.06 0.19 1.67
32 Senate House Building 620 130 80,600 0.93 0.09 0.05 0.14 1.21
33 Old Senate House 724 120 86,880 1.01 0.10 0.05 0.15 1.31
34 Faculty of Engineering 4,259 120 511,080 5.92 0.59 0.30 0.89 7.69
35 Science/Chemical Engineering 6,578 120 789,360 9.14 0.91 0.46 1.37 11.88
36 Guest Houses 860 140 120,400 1.39 0.14 0.07 0.21 1.81
37 Faculty of Business Administration 6,257 120 750,840 8.69 0.87 0.43 1.30 11.30
38 Faculty of Law 1,185 120 142,200 1.65 0.16 0.08 0.25 2.14
39 University Library/Staff Club 2,125 140 297,500 3.44 0.34 0.17 0.52 4.48
40 Department of Arch./Gardens 1,252 120 150,240 1.74 0.17 0.09 0.26 2.26
41 Lagoon Front Security Post 45 100 4,500 0.05 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.07
42 Marine Security Post 23 100 2,300 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03
43 Lodges 46 140. 6,440 0.07 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.10

Appendix III
JER 18(2) 69-83 A. E. Adeniran & M. A. Oyelowo 83

Table 3: Pipe Information

Pipe From Node To Node Dia (mm) Length (m) H-W Coefficient
1 1 2 100 82.5 140
2 2 3 100 90.0 140
3 3 4 100 210.0 140
4 4 7 100 255.0 140
5 2 5 100 195.0 140
6 5 6 100 165.5 140
7 6 7 100 247.5 140
8 1 8 150 510.0 140
9 6 9 100 307.5 140
10 7 11 100 337.5 140
11 8 9 100 397.5 140
12 9 10 100 255.0 140
13 10 11 100 240.0 140
14 8 12 150 532.5 140
15 11 15 100 660.0 140
16 12 13 200 255.0 140
17 13 14 200 367.5 140
18 14 15 200 547.5 140
19 15 16 100 480.0 140
20 12 17 200 270.0 140
21 13 18 100 262.5 140
22 17 18 100 232.5 140
23 17 19 200 345.0 140
24 19 20 100 502.5 140
25 15 28 200 772.5 140
26 19 21 200 135.0 140
27 21 24 200 195.0 140
28 24 25 150 172.0 140
29 25 26 150 210.0 140
30 26 27 150 307.5 140
31 27 28 150 330.0 140
32 28 29 100 105.0 140
33 22 29 100 300.0 140
34 22 23 100 292.5 140
35 29 30 100 315.0 140
36 23 30 100 285.0 140
37 30 37 75 1072.5 140
38 24 32 200 180.0 140
39 32 33 100 135.0 140
40 25 33 100 217.5 140
41 33 34 100 315.0 140
42 27 35 100 420.0 140
43 36 37 100 217.5 140
44 37 38 100 292.5 140
45 32 38 100 142.5 140
46 33 39 100 292.5 140
47 34 40 100 285.0 140
48 39 40 100 337.5 140
49 40 41 100 247.5 140
50 41 42 100 645.0 140
51 42 43 100 757.5 140
JER 18(2) 69-83 A. E. Adeniran & M. A. Oyelowo 84

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