Sie sind auf Seite 1von 33

_ _ ~TechnologYd . .,....

alfc emotion

From t~ ......, ~'"""'9~ . ..

CllInp«Iy I~ or- out 01 • symbiosis
.....u. the 'TNt....thlltlel III cyclro;
hi$lory. from Copp .nd B¥1.Jli up 10
Indur_ -..:I Ullrid\. . w". ~ ....
~ go-. of dl5ll)l"' otflH'Wlg
~It ~'" Compol ~ ~S to the In¥1<et
by i ,. ,.edo.Itl'ly r......... 0"" to t~
denw\dl1'Q ~II of 11M wortcl' s
iu lio ") bocy!:W r..... Consequently .u 01
~nato'l produe!• • , ~rwd and
Il\MIUtxlwlld tor ..II .. j" ndll'lQ condi-
tions. a' the _ Ilr.-. ' eprneonbn9 !he
idNl soIut_ lor ..., kind 01 cydnj)
«lIlIuAlIst. _ . tll« lor 1M prolHsioNl
bocycli. r. 1J< or tM non-compelitlW
t -.:r..l~ ,..,.. In rlKenl .......1 our
eHorts in produel dewlopmtnl have boNn
intenH • OM I\HCl only lhinlo. 01
C;l~'1 inl""iltlld Ergopow... con-
trols. Dual-PIvot lwakH . Exa -Oriw chaln-
Iirogs an d lrHWhe« cesseues. as weU a.
the new 9 '~d Iran ~lsion .nd •
comple•• r an... 01 hi<;!h -prof ile rims .
wtli<: h haVI eu .evoluliooiz&d the stan-
d, rd, of moder n bicycle te<: hnology. All
lhn e innovalion. hav, ""en dowelop&d
w llh tile utmost car•. so as to off. r pr od-
ucts featur ing faultless perf or mance and
lunclionil hty. utilizing dn igns . nd ma te -
riats , n ulling ,n lh. lown t JlOssible
weight without e ver compromising
UpoIK II . I lXh at " Iely, comlort. elegance
Ind dura bilily. th lradilionl l hallmarh or
evef'Y Camp.agnolo product


• N,w I " 19 98

" Re cor d
Cho rus

" A th ena
,. • (

" Mirage

.. AVCl n l i

.. Record Ir ae k

Tr ia thlon
Componen ts

• Fl U I 0 - DYNA t>4IC

.. Bora Tita nium

Shamal Ti ta niu m

____~.f~::.. . ,:0- "., Ve nto

C- ...,
16- HPW

Zonda 16- HP W

• se t-ecce 20
• •

.. Euru! 20

Gh lbli


" Rang e 1996

Road Rims
• .. Ne w l or 1998

Ele ct r on

" Pro ton

- -9 rou PaMPA
0IIIIIl '5.5


- - -~

• ,,
• I
9 SPEED 9" I'll opOoi_ ~ 'ib'I. nctucIlnQ ,,
... the lalnllKhric.lll ,.r._1ts. further WEIGHT
for Athena in ib 1998 r. . ~ "-
,, reductions, .........
lI'IInlcU:.ed". )riI-SpoMd sysl....,
_ ~t1 . . .otuintd
and Veloce"" .-_ IJIKIliulIy clU9l1G 10 work -Mttl
ttv-llUQh • eeref\A . . . . , . 01 ""'-"'I
'YS'.... nroct.Ked .. l'W1 on the ~ a riMtl TlBIlO'O'elly
top-oI-the'" R-v and
Chorus ~ . now ctt«-
eel lMth AthenII and Veklc, as
,...-....,.. ... . .
otMousIy ~
Racing TflIW II'Id
in the
cItttil lip
1rrl. , The
0I1igN: wetgIhl

0--" objei:tiw
-'l. n- the new ~ inlI the V..we. T~ dlrriMt 10 eItiIined by t:O',,,, """lljI .., 01
1lqUlp1 • • oIlhe latl..- two "..-d ~ and.elopl· drlts ~ u1.ty COi,ofutt
mid-r groupsets MIl. ng " the ........... _:obII n du'"1bilIIy tot.., 01 the 1'1'98
include Itlr~ dffle.. ' -speecl cCll'iflOl ••' [Ill ~ 'Mr.
c...,,,,,,,... 1ts ' - bMn Iighltrll'Cl-
Irain. fNhmg perfect shlfl- chiIirl. ,... 1dI .... 01 CllUrM. •
9-spftd CDMttI. The.- Racing up boIh ttv-llUQh Itw Wic.... 01
ing ~.oon .-.d ". ......
, . . . 01 9"1 *'lI1 opbons. T..- ,... ............ • Mtv¥Ud Il'IIItriIls IUd! .. IQ-
rw.m. 7075 "lln'WIUm .uoy MIl
to_lorKpOl'ldlothe off««! tor ~'. ~ c.bon-flbw. as -u aslt.-ough
dMIionds 01 iIIl caleogDl in R«ord. Chorus ¥Ill AtlwY
01 ridws. trvm IN amatlN'" 9·SpMd triple ..... has been Itw -'\lOy 01 . - " ..... end
., ...-"-
I~ :¥ The , .5pNd
Ill_tiw pl Tht new
qodi$l to !he c~ biq-
RKOllIn 0l0ruI ErDOllI.18r
ct. racer. 1ht sar'I'le 9-...,:1 Racing T OW_ _ hM • dil1..."t
IIInYI'Irllin took Bjame Riis lo.,;c- parallelogram lrnaot. 01 calcl-Ior- controls and hum... CDHIIK.
I 655 Itw new Record SNI-post. Ihe
loI'V in the 1'1% leu de France! ged "uminum l plo.idlllljl ~
. - Prv-F". ptdIls. Ihe . -
Ber.ty ". ye.. -'1:ff its inlrodudion
1m Iy$tem it. *-dy made ....-
ill... cased If. . . to ~ Itw grut "
... widIt> 01 ~ ,-~ ..-SMtl,. new design of RII«Ird MIl Alholnl hudull MIl
the new RKUrd IIld Vetoc. r..-
Iable for !he assembly oIlop-c1ass RtplIing 11M V.toe, gr~. LEFT HAND Mr"~ ... pert.ct ,-"ItT"Iplfl bicycle~ aI a !nAy afforda- introducing Ihio 3ri IpHd tranl-
ble pric• . miuion tlu ,-.quired • specill CRANK on all for ~'.1fIprOId'l in pro-
mohr'og • conlinUO<JI produef inno-
r... Mr.dl...". 10 be combined
with Ihio triple cheinrin9 crlnkMl.
triple cranksets vllion
WI the spr;t 01 • pnO,Id
c.m,.,,,,,,. lastiiOllCd with the ma.imu'n ellen-
lion to dctai regarding both peilu m-
~I always pre-
¥ICe ~ comfort. Campagnolo hal
mo!&d the use af triple chain-
redc~ Ihio left h¥od crank on ell
rings. These days, l!'SpKially givlm lriple cranksels. in ordotr to achiwe
the growing popularrty of so-called perfect syrrwnelry ~ 1M light
,,,,,tury rid•• !long distances with
end lei! hand crank. Thanks to the
". ser'" oIloo'ilh e~mb.l. th..-. i.
. - crank dc5ign. ~ usi"'il •
I rising demand for triple-sets as
triple crankst'l will now adopt •
more Ind mar. cychsls wish to
participate in \he.. ambitious
r totally balanced and cOlll/ortatM
pedaling motion, as !he lisIance
itVI'Ills In ClI'der to offer I d~·
bel-en both pedals and 1M center
train wrth the greallst I'IUI'I'Ibe<" 01 oIlht Inmt will be ~ _ .

H' 3!5

• I
REDUCTION brakes for the
and performance whole range
~ has iIlways attnbul-
SMOOTH standards edlhe~~elo
n. ~ '-Ipft(l dfflotlr" oftit'"
and - . rnor"t titnl ~ ~
~1s of sate-ly and comfort .
Although rnor"t powc:M lI\¥l 11'".-
EFFORT- $IlIfIrog oper.t1Oll. Tharlks to the
11M crI .. """ ' - derllilleur
dibonII. aotipef" Ink"- Ouai-P!IIol
bnokes proWle ;II more controllio·
LESS ~ ..u _ ,-S9"C! ...... tile and prolJI Issi¥e bn'king
der~ ..... otter mprowd cNin
control lever ktiIIn FurthInnor-e. c~ 10

-''9htnelol makinlI the Ir_ _
tr.otlOl\tl ~ brakK. Oua-
operation "'Y •......, PIvoI lnklK require subst.miatly
wntn ,-.
AcroH the
il'roplO •• rnotnI.........
CMTiId oul on the EI'l)O-
.!. tile'nl in
!f ,.5PMCI dial...
op«allon. All
IlKS efflll1 in ~tion. VII'tile
producng the -... ~
. . . . . ._ . Giwn tlw Mv_
of throughout the r.,..
Nil dKlCItd to introduel them
t... Vetoc. . ..." . oInd Av.,b
pclWWS as lOIe4I. All _
righl Nnd Er;~g . r
• . . produced with
tages 0' these bnll<.es t.npagnolo grollpH" witll Outl-F'ivot br.....
Both br.... . rmt . . rnact. oJ
$JIt(~ dwlmlen
conlrOl$ now future .. 1or9ftl.lluminum alloy. operalln\l
u:.~'. p111~' on mll'llill.... bell-bNrinlI' or
much $IYlOOlNf" idlOll.
t~ FIoatlllll l.inl<
dIM 10 tIM nroducfion
01 bushings .-.d ... eccfillric ~m
.. new CGmpeflsaUon ~
ActlOll l and ..low which muttoplin ~ input lore•
~r.g 10 tM use 01 ..
pI'I'f«l inl«ac- iIIfI4Ilitd 10 tilt control leY« during
1lmI" .prinv inserted into all the
lewf". 1m,
left-hand in
tion beh,u n 11M
E~.·Or ift
bra"" lICliYahon,

16kg 24 Kg

sprocket IHlh .nd the new 10_
pulley whnL rNIkil'lg Iht
tran. mi, s ion .vm smoother
and quicker in re.pOOIl.

Braking pow. r when applying a tor ce

N_ Ay..nti~, equivaltlll lO 20 kg wilh or dinary siOt- pub
Dual -PIvol br-'<.. as br ak. s end Dual -Piv ot brakes,
.u.nd¥d ,.quipment
on Carnp-vnolo'.

entry-"" Comp;nrnl A1heM brakes ,
.tumiluTl br....

• ......"....
st-s fNluring ortlillll
0.; •
0.; r~ to ....,. the dNt .,
new the pedal. if, rtWWnlIl ........-.g

R. . . . t..-.n
"'""i PEDALS conA5lerol ret«lAns of the pre-
0:::: Hlected H1bnl1 01 !hi relNH

0 h Jl"'id tat.. IO"i a me illhIt

1 _, R" aH t-..clfl c.. M
.....-.:1 n if, MSity tNcted by

_ ....
portion 01 dNt
year of the ~ Pro-FII PftIaIs.
dn9*I and produced ........Iy
by ~_ A hlglHKh pedal
Clln(:~ fNwmg • ~
mNM 01 In xtjustmotnl AU",-
wcket poMloned on the ace.....-
ble lode of the pedal body The
......- por100n 01 the ~ contani
and n iOdel n dHigtll!YtIuIJI'I whidl .. window cIrIopIFj_ .... the ~
LU fiPKts such u rll'li.abiLty turK· Hlec:ted A'lHM 11tMion. A

---. ruru- ~ INtlon of the

tJor-.lity ..-.d comfort • • ta..... to
Z ...,prKedeo'1ted ~ , Sill ..cI Pro-Fit .'f"oI the CIIlIlomiz·
..... Wflghl a1and out as Iht _
~ble lMO'I.bons 01 thas
tel d",s whd'l two
lIldirwd IaIK in order 10 .-d
. - ~ dnign Pro-Fll: ~ KCldental d1~ from

--E/lv.;' .... "

AlunWIoium body
...........u.. yet strll allow the 11M
of tradillONl-sillt dNIi , u.y . .
..b otmely light t. pair of IMdals
totals 266 grams for the Record.
the pedM cMlMd by unintenlional
"'",II " _ ....,,. of lhe fool
The ergonomic rn!""II position of
the pedal hoi. bHn dnigMd 10
325 grams lor the Chon.n and 310 ~ 'In . .. y n instant ....-
9'"' ms tor the Alt.en. __ sion ) ~ .......l of lhe shoe Cl" '1 are
and the cornering duranci is far ....bI. in two~ , fill..,;! or
su~ior 10 the system priMously wdh ~t «ICI ~ I 'l.~rd
oJdopled The "'9OIlOmics 01 pedal - thrN, bolt mounh"ll pallem. thus
in9 M "'i bHn CNefully pud~ ~bng \0 the ....;ority 01 cyotUng
resultinV in a pedal with IOU" .~. on lhi rNrk;t, c.mpagnolo
well-dIstributed pressure polllis. oH«1o 'IY.. c1iff.,tnl modioli 01
thus giving supltrtJ comfort e~en Pro- Fit ~t. : Rec:ord. Chorus
at the IttId of Vltry long rides. Thit ..-d Alhell<l .
Boll lor .ojusting _ pedal height is significa ntly reduc-
ed placing the loot much closlff" to
,...w.... ten-.ion . the peda l axle. thus lacilitating a
round peda~ng action.
Campagnolo pedal utes oller
extremely tight manulacturing
Minimal distance tolerances 50 as to guarantee
minimum play. while providing
nO.5mrnl IMtwMn

unmatched durab;~ty. An inl..-nt-
ute and pedal in9 a nd highly inno~ative a!lpt(t 01
Pro-Fit pedals lies in lhi unique
e nga ging mechanism: the fOfce


. •

~ I

. f
~ "'ii.:z....v. _ r

d0:: •

a redesiqned! n,..
tion .. Ihe
shfbnv opera-
<If M!uptwl\l II SIlt-
TheIop-ol'-lhHN Record
nl Wi '4* I I 'i¢. IJII'hJ ..., _
e.. a ... kInQiIr t/'ifIInIJ .....
UJ ~ tar 1998 "" bftn
As wiIh Ihe preYious 1l'ICldels. Il'III
The.- RKonl EXA -DRlVE ~K2
•..-tn.," Rwco d £Ii .1 ' ..
0:: Wit~ rotdtsi;: .ed
f'IlC~ II series 01 mpor. offen II ,.... oI .. go.",",i( I"W- CMHtlK • • men rigid . pnMd-
in; _ and quicker asembly
. . powboi 1& 1M no--. pMll: tar
. . . . I "~• • , " " " Starln;l
0:: wilhllW..-El . :, " . tt. i de>Jny ~ ill ~ 01 .. wei M -'IJhI r.ouc-

a IIw _ inlqated RecanI

InkeIVift CCII'Ilr'cls have
~ 1075 ... .. un bI;In$ I. g lor • 13-23 cftHtle 13
or- in the case of • sliw>d¥d

u.. ~ • mono ccmpact

-.;gn with ~.....-­
RK ont __ sian and 6 ...... 10<'
the opbonal tQnUTi - - - .1. n.
_ . fYI_eel "'10 c_ _ 1ft arlt
ed "lIOlkA,iu and use II new rear
3: 19'1" __ lor sigrilicaoll-
Iy sI..rting ~ DERAILLEUR
cornpose1l of two duslers 01 Het'!
two and Ihree sprockeb whidI
UJ ~ n. nO.Idion ... no. RlICord,.. .........
are pre-assembled onto. P'fbe-
uI¥ty riw'd 7075 ~um
me _ no.- pos$ible ".iICI(Ither Ind <non

ZI by'll the
derllillew .".;..", IhInks 10 ttw .....
nero¥W:l " ird'vidual sprodlPt..
This "-angemeI_ often ~
Ei no ... body by 2mm of • ..- Ioww fMWy giWlv reductions oind NsiI'r c . _Itt
- ' "",..-.g the irnpl"ovI!d chIirI~. The.- _ mbly _s.t.nd¥d RKard cn-
cislanclt fram Ilw ,... ......... eIblt dImpng sen" come in six combiNohons. All Eu-DrM ~ K2 cu..n......
Inke~ Io lhe pial_ is ~ rNde of ...."..",.". e«h leatulin9 II laorge1" d ust..- of compttible WIth 1m '-spNd
hancIeban by II lotal samg" 11'"_ - ' i1T"'''''llIltw
01 8nwn Ito tt..
with UNll. hand$l. ~ II
resuI, lIw new controls offa'" better
_.u _thetia of !he compo-
titanium sprockets , The opt i~ cuMlt. hubs

n - npeciIlIy \II/hen readWlg the
br..... lever !Tom the lql of !tie
hoods. Furthermofe an CMnIll
weight r.ooction 01 3S 9'"arTIS eQUId HUBTht RtcOtd fT..whttl
M IIdUo! led lor the pair 0/ IeverI body reo."'9f"*d fCCOtd"'ll to
The ~t .... smooItv>ns i1 froo l t~ 4-tooth.~ pstt&m or
t~ MK2 Iproc k.,s, Ths ....... c..•
IItt. h~b ;s 3 grlms bghtsr Ind
fully compl hblB .. ,th III 1997
' ·.pud c....n..,

New low« pun.y. ..... I~lltitanium "",rsion is ava ilable in

rOUf combina tions with a tolal 01
nine lita nium sp rockels

M '.
Diaqram cornparlnoj) t"- w.Hjjht 01 t"-
Mw Pro-Fit RKord I*lal.s wl!tl
IN 1m molMl.

"" 430g

= 1
-'rI 01_ Pro-Al Rec. d ~

I _
I ~ 01 ........ d '97 pdIIs

c::: •t

o to- C\4l of Ilw 1998 I~

hNdHl am.. .. ~Iion port new
u eoaOling rltlJuW lOI8intenance
withoul ~ to ~ IN
I~ _ ro
hNds«- ~" 1....- - . . .

hNdset models f.. ~MIt_­
sion is ..,. . . 101" Oald l ... IN ... 0I1ItarUn .... Ihe Pro-f"ll

c::: I" ••
.Ab "" owl, N$)' to lit tn.nka 10
w.- Mtf-<:tnt"""'ll
Reccrd ~ . . tt. ~ in h
1998,.... n. __ ~ d l

oL1.! system crI rtw '-WW "'.. ir"9 par 01 ~ "- bMn r..u:.d b1

rKIN. -V lq'It in
164 ....... in~kllMt
weight 8fId fNtI.n ..
rru:tl rtductd ..-lho
new 9-speed
CHAINlho ~
~ height in the
'4lPW hHdMt par -
lion Conly 12 5mm1.
The system -.0
------' .......

z RKOl'd ,-~ ct.... I.... p.t
01 IN Chorus M'ld Alherwo 1J"II4I-
Mls i MI nicbl ·pioIl~. inslNd of
4Illow5 lor ..

men prlKiu
The AranI
P'eWY ... E
l"'" Iw. bNn o;m-
eli ~ order lrIllClafIl til
the pnW:Iu5ly IMnishftI rollen.
in ~ to po oolCle ~~f'Adeod

• rlr.......,
lie popJ.arily of rrG'1! corrpid
""'" " Irame yeo.,.. its. !tor ""'
= '1 " . ' - bNn ed&dt!d 1II ..
chHl-dur.. bi~1y TIll' _ i.
o;MnIlIn;lI'I 01 2500, • ,. In:I • I1e
dnigned with special!B ~~-­ ~', Pro-F~ pedals
jog mollon same !me lie lISII! of ~ mille-
ut.. ~l ented Aoat'1'I9 Unk . . !heir COf11I'Id M . ...........
AcIIOIl I ft.w ~ int...ktioo
with Eu -~ Iopf{l(kfll and
chainrings .. well as with the
new loweor rur defaill~r pulley.
than tr-.:l,-
,~ ,
, . ~ mak1es h! ~ rnxlel Z9

tunW"5ion. The !IIINl darrfa 1ft
I!l.-.d are co .....ted ID tle
fool ~. a consi$lwnl dNl
~ IeNion. fWljIIdII.. d!he
.. esNicted rNase tension, a
W'Hler an. i 9 dearirlCt' and the
hNdHII. head of ee se \.... byrieractrg
mekil'l9 the ' ·Speed driYeirain pedals cornpaItl(Jty WIth ....,. ewry
Io:ru1ed Ilrlaces o/t(ri-og a zfs "-
twn _ I t t « IH>d more $ilent. /;)'din\I tt- OIl IN ~
Vi> tt.. ......o",ed = \ at QlIroK-
bore. The alklla;cd *'" head is
press-ft i'l the se 'j . 4 shaft. v.tidl is
new modIt d a .. 0jlI elary d . (I' e _
HEADSET lkm $IMIIlJI1(I'f hbe. The ... d , .
mlIIeriaI makes the hbe 1T'IJdl l!W'ner
The new Record headset for
ltw1the preWlus aIlnirun ....n.:n
unlhrNd~ . I..rerl is 10 grams
In orUer to maUnize the woei!t1l
Ughl... lhan lhe 1997 HS 100
nddion d h5 ea ,,.... It. the
modeL This r eduction was made
~ tdI has a 5rTm r-alt1I!i" INn
ponible by using .. new 7075
I 6frm AIen-socket anl the washer
adJult'1'I9 boll lind a carbon- fiber
is modIt d aUni'un instead d steel.
(OVM plale. Furt~rnor • . the

lI1 . •




. _:
Dieo;Jrlm cornpar;n.;, pedal-ute lie.
UIlder same Wild IGlll

0../,3 mm 0,60 mm

Au 01 __ Pro--A Chart. ......
I _
Au 01 ott." I'lCIlWs on !he INl'bt

0::: redesigned i new REAR new
ThoEl g,_ ..""'""
:r:: u hft .. simUr
U<e .. It.-.- 9-1opMCl .....
Mr"iIillelrI oJbo Iht Chorus ITlOCMt
u dKign 10 Iht Record
modft. h Offen from
.. 1M O'iidoed """h .. new ~ puI.
~ 10 - . ~ iIIld Ir'lOn
DIona Pro--Fll
I9'l WIth a compKl - ' hlQhty
., iOdtI n ditt9'. The peOIt Pin
Iht lop-oI'-thHine model silent ..... lNrliUNr ~
0::: I« IYwIg the ..... pivoI: shaft Mar. detMed irlnov.r- re!j¥d
new CHORUS _1MIit 01 lit.... WIIh adjlls' elM

o 01 siMI as '.. "ClIo 707'5 .w-

miIvn. FUI1tIennol • . the sniftn;J
the use 01 a _ G'iW-OUI Ind
II., efoI. lqIt« deraIIe<r l'I"lOI,rlI -
n . _ pl. _un
cup.-l_ til' • .,. .... -..t-
ed into -....un flJarIg C¥tnd -
..... The ..
U.! inv bolt IeNiile sI.... uWs
~ ... not G1lled oul as tIw
RecDnl _ The . - integraled cassettes tr_.
p . . . . .xtr..... ....., lor--t

caIU d.1o'4li''I1 pLIIe IS
Chorus brak./shift (On!rGb I\iMI ~hler and ~ mon
e..... fJtmg ..., superior -.;.t .n'LilN1l ~ ,.-.d
rKlIi... d II I!lClR compact dKign reWcbon$ . . ~«I with the high uablbty 01 the bu .\9
wCll WIdely impo .ed "9011011-«5
plNsing . . in the RKonl_ -
sion. It-. Chorus P'Mletogr.m .. Chorus EXA-DRM MIU UI$Yl: - r K I'S- The _ ...... 01 the
UJ MId aso \1M a Iqller lewr for INdIt '4) of cold fw9ftl fMIU· In. The IWW. palenled r.4K2 c.-
wtIes . . cClIT4l"J led of two clus-
peOIts " - """ ...o..c.d by 106
or_ ...." comp¥ed 10 .. .,..
Z signlfluntly !IOI-a.... shifting
op«itbDn. The ~ in ~ I New mountiI'olI boll tan '" Nd'I r-- ..-.d Ihrn
sprockeots whidl . . pre~~"....-
0I1asI year'1 o-u. n'IOldet$.
Cane til' .........
wat mNe po 'He by Iooo.ring
IhI Erv~paw.r bod)' by 2mm and ..:I onlo a particutarty rigid 71175 ~ MIs 01 n 118·

shorl~ the dis larw;.. from !he

brake Iewr 10 !he IIancfImars by
AI.......... C¥Oer. .-I .. individ -
u.aI tpr«1wU . This .......... ,.... ,. r-------1 ·..-··.. . .
.. toNI of 8mm ue !he special. offers ~hl redudion:s "
twrwfit 01 riderw. WI\h small easier cilSSll!'lte .assembty
hands !. As /I r.sulilhe . - con- S1andan1 Chorus WK2 uuettes
trols off« better gnp. KpKially fNt~ nino! $I" , sprockets and

wt..., ruchiog lhe brake leveors come in IOIX sel combinations
Irom Iht lop 01 Ihe hoods. The option.1l lull Iitanium Y«sion
Furthermore an _all weight
r"CIuction 01 46 griKM cou ld be
is <waMble in IOIX combiniotions
' eeturinl;J a t~ 01 nine titanium
IAdjo.uble cup.

achlewd on II pail" of ~ _ 1M sprockets . A special. fir$t position

sprocket with only lour intem.1l.
11. ...1.,. .moothroess in Iront and
rear d«a.U- shifting operation spline-eng.aging teelh provilles IOf new
i. the result of adopting a spir al additioniJl we;ght savings. All Exa-
Drive WK2 cassettes .It CDmPllli-
com~sation spring and one
HUBThe Chorus
- ""'.
,enlimete. longer shifting leY ef"5 . bl. with 1997 9- speed caSS<llle
A. with lh, p....vious models. the hubs. Chorus EXA-DRIVE MK2 Ireewheel body was redesigned
r.o.sigrwd Charu. & gop<lwer cassettes are also part of the 10 IfWlch the !WN ./i -looth engag-
offen I wide range of eorgonomic:
damping fIl-I•. sfandard 9-Speed ~uipmlont 01 ing pallem 01 the MK2 s proc:kell.
'ilripping positions. lhil year's Afhena !tJ"OUpset ilnd The new cUH tle hub is ligtlll!'l"
produce an average we;ghl end fully cornpalibl. with illl 1997
rOlduction 01 30 grillTlS, 9- speed caMeltn .


new new 9-speed new

The 1998 AlhtnI ~ o:on-.
9 speed DERAlu.EUR willl .. ,....,... hNdset fNtlft'lO ..

..... The new A/he<Q lJfVUP is

The IT'IOS! impor- eqlIIflP- LOW STACKING HEIGHT design
Wll _kwthe II COlilpletfty .. _lid """"dl rwsuIts in .. noIab4e -'gtlt
~ ...... deraillelw.104any ~ reduction 1-35 vr-I n I
grvupset is the 1«1 _ _ introduclld to mill, the short..- 5lKkiIlljI hftgtIt (12.5 + 24
1M! iI ... bof<:_ 9- ct....... ~oble wolh!hl ,. ....,). Jusl .. for !he top-of-IM-
Speed. Thus .. new rigN: Speed~. bul-.o to,. . ..... COllijlOi . .1l
hand 9'""PNd E,yoy nr is IN cornporlMllo the standanb sels. the_
now P¥1 of ttw system with ol ~'. high-«ld group- AlMN hnd..'
a special (~ ,),l\1(Wl $pring Ieb. The 9-Speft system feilturn dirt..-
lor amooth and Rflortless mainly re-quiRd l~ Idoplion 01 .. renliil! ~U-bNr'
shifl irog opwa tion. The total rur derailleor paralll'lOllram with ings WlIh di-
weight of .. pair of Athena a widK travel in order for ~ 10 agonally Ht

...... ErlJOPOW« , - , is only .&30

gram• .
..w.qualely operat e acrow.. a ll 9
sproekels. A1s.o the' doM".illfllf
c.l)I' plates and the pult.ya nHd-
bNrinll rac••

... ,,-
10 provide .... y

lid 10 be ""' . _ed 10 I'Nble the
.... adJUStment. ;IS

UN of the 9-spMd d*l. VisiIle
... n ....
difl.... iCoK ~ 10 the new
n«'UOfd vttng -.d ..
,...,.. able da .. . '11 balL. ~
lor Itoe wb of weigh! ~
.-.:l . ..... 0'irild plIfformIrce It-.
fol&own;l4ddibDiOlll ~ .......
bN'n lIItnlduced , iI/'Wire".,
der~ cage jliwidHi aufficielil
clNr~~the .......
c.- pIale and IIw cIrMt-tr. .
~. a _ dnlled out mounl -
ing bolt is lor lIghtllKS
togethef with thll _
l.-, giving
1 _ pul-
improved chain guid -
ance for smoother and mora cassettes for
siten! rear derailleor ahil1 ill9_
The plales of the parall.togrlllTl
and lhe deraillNr U9t .... JNde
" ..........
The Athena groupset is equipptd
Wl!tl the new CI'lonI5 EllA·DRIVE

MK2 c.nwtln with sl....

- At 'I

z ConQl~~

....... new HUBS
~ I
n.. _ 9-5pHd AltMoI hubs

0::: tNt"'" .. signiIicn reducllon in

...-.;fII WId , new quid< ....._
dnql The ,... o:aMe4te hub in
particular hM ., IIl.-.n
'"'''.......1 body with ,, _ spline
palt«n ~ y cM"'9'''"' 10

Kc~lltle new EXA-ORtv£ MK2
( lIwlles. The frNwhHl pawl
camel" and hub-axil are made of
" . "1and th" rear tlub hn ..
Z sla ndard OLO -d '....,n.ion (11130
mm. The total ~l ..,.vill9
... - PEDALS
obtaned with the new hub equals

~ 43 111"" '5. Thanks 10 a new de.-
"'Iln ~ quid< reIe_ ...- .
-.gtl t9 gr;lml Ins I peir , The
ThIt _
AtheN pedIls sIw" .. c.. bie pel lui nlld wrth
ctosing Ie¥er MIl ....- hauIinQi
the ~ ~ INlwft at tool$. Corr4-ed to Iasl ,......
body • • of 5lftl ....... the I'II'W
~" ~~11 pediil ' mod«. a p-.. of Alt>ena ~n
c~ ~ I'IIA is ...... 01
rnon-coMlKl st",- Iigtll: we9ll CClTIpId me . . .
i0oi ~ ill CfII'I$I$I.... dnl
~ ........ .,.,......IK&
~ tension, ~ of
Akmirun 11M.... '

body wilt! new . . .
the pr.... KIed reIeaM 1 _
"\lfNl« ~ c . , q.
......... Resin ca bldy>t IRJIdiIl .....
- -+ --- -
t '"
~ A tpKiIic leallA'"e of AtheN 1-
modet is the use 01 .. $I. ute
WIth two r~ & beMinJ. !
which allow lor wry effielMl
pIlwer Iransmi55ian .nd hillh
dUl'abi~ty ctue blaring race., As
with 1M 01'- models of the line.
the clINt boll pan"rIl is compati-
ble with IIle majority of quality
CJdm9 .non on !he ffIIri<fl ....
f»dal ~lion and "*",..-...ce




der...... 1nMt to ~ ilhl'bnll

<Ml" alolal 01 nne ~ Nr-
~ dr.IlIeo.r ~ tar • eo, ibii..
............. hrwlC,_9Speed
new 9-speed dIIin. ...... dto 5 c.I9' pAln
new A wry irnpor1ant imovation re I.,..
10 the brill<.. , from 1998 on. lhe
ERGOPOWER .. order kl lWlJ"dl' ~ dN'-
.-a bet<, Cd i h riImII c.IIjIIt'1l'...
9-speed ytloc. grOllpMl is ~ with
DuiIl-PNvc briIkK.
ThirQ kl . . 1998 'ftlDce
'-Speed..,...... ~
rd . . drr eL . . spolo:a n. CASSETTES
CompiII"ed 10 the _
!he is now rm' He dIIi ' ... Ibo has • ~ tdDw and n..lks to II'.- i'l1rOducblln 01 . .
h:r "id-o . 9" t:ocrJn • wei. ... lqUr II"ll:IlftnjJ ball. ¥Id .. i ' .. or , .S9ftd system. IlW _ v.coc.
cn.etr.l (lI ' Ipli.1tI ~ beoen theH,..brill<.. _ r ,-
fdlfesi9l.lhan<s klrww ,to: I I l td CUHtln wft;h 1Ks ¥Id on_ deliver ;I 1TlOf.
re . . .d 1&IrtInO ......... ~ ~ and.1WW ablIP impl'ovwd "'" 100 ITIoJ"CI Vewe. powlr1ul iII'Id
El "'v .. lIwn. The IRW f1!tol - cIampn) ball. &lh . . It¥danl n c.1I--.«u Ire m..s. up of niIlII
h.YId 9-SpNd E'1jOPCNJeI'"Iever has balanc.o braking
been i'IdeQd lor ............. 1Ht.
ng WIlh ;I 9 Speed eMSIllI•. • also
coolainlll ~ compensation spmg
!he lllI'Ig cac.Je V. . 9 Speed ,...
derMleln are "QI ipped WIth . .
_lower FUleY for ~ d'woin
~ and IIITlOOlher a'ld men
indi¥ila>al chr'orne-pLltRCI (no 1ong-
er linc-coaled ) stH!
The EXA -DRIVE prof iles 01 t'-
I pro<:kll tl!'lltl'l inte racl ~r1ectly
.etion, The new VIIIoo:,
Dual-Pivot brilll.. have
t H U-It;gn'"'iiJ ca bl.
gu iding .ysllm which

y!" V
It:r smoolher .ntling operallOO. siWrl. chain lranlllTU5ion, The male- witl'lt l'l e cl'lamfertd Unk-pla t•• 01 ma inlilin. lhe brake ~
riala used the ICJII plate (1/ ~ lhe ' -Speed chain , 9-lpHd cabl~ in lhe . eeerect :?'
new 9-speed "*9"am ard the cuter der..aeu- VetOCI tillSttte. are IVilil.1bll in plIlIllon dunng
c.I9' pIP are d -..nrun. ...... lour d1f1«en l combinilholll, br ing operation. The \
REAR Ihe mer pli!Us _ ..... gf Ileel.
br IhoeI haw buiIl-
DERAILLEUR new 9-speed new HUBS
in wheI4 guodes.
The . - Vella ..... doll ..........
ing klh """.,.ib
been aa '......1' ' cdu ig: ied «ani-
gf . . , .
Speed ch;. . . . 1l:r cb.t1Iot rd ~
n. IWW VeIDc:e 9-spM1d ctlIWl illOO
1*..... " -.. oed &"Id by
AI' •• un
f1 .. " t I body,

.. d&ili" 'TM1fIIin ihl r ..

. .' edelilled
~ IINllrft
rolln. ..cI bui ,.Iid.......
- plIt-. ....... 1IiI:Ul- TtIIon COIled
The ' -$pHd Vetoc:l groupHt !N-
tures t re« CiIIMtI' hub
oul.. lW* pliMs. .Iroolhw no~ " "''flY

-"'" i.IlMIliu, wtich _ ~ from

t!'lt tjgtl-eod 9-SpNd dlaon is. Nt
¥ld quick release 11<_1
ThIS Y'f¥'. hub i. 43 grtma 19rt-

Ir And hils an &Iumlnum
01 ~ ehamfIIrt, (pN1Iltd
o;Iampillll boll.
Aoallnll Lrik Action ) ~ pr(Nide
lor perfect meshflg of It... ella'" on
fr_tlMl body wrth ;I . Int pawl
ctrrier a nd a stl!'lllull. Thl new
qu i(:k rllINH design delive rl ;l

tlwit o'''''''' ~ iI/ld on h w~1'lI saving 0 1 21 grIm. per
IWW ' - " " ~ ~ dW.w-
P"'" The skeW'll" 1.....,- and the
inv iI ItnOOlh rd IilenI d'Iain .....
,I ' -l The.- dlIin 25 ltov« hou sing . t 0'.t"" while
the ad/U.tiIble nut is miIdI of -
- -- - --
v-less!han h ~ 8
rtIOl'O-eoat.o . 1.... rtIiII-coiIt8d
""...... nut.

-I ~
NEW ERGOPOWER The 1.lI 1~ lhe liQht h.IInd Ervo-t- wftcto NEW BRAKES This ~ !he IoIcr"9t Dual Pivot brakes come
version of ~'s int~Qn,l­ «0, ...... ,.... ,1$ hUM of., 1'qUiY- .... QrOUP is tquipped with WIth brake shoes INtlrilg buill ·
eel EJ!l'l1"'J .er conlnlls hu been .... sprftjI on .. 1997 Dual Pivot br.IIkK. ....tIictI oft« .II in wt-' guiOn.
.,-tty i,~o ,11 u..nq 10 !he Ieoft Mnd shiflers. ,...... pon t. lui. ~1_.IIl'ld
use of .II cotnJlet nbon sprftjI on pr~ broJblQ .cl1Ofl.
e E ,

NEW ERGOfIOWER nw ~ Avanti levers lor up .00 do¥m shlftrog. n. NEW BfW<ES Campaop;llo't entry - The ~ Avanli brakn ani 1'llU'PP.
Ergopc".. conlrols now ha..e the r9'l h¥od A.v.-.ti ErvoPC >'Ie, too. .... ~ A_ _ now no! only ..:l oMIh bral<.e shoK Ieallri'ril
...... ITIKhinicaIlNtures as alllhe contwas .. spral t ... ' ..... lSalrog GIter1......- po!ifoo 1t0000t ~ bUItl.... """"-t gOOn. The I'ftUIl is
ITlelio#n -.:I IlIgh-1nd frvo9c "'e's.

................ -
spring for.- stwrtn;J .............,. but also absdule ~. IhoP<s "1'rII;n pa c:flJ. rnpal ..... a'lll
1Ntlnlg ' - MPil'ale shtling 10 !he 1lClo?1•• ' d Dual Plwl br__
The RK:onl TrO ~ has be«! '4'dated with iI rww Reccrd 5NII-
P'* and . - I'fo-F~ Reccrd pedals. Tlvs ~ is now IM'fl lqller
wtU d. rNnnv CiImpacp:llo'llegendiIry reIiiIbIity. WII!l Itle R.;gn;j
TrO ~ liImCIUI ~ '''''''15 howe won OI~ and World •
Champions/'IIp bItn iIS -a as se4Ing po t'5ly"1S World Holr reall cis -
;an~.IlIeled IlIIlor, 01111((111 in cycling (01,,,-,,, lnler1ininq ltle
qu;oIIry and conlftJcuI iI..........' do!dicaIed to ~ COi' ........ lls
• • •

• •
• -. .
• •


• l



~ has always IN"d ~ include ~ with $pe'CiaI

cial .attO'nliDn 10 1I1e "POrt oItrialhlon Ex.a-Oriw loath JrOfiIes. and liped-
and is plNwd 10 note thai ~ r i!'pfl!'- ic Bar- End controls lor 9-&peed
senti iI "POrt which enjoys growing systems . Top rider's such .. I..othar
pop.Aarity and with ~I ill -U .. lAdef-. Greg Weld1. ue v;an l..ierde
haWlg gained admiUion 10 Itle Ind F«nanda ~ choolie
~ Ganvs in Sydrwy. Campagno&o 10 CCIfllirl.Je on the road
The Tri8ltDl w ....... b tor '98 that leads Io.,;etory !
The new

whHI is inlended lor ~­

lion UN. wtIeA m.JJOmUm
lightness and a. r odyn;lrnic•
..... of lund.amenta l import -
ance in achievlnq I INlJOr
widory The Bora
r...... .....n..tis . . . .
of .. e.ltrlll'lWly rigid.
dHp-secbo...d 150
mm ~ l ,.-bon-
110.. rim which
.110_ the uN of
on ly 12 spoke. for
bolh IN Iront -.ld

onlI'l' 10 pr""'"
1IqUiv.llent brMUI'IljI
per1Ol'T11anCI as
w~h more standard
MfO w..... l•. l~
c¥bon side -walls 01

-~ ~
!he r ilTl are ~

ir'9 ., ideal -..face

lor retiable br-.Jng
action in both dry and
WI t wN theor conditionl.
Ban , wt-I. ar. I'quipp-
.cI willi sup«lighl Aluminum In, "*-11
H,PW, hubs. btriJm
~¥d ................
" ...........1 bocI1- Being~­
L ,/
body with "..., -.pIjne

iully de 5 ~".d lor use '" com-

pelt\lon. Bora whHl' arl only
ilVII L.bI, in one version for tubular
lit... The hub i. aqu;pP'"l witll
.,.. .alull'linoM'n " ....hOI.t body featurin9
."..., 9-SpHd spline p.iltem. wtllch is
c0n"9Il'b'e ,.;u, boll! the '97 , .5pMcl E.w-
on.. U$MtIU -.d the"..., EM-DRIVE 1ro4 K2 BORA TITANIUM _
..".ockft MI. Bora whNl$ COIN with ..... . -
Campagnolo wtIHlbag
,. -
l!:·B0101 front 'oad """

R·B02Dl r _ r..-d 9·spHd 19 130 1lJ'()
... .

acts as '* - -" ". -'- -" ""'"'" "'"0 ....
". ,-
..""" ...... rwd.-..... ••" "". ..... """ "'""'"'"
R-SH10l front roM
a synonym R-SHJ05 front,oM
lor ~ . n rigioityn Bot~ whMb. Shamal TltanUn
R-SH4Oolo ..- I'OIId ' --.d
. ,Md ..
"- bftn «Iopled HIM pte/err- wheel$ _ ~ with super.
Iigtll H.P.W tdtt. IQrUn axtft,

" - ' - l GIl top riden thtoughoul
... ~ . Tht '9t Shamal an""""'"
-•.""" .......
- -•• ..... -
iInd "",.14tl body SHAMAL 16 ~ TRAC
TltanUn'Mge it dol: .g wcIlor
... use GIl 12 spoltft on the fran!
wt..t .-.d 16 on ........ As with
with. new ' -5pMd splirw p.t -
tern. Shamal .hnb come WIlh
IMnew~ w14t~,
R-SH2Oofj .... ltado
..... "" '" ...'"
"" Wi
------ ~

- ........
-........ -•• a

...... _.
-" '" '" ~

. .... ..
II-VE31O u· d..., ... .n
•• ". ...... "" '" ..,
" ". ...
II-VE3Tl ~ did...
II-VE201 . - rwd '-spMd
R-VE41O .-nNd'-spMd
II·VE411 . - nNd '-spMd
•• ,.. ......

...... "

" { no

Thanks to a
series of
the new
16-HPW- .._
lall into Itw cal~ of
~'s top of tl'llt In
FlUIO-OYNAJol lC wileeIs. Z
wheats . . equipped W'Ilh IWW
H.PW -typI! hubs. faalurftg 16
.,0 blade spoI<6. ..... ann
and a steel p.awI carriar. The
Iru ,m III body is mada of a1umi-
num Mlh the new , .Spead sptna
pall«n lor both '97 Exl -Driw
c_ tln and the new EXA -
DRIVE MK2 &prOCl<eI·wtl, TIM
VENTO 16-HPW quick relnse $kewers leall.n
are ideal
Mw adjulter nuts 01 ,..s;n-l;OIIH1

tor I 11 11 in com- new 9-Spead

pelillon I nd . I lao bein s pline pallem
I vailabla in a so-ca lled lor both '97 type 9-
24"-diamalar ....... sion. they repre- Spnd c"Mlie. and .". new
II-n l I". idul c hoica lor c uslom EXA-DRI'IE MK2 I prockal- llt• .
buill Trialhlon bikn. The H.P,W. TIM quick-' Ik_erl . .
hub on t'" VlOlto whael conlains
a 51'" ..Ia and a 51",- pawl car-
liar. wh", 1M 1r.........1 body is
I'" ...,.,. H on IlandanllyJM

""'"" .....
Vamo ....."..... coma WI\to the
,. .- .... -•

R·2 0 307 ~
e ....
n · ,"""" - .. _.

,"""" "
mada of altJmlnum. INlurftg Iha CamPl9AOlo'I IWW ...... . 'b "gl

, .lOOO' .... nNd9-spMd n·
" no "..

- -'""" ....
20 _
-" . - -•• "" ."""
0 ....
n- . -

R- SC409 .... •..... ' -1flHd

R_SC410 .... I1>lIdB-~ "" ..""' " ''""
n- ,

,, ~

• ~

L _ HPW ~
... EURUs
wheeL.. .....
,....afic...Uy lIesig~ 1..-
the major bicycle ma n-
ufacturing companies and
mowls t~ requir emen ts 01
.. 'MM range ~ qoclists
SHkinll .. reliabl e and
ALso the 1998 modem wheel. fNl..-ing

version of the , st.M-ol· ....iIl11 echnology.

wdhout having 10 90 10 U.
........ of. top of 1M
whNl. Eww whHls " - .,
wheel features ~ V-shaped rYn proNto
VII'Ith .. JO mm deo!p rirn·Mdlor\
important no mm..-.lhan .. ' .......oonIl
.....""- ...-,--
.......1, The bnking $lWfatt ur-
.... .. speciIll SWT (sa. W..,
TfN tmenll providong incrNwd
bo'.mg perfomwnee in dry.-.d

... - -'. wut~r cond,lion$. Both !he

trOll! and rear hub ar. l u embltod

d 'Jled b"

tIh.n~1"'" ,.;
lewis. n. .... ...n.t .
and III

.-hjtIr'd hb
pnMdes 1Rl
Wi"'" i with highly-dur able. smooth
rlmning and mainteoa nce -frn
""I.e! ~ring$_

<lI Wti."lIe~ IWW ~ ...-e.d:!tI. n. tab .

I'FW-H)otril n. WI hind Bide rI tie
Iab'-., 'YP-~
''' '''''' '''''' '' .-d '''''
pM carrier. iI!I wei . ... ........,

(b- . - - ' ..) _ .. . ......... body wltaili ill .. -* of EURUS 20

- - -•• "" '"

ct'M!hin . . rthlUl. ...-- ...,.

- ~ Sciio:xo ..
spoke .... iI tpN-type desi;n . d Wi'lbatl ... ;:d~ ...
...... ....
b"" use III bladed. ~--heed
~"' w"'#l:irio "i1 .a.. . .
~ ~ lI!IiIIln'Ig .. amrun
R..£U300 ....... roM
R-EU4OlI . . - r1IoId. 1$
• ""

'" ""
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,,

. (


is a disc wheel
used by elite pro -
rider s during lime
trials in road and
trac k racing.
Thank s to the use
of advanced aero -
space materials.
the w eight 01 a
Ghibli wheel com-
pares to lhat 01
any conventional
high -quality bicy -
cle wheel. while
the extre mely high
vertical elast icity
characteri zing this
wheel makes it much
more comfQrtable
lha n 0111", dis c
NrN .... pertight Ghibll
whe-els, The new
model for 1998 is 85 rear hub for road lllCino_
grams lighter due Ihe
lise of a superlight hub
containing a titanium axle
and a titanium paw l carrier
and an aluminum Ireewheel
body with a 9-Speed spline pa t
tern . The special Ghibli Ireewhe
body can hold eighl 9- Speed -
sprockets twi th 9·SpHd spacing)
01 the following cassette models ' GHIBU
1997-style 9-Sp<ted Re<:ord.
Recor d Titanium and Choru s and
1998- style 9-speed v ercee. Ghibli
w~els come with the new ,

ROO71 -
Iroot track


" ".

wtigl\t Q

ROO97 Ir<)l'l l track tub ular

Campa\lnolo whHlbag_ R05 ~' . " " 1' loCk It. or esc thr ead
R·G HOOI rear road ,,- lubul¥
tubulM " '" 1 0~ O


0..: l
0::: AlIClimb~
whe," frNIunp
H.P.W. hubI pnM-
L.L.! *"
and PROTON... .
M! II\iIl Nd bHn left in the firid
wiOw .... "....
h' ......:l ""'-'l-dietl.
L.LI of~" .....,ipt'li-

Z ~'...
lion wtIftI$. TIw en ~ "e
COidlioilS of OIiodem
COlTtpi'lotiote qding
WIlli many .>::=:,.;JIi'
.... -
....... UNIed iI holts ;IS w.u. as
... ...,...
'---_ ...... titMUn-
cbmbs in 'jIefl«at ~ n-a-. ¥Id
rido!n . . asking lor. is ;ll

.. --
wI1nls spKific. INluring bghI weighlI09"'!-
wilh high rilJiditY. in ordM 10
"'~ allow max_ efficiency of the
po-. generated It.-ough the .Ilh-
l.tor's effort. ~ly wt~"ewr
~- """'"
.......... __odynamiu Me Of wc; ~ ry er--e«tion
l!TIpOI1ance _Hence thIS new
01 CIimb-Oynernic


r- Il-.ation of wI1HIs repAHrlI a
precious ~otion 10 ~nolo's dlndler lirK.

.... IM'I'leCI high-rim profile FLUID·

DYNAMIC whHls. The rider I'\a$
It>e optIOn between a complete
r' ''ge of fasl wheels designed lor
prl!'dominanlly ltal tom-llin. wnere
ttle extraordinary aerodynllmoes of
Campagnolo's Fluid- Dyllam ic
wheelS are the predominant fac-
I Oi'". and a distind category 01 fasl
whe l!'ls for mainly hilly or molln_ Cro..-Hdion
lamoos lerrain. wtler e bllhl

r W<!;glll and rigid_tv are of priont,

allW r~rK~1 an ideal supple-

tubulllr tire, .
~, for bicy<:les ~ipped wilh
uUfalight componentry and Ih.~
~"9<'nt titanium-gray Mi$h Iums
thlm into a perhIcl maleh tor .ny
style 01 fr _ -w!.
• 1
1C--I .I.


cauettK. The rnalenU UMd
10 """",,«t\n tt.- ""'-b
ELECTRON '-bHn~~1nd
wlectlld bfied on Iheor
wheels are the ~ fNlures.....-.m ..... 'u.
low -9'l and h9'~,
lightest-weight E~ran i$ !he ,..... (II • ",..,....
model III lIM hubs pro;ect .IIirnN at prcMdIno .... 01

ranve They C~ in
two ~. ' lor tubular
;;~~';;i;,;;i~~ with spokft
custom 24
1Nl\ri19 ;J5YfIlITIeI-
cbtnlllr>lJ wheets with • lola!
wft1II 01 only 1.589 gr. .... Iw " I
(yC~51. nquiring wheel. u..I on
and for clinclwr tire• . Tile ric Ilane<! portions ~ the top of their virtues 01 light weiQht
rim u. ed for the tubular ...r$ion 01 ( rOloI H(lion. of the lacing pat - and high r igidity. also prcMde
the El.-clron vm..l 0-1 it, tern in oro.r 10 achieve a wider ,lTVTI«Iiale ~sJlOl'" and
re<TlsrMbly light weight to the use wheel dish, 1M rlar hub 01 lhol maximum efficilmt;y in ellM of
of I spe<:ia1 &luminum alloy (7000 El.ctron wne.1.f, i. nsembl~ with . uddM and powerlul accl!'l.... -
Hr'" T7) , whll. the clinc.1wr ~- • t ~.nium u te .nd II titanium pawl loon. 01 the bicycle. ElKlron
t.ion if;'d from" 6000
...... T6 alloy , Both l'I'IOllNs are
carrier .. w.u " an itluminum
If.."",-, boO)' Inllrilg the_
- ..........
~ come with ~'.
uutnlMd 10 superliQht H.P.W 9-~ ~ p;ollem to /lC(Ot'.'lD-

- ....-.........
......... "
R- EUll! - • ,......
,,- "'" -" ""''"'" ....... ,
,,- """""' " ''"" .'",
A·EL.301 "2
A· El.201 ",.,.~

R·EUll1 .... n>Id ,.speed

"" ".
". ~
• .1
" """""' "2

_ _ PROTDN _

-,.- -.........
.... rOId 9-"","
,.,. o
l$ '
.... _

~ .
Campagnolo's ~
RIMS range
bl998, ... e.. Ib . . ,....oI .,
iI ...... ItXpM ...... ~_ t
yNnolr d.a'ld~­
ing led • .....,~ The "98 m e It
. . -...deri....,b
-epippng rwd bitft. FNl\ns
(UI'llIlllto . . ~ ....
. . 4nbMy. r=t ' . , • • .,pl
..... -=-lIn: lliilki ~
n.. naI\nlly
II'Nd to . . c.nflJ ctooa at
1'NIIenIIs.-:llcr ~ I
the m.. to lht -..Qll
'Iiq>Ms ~., dla;"-
ing Ihe --... 0 01
rm pnlI'ilet. tovo'l"* we. .. ....,..
sis of ~ pe"''He rm _ -
lac. . . . . . wall n ' •.,lIs. The
applitd . . WlIllIrMb 'Mtb haw
~ i " ", iIOiId br*'g
H,PB IHiojI Perlormance Brablgl
PROTON peril:IrrnIru. ~ ... - '
-.lher cudibois. ~ Control This P oed. irMJlve'5 it
wheels are ..... !NIl.n " - dItlerwnl . . waI rncro-sardllaslng ol the tnI<rog
srIaces. which are ~ly
built by
-..- ....
... J QmWl
lrNled lor addiwoal enharnt ' .etll
01 the c~ cI flicliCJn general -
ed by the br.... pads and the rim',
twd'II d<>Jt

with ..... -.phs
steel pay,( t¥-
-.. p-...-.
bralmg surlace. SWT ISD Wan
TrNlmentl is a spec ial machirWlg
cI the rim's bralling su'faces which
renders them perfectly !\at. Both
~ II'u$ makng rier and ... alumi- 1or_"", C<>ntrol" tl1e1oe Ir"atr1'lftlt5 provide rm ~
affQrdabit to • great... mrnber num freeNheei boct)'
times which ar e notably lower than demarding an movaliwo (with Itw ~ 9-Spftd splir-.. pot-
those achieYtod by rim5 with 00-
lfIm) DI'I tt. .... AI50 Proton wt....u
predICt which ~ not ne<.:essariIy trMt~ 5ide-wallJs. leiIding to a con-
I ep . _ 1I the -V top c11he n . are tensioned by 24 cusIa11 spokes
!liderable reoLction r. braking
(leatlling a5'/ i I., .... it I\aIIed porticrll
Proton >'ttoeelI. are availatie " it d151ancH wiIt10ul increasing brake
UlIJII' -.ion fa" dncher Iires IJd'f lithe CI"OSII NCtioflI, DlIhe laci'Ig
pad wear. The ~ used on the
and ... bull wi\tllhe ~ m. used paIIem).
entre of rims . . of sIainless
fa" tt. ctn:her -an Elec;V-an Proton ........... CCIl'IW wiItl ~­
51f<!l a material ~ is "Jrtremely
......... n. ITIIIII'I <iIfeI f l a between lJ'ICIio"~~"'lltv hnoYation.
ruistant 10 COI ' ",""" ...:I abo Id -
the two modeta lies WI 1Iw matelilts lioJ"''''5Srd~ It .~ · htH the wheeI-bulding prtICKS
used on . . r.temal pam d h 1M ~ _lht ' . '9
!uIu'M cI especiaUy lUing sp:>ke I"UsM • .,.
lUll. Proton ........ "'*" H.PW
II'w _ Pn:mn .........

,--- ~[I mS-CAMPA

L.- ....w AT1.ANTA 1996 _ BARCElDNA. 92._ MONTREAL 7']

1 code C-AnlSl C-BAnHA C-MOOlHA MEXICO ..
¥- ~ ......... ....o:t>er

~ _ . _ -~
,nATO 622 ...... W nvn 622 """ ,
J:2 _J6 12- J6 J24. 34'"
.,..,.m .....wu .....

no .tarins ..HI
IIIo¥ iIOOll-" 7000-T6 UlOO- T6
I ........ 0 ' .5 ....... Umm 6.5 ......
_ _ --"
" ",
' .' 4lOg 415' _
.... ~H P W J
.... SWT J _ MOSKYA80

1:1:---'--=--- - - - -'- -- -
,- ~ .._-
~-~ •
~ . II . ..


lJlCIdeI. _ MEXlCO 68 _ MOSKVA aO _.BERtiN 36 _SYDNEY 2lJDQ _

c~ C-MX01SA c-avern C-BE01SA C-SY01 SA
lyre cl,ncn.r cl""twr clinctlotr dinctwr
o ETRTO 622 mm 622 mm 622 mm 622 mm
driU"lg 32-36 32-36 32-36 32-36
.." Iell 1\0 no slainle'l .l~ no
elloy 6000·16 6000-16 6000 -T6 'DOO·f'
MONTREAL 76 .,1,.. C 6.5 mm 6.5 rnn'I 6,5 mm 6.5 rnm
weight 685 , 435, 535., _ 553 l _
H PW J J ' -_ _---,- ,---_ _
' WT, j _ _j , _

u o. _ • . ,-_ _
- - - -~----'--

If) ,
H •

0::: Parts ' . Therefore it is easy 10

immediately ~ognile original
..J'Ir- sections of lhe bag , A large

<Il Campagnolo Spare parts. The

pocket. big enough 10 hold a
spare loner tube and one or two
D..J rxdu si~e use of original spare tools is sewn inside the bag. The

I parts is esn ntial in order 10
guarllnlee perfed function -
ing and du rabi lity 01 Ii'll'
a: 0
new wh eet bags are also availa -
ble to aU current flwners flf
Campagoolfl wheels and can bOIl
0::: com ponents. For the new
Pro-Fit pedals two new
purchased individually for wheels
in the 1998 rangl" thai do oot
<Il sealed packages are
available which include a
come w ith the bag. All Campa-

D..J set of deal s (with or

gnfllfl Fluid-Dynam ic. wheels are
supplied with a matching valve
If) without float) , two rub ber OIIXtension. Furthermore IWfI spe -
inserts. bolts and washers cial $pOke-tensioning tools are

.J QIIIOQFO • • and two i1dhesive anti -slip

patches for use 0f1
available for all Fluid -Dynamic
wheels. 00fI exciu sivOilly for the
<Il shees with car bon-fiber
solei. A separate
Bora wheel and ooe rcr Shamal.

Venlfl and Zonda wtlOilels,
package with two engag- CAMPAGNOLO
ing hooks inelud ing
(,!) bolts and wa$her s is offers a more
= also available. Thus it and more
Q;1 is possible to rep lace
just lhe resin portion 01
exll!nsivl! r ange of wheels in

q Ihe clea t. without pur chasing Ihe

complete clea t engaging devicu.
order to me el the requirements
of today's cyclists. Their increas-
ingly wide diffusion has eenee for
CAMPAGNOLO There is also a special spare
parts pao;kag e containing two
the introdU<:tion of a wheel
carrying bag. lor easier transpor -
intents to make engaging springs for the pedal s. talion and exir a protection et the
original spare parts r eadily avai -
wteets. All Campagnolo' s lop of
lable 10 aU users of its compo-
the [ine wheels ( Bora. Shamal ,
nents. Thi s is a "",jor service
Venlo. Ghibli. Electron and
faclor enabling Ihe cusl ome r to
Prolon) will be supplied with a
klt<lp his machine in perfedfunc-
bag which is not only a practical
liOl'l and prisline maintenance.
item . but also carries an attrae-
The parts mo sl subj ed 10 wear
tive design and features a greal
and tear (dl'railll"ur joc k ey pul-
alll"niion to detail. turning it into a
leys. brake pads, brake lever
highly technical prodU<:\. The bag
hoods, cables and casings. d eal s
can easily accommodall" a wh llel
and varieu s parts for Pro-Fit
with the quick rereese skewer
pedals. are aU available at r elail
insid l" the hub. as a special
sales points. in sealed package s
reinforcemenl malerial has been
marked as "Original Spare
applied to beth out side center
• • SiarlcWd c~

- RECDRD_9_!iaee d fi -t-~---- :----:---------------

\ 'echOiCil speci lea Ions
RD-\'9IlE . , 5pNcI -" ' lid. _ spracMt U 1IIlh · Cipay 11 ,"" . Titrim hqIr n pMII td SItIild e.tlfldgI - Sop.'lIlJ U11l1ow ... - blWl :16 I 21. !pi - EflgIiIh Be 1.3'19 I 24 '" - ~ ~
F\r doIiIle crriMt · CiIlKtI' 15 !Nfl . lola. dIiIn'IIJ Sol Iftfl · .... lSIJIN 1l"'9 ' Ly"'lld U9f BB -motCAIlT ' F.. dcUlIf a ill"i<lft - AlIt L m -IT ttrNd
jFO-31SRE • Br_· Aoo:6l:ed BB-mCHCAIlT 0 F.-.... ariMI - ... L IC2 - 8C 1IniId
fO-31fRf 0 ~-on 0 286 rml ' Anodozed PO-42CHQR • QR . PRO-FlT • WJlh fIoiIllr,gI cleiltS - ThrNd 9116 ' I 2' tJl' - AdIusti111l1 conn i1nd CUIlI
Ftl-12FRE 0 CliIl-OI1 I) 32 rrm - Anod!lfjj AdjUllabl. relNu ttrlSion

Cl~ons' 35 rnm - Anod~led ,
c......ibo. bcMly - B.JI.' I lQS - Li;lIliloy ~ . T~ ~ . CarnpI!IwllcIn IpfIIIg
BR -52CH • DIIfl-Pivo! · HtqI1 39'+'jO mm - SliinlKl stHl.s tliIlI Milf"I"lIS - ArlodizfC!
8L-22REC6 0 ......


.tmmd lMn • • iallln nl ~ taWlIJI • loki ~ Ios'IilItm*s -l..9f-d sMrog ...
t SfeecI • Cktwn tID • htued
0 LD,: 100 rml ' Spoke JIolrs , 32!36 · SNiecI bMrn}J ' Tu.-.rnlxlt · OR WIIt1 aIumonio.rn lock l'IUI
OLD., 1XI rrm - , ~ ..."...".. """"it+' lhlK2l - 5pcN., 32/36 - llritn aIt_ mIdwi5tn
SP-"" • WIIIl ~ IIICI locblg ru - 250 ll'II'I • Slftl \IJlt - LIjll . , '-l . • 25 I 171
HS-llO< • TIniId Be r I 24 !pi - BIll • ),96 ll'II'I I'4'P'fJ _ 4.16 mm tlowlrl
Owr. stack htq:1t . 36,5 Hop 24 ll'II'I ' bollam 125 mm l - Arlodllfd
15-0ICHHD C For ur1thrtildtd iI.......11lI r (25,4mm1 • Htight , 24,' mm · "s.t/ CtnttrllllBHrinIJ SyIttm-
cssms CS-19RE • 9 SpffiI EQ-Drivt "4K2 - StH!lTi - NKktl·d!r'omtd - W~n light allay (lmer A1-00CO • Stair'llfSl stN! w~h QPQ Iru lrntrll
~ Tl/21 - lUZ3 - IV2l • 12123 • 13m • \3126

C5-1RTl 0 t 51-1 Eu-0rM MKl · TiliIuTl· WolIl lqll llloy c.TW •~ \2.'21 - 12!2J • 0 "-13 • 0-"26
()j..\'9IlE . , Speed . "AoIln:I \.ri. Aaan" • Pkbl·TeIbl lllilll · ~ .... . e. . ca, : rtk
FCZR: • low-proflIr crris l 170 · m,5·
175 ...... - Anocllftd -lqlI *'r ~!aIlg bob fAd noM
Eu-cn..~s 391 52 - 42 152 - 3? xS3 - '2 ~53
1Carton fibrt cirtriclge -IT:l6 . 24 tp; . Be 1.370 I 24 lp; - I)omlllle IIoUow axl! - A1umm,um cups
sea~ 1-- ATHENA
I _ 9_ !iae
1ech mcal
B6-31RECAIlT ' Fw doI.OIt er~ - A.dt L1I2 - 11 ttmcI

P!).52REQR •
Il8-3JRECART C F« dcIUIII er"'~ AlIt L102 • Be lInicI
QR . PRO-ffi' • W1llII'IllIlIlgI dNIs • ThrNd 9114 ' . 24lp • TUUIl u\I • J IIw ;Z
IlJrIl DEW ' FIlii
TfIflE ll/lAIJ.11.Jl
. , Spetd - Al'lol*ad - _1oPf' 26 ~ - ~ . 17 lMItI
C 9 SpeecI - ~ - _ sprockll. 28 IM1II • CfPKItf J11fl'1h

...... .......

A41uslab1r I9lNH tensIOn
OuIl-flMll· Ht9lI3MO mm ' SIMms slHll bill bHnngl' AtIocloZ«!
FIIllMf IlERM.I.£tIIl For doIblt arilel • Cap«iIy 15 IeelII • Mo. chImlv. 54 IeIl.h
FO-2tSCH •Brill -on - Anod,ud
""'''''''' !1lS-"" Anodiltll Al-TFOl Q Clip-on' 28.6 mm - AnocIiud

l t6-01REHD

WIlh kI'tW ¥Id locking IIOA - 250 IMl - SlHlIubt • t.ighI *'Y hod · '25 I 2'Il
ThrNd Be r 124 1p - 8IIs III J 96 ll'II'I lllpllll'l a'Id 4.74ll'11'1 1lorMrl • Owril mdinJ heqll 36 5
6rNu pert • .l.rlolmd
F.-Ifthp 5 j 5l~ • r 125 4nm1• Heqt 24 5 ll'II'I - "Str ~ Ilwnl ~ - - ~ port
F.- •
0 Cbp-Gn ' 32 min - Mocim
0 ~. J'5 mm · 10 a*'"
ariHt - ~ 2:2 lMth - Mn ~ 52 ItIl.h
0 8rwt-oll -
~. AlIa, ~ boil A1-T1F1lAl 0 Cilp-on III 28 6 mm - Anod!ltd
"-00<0 • Stllllfu l iN! wrth QPQ Irtltment A1-I2FllA3 0 Clip-on 11132 mm - AnocIilfl!
fO.tJFRA3 C Cbp-on 11135 mm - Anodlltd

_ ...
. . . ..


C.luliltlllody · Tr1Ilt allllllililM - ~ ....
~ tfbln IIICI ~ ~ - No InQ I'o.Mlg Iemlln
- 1o fellrwn

OL D 'Olll'll'l - Spokt 1loIn. 28IJ2I3d - SNtd __ C\IIl ·IhrJl!JUM pcrt

OLD 130 ll'II'I - SQltd "II cup - t s,.Id IIun'Wlo.lm IrftW!lNl body 1"'+<21 -
Spok. llolfl' 28/32136 · u ttrll 9fN1f pori
• 9 SpHd Eu-Dow "'1<2 • StHl • NICkIl·dvomtd - CombIn.1toonl ' \2/21-12/23 -13123 - 13/26
RD-l9CH . , Spetd - .ItuIiiicI-1NIIiITun JIIrOCkIL' 2.61M11 '~ ' 17 \eIlII
• • s,.Id - "'AoI\ilg lrlIl AcIoft- - ticQl-Ttllon IiIWl -Ill'" -. SptId ....,. . . .
For dD!J* ariMI - ~ 15 IiMIh - MD.. clIiIlmJ 541iM1h • Low-ptOf1It a ril l 110 • m .5 - 175 mm - .I.rocOltd
ro;:21SCH • hlMln • 10 Ipd u.0rM ~ 39152 - lZl52 - 39153 - lZl53
fO.11FCH 0 ClIp_ III 216 ll'II'I - ~ o Low-praIQ crr il l f7tI • 175 ll'II'I - AtIochzfd
FD-12FCH 0 Clip.oo III 32 mm · Anodlhd Eu·Dnvw c!IIInnnoJI' JIll 4n I 5(l • 30 1 42 152 • 32 1 42152
FO-03FCH 0 CI4i-on III 35 mm - As>odlltd 8OTTOMBRACl<ET SIlled Cil rlridgt - Symmtlrictl ul• • Itillll" J6 I 24 tp; - E"lIlIlh BC1370 1 20 Ip; • RK.SSfd iIluminiom cups
EC-19CHCll • C¥bonIOrI body - w
'-:Ns - T~ ~ - ~ Jjrilg - ~td lrotrJ 8B-I1ATWT • For dooIbII ariMl - F.- rnpIIltv "'-"' wiIh' 216 mm IMl 11ft - IT IIvNd - ..... l T11

Irdcabln IIICI ~ casonp ' No In... housing tIfT\Iles
....'" 0 ' Sf-!' 0- lIa • lncIned Ifl.IIRA3 0 For.
BB-13ATCART 0 For llo:UM a ri.lll. - For ~ for fr....... WIIh' 28 ' ll'II'I lMl llh - Be IIvNd - A.dt L T11
ariMI _ tr_ WIIh ' 32 .. J'5 mm .... _ - IT """ - '-' l m,5

. . . ..

OL D, 100 mm · Spdw hlIln. 32136 · Snied "51C\lll - QR'MIJI~ lod<fIUl

OLO" QO mm - . Spiid IlIii'ftm h ....tUl txOr - spoke holIt. J21J6 . CII; iIh IUlWuTllocl r.-
9 Speed EJci-Dwt "'12 - SItIt - ~-<lTomeIi - WtIl .,. e.TW - Corr"Or*(I'lS 12/21 - 12.''23 - om -13/2~
BB-tJRA3 0 For rnpII a r iMt tor fr_"MlIl ' 32 .. J5 mm IMlIlbf - Be lllrN:l - .... l 115 5
ptl-52ATOll • OR · PIlO-m· WWIl1lollrog ctNts · ThrHd '/16 ' I 24 1pi - StMl iIIIe · 2 bHrinl}I
Ildjul libl. 'f1.i1I. t. "sioo
o , SpttcI EJ. -DfflI "'IU - TIlrirn - WJIh tighl tlloy CarriIf - CombinIticnl 12121 - 12m - 13m - 13126 1
• DUiIl-PlYOl - ~ J9+5(l mm - Br. ... l*I lhotI WJIh ~ foljullmtl'lt - AnoOl.d
• TIniId Be r . 24 . - WI' U6 mm l~) I 4.1. mm &wowl
• 'SpeecI - "FIoIl"'9 lrl1l AdD:l- - NodlIl·TII\orII-...sIl •.I14 1r1ks • 8 s,.Id ~
Owril slilck ""9'l :16.5 11qI 24 ll'II'I ' bcl!tml12.5 mm l - ~
• IN .. 6ansL nD · I7U· 175_ - AnGliM - £li-tniii:lwi1iJi )h52 · '2152 · Jh SJ · 1.2 .SJ
Al-12CO • 1leW\- To 11 . . - boiICI'Il bradlt lhll
• • Sland¥d t ~1 o · Oplional t~
...._ _IIELacE9~fe~fiTc'i!, I_---..,...------------------
RD-21'" . , SclMCl- AIv)dncI . _1jnIdlet. , 28.,, · c.aY. 171NCl1 • IIIId lnItt- I14 Iri.s - II1wIed pti' I .. pwI
RD-G'M.J 0 ' SpHcI - Arloo*rtd - _ ~ , 2&1MIh - CIpdy 37 INlII • Low-prvtW uris L 170 - 172,S - f75 IIlIII - ~
Fir G:dIle arisel - ~ 15.....,· IrQ>: cI\IInlg S' .... Eu-Dl'MdW.... lh53 - 42 152
f'O.4tS1'1. • Br_ _ • AncDz'tll o Low-proIIlI aris L 110 - f75 IIlIII - ' - ' - I
FO-4IN1. 0 c.,... 2U 1I'IIl' ~ E»-DI'M d\IrnIgs . JO "" I 51 - 32 142 I 52
FD-22fVI. 0 Clo!HYl .32 ..... • ~ SUed urtI"IIgf - Syi.. iifllOUil .... - SMI ~ - .... lol l 24 t;I- Efl9Wl Be l37O . 24 tlli
FD-23M. 0 a.--')5 1I'IIl. oIrGIt.zM Il8-IM CART • "" dl:I.tIIt crnsel - for ..-lor r- Wllh • 28' nrn WillUlt - IT trN:I - AlIt L m
FG'" • (l"~ - Cip«Ity 22,"", · fQIl d\IInlg 52 ~ B8-tM CNlT a for ct:UlIe arirsel - for..-lor!rillll WlIh' 28' nrn MillUlt - Bellnid - AN L m
FD-21SVU 0 ~ - A/loIMcl fl8.11413 0 For ~ u ..... lorlnrN ..... 32 or J5 nrn _ w.. -IT IrNd - AIte L 1'15.5
FO-21FVI.J 0 Cbp-GII' 28 6 mm · ~ • 1l8-0r.IJ 0 For "'".. uit'kHIlor rrilllllflll!l e J2 or 35 IIlIII SNlIubI - Be IInid - AIle L US,S
FO-22f\'l3 0 ~. 32 mill' AI,*" • t BIl;-22IoI • D.lIi-PNot - HtqII:l9'f'jO fMI - ~
EC-09VlCG • Tnplt c~ilIlI· ~ 5llI'PJ - AAocbed leotrs HS-1114 • Jln«I Be r 124"" - 8ab 'W- - SIICl< Ilt9" 4lJ,5tfwn llop 25 rrm - bollom 15,5 rrml - ~

. . ..
Incl. c.tIln Mld prwkJbntitld ~ • ~ Ink. houung fwnlln A1-12CD • ~ - To IiIl1'1C1tr boIlom br~ .....

""'" HB-41M. • OLD 100 IlVI1 • Spok. holts 321301 · Sealed dusl cup • ~I ....t grNH JlCl(l PO-52ATQII a ·1.
QR- PR()-FIT - 'MIh IDiIrIg dNls - ThrNcI 9:\6 '. 24lp - SIttl Ut - 2 btflIg5 - ... ~'-On
Fll-<J9YI. • OLD. 130 1M'l . StIItd Ilusl Cup ·, Speed illl."nltNlllrft'Wllttl bocty. Spokl holes , 32/30\
Sealed dull cup· Lflerfl gruw pori

9 SpHd E•• ·I>rNt · S/ttI. Nw;ktl-ehromee - ~.' 12121· 12113 - 13123 -13126
9 Speed • ' F!Clillng Llllk Acbon- - " , links - Burrosheel inner links and roll.r, - 8 ~td compalll)lt
Low-prolill crlllk.: L 170 ·112,5 · l7S mm · Aoodiztd
_AIIANTI_B_!iDee d
'echmcal specmcanons -="=-----
Eg-Dnvw CNonI"lrIlJs: 39 I 52 • 42 J 52 • 39 I 53

"'1'IU o EIlI-Dove cI\IInrrI9$- JO I 40 I 50 - XI I 42 I 52 - 32 I U . 52

Low-proIilI cr....s: l 170 ·172.5 · I1S 1M! • Aoodiltd RD-21AV

eSpeed . AnodiaG - maxm.m spI'l!!;k. t
281ett!l - CipItity 261Htn
Speed . Anodiled - maxm.m 5pI'1lCktl. 21 lHltI - Cipecty 37 tHth
SNled cartridge - SyINntIlQl axIf - ~ CIIP5 -1tNI3oI .24 tp; - EngIistI BC 1m . 24tp; "" diMlt crristt · ~ 15lft\tl- Iotai.~. 56 lHtti
BB·1M..CART • For dcdllt crriMt · For ~ tor tutnt wiIh e 296 .-.t lllbt - IT 1tIrN:I- Axit L m FD-2!SAV • Brm-on - AnodIltd
B8 -13'I'I..CARl 0 fcIr dUll crri:IIt . Far.1llr hme MIh' 28.6 lIlbt - Be lhrNl- Adt l m FD-1lFAV 0 CIip-on' 21.6 mm - ~
Be-IIRAJ 0 For Inple crriMl far If.... Wl\tl 1II J2 or 3S IoNl ha ·1T lIlrQCI - Aatt L n55 f ll' ....... aRNt - ~ 22!Hlll- I4aJ dIin1nl;I 52 IHIh
B8-UW 0 For ...... 0'riMl Jgr hnI wiIh. 12 or 35 IeIllllbl· Be 1InId · Adr L Tl5,5 FO-n5.l'o'J Q 1hzMln · Arafaed
• Dull FWoI - Ktt'/II3f+SO ..... . ~

• IIts1l - Toil ...... bolIom brJckfl shtI

• 1ITwl1lC r 1211." - BIII'1'I6- - 00nI tII:t..~ 15""" - bi*n fi.S1mII -.ImRtd
FO-""A'o'J 0 CIip_. 21.6 mm· AIIcdztd
EC-G6AYCG • Trflt coo,,,*,, - Co,,.. t , 1pmJ - Ai
Mo b'alot tvMn; ItrrUits
e,.... 1nkt lMrs - WifI aIiIes rd c-.
PO-52A1UIl a (Il - PII)-fIT - " '*IJ clIiIII-1I'nid 9,"-' -124 ., - s.... -2ll11mgs - .............. ....,. ......V • OLD · IDlImm - SpoU hcIIK 32136 - 5NiecI Ml ~ . St*d ~II-,s
FH -2Q,l,V • 0 LO 130 mm - 8 Speed $IHllrHwtlttl_ - SpoU hoitI 32/301 - SNtd 6.tsI C\4I • SNtd bw ...
's,.d ~ . Slftl - lMIAIvtd ..... - ~ 12/23 -11'25 -13!23 - D!26 - \4124 - \6!23
I--MIRA6EB_!iDeed _ """'"

• IIIId 116 lP.s - Il'"tltd ptn\IgoIIiI "'"
'echmcal speer ca Ions """V • u.-prGIIt crris L 17'll mm - ~
EI.I-Onvt ctIwmgs 39 I 52 - 42 I 52

IIO-ZlNI . , Speed - ArodtztcI · lTIiIlP'UIl sprockeI 21 leeIIl- Capay. 261H1l1

o u.-""",, crIIlksc L 170 - 175 1M'! - AtloliltlI
Eu- Dnw e~ 3O J40 .50 - )2 1'2 .52
110-0"11 0 eSpeed - ~ - muiTvn sp-ockft 21 lftlh - ~ J11Mlll SNltd cW1cl9t • SymmtlrOUil m. - S1tI4 ~ - Il-.n 36 I 24 1pi - ~ Be 137111 24 1pi
For doublt ariM! - ~~ ~ !"" -1olaI, chIir'tin9' 51 tee!II BB·l1MI CAIlT • For IIoublt erankstl - Ftf l~. lor frame wrth e 21.6 mm Hal tube -IT thmd - A>It L m
FD-'1SVL • 8rm -on - Anod>ztd
0 Clip-on e 21,6 mm - AnocIlltll
BB-t3~1 CART a FII' doubl. crankstl · II' lri~ lor JrllT4 with e 28.6 mm Hal tube - Be lhru d - All. L m
FO-22FVL 0 C~p -Qtl 0 32 mm - Anodiltcl
88-0110113 a For lrlpl. erln'set lor Irame with 0 32 or 35 mm stallube - IT thread - AIlt L. 115.5
BB-C3MI3 0 For lriple crtnkSft !1lI' Iraml wit!1l!132 or 35 mm stl! lubl · Be thread - AxIt L 115,5
FD-23m 0 C~p-on 0 35 mm - Anod,a~ BR -22AV • DuaI-Piwl - Heigh! J9+5O mm - Anodiltd
For ~t trankset - CilpK'ly 22 lttth- loIal, ctlainring 52 letth
ft)-2ISYl3 0 Braze-on - AncOtId
WIlllUElE PUTE ,I,j-12CO • 11m - TD IiIlRItr bottom bracktl illtU

FO- 21M.3 0 C~-on' 28,6 IIlIII • Anoa'aG

FO-22FVl.3 0 Clip-on' 32 nvn - AnocrIltcI
EC-oe~ CG • ' flIIt ~ - ~ spTVj - kGilld ..... - \WI Qbln rd ~ - No IIW ID.Isnj ,.".
-:IONI • OLD 1111 nvn - Spok1t ....' l2J)6 - SeIItd lMt ~ - 5e* tIMr'rl95 Camp;Il;jnolo cannot guar,nl.e In. supenor perlormante and fu nctIOn 01 115 , Speed system, u nless atl ?ht tompo-
Mflll makong up tn. driYe-set lire uHd in COflJunc:lion, These t omponents _ e specllicaUy dK.gned 10 Iw Inttt1l1 -
FH-20t4 • O,LO 130 IIlIII - , SpMclllttl!rHwhetI boltt - Sp:M hcIIK 32J36 - Se*fl Ml tl4I- SUed bf¥Ilg$
t .cl and complemeoled with Nt~ Don' Mttte lor lIn)thing but the bHt!
cs-08SP . , Spftd UHn. - StIiII- Ga..... hitI toe,....... tv2'J - lZ-15 - T1I2J -1JI26 - W26-1612J


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