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Year 1 and 2 Term 4

As Theologists, we will be answering the

key questions—Which faith does Passover
belong to and how is it celebrated? How
Celebration of Learning— important is it for Jewish people to do
what God asks them to do?
WOW Event— Children will be making
and decorating cushions in DT
As Artists, we will be exploring
As Musicians, we will be learning and perform- Textiles and making a cushion
ing the song Zoo time which is a reggae song by
Joanna Mangona

As Technologists, we will be learning to As Athletes, children will be learning to throw and catch and variety of differ-
combine different materials. ent balls with control.
Year 1 children will be having netball with the sports coaches.

As Scientists we will be exploring materials and learning to

 Understand the difference between an object and the material it is made from
 Identify and name everyday materials
 Identify properties of everyday materials
 Investigate how the shape of some objects can be changed
 Compare and group materials
 Identify how materials are used because of their properties
As Mathematicians, this term we will be focusing on

Using efficient strategies to add and , subtract two digit num-

multiplying and dividing and recalling times tables at speed.
As Writers, this term we will be focusing on
Measuring and comparing lengths using cm.
In all writing we will be expecting children to use
Understanding fractions and finding equivalent fractions and
cursive writing neatly and to take pride in the
fractions of numbers.
presentation of their work.
Answering questions about bar charts and pictograms and cre-
This term we will be exploring the following objec- ating our own.
tives through a story unit on ‘No lie, pigs (and their
houses) can fly!’ which is an alternative version of As readers, we are focusing on
The three little pigs.  Reading common exception words at speed
 Use past and present tense consistently in writ-  Understanding what we have read by answering complex
ing. questions about the text.

 Use the progressive form of verbs (ing)  Using expression when reading aloud.

 Use apostrophes for singular possession. To improve our spelling, we will

 Form nouns using the suffixes er and ness and  Learn to spell common exception words by heart
use compound words for nouns. alongside learning new phonic spellings

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