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Prayers of the Faithful: Mass Celebrating Marriage

Priest: God the Father, source of all life and love designed marriage to unite a man and a
woman to each other and any children who come from their relationship. Let us pray to Him in
sincerity of heart as we celebrate marriage today.
1. We thank and praise God for guiding Mark and Thienbao to come together. Through the
sacrament of Matrimony today let the Lord link them into one love, that they may have divine
assistance at every moment, the rich blessing of children a warm love reaching out to others
and good health until a ripe old age.
Let us pray to the Lord
Congregation: Lord hear our prayer
2. Tai tiec cuoi Cana, Chua da thanh hoa doi tan hon bang phep la hoa nuoc la, thanh ruou
ngon voi sui hien dien cua Me rat thanh. Xin Chua va Me Maria luon luon hien dien trong cuoc
doi doi Tam Hon de ho song tron hanh phuc trong an sung cua Thien Chua.
Chung con cau xin Chua
Cong doan: Xin Chua nham loi chung con
3. For all married couples, especially for Mark and Thienbao that they continue to live their
vocation of love the love of the Holy Family, the gift of their life toegether every day. By this
marriage, two families have been united. May The Holy Family continue to be a source of their
love, support and guidance through Mark and Thienbao’s Life
Let us pray to the Lord
Congregation: Lord hear our prayer
4. Lay Chua xin cho doi tan hon biet hy sinh nhan nhuc tha thu trung thanh voi nhau trong tinh
yeu ma Chua vua ket hop de cung xay dung mot gia dinh thanh thien, dao duc va hanh fuc noi
guong Thanh gia.
Chung con cau xin Chua
Cong doan: Xin Chua nham loi chung con
5. May God bless all the relatives and friends especially the parents of Mark and Thienbao.
That God may give peace in our heart for today, hope in our hearts for tomorrow and love in
our hearts forever. We also pray for those who have gone before us to the other side of life.
And silently, we offer the Lord our own prayer.
Let us pray to the Lord
Congregation: Lord hear our prayer

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