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HOMEWORK 1: Paraphrasing

Paraphrase the following paragraphs:

Possibly the most influential of the early experiences for the child’s future academic career is
his encounter with his teacher. Through him or her, the child encounters the educational
system. If things go well, the child learns to cope adequately with academic demands and
derives satisfaction from being able to do so. If things go badly, the child becomes suspicious
of the teacher's and the system's purposes. The child then closes his mind to the teacher's
efforts and either learns to beat the system, withdraws into himself, or becomes a little rebel.

Bettelheim, Bruno and Zelan, Karen. On learning to read: The Child's Fascination with Meaning. New York: Knopf, 1982.

It is quite obvious that healthy people are happier than unhealthy people. What is now
becoming increasingly evident through study is that the reverse is also true: happy people
are healthier than unhappy people. It appears that happiness, which simply means having
happy thoughts most of the time, causes biochemical changes in the brain that in turn have
profoundly beneficial effects on the body’s physiology.

Chopra, Deepak. Creating Health: How to Wake up the Body’s Intelligence. Boston:Houghton Mifflin, 1987.

Like verbal communication, nonverbal communication exists in a context, and that context
determines to a large extent the meanings of any nonverbal behaviors. The same nonverbal
behavior may have a totally different meaning when it occurs in another context. A wink of the
eye to an attractive person on a bus means something completely different from a wink of an
eye to signify a lie. Similarly, the meaning of a given bit of nonverbal behavior depends on
the verbal behavior it accompanies or is close to in time. Pounding the fist on a table during a
speech in support of a politician means something quite different from the same fist pounding
in response to news of friend's death. Of course, even if we know the context in detail, we
still might not be able to decipher the meaning of the nonverbal behavior. In attempting to
understand and analyze nonverbal communication, however, it is essential to take full
recognition of the context.

Seal, Bernard. Academic Encounter. Human Behavior. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997.
A) Bruno Bettelheim and Zelan Karen wrote that the most important role in children’s schooling is
experience with his teacher. Over teachers they meet school system. If they are satisfied, it would
positive affected on their education and will for it. On the other hand, if they are dissatisfied can
lead to a child is alienated and create resistance to the system.

B) According to Chopra, 1987. health is closely linked to mood of the people. Furthermore, positive
energy leads to changes in the internal body and positively affects on human health. All in all,
desirable is be happy to stay healthy.

C) According to Seal, 1977. verbal and nonverbal communication exists in a context. But, in
nonverbal, unlike verbal, communication we have to determine meaning of the enunciated
text. Differences between cultures can often lead to misunderstanding between people of
different cultures. In some cultures view directly in the eyes is a sign of disrespect, such as
in China, while in other cultures is considered disrespectful when no eye contact.

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