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Software documentation

The SEISRACKS2 software provides a tool to test and verify various rack structures using the
assumptions and guidelines proposed in FEM 10.2.08 and the draft EC8 documentation, as
well as the results of the SEISRACKS2 project.

The software accepts input in the form of a structured text file. The format of the file is
presented in Appendix A and a template spreadsheet file is provided as a guide.

The software processes the input to create an analytical model of the structure and displays
a wireframe representation of the model in a viewing window. The structure members are
color-coded by type (beam, upright, back bracing, horizontal bracing, frame bracing). The
user can inspect the model by enabling the display of node, FEM beam and member
numbers or using the mouse right-click to rotate it. Left-clicking on a member brings up a
tooltip window with member section data. The Window menu option New window creates a
new view window which the user can manipulate to display a different view of the structure.

The software can export the model to CCS’ INSTANT steel software where it can be
examined in every detail. The INSTANT steel software is made available to the SEISRACSK2
project partners for free with the expressed provision that they only use it in the context of
the project work and not for any commercial gain. Please contact CCS at to
obtain a license code for the activation of the software.


Loads and masses

The structure definition contains the bay loads to be applied and these loads are also
converted into nodal masses on the bay level nodes, using the ED2 mass activation factor
supplied. A separate model is created and solved for various mass configurations. For the
first model, the masses are applied to all levels, then starting from the bottom level, they are
removed level by level.

Spectral analysis

The software takes into account the effect of the effective spectrum modification factor K D
as described in paragraph 7.5 Design parameters for seismic analysis of document TC 344 WI
00344007:2013 (E). ED3 is taken to be equal to 0.67 as proposed in section 7.5.2b.

The software implements the multimodal spectral analysis procedure detailed in Appendix
B. The spectrum configuration is detailed by the user in the input file.

The software produces 8 directional combinations using the seismic response results.


After the analysis has completed successfully the software scans the results of the spectral
analysis combinations over all solved models and selects the most unfavorable results for
the displacements of each level nodes, the reactions at the supports as well as the internal
forces of each beam type (upright, beams, frame, horizontal and back braces) and can
generate a report document that can be exported to RTF or HTML formats.


The software analysis options can be configured by changing option values in the Analysis
section of the initialization file (INSTANT.INI) found in the software Bin folder. These options
are read every time the software starts and persist until it is closed.

The default option values are presented below:


The options and their usage are detailed below:

AutoModesMassLimitPct = 1.0 The minimum percentage of mass that will be used when
automatically selecting modes for the spectral analysis. Valid
values are in the range 0.0 – 100.0 inclusive.

UseModifiedKFreeVib = 1 Enables or disables the use of the modified stiffness matrix

due to the geometric effect of existing static loads on the
structure. Valid values are 0 (disabled) and any non-zero

ConvergenceLimit = 0.05 The tolerance limit for the N-R method convergence test.
Valid values are any non-zero positive real number.
MaxIterations = 15 Maximum number of iterations for the N-R method. Valid
values are any non-zero positive integer number.
Appendix A
Text project file format

The software has the ability to read and understand a text file of the format described

Any line which starts with a semicolon (;) is considered a comment line and is skipped during

The format requires the presence of regions with special reserved names. Currently, the
following names are reserved:



The PROJECT_DATA region must always be the first one in the file, as the project file version
defines how subsequent regions are interpreted. The order of the other regions is not
important, but all regions must be present in a file for the import to succeed.

Each region must have the data in the specific format described in the template. For
example, the SECTION_DATA region contains the sections data in the shape of a table, so
it must start by defining the number of rows and then provide each row with the items.
Other regions, such as SPECTRAL_DATA are simply listing their values one on each row.

Important note: The symbol for decimal point must be the period (.) so that the software
can correctly parse the floating point values. Please make sure this is the setting used by
your system.

The syntax of each region is detailed below:


The region contains general project information and provides the following values:

File version (currently 4): Integer number

Project name: Alphanumeric string
Date of project file: Alphanumeric string
Frame width: Floating point number
Viscous damping coefficient: Floating point number


The region contains section definitions with inertial data in a tabular form:

Count of rows: Integer number

<Count> rows with the following values:

Section index number: Integer number

Section name: Alphanumeric string
Section area Ax in cm2: Floating point number
Section area Ay in cm2: Floating point number
Section area Az in cm2: Floating point number
Section inertia Ix in cm4: Floating point number
Section inertia Iy in cm4: Floating point number
Section inertia Iz in cm4: Floating point number

NODES region

The region contains 2D coordinates of the front plane of the configuration.

Count of rows: Integer

<Count> rows of the following data:

Node index number: Integer number

Z node coordinate in mm: Floating point number
Y node coordinate in mm: Floating point number


The region contains beam release configurations in a tabular form:

Count of rows: Integer

<Count> rows of the following data:

Beam release index: Integer number

Release in rotation about local X: Integer flag (0 = free or 1 = blocked)
Spring value KRx in (KNm/rad2) for release in rotation about local X if release is free: Floating
point number
Release in rotation about local Y: Integer flag (0 = free or 1 = blocked)
Spring value KRy (KNm/rad2) for release in rotation about local Y if release is free: Floating
point number
Release in rotation about local Y: Integer flag (0 = free or 1 = blocked)
Spring value KRz (KNm/rad2) for release in rotation about local Z if release is free: Floating
point number


The region contains supports release configurations in a tabular form:

Count of rows: Integer

<Count> rows of the following data:

Support release index: Integer number

Release in translation about global X: Integer flag (0 = free or 1 = blocked)
Spring value KDx in (KN/m) for release in translation about global X if release is free: Floating
point number
Release in translation about global Y: Integer flag (0 = free or 1 = blocked)
Spring value Kdy in (KN/m) for release in translation about global Y if release is free: Floating
point number
Release in translation about global Z: Integer flag (0 = free or 1 = blocked)
Spring value KDz in (KN/m) for release in translation about global Z if release is free: Floating
point number
Release in rotation about global X: Integer flag (0 = free or 1 = blocked)
Spring value KRx in (KNm/rad2) for release in rotation about global X if release is free:
Floating point number
Release in rotation about global Y: Integer flag (0 = free or 1 = blocked)
Spring value Kry in (KNm/rad2) for release in rotation about global Y if release is free:
Floating point number
Release in rotation about global Z: Integer flag (0 = free or 1 = blocked)
Spring value KRz in (KNm/rad2) for release in rotation about global Z if release is free:
Floating point number

BAYS region

This region contains definitions of bays using node indexes in a tabular form. Each bay is
defined as starting from a top-left node and ending on a bottom-right node. The load on the
bay is entered in kilograms and is also transformed in an appropriate mass value. The bay
beams use the section and beam releases defined with the relevant indices.

Count of rows: Integer number

<Count> number of rows of the following data:

Bay index: Integer number

Level node1 index (Top-Left or bay): Integer number
Level node2 index (Bottom-Right of bay): Integer number
Section index: Integer number
Load (kg): Floating point number
Beam releases index: Integer number


This region contains the definition of the frame braces configurations. For each
configuration, there is also another table defining the arrangement of braces from bottom
to top. The frame braces will use the beam release specified for both ends.

Count of configurations: Integer number

<Count> number of rows of the following data:

Index of frame braces configuration: Integer number

Braces count in configuration: Integer number
Start height of frame braces (mm): Floating point number
Beam releases index: Integer number

<Count> number of tables with the following data:

<Count> number of rows with the following data:

Index of braces: Integer number

Brace type (X, /, \, -, *): Alphanumeric character
Height of brace (mm): Floating point number
Frame brace section index: Integer number
Frame braces section A/Anet factor: Floating point number

FRAMES region

This region contains the definition of the frames using the indexes of bays and braces. The
frame is defined from the bottom starting node to the topmost node.

Count of rows: Integer number

<Count> number of rows of the following data:

Index of frame: Integer number

Index of frame node1 (bottom): Integer number
Index of frame node2 (top): Integer number
Section index for uprights: Integer number
Bracing index: Integer number
Support release index: Integer number


This region contains the definition of the horizontal braces positions. Please note that since
all the back bracing systems implemented require horizontal braces to transfer forces to the
front uprights, only additional horizontal braces need to be defined here.

The beam releases for the horizontal braces are always the following: Dx, Dy, Dz, Rx blocked
and Ry, Rz free.

Count of rows: Integer number

<Count> number of rows of the following data:

Index of horizontal brace: Integer number

Index of bay: Integer number
Section index for braces: Integer number


This region contains the definition of the back brace system to be used for all back braces.
Please note that all back bracing systems implemented also create horizontal braces to
transfer forces to the front uprights.

Back offset distance (mm): Floating point number

Back brace type (1 = 1b, 2 = 1c, 3 = 2b, 4 = 3b): Integer number
Section1 (uprights) index: Integer number
Section2 (beams) index: Integer number
Section3 (other) index: Integer number


This region contains the definition of the back braces positions using four corner node
indexes. Please note that although the format allows the definition of the back braces at any
position, it is advisable to apply back braces to a complete column of bays.

Count of rows: Integer number

<Count> number of rows with the following data:

Index of back brace: Integer number

Index of top-left node: Integer number
Index of bottom-right node: Integer number
Index of top-right node: Integer number
Index of bottom-left node: Integer number
Beam release index: Integer number

Note: The Beam release index parameter affects only the back braces themselves and not
any other beams required for the implementation of the system (offset beams, extra


This region contains the definition of the spectral data.

Region acceleration (g): Floating point number

Ground type (1-5): Integer number
Importance category (1-4): Integer number
Spectrum type (1, 2): Integer number
qx (cross aisle) factor: Floating point number
qz (down aisle) factor: Floating point number
ED1 factor: Floating point number
ED2 factor: Floating point number

;SEISRACKS2 project file

Default template
;Frame width (mm)
;Viscous damping coefficient

; Name Ax (cm2) Ay (cm2) Az (cm2) Ix (cm4) Iy (cm4)
Iz (cm4)
1 B100x50x5 1.2 0.8 0.3 60.5 61.75 88.75
2 B100x50x6 1.3 0.9 0.4 60.5 65.32 89.33
3 B100x50x7 1.6 1 0.4 70.11 69.54 95.01
4 FB80x50x5 1 0.6 0.3 50.3 52.6 70.3
5 HB40x40x6 0.7 0.7 0.2 40.1 40.1 50.2
6 BB50x7 0.4 0.4 0.4 30.5 42.3 45.7
7 SHS40x40x4 5.683 2.841 2.841 19.49 12.14 12.14

;Only the 2D coordinates of front plane nodes are required, and the frame
width provides the rest
; Z (mm) Y (mm)
1 0 0
2 1200 0
3 2800 0
4 0 1000
5 1200 1000
6 2800 1000
7 0 2200
8 1200 2200
9 2800 2200
10 0 2400
11 1200 2400
12 2800 2400

; Rx KRx (KNm/rad2) Ry KRy (KNm/rad2) Rz KRz
1 1 0 1 0 0 42
2 1 0 1 0 0 0
3 1 0 0 0 0 0

; Dx KDx (KN/m) Dy Kdy (KN/m) Dz KDz (KN/m) Rx KRx
(KNm/rad2) Ry KRy (KNm/rad2) Rz KRz (KNm/rad2)
1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 50 1 0 0
2 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 50 1 0 0

;The bay definition uses the node indexes
; Level node1 Level node2 Section Load (Kg) Beam releases
1 4 5 3 800 1
2 5 6 3 500 1
3 7 9 3 500 1

;The frame braces are defined as a sequence of brace types at various
; Braces count Start (mm) Beam releases
1 6 100 2
2 5 100 2

; Brace type Height (mm) Section A/Anet of brace sections

1 X 200 4 0.86
2 X 150 4 0.86
3 / 350 4 0.86
4 \ 500 4 0.86
5 / 400 4 0.86
6 - 0 4 0.86

; Brace type Height (mm) Section A/Anet of brace sections

1 X 200 4 0.74
2 X 150 4 0.74
3 / 350 4 0.74
4 \ 900 4 0.74
5 - 0 4 0.74

;The frame definition uses node indexes and braces indexes
; Frame node1 (bottom) Frame node2 (top) Section (uprights)
Bracing Support release
1 1 10 2 1 1
2 2 11 2 2 1
3 3 12 2 1 1

;Horizontal braces are defined using bay indexes
; Bay index Section
1 1 5
2 2 5
3 3 5

;Back braces stuff
;Offset distance (mm)
;System description
;Section1 (uprights)
;Section2 (beams)

;Back bracings are defined using four corners node indexes
; TopLeft BotRight TopRight BotLeft Beam releases
1 4 2 5 1 3
2 8 3 9 2 3
3 7 5 8 4 3

;Region acceleration (g)
;Ground type (1-5)
;Importance (1-4)
;Spectrum type (1,2)
;qx (cross aisle)
;qz (down aisle)
Appendix B

Multimodal spectral analysis

This method is a multimodal spectral stepwise non-linear analysis. It offers the following
advantages against other approaches that were examined:

 It uses seismic data that is well defined in every national design code (parameterized
spectra, importance categories, regional acceleration limits etc.).
 It uses fast, reliable and reasonably accurate algorithms and procedures
(substitution Newton-Raphson, CQC).
 It can be combined with existing software.
 It is easy to use and understand even for users without specialized knowledge
(simple presentation of variables and data, user is not required to know the
implementation details).

The method procedure can be described as follows:

1. Static non-linear analysis (step by step) for permanent (G) and live (Q) loads to
compute the RGQ response.
2. Static linear analysis of a special loading case combination with G and Q loads to
simulate the loading conditions existing on the structure at the time the earthquake
3. Modification of the structure stiffness matrix to account for the geometric effect of
the deformation imposed by step 2.
4. Calculation of the critical participating modes in each seismic direction using the
modified stiffness matrix calculated in step 3.
5. For every mode i the corresponding static load Hi is calculated. This load simulates
the seismic load in the specific direction.
6. Static non-linear analysis (step by step) for G, Q and Hi loads to compute the RGQHi
7. Steps 3 and 4 are repeated for every participating Eigenmode.
8. The part corresponding to the modal response is calculated using the following

9. The total seismic response RH for the specific direction is obtained with the
application of CQC method :

RH   RHRH
i j
ij i j

ij 
 
8 i j i   j 3/2

     
104 1  2  4i j 1  2  4 i2   j2 2

ζi, ζj : critical damping for i and j modes respectively.

ρ = Tj/Ti

Ti, Tj : period of i and j modes respectively

Calculation of the final response for a seismic direction using:

R = RGQ + RH

The steps 1 and 4 require the non-linear analysis for large displacements which is done
using the Substitution Newton-Raphson method.

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