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May this guidebook and all its contents inspire you to

release your faith in fear and choose to have faith in LOVE!

Some important details:

This guidebook is for your personal use only and is only for people who have completed
the 40-Day Fear Cleanse hosted by Christine Arylo and Gabrielle Bernstein. All worldwide
rights are reserved and owned by Christine Arylo and Gabrielle Bernstein. No part may
be repurposed or distributed in part or in whole in any form or by any means, or stored
in a database or retrieval system without prior written permission.

© 2011 by Christine Arylo and Gabrielle Bernstein.

Visit Christine & Gabby on their websites



To Keep On Bustin’ Through the Fear into Love, check out

Inner Mean Girl Reform School

Receive the free Transformation Starter Kit for transforming the self-sabotaging voices of
your inner critic into the self-loving and self-empowering voices of your Inner Super Heroine!

Madly in Love with ME

Get the official and free Self Love Kit – includes a hand illustrated mini-guidebook, audios
on How to Practice Radical Self Care, How to Stop Being So Hard on Yourself, and How to
Choose ME before WE in your Relationships.


Join over 9,000 women …

For questions about the Fear Cleanse or other 40-day Self Love Practices, contact us at:
2625 Alcatraz #301, Berkeley, CA 94705 USA

What’s Included in this Guidebook

Welcome to the 40-Day Fear Cleanse guidebook!

This handy book contains all the fear-busting, freedom-loving practices you learned
throughout the cleanse, including Love Dares, Love & Miracle Generating Actions, and
Fear Busting Field Trips. Use it as a reference, a source of inspiration, and a reminder of all
we experienced during our Fantastical Adventure into Freedom together!

We live in a fear-based world, and one of fear’s nastiest tricks is to convince you that you
can’t sustain your freedom-loving, miracle-making ways on your own.

This guidebook is your antidote to fear-based thinking.

You’ve got a toolbelt full of methods for taking down fear and for building super-strong
faith and love muscles. You’ve seen firsthand the power of choosing LOVE. And you can
continue to clear the fear, open space for love, usher in abundance and experience
miracles every day.

This guidebook is organized in the same order you experienced the Fear Cleanse:

• Exposing Fear 04
• Emotional Freedom 07
• Relationship Freedom 11
• Financial Freedom 15
• Health Freedom 18
• Personal Liberation! 20

It’s a courageous and daring act to expose your fear for what it really is: a lie that keeps
you from love and miracles. We honor and high-five you for your heart’s power to show up
for yourself and to share the truth!

Whenever fear creeps in, repeat this mantra three times:

I choose to have faith in love. I release my faith in fear.

Love Dare: Be Aware of the Fear
Notice how your brand of fear is showing up in your life. Notice your action when fear
comes on the scene.

• Do you overwork, overeat, overcompensate, overdo or under-do?

• Get controlling? Busy? Mad at or blaming other people?
• Fall into your computer? Disconnect? Procrastinate?
• Straighten the junk drawer? Obsess?
• Start asking lots of people their opinion?
• Move into thinking about the past or the future?
• Start asking “Why?” when all that does is keep the mind game going?

When you notice it, ask yourself these three questions:

• What’s the cost?
• What are the benefits?
• What’s the truth?

Love Dare: Feel the Fear

Notice how the fear shows up in your body. Is it control? Do you feel anxiety? A knot in
your shoulder blade? A spinny head? A lump in your throat? Sweaty palms?
When you notice your body tweaking, contracting, or moving into overdrive, stop and
feel the fear. How? Breathe into the fear! Just like Gabby did in the Day 1 call, for 90 seconds
breathe into the space within your body that is exhibiting the feeling, and feel it. The feeling
allows you to release it so you don’t have to eat over it, have sex over it, work over it, etc.
Facing and feeling the fear is a big part of releasing it and taking away its power!

Love Dare: Act Anyway
As you start to notice the fear and feel it, find love and faith as you breathe through it and
pick one courageous action you can take from your heart.

Fear-Busting Action: Witness Your Fear

1. Set an alarm on your phone or computer that will go off every hour on the hour
for one day—label it “Be Fear Aware.” When the alarm pops up, take a few moments to
notice how your brand of fear is influencing your thoughts.
2. Notice how those thoughts are affecting your energy and breathe into it for 90
3. Ask yourself, “How is my energy affecting my experiences?”

Fear-Busting Field Trip: Flip Your Fear

1. Step One: Make a Fear Portrait. Write down or draw pictures of the fear(s) you
invited onto the Fear Cleanse. Making them visual is important—it lets you
access different points of awareness.

2. Step Two: Write a Fear Exposé. For each fear, write the answers to these three

• What’s been the cost of believing this fear?
• What’s been the benefit of believing this fear?
• What lies has this fear told you and had you believing?

3. Step Three: Turn the Fear Into Love. Truth is a powerful transformer, one you can
use to blast fear out of the water and usher in love. So for each of the fears, ask
yourself a fourth question: “What is the truth?” Write the answer in BIG letters!

4. Step Four: Wear the Truth of Love. For 3 days, flip the lens you wear in your life
from fear to truth and truth to fear and notice how things appear differently.
Notice what actions you could take differently. And if you dare . . .
ACT FROM TRUTH and see what happens!

Love- and Miracle-Generating Action: Choose Only Love for One Whole Day!
Fear and Love have entirely different energy. Part of what you received during the 40-Day
Fear Cleanse is the ability to know the difference between the two.For one day, make a
conscious effort to

fill your mind, body and spirit with love—all day long.
Notice all the ways that fear tries to get in, and choose love instead.

• Feel fear creeping up in your body or emotions? Use the power of your love mantra:

I choose to have faith in love

Say it to yourself or out loud until the feeling of fear releases.
• Surfing the Internet or watching television and feel the fear vibes coming at you?
Turn off the screen and find an image to look at that VIBRATES LOVE.
• Interacting with someone who wants to start a fight, complain, gossip or engage
in some other bad-juju activity? Excuse yourself and literally, physically, shake
your body to shake off the fear.

Notice how many messages of fear are coming at you every day. And notice the sources
that they are coming from. You will learn tons about how fear is seeping in to your mind,
body and spirit in ways you probably don’t usually realize.

Remember these 3 Rules of Love & 3 Truths about Fear

love expands • fear contracts

love opens your heart • fear closes your heart

love always connects • fear always disconnects

Love Dare: Start Your Day in Love

Notice the first 6 things you do or ingest every morning. Count them. Notice which ones
create love-based emotions and which create fear-based emotions. How you start your
day is how you will live your day. Checked your Blackberry before you peed? You just created
overwhelm before honoring your body! Jumped out of bed before saying your daily
mantra and taking a self-love soak, then you just started your day without spirit. Downed
coffee before saying hello to the sun? You just filled your body with toxins it’s not ready to

Challenge yourself to only TAKE IN LOVE for the first 6 things you do or ingest every morn-
ing. Notice the difference in your day!

Love Dare: Talk to Your Fear. Listen to Your ~ing!

Throughout the day, when you fear shows up—either in emotions or through your Inner
Mean Girl or Inner Bully voice:

• Ask it out loud, “What do want to tell me?”

• Then ask, “What are you trying to protect me from?” Thank it.
• Then say, “Okay, what do you need to hear right now to believe that we are
safe, and you don’t need to protect me?” Repeat that back to yourself out loud.

Love Dare: Show Off Fear’s Costume. Bring Your Inner Mean Girl or Inner
Bully to Life!
Now that you know you are NOT your fear, and that your fear loves to dress up in costume
as your Inner Mean Girl or Inner Bully, name and then draw or find a picture that represents
him or her. Start having a relationship with that voice that is loving—love yourself back
from fear!

Love Dare: Write a Fear Exposé

Expose the one major fear you are clearing big time:
1. THE FEAR: Name the fear (the fear of...)
2. LOVE CRACK: What is the incident that caused the crack?
3. LIE: What is the Lie this fear has had you believing? What has it been
trying to protect you from?
4. IMPACT: What’s been the impact on your life?
5. LOVE TRUTH: What is the real truth?

Love Dare: Laugh at the Ego’s Tiny Mad Ideas

In the metaphysical text Gabby teaches, A Course in Miracles, “ego” is the same as fear.
Today, practice laughing at the ego’s tiny mad ideas.

When we witness our fear, we can see how nuts

fear can make us

— how crazy we become! So laugh at the ego’s tiny mad ideas. Laugh at your fear. When
you feel like fear has you in a headlock, take a moment to look at the chaos … and laugh.
If you need help to laugh at the ego’s crazy fear-based belief system, call one of your
friends or spiritual running buddies and out your fear to them so they can help you laugh.
Enjoy the shift that happens when you start to laugh at your fears!

Love Dare: Be Grateful for Your Freedom

• Express your Freedom Gratitude. Answer these questions: “What freedom am I

grateful for? In what ways do I already experience freedom that I am grateful for?”
• Throw your Gratitude Net wide … Think about the freedom you have in all the
areas of your life: Your career, where you live, how you dress, what you say, how
you express yourself. Think about your political, sexual, and relationship freedom.
Think about the freedom in how you spend your time, money, energy. Think about
the parts of you that are more free today than they’ve been in the past.
• Throw your Gratitude Net deep. Think beyond everything that comes to mind
first: Go back and forth asking and answering the question until you get past the
obvious. You’ll be surprised by the different freedoms that you never may have
appreciated before.
• Go public with your freedom: Have a conversation with yourself by making a list in
your journal or go back and forth with a friend.

Fear-Busting Field Trip: Take Your Fear for a Walk

Fear can consume our mind and act out in many ways. We can compare our fear to an
angry dog off a leash. If you fight with an angry dog, he only becomes crazier. But if you
simply strap on his leash and take him for a long walk, he can shake it off. So treat your
fear like that angry dog and get moving with it. Use your body as a tool for transforming
your fear through movement.

Step 1: Recognize when your fear has gotten the best of you. As you deepen this
practice it will become easier to catch your fear in the act. So for a couple
days, become hyper-conscious of when fear has you in a headlock.

Step 2: Record in your journal what your fear is telling you. Be honest about the
crazy chatter in your mind and get it down on paper. By writing your fear
down you separate yourself from the belief that you are your fear.

Step 3: Take your fear for a walk. Now that you’re conscious of the fact that your
fear was acting out like an angry dog, you can harness that fear with a
walk. Put on a positive perception playlist and jam out on a 20-minute (or
longer) walk through your neighborhood, the beach, the park, etc. Get off
your butt and move that fear through you.

Notice how the station in your mind shifts from 88.9 FEAR to 108.00 LOVE.
Notice the shifts in your body, in your emotions, in the evidence that your mind is
collecting to back up the beliefs running through your mind.

Love- and Miracle-Generating Action: Choose to Act from Freedom

We invite you to make a conscious effort to act from freedom and to fill your mind with
freedom-producing thoughts for one full day.

• Feel fear creeping up in your body or emotions? Use the power of your love mantra:
I CHOOSE TO HAVE FAITH IN LOVE. Say it to yourself or out loud until the feeling of
fear releases.
• Feeling like you don’t have a choice, that you’re being made to do something
you don’t want to? Stop, drop and meditate: Ask yourself, “What do I really want
to do?” Act from that place.
• Feel pressured to act from obligation or guilt, or not wanting to rock the boat?
Stop, drop and meditate: Tap into your heart. Find the place of LOVE you can act

Don’t act until you can find a place of love to move from.

Notice how much your thoughts control your actions and how much just changing the
frequency of your thoughts to 108.00 LOVE can change your actions and your experience!

Stop, drop and meditate.

Closing your eyes, scan through all your relationships or lack of desired relationships.

Ask your ~ing to answer this question:

“Am I currently pushing love away, and if so how?”

Love Dare: Take a Daily Inventory of Your Relationship Behavior

For the next 7 days, whenever you have an encounter with someone, witness how you’re
attacking, judging, making someone special, comparing, or projecting fear. Notice how
you rely on a weapon of fear instead of your heart.

Also notice when you choose your heart and act from its wisdom.

1. What is the impact (the benefit and cost)?

2. What is the truth? (What do you want to learn from this to build your faith muscle?)

Remember: Be honest. Self-love requires self-honesty. Be your own B.F.F. Best friends are
always honest with each other, and their honesty is compassionate.

Love Dare: Collect Evidence of Love

1. Schedule or spontaneously decide to go on an adventure to collect LOVE! Collect

evidence of love for 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour or an entire day.

2. Use all your senses to find evidence of love everywhere. See, smell, taste, feel,
and hear it. Literally breathe love in, take note of loving exchanges between others,
taste love in your food, smell love in a flower, hear love in a song or in a compliment
you receive, feel love when you take a moment to hug your dog or do
anything that opens your heart.

3. Actually collect the love. Throughout the day, using all your senses, seek out evidence
of love and collect it. You must capture this evidence of love somewhere, either by
writing it down, taking a picture of it, sharing it with your social network, recording it on
a voice recorder, whatever makes you happy.

• Pick your collection device of choice—a pocket-sized notebook, a digital
device you can write on, Post-It notes, or a camera you can snap pictures with.
• Keep the awareness as much as possible during your day-to-day interactions.
• Look for love even in the challenging moments.
• Be alert for spontaneous acts of love.
• Take a love-collecting field trip during lunch or in the late afternoon.
• When you can’t take physical notes, take a mental note, by pausing in the
moment, noticing the love and storing the event away in your mind and heart
as evidence that love exists everywhere.

Fear-Busting Action: Say NO to Fear Keeping You from Connection

#1: Be conscious of the weapons you use to push away love.

Identify the weapons you use most often:

Weapon 1: Recreating the past in the present

This is when you recreate the past in the present thinking that you’re “protecting your-
self” from being hurt again. You’re actually blocking true vulnerability, authenticity
and love. You bring in the past, relating it to the future, when in reality the only thing
connecting the two are your own fear and reaction to protect yourself.

When in fear, you blow present situations out of proportion because you have
attached them to previous pain. When in fear, you play out an entire story in your
head that has not even happened, trying to find solace in “knowing how the story goes.”

Weapon 2: Projection, leading to attack thoughts and judgment

When you don’t feel good enough or you have a fear about something in your life,
you project that fear onto others with attack thoughts and judgment. You project your
feelings of lack, inadequacy, imperfection, insecurity, etc. onto another person be-
cause you are unable to be with your own fear.

You’re not happy with yourself (body image, finances, romantic life, etc.)
so you “protect yourself” from these feelings by projecting those fears.
When in fear, you gossip, you talk trash, you make up stories. When in fear, you deliver
attack thoughts and words to people that you really care about. When in fear, you
find everything that is wrong with that person rather than what is right. When in fear,
you criticize, judge, compare.

Weapon 3: Making special idols

You make people perfect, special. Put them on a pedestal. Believe them to be free
of most human frailties and so when they do show up human, you suffer a love crack,
feel shocked, or allow yourself to be disillusioned about who they really are. This fear
actually blocks you from experiencing oneness in your relationships. You are acting
outside of yourself instead of in alignment with yourself.

When in fear, you act out of alignment with who you really are so that you can act
“cool,” fit in, give enough of yourself just to keep people around. When in fear, you
make others more special than you, creating separateness rather than oneness and
equality. When in fear, you stay in relationships based on ideals or potential instead of
reality. You hold people to unrealistic expectations and set yourself up to be let down.

Weapon 4: Building big walls

You have created big boundaries, like a fortress with a moat and big brick or steel
walls: you only let people get so close. But no one is getting in to the inner sanc-
tum where true vulnerability lives, where your pure heart lives. You have learned
you must be strong, not weak, never vulnerable. Be in control. And even if it looks
from the outside like you’re letting people in, the truth is that you haven’t really
even let yourself into the inside.

When in fear you tend to attack, you get bigger, you stab and run. You do any-
thing it takes to keep others out. When in fear you may also choose to retreat
completely, totally disconnect and just plow through to whatever needs to be
done, but you aren’t feeling a thing.

Weapon 5: Letting go of all boundaries
You have no boundaries, or at least very few. On the extreme you have been a door-
mat, letting others step all over you. In the middle, you have given yourself away,
let others be more important. Believed that if you just gave more, did more, loved this
person more, did a better job, then you would receive that love. You believe that the
love you are looking for comes from the love of another.

When in fear you tend to chase after the person, you lean into the relationship, and
you will overcompensate for that other person’s lack of ability or lack of choice to
lean in. You try to love and give enough for both of you. When in fear you put your
needs on hold or make them less important. You refrain from stating your needs or
setting boundaries because you are in fear that person will leave, reject you, be dis-
appointed, and so on.

Weapon 6: Hiding your heart away

You have hidden your heart so far away that you can’t even find it. You are
much more comfortable leading with your head or with your charisma
and personality than to really let anyone see the truth of your beautiful, pure
heart. You want a deeply intimate connection, yet you don’t even know where
to begin because you are so disconnected from your heart’s energy and wisdom.
It’s hard for you to be emotionally vulnerable.

When in fear you get all heady or confused. You create stories and focus on
the future or the present. You search for answers but can’t find them. Or you just
retreat completely into your own Private Idaho of reality where it feels safe,
a dream land, an alternate reality. When in fear, you get highly critical of yourself
and blame yourself for the failure of relationships, believing there is something
wrong with you. You have a hard time trusting that people will be there for you or
you trust the wrong people to be there for you.

#2: Start to FEEL your weapon of choice in your body.

In relationships, when faced with a situation that seemingly calls for you to pull up
a weapon of fear, stop and FEEL that weapon viscerally in your body.

#3: Choose LOVE in the moment, NOT fear.

In relationships, as you start to notice the weapon emerge, make the choice to
act from love instead of fear.

Become Aware of Your Major Financial Fear.
You may have several money fears, but one is at the root. Identify that fear. Here are the
most common—but yours may be different!

1. Not having enough

2. Not being good enough, not deserving, not getting paid what you are worth
3. Money is going to make you a bad person
4. It’s too hard to get there
5. Fear of asking for more and fear of negotiating

Love Dare: Account for Your Fear

There are three steps to this love dare, all in service of you becoming more aware and
more real about how fear is affecting your bank account. Break out your abacus: it’s time
to account for fear’s impact!

1. Be on alert. Every day, become conscious of when you are replaying your fear
story about money or tapping into an old anchor point based in money fear.
2. Stop. Drop. And feel. Ask yourself, “How is this fear affecting my energy?” Notice
whether you contract, disconnect, shrink, get tired, get anxious—these are all
snags in your energy.
3. Account for your bank account. Be honest and ask yourself, “How is this energetic
state affecting my bank account?” Make a list in your head or write one down.

Love Dare: Step Outside Your Comfort Zone

This is a hardcore love dare. Dr. Susan Jeffers, a bestselling author, inspirational speaker
and true Miracle Maker, says the only way to get rid of fear of doing something is to go
out and do it. And she’s 100% right.

So be willing to step outside your comfort zone and do what makes you uncomfortable.
Try it. Do it every chance you get. Sit with the funkiness. Feel it. Even if it’s extremely
uncomfortable, practice doing what scares you. Identify the things you’re unwilling to do
and do them anyway. Try one at first—step outside your comfort zone and fearlessly do it.
This is about progress, NOT perfection. Stepping outside your comfort zone sends a massive
message to the Universe: You are ready for change.

Fear-Busting Action, Change Your Mind Change Your Energy

1. Be aware of the fear attached to your money. Spot-check your financial fears.
Ask yourself – What am I thinking? What am I feeling? How is this affecting my
bank account? Take an inventory of your financial fear and be honest.
2. Forgive. Become conscious of the ways you’re carrying around financial fears
from your past. Are you holding onto the fears of your family, your spouse?
Are you unwilling to forgive yourself for poor financial decisions? Become willing
to forgive yourself and others.
3. Gratitude attitude. Having an attitude of gratitude awakens your love center.
Focus on the good stuff and be grateful for what you do have. This gratitude will ener-
gize you and help you attract more abundance into your life.
4. Receive and serve. True abundance comes from service. Being of service to the
world activates your inspiration muscles and opens your heart. Service elevates
your energy and raises your attracting power.

Fear-Busting Action: Feel the Fear

Miracle Maker Marie Forleo shared a secret for busting through financial fear. When you
get a statement, a bill, a notice, a phone call, or anything that REALLY gets your fear-
based thoughts riled up, don’t resist the fear. We have a natural inclination to resist the
bodily sensation of fear—but resisting it only prolongs it (sometimes for years). Instead,
allow yourself to feel it fully. It may be extremely uncomfortable, but it won’t last for more
than 12 seconds. And then it’s over. It won’t have a grip on you any longer.

Too paralyzed by fear to open the big, bad envelope or email? Too freaked out to call
the credit-card company or loan office? Invite a friend over to sit with you while you do it.
Once you’ve allowed yourself to feel the fear, open the letter or make the call, knowing
you have a trusted friend’s full support.

Fear of the unknown can be powerfully strong—when you take it on just by transforming
an unknown (“How much do I owe?!”) into a known (actual dollar amount), you’re em-
powered. You’ve busted through the fear and you can act from freedom.

Fear-Busting Field Trip:
Do what makes you uncomfortable about money for two whole days!

1. Pick the $$ fear that’s got the tightest grip on you, that you are sick and tired of letting
run your finances.

2. Take action to do just the opposite of what fear says you should. Be brave and step past
the fear, using love—be courageous! And know it will feel uncomfortable! Really be BOLD,
maybe even over the top, just to really stretch yourself out of the old rut. Get good and
comfy riding your edge so you can have a breakthrough!

Pick one of these fears that most has its grips on your bank account today, and challenge
yourself to try some of the comfort busting actions:

Not having enough. See yourself as having everything that you need. If fear is telling you
that you can’t because you don’t have enough money, get creative. If I didn’t have to
use cash, what could I use instead? Make requests. Barter. Get out of the numbers and
into the spirit of exchange. Get honest about what you do have, and acknowledge yourself
for what you do have—get grateful and challenge yourself to FEEL abundant.

Not being good enough, not deserving, not getting paid what you are worth. Go into
places that you think you could never afford and walk around as if you deserve to be
there. Bid on a project for three times more than you would normally charge. Put money
in a financial account, even if it’s $10. Ask for extra everything, and be open to receive it.

Money is going to make you a bad person. Act wealthy—not like a snob, but as if you
had lots and lots of extra cash. What good would you do in the world? Do that good now
in whatever way you can. Carry the queen or king mentality and share your wealth. Lis-
ten to songs that are about money being good—or make up your own jingles. Sing “I love
money, money is good!” 100 times each day!

It’s too hard to get there. Take five steps towards getting there—especially if they scare
you. Write down and acknowledge all the steps you’ve taken. Be bold, courageous and
go for it. Tell people you are going for it. Share your brilliance and all that you are accom-
plishing with the world.

Fear of asking for more and fear of negotiating. Negotiate for EVERYTHING! Ask for a lower
price when you’re at a store (even a big chain store). Call up your cable company and
ask for a lower monthly fee. Practice seeing negotiating as a conversation, not a confron-
tation or an argument.

Heal your body from the inside out!
Health freedom is all about…

1. Having a relationship with your body. Make it a LOVING relationship, not an

abusive one. Just like in an intimate partnership, you deserve to receive love,
respect, acceptance, and trust your body.

2. Treating your body as a moving temple! Adore it, adorn it, dance in it, fill it with
nourishment, beautify it, be grateful for your body and always keep it clean!

3. Regulating your body’s energy. Restore your energy. Retain your energy. Nourish
your body. Create harmony.

4. Seeing your body as your spiritual assignment. Notice what it’s trying to teach
you, tell you, show you.

Love Dare: Get Honest About How You Abuse Your Body
Common Ways We Abuse Our Bodies

• Punching Bag - Beat it up

• Workhorse/Slave - Drive into exhaustion
• Neglected Child - Forget about it, don’t take care of its basic needs
• Garbage Can - Dump garbage in, poor food choices
• Commando - Do over-the-top workouts, force it into shape

Ask your body, “How am I currently mistreating you?”

And listen to what it says!

Fear-Busting Action:
Become Aware of How Your Thoughts Affect Your Physical Condition.
• Become conscious of how your low level thoughts lower your energy and how
your high level thoughts raise your energy.

• Get clear on how fear is keeping you stuck in physical patterns and how you’ve
been denying your body love. Make a list of ways your fear keeps you stuck.

Fear-Busting Field Trip: Treat Your Body Like a Temple
This exercise strengthens your relationship with your body by guiding you to treat your
body like a temple. Your body temple deserves to be loved, nourished, beautifully
adorned and protected. We’re guiding you today to shine light on your body temple and
smother it with love.

Step One: Be Kind to Your Temple. Throughout the day be kind to your body. Repeat
the mantra:

”I love and appreciate my body.”

Enjoy the loving energy this mantra will ignite.

Step Two: Feed Your Temple Well. Make a commitment today to choose loving
foods. Maybe cut out the funky stuff like sugar, dairy or meat… Just for today nourish
your body with live foods: green juices, fresh fruits and clean grains. And chew your
food! Chew each bite sixty times. This action will guide you to eat slower, digest better
and actually taste your meal!

Step Three: Adorn Your Temple. This exercise is super fun! Dress up like you did as
a little kid. Pull your favorite outfit out from the back of the closet and dress your
temple up!

These exercises are very powerful. You respect your body by practicing these simple love
actions. Pay attention to your body today. Love your body, enjoy your body, be in your
body fully! Treat your body like a temple….

We are SO HAPPY you jumped on the Freedom Train
and took on your fears during this fantastical 40-day adventure!

Our commitment is to help you continue to take INSPIRED action

from a place of LOVE and FREEDOM,
to take on and take down FEAR,
and to welcome MIRACLES into your life every day.

Stay inspired … Connect with spirit … Usher in abundance

for Gabby’s free weekly vlogs, lecture downloads, meditations, and information
about her books, workshops and lectures.

for Christine’s audio course downloads, free monthly self-love letters, and details on her
books, coaching, workshops and lectures.

today, a free social networking site for women and girls to find mentors and be mentors.

Download your free Self-Love Kit at



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