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Transcript of the Session

Morty: Listen to a facilitator. Help a client get into the creator’s space. Please take note on the
[0:00:06.0] with facilitator’s words on the left and client’s words on the right.

Okay. There’s something else I’d like to do before we finish up the session and then the next
session we’ll come back. Now that you understand, we’ve done a little background. We found
the beliefs. We should be able to get, at least three, four, maybe even more beliefs in the
session and move just right along.

The other thing I’d like to do just real quickly here at the very end is to take a look at
something interesting that I think has just happened. That is you said when you started, “I am
someone for who mistakes and failures bear. I am someone who’d be rejected if I make a
mistake or fail.” Now you’re saying neither of these two things are true, right?

Client: Right, yeah.

Morty: Well, look inside. You still have experiences you lose. You’re still an [0:00:54.9] there?

Client: Yeah, I don’t think I’ve changed.

Morty: Okay. Some things changed about a couple of your beliefs. But there’s still sort of the “you.”
Logically, that doesn’t make sense. See, if you say “I am somebody who…,” you describe
yourself as your beliefs and then you eliminate what you say is your identity, then this you
should go away.

You may say it’s only a couple of beliefs but we can get rid of “I am not capable. I am not good
enough. I am not important.” We can do this fifty times with only basic beliefs you’ve got.
Anything you say “I am” and when you get done, there’s still going to be that internal sense of

Client: Yes.

Morty: So that leaves us with an interesting question. You can’t be your beliefs. You can’t be who
most people in the world think they are. For example, if I held up a mirror yesterday and say,
“See this person? He thinks mistakes and failures are right. They’re waiting for him. They don’t
bother him. He makes mistakes. He just shrugs it off. He says, “What do I learn out of this?”
And if he thinks he’s going to make a mistake, no big deal. People know about this. It doesn’t
make any difference and don’t think people give a damn one way or another.” Could that be

Client: Yeah.

Morty: Really? You could react that way yesterday? You had the beliefs.
Client: Yesterday? No. I understood the question if I didn’t have the beliefs…

Morty: No, no. The way you actually were. If I held up a mirror yesterday and say, “See this person?
He has no problem with mistakes. Could that be you?

Client: Yeah. No.

Morty: No, it couldn’t have been you because you were somebody for who mistakes and failure was
bad. It couldn’t be you. Somebody thought it was okay to make a mistake. That couldn’t have
been you because for you it wasn’t okay to make a mistake.

Basically, who you felt you were, part of your identity, has disappeared but you’re still here. It
only leaves one possible conclusion. You can’t be who you think you are. You and most people
who have experienced themselves that way can’t be their beliefs.

Client: Oh yeah. [0:03:24.4]

Morty: Okay. That leaves us with an interesting question. If you’re not who you thought you were up
until now, who are you really?

Client: I’m me.

Morty: Who is me? What is me? I’ll give you a clue where to look for the answer. How did the notion
mistakes and failure get into your head? The only place the belief existed was in your head,
how did it get there?

Client: I put them there.

Morty: Ah! Can you see that there had to be an “I” who put it there before there was an “it” that got

Client: Yes.

Morty: There has to be an interpreter of Mom and Dad’s behavior before there can be an

Client: Yes.

Morty: There’s got to be a belief creator before there can be a belief. Can you see who “I” really is, is
the creator of your beliefs, not the sum total of your beliefs?

Client: Yes.

Morty: That makes sense?

Client: It makes sense.

Morty: Yeah. Another way of saying this is a little metaphor that makes it even clearer. Who you really
are is a sculptor. When [0:04:37.1] was born is that this form of massive clay and you as the
sculptor looked at your model which in the beginning was Mom and Dad, later on it was
anything else you experienced in life. And you started sculpting. You looked at what they were
doing and little bits of mistakes and failure. If I make a mistake, I’ll be rejected. I’m not good
enough. I’m not important. I’m not capable.

You sculpt this piece of sculptor. Do you know what happens? When you’re done, you forget
that you’re the sculptor and you live your whole life as if you’re the piece of sculpture.

Client: Yeah. Yeah.

Morty: You’re not the piece of sculpture. Another way of putting it is that you’re not the creation.
There is a creation called [0:05:28.3]. The creation is the sum total of your beliefs. There is that
creation who has beliefs and who then feels certain ways, who’s afraid of public speaking.
There is. But that’s not who you really are.

Who you really are you could call it anything you want, but consciousness is as good a word as
any. Who you really are is the consciousness that gave meaning to these meaningless events.
You’re the consciousness that created that creation.

Client: Yeah.

Morty: That makes sense to you? Follow me?

Client: Oh yeah.

Morty: Yeah. Good. I think right now that you know that at very deep profound ways because there
are several ways to know something. One way to know something is by understanding it, and
understanding is just reason, logic, language. You can start to talk about things, right?

Client: Right.

Morty: And then there’s another way to know something which isn’t better. It’s just another way
that’s by experience. You can tell me, for example, about being a dentist. You can explain it
and show me pictures. I’ll say I understand that.

It’s interesting. I didn’t like to do that as a career. I wouldn’t like to do that. I totally
understand what you’re talking about, but you know it in the way I can’t possibly know it no
matter how much I read about it or listen about it because you’ve done it. You’ve got the
experience of it, right?

Client: Correct.

Morty: Good. There’s another way to know something, [0:06:51.9]. The other way to know something
is when you distinguish it, when you create it, when you literally bring something into being,
into existence. What you did a few moments ago is you distinguished yourself as the creator
from the creation.

Client: Yes.

Morty: Right now, take a look inside. Don’t you know that you’re the creator of your life in a way that
goes way beyond understanding or even experience?

Client: Yes.

Morty: Yeah. It’s just so like it is.

Client: Yeah.

Morty: There’s an easiness about it. There’s no logic about it. There’s no explanation about it. There’s
nothing. It’s just “I am” because you said do, because you made that distinction.

Client: Yes.

Morty: Yeah. As the creator right now in that space in that experience of yourself as the creator of
your life, is it real to you now that you create your beliefs?

Client: Yeah.

Morty: And that your beliefs ultimately then create your reality, your life, your feelings, your

Client: Yes. I agree with you.

Morty: Okay. Is there somebody there? Are you being distracted?

Client: Yes, I am. Excuse me for a minute.

Morty: Okay.

Client: My apologies. Sorry.

Morty: No, it’s okay. Just want to make sure. It will only be about two more minutes. We’re just about

Client: Yeah. It’s just me, I guess, with my training. But I’m taking notes because this is good stuff.

Morty: You’re welcome to take notes, but I’m just telling you that the most important thing is
whether you remember it or not is totally irrelevant. The beliefs are gone and won’t come
back. What’s important is when you eliminate all the beliefs and conditions that caused the
fear, the fear’s going to go away. It is not going to come back and there’s nothing you write
down that’s going to make any difference.
It’s not needed and it’s really irrelevant. If you want to take notes, feel free to take notes as
long as you’re paying attention. The most important thing is don’t observe what’s going on and
take notes about it. Do what’s going on.

If you can take notes on the side, that’s fine. But the important thing is not the note-taking. It’s
really experiencing and doing exactly what I’m asking and sort of looking inside and making it
all real.

Client: Okay.

Morty: Okay. As the creator, if you create the beliefs and the beliefs create your life, then ultimately
what do you create?

Client: Myself.

Morty: Your life.

Client: Yeah.

Morty: You may not want any given thing. You don’t want to have the fear of public speaking, but you
did create the beliefs that produces your public speaking. Ultimately, if by creating the beliefs
and the beliefs create life, ultimately you create your life.

Client: Yes.

Morty: As the creator of your life in that space in this moment, to sort of bring you back to where you
were before that slight interruption, right now, what’s possible?

Client: Anything!

Morty: Yeah! What it feels like is missing. Does it feel like anything’s missing right now?

Client: At the moment?

Morty: Yeah.

Client: To be honest, no.

Morty: Yeah, nothing! What limitations do you have?

Client: None.

Morty: Yeah. That’s a natural experience of a human being when they get to who they really are as
the creator. When you make that distinction, you go into kind of an alter state of
consciousness in which if I create the beliefs that create my life, then it’s not logical or not
illogical you’re convinced of something.
It’s just in that space it feels like anything’s possible. You have no limitations. Nothing’s
missing. What the Lefkoe Method does for you is two things.

1. It enables you to change the creation called [0:11:10.6] who walked in with two beliefs,
mistakes, and failure. If I make a mistake or fail, I’ll be rejected. The other one that walks it
out doesn’t have that. There’s something to change in the creation. Does that make

We have to redo this two or three or four times. All the beliefs that caused your fear of
public speaking will be gone and then you’ll say, “Hmm, I did a talk last time and it was a
one or two. There’s no fear anymore.”

The creation will have changed a lot and you’ll notice something else. Even though we’re
looking at beliefs that particularly eliminate the fear of public speaking, when you get rid
of the belief “I’m not important. I’m not good enough. Mistakes and failures,” you can get
a center that’s going to have impact on other areas of your life too.

Client: Yes.

Morty: Your willingness to take chances, your sense of yourself, the acknowledgment you give
yourself, the acknowledgement you allow people to give you—there’s just a whole bunch
of places that it’s likely to show up. The creation is going to change a lot. But the one thing
that’s not going to change at all is who you really are, the creator and the whole thing.

Client: Yeah.

Morty: At anytime we have a session, three things will happen. You eliminate some beliefs and
conditionings. The creation will change slightly. You’ll also discover who you really are is
the creator and the rest of it is just a game.

Client: Okay.

Morty: Okay? Any questions? We’re done. I think we already have another session set up. Is there
anything that we did today that you in particular want to ask about or say something

Client: No. The comment that comes to mind is how quickly the beliefs were dismantled and

Morty: Mm-hmm.

Client: I’m amazed.

Morty: Yes.

Client: Thank you.

Morty: You’re very welcome. It’s good talking to you. Nice meeting you. Just looking here, it looks
like we got one tomorrow. We got two in a row tomorrow noon Pacific Time.

Client: Yes.

Morty: Okay. Pardon?

Client: Three o’clock my time. Yes.

Morty: Okay. You’re in the east coast. Okay. I look forward. The same time, same phone number,
different time tomorrow. We will continue our pace and get rid of a bunch more beliefs.

Client: That will be perfect.

Morty: You did a great job. I really appreciate your honesty and really being willing to look at each
individual thing and to give me what was true for you which enabled the whole thing to

Client: Thank you.

Morty: You’re welcome. Have a good evening. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.

Client: Okay. You take care.

Morty: Buh-bye. You just finished this video. Please get your assignment by clicking on the
Assignment link below.

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