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Report Genrated Date 08 Mar, 2018
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India is a global market or business and has attracted all the major company across the
globe. It has the biggest markets o duplicate (counter eit) products in South Asia, which
has negatively a fected its economy since many years. In this scenario, Marketing has

played a big role in product innovation, branding and media communications. Today
counter eiting (Piracy) is the biggest problem in the market. It is seen that there are so
many products in the market which have a similar use, packaging and colour etc. But these

products have a small di ference in the brand name like; (Adidas-Abidas, Li ebuoy-Li ejoy
etc.). Generally, counter eiting can be described as duplicate, piracy or cheating practice
by attaching trademark. Counter eiting is de ined as illegally copying authentic goods with
a di ferent but similar brand name. We can say that customer purchase the product by

assuming that they are purchasing the original product, but, because o less awareness or
it may be due to misguidance o the salesperson or similar products displayed on same

shel in shopping malls or retail outlets.

Today’s counter eiting o products is very pro itable industry. It is the production o

replicas that have identical packaging, trademarks, and labels as the genuine products but
use in erior quality materials.

“The unauthorized duplication o a product protected by one or more intellectual property

rights” is counter eiting. Also, counter eiting goods are illegal, low priced and o ten lower

quality. “Counter eiting products are trade products that were identical with genuine
products or products that were di ficult to be di ferentiated rom the registered trademark.
Moreover, counter eit product is de ined as “A product that has been illegally duplicated to

appear identical to the genuine product.” Even though counter eit goods are easily
a fordable, cheaper and easily available but they may be harm ul to the consumer due to
the in erior quality o materials used in its manu acturing. Counter eiting o name
appears to be a major problem or brand name, luxurious and high priced consumer
products. So many industries observing counter eit problem including propriety oods,
medicines, cosmetics, computer accessories, phone accessories, electrical appliances, toys,
apparel, watches and leather products. Considering globally, almost ive percent o all
products are counter eit.
The buying and selling o counter eit goods throughout the globe may be a common
aspect and the consumers are unaware o what they are purchasing and or what they are

By considering these aspects, present study has the ollowing objectives: -

• To know about the general attitude o the consumers toward counter eit products.
• To know about the buying behavior o the consumers toward counter eit products.

Counter eiting can happen in primarily our ways:

• Within India, Company A simulates / duplicates the products o Company B and sells it in
the local market. (Main market)

• Within India, an unknown company simulates / duplicates the products o Company B and
sells it in the local market. (Gray market)

• Company A imports products into India rom Company X o di ferent country, which
duplicates well-known international products.

• Company X rom a oreign country is an outsourced manu acturer or both Company A
and B o India and it dilutes one product design or several companies, this is how

releasing counter eits in the market.

However, the truth behind this aspect stands on the basic act that the demand or

counter eit products exist in the market because consumers purchase and consume them.
Hence, it is very important to understand the Indian consumer behavior with respect to
their knowledge o counter eits, negative e fects o in ringements and willingness to buy
duplicate products.
This paper attempts to understand in India rom a research conducted among consumers
rom Delhi-NCR & Shimla (Himachal Pradesh) o North India, which represents the modern
ashionable population o the country, also represents consumer markets on the

parameters o price sensitivity, quality sensitivity and li estyle sensitivity in India.


Understanding Consumer Behavior and Attitude:

Consumer needs are driven by two basic motivations; i.e. unctional as well as symbolic or

expressive. Counter eit goods, similar to their original counterparts, and can be divided
into two types.
The symbolic serves to enhance user’s sel -image or increase their social identi ication

and; the other goods that bring sensible/ unctional bene its to its user, solving some
speci ic or practical need o consumption.

Thinking, Choice and Statistics o consumers help in determining their consumption

behavior in a market place. Statistics will include the actors like Age, Gender, Education

and Occupation. Whereas Choice and Thinking typically include personality, values,
opinions, attitudes, interests and li estyles. Attitude is a central actor or the scope o this
research, so, it becomes very important to understand the attitudes o Indian consumers
towards purchase o counter eit products.
To understand the attitude it is also important to understand the personality types o
consumers, because personality determines how one reacts to a given situation in a given
Among the actors that in luence personality are
 Value consciousness,
 Personal indulgence, and
 Novelty seeking.
Person who will look or a product that they will only pay at a lower price subject to some
quality constraints. In economics, when price goes down, demand rises. Counter eit
products provide great cost saving to consumers. When a counter eit has a distinct price
advantage over the original product, consumers will choose the ake or pirated (duplicate)
products. There ore, it can be predicted that a person who has more value consciousness
will have positive attitudes towards counter eits.

Personal indulgence concerns the need or a sense o accomplishment, social recognition,
and to enjoy the iner things in li e. Consumers with low Personal indulgence will value the
counter eit version o products more than the genuine product. Personal indulgence is not
important or a person who values counter eit products. The consumer who has obedience

to law and ethics will not be possess the avorable attitude towards counter eits and also
will have less willingness to purchase a counter eit product. However, purchase o a

counter eit product does not count as an illegal action.

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