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Nama : Bobbie Rizkie Mandhala

NIM : 03031181419036
Kelas : B
Task #2 Bahasa Inggris Teknik
1. Experiment
The saponification experiment is operated by students of chemical engineerng.
2. Thermodynamics
Thermodynamic is a branch of physics concerned with heat and temperature.
3. Technology
Market penetration of this technology has followed much the same trend as that of the
more established microfiltration process
4. Mechanism
Engine mechanism is depended by heat energy
5. Behavior
The definition of an ideal gas as one whose macroscopic behavior is characterized by
ideal gas
6. Continuous
The process of manufacturing ammonia is presented as a continuous one
7. Performance
The treatment performance is indicated by a reduction in BOD from 20 to 50 to less
than 1 mg across the whole plant
8. Measurement
The exact value of which is dependent on the method of measurement
9. Environment
Assume large amount of toluene is poured on the ground in an open environment at
which the temperature is 38°C
10. Renewable
Organizing the energy transition from non-sustainable to renewable energy is
described as the major challenge of the first half of the 21st century
11. Significant
Show each significant step as a block is linked by lines and arrows to show the stream
connections and flow direction.
12. Simultaneously
One can see that these correlations should be solved simultaneously.
13. Use
Nama : Bobbie Rizkie Mandhala
NIM : 03031181419036
Kelas : B
Reduced density (Vc/V) is used as the correlating parameter.
14. Show
Heat Transfer Research Inc is reported by Palen, showed that the coefficient for
bundles was usually greater than that estimated for a single tube.
15. Appear
The numerous papers that have appeared in the chemical engineering literature.
16. Present
Prediction of complete distillation curves from a limited data are presented.
17. Perform
For such fractions distillation can be performed to a certain temperature.
18. Explain
As it is explained in the next section, for heavy fractions three parameter correlations
are more accurate.
19. Elaborate
In the following sections, the program will be referred to as WaterTarget, although
Waterpinch is the part used and elaborated on.
20. Examine
Their application in characterization of reservoir fluids is examined.
21. Describe
Step-by-step procedure described under Method B should be followed.
22. Generate
Data table are shown in Fig. 9.18 as generated from the data provided in Ref.
23. Customize
The exponent x be customized for each refinery
24. Compare
Equation was compared with several empirical correlations specifically developed for
coal liquids
25. Simplify
The equation of kinetic reaction is simplified by integral

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