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Career Education

The Kids in the Know Program

Grade 4/5
Big Idea: Public identity is influenced by personal choices and decisions.
 Recognize the intersection of their personal and public digital identities and the
potential for both positive and negative consequences
o Personal Development: problem-solving and decision-making strategies
 KIK Connections:
o 7 Root Safety Strategies
o Safety at home, in the community and online
o Finding a trusted adult
o Establishing my boundaries
o Common Lures (grade 4/5)

Big Idea: Family and community relationships can be a source of support and guidance when
solving problems and making decisions.
 Demonstrate safe behaviours in a variety of environments
o Connections to Community: Safety hazards and rules at school, at home, and in
the community
 KIK Connections:
o 7 Root Safety Strategies
o Safety at home, in the community and online
o Finding a trusted adult
o Establishing my boundaries
o Common Lures (grade 4/5)

Grade 6/7
Big Idea: Safe environments depend on everyone following safety rules.
 Demonstrate safety skills in an experiential learning environment
o Connections to community: Global Citizenship
 KIK Connections:
o 7 Root Safety Strategies
o Emotions
o Safety at home, in the community and online
o Finding a trusted adult
o Establishing my boundaries
o What is a friendship/relationship (grade 6/7)

Core Competencies
Personal Social Competency:
 Well-Being
 I can take some responsibility for my physical and emotional well-being.
 I can make choices that benefit my well-being and keep me safe in my
community, including my online interactions.
 I can use strategies to find peace in stressful times.
 KIK Connections:
o 7 Root Safety Strategies
o Emotions
o Safety at home, in the community and online
o Finding a trusted adult
o Establishing my boundaries
o Common Lures (grade 4/5)
o What is a friendship/relationship (grade 6/7)

Johneen Harris 2018

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