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[Lezioni lunedì 23 gennaio a.m.] 


José Luis SICRE, S.J.

1. Profezia e divinazione

1. B. UFFENHEIMER, Early Prophecy in Israel (Jerusalem 1999) pp. 480-503.

2. E. CANCICK-KIRSCHBAUM, Prophetismus und Divination. Ein Blick auf die keilschriftlichen
Quellen (FRLANT 201), Göttingen 2003, pp. 33-53.
3. M. KITZ, “Prophecy as Divination”, CBQ 65 (2003) 22-42.
4. LANGE, “Greek Seers and Israelite-Jewish Prophets”, VT 57 (2007) 461-482.
5. S. NIGOSIAN, Magic and Divination in the Old Testament, Sussex Academic, Brighton–Portland

2. La profezia nell’Antico Oriente

Visione d’insieme
1. H. M. BARSTAD, “No Prophets? Recent Developments in Biblical Prophetic Research and
Ancient Near Eastern Prophecy”, JSOT 57 (1993) 39-60.
2. –– «Comparare necesse est? Ancient Israelite and Ancient Near Eastern Prophecy in a Com-
parative Perspective», en M. NISSINEN (ED.), Prophecy in Its Ancient Near Eastern Context,
SBL, Atlanta 2000, pp. 3-11.
3. E. BEN ZVI - M. H. FLOYD, Writings and Speech in Israelite and Ancient Near Eastern
Prophecy, SBL, Atlanta 2000.
4. E. BLUM, «Israels Prophetie im altorientalischen Kontext», en I. CORNELIUS – L. JONKER
(eds.), From Ebla to Stellenbosch, Harrassowitz, Tübingen 2008, pp. 81-115.
5. H. B. HUFFMON, art. „Prophecy“, in The Anchor Bible Dictionary, Doubleday 1992, vol 5,
6. J. KALTNER – L. STULMAN (eds.), Inspired Speech. Prophecy in the Ancient Near East (JSOT
SS 378), T & T Clark, Nueva York 2004.
7. M. KÖCKERT – M. NISSINEN (eds.), Propheten in Mari, Assyrien und Israel (FRLANT 201),
Vandenhoek & Ruprecht, Göttingen 2003 [contiene due articole di speciale interesse: uno di
NISSINEN sul «Potenziale critic della profezia nell’Antico Oriente» (pp. 1-32) e un altro di
CANCIK-KIRSCHBAUM su «Profetismo e divinazione» (pp. 33-53)].
8. P. MERLO, “Il profetismo nel Vicino Oriente antico: panoramica di un fenomeno e difficoltà
comparative”, Ricerche Storico Bibliche 21 (2009) 55-83.
9. M. NISSINEN, Prophecy in Its Ancient near Eastern Context: Mesopotamian, Biblical, and
Arabian Perspectives, SBL, Atlanta 2000.
10. M. NISSINEN – C. L. SEOW – R. K. RITNER, Prophets and Prophecy in the Ancient Near East,
SBL, Atlanta – Leiden 2003. Testi originali con traduzione inglese.
11. D. L. PETERSEN, art. “Prophet, Prophecy”, in The New Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible,
Abingdom Press, Nashville 2009, vol. 4, pp. 622-628.
12. B. UFFENHEIMER, Early Prophecy in Israel. The Magness Press, Jerusalem 1999, pp. 15-88.
13. M. WEIPPERT, art. „Prophetie im alten Orient“, in M. GÖRG – B. LANG (ed.), Neues Bibel-
Lexikon, Benzinger, Düsseldorf 2001, col. 196-200.
Sicre, lun 23 a.m., 2
14. BARSTAD, H. M., “Mari and the Hebrew Bible: Some Parallels”, SEÅ 70 (2005) 21-32.
15. –– «sic dicit dominus: Mari Prophetic Texts and the Hebrew Bible», en Y. AMIT et al. (eds.),
Essays on Ancient Israel and Its Near Eastern Context, Eisenbrauns, Winona Lake 2006, pp.
16. CAGNI, L., Le profezie di Mari, Paideia, Brescia 1995.
17. CÁNDIDO, F., “O êxtase profético em Mari e Israel: uma leitura socio-antropológica, Fragmen-
ta de cultura [Goías] 15 (2005) 1401-1414.
18. GORDON, R. P., «From Mari to Moses: Prophecy at Mari and in Ancient Israel», en
MCKAY–CLINES, Of prophets' Visions and the Wisdom of Sages (JSOT SS 162), Academic
Press, Sheffield 1993, pp. 63-79. (google books)
19. HUFFMON, H. B., «The Expansion of Prophecy in the Mari Archives: New Texts, New Read-
ings, New Information», en Y. GITAI (ed.), Prophecy and Prophets, Scholars, Atlanta 1997, pp.
20. MALAMAT, A., «A New Prophetic Message from Aleppo and Its Biblical Counterparts», en
AULD (ed.), Understanding Poets and Prophets (JSOT SS 152), Academic Press, Sheffield
1993, pp 236-241. (google books)
21. MERLO, P., “apilum of Mari: A Reappraisal”, UF 36 (2004) 323-332.
22. PARKER, S. B., “Official attitudes toward prophecy at Mari and in Israel”, VT 43 (1993) 50-
23. SCHART, A. “Combining Prophetic Oracles in Mari Letters and Jeremiah 36”, JNES 23 (1995)

24. PARPOLA, S., Assyrian Prophecies, University Press, Helsinki 1997 [ampia recensione di M.
WEIPPERT, “"König, Fürchte Dich Nicht!" Assyrische Prophetie im 7. Jahrhundert v. Chr”,
Or 71 (2002) 1-54.]

Studi (consiglio specialmente M. de Jong)

25. BARSTAD, “Den gammeltestamentlige profetismen belyst ved paralleller fra Mari”, TTKi 72
(2001) 51-67.
26. HUNDLEY, M., “Isaiah among the Ancient near Eastern Prophets: Comparison of the Earliest
Stages of the Isaiah Tradition and the Neo-Assyrian Prophecies”, VT 59 (2009) 166-318.
27. JONG, M. J. DE, Isaiah among the Ancient Near Eastern Prophets. A Comparative Study of
the Earliest Stages of the Isaiah Tradition and the Neo-Assyrian Prophecies (SVT 117),
Brill, Leiden 2007, pp. 25-38. (google books)
28. MERLO, P., “Profezia neoassira e oracoli di salvezza biblici. Motivazioni, forme e contenuti
di un possibile confronto”, RivB 50 (2002) 129-152.
29. NISSINEN, «The Socioreligious Role of the Neo-Assyrian Prophets», en NISSINEN (ed),
Prophecy in Its Ancient Near Eastern Context, SBL, Atlanta 2000, pp. 89-114.
30. STÖKL, J., “Ištar's Women, Yhwh's Men? A Curious Gender-Bias in Neo-Assyrian and
Biblical Prophecy”, ZAW 121 (2009) 87-100.
31. VILLARD, P., «Les prophéties à l’époque néo-assyrienne», en A. LEMAIRE (ed.), Prophétes et
rois (Lectio Divina), Cerf, Paris 2001, pp. 55-84.
32. WEIPPERT, M., «Ich bin Jahwe» – «Ich bin Isis von Arbela». Deuterojesaja im Lichte der
neuassyrischen Prophetie, en Prophetie und Psalmen (AOAT 280), Münster 2001, 31-59.

3. L’immagine del profeta

33. ANDREW, M. E., «The Prophetic Example: Referentiality or Textuality», en D. A. Campbell

Sicre, lun 23 a.m., 3
(ed.), The Call to Serve, Academic Press, Sheffield 1996, pp. 32-50.
34. AULD, A. G., «Prophecy», en J. BARTON (ed.), The Biblical World, Routledge, London
2002, vol. I, pp.88-106.
35. –– «What Was a Biblical Prophet? Why Does It Matter?», en J. C. EXUM – H. G. M. WIL-
LIAMSON (eds.), Reading from Right to Left (JSOT SS 373), Sheffield Academic Press, Lon-
don 2003, pp. 1-12.
36. –– (ed.), Understanding Poets and Prophets (JSOT SS 152), Academic Press, Sheffiedl
1993. (google books)
37. BARSTAD, H. M., “No Prophets? Recent Developments in Biblical Prophetic Research and
Ancient Near Eastern Prophecy”, JSOT 57 (1993) 39-60.
38. CARBAJOSA, De la fe nace la exégesis, Verbo Divino, Estella 2011, pp. 79-138.
39. FISCHER, I., «Gotteskünderinnen, Kohlhammer, Stuttgart 2002.
40. GAFNEY, W. C., Daughters of Miriam. Women Prophets in Ancient Israel, Fortress Press,
Minneapolis 2008.
41. GORDON, R. P., “A Story of two Paradigms Shifts”, en Id (ed.), The Place Is Too Small for
Us, Eisenbrauns, Winona Lake 1995, pp. 3-26. (google books)
42. –– “Where Have All the Prophets Gone? The ‘Disappearing’ Prophet against the Back-
ground of Ancient Near Eastern Prophecy”, Bulletin for Biblical Research 5 (1995) 67-86.
43. KRATZ, R. G., «Das Neue in der Prophetie des Alten Testaments», in FISCHER, I. — K.
SCHMID — H. G. M. WILLIAMSON (eds.), Prophetie in Israel. Lit Verlag. Munster 2003, pp.
1-22. (google books)
44. LEENE, H., «Das Neue in der Prophetie: Antwort an Reinhard G. Kratz», in FISCHER, I. — K.
SCHMID — H. G. M. WILLIAMSON (eds.), Prophetie in Israel. Lit Verlag. Munster 2003, pp.
45. NISSINEN, M., «The Dubious Image of Prophecy», en FLOYD, M. H. - R. D. HAAK (eds.),
Prophets, Prophecy, and Prophetic Texts in Second Temple Judaism. T&T Clark, New York
2006, pp. 26-41. (google books)
46. TUCKER, G. M., «The Futile Quest for the Historical Prophet», en E. E. CARPENTER (ed.), A
Biblical Itinerary: In Search of Method, Form and Content (JSOT SS 240), Academic press,
Sheffield 1997, pp. 144-152.
47. WILLIAMSON, H. G. M., «Prophetesses in the Hebrew Bible», en J. DAY (ed.), Prophecy and
Prophets in Ancient Israel (JSOT SS 531), T & T Clark, Nueva York 2010, pp. 65-80

4. I libri profetici
La produzione dei libri profetici
48. BEN ZVI ––FLOYD (eds.), Writings and Speech in Israelite and Ancient Near Eastern Proph-
ecy. SBL, Atlanta 2000.
49. CRENSHAW, J. L., «Transmitting Prophecy across Generations», en BEN ZVI ––FLOYD (eds.),
Writings and Speech in Israelite and Ancient Near Eastern Prophecy. SBL, Atlanta 2000, pp.
50. FLOYD, M. – R. HAAK, Prophets, prophecy and prophetic texts in second temple Judaism,
T&T Clark, New York 2006.
51. FLOYD, «The production of prophetic books in the early second temple period. Prophets,
prophecy», en M. FLOYD – R. HAAK, Prophets, prophecy and prophetic texts in second tem-
ple Judaism, Clark, New York 2006, pp. 276-297. (google books) OTA 31 (2008) 1521.
52. LANGE, A., «Literary Prophecy and Oracle Collection: A Comparison between Judah and
Greece in Persian Times», en FLOYD – HAAK (eds.), Prophets, Prophecy, and Prophetic
Texts in Second Temple Judaism, T&T Clark, New York 2006, pp. 248-275. (google books)
53. NISSINEN, M., “How Prophecy Became Literature”, SJOT 19 (2005) 153-172.
Sicre, lun 23 a.m., 4
Dal testo all’intertesto
Per un primo approccio consiglio l’articolo di Fewell. Sulla storia dell’applicazione del
método alla Bibbia, K. Schmid.

54. ALKIER, S. – R. B. HAYS, Die Bibel im Dialog der Schriften: Konzepte intertextuelle Bibel-
lektüre, 2005 = Reading the Bible Intertextually, Baylor University Press, 2009.
55. BEAL, T. K., «Ideology and Intertextuality: Surplus of Meaning and Controlling the Means of
Production», en Fewell, Reading, 27-39. (google books).
56. EXUM, J. C. – J. A. CLINES (eds.), The New Literary Criticism and the Hebrew Bible (JSOT
SS 143), JSOT Press, Sheffield 1993, pp. 53-78. (google books)
57. FEWELL, D. N. (ed.), Reading Between Texts: Intertextuality and the Hebrew Bible, West-
minster/John Knox, Louisville 1992. (google books). Tiene un artículo de Fewell y un glosa-
rio de T. K. Beal (alusión, eco, exégesis intrabíblica, intertextualidad, intertexto, intratextua-
lidad, influjo poético, “trace” (traza).
58. GOSSE, B., Structuration des grands ensembles bibliques et intertextualité à l'époque perse.
De la rédaction sacerdotale du livre d'Isaie à la contestation de la Sagesse (BZAW 246), de
Gruyter, Berlin 1997. (google books)
59. LEVINSON, B. M., Legal Revision and Religious Renewal in Ancient Israel, Cambridge 2008.
60. MOOR, J. C. DE (ed.), Intertextuality in Ugarit and Israel (OTS 40), Brill, Leiden 1998.
(google books)
61. SALS, U., Die Biographie der „Hure Babylon“. Studien zur Intertextualität der Babylon-
Texte in der Bibel (FzAT 2/6), Mohr, Tübingen 2004.
62. SCHMID, K., Schriftgelehrte Traditionsliteratur. Fallstudien zur innerbiblischen Schriftausle-
gung im Alten Testament (FAT 77), 2011. (google books)
63. SCHULTZ, R. L., The Search for Quotation. Verbal Parallels in the Prophets (JSOT SS 180),
Academic Press, Sheffield 1999. (google books)

Intertestualità in Isaia
64. HIBBARD, J. T., Intertextuality in Isaiah 24-27. The Reuse and Evocation of Earlier Texts and
Traditions (FzAT 2, 16), Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen 2006. (google books)
65. HIBBARD, J. T., “Isaiah XXVII 7 and Intertextual Discourse about 'Striking' in the Book of
Isaiah”, VT 55 (2005) 461-476.
66. KIM, H. C. P., “An Intertextual Reading of ‘A Crushed Reed’ and ‘A Dim Wick’ in Isaiah
42.3”, JSOT 83 (1999) 113-124.
67. MISCALL, P. D., «Isaiah: New Heavens, New Earth, New Book», en Fewell, Readings, 41-56
(google books)
68. NURMELA, R., The Mouth of the Lord Has Spoken: Inner biblical Allusions in Second and
Third Isaiah, Univ. Press of America, Lanham 2006.
69. POLASKI, D. C., Authorizing an End: The Isaiah Apocalypse and Intertextuality (BIS 50),
Brill, Leiden 2000. (google books)
70. SOMMER, B. D., A Prophet Reads Scripture. Allusion in Isaiah 40-66, Standford University
Press, 1998.

In Geremia
71. CARROLL, R. P., «Intertextuality and the Book of Jeremiah: Animadversions on Text and
Theory», en J. C. EXUM – J. A. CLINES (eds.), The New Literary Criticism and the Hebrew
Bible (JSOT SS 143), JSOT Press, Sheffield 1993, pp. 53-78. (google books)
72. CARROLL, R. P., “Jeremiah, Intertextuality and Ideologiekritik”, JNSL 22 (1996) 15-34.

Nei Dodici
73. NOGALSKI, «Intertextuality and the Twelve», en WATTS–HOUSE (eds.), Forming Prophetic
Sicre, lun 23 a.m., 5
Literature, (JSOT SS 235), Academic Press, Sheffield 1996, pp. 102-124. (google books)
74. SCHULTZ, R. L., „The Ties that Bind: Intertextuality, the Identification of Verbal Parallels,
and Reading Strategies in the Book of the Twelve“, SBLSP 2001, 39-57.
75. STEAD, M. R., The Intertextuality of Zechariah 1-8, T&T Clark, New York 2009.
76. NURMELA, R., Prophets in Dialogue. Inner-Biblical Allusions in Zechariah 1-8 and 9-14,
University Press, Åbo 1996.
77. DIETRICH, W. – M. SCHWANTES, (eds.), Der Tag wird kommen: Ein interkontextuelles Ge-
spräch über das Buch des Propheten Zefanja (SBS 170), KBW, Stuttgart 1996.
78. KIM, H., “Jonah Read Intertextually”, JBL 126 (2007) 497-528.
79. MULDOON, C. L. In Defense of Divine Justice. An Intertextual Approach to the Book of Jo-
nah (CBQMS 47), Washington 2010.

La lettura dei libri profetici

80. Simián-Yofre, H., “La lectura e investigación de los libros proféticos”, Estudios Eclesiásti-
cos 85 (2010) 261-286.

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