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A sentence is a group of words giving a complete thought. A sentence must contain
a subject and a verb (although one may be implied).

A More Formal Definition of Sentence

A sentence is a set of words that is complete in itself, typically containing a subject and
predicate, conveying a statement, question, exclamation, or command, and consisting of a main
clause and sometimes one or more subordinate clauses.
Oxford Dictionary

Base on grammar book, there are four types of sentence :
1. Simple sentence
2. Compound sentence
3. Complex sentence
4. Compound complex sentence

A simple sentence has the most basic elements that make it a sentence: a subject, a verb,
and a completed thought. Simple sentence only contain one independent clause.
Examples of simple sentences include the following:
Example Apposition
My sister read the magazine.  subject= my sister
 verb= read
 (direct) object= the magazine
The manager came late today.  subject= the manager
 verb= came
 adverb= late, today
He is diligent.  subject= he (pronoun)
 (linking) verb= is
 adjective= diligent
I was doing physically exercises at this time  subject= I
yesterday.  verb= was doing
(Saya sedang melakukan latihan-latihan fisik  (direct) object= physically exercises
sepanjang hari.)  prepositional phrase= at this time

Tip: If you use many simple sentences in an essay, you should consider revising some of the
sentences into compound or complex sentences (explained below).

The use of compound subjects, compound verbs, prepositional phrases (such as "at the bus
station"), and other elements help lengthen simple sentences, but simple sentences often are
short. The use of too many simple sentences can make writing "choppy" and can prevent the
writing from flowing smoothly.

Example Apposition
Atiek and I got the appreciation for our recent research. compound subject
(Atiek dan saya mendapatkan perhargaan untuk riset terakhir
The babies laughed and cried simultaneously. compound verb
(Bayi-bayi tersebut tertawa dan menangis secara
Ana and Yuni read and wrote the instruction. compound
(Ana dan Yuni membaca dan menulis instruksi.) subject, compound verb
Ana and Yuni read the instruction on the whiteboard and prepositional phrase
wrote it on their book.
(Ana dan Yuni membaca instruksi di papan tulis putih dan
menuliskannya di buku mereka.)

A simple sentence can also be referred to as an independent clause. It is referred to as

"independent" because, while it might be part of a compound or complex sentence, it can also
stand by itself as a complete sentence.
Example of Simple Sentence it might be part of a complex sentence :
Independent Clause I like the book.
Dependent Clause that you bought yesterday.
Complex Sentence I like the book that you bought yesterday.

A compound sentence refers to a sentence made up of two independent clauses (or
complete sentences) connected to one another with a coordinating conjunction, and in
compound sentence can be contain conjunctive adverb or semicolon.

1. Coordinating Conjunctions
Coordinating conjunctions are easy to remember if you think of the words "FAN BOYS":
For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So. A semicolon can use before coordinating conjunction.
Examples of compound sentences with coordinating conjucntions:
He didn’t come last night, for he fell asleep.
(Dia tidak datang semalam karena dia terlelap.)
2 She hasn’t taken dance lessons, nor does she need to.
3 Other dancers try to imitate her style, yet they have not succeeded

2. Conjunctive Adverb
Conjunctive adverd or adverbial conjunction is a word that has two function as adverb and
conjunction. Conjunctive adverb among others : furthermore, however, otherwise, therefore,
Examples of compound sentences with conjunctive adverd:
Both gold and green kiwifruits are widely cultivated in New Zealand; furthermore,
they’re distributed to our country.
(Baik kiwi gold maupun hijau dibudidaya secara luas di New Zealand. Tambahan pula,
mereka didistribusikan ke negara kita.)
Natural resources of Indonesia spread from Sabang to Marauke; however, they’re not
utilized properly.
(Sumber daya alam Indonesia tersebar dari Sabang sampai Marauke. Akan tetapi, mereka
tidak digunakan dengan benar.)
Yulia drinks fresh milk and does exercise regularly; therefore, her bones are dense and
(Yulia minum susu segar dan berolahraga teratur. Oleh karena itu, tulangnya padat dan
3. Semicolon
Semicolon use to connect two independent clause which is very related to one sentence.
Examples of compound sentences with semicolon:
1 It’s mine; it’s not yours.
Diana looked panic; she’s afraid she run out of words to say to interviewers.
2 (Diana tampak panik. Dia takut kehabisan kata-kata untuk disampaikan kepada

Tip: If you rely heavily on compound sentences in an essay, you should consider revising some
of them into complex sentences (explained below).

Coordinating conjunctions are useful for connecting sentences, but compound sentences
often are overused. While coordinating conjunctions can indicate some type of relationship
between the two independent clauses in the sentence, they sometimes do not indicate much of
a relationship. The word "and," for example, only adds one independent clause to another,
without indicating how the two parts of a sentence are logically related. Too many compound
sentences that use "and" can weaken writing.

Clearer and more specific relationships can be established through the use of complex

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