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Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia – Campus Jacareí

Profa Dra Cristiane Gonella

Part 1 – Video comprehension

A partir do vídeo A short story of packaging, responda:

(Video available on:. Accessed February 4th, 2016.)

1. O que significa o termo packaging?

Video available on: . Accessed August 20th, 2016.

Part 2 – Text Comprehension


One of the requirements for the safe transport of commodities is the packaging, which must be
adapted to the specific goods (some goods, for example, require airtight or water-proof
packaging to avoid damage). Different commodities may however be packed together if they are
of the same type. […]

Some parcels must bear special signs indicating their contents or warning stevedores against rough handling.
These signs may be stencilled directly on the parcel or displayed on a label. For example, “D.G. Labels”
(Dangerous Goods labels), “to be kept dry”, “keep in cool
place”, indicate these parcels should be placed in specific places
aboard the ship. Other labels are indications to handling
operators: “this side up/down”, “handle with care”, “no hooks”,
etc …

The development of containers seems to have been the most striking feature of the evolution of packaging in
recent years. […]

Labels placed on each container should indicate a number of information: measurements – or “dimensions” –,
payload, tare weight, gross weight and net weight. Each box should also bear a date plate as well as a CSC plate
(Container Safety Certificate) to indicate it conforms to approved standards of safety.

On arrival in the terminal, containers are generally stored in the marshalling area, where they can be collected by
consignees or transport operators. If a few containers prove to be in a bad state of repair, they may have to be
sent to a specialist firm in order to be repaired – or “refurbished”.

BERTIN, J. O inglês no transporte e na logística. São Paulo: Aduaneiras, 2012, p.25

A partir da leitura do texto, responda:

2. Qual é um dos requisitos para o transporte seguro de mercadorias?

3. Que tipos de textos de advertência as embalagens podem apresentar?

4. Qual o fato recente mais significativo na evolução das embalagens?

5. Cite informações que precisam estar presentes nas etiquetas dos contêineres.

Part 3 – Vocabulary
Relacione os textos não verbais e verbais:

GRUSSENDORF, M. English for logistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009.

ü This side up ü Use no hooks

ü Explosive ü Do not stack
ü Keep dry ü Toxic
ü Fragile ü Store away from heat

Up to you:
What do the video and the texts have in common?

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