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“Quiz” - Medieval Japan Student Lectures 
Your Name:  Jordan Gross  Today’s Date:  12/8/17 
Directions​: Write at least two sentences per topic. Submit to Google Classroom when finished.  
1. The Islands of Japan (p. 223) 
There are four main islands of japan, they are volcanic mountains surrounded by water. There 
were around 1,500 earthquakes per year. Also, less than 20% of Japan is for farming.  
2. The Early People of Japan (p. 224) 
Hunter gatherers in Japan were pushed North. Even though Japan was isolated people could get 
in. Yoyoi used tools to flatten out land. Hunter gatherers became farmers. 
3. Korea and the Spread of Chinese Influence in Japan (p. 225) 
When the Koreans, the Chinese and the Japanese started to trade, their cultures were exchanged. 
Helped Japan figure out their main religion and how to run their government. 
4. A Court of Refinement (p. 227) 
In 7094 the emperor moved the capital to haiyan. Members of the fujiwara clan told emperor to be 
a more religious than political leader. 
5. The Literature of the Court (p. 228) 
Poetry was the favorite writing form in Japan. Then diaries were favored. 
6. Life in the Provinces (p. 230) 
Provinces were private land. This made clans who lived on it unhappy. Some nobles had sprung 
free from the government. 
7. A Warrior Government (p. 232) 
Kyoto was isolated. Buddhist monks who rebled were put down by the government. Less 
powerful nobles relied or samurai. Shogun means “Great general”.  
8. Development of Religious Denominations (p. 234) 
There were 3 main types of Buddhism: Zen, Nichiren and Amida. Buddhism became top 
practiced religion. After the Minamoto clan won over, they made their military leaders political 

Created by D. Nicoll 2017-2018 

“Quiz” - Medieval Japan Student Lectures 
9. A Unified Cultures (p. 235) 
Buddhism influenced many arts. Zen Buddhism showed if you rush something it won’t go well. 
Noh developed from shinto which was important for art. 
10. An All-Powerful Shogunate (p. 238) 
End of 1500’s the Ashikaga Shogunate took over. Different Shogunates took over. Established Edo 
to stay in power and strict social system. 
11. Control of the Classes (p. 240) 
Certain rules of who was in what class. Peasants couldn’t travel beyond land that they worked. 
Citizens would trade. Social classes went from Shogun (Highest), Daimyo, peasants, artisans, 
samurai warriors and merchants (Lowest). 
12. A New and Different Culture (p. 240) 
The merchant class prospered. They used gold and silver coins as currency. Became very rich and 
bored so made pleasure quarters. They had poetry, dance, theater and more. They also had 
wrestling which they would put bets on. This brought gambling houses into existence. 
13. Southeast Asia (p. 241) 
Hinduism and Buddhism contributed in tradition. Chinese influenced politics. China used expert 
trading skills to trade spices and more. 

Created by D. Nicoll 2017-2018 


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