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LAW PROHIBITS USE OF THIS TOOL Fo THE UNAUTHORIZED OPENING OF AN' LOCKED VEHICLE, INSTRUCTIONS DOOR UNLOCKING TOOL 1m practically all American made ‘cars, there i control arm extend: ing from the inside end of the door lock cylinder. When 2 door key is turned, the contfol arm and con necting linkage arp activated to lock for unlock the |door. The Door Unlocking Tool fs used when the door key is undvailable and only with the vehicle 6wner's knowledge and consent, Before using thig tool, consult the vehicle manuactre’s maintenance ‘and parts manual fo become familiar with that “Sal door locking mechenism. Doof lock mechanisms can vary from model year to year ‘and from one ‘manufacturer to another, The control arm may be located to the front or rear of the door lock, Always start with the tool pointing directly toward the lock a¢ shown above, The tool is inserted on the outside of the window between the lass and weatherstripping. If Weatherstripping is tight to glass, ‘move too! along joint at window and probe for easy entry past the Weatherstripping Keeping tool in close contact +4 surface of las Once past. the| weatherstripping ‘move too! to des|red location above lock before penetrating further. Now push too! dwn on the contra! arm. This arm is pout %" long and will usually be Ibeated about 1%" to 2%" from thd outer panel adja- cent to the lock eplinder. Some bend in the too! may be required due to the thickness ot! the door or the stance between| the glass and the control arm. Generally the lock can bbe sctivated to [open by pushing down on the cdntrol arm, Occa: sionally the control arm must be pushed to the rear or lifted ‘The folly tgfle is a guide for use of your D&M Giocking Tool. Use the notchegigef the too! to push pushed 10 Wf rear or lited. ‘The following able i¢a guide foruse ‘of your Door Unlocking Tool. Use the notched end of the tool-t0 push. down. on the control atm, The Pointed end of the tool Is used to pull up on the contrat arm. f use Doin OR | veHICuE WAKE | PULLUPON | CONTROL ARM West Nod AMERICAN MOTORS | PUSH | Genin PULL | ‘pion so | PULL | CHRYSLER PUSH DATSUN 1 210,310,510,610,720 | | PULL e108 ST PICKUP | FAT [few 1 Wot ms FORD | pu | | Some PUSH | | Majority of | medi PUSH generat worors| | ts PUSH | bros pu HONDA U[pust rTovOTA [rust vouvo True vi. siROCoD | PULL ‘SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR LATE MODEL GENERAL MOTORS CARS imewuping =" aNo BODY MODELS ‘Thore isa slight bend near each end fof the tool. When the tool is held flat agsinst the glass, the bend will cause the end of the tool to project, fut and skid over the lower glass channel. The tool Is generally used ‘with the bent end pointing outward, {In the normal position asshown, the notched end will have to reach past the inside of the glass channel to lit the arm with the lock rod attached. ‘The too! must have a bend as shown to reach across the channel 1 For the bent end] to skid over the Glass channel, the curve sbove it must be flattened out against the lass. In doing so fhe too! may take some set or lose sbme of the curve, If the toot is bent to0 much it can pais the end of the lock arm. If not bent enough, it w)llslide.up in the lass channel making littie if any sound, Rebend [as necessary to ‘maintain the approximate curve shown above 1. Theanti-theft lock mechanism fon late model General Motors cars including "x" and J" body models frequiret that the tool first be flat- tened out by hand including the notehed end 2. Insert notched end between the outside of the window and the weatharstripping at a point approx: imately 7” from the end of the door fon the hinged side a8 shows. = 3, Move tool toward lock area gt fan angle of apyroximstely 16 ‘About 15" of tod) must be inserted ‘0 contact lock. The angle must be maintained so thaj the notched end of the tool can slip under the anti- theft cover on thd lock mechenism and push against fhe internal lock 4. As the tool makes contact with the internal ‘eam push. the tool further in and down, while at the tame time with the other hand pull fon door handle repeatedly until door opens 138570! 15500! 6 MADE IN TAIWAN,

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