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GUJARAT AYURVED UNIVERSITY, JAMNAGAR AYURVEDACHARYA- B. A. M, S) EXAMINATION THIRD PR NAL APRIL - 2015 (NEW SYLLABUS) ROGA NIDANA - PAPER— I Date: 09-04-2015 Time :- 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. ‘Thursday Marks : 100 Instructions : All the questions are compulsory. SECTION-A 1 Describe Rogmarga with cxamples, also write its importance ia Nidana. 2, Answer any one question. (1) Write the definition and types of Vyadhikshamatve end elaborate Ayurvedic concept of Vyadhil a. (2) Explain edema and write its importance in basic pathology. 3. Answer any four questions. (2) Write Doshapaka ang Dhatupaka Lakshana. @) Discuss about concept of Ashta Mahagada. G) Explain in detail : omer softeetear star 1 (4) Write note on Mala Pradoshaja Vikara. (5) Describe Dosha Dhatu Ashrayashrayi Bava. |. Answer any five questions. (1) Explaia types of Agni Dushti in brief (2) Write about Nanatmaja Vikara. (G) Describe Hereditary disorders in brief. (4) Which are the Ojakshaya Lakshana ? (9) Write anote on classification of tumors. (6) Write Matra Kshaya and Vriddhi Lakshans. SECTION -B 5. Discuss utility of Panchanidana theory with its individual importance. 6, Answer any one question. (2) Explain Ashte Sthana Pariksha in detail. @) Write parameters and types of Sadhyasadhyata and its importance. . Answer any four questions. (2) ‘Write types of Hetu with examles. (2) Give difference between Roga and Rogi Pariksha. @) Explain the Suira: datscgen Ser: ers Fee we | (4) Write Vikeiti types with examples. (9) , Desctibe Anumana Pramana as an important diagnostic tool. 8. Answer any five questions. @) Explain Annkta Vyadhi. Q) Write the Samprapti Ghataka. (G) Give Difference between Vyadhi and Lakshana. G@) What is Vishishta Purvarupa ? (5) Deseribe Udarka in brief. (©) Write importance of X-Rays, 20 20 Date: 10-04-2015 Time :- 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. GUJARAT AYURVED UNIVERSITY, JAMNAGAR AYURVEDACHARYA-( B. A. M. 5.) EXAMINATION THIRD PROFESSIONAL APRIL - 2015 (NEW SYLLABUS) ———— ROGA NIDANA - PAPER —II Friday Marks : 100 Instructions : All the questions are compulsory. 1 SECTION- A Describe Ama, Panchyamana and Nirama Jwara and discuss Sadhyasadhyata of Jwara Vyadhi. 2, Answer any one question, 3 * 5. 6 7. (1) Write the Nidana Panchaka of Pandu Roga with Upadrave. (2) Write Aetiopathology of Diabetes Mellitus and its diagnostic technique. Answer any four questions. (1) Write short note oa Gridhrasi. (2) Describe Vataja Prameha in detail, Q) efererst aietg froerg Pater 1 Explain the Sutra, (4) Explain Het, Samprapti of Amavatevyadhi <5) What is the meaning of Angina ? Write its etiology. Answer any five questions. (1) Describe Mabakushtha in brief. (2) Explain types of Vatarakta in brief G) Write short note on Osteo Arthritis. (4) What is Shwitra ? Discuss its modem interpretation. (3) Explain Hypothyroidism in brief. (6) Give brief note on Ardita Roga. SECTION -B ‘Write Hetu, Samprapti and Samanya Lakshana of Udara Roga. Describe its types in brief. . Answer any one question. (1) Write the Nidane Panchaka of Kasa Roge. (2) Explain Classification of Parasites. . Answer any four questions. (1) Write short note on Anxiety Neurosis. @) @ (4) Explain types of Ajima in detail (5) Describe Bronchial Asthama in detail. 8, Answer any five questions. (1) Explain types of Unmada Rogg in brief. (2) Write Krimi Roga Heta in brief. ) Describe Eleowolyte Imbatance in brief. (4) Give difference between Alasaka and Viambika Roga. (S) Write Short note on Pravahika, (© Explain Irritabie Bowel Syndrome (IBS) in brief, een: GUJARAT AYURVED UNIVERSITY, JAMNAGAR AYURVEDACHARYA- B. A. M.S.) EXAMINATION THIRD PROFESSIONAL APRIL -2015 (NEW SYLLABUS) SWASTHAVRITTA - PAPER - 1 Date: 11-04-2015 Time :- 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Saturday Marks : 100 Instruction - Al the questions are compuisory. SECTION. A plain applied aspects of Swasthavritta 10 2. Answer any one out of two questions.” 10 (1) Describe methods, types, benefits, contraindications and physiological actions of Snana in detail (2) Enlist ‘Dharaniya Vegani’, explain their role in pathogentsis. 3. Answer any four out of five questions. 20 (1). Write short note - Vyayama QQ) areas atebest Rreteraeli gunn | ed merit cared Are a PERT i - Explain. (3) Write short note - Apathya Abara-Vihaca of Varsha and Grisbma Ritu. = (4) Write short note - Akara Vidhi Vidhan. . (5) Write short note - Sharira Shodhana 4, Answer any five out of six questions. 0 (1). . What aze the objective parameters of well being ? (2) Enlist advantages of Danda Dharana. (3) What is the condition of Agnibala in Shishira - Grishuna - Vasanta Ritu ? (4) What is meant by Anashana ? (5) Enlist disorders induced due to suppression of 'Kshudha Vega’. (6) What are the e€fcts of Ativyavaya ? 5. - Explain the importance of Nisargopaéhara in contemporery life style. 10 6 Answer any one out of two questions. 10 ad (1) Desoribe Yasna and Niyama with their Yogic advantages as mentioned in Patanjala Yoga Sovira. Q) Defining Pranayama and Pratyahara, explain the imponance of Pratyahara in Yogic practices and health. 7. Answer any four out of five questions. 20 (1) Write short note - "Yoga Siddhikara Bhava’. (2) Write short note - ‘Sutra Neti* @) Pre cata dered Regret ae aes 1- Explain, (4) Write short note - ‘Qualities and actions of Vayu Tattva’. (5) Write short note - ‘Vishramane’. 8. Answer any Five out of Six questions. 0 (1) What is Laya Yoga ? 2) Define Samadhi. (3) Enlist Ashta Siddhi. (4) What are the benefits of Hot Spinal Bath ? (5) Enlist the types of Massage. (6) What is the physiological difference between Shower Bath and ‘Tub Bath ? Date: 13-04-2015 Time :- 9:30 a.m. to [2:30 p.m. GUJARAT AYURVED UNIVERSITY, JAMNAGAR AYURVEDACHARYA-( B. A. M. S.) EXAMINATION ‘THIRD PROFESSIONAL APRIL - 2015 (NEW SYLLABUS) SWASTHAVRITTA - PAPER — II Monday Marks : 100 Instructions : All tie questions are compulsory. 1 2 SECTION - A Enlisting water bome disorders; describe rapid sand bed filtration of water. ‘Answer any one question. : (1) Explain the importance of Indian factories act in occupational hygiene. 2) Defining immunization; describe its types in detail. , Answer any four questions. (1) Write short note : Ventilation. 2) Write short note : Non-auditory effects of noise pollution. GO) ge wre ates ates we TL strraPiartvnee shots srg eq 11 Explain the stanza in detail. (4) Write short note : Dead-body disposal. (5) Write short note : Dengue prevention. Answer any five questions, (1) How to predict the Janapadoddhvemsaka Vikara ? 2) What are the harraful effects of blinking light ? ) Enlist hazards of UV radiation on skin and eyes. (4) What is sanitation barrier ? Name any two disorders prevented by it. (3) Name any four occupational disorders of an Ayurvedic pharmacy. (6) What are the modes of transmission of Leptospirosis ? ECT B Describe structure ~ management and functions of a sub-centre of PHC. . Answer any one question (1) Explain the importance of MCHC. (@) Describe UNO with regards to its health care services. '. Write short note on any four. @) ASHA. Q) Surveillance in National Anti-Malaria Programme. 3) National Cancer Control Programme. (4) Actions under National Health Policy. (5) Structure of WHO. Answer any five questions, (1) What is the staff patern of a CHC ? @) What is NSV? G) Which are “Triple vaccines” ? (@) Define preventive geriatrics. (5) Which Ayurvedic procedures may be hetpfil in MCHC ? Write any four. {© What are the basic functions of ICDS ? eeeonsse 10 10 20 20 Date: 15-04-2015 Wednesday GUJARAT AYURVED UNIVERSITY, JAMNAGAR AYURVEDACHARYA-(B. A. M.S.) EXAMINATION ‘THIRD PROFESSIONAL APRIL - 2015 (NEW SYLLABUS) PRASUTI TANTRA & STRIROGA - PAPER -1 Instruction - All the questions are compulsory. SECTION-A ‘Write the definition of Pumsavana Karma, Kala and describe its various methods. Answer any one out of two questions. (1) Desetibe Toxemia of pregnancy in detail. 2) Write the Abnormality of Placenta in detail, Answer any four out of five questions. (2) White the types of Abortions and describe Complete and Incomplete abortions. @) Describe the Diagnosis of pregnancy. : @) Wet: gegen degen | saBireerrftr reper: defied Pee: |i - Explain this quotation in detail @) Give the detail description of placenta previa, (5) Write the Garbha Poshana according to Ayurveda and Modem science Answer any five out of six questions. (1) Whats the "Kikkisa” @) What is the Garbhini Malc«ala ? (G)_ Write the full form of .U.G.R. and LUD. (4) How many extra Peshis are described in the women ? (5) Which are the Garbha Sambhava Samgri ? (6) Write the P/A examinetion of first trimister. SECTION -B ‘What is the Elective and Emergency Caesarian soction ? Describe Caesarian section in detail. Answer any one out of two questions. (2) Describe the Mechanism of labour, @) White the definition, Nidana, types and management of Mudhagarbha. Auswer any four out of five questions. (1) Write the C.2.D. in detail (2) Describe the Episiotomy. ) weak hes get Th aA | age aa ad . It = complete and explain this quotation. (2) Write the Version in detail. (5) Describe the foctal distress in detail. Answer any Five out of Six questions. (1) How many Sutika-Rogas are deseribed 7 2) Whats the Ventose 7 G) Write the Cause of Prolonged balon:. (4) Write the Names of Assisted labour. (5) What is the Puerperium ? (6) Whatis the ARM.? seeee 10 w 20 10 ‘Thursday GUJARAT AYURVED UNIVERSITY, JAMNAGAR AYURVEDACHARYA+ B. A. M.S.) EXAMENATION ‘THIRD PROFESSIONAL APRIL -2015 (NEW SYLLABUS) PRASUTI TANTRA & STRIROGA - PAPER - If F ‘Time ;- 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 pm. Date: 16-04-2015 + 100 Instruction - All the questions are compulsory. 1, Describe the causes, types, investigations and management of Sti Vandhyatva as per SECTION - A Ayurveda and modem concept. 2. Answer any one ont of two questions. Desaribe the 'Asrigdara!accondiag 10 Ayurveda and Modern view. ay 3. Answer any four out of five questions. a) @Q) 3) a) @) Describe the Yonikanda in detail. Describe the Primary Amenorthoce. aratrerector gereater qfergrealreagastae: wale + aay Heart | - Explain this quotation in derail, “Write the congenital malformations of female genital tact. Desoribe the changes during Menopause, "Menopause syndrome and management. 4, Answer any five out of six questions. Q) @ @) @® o) © Describe the Yoni Arsha. ‘Write the treatment of Cervical erosion. ‘Write the full form of LVF. and LUE ‘Write the name of Yonivyapada which are having 2 symptom of Yonikandu. ‘Write the Endometriosis. ION -B 5. Cauterization is indicated in which conditions ? Mention the methods of cauterization in accordance to pre, main and post procedure, 6. Answer any one out of two questions. a) @ Describe Garbhanirodhaka Upaya in detail. ‘Write the Indications, Contra-indications, Procedure and Complications of Abdorsinal Hystroctomy. 7. Amswerany four out of five questions. @ @) @) @) 6) Write the MTP. Act. Describe Hysterascopy in detail. secanidernceen, bet Sequrda SaafC: || - explain this quotation. ‘Write the Record keeping, ethical and medicolegel issues in Streeroga and Prasutitantra. ‘Write the indications, method and complications of Hysterosalphingography. 8. Answer any Five out of Six questions. a) @) 8) ® 6) © ‘What is MC.H.? Explain scientific importance of Yonidhupana. Write importance of PIN-D.T. Act. ‘Write the Ayurvedic treatment of Stanagranthi. ‘Waite the complications of breast abscess, ‘What is Colposcopy 7 tosee 10 10 20 w 10 10 GUJARAT AYURVED UNIVERSITY, JAMNAGAR, AYURVEDACBARY A B. A. M.$.) EXAMINATION ‘THIRD PROFESSIONAL APRIL - 2015-(NEW SYLLABUS) ” KAUMARBHRITYA (AYURVEDIC PEDIATRICS) Date: 17-04-2015 Time :- 9:30 am. 10 12:30 p.m, Friday Marks ; 100 Instructions : All the questions are compulsory. SECTION- A 1 Describe indications and contraindications of Lehana and note any four Leha prescribe by Kashyapa with ingredient and indications, 2. Answer atly one question. (2) Write classification of age up to 16 years with its importance. (2) . Desctibe proper card cutting procedure with complication and management. 3. Answer any four questions. (1) Describe care of Samay Purvajata Shishu (pre-term). (2) Describe various Neonatal Reflexes. @) Describe various Stanya Janana and Vardhanopkrarsa, (@) Specify general concept of Bala (immunity). (3) Aran cet saat ae TI | weat®: geae yretmrnaig 41 Explain the stanza in detail. 4, Answer any five questions. (1) Define Kaumarbhritya. (2) Write short introduction of Kashyapa Sambita, (3) Define and describe Jeatavyanjana. (4) . Differentiate : Anterior Fontanel — Posterior Fontanel. () Define Danta Sampata. (6) Istioduce RCH programme. SECTION—B 5. Describe Shwasavarodha (Asphypria neonatram) in detail. (2) Differentiate Phakka Parigrabhika and write treatment for Parigarbhika, 7. Answer any four questions. @ Describe various formulas related to Aushadha Matra Nirdharana in relation to infant patient, @) Describe Ahiputana with treatment. (G3) Write short note on : Cerebral palsy. () awermaret Bar teen 1 sagen: eet at oranaeseerei 11 Explain the stanza in detail. 8, Answer any five questions. (2) Describe symptoms of Shoola as per Vedana Adkyaya, 2) Write weight, length, head circumference and chest circumference of normal new born. @) Specify Rh incompatibility. (@) Describe causative factors and symptoms of Navajata Netrabhishyanda. (3) Describe Stenya Pariksha, (© - Define Autism. saneneee 10 20 20 10 GUJARAT AYURVED UNIVERSITY, JAMNAGAR AYURVEDACHARYA-(B, A. M.S.) EXAMINATION ‘THIRD PROFESSIONAL APRIJ. -2015 (NEW SYLLABUS) CHARAK SAMHITA (UTTARARDHA) Date: 18-04-2015 Time :- 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Saturday Marks ; 100 ARAL: oH wed ¢2emUC B. Alll the questions are compulsory. SECTION-A 1. Explain the importance of the knowledge of Tantrayukti in the study of Samhita. 2. Answer any two questions. (1) Describe the importance of Jatharagni and the process of Avasthapaka. (2) Writing the synonyns and Samprapti of Vatarakta, explain how it spreads in whole body. (3) Explaining the importance of Raktamokshana in Visarpa, desoribe its Bahya Chikitsa. 3. Answer any four questions. (1) Write short note on - Types of Rajayakshama. (2) Write short note on : Importance of Langhana in Jwara, G) Takei a Vert sata wareHq | — Explain the quotation. (4) Write short note on : Bhailataka Rasayana. (3) Write short note on : Arsha Chikitsa. 4, Answer any five questions. ~ Cl) What is Chaturthaka Jwara ? (2) Write the Lakshanas of Kaphaja Raktapitte, 3) Write the Dushyas of Prameha. ~ 4) Enlist the names of Mahakushtha, (3) Enlist the types of Unmada. (6) In which condition and how Kshara should be used in Kushtha ? SECTION —B +S, Answer the following question. (1) Write about Chaturangula Kalpa Adhyaya. (2) Describe the Sadhya-Asadhyata and Chikitse of Basti Kundala. 6. Answer any four questions, () Write short note on : Samsarjana Karma. (2) Write short note on : Shirovirechana Yogya-Ayogya. @) qenfres: deat Peemariea: 1 t afarart PAT 11 - Explain the verse. (4) Write short note on : Mode of action of Vamana Dravya. (8) Write short note on : Apatantraka. 7. Answer any five questions, (1) in Which diseased condition Saptala should be used ? (2) What is Davansi ? (3) Write the Prayojya Anga of Diamargava. (4) Write the Uttkarika Yoga of Danti-Dravanti (S) Write the synonyms of Tilveks, (6) Write the collection method of Nishotha, severece 20 20 20

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