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Your letters: Fast food

| Readers Forum | Fri, January 29 2016, 8:13 AM

Feeding the nation: Two customers are assisted at a Kentucky Fried Chicken in Jakarta. Fast food
restaurants are mushrooming in urban parts of the country.(JP)

There are several reasons why fast food grows quickly in Jakarta. The first reason is the changing lifestyles
in society. In Jakarta, many people are working in offices or companies. The workers do not have much
time to search for food because the working hours are very solid. Advertising is another reason. Jakarta is a
big city that through advertising always informs society of new products. For example, the internet and
television report every day about developments of different types of fast food. All of these ads influence
people to buy fast food.

Moreover, the price of fast food is very cheap. Therefore, every day many people buy hamburgers, pizzas
and other fast foods.

However, fast food has negative effects. The greatest influence is on health. It can be seen from many
people in Jakarta who became fat because of these foods. As a result, these people will become less
productive and have conditions such as heart disease and diabetes.

Another consequence of fast food is losing the tradition of eating together with family at home. Now,
children and adults rarely eat together at home. As a result, parents and children seldom communicate with
each other. The next effect is on the economy. Fast food is not too expensive. It is more expensive to cook
at home. However, all fast food comes from foreign-owned franchise companies, so the benefits of these
foods go to foreigners.

In general, I think that a lot of people consume fast food in Jakarta because of the lifestyle, the influence of
advertising and low prices. However, I believe that these foods have serious consequences in the
community such as health problems, loss of traditional family meals and economic problems. Therefore,
people in Jakarta should leave fast food for a better life.

Heru Nugroho,
Your letters: Fast food
| Readers Forum | Fri, January 29 2016, 8:13 AM

There are several reasons why fast food grows quickly in Jakarta. The first reason is the changing lifestyles
in society. In Jakarta, many people are working in offices or companies. The workers do not have much
time to search for food because the working hours are very solid. Advertising is another reason. Jakarta is a
big city that through advertising always informs society of new products. For example, the internet and
television report every day about developments of different types of fast food. All of these ads influence
people to buy fast food.

Moreover, the price of fast food is very cheap. Therefore, every day many people buy hamburgers, pizzas
and other fast foods.

However, fast food has negative effects. The greatest influence is on health. It can be seen from many
people in Jakarta who became fat because of these foods. As a result, these people will become less
productive and have conditions such as heart disease and diabetes.

Another consequence of fast food is losing the tradition of eating together with family at home. Now,
children and adults rarely eat together at home. As a result, parents and children seldom communicate with
each other. The next effect is on the economy. Fast food is not too expensive. It is more expensive to cook
at home. However, all fast food comes from foreign-owned franchise companies, so the benefits of these
foods go to foreigners.

In general, I think that a lot of people consume fast food in Jakarta because of the lifestyle, the influence of
advertising and low prices. However, I believe that these foods have serious consequences in the
community such as health problems, loss of traditional family meals and economic problems. Therefore,
people in Jakarta should leave fast food for a better life.

Heru Nugroho,
surat Anda: Makanan Cepat Saji
| Pembaca Forum | Jumat, 29 Januari 2016, 08:13

Feeding bangsa: Dua pelanggan dibantu di Kentucky Fried Chicken di Jakarta. Restoran cepat saji
menjamur di bagian perkotaan negara. (JP)

Ada beberapa alasan mengapa makanan cepat saji tumbuh dengan cepat di Jakarta. Alasan pertama adalah
perubahan gaya hidup di masyarakat. Di Jakarta, banyak orang yang bekerja di kantor atau perusahaan.
Para pekerja tidak punya banyak waktu untuk mencari makanan karena jam kerja yang sangat padat. Iklan
adalah alasan lain. Jakarta adalah kota besar yang melalui iklan selalu menginformasikan masyarakat
produk baru. Sebagai contoh, internet dan televisi laporan setiap hari tentang perkembangan dari berbagai
jenis makanan cepat saji. Semua ini berpengaruh iklan orang untuk membeli makanan cepat saji.

Selain itu, harga makanan cepat saji sangat murah. Oleh karena itu, setiap hari banyak orang membeli
hamburger, pizza dan makanan cepat saji lainnya.

Namun, makanan cepat saji memiliki efek negatif. Pengaruh terbesar adalah pada kesehatan. Hal ini dapat
dilihat dari banyak orang di Jakarta yang menjadi gemuk karena makanan ini. Akibatnya, orang-orang ini
akan menjadi kurang produktif dan memiliki kondisi seperti penyakit jantung dan diabetes.

Konsekuensi lain dari makanan cepat saji adalah kehilangan tradisi makan bersama dengan keluarga di
rumah. Sekarang, anak-anak dan orang dewasa jarang makan bersama-sama di rumah. Akibatnya, orang
tua dan anak-anak jarang berkomunikasi satu sama lain. Efek berikutnya adalah pada perekonomian.
makanan cepat saji tidak terlalu mahal. Hal ini lebih mahal untuk memasak di rumah. Namun, semua
makanan cepat saji berasal dari perusahaan waralaba milik asing, sehingga manfaat dari makanan ini pergi
ke orang asing.

Secara umum, saya berpikir bahwa banyak orang mengkonsumsi makanan cepat saji di Jakarta karena gaya
hidup, pengaruh iklan dan harga murah. Namun, saya percaya bahwa makanan ini memiliki konsekuensi
serius di masyarakat seperti masalah kesehatan, kehilangan makanan keluarga tradisional dan masalah
ekonomi. Oleh karena itu, orang-orang di Jakarta harus meninggalkan makanan cepat saji untuk kehidupan
yang lebih baik.

Heru Nugroho,

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