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LS i \ ILLUSTRATED SERIES™ Microsoft® Publisher 2013 FEATURES: * Windows® 7 and Windows® 8 compatible + Unique 2-page layout * Learn skills quickly and efficiently Elizabeth Eisner Reding Microsoft® Publisher 2013 ILLUSTRATED Elizabeth Eisner Reding 2% CENGAGE «= Learning os CENGAGE = Learning Miro Publisher 208—Iatated nts nba er Ring Senior Prosict Team Manger: Maori Hunt Senior Coment Develort: Cristi Kling Garett ‘Content Sevelop: Kir Kssner DeveopmentlEitor:SosanWhalen Proje Manager: GX Fubistng Services copyttton GExPubising Proofreader isa Weideneld Inert Caton QA anus vers Sere Pla, nn Frias, Darl Shas, ol Seba Cover Designer: GEX Pulshing Sevces “Compaston: GEE Poblahing Sevres Printed in the United States of America 1234567191817 16 15 14 13 (© 2014 Cengage Learning ‘wens 02:200-208 ALLRIGHTS RESERVED. No pat of thiswork covered by the copih herein may be reproduced vansmtted, stored or wid inary erm orby photocopying, recording caning, dighizing taping, Web cistrbution, ‘nferyetin ratot torino erage ed tte ter eet permits unser Section 1070108 ofthe 1976 United States Copyrignt Forprodutinfrmatin anctechrologyassistnee, conta at CCorgageLenrnng Customer Siles Sapport 1-80354:9706, For permision to use mater fon this txt orprodee, smi al ‘equ oneat wamcegagecamypermiians purmisionrequestBcengagecore Library af Congiess Contra Number: 2013969096 1spv-12:976-1285-08271-4 Is -10:-745.082710 Cengage Learning 200TH Stamford Pie, th Foes Stanfors,cT 06902 ust LCengnge earning i lsading provider of custorielaringslitions withoffie locations rouncthe gabe. nludng Singapois.theUritss Kingdom, ust, Wesco, Savi ane pan, aca you orl ficest sn-congage-com/elobal elon Education, te For your courseanlaring sluons vs mmwucengage.con’ Purchase ny of our producs at yout oa colege sre orator probrtedorlinestoremwmcengagebran.cem Sore ofthe presuct ramasand company nan usd inthis beok have ragbterectrademarssof ther respective marufactrers ar seers IMicosoftand te Windows logo ate reqistered racerarts af Mirosft lear Incependantentty fam Mirosoft Corporation, and not silted with Go Ny ighted material Brief Contents Preface Unit A: Getting Started with Microsoft Publisher 2013 aes . Publisher 1 Unit B: Creating a Publication... Publisher 25 Unit C: Working with Text... Publisher 49 Unit D: Working wth Graphic Objects Publisher 75 _. Publisher 107 Unit E: Enhancing a Publication... Unit F: Improving a Design. : 5: Publisher 127 Unit G: Working with Multiple Pages. Ht ... Publisher 149 Unit H: Using Advanced Features Publisher 175 Working Efficiently. — Publisher 201 Unit I: Glossary Glossary 1 Index... 8 id “t — — . dindex 5 BRIEF CONTENTS Contents Preface Unit A: Getting Started with Microsoft Publisher 2013.. ..Publisher 1 Define Publication Software oeePublisher 2 Creating branded publications Start Publisher 2013 Starting an app using Windows Creating 2 new publication Explore the Publisher Window . Using panes and Building Blocks Open and Save a Publication nsPublisher 8 Using dialog box views Enter Text in a Text Box Understanding objets View and Print a Publication . Using Backstage view Use Help and Change Business Information sso i Publisher 14 Close Publication ang Exit Publisher... Publisher 16 Opening file with a single click Viewing the Microsoft Publisher World Wide Web site Capstone Project: Study Abroad Flyer... isn PDN AS Fracliee vn at Publisher 20 Publisher 4 Publisher 6 Publisher 10 sv Publisher 12 Unit B: Creating a Publication .. Publisher 25 Plan a Publication. Publisher 26 Developing design sense Including the facts Design a Publication lecognizing bad desi Create a Fublication Using a Template... Using templates Understanding template options Replace Existing Tat... sone Publisher 32 Fesizing a frame Add « Graphic Image sen sc sw Publisher 34 Add a Sidebar, “ Publisher 36 vv Publisher 28 vv Publisher 30 ‘Use Building BIOCKS.......c.cneemsnes = is seweseeenes Publisher 38 Group Objects. Publisher 40 Capstone Project: College Brochure. anne .. Publisher 42 Practice ami ana ninsiabittasoasenicat .... Publisher 44 vi CONTENTS gu tt ngs a seana GORY tghted material image not available image not available image not available Preface Welcome to Microsoft Publisher 2913—ilustrated. This book has a unique design: Each skl is presented on two facing pages, with steps on the left and screens on the right. The layout makes it easy to learn a skl without having to read a lot of text and Hip pages to see an illustration, T) New! Leeming Outcomes boxlists measurable learning goals for which ¢ student is aczountable in that lesson B inretctn biti xpi wty th lesson sii inprtant ch two-page lesson fecuses on a single shill “A case scanarin motivates the steps and puts learning in context, “5. Step-by-step instructions ané briet explanations guide students through each hands-on lesson activity © Now! Figure references are now in ed bold to help students refer back and forth between the steps ard screenshots T Tips and troubleshooting advice, right where you neo it-next tothe step its. |B Now! Largor secoonshats with gro callouts now keep studonts on tracks they complate steps. B cis rss panncss pons irene amnewsaesen cp atic OR ighted material image not available image not available image not available Important Notes for Windows 7 Users ‘The screenshots in this book show Microsoft Publisher 2013 running on Windows 8. Howeves, if you are using Microsoft Windows 7, You can sil use this book because Publisher 2013 (and all ofthe Office 2013 applications) run virally the same on both platforms. ‘There are only two differences that you will ncaunter if you are using Windov's 7. Read this section to understand the differences. jialog boxes Ifyou are a Windows 7 user, dialog boxes shown in this book will ook slightly ctferent than what you see on your screen Dialog boxes tor Windows 7 have a light blue tite bar, instead of a medium blue title bar, However, beyond ths superticial difference in appearance, the options in the dialog boxes across platforms are the same. For instance, the screen shots below show the Font dialog box in Word 2013 running on Windows 7 and the Font dialog box running on Windows 8 FIGURE 1: Font éialagboxin Windows 7 FIGURE 2 Font dialog bos in Windows 8 Alternate Steps for Starting an App in Windows 7 Neatly all of the steps in this book werk exactly the same for Windows 7 users. However, starting an apo (or program/applica- tion) requires different steps for Windows 7. The steps below show the Windows 7 steps for starting an app. (Note: Windows 7 altemate steps also appear in red Trouble boxes neat to any step in the book that requires starting an app.) Starting an app (or program/applcation) using Windows 7 FIGURE 3: Starting an app esing Windows 7 1. Clic the Start button on the taskkar to open the Start menu. 2. Click All Programs, then click the Microsoft Office 2013, folder. See Figure 3, 5, Click theapp you want to use (uch as Publisher 2013). material image not available image not available image not available Define Publication Software Publisher a desktop publishing program, a software program that lets you combine text and raphics, as well as worksheets and charts created in other programs, to produce typeset-cuality iocuments for output on a personal printer or for commercial printing, A document created in Publisher is called a publication, TABLE A-1 describes the lypes of publications you can create, TERED You wart tb learn how to use Publisher so that you can generate a prtessonal-looking fer quickly and easily, ‘The benefits of using Publisher include the ability to: * Create professional publications Pabuiser comes tha generow collet of empats, designs that lt youchoose the type of pbkation sou want to develop. Pubisher templates help you cide onthe appearance, then suggest ext and graphic image placement to complete the publication. Onve you choose a template from the Feared Templates, list, you can easily mudi it to meet speatic needs, sng opions on the PRGE DESIGN tab on the Rion © Use artwork Awork not only makes any publistion appear more vibrant and intresting, ut alo helps to eflst and renfoweytrideas with val mags, Publisher comes with many pees of ator that canbe incorporate into publications. In addon, othe lstratons (rom a viet of sourees inching Otfcecomy), soul fits, video a, and photographs canbe impored into your publications * Create logos Most organizations we a recognizable simbal, shape, coloy or conination of thee to attach to theit rime. This distinctive artwork, called a logo, can be created sing resources such asthe Pusher Page Pars Galery ory designing your os arvons alee FIGURE Ailsa a sample yes crete in Publis, that ecntains alga forme by combining clip art and kext. * Make your work look consistent Publisher has many tools to Help you create consistent publications that have similar design elements. You can use designs to ceate different types of stylized publicaions. When creating work kom scratch, you ‘might, for example, want to designate anaea on the page that always displays the same information, such asa company mime or mission statement, Using rules and layout guides, you can create grids to help position grephics and text on a page, You can also save 1 publication as a template, a specially formatted publication of your own design with placcholer text tht sews as a master for che, similar publications ‘© Work with multiple pages Publisher makes it easy to Work with multipage publications, Pages can be added, deleted, and moved ‘within publication, «Emphasize special text Even great writing can be les than compelingif allthe text looks the same. Use varie text styles to express different meanings and conver messages to adel interest and help guide the reader’ eye. You can use headline to gral readers and lead them io stores of specific significance, You can use a sidebar to makea stort statement more noticeable, of a pull quote to make an important point stand out and stab a readers attention «Publish to the Internet Publisher contains design clements specifically for Web sites, making it easy to include links and graphics Page backgrounds and animated Glfs add color ars motion to your pages. The Publish HTML command {ia the Backstage view) helps you aed common Web features a print docament andl makes your Web ste available to local network drive, an intranet or an Inteet Service Provider for worlwide Viewing, BCD Setting Startod with Microsoft Publisher 2013 [rexanac ws rom one page's anote cantecomectes |v continues | and ‘contest |r ote | sometimes ale jure ine” [Aterng the |appaatance af text | by ing | orn | formating can |emprasze ts | sgnitcance image not available image not available image not available Explore the Publisher Window ‘The area where a new or existing publication appears i called the workspace, which includes both the publication page and the scratch area, The workspace is where you actualy work on a publication and view your work, The workspace is bordered above end cn the le by horizontal and vertical rulers that help you position text ard grephics in your publications. The workspaces also bordered by horizontal and ‘ertical scrollbars that dlow you to view different areas ofthe workspace. EENEEB> You deci to tote Some time to get familiar with the Publisher workspace and its ements before working cn the flyer. Compare the descriptions below to FIGURE A. Ine title bar Isat the 1op ofthe window, and splays ine program name (ubishes) andthe hlename of the open publication. In FIGURE A-4, the filename & Publication}, a default name, because the file has not set been named and saved, The ttle bar aso contains a Quick Access toolbar, Help button, a Chse button, and resizing butions. The Publsher Help feature can be acessedl by pressing [FI] or by clicking. at the right of the title bar “The tab bar contains tabs thal contain buttons that are organized in task-based categories (such as PAGE DESIGN and VIEW), In Publisher, you can choose & tab by clicking it with the mouse, or by pressing [Al], then pressing the displayed lee het appears beneath the tab name. (You can tum offthe etter displays by pressing sh © The Ribbon contains tabs grouped by Publisher tasks, The HOME tab isthe firs. white tab on the let and contains buttons forthe most frequently used Publisher commands. Pace the pointer over each button to iyplay the SereenTTip, a label that describes what cach button dors. To select a button, click it with the Flt iousebutton. The faces of some buttons have a graphic representation oftheir &anction, whilesome have only text, oa combination of both, For example, tae Shapes button displays a collection of shapes and the vword Shapes. Butlons within cach tab are organized in groups, and the goup name is displayed at the bottom of cach group. Some lab groups contin a launzher button inuicating that additional options are available, Formatting tools appear in the Font and Paragraph groups of the HOME tab and contain buttons for frequently used text formatting commands such a8 bold, ales, or underlining Nouean mmvelhe hapa of he tab | andsce more of: |cocumen by tt Jing cotpsetne | oben suzon [tothe ighot the bon Resore te | ben oy srs {ent © Rulers Jet you precisely measure the sizeof abjects as well as plice objects in exact locations on a page They can be moved rom the edge of the workspace to more convenient positions. Your rulers may have Afferent beginning and ending numbers, depending on the size of your monitor, the rewlution of your clsplay, and the positioning ofthe page on theworlspace. The units of measarement cisplayed in rulers can be changed to show inches, centimeters, pleas, or points. You can modify the appearance and behavior ef rulers by right-clicking on either the vertical or hor'zontal ruler. © “The workspace contains the currently displayed page and the scratch area, The seratch area is the grav area that surrounds the publication page, and can be used to store abjecs. To the let of the workspace is the Pages pane, which shows you how mary pages ae in Une current publication and which pages are ate, and allows you to navigate the pages. The Pages pane can be collapsed by clicking the Collapse Page Navigation Pane button (atthe topight edge of the pane); click the Expand Page Navigation Pane button to reopen the Pages pane. In multi-page publication, an icon is displayed for exch page; the ion for Une curentpage i surrounded by adark green outline, Click the thumbnail in the Pages pane forthe page yo ‘want to view, * The status bar is located a the bottom of the Publisher window. On the lef sideol the stalus br are page indicators, which show you the number of pages in a publication and indicate which page is active, The left side ofthe stitus bar shows the objec status, which includes the size and position of selected objects Getting Started with Microsoft Publisher 2013 image not available image not available image not available Enter Text in a Text Box In word processing, texts entered directly on a page and isthe main element of @ document. In desktop publishing, text forms part ofthe publication, along with images and graphic design elements. A text box isan object that can be resized and repositioned on a page. Once you type or paste text in a text bos, you can easly manipulate the object relative to the graphics and other objects on a page to achieve the best vera layout. Point size isthe unit of measurement for fonts, andthe space between paragrapts and text characters. There are 72 points in an inch. Because stores often continue onto another page, you can connect two ormore text boxes 50 the text lows logically from one page to the next. You can select a text box by clicking anywhere within it. When selected, small hofow circles caled handles appear at eight points around its perimeter. A publication aso includes placeholders, which help you envision what type finlormation to include and where, Ruler guides are green horizontal and vertical ins that appear on the screen to help you postion objects on a page, but do not printf the publication: QEERED You wart to incide the addres of the new ofice space in the fiver, so you decide fo create a text box tothe sight of the Design Diva logo to canton this information, You'l use ruler guides to postion the text box just where you want i 1. lick the Draw Text Box button “in the Objects group on the HOME tab on the Ribbon He painter changes 10. 2, Position -}- so that the object position coordinates are 3.50, 4.00 IN., press and hold the left mouse button, drag -} to create arectangle that is approximately 4.00 x 2.75 IN., then release the mouse button As you drag the textbox, the coordinates on the stalus bar display the inital position ofthe pointer and the objects dimensions, The auler guides abo Help you positon and size the text box coretly. When you ease the mouse buton, dhe text bex apgearsas a selected object sumounded by handles, with the insertion point Blinking in the upper-lit corner as shown in FIGURE A. This means that Publishers wea for you to type text, and has made the relevant cols aval to you Yousanalo wethe |rlecoordnatesto raw stapes and pace bjs Now can ate zoom in sing he MEW tb er the Zoom cool ais bt. 3. Press[F9], type We are excited about our new office space. Here, we will offer expanded services in a professional atmosphere. Please join us at our Open House celebration on May ‘st, from 1 to 5 p.m,, press [Enter] twice, type Our new address is, press [Enter], type 3444 Tramway Boulevard, press [Enter], then type Albuquerque, NM 87111 4, Press [Ctrl[A] to select all the text in the box, click the Font Size list arrow in the Font ye er group on the TEXT BOX TOOLS FORMAT tab on the Ribbon, then dick 16 petite The default fone was 1Opt.Enarging the font size makes the text stand out so it easier to rea eee 5S. lick anywhere on the scratch area [Delete] tocomect Clicking outside the text box deselecs it, You could also press [Esc] twice to deselect the text box, Compare sry tiped sour creento FGUREA-1, 6 Click the VIEW tab on the Ribbon, then click the Whole Page button in the Zoom group ‘The magnification adjusts so that the entre page isin view on the scree. 7. Glick the Save button [5 on the Quick Access toolbar lis a good idea to save your work early and oiten in the creation process, especially before making signif cant changes to the publication, or before printing Getting Started with Microsoft Publisher 2013 image not available image not available image not available Use Help and Change Business ‘ou an pnt the inormato nary Helpwindow by eng the Pit tenon the Pulte Help window taba anole peson’s Information Seto add zw, clk Nevin the Business Information clog bax open he | cteae New Busress Information Set aig box Buses am |omthe ino cori n [pcatage vew Information Publisher offers extensive Help features that qive you immediate access to definitions, explanations, and tseful ips. When open, the Help window floats in a separate window over the workspace and contains links to information that can asslstyou in your work. The window can be resized or moved and can remain ‘on the screen so you can refer to it as you work. You can access Help any time while Publisher is open Because you probably create publications for yoursel or far your business or organization, Publisher makes it easy for you to siore frequent used information about these entites. This feature, called Business Information Sets, means that you won't have to enter this information each time, You can store an unlimited number of Business Information Sets for your business, another organization, and your home or family members. The information in the default business set can easily be changed to other information sets that you have created. (LEER vou decide to use Help to find out about Business information and how {ican be modified. You wont to find out how to create « Business Infomation Set for Design Diva that yeu can tse (0 easily insert cemnpany informotion into publications. lick the Microsoft Publisher Help button ?/ on the right side of the title bar lick the search text box, type business information, then press [Enter] ‘The Publisher Help window opens displaying lapis aboxt husines information, as shown in FIGURE A . Click Edit Business Information, then read about making modifications 4. Glick the Keep Help on Top button “then drag the Help window to the right edge of the screen 5. Click the INSERT tab on the Ribbon, click the Business Information button in the Text group, click Edit Business Information, then click New in the Business Information dialog box Any Business Information set can be mosifed, andthe changes can be use in future publications 6. Press [Tab] three times to select the name in the Individual name text box, type Your Name, press [Tabl, then refer to risunea-ts to enter the rest of the information in the Create New Business information Set dialog box including job title, phone numbers, and email 7. Select the contents of the Business Information set name text box, then type Secondary Business Information Set The information inthe dialog box is forthe cusent secondary busines. 8. Glick Save, confirm that the information you entered is correct, then click Update Publication Clicking Update Pucatien confi your changes to the inormation set 9. Click the Don't Keep Help on Top button #, then click the Close button to close the Publisher Help window BD | Setting Startod with Microsoft Publisher 2013 image not available image not available image not available Capstone Project: Study Abroad Flyer ‘You have learned the basic skills necessary to modify an existing publication. You can open a file and save itunder a different name. You know how to create a text box, insert texl, zoom, and increase the font size to.adé emohass, Once your work s complete, you can preview the lye in both back arl white and in color, then print. CELLED sing a template, Mike started o ter fr the Commanty College Cound that advertises 0 one-credit course in Mexico, He aiks you to complete the project by adding contact information and them reviewing and pining the doaument 1. Start Pubiisher, click Open Other Documents in Backstage view, open PUB from the location where you store your Data Files, then save the publication as PUB A-Study Abroad Flyer 2. Click the Draw Text Box button *1in the Objects group on the HOME tab on the Ribbon, then use -|- to createa rectangular text box from approximately 1.25" H / 9" V with the approximate dimensions of 4 x 1 IN 3. Press F9] to 200m in to the text box 4, Type For more information, contact: press [Enter], type Your Name, press [Enter], then type Extension 5750 5. Press (Ctr][A], click the Font Size list arrow |*° ~ in the Font group, click 16, then press [Esc] Compare your publication to FIGURE A-1. 6. Press [Esc], press |F9] to zoom out, then click the Save button 4 on the Quick Access ths boo, wer coordinates ae gen |asfolows: 14° 9° lero the rectionof TW onthe horton rulrand 3 he \vetial ve toolbar The overall design of the publication Looks good. 7. Click the FILE tab, then click Print ‘The publication appears on the sereen ast will look when printed. You cannot see the text box outlines ot other nonprinting characters, Compare your publication to FIGURE A-18, 8. Click the Print button 9. Exit Publisher BD Setting Startod with Microsoft Publisher 2013 image not available image not available image not available Skills Review (continued) 1b. Create a text box with the dimensions of FIGURE A-20 2.00 x 0.75 IN, for your address, using FIGUREA-20, as a guide. The top-left corner shoul be placed at 1.25, 1.25 IN, Substitute your contact informa- | tion for the text shown using a 10-point textsize. “Your Name c. Save the publication. 7 6. View and print a publication, Design Diva | Atcouat Executive a 3444 Tramway Boulevard oe F “Albuquerque, NM_ 7111 ‘c, Use the Print feature to print one copy of the (575)955-5535 publication joumname@ 7. Use Help and change Business Information. Open Publisher Help and click the Search text box >. Find information on creating a text box. Hint: Use keywords “text box,” then read several ofthe search result topics) Click the Print button in the Publisher Help window to print the information you find, ‘Close the Publisher Help window. Open the Business Information dialog box. (Hint: this command is found on the INSERT tab.) Select the Secondary Business Information Se b, a. ©. f '§ Make a modification to the information that you entered (it can be a small change, such as substituting a aickname for your formal name, or changing a phone number or area code). 1h Save your changes and update the publication 8. Close the publication and exit Publisher. Close your publication b, Exit Publisher. Independent Challenge 1 The Publisher Help feature provides definitions, explanations, procedures, and other helpful information, You need toadd a pge to a brochure you are working on for your new client, Mangea!, a Trench importer of baked goods and cheeses. Open ing publication and find out how to apply a different business infomation st. Pint out the information. a, Using the Help feature, find out how you can apply a different Business Information Set to a publication. 1, Print the information you found in step a Independent Challenge 2 Publisher can be used in many ways in business and education. Ifyou were teaching a class, how could you use Publisher as ateaching aid? ‘a, Think of three types of publications you could create with Publisher hat would be effective in a lassioom. by, Sketch a sample of each publication, ‘c. Open ablank publication for each sample, Using text boxes, re-create your sketches. (These publications do not need to be fancy; they can just contain text boxes, Your three publications should be named PUB A-Suggestion 1, PUB A-Suggestion 2, and PUB ASuggestion 3. 4. In a separate blank publication, use text boxes to explain why each of your suggestions would bean effective use of Publisher. Name this publication PUB A-Explanations. ¢. Be sure to include your name in a text box in each publication, then print all three suggestion publications £. Save and close the publications, then ext Publisher. Getting Started with Microsoft Publisher 2013 image not available image not available image not available tr Li Plan a Publication ‘To create an effective publication, you should start with a panning session. Planning a publicationinvolves at least three steps: determining what youwant to achieve, deciding wnat information to include, an figuring cut how te best present it. Knowing the goals of your publication helps you determine wat form it should take, Keeping inmind the content of the message and your audience helps youto decidehow the publication should be written and how it should look. While there are many approaches to planning, the best strategy is to stat by determining the purpose of your publication. See FIGURE B41, CELEB Your assignment 15 to create a one-page newsletter Before startin ressage? What form should the meisage take? you answer these questions: Who is the audience? What is the Answering the following questions is the key to planning a successful publication: + What is the purpose of the publication? Are you trying to inform, motivate, sell, inspire confidence, raise morale, solicit a vote, or solicit a contribe tion of time or money? In your disetssions with Mike and other managers at Design Diva you lam thatthe purpose of the newsletter Jo inform employes of news within the company and to publidze busines and personal achievements * What type of response do you want? Do you intend this tobe a one-way communication, oF do you want @ wsponse? Ifyou do want a response, ‘what form should it ake? Do you want volunteers, attendance at an event, andor inguires for additional information via phone or e-mail? For example, do vou want visits toa Web site, registrations and RSVPs, contrais signed and returned, or payments by check, cash or credit cand? ‘he Design Diva newsletters intended to make employees fee important and inciuded. It primarily one-nay communication + What are you going to do with the responses you receive? Ityou slic inquiries for sédtional information va mail or e-mail, but don't preparea polite, informative response to sen, you rik alignaing your audience, If you solicit information but neglect to gather, interpret, or use, you waste time and ert, and lose an opportuni. + Whois the target audience? ‘The more accurately you an define the characterises of your target audience, the more you can tailor the content and appearance ofthe message to appeal to that group. For instance, a colorful comic book publica {on Would be right for ery to eluate fourth grders, but not appropriate for mforming cardotogts of snowy ems sk factors for heat disease Some ofthe posible ways to identify a group are by age, gener, geography, reading lve, educational backgroune, fist language, hobbies, nationality, ethnicity, religion culture, political afiiation, employmen, income level, taste in muse and art, home ovnership, and health, The Design Diva newsletter has a nartow audience It vill be read by employees and clients of the company. While thet demognphics vay, all share an interest in the Design Diva agency and ils com service advertising ned Creating a Publication os bic cen hoe it cnn et ni i cen image not available image not available image not available Create a Publication Using a se Template I's easy to create new publications using Publisher templates, specaly formatted publicatons containing placeholder text that serves as a masterfor other pubications Publisher offers a wide variety of publication templates that meet the needs of dlllerent audiences and provide information in different ways. The Zvailable Templates section organizes templates by category and is accested by clickingthe New command in Backstage view. Templates are arranged by popularity and purpose categories, The cetegores range from common types of publications, such as Flyers, Calendars, and Envelopes, to the not-se-common types, such as Gift Certfcates and Paper Folding Projects. Some categories include design schemes such as Arrows, Bounce, Brocade, Color Bard, Markes, and soon. The choices you select help create the nit publication, and you take it rom there. (GEISER You use o Fublisher template to crete a newsletter 1. Start Publisher The Microsoft Publisher window opens with Featured Templates, dkplaying FEATURED and BUILTIN Templates in the center pane, I Pusiseris asd open but yo do ot see the Merosoft Publier temples, ficknerittns, | 2, Glick BUILT-IN in the right panel, scroll down, then click Newsletters in the right pane Tae Newslaters category cisplays diferent newsletter templates that have been installed with Publisher tenclek New 3. Scroll down to More Installed Templates, then click Borders reat A thumbnail of the Borders newsletter avout appears in the right pane in the window, with options for me cxsloaniasshowa atte Youcaikeep he deta setdngsarchoostivia Incarablcoplion Pubes out tenebtechotes | 4, Click CREATE in the far-right pane maybe ferent, Publisher creaves the publicatlon and displays it on the sereex 5. Click the PAGE DESIGN tab on the Ribbon, click the More button > in the Schemes group, then click Metro in the Built-In section The existing color scheme is immediately replaced with the Metro colo scheme, a8 Shown in FIGURE 8-4 You now have a clear view of the newsletter in the workspace. the Save button E31 on the Quick Access toolbar, navigate to the location where you store your Data Files, select the text in the Filename text box iit is not highlighted, type PUB B-Design Diva Newsletter, then dick Save (irre Have you eer stared at a blnk piece of pape or ablankscreen signers us templates Youcan we a template if ou just need and ust not known where to began? You canuse a template as _—_aroutine expenseform or an invoice your cient can't lorda 2 staring point, partly #youare jst beginning in design, “one ta kind desig,” or tosave ime. Theinperint thng te Srowsing trough the temples can spark your creat and yet___remember about asing a templates to choose one tha is you sted down the path te creating your own masterpieces, eppropiteto the publeation. Abid choice wil ecu too many Bekeve itor not, there are occasions when even the best alteration, andthe advantages of wing template vl be lst. STEED 622092 abicaion image not available image not available image not available Add a Graphic Image ‘Artwvork can express feelings and ideas that words just cart capture. A picture, apiece of clip at, a oraph, oF a drawing is called a graphic image, or simply 2 graphic. Artwork can also be scanned into your computer, created using drawing programs or a digital camera, or purchased separately on a disk or online, Clip artis aterm for graphic images that can be used ree of charge or for a fe. Cip ats wsually supplied on a disk or over the Web. Publisher comes with thousands of pieces of cli art. TABLE 8: lists Some ofthe commen graphic image formats that can be usedwith Publisher (ESD You have decided to incide the Design Diva loge inthe newsleter luck you already have this mage in electronic formot. You ecide to place this logo near the graphic image placeholder of the bicyclist, so first you need to delete that ploceholdes the graphic mage placeholder at 5" H / 5’ V Hands sunound both the platchokder ip at ané the caption beneath i ndating that although ther are tw objets, they are grouped and displayed as a single object, I you Were to cHKk en the PICTURE TOOLS FORMAT tab, you would see thal the Ungroup button ‘fy is visible in the Arrange group, which indicates that the selected object tas been grouped so it can be {rented as one unit 2, Press Delete] The graphic image and caplion text box placeholders dppear, and the text box expands to replace them, Use re le andthe rina ang vera coednas, The the ons vei Step 1 to tlp you ‘he comet placceldes troughoul hs it Tru Including the truncated text. I'he graphic image was inserted here without frst deleting the placeholder, Frarcan lange fu ‘would replace the curent graphic. t would be placed in roughly the same locaton, sien thelosert 3 the INSERT tab on the Ribbon, then click the Pictures button in the Illustrations rgekonsby 9 group os ae The lisert itu dialog box opens, pte aft oe igenrwer | 4. Navigate to the location where you store your Data Files atest Showsjouesampe PP» 5. Click the More options list arrow, click Extra Large Icons, clck Design Diva logopg as frags saiabe shown in icuie 87, then dick insert in the oe The Design Diva logo is inserted in the publication, 6. Select the Design Diva logo graphic image if itis not already selected, use [> to drag it until the upper-left corner of the image is approximately at coordinates 4.23, 3.89 in,, then press [F9] The repositioned image is nea the yppeleft portion of the column, as shorn in FIGURE 88. yea he jet tebe |signent tne 09) dopa vet Ja orzo! Jou to eyo 7. Place the pointer over the lower-right handle of the image so it turns to“, press and hold (Shift), press and hold the left mouse button, drag —~ up and to the left until the image Is slightly wider than the column (approximately 1.6 x 1.93 in.), release [Shit], then release the mouse button The top-left comer of the images now at coordinates 4.23, 389 in (approximately), and has dimensions of approximately 1.6 x 1:93 in, as shown in FIGURE B-, Pacing the pointer overa handle ané then dragging the frame edge reszesan image. Av you diag the pointer, the satusbarreflet the object's sie a position, using the ruler coordinates. To preserve an image’ scale while increasing or decreasing is size, press and hold shit} while dragging the irame ede 8. Press|, then click the scratch area to deselect the logo 9. Save your work Ane Creating a Publication image not available image not available image not available Use Building Blocks ‘The Building locks group (found in the INSERT tab) contains a wide variety of built-in design cbjecs you can insert 0 assemble a publication quickly. These include ads, calendars, coupons, logos, mastheacs, pul quotes and more. A pull quote is an excerpt pulled from the text and set next to it, usualy ina diferent \upetace. The purpose ofa pull quote isto draw attention to the story from which itis quoted. Pull cuotes should be short enough to read easily, but long enough to capture interest. They should be on the same page as the story and placed close to it. The wording is not ahways an exact quote from the article, but should be an accurate rellection ofthe content. (SEER You want to insert a pull quete near the article on the campany’s new bscation, Becouse the Design Diva newsltteris a one-page publication, you do not need a Inble of Contents, so you decide to replace that placehalder withthe pull quot. rs 1. Right-click the Table of Contents at 7"H / 7” V, then click Delete Object sess” | 2. lick the INSERT tab on the Ribbon, click the Page Parts button in the Building Blocks vole number ooriratesare group, then click More Page Parts proved hep eaptlee The Building Block Library dialog box opens. The Library is organized into categories that help you select. the typeof object you want to ad oa publication, an the specif design, 3, Scroll to the Pull Quotes Category, click All Pull Quotes, click Frames, then click Insert You set the Frames pull quote because you want the pall quoteto have alain design. rs ofen best ue Tess omate design elements to avoid discacting the ead. The pall que placehokder appears on the fist page ofthe pubiation as shown in FIGURE 4, Place the pointer over the left ecge of the pull quote so it changes to i, drag the object until the coordinates read 5.79, 7.00 IN., then press [F9] He pull quote sits just below the sidebar. Compare your pall quote tex! box to FIGUREB-18 5. Click the pull quote text to select it, then type “Twice as many parking spaces are allotted as we have employees. Childcare is also available.” ‘When the pull quoteis selected, the horizontal nuler becomes active, just as with any text box, 6. Use the lower-right handle to resize the pull quote so its lower-right handl Pie H/ BH"V 7. Click the pull quote text, press (Ctrl[A] to select all the text in the pull quote, click the TEXT BOX TOOLS FORMAT tab on the Ribbon, click Text Fit in the Text group, then click Best Fit Compare your pall quote fo FIGURE 3.18 8. Press[F9], then click the scratch area to deselect the pull quote 9. Save your work at ned Creating a Publication image not available image not available image not available Capstone Project: College Brochure You have learned the stills necesary to plan, desig, and create a new publication, and to open an «existing publication. You can save an existing publication or a template with a new descriptive name of your choice. Using buttons on the INSERT tab, you can create a text box and add graphic images, and Using the Building Blocks, you can insert object: such a a sidebar that enhances your publication. Once chjecis are placed in your publication, you can graup them so they can be treated as a single object Camelback Community College & one of Design Divas loca clients. You have been asled to create a brochure that promotes thelr courses. (ERED Fo: the purposes of dating the design, you decide to use the Secondary Business Inermation Set os placehelder text. Once it has been approved, yeu can update with the college’ inarmation, Start Publisher, click Brochures from the BUILT-IN Templates lst, click Blends in the More Installed Templates informational category, use the Secondary Business Information Set, then click CREATE Save the publication as PUB B-Camelback Brochure to the location where you store your Data Files, then change the color scheme to Cherry lick the Product/Service Information placeholder, type Camelback University, then press Esc] twice lick the placeholder beneath the Camelback University text box, press [Ctll[A] to select the text, then type An Education You Can Use! Ifa logo placeholder displays, select it, then delete it lick the INSERT tab on the Ribbon, click the Page Parts button in the Building Blocks group, click More Page Parts, click All Pull Quotes, click Blends, then click Insert Se FIGURE 8-1 lick the placeholder text in the pull quote, replace it with Your Name, press [Ctl][A], click the TEXT BOX TOOLS FORMAT tab, click Text Fit in the Text group, click Best Fit, then press [Esc] two times Compe your publication with FIGURE 8-18 Save the publication, submit your work to your instructor, then exit Publisher nna Creating a Publication image not available image not available image not available Skills Review (continued) 5. Add a graphic image. fa, Select the grouped graphic image placeholder and its caption, then delete then, by, Insert the picture file Design Diva logo.jpg from the location wher you store your Data Files ¢. Press and hold [Shit], resize the image to approximately 2.0 x 2.3. then reposition ito thatthe upper-left corner ‘of the imageis at approximately 6/5 V, chen save the publication 6, Add a sidebar. ‘a Select the sidebar placsholder (Special points of interes) in the left column atthe bottom ofthe page, then selec sll text within i 1b, Zoom in to view the sidebar, then delete all the txt within it ¢. Insert the Word fle PUB B-4.docx from tne location where you store your Data Files 4, View and read the sidebar, use Best Ft to fit the Lest, zoom out so you can see the entite publication, then deselect the sidebar. . Save the publication. 7. Use Building Blocks. ‘a, Click the Page Pars button in the Building Blocks group on the INSERT tab, then click More Page Pats. by, Click Al Pull Quotes, inser the Marble pull quote, then zoom in to view the pull quote ‘c. Move the pull quote so the upper-right cosner is al the right maigin and the top of the pull quote meets the bottom ‘of the text box containing the Design Diva log. 4, Replace the placeholder with: “Work shouldn't hurt. If you feel pain while sitting at your workstation, stop what you are doing.” ¢, Select the Best Fit command using the TEXT OX TOOLS FORMAT tab. £. Zoom oat so you can see the entire publication, deselect the pull quote, then save the publication. 8. Group objects. fa, Press and hold [Shit], then select both the volume and newsletter date test boxes in the right column, b, Group the two selected objects. , Ungroup the objects, deselect the objects, then replace the Newsletter Date text with Your Name. 4. Save your work, submit your work to y ur instructor, then exit Publisher Independent Challenge 1 You volunteered to help the local Rotary Club desigma flyer for its upcoming Fun Run fundraiser. The onganization is trying to raise money lor victims of earthquakes in Central America. The funds will go toward medicine, building material, food Clothing, and transportation costs forthe material and some volunteers a Start Publisher ifnecessary, then create a flyer using the the All Event Flyer group) 1b, Change the Color Scheme to Garnet, then acvept the default options ¢ Save the publication as PUB B-Fun Ram Flyer in the folder where you store your Data Files 4. Modify the Charity Bazaar text placeholder to read Rotary Fun Run, replace the five bulleted items with five of ‘your own good reasons to attend this event, then include your name somewhere on the flyet ©. Make up te necessary Information, such as the location of the fundialser, the address of the Rotary Club, and the Charity Bazaar flyer design (found in the Other section of date and time of the event, to makesureall the text in the flyer relates to the Fun Run event. £, Try resizing a least vo of the trams within the fiver 'g: See how the pointers change during resizing, and how the text reflows, ha, Save te publication, submit ito your Instructor, then cloye the pubilcation and exit Publisher. Ene Creating a Publication image not available image not available image not available Use Layout Guides Elements in a welldesigned publication achieve a balanced and consstent look, This occurs only with careful planning and design. Layout guides include margin guides ad grid guides, which are horizontal and vertical nes visible only on the screen, Guides help you accurately position objects on a page and across pages ina publication. Margin guides ercompas the top, bottom, left and right sites of a publication, whereas grid guides appear as column and row guides. Both types of guides can be defined in the Layout Guides dialog box. For example, you can choose a number of column and row grid guides for your publication and you ean define the distance for each margin guide from the four edges of the page. (SEB Your assignment is to create a flyer for an upcoming design seminar. You decide to use a template, then set up the layout guides to heb plon for future placement of objects in the publication, Yeu also nt (0 experiment with a diferent coor scheme. 1. Start Publishes, click BUILTIN in the right pane, if necessary, scroll down, then click Flyers, lick All Event, then click Bars in the (More installed Templates) Informational group 1 preview of the selected sompte displays inthe right pane 2. lick the Color scheme list arrow, scroll down, click Sunset, verify that the Secondary Business Information Set is selected, then click CREATE 3. Save the publication as PUB C-Design Seminar Flyer to the location where you store your Data Files 4, Move the pointer over 5” H / 4 V, right-click the graphic placeholder (which looks like a blank area until the cursor is over it), then click Delete Object ‘he image placeholder i deleted fem the fiver. When selecting an object, you can click anywhere within its borders, but coordinates are provided here to make ieasy to late each specie object. 5, Move the pointer over 5” H / 7" \, right-click the text box, then click Delete Object Tie text box is deleted rom the fly. 6. Glick the PAGE DESIGN tab on the Ribbon, then click Margins in the Page Setup group The Magis galley opens. You can choose fom lour standard margin arangemenls, of customize your om settings ma 7. Glick Custom Margins (at the bottom of the list), click the Margin Guides tab if itis not Neca typ tos already selected, then verify that the Left, Right, and Top margins are each set at 0.5", feb oy and the Bottom margin is set at 0.66", as shown in Ficuae c+ ros to teint The top and bottom margins are small enough to allow al the necesary information to be placed on ehies ioe each page. layout guides ceatea grid to help you line up design elements, suchas images and text boxe, —— on the page. 8 Click the Grid Guides tab in the Layout Guides dialog box, click the Columns up arrow Until 3 appears in the text box, click the Rows up arrow until 3 appears in the text box, click the Add center guide between columns and rows check box as shown in FisuREC-2, then click OK Te pink lines represent the column guides, and the blue Lines represent the column guide margins The guides appess on te ere, as shown in FIGURE C2, butdo not pent an the page feng ot nent of on he oot an Fone rl rast 9. Save your work image not available image not available image not available Format a Text Box Onceyou add a text box to apage, you can move orresize it. You can add and format a border using your choice of any available color or line width. The TEXT BOX TOOLS FORMAT tab contains buttons for the commands most commonly used to improve the appearance of a text box When adding a text box or ther object toa page, ruler quices can be helpfuleither by providing a visual reference or by literally pulling objects so they align exactly This magnetic feature pulls whatever you're trying toline up toward the ruler, quide, or object. (ERP You wont to add a text nox that describes how best to use loge. You decide to place the attributes, To begin, you move the text box using the ruler guides and Snap To feature, and then eahar tical ruler it with formatting i of the way 1. Position the pointer over the vertical ruler, press and hold [Shift], move the pointer siightly so it changes to 4», drag the vertical ruler to the left edge of the workspace, then release [Shift] The vertical rulers now oat oF the way. 2. lick the flyer heading placeholder text at 1" H / 1" V, type Professional Design Seminar, then press [Esc] two times The new heading appears in the text box, and the textbox i deselected 3. On the PAGE DESIGN tab, locate the Layout group, then verify that the Guides and Objects options each contain a check mark A check mark nett vo an opton indkates dat ts selected, or atlvated, Cleking the opionagaln turn oh 4, Glick the INSERT tab on the Risbon, then click the Draw Text Box button J in the Text group Te pointer changes to 5. Drag | from approximately 3" H / 3%" Vto 5" H / 614’ V The teat box automatically snaps to the ruler and layout gues 6. Right-click the text box, click Format Text Box, click the Line Color list arrow, then click the Accent 1 (RGB (204, 0, 51)) color box (first row, second from left) A sample of the color appears in the Format ‘Text Box dialog box, as shown in FIGURE C-6, Because you selected a different color scheme, those colors are presented on this palette to help you retain design conssteney in the publletion, You could cick Mote Colos from the Line Color drop coxsn list if you wanted to work outst the color scheme 7. lick the Width up arrow until 4 pt appears in the text box, then click OK The textbox tha you placed on the page using the ruler guides appears with the thick re bordes, as shown Jn FIGURE C7. 8. Save your work ‘M196 box ms seleced bore yeu

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