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Aspen Wolfe

SPED 400
February 23, 2018
Be the Teacher Reflection: Friday

Group 1: Spelling-

One student comes at this time and I had the opportunity to watch Mrs. Nate give her a spelling
test. This student has a Specific Learning Disability and Mrs. Nate helps her by providing her with a one-
on-one environment where she is able to hear the sounds in the words spaced out. This is an
accommodation she receives as part of her IEP.

Group 2: Spelling-

The second group is made up of two students who we have 30 minutes with. We begin by
giving them their spelling test which has ten words on it that they did the homework for in their general
education class. One student has an SLD and the other an OHI. After the spelling test, I was able to teach
them a Written Language lesson from the Reading Mastery curriculum where I follow a scripted
curriculum and the students are able to learn through repetition.

Group 3: Math-

This group is 6th grade math. Students work from the Connecting Math Concepts curriculum
which gives them the opportunity to solidify knowledge on addition, subtraction, inequalities, and word
problems. One student in this group is on a Behavior Intervention Plan and he does things to draw
attention to himself so I try to give positive reinforcement and attention when he is on task.

Group 4: Reading-

The 6th grade reading group works from the Decoding Strategies workbook which is for
students who need extra help learning the basics. This curriculum focuses mainly on decoding. This is
the first step to becoming a fluent reader.

Group 5: Math-

This group is one that I tend to struggle with because one of the students refuses to work. The
students work from the Connect Math Concepts curriculum and they begin the lesson by working on
deep breathing. One student has a hard time focusing because one of the girls in the group talks when
she writes out her work and it is extremely hard for him to focus. He went underneath the desk and we
had to make the students move to another part of the classroom until he came out. Mrs. Nate gave this
student negative marks on his behavior tracking sheet for this outburst.

Group 6: Reading-

The three students in this group work out of the Decoding curriculum where they spend time
improving their fluency by reading sections of the stories aloud, answering questions about them, and
working in their workbooks. This group needs extra help so I have them take turns reading the story and
immediately after we answer the questions so they don’t forget.
Aspen Wolfe
SPED 400
February 23, 2018
Be the Teacher Reflection: Friday
Group 7: Written Language-

This group begins by students taking their spelling test that has ten words on it. Next, they
work out of their Reading Mastery curriculum for Written Language where they learn how to become
successful writers.

Group 8: Written Language-

The two students in this class take a spelling test that has ten words on it and that’s it for this
group. They get about 5 minutes at the beginning of the group to practice their words by using their list
and writing the words on the whiteboard.


Mrs. Nate has a one-hour planning period at this time where she often spends time writing IEPs
that are due. I had the opportunity to work on one of the IEPs for a student’s meeting that I attended
and took notes on.

End of Day-

At the end of the day, the students who have behavior charts come in and report for the whole
day. If they met their goal, they get a certain number of tickets (depends on the student) which they use
to buy prizes with on Fridays. Then, they get a new sheet for their clipboard for the next school day.

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