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Reflection Paper

“The peculiar evil of silencing any opposition to an idea is that we are exchanging error
for truth”

This quotation from Thomas Jefferson made me realize the true meaning of being true and to
speak the truth. I can relate this to our subject Political Thoughts. We are emphasizing
Philosophy and its broad content. Upon studying what is Philosophy all about, it opened my eyes
in the many questions of life. Since the role of philosophy is to ask genuine philosophical
questions in order for it to justify its claim to be a legitimate science, it reminds me to cultivate
the world of philosophy and how it gives me wonderful answers to every question in my mind,
such as, how profound the love of God, what is my mission as I exist in this world and how can
I love my brothers and sisters unconditionally? These questions are somehow guide in my life as
I journey in this world.

I believe that we are only travelers in this world and as I tour around I discover the myths
and facts of life and how the work of Science and Religions influence my human existence.
Nature was then viewed as something very mysterious. Between the phenomena of nature and
nature itself there was not seen any link. We all know that myth is not purely a fictitious
narrative. This is not the correct idea of a myth. It is not pure fancy as not giving us the truth. I
agree on this, because sometimes myths stories can be somehow a bit real.

When it comes to religions, other people do not believe in the mother of God who is Mama

Some people believe in the mother of God and in the holy trinity. When I believe and the other
are not I am depending to my beliefs that for me is fact while the others considering my belief
which is myth for them according to their religion.. in historical, perspective of moral and social
philosophy, I liked this quotes from Socrates, “Only the examined life is worth living.” Upon
reflecting on to this very meaningful I could say that this life is full of mystery. Sometimes life
is fair and sometimes not. But the point here is, to learn from the experiences of life. Those
experiences are helping me not course life but reflecting in the different life’s battle. This is what
the philosophy entails in my life. Philosophy is somehow a door where I can see faith in every
life circumstances.

When we studied the Western Social Philosophies, I understood more the essence of
value. I as a human being, I value a lot. I value my family, friends and even pets. I value our love
and trust with each other. When it comes to the material things I value those things that I gave
sentimental value. Those things that I think important to me.
I asked myself, why I value those persons and things in my life when I know that everything will
also fades away?

My philosophy is this. We will all live once; everything is a gift from God. That is why first and
foremost I must embrace all the graces which God gave and entrusted in my care. This is
obeying the natural law in philosophy. God is my master and I will obey Him. I should have the
virtue as I live together with God’s creatures. What are my virtues? To fear God as I obey His
decrees with all of my heart, mind and strength. I know that it is not easy, especially, I as a
human, I have also my weaknesses and short-comings. However I should be a good person with
living principles and dignity. We have tackled also the Eastern Social Philosophies where in
Confucianism being introduced as a philosophical schools of classical China that is one known
as Ming-chia. Confucianism offers three ethical contributions; the doctrine of Mean, Natural law
and the Golden Rule. I am familiar with the Golden Rule and this stated that, “Do not unto
others as you would want others to do unto you.” I pondered how this good guide too in dealing
with other people. I myself should be aware of the others state of life and as well as their
different personalities in relate with their different needs. It is somehow similar to Taoism which
has a philosophical system, which strongly emphasizes man’s place in nature.

The sensitivity with the feelings of others is very important aspect of being tactful, thoughtful
and concern person. I can connect here the study of the four limits of the human existence
according to Chuang Tzu and these are: Man’s significant size. Man has a finite life in an infinite
universe. Man lives in an extremely small space. As a human being I believe that my existence
on earth is only temporary. This universe is really finite. Only God knows when and how it will
be as universe and continuously revolving in our space.

In this life and in this society there are many hindrances in reaching our goals in life. We
have different desires and dreams. In terms of Bondage, man is shackled by all manner of
natural, social and psychological conditions. Putting aside the natural condition, he comes up
against all kinds of hindrances on a social level. Some examples are are governments, social
institutions, doctrines, regulations, customs and prejudice. In these examples, I as a second year
college taking the course of college in education, I am persevering and taking courage to pursue
my dreams with myself but most especially with my families. Although, there are may
hindrances that hindering me in achieving my goal, I am still holding on to what the possible
possibilities of what this life is offering to me. There are times that I am tired already, but I am
not quitting although this life has it is own end as what Chung Tzu, stated that human life comes
into existence amidst the constant uncountable changes of the universe when the forces of yin
and yang come together in just the right way. But that life flickers out after only a brief
manifestation when the breath animated it dissipates. And this is the reality of life. The Delusion
will eventually visit and totally will possess us.

In studying philosophy, the cultures, beliefs and values are parts of our existence. I asked
myself if I believe to the “lucky charm” that many people are telling. I personally sometimes
have faith in “lucky charms”. I remember Buddha in our study . I do not have a Buddhisim
religion, but I believe in this image as a lucky charm. Those Budhisim are believing Buddha.
They said that there is an endless cycle of change , of birth and death and therefore, the only way
for a man to attain peace is the state of “nirvana,” or the fading out of suffering. In this religion,
it increased my learning how the cycle of life is giving us the idea of believing in the finite of
life, and the powerful God created us out of His love. The religion of Brahmanism helped me
realize how I experienced God in my daily life. In the religion of Brahmanism, it is founded on
the experience of the Divine Being who is the one beyond all multiplicity. The Supreme Being
for the Hindu is more real than that of the Filipino. Brahman can call also a Great Self. As I
understand this word Great Self, I thought of being center of one’s self. Great Self should know
the right and wrong. The inner self is telling that there is “unborn eternal God.” This religion
shows the God is limited in some way by His relation to the world, and a God, who is absolute
transcendence but has no relation to the world. This religion believed that God became man. I
must respect the beliefs of this religion even if it made me wonder, how can they deal with their
God if they are just focusing on their selves as Great Self.I am Roman Catholic and I am proud
to live my religion. I am not as that prayerful but I believe in God. I believe that my God is not
limited. I believe that His love is endless and nothing to be compared to anything else.

The other religion that I remember during our study is the Islam Religion. The word of
Islam means “ complete surrender to God of one self.”as the word Muslim means “given to God.
Even if I am aware that it is impossible to have a dialogue between Christians and Muslims in
the Philippines without a working acquaintance with Islamic religion and morality, I should
respect their religion. Honestly, I have the feeling awkward with the Muslims because of the
cloth that covering in their face. The modern man must realize must realize the more and more
religion cannot be divorced form morality.

After studying the Religion, and knowing its differences when it comes to dealing with
God regarding their faith, I acknowledged God’s creation upon looking into myself. How
powerful God is! I am human and not as just human, I have rights while living. From the
moment that I was born here on earth, I have my awareness of some of my rights as a human. I
recall my childhood, I have right to play and be with my play mates, with my friends and with
my classmates. But as I grow- old I realized that when I have rights as a human, I have also my
duties to do. How can I fulfill my duties, then? Through the help of God and nature with the
precious gift of intelligence, human dignity and honor, I could accomplish my duties.

Right to life is the most basic of rights declared for recognition by the General Assembly
of nations is the right to life. But before I go further of what my rights are, I asked myself what is
the full definition of rights then? This is the adjective form of the word. A law, deed, debt, or
claim that is right is colloquially “all right” or justly deserved. The word right may be also used
as a noun and here it is viewed objectively as a thing. Therefore we say, “This is my right.” “the
aggrieved will see that he gets his right.” In this sense, right is defined as that which is owned or
When it comes to Natural and Positive law it is like an spontaneous obedience to the flow of the
nature. Like for example, if I have a property or own territory I have the power to manage my
property and territory. I have my own decision to manage my property. If I want to sell my
property no one would disagree on my decision. In that certain situation, I can show my rights.
To love is also a natural and inalienable right. No one can give such right. One cannot actually
take it away through suicide. Upon reflecting this kind of right, I may say that life is really
valuable and God gave us freedom to live. He is the one who will take our life in the appointed
time. Freedom to live must not be wasted. Since we have right to live, our life must be used in a
proper ways. We are responsible to our own lives, and even the life of our fellowmen. We must
not abuse our life. Our life is so precious and it is a gift. When we say Right to Life this was
declared for recognition by the General Assembly of nations is the right to life. This is explicitly
stated in several articles of the Universal Declaration and of other legal instruments ratified by
the United Nations. Worthy of mention are: Article 3. Universal Declaration, this is telling that
everyone has the right to life, liberty and securityof person. According to Article 6, section 1,
“every human being has the inherent right to life. Law shall protect the right.” No one shall be
arbitrarily deprived of his life.”

My reflection in to this, I am grateful that I have this life to live. I must take care of it.
How can I take care of my life? I would take care of my life through simply have faith in every
graces of our Lord. The Bible will also be my guide. As a woman, my nature is not clinging in
what we call dueling, which mean a privately arranged combat with deadly weapons, often as a
means to vindicate one’s fame or honor. With that I can avoid the objects that can kill
individuals. To Take care of one’s life means, avoiding Mercy Killing to our beloved elders.
And even our sick brothers and sisters. Mercy killing is not good, we do not have the right to
take away of the life of our brothers and sisters who are sick, even if we cannot see them
sufferings and miseries. Mercy Killing is not the right way of putting an end to their sufferings;
instead killing is still a sin. God is not pleased with such acts.

As a woman, I ,must not agree with the abortion. I have my kids, and I have the rights to
raise them and give them good life as they have the right to live as well as my children. Abortion
is not a good way to decrease the population we have here in our country Philippines. Abortion is
the killing of the baby inside the womb of the pregnant woman. Even using the pills is not right.
There are natural ways to avoid being pregnant. Children have the right to live and they are the
blessings that God gave. They have also missions here on earth, so let them live.

When it comes to Human Rights and Physical Integrity, sometimes we cannot avoid to
face certain situations of life that we need to defend ourselves. In my personal experience, I
faced a situation where I need to defend myself. When a robber, stole my bag, I must defend
myself. It is just. Defending oneself is not a sin. Many news we heard already from the TV,
from the radio and around us, the victims of rape, murders, and many illegal doings. With those
crimes, the only thing to do, to take care ourselves is to, defend ourselves from those crimes. If
we will not defend ourselves, we will be a victim also.
We have Self-defense course or learning, it could be for male and female. It is good to study self-
defense. “karate” is one of the self-defense that we can be taught and learned. Having a good
name and honor in our society is also one of my rights.

My philosophy on this is , when we are still alive it is good to earn many good deeds.
Good works that our fellow men will benefit from our help. Helping our fellow men, by giving
their needs that we can give is a big thing. As the quotation says; “It is better to give than to
receive.” I believe in that. While I am still living, having a good name and honor does not mean,
to become rich and famous, but instead to be successful while giving alms to the poor and serve
the brethren. With that I will have a good name and honor, because God can see all the good
deeds I have done without expecting anything in return. I know it is not as that simply easy,
because we Filipinos are fan of complaining. It is true, but my philosophy is, living simply and
have concern with my fellowmen is already a good name and honor for me. As long as I have
God that sustaining me, I will be secured already. Worshipping God is also the essence of life.
Without Him I can do nothing. He is the one who can judge me according to my deeds here on
earth. If time comes that He will take away my life, I will leave with a good name and the people
will remember me in goodness.

The law of God which is the Ten Commandments must be obeyed with love not only by
fear of punishment that if I will not obey God I will be punished. The Social Philosophy and the
Natural and Positive Law has this quote;” No one is above the law, and unjust law is not a law,
Law is justice and equality.”

My reflection about this is, the meaning of right law is must be equal for all. In our study we take
a look of seven phases of human actions which are, the Voluntas, which mean the fundamental
orientation of man as will toward the absolute good; the Intentio, this mean the act of viewing the
good as concretely attainable. Consilium, this mean the counsel,. In this phase, man deliberates
and considers the different possible proximate ends and the different alternative paths or means
to the chosen end. Consensus is the consent. In here, man says, says “yes” to the situation and
takes full responsibility for his place in the situation. Sententia, this term means judgement. It
implies that “man is now free to decide or to elect whether to follow his conscience or not; and
the Imperium, this refers to the commanded act. With these phases of human actions, I could
state that in my every day doings as I am fulfilling my tasks, I am agree with these human
actions. Sometimes if I am making a decision, I am also considering the would be possible
consequences of my decisions. I must be aware of its good effects to me. As this quotation says;
“great caution does no harm” , in our study of the Aristotle’s Social and Political Philosophy, I
am being inspired of this meaningful quotes, because, this is telling the virtues of human.
According to Aristotle, the basic function of the State is to extricate man from the crude natural
condition in which he finds himself and to guide him into the civilized culture of an ethical and
intellectual life. This kind of accomplishment is brought about by the influence of the finer arts.
Thus, the goal of the State is good living or simply the good life. This is characterized by a life of
happiness based upon virtue.
Upon reflecting in to this, I myself could sometimes take a risk for the behalf of my
brothers and sisters. Yes, it is true, that “Great caution does no harm.” Our government leaders
should have the quality of giving their service sincerely from the heart, without thinking the self
–interest. Great concern toward s others especially those in need is a great duty as well. Thus the
purpose of the said state is that of ethical training for the benefit of its citizens. In our country
Philippines, I know that some of the officials are corrupt, but some are really thinking of the
good of their citizens. Our government must have the virtues for the peace of our country. The
importance of peace in our country must be also a priority. In this generation we have now, we
are in millennial generation and it is true, that many are changing and keep on changing. Like the
gadgets that we are using not only for our leisure but also for our studies. Technologies are here
and there. But, nevertheless, just as the highest virtue of the individual is intellectual activity, so
the highest duty of society is that of achieving and making the proper use of a State of peace.

We have different governments. These are the monarchy, aristocracy, polity, tyranny,
oligarchy and democracy. The first three governments are good because in them, the rulers are
primarily interested in the common welfare of the citizens. But the other three forms are
defective because, through them, the rulers seek their own personal aggrandizement or personal
profit as the first order of business. We have a democracy government here in our country
Philippines. This government is ruled by the great masses of people who are not principally
interested in the common good inasmuch as each individual is concerned mainly about his
personal gain.

We have good government but the problem is some of the officials that looking for their personal
gain. I pondered, and it came into my mind that I know that nobody is perfect. Looking those
officials in our government, I could say that, I cannot change them. With that I believe in the
saying that, “Before I change others, I myself try to change first.” The other saying is this, “We
must not think what the government can do for us, but what we can do to our government.” I
agree on this saying. I realized that I need to not to just see their mistakes but also to see to have
an idea of what will I contribute to our nation.

In Plato’s Social and Political philosophy, I reflected this quotations,; “The more corrupt
the state, the more the laws.” As I reflect this quotation, I am thinking now the many laws that
the government is implementing. One of these laws is the extrajudicial killing law. Our President
Rodrigo Duterte, gave on emphasis on “No to Drugs Policy.” And I personally, agreed on
law, because I hate drugs and we all know that drugs will just destroy our lives. But when it
comes to extrajudicial killing, my opinion is, killing is a mortal sin that is why we must not kill.
Although our president has a point of killing those drug users and pushers, we should believe
that God did not create any bad and there no such thing as evil man. God is forgiving God, and ig
God can forgive us despite of sinfulness, who are we to condemn people.

Despite of unclean government we have, I believe that the goodness will still prevail and God is
always with us.
In the Three Social Classes, I remember these words men of wisdom and men of courage. I took
these words as my insights because; we need a leader with wisdom and courage. These are good
qualities that a leader can have. Wisdom mean, not only having knowledge but also the good
learning of thoughts, minds and hearts as well as souls while courage is an act of not to be
dictated by anybody else. Courage is consistency to face the challenges of ruling the nations.

The Philosophers as Leaders they must turn into wisdom in order to lead. This phrase is
very meaningful for me. I asked myself then, what is the importance of Philosophy in our life?
Upon answering this question, to have Philosophy and to study Philosophy simply mean, to have
an ideal ways in everything. Philosophy is different from principles. Philosophy is the science
which deals with general facts of human nature, behavior and conduct. It is not easy to study
human nature, yet it is very interesting to go deeper into thinking to know or discover more the
human nature. In terms of human nature, we are talking about the person and their needs and
desires. We humans have the strengths and weaknesses. We have different abilities and
capabilities. We have also different potentials and passions. Since we are studying the Political
thoughts, governing, governments and ruling, we are looking and considering too their human
nature and how it will affect their ways or life style in whatever they are handling as member of
our nation. In Philosophy of Moral and Social Values, I gain the insights by reading and
pondering this significant quotation, “You cannot step into the river twice.” By Heraclitus.

It is true quotes and very symbolic saying. This can be related in every situation of life.
We cannot step into the river twice, not literally but, the river here is the value systems as there
are individuals in any society that is pluralistic. They are limited only to the extent that the social
group taboos them or to the extent that they disrupt societal life and moral life.

The Filipino Values is our guide as we live our cultures. One of the values or aims which
motivate and control the behavior of most Filipinos and which, in the opinion of this writer, is
particularly relevant to the study of moral values, has been given by the sociologist, Lynch. This
value is social acceptance-desire to be accepted by one’s fellows for what one is, or thinks of
oneself to be, or would like to be, and be given the treatment due to one’s status. Even so, in
such pluralistic societies, there are individuals who deviate from the limits of social decorum, go
against the mores of the society. In the other hand, one cn identify values, which are cherished by
the greatest majority of the people in a society. In our culture here in the Philippines we want to
be accepted especially if we are gpoing to some places. We are known as hospitable Filipinos.
When it comes of the way we speak or talk, there is always different intonation of our voice. I
am Batangenio, and when we spak we have intonations. Not only the different intonations of
speaking we have but also the different dialects that we are using as our medium of instruction.
“Ala eh” is one of the Batanguenio’s expression when we are speaking. There are many cultures
that Filipinos have. Our deep attachment for our family is one of the cultures of the Filipinos.
Our family is our treasures. We are working for the good of our families. They are our first
priority. We always think this motto; “One for all; All for One”. We value our family so much.
No matter what happen family is like a broom that bind them together and no matter what they
will be always together one mind and one heart.

In this culture the Subjective experience and Phenomenological Knowledge of Value.

Value are first “felt” or immediately given in experience before they are thought of or prior to
explicit philosophical knowledge. In other words, men first emotionally experience them before
they are known and objectively analyzed and studied. Max Scheler, considered the emotional
sphere of human existence as the most important values that moral values are seen intuitively by
ethical insight. As I studied what Max Scheler said, I personally I experienced deep emotion
too. When I was a child, when my mother does not giving me the things I want or not allowing
me to do something or to go out to play, I had the emotions which is crying. When I was a child
also, I ever like the sweet foods like candies and chocolates. Now that I grew older, I
experienced to fall in love too. It is only a normal feeling especially in the stage of being a
teenager. I am including this in my reflection because, for me these are still part of our cultures
as a Filipina citizen.

Western ethics tended to be rationalistic and neglected the role of feeling in human
existence. When we have cultures, it is expected that we have values too. Values are a priori
international objects of feeling. Man’s emotion life has its own order of the heart. In the word of
Blaise Pascal; “The heart has reasons which reason itself does not know.” Upon reflecting into
this; When we love, there are no whys and how, there are reasons yet we cannot go in depth why
and how we love the certain person. We Filipinos have the values and cultures in terms of loving
or marrying someone. We tend to fight for our love. We believe also in the “Lukso Ng Dugo.”
We will do everything for the person we truly love. We are fan of saying this, “ Never mind
giving any rationalization; I understand because I love you.”As Antoine Saint Exupery puts
it;”It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the naked
eye.” Value is, thus, seen by intuition or insight.

The statement from Antoine Saint Exupery is definitely true. When we love, we are just not
looking the physical appearance of the person, but when we truly love we are loving his/her
flaws too. When we love because of the physical appearance, this is just a superficial and
shallow love. God’s love is unconditional. He created us according to His image and likeness.
He loves us with our imperfections. That what true love is. Upon studying Political Thoughts and
the Philosophy, I asked my inner self, what is the essence of Values education and how it have a
relationship to Political thoughts? Values are difficult to define, however, here are the basic
values; “right” values probably honesty, industry, and thrift, while others agree that values must
be transmitted but insist that the “right” values are love, freedom, and patriotism. Still others
would transmit a particular religious code or political belief.

According to Lawrence Kohlberg’s theories, apart from being competitive with the
values –clarification approach however, these approaches have proved to be readily integrated
with values clarification.
There are seven elements under fall the three aspects of a value. A value then, is something we;
choose freely, choose from alternatives, choose after thoughtful consideration of the
consequences of each alternative. These are in the cognitive domain. In affective domain, values
have the prize and cherish and it must be shared with others. In behavioral aspect values are act
upon and act upon consistently. My reflection with these is, asking myself what are my values?
Do I have values? Since I was a child, my parents taught me to be a good girl. They taught me
to respect and to be honest. For me I considered all of those teaching as my personal values. I
believe that sometimes values cannot be taught, I realized that as a person with many experiences
of life I can learn lesson from those different experiences. Those lessons of life can also be my
values. In doing something I want I could choose freely. I could put prize and cherish it. I could
share what I have with others. In Values Clarification Process, I put emphasis on values
development and these are; having values I should explore and knowing the meaning of human
service and society where man lives, I must know creating opportunities for the sharing of the
alternatives , by enhancing skills development required to perceive consequences, by improving
prioritizing skills, by promoting communication skills and creating opportunities for sharing
feelings, by developing abilities to perceive behavioral alternatives and to connect behavior with
thought and feelings and lastly by developing abilities to realize and potentially, to change
behavior patterns. With these values development people will be better able to make life
decisions that serve us well when we are given many chances, over time, to reflect on values, to
share them, and to develop valuing skills.

I have reflected the values clarification skills at the same time. In terms of eliciting this
question is worth to be pondered, how do I encourage people/pupils to talk about their values?
Upon answering this question, I encourage people through inspiring them that all of us have
values. We must show our values with the other people, although it can’t be taught at least it can
be shared with others. It is good to be tackled to one another. Our different values that guiding us
in our path. How do I make people comfortable about sharing their thoughts, feelings, and
actions? Personally, by way of sincere listening to their thoughts and feeling I can make them
feel comfortable. By way of respecting their actions and feelings I can help them to feel
comfortable of sharing their thoughts and feelings. Listening and accepting the good things they
share. These questions followed. In terms of accepting, how do I communicate acceptance to
people? Honestly, all of us are afraid of rejections. But if I will be communicating to the people
of this aspect, I will encourage them to face the this life with positive feedback like saying. “that
is right!” when it comes in hearing values statement, how do I avoid communicating favorable
or unfavorable judgments ? I would have positive judgment like having conversational responses
like “Great!” Good!” “Neat!,” “Wonderful!” and “Fine!”

Respecting the opinions of others is important in dealing with people. Since they have
different ideas, opinions and suggestions, we must show respect in responding their value
Accepting is not simply refraining from judging participants values statements. The leader must
actively communicating acceptance to the participant. Smile, nods, eye contact, and the
noncommittal uh-huh” can be part of that communication. A more concrete way to concrete way
to convey acceptance is through paraphrasing –restating what a participants has said.
Paraphrasing assures the participants that they have been heard and allows them to correct any
false impressions the listener may have received. Another concrete means of expressing
acceptance is through some variant of “thank you” such as “I appreciate hearing your opinion!”
or “thanks for sharing your feelings!”

These statements are definitely true. I should learn to appreciate people. Positive
responses could give to them. Appreciation and affirmation are go one in hand. When we
appreciate we are also affirming. We personally like to be appreciated. We are encouraged upon
hearing positive words that giving to us. There are also Values-Level and three-level teaching,
these are Values, Concept, and Facts. Upon studying these three –level teaching, I as a student, I
am not only in the knowledge that the teachers are imparting to me, but rather the experience of
learning. Teachers must not just remain complacent on the facts and concepts levels of teaching.
It is correct; lesson mastery does not stop there. Teachers should be still active on many
incomings new information and knowledge.

As the student matures, as she acquires more knowledge, he/she is able to make broader choices.
He/she discriminate from among more complex alternatives. The complicated issues of society
become more manageable for him/her.

Upon studying the building blocks of moral and social values; Person, Freedom, and Love, we
Filipinos have the culture of justifying our short coming. We are fan of saying “that is life” or
“what an unlucky for him/her!” or “ we are the one who is creating our fate.” All of these
expressions are lame Filipino philosophy. Honestly, I am also using those expressions in my
daily life and it is inevitable. For me uttering these are not a sin, but these are rather discouraging
expressions. We are already used of uttering these expressions. How can I connect this culture to
our values as a Filipino? According to John Dewey, the good man is the man who is becoming
better; the bad man is the one becoming worse. That is why, to be man is a privilege and
therefore, it should not be used as a shield to protect him from his misdeeds. The expression of
“we are all just human” means that, we are excusing ourselves of the mistakes we have
committed. To be a man therefore is to be a person. We have the saying, “No man is an Island.”
Yes, I agree on this, we cannot live without any company. It is impossible and it is unthinkable.
How can a man live throughout his life alone? We live out of love. God created us out of love.
While we live we are incline to love our neighbor.

In this learning I have the reflection of the Building Blocks of Principle/Morals or Ethics
Ask ten police professionals what ethics means to them and you will get ten different answers.
Many who attempt to define ethics often provide a combination of other undefined stand alone
words to describe what ethics mean. For example: Ethics is being honest and having high moral
standards. This definition includes three distinct sub-elements of ethics: honesty, morals, and
standards. Couldn’t honesty carry its own substantial definition and how can we determine high
moral standards without knowing whose morals and what their standards are? To define ethics,
this definition is vague at best. If an individual adheres to strong values, would s/he be ethical?
Most would say yes, but without first understanding what values are, or more importantly, what
the individual’s specific values are, we may determine that such an individual is ethical when,
upon closer examination, such strong values are based on hate and bias. Most police officers
would claim to have integrity with little hesitation, but if officers don’t understand what integrity
is, what it really is, beyond a loose collection of conceptual ethical descriptors or clichés written
by bestselling authors, then how can such a claim be valid?

Ethics are built upon a foundation of lesser but equally important individual components,
each with their own unique well-defined meaning and serve collectively as the framework that
can offer a sweeping understanding of what ethics really are. The first step to developing this
important understanding begins with defining the foundational building blocks of ethics.
Police ethics is a vast subject and one not easily taught through in-service training. Despite this,
ethics training has never been more critical in law enforcement than it is today and there is an
abundance of training available. There are ethics models, theories, associations and institutes,
and an abundance of top selling books that cover every aspect of ethics. We have ethics in
departmental policy, law enforcement codes of ethics, and ethical standards written into our
mission statements. There are training courses, camps, and mentors. There are highly paid
executive consultants, evangelical-style motivational circuit speakers, and law enforcement
subject matter experts who teach ethics from police cadets in the academy to officials in the
highest levels of law enforcement. When ethics are discussed, a number of collateral issues such
as corruption, religion, and diverse personal bias and experience are brought out and discussed
with conviction. Because ethics is such an expansive subject, there must be a starting point to
identify the foundational basics of ethics learning that will serve as a cognitive springboard to
deeper understanding.

After defining what ethics is, it is important also to know what value is?
A value is simply a belief or philosophy that is meaningful to us. Our values serve as a measure
to determine what is important and this determination often controls our behavior. Values, strong
or otherwise, are not good or bad; they simply help to define what we believe or don’t believe in.
If an individual was asked how important it was to be honest and to measure this importance on a
scale from 1-10, s/he is being asked to assign a numerical value to honesty. If honesty was
scored very low, then honesty is not considered very important. A low score does not mean that
the individual’s belief in honesty is not a value, but rather that honesty is merely viewed as
insignificant. A person who does not value honesty may likely be a liar or dishonest. Value-
based Leadership is a contemporary term that has gained great popularity in recent years. Books
are written about it, leadership systems and comprehensive theories have been developed around
it, and consultants and seminar presenters are paid big money to show executives how to apply it.
Value-based leadership identifies which values should be held as important or adhered to in
order to be successful and exemplify the mission of a particular organization. These carefully
selected values can be practiced from individual police officers, who go out of their way to assist
a citizen, to fortune 500 companies, who wish to expand to a competitive international market.
Examining and defining values allows us to determine if they are beneficial—based on good and
right behavior (often determined by family and society) or if they are adverse—values that are
detrimental to personal well-being or professional success.

The meaning of integrity is good to know as well, what is integrity after knowing what
values is;
If you took a balloon and filled it with all the primary elements that are conjoined under ethics—
honesty, morals, standards, courage, principles, values, etc. and after the balloon was full, tied
the stem into a tight knot, that balloon would be airtight, complete, and un-compromised. In
other words, the balloon would have integrity in that nothing bad could get in and nothing good
could slip out. If you took that balloon and locked it in a room, undisturbed for one year, and
upon your return, the balloon was half its original size, that balloon has lost its integrity.
Unfortunately, this is what happens to some officers slowly, even unnoticeably, over a period of
time. They start out with unimpaired integrity and in time, if left alone or unsupervised, not held
accountable, ignored, untrained, or denied direction, professional standards can be lessened.
Lowering our standards or rationalizing our own improper behavior is often the first step toward
corruption and this is the critical point where integrity begins to become compromised. This
compromise can come in many forms: accepting a free meal; being part of the code of silence;
calling in sick when perfectly healthy; or violating policy.

Integrity is unmistakable and unbroken completeness. Having integrity provides personal

or professional direction and protects us from being divided between right and wrong. It allows
us to determine where to place our professional loyalty; how not to become trapped in the gray
areas of ethical dilemma; and eliminates the need to rationalize any behavior, action, or omission
that is less than ethical. Ideally, integrity is the incorruptible and unbreakable vault where ethics
are safely preserved and protected.

I would not forget the meaning of moral and how it influence my life
Morals can be defined as a set of personal rules that are adhered to or a code of conduct that is
followed. While morals or being moral are usually attached to describe individuals, morality
tends to illustrate the rules or laws set forth by society, culture, or religion. Morals or morality
are difficult to define with great accuracy as they vary greatly without a pre or post descriptive
tag such as Christian morals or moral thinking. Morals are concerned with the principles of right
and wrong in relation to human action and character. Morals are an aspect of conscience: our
sense, or feeling, of what is right and just. Though we can use “morals” or “morality” to define
standards of conduct, particularly sexual conduct, our morals have far greater breath and depth
than that. Being amoral describes those who do not follow the rules of society. Such societal
rules are established to encourage or to demand right and good behavior and discourage
wrongdoing or evil. Morality often involves limitations on the freedoms of behavior and
maintaining good morals is difficult, requiring self-discipline, as these limitations are often in
conflict with our own self-interest or desire. Police officers are often confronted with immoral
persons but their actions, while unethical, are perfectly legal. This is where officers must learn to
separate legality from morality. Morals, societal laws, or biblical laws of old: “Thou shalt not
kill” have developed into statutory law (Homicide), but much of immoral behavior, determined
by society, falls short of requiring police intervention (i.e. adultery, lying, or conceptual racism).
Police officers who are moral follow the unwritten rules as well as the written rules. The actions
of a morally sound officer would never shock the public conscience as these actions are in
harmony with what society holds as proper.

This is other virtues or values that commonly using in the classroom’s motto, “Honesty is
the best Policy.”

Those who are honest maintain a balanced fairness and are straightforward with a strict regard
for sticking to the facts. An honest person would tell you that the clothes you’re wearing are
inappropriate when most others would fib and say you look just fine. Honest people refuse to lie,
steal, cheat, or deceive others. It’s honesty that prevents us from purchasing cheaper movie
tickets for a 12-year-old when our child is really 13 or padding our police related expenses on
our tax returns. Honesty is often the best defender against greed. Where there is honesty, there is
truth and our parents have told us our entire lives that honesty is the best policy and the Bible
addresses honesty with a commandment; “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy
neighbor.” In police work, honesty is all-important because honesty is synonymous with
credibility. Without credibility, we would quickly find ourselves unemployed, which calls to
mind a popular law enforcement saying, “If you lie, you die” and of course, this quote refers to a
professional death. Honesty serves as the foundation upon which trust is developed and tends to
enhance one’s dignity. Honest people have a clean conscience and have nothing to hide. Honest
people maintain a sincere understanding of the real-life game of truth or consequences.

Since we studying Philosophy, it is quite similar to principles. Principles are similar to

morals, however, principles are what we stand on when trying to illustrate our values, though
they have greater flexibility in that they are practical: one with principles tends to seek to achieve
greater good in the long-term with minimum harm. Consider principles as the rules we set for
ourselves in order to apply other ethical qualities; kind of a personal Penal Code of what we will
and will not do based on our perception of right and wrong or good or bad. Principles may
include impartiality, objectivity, openness, diligence, trustworthiness, or generosity. These are
qualities, traits, or characteristics that might be important enough to be adopted as principles.
Once adopted, we use these principles as an operational plan-of-action to practice our ethics. If
one of my values (what’s important) was impartiality and I chose to practice impartiality with
strict adherence, I would hold this trait as one of my principles.

When we confront an ethical dilemma, our principles serve as that little voice in our
heads known as our conscience that sends up the red flags. We can ignore our principles, the
ethical guard at the cerebral gate, but if we do, then we risk the consequence of compromising
our morals, values, and ultimately our integrity.

After knowing the principles, what about the standards A standard is criterion established
by authority such as a rule for the measure of value, professionalism, or quality. We create
standards to hold and maintain a certain level of something that is considered important.
Standards set forth a baseline to serve as a guide that shows where we cannot descend below and
provides personal or professional expectations of how we treat or don’t others or how we behave
or don’t behave. To fall below this baseline would indicate the particular standard was not met
and this is synonymous with failure. While principles serve as the rules by which we practice
ethics, standards identify the level or degree where good and just principles won’t go. For
example, if one of my values (what’s important) was honesty and I set this quality as a principle
(personal rule) to be adhered to and practiced to demonstrate this value, a standard would dictate
how honest I was. I may be 100% honest at all times or I may politely fib or tell “white lies” in
sensitive situations. The standard of honesty is where we chose to set the level.

In law enforcement, standards are usually inflexible and fixed. We don’t have a choice in how
we follow organizational standards. Officers cannot fib in court or tell a white lie to their
supervisor. Policy, general orders, and department procedures are written standards. A standard,
which is lessened, is not a standard anymore; it’s nothing and is tantamount to disregarding
policy or breaking a rule. In performance evaluations, there are performance standards with
descriptions that must be met to achieve certain levels of performance. One standard, if met
might yield an exceed standards evaluation while the performance of another officer might not
meet the minimum baseline (standard) of acceptable performance and thus, result in a below
standards evaluation.

Living the values with courage is important of course. Ethical courage is not running into
a burning house to save lives. It is usually found in the form of being confronted with a difficult
problem and making the right decision despite potentially adverse personal or professional
consequences. This form of courage is ethical strength and is called upon when we must
willingly risk exposing ourselves to choosing between right and wrong while knowing that
choosing the right path will be the most difficult. Those with ethical courage have a bias for
action and such potential negative consequences do not deter them from becoming involved.
Demonstrating ethical courage can come with a wide variety of risks and there may be a cost to
this involvement. Those with longevity in law enforcement have seen ethical courage at its
finest, but have also seen those who lack courage. Officers lacking courage go along with the
program whether it’s good or bad and say nothing. They don’t speak up in staff meetings when
the record needs to be set straight and when they do offer an opinion or decision, it’s self-serving
or done in strict obedience to those in power.. Possessing and applying ethical courage is the
recipe for positive organizational change. It’s often one ethically courageous officer who takes
the metaphorical hits that lead the way for effective changes to ineffective practices. Ethical
courage that is embraced and rewarded by police organizations serves to deliver a powerful
message and creates the motivation for others to model the same desired behavior.

In our culture we should be aware if this word civility We seem to be living in an

atmosphere of social disharmony with regard to how we treat each other. Qualities like rudeness,
impatience, anger, distrust, sarcasm, selfishness, and greed can be seen from simply driving on
the freeway. Politeness and respect are viewed as signs of weakness that take a back seat to
aggression and intolerance when dealing with day-to-day problems. Fathers with kids in their car
go berserk, screaming profanities because someone else pulled into his desired parking space.
Young adults talking aloud in a movie theatre will respond to being shhhhed with a middle
finger. Mothers and fathers at their child’s soccer game will become fanatic and rise to the level
of physical violence because the referee made a bad call against their child.

When we discuss society that includes mothers, fathers, drivers, and everybody else who
must confront problems, we certainly have to include police officers. One of the most common
citizen complaints filed against officers stems from how they treat people. “That officer had an
attitude.” “The officer was sarcastic and talked down to me like I was stupid.” “That officer was
rude and impatient and he did not let me explain what happened.” Many of these complaints and
the dissatisfaction of an officer’s contact can be easily eliminated with the application of civility.

Just being nice can make a huge difference. How difficult is it to be nice? Certainly there
are those encountered in police work that niceness will not apply to, but that is where flexible
civility and some interpersonal skills come into play. Officers don’t have to be gushing with
overt kindness to show a degree of respect or spend a few extra minutes to listen. The tone of
one’s voice serves as the message behind the words. Officers can say, “Have a nice day” and
truly mean it, however with a slight change in the tone of this statement, the exact same spoken
words can deliver a sarcastic message that says, “Go screw yourself.”

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations, or ASEAN, was established on 8 August

1967 in Bangkok, Thailand, with the signing of the ASEAN Declaration (Bangkok Declaration)
by the Founding Fathers. To promote regional peace and stability through abiding respect for
justice and the rule of law in the relationship among countries of the region and adherence to the
principles of the United Nations Charter; To promote active collaboration and mutual assistance
on matters of common interest in the economic, social, cultural, technical, scientific and
administrative fields; To provide assistance to each other in the form of training and research
facilities in the educational, professional, technical and administrative spheres;
To collaborate more effectively for the greater utilisation of their agriculture and industries, the
expansion of their trade, including the study of the problems of international commodity trade,
the improvement of their transportation and communications facilities and the raising of the
living standards of their peoples;
To promote Southeast Asian studies; and To maintain close and beneficial cooperation with
existing international and regional organisations with similar aims and purposes, and explore all
avenues for even closer cooperation among themselves.
Mutual respect for the independence, sovereignty, equality, territorial integrity, and
national identity of all nations; At the 12th ASEAN Summit in January 2007, the Leaders
affirmed their strong commitment to accelerate the establishment of an ASEAN Community by
2015 and signed the Cebu Declaration on the Acceleration of the Establishment of an ASEAN
Community by 2015.
Southeast Asia and have a tremendous impact on the lives of the 608 million people who
call it home. Journalists will be the ones tell-ing the stories of this transition and journalism
education in this sub-region needs to be re-assessed to take this important role into account.
An upcoming meeting in Bangkok will address this need by bringing together communication
scholars, media practitioners and philosophers from throughout Asia for a two-day discussion on
revising the curriculum for journalism education in the region.
The aim of this initiative is to develop course materials and train the trainers to
implement a newly reviewed curriculum for journalism education in ASEAN. The project is
unique in that it aims to achieve this by incorporating Asian philosophical teachings of
Buddhism, Hinduism and Confucianism which promote harmony, protection of the environment,
respect for cultural diversity and economic models that focus on self-sufficiency. The two-day
meeting will bring together communication scholars, media practitioners and philosophers from
Thailand, India, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Republic of Korea, Lao PDR, Cambodia, Malaysia and
Singapore to present papers and share ideas with the aim to develop a new journalism education
curriculum tailored in ASEAN. A core team of scholars will draw on the seminar’s outcomes to
develop a web-based curriculum and resource materials to be used in trainings of journalism
teachers from Southeast Asia starting in early 2016.
Common examples of ideas in social philosophy include social contract theory, cultural
criticism, and individualism. The various topics in social philosophy cross over between many
other philosophical categories, including epistemology, metaphysics, philosophy of politics,
morality, and so on. Social philosophy is the study of questions about social behavior and
interpretations of society and social institutions in terms of ethical values rather than empirical

Existentialism in the broader sense is a 20th century philosophy that is centered upon the
analysis of existence and of the way humans find themselves existing in the world. The notion is
that humans exist first and then each individual spends a lifetime changing their essence or
nature. In simpler terms, existentialism is a philosophy concerned with finding self and the
meaning of life through free will, choice, and personal responsibility. The belief is that people
are searching to find out who and what they are throughout life as they make choices based on
their experiences, beliefs, and outlook. And personal choices become unique without the
necessity of an objective form of truth. An existentialist believes that a person should be forced
to choose and be responsible without the help of laws, ethnic rules, or traditions. There was a
spirit of optimism in society that was destroyed by World War I and its mid-century calamities.
This despair has been articulated by existentialist philosophers well into the 1970s and continues
on to this day as a popular way of thinking and reasoning (with the freedom to choose one’s
preferred moral belief system and lifestyle).
An existentialist could either be a religious moralist, agnostic relativist, or an amoral atheist.
Each basically agrees that human life is in no way complete and fully satisfying because
of suffering and losses that occur when considering the lack of perfection, power, and control
one has over their life. Even though they do agree that life is not optimally satisfying, it
nonetheless has meaning. Existentialism is the search and journey for true self and true personal
meaning in life.
Most importantly, it is the arbitrary act that existentialism finds most objectionable-that
is, when someone or society tries to impose or demand that their beliefs, values, or rules be
faithfully accepted and obeyed. Existentialists believe this destroys individualism and makes a
person become whatever the people in power desire thus they are dehumanized and reduced to
being an object. Existentialism then stresses that a person's judgment is the determining factor
for what is to be believed rather than by arbitrary religious or secular world values.

Communism, political and economic doctrine that aims to replace private property and a
profit-based economy with public ownership and communal control of at least the major means
of production and the natural resources of a society. Communism is thus a form of socialism—a
higher and more advanced form, according to its advocates.
In place of a capitalist economy, in which individuals compete for profits, moreover, party
leaders established a command economy in which the state controlled property and its
bureaucrats determined wages, prices, and production goals. while holding fast to one-party rule.
Whether they will succeed in this endeavor remains to be seen. Succeed or fail, however,
communism is clearly not the world-shaking force it was in the 20th century.
We belong to the community and that community is our first and foremost family. That is
why; it is hard to imagine that a person can live alone. There are two aspects of life that a man
can have in terms of living with the community these are love and freedom. To be a man, he/she
is involved in the works of forging a world that is always a new, the world of communication.
When I live together with my family, the communication is very important. Communication is
also an act or symbols of relationship. Relationships we have that can connect us keep us to live
alone, when we are in the group of society. Our cultures as Filipino can lead us self-education
and it must seek the establishment of a Filipino human environment characterized as a just
society. Such a society would be: Person- Centered, Meritocratic, Humane, and Democratic.
With these, I just focused into these phrase, “Freedom is the capacity to accept or refuse any
activity, and capacity to do either this or that . Upon understanding this, as a person I have
freedom as a person. How can I use my freedom? I am using my freedom by simply having my
personal hobbies or leisure. But now that I have already my own family, my freedom is for them.
I am wisely spending my time to dear loved ones. They are my children and my husband.
Freedom is like a clock, each seconds, minutes, hours are time using the freedom that I have.
Even if I will say that I have many things to do, I can choose if I will still do or not according to
my freedom. That is why sometimes freedom can be as building block of Moral Value. How
come? Precisely that man is not free to do whatever he wishes to do. He or she can only act in a
concrete situation. If a man chooses to use his freedom in useless and sinful acts, he or she is
building a block of his/her moral value. Every day is depending on us how it can be rich as we
use our time wisely. There are lots of temptations that could tempt us. Choosing right instead of
choosing wrong is an act of using freedom wisely and richly. In my state as now as married
already, I do not have freedom to be with someone else already. But if I will think the other
things in terms of finding someone else as a married woman, I can block the moral value of
being a decent married woman which is not good. Freedom is next to love. While we exist here
on earth, we have freedom to always love and be loved. But how cal love building block of
moral value? Love for me wonderful feeling that we could ever feel within our hearts. I do not
believe to what others are saying that, love is hurtful. No, we are just afraid not to be
reciprocated the love we are giving. We are afraid to be rejected, that is why some people are
telling that they do not want to love. That is a big incorrect! As long as we are living and
breathing we are tend to love, because we are inclined to feel it so. All of us have hearts, and that
heart is functioning for love. How that love can lead us to build block of moral value? It is when
we think we love but we actually possess somebody, and that is not love that we think it is love.
Love and lust are different from each other. Man are usually building a relationship with a
woman sometimes, not because of love but because of lust. Man, sometimes think that he loves
that woman and he wants to be with that woman, but sometimes it is not totally because of love.
Love should be taken to mean commitment and concern to one’s neighbor; in short, service to
others. To be a person for one another is be at their service.

Love is a many-splendid thing. One of the most human and true to life viewpoints is the
experiential or phenomenological description of the experience of love, which the author adopts.
The creativity of love takes much time to really get to know who the person is; the more you
know, the more you need to know; love is full of many surprises. This is the reason why we
sometimes hear people say; “I never expected her to be so dominating.” Or “I never expected
him to be so cruel.” In my personal experiences with regarding into this, it is good that your
husband would be your best friend, because usually if at first you are best of friends, somehow
both of you know each other already. However, there are still characters of both of you that will
appear during you are living together in one house. However, there is no perfect relationship.
Genuine love will help the lovers to overcome their struggles in their daily lives of being
together. There are always new discoveries that either one of you can acknowledge or appreciate
or not. But those discoveries will not suppose to be the reasons to have conflicts that will turn
into separation.

Love creates a new “you.” This is the “you-for-whom-I-care.” This is “you-for-whom-I-care”

cannot discovered by scientific inquiry, by sociology, by anthropology, or by psychology, it can
only be discovered by the one who loves, for this “you” is the sum total of all the qualities that
offers an answer to a questionnaire. Love is the acceptance of the other as he/she is. By love, I
create a new meaning for the other. If love is reciprocal, in making the other be, he also makes
me be. Love creates a “we, ”togetherness .” “There’s a new place for us, somewhere,
somehow.” “Though I “create” that which I see; I make the other be what “ I see.” Edmund
Husserl once said, “It is impossible to come to an understanding with one who is unable or does
not want to see.”

It is true that Christian love is not desire. Agape is giving love-non-reciprocal, neighbor,-
regarding –“neighbor meaning “everybody,” even an enemy (Luke 6:32-35).it is differentiated
from friendship love (philia) and romantic love (eros), both of which are selective and exclusive.
Erotic love and philia love have their proper place in agapeic love or Christian Love is will
disposition; it is an attitude, concern commitment to other, not feeling. All love includes two
things; a.) distinction; a love and a beloved, and this is concretely expressed by the difference
between the “I” and the “you”, one is not the other; b) oneness: a togetherness, a “We,”
somewhat we are one ( two coffee in one ). Love is giving a giving of the best, a giving of self.
Love is a life of giving and giving of life. This is very beautiful meaning of love, when I read
this, I realized how amazing the love of God and His love for us. I cannot imagine the
immeasurable love of God for us.

God is love and He always wants the very best for us His people.

God taught us to love even our enemies. Love all the people are sign of social interaction to one
another. Love for country is mere important as well. Someday we are also traveling to other
nation or country, we can bring the love we have anywhere. In Social Philosophy in the ASEAN
or (Association of South East Asian Nations) this quotes telling me/us, “To accept a favor is to
sell one’s freedom.” Through reading this information I can have its purpose of getting some
useful lessons from their own success stories, especially the uniquely Asian Values. Values
influence their mode of social thought and way of behaving.

Last, November 12, 2017, the ASEAN was held here in the Philippines. I appreciate their
visiting in our country Philippines. i acknowledged the presence of the different nations such as
Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Philippines our very own country.

My own reflection about this is, those countries have their own cultures and values, which
already a part of their existence. Singapore became independent in 1965. There are many natural
resources and infrastructures in this country. In this country they have what they call Neo-
Darwinism, it is means emphasizes high-standard achievement orientation, far sighted planning,
conviction, competitive excellence, “hardheadedness” , and adaptation. Thus it is no wonder that
Singaporean universities and colleges emphasize ‘grit’, ‘discipline‘and ‘stamina’. To these value
one must exercise the highest degree of determination and toughness.

The Singapore government believes that policies reflecting such rationalism can be developed on
the basis of critical learning- through indirect learning by observation and direct learning by
practice. When it comes to the Social Philosophy at work of Singaporean, they are focusing on
the kind of character, skills, and expertise the students acquire under the Singapore Educational

This country is really globally competitive with highly expectations of their students.

When it comes to Social Philosophy in Malaysia, they also live in highly pluralistic society but
share common values of tolerance, mutual respect, and non-violence.

When it comes to Social Philosophy in Indonesia they are the world’s largest Muslim state in
terms of population with 365 different cultures. Their values are; Belief in God, Just and
Civilized humanity, Unity of Indonesia, Sovereignty of the people led by the wisdom of
deliberations among representatives; and Social Justice for people of Indonesia. It is really
admirable seeing the their aims for the betterment of their country.

When it comes in Social Philosophy in Thailand, the families are not only providing individuals
with socialization and support in various aspects of individual and social life, but also protection
against harmful behavior of different forms. They have value educators and they believe that a
strong family background and close connectedness with the family can function as a preventive
mechanism against in engagement in risk-taking behavior of the youths.

As our culture in the Philippines, they have also a family attachment and with that the youths
will not be engaged I different vices or risk-taking behaviors.

The Social Philosophy of our very own country Philippines is known as the “Pearl of the Orient
Seas.” The Philippines is one of the best places in the world. God blessed it with rich natural
resources and abundant flora and fauna. It is the only Christian country in a Asia. In many forms,
the Social Philosophy appeared. Many schools here in the Philippines as well as curriculums that
entails values of being a Filipino. One of my examples here is the BEE or the Bureau of
Elementary Education launched its program for Comprehensive Education (PROCEED) in the
year 1980. As this progressed, values education was formally enunciated in the curriculum
content and instructional materials. They had the result of national survey and research values,
the values development program was translated into specific values incorporated in the minimum
learning competencies.

We studied Living Values; An Educational Program (LVEP)

 Cooperation Tolerance
 Happiness Unity
 Honesty Freedom
 Humility
 Love
 Peace
 Respect
 Responsibility
 Simplicity
 Tolerance
There are countries that acknowledging this (LVEP), like the country of Cambodia, India,
Gujarat, Bangalore, Tamil Nadu, South Korea, and Hong Kong. These countries have the
training and workshops for teachers-teacher’s response. Having introduced many to
Living Values, they integrate the Integration of Values in Education.

There are many curriculums already that continuously passing on our education in generations to
generations that focusing not only in the learning outcomes of the students but also in the values
of their leaning experiences. Here in the Philippines we are valuing the standard and quality of

Values derived from the living “living values; an educational programme (LVEP) from
selected countries. I have reflected on this quotes, “ A wrong does not right another wrong.” This
quotation is very true. This quotation implies one crooked line cannot be followed by another
crooked line if we want the line to be completely straight or parallel. I used the line symbol
because, if we commit mistake our paths are in crooked and it will make us suffer more, but
when our line is straight as we are avoiding mistakes, our path or line are parallel or straight. It is
like we are walking in the right path.

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