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Apollo 14 Astronaut claims Aliens HAVE Made Contact

- but it has been covered up for 60 years

Illustration 1: Edgar Mitchell was the Lunar

Module Pilot for Apollo 14

Aliens have contacted humans several times but governments have hidden the truth for 60 years, the
sixth man to walk on the moon has claimed.

Apollo 14 astronaut Dr Edgar Mitchell, said he was aware of many UFO visits to Earth during his
career with NASA but each one was covered up.

Dr Mitchell, 77, said during a radio interview that sources at the space agency who had had contact
with aliens described the beings as 'little people who look strange to us.'

He said supposedly real-life ET's were similar to the traditional image of a small frame, large eyes and

Chillingly, he claimed our technology is 'not nearly as sophisticated' as theirs and "had they been
hostile", he warned 'we would be been gone by now'.

Dr Mitchell, along with with Apollo 14 commander Alan Shepard, holds the record for the longest ever
moon walk, at nine hours and 17 minutes following their 1971 mission.

'I happen to have been privileged enough to be in on the fact that we've been visited on this planet and
the UFO phenomena is real,' Dr Mitchell said.
'It's been well covered up by all our governments for the last 60 years or so, but slowly it's leaked out
and some of us have been privileged to have been briefed on some of it.

Illustration 2: UFO theorists believe Roswell in New Mexico was the site of an alien crash in 1947

'I've been in military and intelligence circles, who know that beneath the surface of what has been
public knowledge, yes - we have been visited. Reading the papers recently, it's been happening quite a

Dr Mitchell, who has a Bachelor of Science degree in aeronautical engineering and a Doctor of Science
degree in Aeronautics and Astronautics claimed Roswell was real and similar alien visits continue to be

He told the astonished Kerrang! radio host Nick Margerrison: "This is really starting to open up. I think
we're headed for real disclosure and some serious organisations are moving in that direction.'

Mr Margerrison said: 'I thought I'd stumbled on some sort of astronaut humour but he was absolutely
serious that aliens are definitely out there and there's no debating it.'

Officials from NASA, however, were quick to play the comments down.

In a statement, a spokesman said: "NASA does not track UFOs. NASA is not involved in any sort of
cover up about alien life on this planet or anywhere in the universe.

'Dr Mitchell is a great American, but we do not share his opinions on this issue.'
Ancient Astronauts

Illustration 1: The term 'Ancient Astronauts' generally refers to extraterrestrials

who came to Earth and were in some way responsible for seeding the human race.

There are references to these entities in the bible, in ancient art and other texts. They are all linked with
myths about creation found in all ancient civilizations.

As we search to find the truth behind the illusion, who created the human race, or biogenetic
experiment, we look to those who came from the stars, ancient astronauts, creational gods, for our
answers. All is theory, virtual reality, consciousness, and for the most part not provable, subject to the
interpretation of the researcher or experiencer.

Most of us would love to find evidence of ancient astronauts, be visited by friendly aliens who could
enlighten us to our true creational blueprint. Throughout the history of the human drama, we find all
sorts of evidence that makes us think, believe, and quest for the greater truth. They are all just myths,
legends, and theories...

Theories about Atlantis often link sightings of ancient astronauts to Atlantean space ships. This goes to
the ancient gods called the Zep Tepi.

In China we find theories about an alien race called the Dropa who left behind fascinating discs.

The Popol Vuh, sacred to the Mayans, unequivocally states, "Men came from the stars, knowing
everything, and they examined the four corners of the sky and the Earth's round surface."

Brazilian UFO researcher Jean Alencar has noted that the mythology of this country is replete with
descriptions and statuettes of beings endowed with the power of flight. The legends of Brazilian
natives, like those of other countries, detail experiences of gods or travelers from the sky who
descended to earth when humans were little more that animals to instruct them in the arts of agriculture,
astronomy, medicine, and other disciplines. Alencar points out one figure in particular, Bep-Kororoti, a
space warrior worshipped by the tribes of the upper reaches of the Xing River. Not unlike the heroes of
India's Mahabarata, Bep-Kororoti possessed a flying vehicle capable of destroying anything in its path.
His aspect terrified the primitive natives, until he stepped out of his "raiment" and revealed himself to
be fair-skinned, handsome, and kind. He amused the natives with his "magic" until he grew restless for
his land in the sky and returned there.

The Chilam Balaam, is even more explicit and states "Beings descended from the sky in flying
vessels...white men in flying rings, who can touch the sky."

There are indications that something very strange took place on our very own continent hundreds of
thousands of years ago, before humans arrived on this continent (according to the canon of
anthropology). Santa Maria Canyon holds evidence pointing toward the existence of a culture of
intelligent beings who raised cattle, built weapons, and practiced funeral rites -- one million years ago.
If we decide to stick with what academia has to say, in no way could these beings have been humans.
Were they survivors of a Race of Aliens? This brings to mind theories of marooned spacemen, or
colonists trying to tame a new planet? During the Prehistory Conference held during 1962 in Rome, Dr.
W. Matthes presented the oldest carvings known to exist, created by a forgotten artist two hundred
thousand years ago, when humans had allegedly just discovered the use of fire.

Discovered by the 19th century French explorer Henri Lhote, these figures were so unusual he dubbed
them Martians, explaining their contour is simple, unartistic, and with rounded heads; their only detail
is the double oval at the figure's center, which evokes the image we currently have of Martians.
Illustration 2: Great Martian Gods c.6000
BC from Tassili Mountains

Illustration 3: From the Sahara Desert

Illustration 4: From North Africa

Lhote's round-headed denizens of the Red Planet were depicted by the primitive cave artists as wearing
suits strongly reminiscent of those worn by our own astronauts on the Moon, down to the detail of the
boots. Several hundred such drawings exist, scattered over many miles of desert: strange helmeted and
figures with antennae, often floating in weightlessness as if the artist had been able to witness one of
our modern space walks. Other images are of a technological bent, showing what could be taken as
solar panels, space stations, floating spheres containing humanoid figures. Unwilling to be caught up in
the ancient astronaut craze, anthropologists have suggested that the Tassili "roundheads" are merely
ceremonial dancers or priests wearing empty gourds over their heads. The problem with this rational
approach is that the agricultural know-how and resources to grow pumpkins were nonexistent in North
Africa at the time the Tassili drawings were created, and would probably not have been available for
another thousand years.
Illustration 5: Sego Canyon, Utah, c. 5,500 BC

Illustration 6: Val Comonica, Italy, c. 10,000 BC

Illustration 7: More images from Utah

The examples of cave art found in the Spanish caverns of Ojo Guarea and Altamira, and the French
ones at Lascaux and Font de Gaume, have proven that our distant ancestors were able to represent what
they saw with a clarity and simplicity that is stunning to twentieth century eyes. This skill extends to
depictions of things that anthropologists and archaeologists often find troublesome: equally faithful
representations of domed objects, some of them in threes, others with legs or antennae.

Ancient astronauts have been described as bi-pedal entities often with beaks or wings, or reptilian
looking, gray aliens, ethereal, or humanoid coming and going in space craft of some kind or moving in
and out of our dimension. Different theories or stories of creation cite these entities, not unlike gods
from heaven who many believe seeded the human experiment and will return one day. The feeling of a
god returning to Earth, a savior, if you will, who restores balance, is a metaphor in the journey of the
human experiment in linear time and emotion. All virtual created by consciousness. All are theories.

The Ojo Guarea complex, weaving its way for miles into the earth, poses an undecipherable riddle. In
his book En Busca de la Historia Perdida (In Search of Forgotten History), Spanish author and
filmmaker Juan G. Atienza states that some of the cave systems many entrances are considered "evil,"
and the local farmers will not till the soil near them nor even come close to them. Contained precisely
within one of these "evil" points of access is an ancient petroglyph of what could only be, astounding
though it might seem, a representation of the helicoidal structure of DNA.

One of the strongest proponent of ancient astronaut theory is Erich von Daniken, author of several
popular books on the subject. His best-selling Chariots of the Gods, published in 1968, argued that
spacecraft landed long before modern humanity peopled the Earth. The ancient visitors carried out
breeding experiments and produced a creature intelligent enough to have the rules of society imparted
to it. These new beings invented agriculture and became the first artists, then created their own warlike
civilizations. Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by an atomic bomb. The Ark of the Covenant was
allegedly an electrified transmitter that allowed Moses to communicate with the astronauts. Von
Daniken claims that ancient astronauts, complete with space helmets, were carved on stela at the
Mayan city of Copan.

All creational myths speak of Gods and Goddesses who came to Earth in some sort of magical
scenario, or riding in chariots of fire, and creating a race called Humans. Most of these myths refer to
their primary God as a Sun God meaning from the Light [male] and a moon Goddess [female]as all
things in or reality are bipolar in design, duality, Sacred Geometry. In Egypt this God was called Ra,
Re, Ray of Light. These gods flew in space ships and were therefore looked upon as ancient astronauts.
In India the chariots were called Vimanas.

Illustration 8: Egyptian hieroglyphs depict the same images carved in stone.

Creational legends are a global phenomenon. Records of the belief systems of ancient astronauts
coming to Earth can be found on Rock Art -- Ancient Sumerian clay tablets and cylinder seals, and in
the Bible.

The Bible speaks of the Hebrew word 'Elohim', meaning 'God' or 'those who came from the sky'.

Elohim or Eloah is a Hebrew word related to deity, but whose exact significance is often disputed. It is
the third word in the Hebrew text of Genesis and occurs frequently throughout the Hebrew Bible. In
some cases (e.g. Ex. 3:4 ... Elohim called unto him out of the midst of the bush...), is generally
understood to denote the God of Israel but from a neutral point of view there is no evidence proving
that this originally meant one rather than several acting in accord. In other cases (e.g. Ex. 20:3 Thou
shalt have no other gods before me.), it refers to the polytheistic notion of multiple gods. In still other
cases, the meaning is not clear from the text, but may refer to powerful beings (e.g. Gen. 6:2 the sons
of Elohim saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them for wives..., Ex. 4:16 and
you [Moses] will be as Elohim to him [Aaron], Ex. 22:28 Thou shalt not curse Elohim, or curse a ruler
of your people, where the parallelism suggests that Elohim may refer to human rulers).

Table 1: Elohim – Those who came in from the sky

Genesis Chapter 1:26, states 'And God said, let us make man in our own image, after our likeness'. This
quote still uses the plural 'us' rather than the singular 'I', suggesting that God was not a single entity, as
many of us have been brought up and conditioned to believe.
The Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh is filled with mentions of fiery chariots and people being taken up to
the garden of God. The Epic also contains a whole host of parallels to our very own old Testament. For
instance, it mentions a great flood, and relates a story very close to that of Moses being cast
downstream as a child. The Sumerians also had an Eden, known as Dilmun, which is described in the
Epic of Enki and Ninhursag, the creation stories of both texts bear a striking resemblance.

Dilumn the Alien

In 1989, years just before I met Zecharia Sitchen, I did not knew about his theories about an alien race
called the Anunnaki, and an ancient civilization called Sumer As a psychic medium, I talked with a
Reptilian alien who called himself Dilmun. I also did not realize at the time that Dilmun is associated
with ancient sites on the islands of Bahrain in the Persian Gulf. Reptilians, snakes, dragons, are all
metaphors for human DNA, as a biogenetic experiment.

Illustration 9: Nibiru Gods on Earth

Dilmun told me about a civilization that was destroyed, its inhabitants leaving on a planetoid named
Nibiru and coming to Earth. [Tales of destruction of an alien planet, whose inhabitants came to Earth
and seed a race, are common in the grid program of our reality. They are just myths and metaphors.]
Dilmun said he was six hundred years old as we measure time. [6=flower of life metaphor] His people
were warriors, conquering planets for gold and riches. [gold, alchemy of time and consciousness] He
did say he would return one day, as all myths speculate. It was years later that I would discover that I
was connecting with the grid system, matrix, akashic records, hall of records through which we
virtually experience in linear time.
Illustration 10: Winged Sumerian deity

Illustration 11:

Zecharia Sitchen

The Sumerian cuneiform deciphering skills of Zecharia Sitchen, a linguist in command of many ancient
languages, has set the scientific world on its ear with his astounding interpretations of ancient writings.
In 1976, Sitchin's first book, The Twelfth Planet - Planet 'X', began an odyssey that has literally
transformed the field of ancient history. Sitchen says this planetoid named Nibiru. This planet, unlike
the other planets in our solar system, has an elliptical orbit and moves clockwise rather than
counterclockwise. Nibiru's orbit passes through our solar system only once every 3,600 years, which is
equal to one Nibiruan year.

Nibiru is called the 12th planet or Planet 'X'. (Metaphors: 12 Around 1 and 'X' as 10 = 1= new
beginnings. 10 = 1010 binary code, as our reality is a computer program.)

Sitchen's controversial theory is based on his interpretation of ancient Sumerian texts, with its origin in
the Bible, in the book of Genesis. Sitchin has spent decades as an archeologist and historian in the
Middle East, researching ancient writings from the Sumerian civilization into a 5-part paperback series,
The Earth Chronicles, documenting the Nibiruan interaction on Earth in ancient times. Nibiru is
allegedly inhabited by the Anunnaki, Nefilim, Elohim, Giants of the Bible, Those Who From Heaven
To Earth Came. They are allegedly a Reptilian Race.

The Dogon Tribe of Africa also have a fascinating creational myth that speaks of a race of reptoid
aliens, Nommos, who came to Earth from Sirius, imbuing the Dogon with ancient wisdom, that in the
20th century, would be proven as fact. The Dogons originated with ancient Egypt, (Middle East, area of
the Cradle of Civilization) the source of their knowledge perhaps coming from ancient Egyptian
priests. There is also a resemblance in alien description of the Nommo and Anunnaki.

According to Sitchen, the Nibiruans landed on Earth, colonized it, mining the Earth for gold and other
minerals, establishing a spaceport in what today is the Iraq-Iran area, the Cradle of Civilization, and
lived in a kind of idealistic society as a small colony. They genetically interfered in our indigenous
DNA to create a slave-race to work their mines, farms, and other enterprises in Sumer. They created
Humans, Homo Sapiens, through genetic manipulation with themselves and ape man Homo Erectus.

The Great Flood allegedly was an attempt to destroy the slave races of humanity by the Nibiruans
because they had rebelled against their Nibiruan Gods, Enlil and Enki, who were in a heated dispute
over whether to destroy or preserve the slave races.

Illustration 12: Nibiru Location

Every 3,600 years Nibiruan will return for more gold. This myth is based on the same Sacred
-Creational Geometry Grids that is found in all other myths. The patterns, 6, 12, 24, and 36 are here
once again.
From Zecharia Sitchen's Earth Chronicles

Events Before the Deluge Years Ago:

450,000 on Nibiru, a distant member of our solar system, life faces slow extinction as the planet's
atmosphere erodes. Deposed by Anu, the ruler Aralu escapes in a spaceship and finds refuge on Earth.
He discovers that Earth has gold that can be used to protect Nibiru's atmosphere.

445,000 Led by Enki, a son of Anu, the Anunnaki land on Earth, establish Eridu -Earth Station I, for
extracting gold from the waters of the Persian Gulf.

430,000 Earth's climate mellows. More Anunnaki arrive on Earth, among them Enki's half-sister
Ninhursag, Chief Medical Officer.

416,000 As gold production falters, Anu arrives on Earth with Enlil, the heir apparent. It is decided to
obtain the vital gold by mining it in southern Africa. Drawing lots, Enlil wins command of Earth
Mission; Enki is relegated to Africa. On departing Earth, Anu is challenged by Allah¹s grandson.

400,000 Seven functional settlements in southern Mesopotamia include a Spaceport (Sippar), Mission
Control Center (Nippur), a metallurgical center (Shuruppak). The ores arrive by ships from Africa; the
refined metal is sent aloft to orbiters manned by Igigi, then transferred to spaceships arriving
periodically from Nibiru.

380,000 Gaining the support of the Igigi, Alalu's grandson attempts to seize mastery over Earth. The
Enlilites win the War of the Olden Gods.

300,000 The Anunnaki toiling in the gold mines mutiny. Enki and Ninhursag create Primitive Workers
through genetic manipulation of Ape woman; they take over the manual chores of the Anunnaki. Enlil
raids the mines, brings the Primitive Workers to the Edin in Mesopotamia. Given the ability to
procreate, Homo Sapiens begin to multiply.

200,000 Life on Earth regresses during a new glacial period.

100,000 Climate warms again. The Anunnaki (the biblical Nefilim), to Enlil's growing annoyance
marry the daughters of Man.

75,000 The "accusation of Earth", a new Ice Age-begins. Regressive types of Man roam the Earth .
Cro-Magnon man survives.

49,000 Enki and Ninhursag elevate humans of Anunnaki parentage to rule in Shuruppak. Enlil,
enraged. plots Mankind's demise.

13,000 Realizing that the passage of Nibiru in Earth's proximity will trigger an immense tidal wave,
Enlil makes the Anunnaki swear to keep the impending calamity a secret from Mankind.

Events After the Deluge

11,000 Enki breaks the oath, instructs Ziusudra/Noah to build a submersible ship. The Deluge sweeps
over the Earth; the Anunnaki witness the total destruction from their orbiting spacecraft.

Enlil agrees to grant the remnants of Mankind implements and seeds; agriculture begins in the
highlands. Enki domesticates animals.

10,500 The descendants of Noah are allotted three regions. Ninurta, Enlil's foremost son, dams the
mountains and drains the rivers to make Mesopotamia habitable; Enki reclaims the Nile valley. The
Sinai peninsula is retained by the Anunnaki for a post-Diluvial spaceport; a control center is established
on Mount Moriah (the future Jerusalem).

9780 Ra/Marduk, Enki's firstborn son, divides dominion over Egypt between Osiris and Seth.

9330 Seth seizes and dismembers Osiris, assumes sole rule over the Nile Valley.

8970 Horus avenges his father Osiris by launching the First Pyramid War. Seth escapes to Asia, seizes
the Sinai peninsula and Canaan.

8670 Opposed to the resulting control of all the space facilities by Enki's descendants, the Enlilites
launch the Second Pyramid War. The victorious Ninurta empties the Great Pyramid of its equipment.

Ninhursag, half-sister of Enki and Enlil, convenes peace conference. The division of Earth is
reaffirmed. Rule over Egypt transferred from the Ra/Marduk dynasty to that of Thoth. Heliopolis built
as a substitute Beacon City.

8500 The Anunnaki establish outposts at the gateway to the space facilities; Jericho is one of them.

7400 As the era of peace continues, the Anunnaki grant Mankind new advances; the Neolithic period
begins. Demi-gods rule over Egypt.

3800 Urban civilization begins in Sumer as the Anunnaki reestablish there the Olden Cities, beginning
with Eridu and Nippur.

Anu comes to Earth for a pageantful visit. A new city, Uruk (Erech), is built in his honor; he makes its
temple the abode of his beloved granddaughter Inanna/lshtar.

Kingship on Earth
3760 Mankind granted kingship. Kish is first capital under the aegis of Ninurta. A calendar came into
use at Nippur. Civilization blossoms out in Sumer (the First Region).

3450 Primacy in Sumer transferred to Nannar/Sin. Marduk proclaims Babylon "Gateway of the Gods."
The "Tower of Babel" incident. The Anunnaki confuse Mankind's languages.

His coup frustrated, Marduk/Ra returns to Egypt, deposes Thoth, seizes his younger brother Dumuzi
who had betrothed Inanna. Dumuzi accidentally killed; Marduk imprisoned alive in the Great Pyramid.
Freed through an emergency shaft, he goes into exile.

3100, 350 years of chaos ends with installation of first Egyptian Pharaoh in Memphis. Civilization
comes to the Second Region.

2900 Kingship in Sumer transferred to Erech. Inanna given dominion over the Third Region; the Indus
Valley Civilization begins.

2650 Sumer's royal capital shifts about. Kingship deteriorates. Enlil loses patience with the unruly
human multitudes.

2371 Inanna falls in love with Sharru-Kin (Sargon). He establishes new capital city. Agade (Akkad).
Akkadian empire launched.

2316 Aiming to rule the four regions, Sargon removes sacred soil from Babylon. The Marduk-Inanna
conflict flares up again. It ends when Nergal, Marduk's brother, journeys from south Africa to Babylon
and persuades Marduk to leave Mesopotamia.

2291 Naram-Sin ascends the throne of Akkad. Directed by the warlike Inanna, he penetrates the Sinai
peninsula, invades Egypt.

2255 Inanna usurps the power in Mesopotamia; Naram-Sin defies Nippur. The Great Anunnaki
obliterate Agade. Inanna escapes. Sumer and Akkad occupied by foreign troops loyal to Enlil and

2220 Sumerian civilization rises to new heights under enlightened rulers of Lagash. Thoth helps its
king Gudea build a ziggurat-temple for Ninurta.

2193 Terah, Abraham's father, born in Nippur into a priestly-royal family.

2180 Egypt divided; followers of Ra/Marduk retain the south; Pharaohs opposed to him gain the throne
of lower Egypt.

2130 As Enlil and Ninurta are increasingly away, central authority also deteriorates in Mesopotamia.
Inanna's attempts to regain the kingship for Erech does not last.

2123 Abraham born in Nippur.

2113 Enlil entrusts the Lands of Shem to Nannar; Ur declared capital of new empire. Ur- Nammu
ascends throne, is named Protector of Nippur. A Nippurian priest-Terah, Abraham's father, comes to Ur
to liaison with its royal court.

2096 Ur-Nammu dies in battle. The people consider his untimely death a betrayal by Anu and Enlil.
Terah departs with his family for Harran.

2095 Shulgi ascends the throne of Ur, strengthens imperial ties. As empire thrives, Shulgi falls under
charms of Inanna, becomes her lover. Grants Larsa to Elamites in exchange for serving as his Foreign

2080 Theban princes loyal to Ra/Marduk press northward under Mentuhotep I. Nabu, Marduk's son,
gains adherents for his father in Western Asia.
2055 On Nannar's orders, Shulgi sends Elamite troops to suppress unrest in Canaanite cities. Elamites
reach the gateway to the Sinai peninsula and its Spaceport.

2048 Shulgi dies. Marduk moves to the Land of the Hittites. Abraham ordered to southern Canaan with
an elite corps of cavalrymen.

2047 Amar-Sin (the biblical Amraphel) becomes king of Ur. Abraham goes to Egypt, stays five years,
then returns with more troops.

2041 Guided by Inanna, Amar-Sin forms a coalition of Kings of the East, launches military expedition
to Canaan and the Sinai. Its leader is the Elamite Khedor-la'omer. Abraham blocks the advance at the
gateway to the Spaceport.

2038 Shu-Sin replaces Amar-Sin on throne of Ur as the empire disintegrates.

2029 Ibbi-Sin replaces Shu-Sin. The western provinces increasingly to Marduk.

2024 Leading his followers, Marduk marches on Sumer, enthrones himself in Babylon. Fighting
spreads to central Mesopotamia. Nippur's Holy of Holies is defiled. Enlil demands punishment for
Marduk and Nabu; Enki opposes, but his son Nergal sides with Enlil.

As Nabu marshals his Canaanite followers to capture the Spaceport, the Great Anunnaki approve of the
use of nuclear weapons. Nergal and Ninurta destroy the Spaceport and the errant Canaanite cities.

2023 The winds carry the radioactive cloud to Sumer. People die a terrible death, animals perish, the
water is poisoned, the soil becomes barren. Sumer and its great civilization lie prostrate. Its legacy
passes to Abraham's seed as he begets -at age 100- a legitimate heir: Isaac.

Recent evidence dates the site to 8000 B.C. The stones are perfect constructed for predicting and
sighting a wide variety of astronomical alignments including the precession of the equinoxes. There are
a total of 60 standing stones and lintels, the classic Anunnaki sexagesimal number which is also
embedded in our standard of time (60 seconds X 60 minutes=3,600, the number of years in Nibiru's

This massive three million square foot stone platform contains huge stones, including 'The Trilithons'
which each weigh 1200 tons, that's 2.4 million pounds. Much later, the Greeks and Romans built their
temples on top of it. Legend has it that the Sun god Helios landed upon the platform with his fire
chariot. The site is also described in the ancient flood stories of Gilgamesh. ['Flood' in this case, is a
metaphor for creation from the sea, the collective unconscious, grid programs of our reality, etc.]

Enigmas -- Were they built by ancient astronauts on major points in the planetary grid?
Illustration 13: Who build the Great Pyramid?

Easter Island Megaliths

Large carved stone heads weighing an average of 13.78 tons are arranged all over the island. There are
no known written records to explain their purpose or origin. Some of the Moai carved in the quarry are
as much as 165 tons. Some suggest that the workers who vandalized the Anunnaki Nazca lines fled to
Easter Island and constructed the Maoi with the techniques they learned from the Anunnaki.

The Nazca Lines of Peru

The Nazca Lines are spread over the arid plain and stretch for many kilometers with almost no
deviation in the straight line sections. The lines can best be seen from the air which, suggests they may
have been designed by an airborne civilization.

Pyramids of Mexico

For centuries, Teotihuacan was the Mesoamerican region's cultural, religious, political, economic, and
social center. The massive temples of the Sun, Moon, citadel, temples, palaces, plazas, and paved
streets were said built by a Pre-Mayan civilization. Once again, another incredible site, the builders of
which are unidentified before one considers the Anunnaki paradigm.
Illustration 14: Teotihuacan, Mexico

In conclusion, as souls of light, experiencing in many realms of reality, simultaneously, we are all
ancient astronauts. Unidentified flying objects are reported in all corners of our planet, as they continue
to intrigue with possibilities of our origins. Again, all is possible, and anything can happen through the
alchemy of time and consciousness.
The Dropa Stone Discs

Illustration 1: Dropa Disks

The Dropa (also known as Dropas, Drok-pa or Dzopa) are, according to certain controversial writers, a
race of dwarf-like extraterrestrials who landed near the Chinese-Tibetan border some twelve thousand
years ago. Skeptics note, however, a number of problems with the case (and a lack of corroborative
evidence), which offers significant doubt as to the reality of the more sensationalistic Dropa claims.
Mainstream critics argue that the entire affair is a hoax.

Alleged Discovery -- Chi Pu Tei, a professor of archaeology at Beijing University, and his students
were on an expedition to explore a series of caves in the pathless Himalayan mountains of the remote
Bayan-Kara-Ula in Qinghai on the border of China and Tibet. The caves may have been artificially
carved to be a system of tunnels and underground storerooms. The walls were squared and glazed, as if
cut into the mountain with great heat.

They found many neat rows of tombs with short 4 ft 4 in inch skeletons buried within. The skeletons
had abnormally big heads, and small, thin, fragile bodies. A member of the team suggested that these
might be the remains of an unknown species of mountain gorilla. Prof. Chi Pu Tei was said to respond,
"Who ever heard of apes burying one another?"

There were no epitaphs at the graves, but instead hundreds of one foot wide stone discs ("Dropa
Stones") were found having 3/4 inch wide holes in their centers. On the walls were carved pictures of
the rising sun, moon, stars, the land, mountains, and lines of pea-sized dots connecting the earth with
the sky. Along with the discs, the cave drawings had been determined to be about 12,000 years old.

Dropa Stones
Each stone disk was reportedly inscribed with two fine grooves spiraling from the edge to a hole in the
disk's center, perhaps not unlike the Phaistos Disk.

The disks were labeled along with other finds of the expedition and stored away at Beijing University
for 20 years, during which deciphering attempts were unsuccessful. When the disks were closely
examined by Dr. Tsum Um Nui of Beijing around 1958, he concluded that each groove actually
consisted of a series of tiny hieroglyphs of unknown pattern and origin. The rows of hieroglyphics were
so small that a magnifying glass was needed to see them clearly. Many of the hieroglyphics had been
worn away by erosion. When Dr. Tsum deciphered the symbols, they told the story of the crash-landing
of the Dropa spaceship and the killing of most of the survivors by local people.
According to Tsum Um Nui, one of the lines of the hieroglyphs reads, "The Dropas came down from
the clouds in their aircraft. Our men, women and children hid in the caves ten times before sunrise.
When at last they understood the sign language of the Dropas, they realized that the newcomers had
peaceful intentions . . . ." Another section expresses "regret" by the Ham that the aliens' craft had crash-
landed in such a remote and inaccessible mountain range and that there had been no way to building a
new one to enable the Dropas to return to their own planet.

Dr. Tsum's report supposedly appeared in a professional journal in 1962. He was subsequently ridiculed
to the point of self-imposed exile in Japan, where he died. The Peking Academy of Pre-history never
allowed him to publish and never speak of his findings.

"Tsum Um Nui" is not a real Chinese name, and critics suggest that Dr. Tsum may not have actually
existed. However Tsum Um Nui is a Japanese name adapted to Chinese language. There is no evidence
of him beyond the Dropa allegations.

In 1965, Professor Chi Pu Tei and four of his colleagues were finally given permission to reveal their
theory. They published it under the title "The Grooved Script concerning Space-ships which, as
recorded on the Discs, landed on Earth 12,000 years ago".

The records, some 716 grooved discs later uncovered in the same caves, tell an astonishing story of a
space probe sent by the inhabitants of another planet. After landing at the Bayan-Kara-Ula mountain
range, the scripts allegedly say, the peaceful intentions of the aliens confused the members of the Ham
tribe, inhabitants of the neighboring caves, who hunted down and killed the extraterrestrials.

Illustration 2: Closeup of DROPA


Photos claiming to show Dropa Disks are in fact Bi Disks, thousands of which have been found
throughout China, mostly in the Southeastern Provinces. Bi Disks range in size of a few inches to
several feet, and are most commonly made of jade or nephrite, with a round or square small central
Most Bi Disks date to the Neolithic Period (c. 3000 BCE), but are found up to the Shang Dynasty
Period. Bi Disks beyond the Shang Period are usually more ornate, carved with dragons, snakes and
sometimes fish, and used in ritual ceremonies.

Most Neolithic Bi Disks were found in gravesites, buried beneath the head or feet of the deceased. It is
theorized that this was to assist the deceased's spirit. No Bi Disks have been found to contain writing or
spiral grooves as described in the Dropa story by authors such as Hartwig Hausdorf.

The Dropa Disks are said to be only 12 inches in diameter. However, one black and white photograph
claimed by Hausdorf and others to display a Dropa Disk clearly shows the disk resting on a seat, and it
is clearly several feet in diameter and has no markings whatsoever.

Russian Research
Russian scientists asked to see the discs and several were sent to Moscow for examination. They were
scraped free of rock particles which had stuck to them and then put through chemical analysis. To the
surprise of the scientists, the disks contained large amounts of cobalt and other metallic substances.
What is more, when placed on a special turntable, according to Dr. Vyatcheslav Saizev, who described
the experiments in the Soviet magazine Sputnik, they vibrate or "hum" in an unusual rhythm as though
an electric charge is passing through them. Or as one scientist suggested, "as if they formed some part
of an electrical circuit." At some time, they have clearly been exposed to extraordinarily high voltages.
"They seem like ancient hard disks, spinning like the hard disks we have now days. Perhaps if we could
read these ancient hard disks, we would find more answers."

Wegerer's Photos
In 1974, Ernst Wegerer, an Austrian engineer, photographed two disks that met the descriptions of the
Dropa Stones. He was on a guided tour of Banpo-Museum in Xian, when he saw the stone discs on
display. He claims he saw a hole in the center of each disc and hieroglyphs in partly crumbled spiral-
like grooves.

Wegerer asked the managers of Banpo-Museum for more information on the pieces in the showcase.
The manager knew nothing of the stones' history, though she was able to tell a complete story about all
the other artifacts made from clay. She only knew that the stone discs were unimportant "cult objects".

Wegerer was allowed to take one of the discs in his hand. He estimated their weight at 1 kilogram or 2
pounds, and the diameter at one foot. The hieroglyphs can't be seen in his photos, because they have
crumbled away partly, and his camera's flash washed out the fine detail, such as the spiral grooves.

A few days after his visit, the manager was called away from her job without telling her why. She and
the two stone discs vanished, according to Professor Wang Zhijun, the Director of the Banpo-Museum
in March of 1994.

In the years since the discovery of the first disc, archeologists and anthropologists have learned more
about the isolated Bayan-Kara-Ula area. Much of the information has been interpreted as corroborating
the story recorded on the discs.
Legends supposedly still preserved in the area speak of small, gaunt, yellow-faced men who "came
from the clouds, long, long ago". The men had huge, bulging heads and puny bodies and were so ugly
and repellent that they were shunned by everyone. "Men with the quick horses" hunted down the ugly
dwarfs. Strangely, the description of the "invaders" is said to match that of the skeletons originally
discovered in the caves by Professor Chi Pu Tei.

Critics have largely rejected the above claims, arguing they are a combination of hoax and urban
legend. For example, writer David Richie notes that the Dropa tales intrigued Gordon Chreighton, a
Fellow of the Royal Anthropological Society and Royal Geographical Society. Upon investigation,
Chreighton judged the sensationalistic Dropa-Extraterrestrial allegations to be "groundless," and
detailed his findings in an article for Flying Saucer Review.

No traceable, credible evidence for this theory exists, or can be proven to have existed in the past.
Proponents of the Dropa-stones story claim that this is the result of social disruption caused by the
Chinese Cultural Revolution and of a conspiratorial coverup by Chinese authorities. However this story
goes well beyond China. Its opponents claim it is long proven to be a forgery by Erich von Daniken.

Below is a detailed rebuttal of most sensationalistic Extraterrestrial/Dropa claims:

1. The discovery. There are no mentions of 'Tsum Um Nui' anywhere; as he is supposed to have fled
China and died in Japan in the 1960s this cannot be negated by Cultural Revolution, Communist
coverup theory. Also, there is no mention of the 1938 archaeological expedition to the Banyan Kara
Ulla range. No "Peking Academy of Pre-History" ever existed.
2. Early Sources. The earliest mention of the story is in Erich von Damien¹s infamous 1968 book,
Chariots of the Gods. The book has been widely criticized as unreliable; in fact, the vast majority of
names and sources appearing in the book cannot be corroborated, and no existence of the following
Soviet or Chinese scholars can be found anywhere outside this story: Cho Pu Tei, Tsum Um Nui, Ernst
Wagener, Vyatcheslav Saizev, and Sergei Lolladoff. Most tellingly, Däniken gives his main source for
the story as a Soviet science fiction writer Alexander Kazantsev; however Kazantsev himself disagrees
with Däniken's account and says that it was Däniken who told him the story, not the other way around.

3. Later Sources. The 1978 book Sungods in Exile "edited" by David Agamon, appeared to lend
support to the story of the Dropa, but Agamon admitted in the magazine Fortean Times in 1988 that the
book was fiction and that its alleged author, a British researcher named Dr. Karyl Robin-Evans, was
imaginary. Some websites claim to show a photo of Dr Robin-Evans with the Dalai Lama. A frail, old
man assisted by the current Dalai Lama, the photograph is quite recent and can not be Dr Robin-Evans
-- he died in 1978, according to Hartwig Hausdorf.

4. Translation. There is absolutely no precedent for an unknown language being successfully

deciphered. All lost ancient languages have been rediscovered only because they survived in forms
familiar to scientists. Even in such cases, deciphering and understanding these older language forms
and their scripts has usually taken decades for multiple teams of highly competent linguists, and their
findings are constantly being debated and updated. Many ancient scripts (notably Linear A from the
island of Crete and Rongorongo from Easter Island), have defied deciphering precisely because they
cannot be linked to any known language. Given these facts, there would be even greater difficulties in
translating a truly extraterrestrial language. It is therefore highly unlikely that a single Chinese scholar
with no reported background in linguistics could single-handedly decipher an alien script or language
in his spare time.

5. The Disks. All that exists of the supposed alien disks are several wide-angle photographs. The disks
photographed, firstly, do not match the described "12-inch disks"; the disks photographed are very
large. Secondly, the photos show none of the supposed deep grooves. Finally, absolutely no photos,
descriptions, analyses or any other evidence of the actual 'alien script' appear anywhere at all.

6. The Evidence. The disks were supposed to be stored in several museums in China. None of these
museums have any traces of these disks, nor can any be found of the ones supposedly sent to USSR for

7. The Dropa Tribe. While reported to be a tribe of feeble dwarfs, in actuality the Dropas are nomadic
herders who inhabit most of the northern Tibetan Plateau. The Ham are also inhabitants of Tibet, and
traditionally have supplied Tibet's warriors: many of the 13th Dalai Lama's bodyguards during his
escape from the Chinese invasion were Ham Tibetans. The word "Dropa", according to Chrieghton,
describes the nomadic residents of Tibetan highlands, and can be roughly translated as "solitude" or
"isolated". Furthermore, Chreighton described the Dropa as not resembling "troglodytes", or as stunted;
on the contrary, they tend to be rather large and sturdy, befitting their occupation as herders. (Richie,

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