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Advanced Programming – Course Syllabus

This course is designed to introduce you to Object-Oriented Programming design and

implementation concepts using Java programming language. During this course, you
will learn the 3 core concepts in OOP: Encapsulation, Polymorphism, and Inheritance,
along with some programming technologies in Java. By the end of this course you
should be able to design and implement an OOP desktop application in Java. It will
also help you learn new OOP languages in the future if you need to.

Course Plan:

1- Revision on Java programming language basics. (1 lecture)

2- Arrays and functions in Java. (1 lecture)
3- Object-Oriented programming:
a. Introduction, classes and objects, and Encapsulation. (1 lecture)
b. Polymorphism and function overloading. (1 lecture)
c. Inheritance and Abstraction. (3 lectures)
4- Related Java technologies:
a. I/O streaming. (1 lecture)
b. Database connectivity (1 lecture)
5- Project (During the semester)

Course work notes:

10 grades – Lab exercises

10 grades – Quizzes and exercise sheets

10 grades – Project

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