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Microbial Risks Associated with Biogas and Biodigestor Sludge

B Vinnerås, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden, and National Veterinary Institute,
Uppsala, Sweden
C Schönning, Swedish Institute for Infectious Disease Control, Water and Environmental Microbiology, Solna,
& 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

aerobic treatment, where oxygen is the electron

acceptor and the organic material can be degraded all
ABP animal by products
the way to carbon dioxide, every step of the anaerobic
HRT hydraulic retention time
degradation is performed separately using different
MRT minimal retention time
chemical compounds as electron acceptor and each of the
VTEC vero toxin-producing Escherichia coli
steps is performed by separate organisms. During the
initial steps of hydrolysis, acidogenesis, and acetogenesis,
where the redox potential is more than 300 mV, intes-
Introduction tinal organisms such as Escherichia coli and Salmonella can
aid in the process and grow. The methane formation step
Anaerobic digestion is an attractive alternative for maintains a redox potential less than 300 mV and is
treatment of biodegradable waste, farm waste, and was- performed by strictly anaerobic methane-forming bacteria.
tewater. In the industrialized world, sewage sludge, ani- Most reactors run in the mesophilic temperature
mal manure and biodegradable household and industrial range (30–40 1C), with a few exceptions of psychrophilic
waste, and wastewater sludge are treated anaerobically in (o 30 1C) and thermophilic (445 1C) reactors. No ex-
medium- to large-scale systems. The majority of the ternal heating is needed to create a mesophilic process in
small-scale anaerobic reactors that exist are found in the tropical regions. In the different temperature intervals
developing world. Most of these reactors are local, on- within the range 20–90 1C, different organisms dominate
farm reactors for on-site treatment of manure and farm methane formation depending on their optimum tem-
waste together with human-derived waste (e.g., excreta perature, for example, Methanogenum spp. have an opti-
and biodegradable household waste). mum of 20–40 1C and Methanothermum spp. an optimum
In most of the cases in the industrialized countries, the of 80–90 1C. Moreover, most reactors run at neutral pH
biodigestor sludge (biodigestate) is used as a fertilizer and and produce low concentrations of chemicals that can act
its standard of hygiene is important when used on food as toxins (e.g., ammonia). However, after a long adap-
crops. For example, sewage sludge is mainly used for tation period most processes can be adapted to highly
other purposes (e.g., soil production), among other fac- specific local conditions due to the substrate used (e.g.,
tors, due to the uncertainty regarding the hygiene quality. ammonia concentrations of o5 g l 1 due to digestion of
The biogas produced is used as an energy source, elec- slaughterhouse waste).
tricity, and car fuel; but in some cases biogas can also be A wide variety of material originating from house-
found on the national gas grid alone or in combination holds, industry, and agriculture can be treated by an-
with natural gas. The latter has raised concerns about the aerobic digestion. The main requirement is that it is
risk of spreading pathogens into household gas systems. biodegradable in the absence of oxygen. Solid household
In developing countries most of the treatment is waste and industrial waste, including that from shops,
performed on small scale, with different semiunder- markets, and restaurants, can contain pathogens de-
ground systems such as fixed dome, floating drum, or bag pending on how the material is produced and processed
reactors. The gas from these systems is mainly used for (Table 1). The main sources of pathogens are con-
household purposes such as cooking and heating, and the taminated food and food products but in general the level
remaining biodigestate is either used in agriculture or of contamination is low in these fractions. Most medium-
released to a nearby water recipient. and large-scale sewage plants treat their dewatered
sludge anaerobically. The content of enteric pathogens in
sewage sludge is high as it reflects a large population, and
Biodigestion when using the treated sludge as a fertilizer even for
energy production it is important that no zoonotic
The degradation of organic matter during anaerobic di- pathogens (e.g., Salmonella and VTEC (verotoxin-pro-
gestion occurs in four different steps: hydrolysis, acid- ducing E. coli )) are transmitted from the population to
ogenesis, acetogenesis, and methanogenesis. In contrast to the surrounding wild and domestic animals.

758 Microbial Risks Associated with Biogas and Biodigestor Sludge

Table 1 Materials entering biodigestors and their sources of Management of Incoming Material
Fraction to digestor Main source of pathogens In highly advanced treatment systems, all incoming ma-
terial is heat-treated, especially in the case of slaugh-
Food waste from Contaminated food and foodstuffs terhouse- and food waste. The temperature and duration
households and
of pretreatment are regulated by the type of material;
Other household waste Feces-contaminated material, where manure is treated in central systems, food waste
e.g., disposable nappies, toilet and ABP category 3 must be heated at 70 1C for 1 h or
paper, and feces from humans subjected to a treatment giving a similar effect. The
and animals majority of intestinal pathogens are easily managed with
Sewage sludge, including Infected humans
latrine waste
this kind of treatment, the exceptions being some heat-
Manure Infected livestock resistant viruses that may survive or be only slightly
Slaughterhouse waste Infected livestock reduced during the treatment. For example, Parvoviruses
Waste from the food Contaminated food and foodstuffs are only reduced by 2–3 log10 by pasteurization. Sewage
industry sludge, which in many cases holds a higher risk of
Park and garden waste Excreta from humans, pets, and
wild animals
pathogen content, is not treated with regard to its
pathogen content before biodigestion. In biogas digestors,
where the outgoing gas is used for electricity production,
a large amount of excess heat is produced from the gas
engine and this can be used for both heating the reactor
In most places where anaerobic digestion is practiced,
and for pasteurization of the incoming material. If the
manure serves as the main source of incoming material.
biogas is produced for other purposes, for example,
Several large-scale municipal biodigestors in western
cooking or car fuel, external heat is required as the in-
Europe use some manure in their treatment, the major
ternal heat production within the process is too small to
exception being reactors for treatment of sewage sludge.
achieve a significant rise in temperature, since most of the
However, at least in northern Europe, this is decreas-
energy produced is in the form of chemical energy, as
ing as most of the reactors are used for household-
and industrial waste and these wastes are associated
The most critical parameter for pathogen inactivation
with a treatment fee, whereas manure is not. The
is the temperature in combination with time, but in some
second treatment alternative found is farm-based diges-
tors where the material treated is mainly manure cases effects from chemicals present can also be included
and the main purpose is energy production – in most (e.g., high concentration of ammonia).
cases electricity. In some cases, for example, in farms Monitoring of pathogen reduction in different stages
located close to urban areas, reduction of smell is also of treatment of biodegradable waste shows that con-
an important factor. In developing countries, a number ventional treatment by mesophilic digestion gives a
of farm-based treatment systems are also used, and limited reduction in the content of pathogens (Table 2).
here the material treated is often a mixture of animal Most studies show that conventional mesophilic treat-
manure and human excreta and agricultural waste ment can reduce the incoming organisms by up to 1 log
(e.g., harvest residues), and the gas is used mainly for (90%) during the treatment, but it may be possible to
cooking purposes. A reactor type that is rapidly improve this, as discussed later. Using thermophilic di-
increasing in interest is the bag reactor, where a plastic gestion or extending treatment by composting or storage
bag is used for biodigestion purposes. of the treated sewage sludge improves the final hygiene
Slaughterhouse waste (animal by-products (ABP) quality. However, long-term storage or composting de-
category 3) can have high pathogen content depending creases the fertilizer value of the final product and in-
on the health status of the animals. In Europe, ABP must creases the risk of pollution of the environment. Table 2
be treated for 1 h at 70 1C or similar according to EC reviews a number of studies, but these were generally
regulations 1774/2002 and 208/2006. In many places in based on the analysis of a few microorganisms. When
developing countries, slaughterhouse waste is not treated considering the final reduction in indicator bacteria or
at all but just left as a pollutant in the closest water bacterial pathogens, it may be difficult to differentiate
recipient. By collection and some sort of treatment, the between actual inactivation and regrowth. The data given
pollution and risk of transmission of diseases could be for bacteria are therefore uncertain. One important
managed. One attractive alternative in this case is bio- conclusion is that high temperature treatment (pasteur-
digestion treatment, where in addition to biogas pro- ization) is the most effective treatment, but even during
duction, the material can be stabilized and, with pasteurization it is possible for some viruses to survive.
additional sanitization treatment, the risks to the en- One alternative hygiene treatment method presented
vironment can be minimized. in recent years is using ammonia as a sanitation agent
Microbial Risks Associated with Biogas and Biodigestor Sludge 759

Table 2 Potential percentage reduction in pathogenic microorganisms during treatment of biodegradable waste and wastewater,
including animal manure
Percentage reduction

Enteric bacterial Parasitesb Virusesc


Mesophilic digestion (35 1C) 0–90 0–50 0–90

Thermophilic digestion (55 1C) 90–100 90–100 90–100
Long-term storage (41 year) 90–100 0–90 90–100
Pasteurization (70 1C, 1 h) 100 100 99–100
The organisms included here are mainly pathogens from the Enterobacteriaceae group (e.g., Salmonella spp., E. coli, Campylobacter jejuni ).
Ascaris spp. used as model parasite.
Adenovirus used as model for viruses. When data are not available, other pathogenic viruses are used (e.g., Hepatitis A, Rotavirus, and for
Parvovirus pasteurization).

within the reactor. By increasing the input of proteins to use, zoonotic diseases first have to be managed, otherwise
the reactor, the ammonia content of the biodigestate is there is a risk of transmission of diseases to surrounding
increased. If this is done slowly, the methane-producing wild- and domestic animals. The use of manure-based
organisms are able to adapt, whereas newly introduced biodigestate for fertilization of food products is a similar
organisms such as pathogens and organisms that cannot case, as zoonotic diseases can be transmitted with the
grow within the reactor (i.e., parasites and viruses) are biodigestate.
reduced faster than with conventional anaerobic treat- The composition of the biodigestate regarding the
ment. Mesophilic digestion in high ammonia reactors has pathogen components is closely correlated to the sources
an efficient reduction of bacterial pathogens and the of incoming material (Table 1) and the treatment process
ammonia present assure no regrowth of these bacteria. used (Table 2). When excreta (human and animal) are
However, the potential regrowth of pathogenic clostridia treated, either directly in local reactors or as sewage from
needs to be resolved. Spore-forming bacteria are not sewage treatment plants, there is a high risk of pathogens
reduced during pasteurization or digestion and are thus being present in the material. Studies of the pathogen
not included in regulation EC 208/2006. However, po- content in mesophilically digested sewage sludge in
tential pathogenic clostridia (e.g.,Clostridium chauvoei ) can Sweden show a low number of helminths but higher
regrow during anaerobic fermentation at nonacidic pH, numbers of viruses and pathogenic bacteria such as
constituting a risk if the residue is used as a fertilizing Salmonella spp. Corresponding studies of the pathogen
agent. content in sewage sludge in the United States and Spain
Thermophilic treatment has in some cases been pre- show higher occurrence of helminths and also high
sented as an alternative treatment for highly pathogenic numbers of pathogenic viruses and bacteria. Studies of
material such as sewage sludge, as it has an efficient the pathogen content in anaerobic digestors for animal-
treatment process that inactivates the pathogens if a and human excreta in Vietnam show even higher counts
practical hydraulic retention time (HRT) and minimal of helminths and bacterial pathogens.
retention time (MRT) are maintained (see later). The The incoming material is the main source of patho-
disadvantage with this kind of treatment is that external gens in the biodigestate. However, several studies indi-
heating is always needed to run the process at these high cate an accumulation of some pathogenic bacteria during
temperatures and that the degradation of organic pollu- the anaerobic treatment process. For example, both
tants is much slower in this temperature range. Campylobacter jejuni and Salmonella spp. have shown this
ability. The intestinal pathogenic bacteria can grow
during the initial hydrolyzing and acidifying steps of
Hygiene Risk of Outgoing Material anaerobic digestion, as most of the pathogens are facul-
tative anaerobic bacteria (e.g., Salmonella spp.). By intro-
ducing an additional second digestion, with longer
Treatment for reduction of potential pathogens in bio- retention time, the bacterial pathogens are reduced
digestate is only one of the several barriers that should be together with the available nutrients and electron ac-
used to prevent disease transmission. If the risks of ceptors for energy production, as shown by lower redox
pathogen survival are high, selective use of the treated potential. In biodigestate from several commercial
biodigestate can be a complement. Selective use can in- digestors with pasteurization of all incoming material, it
volve, for example, application of sewage sludge-based is still possible to find intestinal flora (e.g., Enterococcus
biodigestate to energy crops. However, regardless of end spp.). Close examination of such biodigestors reveals
760 Microbial Risks Associated with Biogas and Biodigestor Sludge

evidence of colonization and growth of Enterococcus spp For safe reuse of biodigestate, posttreatment processes
within the reactor, particularly in reactors that hold a also need to be free from contaminants.
high ammonia concentration (44 g l 1). Therefore, Bacteria are the only organisms that can grow in or-
Enterococcus spp. is not a good indicator for the removal of ganic material. Regrowth may occur if the conditions are
intestinal pathogens in biogas treatment processes. This appropriate for remaining bacteria, or bacteria can enter
puts the emphasis on the quality of the inoculate used for the material via reinfection. The possibility of regrowth is
the reactor, which initially comes from unpasteurized higher if the material is pasteurized after digestion,
material. There are only a few obligate anaerobic compared to pasteurization before. In the latter case, the
pathogenic bacteria that can infect through the gastro- remaining bacteria that have been active in the digestion
intestinal tract. One important example is Clostridium process may compete with the newly arrived potential
chauvoei (black leg, a worldwide infectious disease of pathogens.
ruminants), which conventional treatment, even heat The number of biogas plants is currently increasing
treatment at 70 1C for 1 h, cannot remove due to its spore worldwide, both in developing and industrialized coun-
form. The survival and growth of this organism in the tries. In addition, the increased demand for bioenergy
biodigestion process needs to be further investigated, but will probably further increase the number of biogas
it is likely to survive the anaerobic treatment well. plants. In developed countries there is a demand for re-
The reduction of undesirable microorganisms during duced pollution of water recipients and for recycling of
biodigestion relies on a number of factors relating to the organic material, and the need for stabilization and
composition of the material and the temperature. One of sanitization of the material before disposal or reuse is
the most important factors is the actual duration of acknowledged. Within the European Union (EU), organic
treatment. Most discussed is the effect of the HRT, the waste may not be dumped in landfill; thus alternative
average length of time that the compound remains in the treatments and uses (or disposal) are needed. In de-
reactor. The HRT varies greatly, from 1 to 2 days in small veloping countries, biodigestion could have a great po-
on-farm bag reactors in Vietnam, 10–30 days in com- tential for treatment of different types of organic wastes,
mercial reactors in northwest Europe, to almost 100 days including manure and human excreta, as mentioned
in farm-based reactors in the same region. The main earlier.
value of HRT is in calculating the dilution of incoming
substrate before the next emptying of a continuous-feed
reactor. In a completely mixed reactor, an HRT of 10
days results in a dilution corresponding to approximately
90% within a time span of 24 h. The most important The presence of microorganisms in biogas and natural
factor here is the MRT, the shortest time the material gas systems has only been looked into in a few studies.
remains in the reactor. Most commercial reactors have an On examining the microbiological content, those studies
MRT of only a few hours. The HRT together with the found a variety of microorganisms in the gas and in
MRT defines the reduction potential of the process, as a biofilm growing on the surface of the pipes.
reasonable HRT only results in a reduction, by dilution, The microflora found in the condensate water from
corresponding to 90%. In plug flow reactors, the HRT is the gas piping can be used as an indicator of content of
closer to the MRT; and in a defined plug flow reactor, the microorganisms in the biogas. In general, the total
retention time is longer and the reduction in pathogens is number of microorganisms from the condensate water
thereby greater. culture on agar plates was up to 105 cfu ml 1 for bacteria
Reinfection and regrowth of pathogens in treated and 104 cfu ml 1 for fungi, whereas some bacteriophages
(hygienized, sanitized) organic material is a known can also be found in the condensate. With regard to the
problem that has been documented in a number of composition of the gas itself, the distribution was similar
studies. Reinfection may occur when treated material, to that in the condensate water with mainly bacteria,
which is basically free of pathogens, is reinfected from an some fungi, and no detection of viruses at all in, for
external source. In open storage of digested residues this example, 2 m3 gas tested for viral content.
can occur, for example, via bird droppings, which can The main proportion of the organisms found com-
contain pathogens (e.g., Salmonella). It can also occur if the prised bacteria. Some fungi were also isolated, and al-
treated product is not managed properly. In Sweden, though the number of species was small, the total number
reinfection has been documented from transport vehicles, of organisms was high. In condensate water from systems
for example, when tankers are not cleaned properly after where wastewater was used for upgrading the gas in a
transporting untreated material. Moreover, if satellite scrubber system, it was possible to find coliphages, in-
storage is used, this also needs to be properly cleaned and dicating that viruses could be present in the gas. In that
managed before initial usage, as it has shown that the risk system, endotoxins, which upon inhalation have a general
of contamination and regrowth in such storage is high. negative impact on health, were also present.
Microbial Risks Associated with Biogas and Biodigestor Sludge 761

It is also possible to find bacteria in the gas collected some of the organisms. In the absorption technique,
from natural gas systems. Studies of both the develop- few external organisms are introduced, but there is still
ment of biofilm within the pipes and analysis of the growth of biofilm, and thereby a risk of growth of un-
outcoming gas from the system indicate that there is a wanted organisms. The microorganisms found in the
growth of microorganisms within the system itself. The upgraded gas are probably a combination of the micro-
different types of bacteria found in the systems are to a organisms in the water used for upgrading and the or-
large extent a reflection of the environment from where ganisms growing in the packing material in the treatment
the organisms enter the system, as the ambient microflora reactor.
can be found in the pipes. The concentration of micro- Legionnaires’ disease is an acute respiratory infection
organisms found in natural gas is similar to the concen- caused by the bacterium Legionella pneumophila, which can
tration in biogas and consists of both bacteria and fungi. cause a broad spectrum of disease from mild cough and
When there is a growing biofilm present within the fever to serious pneumonia. Bacteria thrive at tempera-
system, parts of this biofilm can be removed into the gas, tures between 20 and 50 1C and can be found in water
resulting in point release of organisms. supply, central heating, and air-conditioning systems.
Bacteria and fungi are thus found in both condensate Low temperature scrubbers can be a potential source of
water and gas. The diversity of the bacteria is generally Legionella bacteria. Specialist cleaning and disinfection
much higher than that of the fungi. In the studies re- precautions should always be taken when the tempera-
viewed, only three groups of fungi were found; Fusarium ture in the scrubber is in the ‘Legionella range.’
spp., Mucor spp., and yeast. The bacterial diversity was Regardless of gas system (natural or biogas) and
much higher and anaerobic Clostridia spp., as well as treatment of the gas, no significant difference has been
several facultative anaerobic organisms were found in the detected between the concentrations of microorganisms.
raw gas. The biogas process is generally considered to be This indicates that if no active treatment is used for re-
driven by strictly anaerobic organisms such as Clostridia moval of microorganisms, one can expect gas systems to
spp. However, several facultative anaerobic organisms contain a microbial load of approximately 10–100
may contribute to the initial degradation of the organic cfu m 3. The main factor to take into account is the risk
matter during the acidification process. A factor to con- of introducing pathogens into the system. Pathogens can
sider is the relatively short retention time in the reactor enter the biogas system in scrubbers, especially the type
combined with batch feed as the reduction of pathogens, that use wastewater for upgrading the gas. The second
in most cases of mesophilic anaerobic digestion, is in source of pathogens is biogas systems where no sani-
relation to the retention time. tization of the sludge is carried out before digestion, for
In analysis of biogas and the condensate from biogas example, sewage sludge digestors or small-scale house-
systems, no actual pathogens have been found. However, hold/farm-based reactors where the gas is used for
several opportunistic pathogens have been found in cooking. The final source of pathogens for the biogas
the system, together with microorganisms from groups system is the inoculum used when the digestor is initially
in which pathogens are included, for example, the started. The easiest method for removal of unwanted
Enterobacteriaceae. organisms is drying of the treated gas and, as in gas fuel
Looking at the microbial community in different gas pumps, using a 1 mm particle filter to remove any po-
systems, it is possible to detect 1–100 cfu m 3, mainly tentially pathogenic bacteria present in the gas.
bacteria but also fungi. The concentration of micro-
organisms can to some extent be correlated to the
Risk of Exposure
moisture content, with fewer microorganisms at lower
moisture contents. The microorganisms detected in the In practice, the different exposure routes can be classified
gas are to some extent reflected in the microorganisms according to the handling chain of incoming material and
detected in the condensate water. treated material (Figure 1). At the treatment plant the
Upgrading the biogas by removal of carbon dioxide, products are handled in different steps that may result in
either for fuel or for introduction to the natural gas grid human exposure. The treated product is either used
can be achieved with several different methods. Those directly or stored before use in, for example, agriculture.
most commonly used are a scrubber technique or an The density of pathogens in the treated material, and
absorption technique. When using the scrubber techni- thereby the risk, is reduced over time, depending on the
que, the source of the waste has a great effect on what is survival of pathogens in the material. The risk from
found in the treated gas. For example, if human sewage is direct contact with the finished product is sometimes
the treatment substrate, there is a high risk of finding regarded as the highest. Transmission of disease may then
intestinal pathogens in the treated gas. In addition, the occur through unintentional ingestion of the material,
growth of bacteria and fungi in the carrier material is either through splashes or through contaminated hands
high in the scrubber, which can lead to enrichment of or food produce.
762 Microbial Risks Associated with Biogas and Biodigestor Sludge



rt Diges
handlin tion
g Tran Food/fo
sport d
hand Storag Surface der
ling Trans e runoff
p Vector
o rt an
z Environ imals
Transp diges ing ment
o tate
handli rt

Figure 1 Potential pathogen transmission routes from anaerobic digestion of biodegradable waste and wastewater and biogas
production to humans and animals.

The risk from contaminated crops is largely time these substances have been subjected to a lower
dependent on the application method used. A close-to- degree of treatment than the upgraded gas. However, the
ground application decreases the exposure from splashes system is generally closed and, according to professional
or aerosols and from crops if the material is placed assessments, workers are seldom exposed. The majority
only on the soil when applied in a growing crop, rather of the microorganisms in the digestor remain in the
than on the plant foliage. Immediate incorporation by biodigestate rather than being transported with the gas.
tillage or direct injection further decreases the risk of One study concluded that the wastewater used in the
exposure of humans and animals. If pathogens remain in scrubber and the biogas produced from sewage sludge
the soil they can be transported to groundwater or sur- constituted a greater risk of contributing enteric patho-
face water. The risk is lower if a drier product is applied gens than the biogas produced from biodegradable solid
(also involves less risk of splashing and aerosol for- waste. However, further treatment of the gas when waste-
mation). Heavy rain can increase pathogen transport and water is not used in the scrubber would probably
potentially lead to infections by ingestion of drinking transform the microbial community toward more en-
water or recreational water. The interaction between vironmental microorganisms and fewer fecal indicators,
microorganisms and soil particles is complex and the as new microorganisms would enter from the sur-
risks are difficult to estimate. However, the survival of rounding environment. Upgrading the gas to car fuel
microorganisms in the soil has in several cases been standard would significantly reduce any microorganisms
shown to be long, for example, over 3 months survival present as the gas is compressed to 200 bar and filtered
after application of Salmonella-contaminated manure to through a 1 mm particle filter. Possible exposure routes
Swedish soils. are summarized in Table 4.
The most obvious risk of transmission of infections is The suggestion of introducing biogas into piping
through contaminated crops (food and feed crops). systems constructed for natural gas has been questioned,
However, it is difficult to establish direct connections partly due to hygiene issues. However, natural gas has
between fertilization and crop contamination and, to our also been found to contain spore-forming bacteria such as
knowledge, no actual cases have been reported. However, Bacillus spp. and the densities of microorganisms found do
there are reports of higher incidence of enteric infections not differ greatly from those found in the upgraded
when vegetables are irrigated with inappropriately trea- biogas. Theoretically, the biogas system could contribute
ted wastewater. In developing countries (e.g., in China), pathogens to the system. However, from the results
the prevalence of intestinal parasites is high in areas reviewed in the present study and from a systematic
where human excreta are used as fertilizer. These risks risk assessment, the indications are that this is quite
can be reduced by restrictions on the crops fertilized. unlikely.
Exposure may also occur from use on other types of land,
for example, grassland and in soil production. Possible
Recommended Management to Minimize Risk
exposure routes are summarized in Table 3.
of Transmission of Diseases
In comparison with other risks related to biogas sys-
tems, the risk when using the upgraded biogas is probably There are defined regulations and recommendations re-
insignificant. The risks of coming in contact with raw gas garding the treatment and use of biodigestate, for ex-
or condensate water in the plant are higher, since at that ample, at EU and national level. These recommendations
Microbial Risks Associated with Biogas and Biodigestor Sludge 763

Table 3 Possible exposure points and evaluation of exposure scenarios in a biogas system for digestion
Exposure point Possible exposure Individuals exposed Pathogens identified a Comment on risk identified
(exposure scenario)

Handling of incoming Accidental ingestion by Workers at the plant Enteric pathogens,

material splashes or similar zoonotic agents
The digestion process Accidental ingestion by Workers at the plant Enteric pathogens,
plant splashes or similar, zoonotic agents
e.g., during
Management of Accidental ingestion by Workers at the plant Enteric pathogens, The risk is negatively
outgoing material splashes or similar, and contractors or zoonotic agents that correlated to the
e.g., during transport farmers. Animals survived treatment efficiency of the
and storage that come in contact and bacteria treatment as efficient
with the material regrowing or treatment removes the
during storage contaminating majority of unwanted
during storage organisms
Fertilization of Accidental ingestion by Contractors or farmers Enteric human The risk is negatively
agricultural fields or splashes or similar pathogens, zoonotic correlated to the
other types of land pathogens that efficiency of the
survived treatment treatment, as efficient
treatment removes the
majority of unwanted
Consumption of Ingestion Consumers Enteric human Restrictions on the use of
fertilized crops pathogens, zoonotic fertilizer can improve the
pathogens that quality, e.g., waiting
survived treatment periods and selection of
Grazing animals on Ingestion Grazing animals Enteric animal Restrictions in the use of
fertilized field pathogens, zoonotic fertilizer can improve the
pathogens that quality, e.g., quarantine
survived treatment periods and selection of
Wild animals on Ingestion Wildlife Enteric animal
fertilized fields pathogens, zoonotic
pathogens that
survived treatment
Pathogens identified as constituting a potential risk, either in theory or in studies.

take into consideration the incoming material, the more likely that bacteria will grow on various types of
treatment process used, and reuse practices. By adapting food and feed crops. Since most processes are run at
the treatment to the possible pathogen load from the raw mesophilic temperatures, a significant inactivation of
material, it is possible to significantly decrease risks. pathogens is not likely because a reduction corres-
However, in line with, for example, WHO guidelines on ponding to 1–2 log10 is expected. However, containment
wastewater reuse, it is important to include several bar- and some degree of treatment may still be more ad-
riers to protect various groups of humans and animals. vantageous than other alternatives. Generally, risks from
These barriers may include restrictions on the crops small-scale systems are lower than those from large-
fertilized (food, feed, energy), a minimum quarantine scale systems. On a household level, in particular, the
period between fertilization and grazing or sowing/har- risks of transmission of disease may be outweighed by
vesting, and type of application method. other routes.
In developing countries it is less likely that stan- Both in the digestion process and during the pro-
dardized procedures are followed, especially on the duction of gas, exposure of workers should be minimized
small-scale level. The prevalence of enteric infections is by supplying them with adequate information and per-
generally higher in developing countries, which results sonal protection equipment, if needed. When mainten-
in higher loads of pathogens in human excreta and ance work is being performed, it is particularly important
manure. It is also likely that foodstuffs have higher rates to bear in mind that there is a risk of disease transmission.
of contamination due to the use of untreated organic Upgrading the gas to car fuel standard would signifi-
fertilizers and irrigation waters (e.g., wastewater) and cantly reduce any microorganisms present because the
less hygienic handling. In tropical climates it is also gas is compressed to 200 bar and filtered through a 1 mm
764 Microbial Risks Associated with Biogas and Biodigestor Sludge

Table 4 Possible exposure points and evaluation of exposure scenarios in a biogas system for upgrading biogas
Exposure point Possible exposure Individuals exposed Pathogens identified a Comment on risk identified
(exposure scenario)

Biogas production Inhalation by leakage Workers at the plant Opportunistic, and Insignificant gas leakages.
of gas or during groups possibly During maintenance the
maintenance including pathogens system is shut off
Biogas production – Accidental ingestion by Workers at the plant Opportunistic, and Closed system.
scrubber splashes or similar, groups possibly Condensate led to
e.g., during including pathogens. WWTP. Possible
maintenance of the Enteric pathogens if exposure via water from
scrubber wastewater used in the scrubber and seals
scrubber during maintenance
Usage of the gas as Inhalation of the gas at Personnel/car owners – Requirement for particle
fuel final use filling vehicles filter means that only
viruses and spores can
be released. Back-
suction – minimal outlet
of gas
Gas introduced to the Inhalation of the gas at Household inhabitants Low volumes of gas
grid system for final use (the public) released. Particle filters
natural gas (city gas) could further minimize
release of
Inhalation during Workers on the piping
service of the piping system
Other usage of the gas Others
Pathogens identified as constituting a potential risk, either in theory or in studies.

particle filter. By having a general 1 mm particle filter, Gerardi MH (2003) The Microbiology of Anaerobic Digesters. Hoboken,
when using the biogas or introducing the biogas into NJ: Wiley. Wastewater Microbiological Series.
Guzmán C, Jofre J, Montemayor M, and Lucena F (2007) Occurence
larger gas systems, it would be possible to prevent pas- and levels of indicators and selected pathogens in different sludges
sage of the majority of fungi and nonspore forming and biosolids. Journal of Applied Microbiology 103: 2420--2429.
bacteria. From a general risk assessment of biogas use, it Horan NJ, Fletcher L, Betmal SM, Wilks SA, and Keevil CW (2004)
Die-off of enteric bacterial pathogens during mesophilic anaerobic
can be concluded that the risk of explosion probably digestion. Water Research 38: 1113--1120.
outweighs the risk of disease transmission, even without Ottoson J, Schnürer A, and Vinnerås B (2007) In situ ammonia
final filtration. production as a sanitation agent during anaerobic digestion at
mesophilic temperature. Letters in Applied Microbiology 46:
Pepper IL, Grooks JP, and Gerba CP (2006) Pathogens in biosolids.
Further Reading Advances in Agronomy 90: 1--41.
Vinnerås B, Schönning C, and Nordin A (2006) Identification of the
Bagge E, Sahlström L, and Albihn A (2005) The effect of hygienic microbiological community in biogas systems and evaluation of
treatment on the microbial flora of biowaste at biogas plants. Water microbial risks from gas usage. Science of the Total Environment
Research 39: 4879--4886. 267: 606--615.
Eisenhardt A, Lund E, and Nissen B (1977) The effect of sludge WHO (2006) Volume 4: The Use of Excreta and Greywater in
digestion on virus infectivity. Water Research 11: 579--581. Agriculture. Geneva: WHO.
Gantzer C, Gaspard P, Galvez L, Huyard A, Dumouthier N, and Zhu X, Lubeck Y, and Kilbane Z (2001) Characterization of microbial
Schwartzbrod J (2001) Monitoring of bacterial and parasitological communities in gas industry pipelines. Applied and Environmental
contamination during various treatment of sludge. Water Research Microbiology 69: 5354--5363.
35: 3763--3770.

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