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Slovakia’s wide variety of school systems is one of the key aspects trying to achieve the

first priority that every person attends school. Slovakia’s school systems are comprised mostly

of state own schools as well as a few private schools and church run schools dispersed through

Slovakia. Slovakia splits their education system by kindergarten/pre-school, primary schools,

secondary schools, and universities. Children typical enter kindergarten/ pre-schools between

the ages of three till six, primary schools starts around the age of six years old till fifteen,

secondary school starts at the age of fifteen till nineteen then they could go to a university

from there ( Education and School systems in Slovakia).

In Slovakia primary education is split into two different stages the first being four years

and the second stage taking five. The two stages are quite different from each other. In the first

stage all lesson is taught by the same teach ( Education and School systems in Slovakia). This is

similar to how the united states sets up their elementary school. In the second stage there is a

different teacher teaching each lesson similar to how lessons are in in high schools within the

united states. Students in the first stage will typically have anywhere between four to six

lessons each day and end somewhere near 12:30 pm. The second stage of primary school

consists of fix to six lesson and be done around 1:30pm ( Education and School systems in


After completion of their primary education student have the option of attend four

different secondary schools based on which school they are accepted into ( Education and

School systems in Slovakia). Having a variety of secondary schools help with their priority to

foster Global citizenship. It does this because each of the four types of secondary school teach

the student specifically based on their career pursuit. By doing they learn can specialize in and
area to help out the economy instead of teaching every student the same thing. The first type

of secondary school is called grammar school. It lasts from four to eight years and provides

students with a general education the prepare them for a university. A specialized secondary

school last between four to five years and is also meant to prepare students for a higher

education. Conservatories which last between four to five years are meant to train student

preparing for a career in what we call the fine arts such as music acting etc. The final secondary

school is called a Vocational school typically lasting from two to four years preparing student

going into manual labor or practical professions ( Education and School systems in Slovakia).


On this graph you can see that rate at which student in Slovakia are enrolling in primary

and secondary education in Slovakia. In 1995 1.023 percent was enrolling in school and had

decreased to 1.002. While it is a small difference of 0.021 it is clear that something is negatively

affect students from enrolling in school and needs to be discussed to find a solution.

While the other chart shows a decrease in school enrollment this chart actually shows

an increase in students that are finishing primary school. In 1991 98.682 has increased to

98.954 in 2014. While it does not seem like a huge increase if you look at the tim in between

those years you see a significant drop in 1992 a huge increase in 1993 and slowly increasing

throughout the years.

A key to successfully improve the quality learning, Priority 2 is having well trained

teachers. In Slovakia teacher who teach within the first stage of primary school have a four year

course training. Teachers want to teach in the second stage of primary education take a five

year course that combines two subjects (Nagyova A. 2016). Secondary school teachers are

trained at a university in their specific field of study for five years. People want to teach

“Faculties of Arts, Humanities, Natural Sciences, Physical Education and Sports, and Faculties of

Education. Graduates of Technical Universities, Universities of Economics and of the University

of Agriculture” attend secondary school to have a pedagogical training accodrin to the article

“Analysis Of Possibilities of the Digita; use in teaching foreign language” (Nagyova A. 2016).
Works cited

Education and School System in Slovakia. (n.d.). Retrieved March 28, 2018, from

Nagyova, A. (2016). Analysis Of Possibilities Of The Digital Technologies Use In Teaching

Foreign Languages. Slavonic Pedagogical Studies Journal, 5(1), 101-112.


Persistence to last grade of primary, total (% of cohort). (n.d.). Retrieved March 28, 2018, from

School enrollment, primary and secondary (gross), gender parity index (GPI). (n.d.). Retrieved

March 28, 2018, from


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