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Abandoned Houses

Cayla Oglesby
Thurgood Marshall STEM HS
“To really change the world, we have to help people change the way they see things.

Global betterment is a mental process, not one that requires huge sums of money or a high level

of authority. Change has to be psychological. So if you want to see real change, stay persistent in

educating humanity on how similar we all are than different. Don't only strive to be the change

you want to see in the world, but also help all those around you see the world through

commonalities of the heart so that they would want to change with you. This is how humanity

will evolve to become better. This is how you can change the world. The language of the heart is

mankind's main common language.”(Susan Kaseem). This is the kind of thinking that is needed

to make a change, especially in the community. There are bad things going on that are just

looked over and no one is taking action to rid their area of them. Abandoned houses and

buildings negatively affect the community. For this reason, the buildings should be destroyed or

made into something that is positive by working with the local government and seeking

cooperation from community members and others who support the cause.

Before exploring the effects of an abandoned building, the cause for the abandonment of

the place has to be discovered. On a website called “Useful Community Development”, it stated

multiple reasons for this issue. One cause of abandoned houses is the owner being incarcerated

or mentally ill. While in prison, they’re unable to maintain their property properly causing the

lot’s value and condition to diminish. Also, the source said, “Sometimes abandonment also

occurs when the owner is a senior citizen and begins to suffer with dementia or Alzheimer's.” It

is already difficult for elderly people to take care of their homes but with dementia and

Alzheimer’s, it is a different story. Those diseases cause memory loss and makes it hard for

people to even know where their home is or how to get back to it. A couple other causes of

abandoned houses are financial crises and natural disasters. However, the only natural disasters
this area could encounter is tornadoes, floods, and maybe minor earthquakes. Overall, abandoned

houses and buildings weren’t maintained by the owners for various reasons and resulted in the

obliteration of its value. After researching the creation of abandoned places, the effect of them on

the neighborhood and community have to be found.

Abandoned buildings have a negative impact on the community that they are in. I have

concluded that there are many effects that these buildings cause. One of them is homeless people

living on the premises. In some cases, people who do not have a home have mental issues. This

can make them become dangerous, hostile, and unaware of their actions. If they choose to live in

a place that has been abandoned, you’ll occasionally see them outside of the building. They

cannot do harm if no one else is around but what if there were people nearby? What if children

are out playing and a homeless person with a mental illness is outside of abandoned house in the

neighborhood? This situation is potentially dangerous for kids and others around.

When people search for houses to move to, they investigate the neighborhood. A

common aspect of a neighborhood is its safety. No one wants to live in an area where there is a

constant threat to them and their family’s well being. This is another undesirable effect of an

abandoned house. Research has been done to show that they depress nearby property values. One

way this happens is by people having a negative opinion on the area. Bill Gassett, the author of

an article on factors that lower homes value, said that “multiple foreclosures imply something is

wrong with the area. They also mean the area is more prone to squatters, vandalism, deterioration

and general unpleasantness.” Another way property values go down is by property tax. When

property tax is lost, property values are too since they correlate. This hurts the financials of the

city and the state.

As I previously stated, communities with abandoned buildings are more likely to have

higher crime rates. There is a scholarly journal on vacant properties and violence on a site called

“Hindawi”. In the article, it said, “Violence remains a significant public health issue in the

United States...Vacant properties have been alluded to as key, highly modifiable, and easily

palpable signs of physical disorder that may also be specifically related to the commission of

aggravated assault [14]. Vacant lots and buildings potentially offer refuge to criminal and other

illegal activity and very visibly symbolize that a neighborhood has deteriorated, that no one is in

control, and that violent or criminal behavior is welcome to proceed with little if any supervision

[15].”(Branas, Rubin, and Guo) When criminals reside in a vacant home, they become a hazard

to the whole neighborhood. It brings crime, death, and danger to the people who live there. The

journal also gave statistics with their research. “64% of block groups experienced one or more

gun assaults, with a median of 1. Vacant properties were also widely present; 84% of the block

groups had one or more vacant properties, with a median of 6.” (Branas, Rubin, and Guo) Based

off of their data and findings, they concluded that “[they] found a significant association between

vacant properties and the risk of aggravated assault—and particularly gun assaults—even after

controlling for important demographic and socioeconomic characteristics of the

neighborhoods...These data potentially identify vacant properties as a modifiable target for

intervention to reduce assaults in disadvantaged neighborhoods.” (Branas, Rubin, and Guo) This

is precisely why abandoned homes can’t remain in our area. Not only does getting rid of

abandoned property help fight poverty but it also gets rid of violence as well. To have a healthy

community, there shouldn’t be crime and it should look so pleasant that it will encourage others

to move into the area. These are the most common effects of an abandoned building.
Sitting properties tend to have a significant amount of moisture inside. Too much

moisture leads to the growth of a hazardous thing, mold. An article on SC Times’ website stated

that, “Possible health symptoms can include coughing, wheezing, nasal and throat conditions.

People with asthma or allergies might notice their symptoms worsen. People with severely

weakened immune systems are at risk of developing serious fungal respiratory infections”

(Marohn) This means that abandoned house can hurt or even kill the ones around it. They are

way too dangerous to have in neighborhoods. What if kids go play around the house? No one

would know that by having fun and being a kid, they’re risking their lives at the same time.

That's why it’s important to get rid of the houses when no one is taking care of them anymore. It

literally would save lives.

One last effect that vacant property has on a community is the adverse atmosphere. A

neighborhood where old businesses were and are now boarded up creates a sense of

unsuccessfulness. Others won't be motivated to start up a business of their own because they

think it's destined to fail. Also, if there’s abandoned homes that are obviously decaying and its

making the area look unpleasant, the nearby residents will feel like there is no hope in bettering

the community they are in. To stop the issue of abandoned property, people have to come

together. But first, everyone has to have a positive or optimistic attitude if there is going to be

any change. All of those strategies combat this negative vibe but there is one party that has to get

involved if this issue is really going to be resolved.

There is all kinds of methods and strategies to get rid of vacant homes and buildings. The

Ohio Conference of Community Development suggested that vacant lots should be managed or

disposed off, given a new purpose, or sold to someone else. This association also said that one

has to get public and political support for the community and “demolish houses that pose a threat
to the rest of the community.” (Riordan) These are the popular opinions on what to do with

abandoned buildings. The simple thing to do is to just board up the windows and doors to deny

access from intruders. However, people still break through the barricades to get inside which

defeats the cause. Another simple strategy is to destroy the structure and create an empty lot.

This strategy could create the opportunity of another building being placed there that could

benefit the community like a local business. If the empty space is inside of a neighborhood, there

are multiple ideas for how to occupy that area. One of those is to create a miniature playground.

The children of the neighborhood would undoubtedly love this. Also, a playground that could be

seen by most homes is safer than a deteriorating house that is harboring criminals. Adults could

like it also if there were benches and maybe an eating area. This is just one of the many things

that you can do. Furthermore, to get rid of abandoned houses, you can transform the whole

establishment. To do this, you’ll need to get the community’s support and political support as

well. Rehabilitating a house or building is too much work for one person to do. So, by getting the

community to help out, you’re getting their support in the cause, helping out your community,

and getting the job done much faster.

I asked around at school, “If there was an abandoned house or building near where you

live, what would you want it to be replaced with?” A friend of mine said that she would want

there to be a statue of someone who has a historic connection to the area in her neighborhood.

She wants more people to see how great Dayton is and wants them to visit and respect her

neighborhood. Another student told me that they’d like to make it an open field for events to take

place at. For example, the student is a fan of block parties. They would be elated if they had a

cleared out space to put a grill, seating, bouncy house, and other things. Having a space for the

people to come together will bring the community closer to one another. Furthermore, one last
student I interviewed would recommend to the city that a library should be added in place of the

abandoned house. He likes to read in his spare time and it's one of his biggest hobbies. Also, he

would enjoy if he could just walk to the library instead of having to ask someone to take him all

of the time.

A great example of a home that has been rehabilitated is one that is located in

Hamtramck, Michigan. There is an article written about the home in The New York Times

newspaper. A woman named Lisa Waud is a florist who bought the abandoned house at an

auction for just $500. “The dwelling’s empty rooms — with their peeling wallpaper, exposed

wooden beams and a few items of abandoned furniture left intact — have been turned into a

series of still-life tableaus.” (Cowley) There wasn’t any work done to the structure of the house.

The florist gave the house a whole new vibe. She recruited an additional 36 florists who were

willing to donate flowers, other materials, and their time so that she could fill the house with

flowers of every color. Lisa named the home “Flower House”. Thousands of visitor go to see it.

Not only did it give Michigan a new attraction, it benefited Lisa Waud’s floral design business.

When she clears the lot of the purchased property, she wants to make it a seasonal garden that

will produce flowers for her to use. This is what makes the rehabilitation strategy so effective

and useful. It can be beneficial to the area and the person taking charge.

The local government makes its hard to put those useful and much needed strategies in

place. They are the ones who have to implement these changes to their community or at least

commence them. The OCCD stated that, “The vast majority of homes must be solvent for local

governments to have the funds to provide the needed public services, police, fire, water, sewer

schools, parks, save streets etc. and keep the neighbors happy.” (Riordan) To provide all of these

services to the community, the government really does need to get involved. The association also
pointed out that, “The financial aspects of ownership are weakened by new cars, giant TVs,

expensive gadgets, education expenses, major auto repairs, unexpected health expenses,

promotions that do not come as anticipated, jobs lost or hours reduced. The owners can have

internal squabbles when both parties do not do their anticipated share; bills are not paid,

maintenance and upkeep not done resulting in unhappy occupants and neighbors. Their nest egg

starts to wobble, fall over, divorce, foreclosure and abandonment follow.” (Riordan) Reading this

tells me that Ohio’s government knows what's going on here. Dayton’s wellbeing is waiting on

the government to make a move and initiate the rehabilitation of abandoned properties. They are

the reason why there are numerous vacant buildings in the area. Also, an additional reason for

the vacancies is not being able to get enough support from the populace, Because of the bad

atmosphere the abandoned buildings give off, some individuals don’t think that it is worth trying

to get rid of them. They think that even if they try to help out nothing will change. Furthermore,

others are just slothful and do not want to participate. It may be too much of a strain on them to

help out. Ultimately, the cause of not getting volunteers and supporters could be the failure of

spreading the word about the houses and convincing others that it's something that has to be done

in order to better the community.

The evidence that was found during my research contradicts other evidence that was

found. The research doesn’t state that it found proof against abandoned buildings lowering

nearby property values. The article says, “..most past research estimated the impact of

abandonment through cross-sectional analysis without controlling for nearby foreclosures or

local housing market trends. Therefore, it remains unclear whether abandoned properties reduce

nearby property values or whether abandonment is more common in areas with already lower-

valued properties.” (Han) However, the evidence that sources like “Vacant Properties and
Violence in Neighborhoods” and “Urban Blight and Public Health” gave prove that this article is

incorrect. So, abandoned houses do in fact negatively impact a neighborhood, its safety, the

area’s economy and the nearby property values.

Would you like to live in an area where there is abandoned houses and buildings? Lastly,

It has been proven by research that abandoned houses do in fact bring down property values.

They do not encourage people to move to the area because of what the houses attract.

Abandoned lots harbor criminals which is not what most people want to live near. In addition,

vacant buildings give off a negative vibe. Their presence makes others feel like they have no

hope in any improvements in life and their neighborhoods. It can also become a health hazard. If

there is a large amount mold and mildew inside a building, it could start to affect the health of

the residents nearby. When the owners abandon their property voluntarily or involuntarily, it will

only result in disadvantages. Even though others have tried to find evidence of its affects and

failed, it doesn’t mean that they are right. The community and the local government can come

together to rehabilitate, tear down, sell, and replace the abandoned buildings. Yes, it will take a

great deal to gain support and actually make the necessary changes. The research I have done has

concluded in all of these things.

Work Cited

Branas, Charles C., et al. “Vacant Properties and Violence in Neighborhoods.” ISRN Public

Health, vol. 2012, 2012, pp. 1–9., doi:10.5402/2012/246142.

Han, Hye-Sung. “The Impact of Abandoned Properties on Nearby Property Values.” Housing

Policy Debate, vol. 24, no. 2, 2013, pp. 311–334., doi:10.1080/10511482.2013.832350.

Riordan, Jack. “Disposing of Vacant Land and Abandoned Houses.” Ohio Conference of

Community Development, 30 Jan. 2013,


“Helping Others Quotes (404 Quotes).” (404 Quotes), Goodreads,

Thompson, Nancy. “Abandoned Buildings and Lots Require Swift Action.” Abandoned

Buildings, Vacant Lots, and What to Do About Them, Useful Community Development,

Cowley, Stacy. “A Detroit Florist's Vision Turns an Abandoned House Into Art.” The New York

Times, The New York Times, 14 Oct. 2015,


Sterling, Jake. “Why Do Houses Become Abandoned? Here Are Five Reasons .”Foreclosure

Defense and Loan Modification Blog, 19 Jan. 2015,


Bannon, Corinne, and Erica Wilt. “Effects of Abandoned Housing on Communities Research
Report for the City of Topeka.”


Leon, Erwin, and Joseph Schilling. “Urban Blight and Public Health.” Urban Institute, 12 July



“Why Do Buildings Get Abandoned in the First Place?” Quora,

Gassett, Bill, et al. “Things That Will Lower a Homes Value.” Massachusetts Real Estate

Exposure, 2 Oct. 2017,

Palma, Samanthan N. “Vacant and Abandoned but Not Forgotten: The Rehabilitation of

Abandoned Properties in New Jersey.” 2017.

Marohn, Kirsti. “Mold in Vacant Homes Poses Health Threat.” St. Cloud Times, StCloud, 7 Apr.



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