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Basically in the process of teaching and learning, there are several aspects
that must be considered by the teacher so that when the process of learning and
teaching can produce results in accordance with what is expected by the teacher.
By doing so, the process of learning and teaching can run effectively and
efficiently. In order to achieve that, the important aspects of the process teaching
and learning must be carefully examined. This paper presents some important
aspects that must be considered by the teacher in process of learning and teaching
English such as the brief explanations of methods and its applications which all of
those aspects focus on the teacher as the main center.


Teaching is a process of transferring knowledge done by the teacher to the

students. In this teaching process, the teacher acts as the main actor serving as the
primary provider of knowledge. In this case, there are some things that must be
considered by the teacher so that in the process of transferring knowledge to
students can run well. As being good teachers, the teachers should have known
what kind of things that they should be prepared first before they start teaching in
the classroom. Those kinds of things that have to be well thought out are like
approaches, strategies, methods, and also techniques that will be suitable applied
in students’ real needs.



Total Physical Response (TPR) is a kind of language teaching approach
which is more concern to build the coordination between speech and action
through the physical activity (motoric system). This method was developed by
James Asher, a professor of psychology from San Jose State University California
since 1960. He argued that language learning comes from understanding first and
it ends with production. A language speech is belongs to young children with
primarily of commands and they have to respond physically before begin to
produce the verbal responses.
In this method, there are five aspects which are important to discuss, such

1. Language View
Total Physical Response (TPR) reflects to the learning acquisition between
the native language and oral modality is taught primary by the teacher. It is also
based on grammatical structure of the target language. Language learning is more
effective when the teacher teach it in humorous way. The language is more
emphasized on the use of vocabulary, grammatical structures, and the spoken
language is produced by written language.

2. Principles of Teaching and Learning Language

The principles that teachers hold not only make a difference regarding how
and how well they teach but they also make teachers more able to learn from
observation of their learners and from reflection on their own teaching.

3. Teacher’s Role
The teacher is the director of all students’ behavior by giving the command.
The teacher also was very active in the classroom because he/she has to decide
what to teach, to performs and presents the materials, and selects the supporting
material in the classroom. The teacher has the responsibility to deliver the
exposure to the language. So, the learner can incorporate the basic rules of the
language itself.

4. Student’s Role
The students have the primary role as listener and as performer. They listen
automatically and give the respond physically to the teacher commands. The
students are imitators of teacher’s nonverbal model and when they ready to speak
there will be a role reversal with individual students directing the teacher and the
other students. The students are expected to recognize the combination of novels
on the previous command. They are required to produce the combination by
themselves and control their own progress.

5. Techniques
In order to make the teaching and learning process run effectively and to
maintain the students’ interest, the teacher should have the strategies or techniques
to build the students’ prior knowledge. There are several strategies or techniques
that can be used in Total Physical Response (TPR), such as:
a. Review
This is a kind of technique which is using a fast-moving warm-up in which
individual students were moved with commands. Here are the examples of
Justin, throw the red flower to Maria.
Maria, scream.
Rita, pick up the knife and spoon and put them in the cup.
Edward, take a drink of water and give the cup to Audrey.

b. New commands
The teacher introduced some verbs by asking a simple questions which the
students could answer with a gesture like point at something. For example:
 The vocabulary is about Towel. The teacher can give the new commands to the
students like:
Put the towel on Juan’s arm.
Juan, put the towel on your head and laugh.
Maria, wipe your hands on the towel.
Or the students can do the gesture like pointing, for example:
Where is the towel? [Maria, point to the towel!]

c. Role Reversal
Students readily volunteered to utter commands that manipulated the
behavior of the instructor and other students. The students will speak after 10-20
hours until they ready to speaking in order to absorb the instruction which is given
by the teacher before.

d. Action Sequence
The teacher gives the connected commands and the students have to
practice it alone. A longer series of connected commands can be given, which
together comprise a whole procedure. For example like:
Take out a pen.
Take out a piece of paper.
Write a letter.
Fold the letter.
Put it in an envelope.

e. Reading and writing

The teacher wrote each of new vocabulary items and a sentence to
illustrate the item on the whiteboard. Then he/she spoke each item and acted out

the sentence. The students only listened as she read the material and they may
write or copy the information from the teacher in their notebooks.


The Audio-Lingual method of teaching English as a second language and
it’s begun during World War II when it became known as the Army method. It
was developed as a reaction to the grammar-translation method of teaching
foreign languages. Grammar-translation had been used to teach for thousands of
years, but the method was perceived as taking too long for learners to be able to
speak in the target language. The Audio-Lingual method set out to achieve quick
communicative competence through innovative methods.
In this method, there are five aspects which are important to discuss, such

1. Language View
In audio-lingual language view is having the unique system. The systems
according to linguist are divides into phonological, morphological, and syntactic.
Each level has distinctive patterns. In the beginning of learning English the
students are presented with simple patterns. The languages are more emphasized
to vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammatical pattern.

2. Principles in Teaching and Learning Language

Teachers need to understand and be able to apply the principles in their
teaching and learning process, and these principles should be based on how
language is learned and what the teachers do in order to supporting a language
development in the classroom. According to Jack Richards (2001), there are four
principles in teaching and learning audio-lingual method, such as:
a. Foreign language learning is a process of build the habit formation. A
good habit is formed by giving correct responses rather than making

b. Language skills are learned more effectively and presented in spoken
form before they went to written form. Aural-oral training is needed to
develop the students’ language skills.
c. Use analogy to provides better foundation for language learning.
Analogy involves the process of generalization and discrimination.
d. The meanings of the language can be learning only in the form of cultural
context, not in isolation. This is involves the teaching aspects of the
cultural system of the students who speak in the language itself.

3. Teacher’s Role
The teacher is the main actor and has full authority to directing and
controlling the language behavior of the students in classroom. He/ she are also
responsible for providing her students with a good model for imitation and correct
the students’ performance. The teacher teaches the students by using varying drills
and tasks in order to practice the structures.

4. Student’s Role
The students are as imitators of the teacher’s model. They follow the
teacher’s directions and are being able to produce respond correctly and
accurately. The students have a role by responding to stimuli, and have control
over the content, pace or style of learning. They are not encouraged to initiate
interaction, because this may lead to mistakes. Moreover, by listening to the
teacher, imitating accurately, and performing the tasks, they are learning a new
language form of verbal behavior.

5. Techniques
a. Repetition
The students repeat an utterance aloud without looking at a printed text
and it is only use sound as an order. For example:
 This is the seventh month. –This is the seventh month.
 I used to know him. –I used to know him.

 I used to know him years ago. –I used to know him years ago when we
were in school. . . .

b. Inflection
One word from the utterance appears in another form when it repeated. For
o I bought the ticket. –I bought the tickets.
o He bought the candy. –She bought the candy.
o I called the young man. –I called the young men. . . .

c. Replacement
One word in an utterance is replaced by another. For example:
 He bought this house cheap. –He bought it cheap.
 Helen left early. –She left early.
 They gave their boss a watch. –They gave him a watch. . . .

d. Restatement
By rephrasing an utterance and addresses it to someone else according to
the instruction. For example:
 Tell him to wait for you. –Wait for me.
 Ask her how old she is. –How old are you?
 Ask John when he began. –John, when did you begin? . . .

e. Completion
The students hear an utterance without mention one word. Then, they
should repeat the utterance in complete form. For example:
 I’ll go my way and you go. . . . –I’ll go my way and you go yours.
 We all have . . . own troubles. –We all have our own troubles. . . .

Grammar-translation method is type method that is established in 1988. At
that time, the name of this method is not called by Grammar-translation method
whereas is being called by Classical Method. This method actually is used in
teaching the classic languages, Latin and also Greek. The reason why the teacher
uses or applies this method in the classroom is the teacher expects that their
students can get used to the grammatical pattern sentences of the L2. By
understanding the grammatical pattern sentences of the L2, the students are
expected to become more familiar with the grammatical pattern sentences of the
L2, so that they can adapt and apply the way they learn of target language so
easily such as in writing skill and also in speaking skill. The establishment of this
method first initiated in the United States. This method actually is the offspring of
German scholarship. The grammar-translation method is dominant used in
European and foreign language teaching started from 1840s to the 1940s.
In this method, there are several things that must be properly understood
as the reference mostly used by English teachers so that the process of teaching
and learning English can go smoothly and also the students can understand well
what their teachers teach. Each of several things that have to be considered
carefully by the teacher in Grammar-Translation method will be explained detail

1. Language View
The Grammar-Translation method further underscores the importance of
target oral language use and that is why it must be taught to the student in the
beginning of learning the target language. It means the teacher have to teach the
phonetics of the target language first before they start to teach the grammar in the
pattern sentences.

2. The Principles in Teaching and Learning English Language using
Grammar-Translation Method
Before teachers want to apply this method in teaching and learning English,
it would be better if they first understand what are the principles contained in this
method. So they can apply this method correctly. There are some principles
contained in Grammar-Translation method. They are:
 Grammar-Translation method is kinds of method that is viewed as a
way of learning a language that begins by learning every detail of the
aspects contained in the language patterns of the target language as the
most important benchmark.
 The application of reading and writing skills is more emphasized in
this method.
 The accuracy in the use of language patterns is a primary key taught
by this method in both reading and written form.
 Learning the language pattern of the target language is taught
deductively. It means that the process of learning the grammar pattern
sentence of target language is taught through the translation practices.

3. The Teachers’ Role

After knowing and understanding the use of grammar-translation method is
viewed from a language point of view, teachers are also required to know what
role they should play when they apply this method. Teacher roles that must be
played in the application of this method among others are as follows:
 Teachers have an important role in applying this method. Teachers
who are regarded as the source or knowledge of target language
should be able to teach in detail about the target grammar properly and
 Teachers are also expected as being a good authority in the classroom.
It means the teachers are required to be able to correct the answers of
the questions given by the teacher to the students appropriately. The
reason why teachers are required should be able to correct the answers

given by the teacher to the students appropriately is because in this
method one of the emphasized aspects of the accuracy of target

4. The Students’ Role

After knowing what role should be played by teacher in applying this
method, it is better to know another important aspect that has to be considered that
is what the role of the students are in applying this method. The pupils are
expected to be able to play the role that teachers expect among them to be as
 Students are taught to translate from one language to another. Often
what they translates are reading in the target language about some
aspects of the culture of the target language community.
 Students study grammar deductively which means they are given the
grammar pattern sentences rule and also the example of its
application. The students are asked to memorize all of them and after
they can memorize all of them then teacher asked them to apply the
rules of other examples. They also learn grammatical paradigm such
as verb conjunctions.

5. The Techniques
Besides teachers are required to understand what role they should play in
applying this method they are also required to have to understand well what kinds
of techniques can be used to apply this method. The teacher should know the
types of techniques that match with the application of this method. So that
teachers can get maximum results in learning and teaching English. There are
some techniques that can be applied through the use of grammar-translation
method. They are translation of a literary passage, reading comprehension
questions, antonyms/synonyms, cognates, fill-in-the blanks, memorization, use
words in the sentences, composition.

a) Translation of a literary passage
In using this technique, students are expected to be able to translate the
word contained in a text. For example:
These words mentioned below are the words which are taken from the
passage you just have already read. Some of them are review and the others are
new. Just give the Japanese translation for each of them. You may refer back to
the reading passage.

a. Image f. Establishment
b. Discover g. Future
c. Possess h. Destiny
d. Unique i. Hope
e. Peaceful j. Disappoint

b) Antonyms/Synonyms
In using this technique, students are expected to be able to choose the
exact opposite of words from the words contained in the text. For example:
These words below have synonyms in the text you just have read. Find the
synonyms for each:
a. Like f. Right
b. Ambitious g. Stupid
c. Trustable h. Small
d. Kind i. Diligent
e. Useful j. Neat

c) Cognates
In using this technique, the students are expected to be able to understand
the word that is closest to word is mentioned. For example:
These words below are mentioned in the text you just have read. Choose
the word that is closest to the bolded word.
1. Honor 2. Furious 3. Labor

a. explore a. mad a. talk
b. prepare b. happy b. measure
c. respect c. tired c. clean
d. start d. lonely d. work

d) Fill-in-the blanks
In using this technique, students are expected to be able to complete or put
the correct verb in the sentences. For example:
Complete the sentences with a verb in the correct form.
1. ‘Who was the man we saw with Jenny last night?’ ‘I’m not sure. It
might….her brother.”
2. ‘Shall I buy this novel for Mac?’ ‘You’d better not. He might
3. ‘Where is Jimmy?’ ‘I’m not sure. He might….lunch.’


Content –based instruction approach is kind of approach which is mostly
used with a sort of different meaning in the teaching language. This approach
emerged in the 1980s. This approach usually indicates to the subject matter that
we usually learn or communicate through using the language rather than the
language used to convey it. There are some aspects that have to be considered by
teachers if they use this approach in their process of teaching and learning
process. If they used this approach, the circumstances of the classroom should
focus on the real communication and there must be an activity in which there is an
exchange of information. It is kind of an ideal situation for the target language
learning should be one where the subject matter of teaching language was not
about the grammatical pattern sentence or function or something like some other
language-based unit of organization but it more underlines to the content which
means the subject matter from outside the domains of language. The language
which is being taught by teachers should be used to present subject matter and the

students who would the language should be able to see the language have learnt as
the product of learning about real-world-content.
In this method, there are several things that must be properly understood as
the reference used by English teachers so that the process of teaching and learning
English can go smoothly and also the students can understand well what their
teachers teach. Each of several things that have to be considered carefully by the
teacher in Content-Based Instruction method will be explained detail below:

1. Language view
The Content-based instruction approach does have some assumptions
regarding the teaching language as seen based on language perspective. They are:
a. Language is a text and Discourse-Based
Content-based instruction (CBI) points out that the language is view as
the vehicle for learning the content. CBI more stresses the language should be
taught to understand the content by learning how meaning and information are
communicated and constructed through the texts and also the discourses. It means
the process of teaching and learning English using this method should involve
study of the textual and also discourse structure of written texts for instance,
letters, essays, report or it can be like speech events such as meeting, lecturers or
b. Language use draws on integrated skills
CBI argues the use of language in learning and teaching English should
be able to cover all aspects of English proficiency such as writing skills, reading
ability, listening ability and also the ability to use grammar properly and correctly.
c. Language is purposeful
CBI assumes that language is used for certain purposes. Those purposes
may be for academic purpose, social purposes, or it may be used for recreational
purposes but it gives the direction, shape and also ultimately meaning to discourse
and also texts.

2. The Teachers’ Role
After knowing and understanding the use of content-based method is
viewed from a language point of view, teachers are also required to know what
role they should do when they apply this method. Teacher roles that must be done
in implementing of this method among others are as follows. Teachers have an
important role in applying this method. Teachers who are regarded as the source
or knowledge of target language should be able to teach in detail about the target
language properly and correctly. Styker and Leaver mention the role of the teacher
should be able to meet the following criteria:
 The teacher should be able to sort the format of classroom instructions
 The teacher should be able to use the group work and team-building
 The teacher should be able to organize the jigsaw reading
 The teacher is required to be able to define what the students’ real
 The teacher is demanded to be able to help the students develop
coping strategies
 The teacher is demanded to be able to use process approach to writing,
use appropriate technique of error correction, develop and maintain
high levels of students’ esteem.

3. The Students’ Role

After knowing what role should be played by teacher in applying this
method. Another important aspect to be considered is the role of the students in
applying this method. The pupils are expected to be able to play the role that
teachers expect among them to be as follows. Students are expected to be active in
the process of learning and teaching. They are expected to participate in
interpreting the material learner they get. They are also expected to be willing to
exploit various alternative learning strategies and are also expected to be able to
tolerate and cope with various situations where they are faced with unexpected

situations. And finally, students are expected to be able to find various
interpretations in written form or in oral form.

4. The Techniques
Besides, teachers are required to understand what role they should play in
applying this method, they are also required to understand well what kinds of
techniques can be used to apply this method. The teacher should know the types
of techniques that match with the application of this method. So that teachers can
get maximum results in learning and teaching English. There are some techniques
that can be applied through the use of content-based instruction approach. They
are making essays, letters, and reports regarding certain topics. The other
techniques can be applied using this method are making group discussions and


Community language learning is established by Charles A. Curran. Charles
A. Curran is a professor of psychology and also as a specialist in counseling at
University of Loyola which is located in Chicago. Community language learning
or it better known as CLL is kind of approach or method that is used by teachers
to help the students who have difficulty in the process of learning. In CLL, it can
be assumed that the teachers’ job here is like the counselor meanwhile the
students’ job are more like the client. It means between the teachers and students
are getting involved each other to build an interaction.
In this method, there are several things that must be properly understood as
the reference used by English teachers so that the process of teaching and learning
English can go smoothly and also the students can understand well what their
teachers teach. Each of several things that have to be considered carefully by the
teacher in Community language learning method will be explained detail below:

1. Language View
Community language learning stresses the language is kind of tool for
communication. It means the language is kind of media that helps people to
communicate with each other.

2. The Teachers’ Role

After knowing and understanding the use of community language learning
method is viewed from a language point of view, teachers are also required to
know what role they should play when they apply this method. Teacher roles that
must be played in the application of this method among others are as follows.
Teachers have an important role in applying this method. Teachers who are
regarded as the source or knowledge of target language not only can teach the
target language properly and correctly. But the teachers are also demanded to
recognize how threating a new learning circumstances can be for their students or
learners, so they have to understand skillfully and also have to support their
students for possessing to mastery the target language or the L2.

3. The Students’ Role

The students are required to be active in the class. They have to be able to
listen attentively of what their teacher have taught as the students’ provider of the
knowledge. They also are demanded to express freely of what they feel or think in
the process of learning language. They are asked not to be afraid in expressing
ideas, or perhaps in expressing the difficulties they are facing. They also are
required to be a problem solver for their friends.

4. The Techniques
Besides teachers are required to understand what role they should play in
applying this method they are also required to have to understand well what kinds
of techniques can be used to apply this method. The teacher should know the
types of techniques that match with the application of this method. So that
teachers can get maximum results in learning and teaching English. There are

some techniques that can be applied through the use of community learning
language method. They are reflection on experience, reflective listening, human
computer and small group tasks.


Being a good and profession teacher is not an easy job. To become good and
profession teachers, there is an important aspect that has to be considered
seriously by the teacher that is the teachers should understand well of what the
students’ real needs. By knowing well of what the students’ real needs, process of
teaching and learning English can go effectively and efficiently. In order to
achieve that, the teachers should think properly what kinds of approaches,
methods, strategies and also technique that they will be appropriate with the
students’ needs in the classroom.
In the process of learning and teaching, there is no such thing as the best
approach, method, strategy and technique that is suitable to apply in the
classroom. Each of these approaches, methods, strategies and techniques must
have advantages and disadvantages. The implementation of approaches, methods,
strategies and techniques that can be categorized successfully if of all aspects
contained in the process of learning and teaching is in accordance with what is
required by students.


Larsen, Diane & Freeman. (200). Techniques and Principles in Language

Teaching Second Edition. UK: Oxford University Press

Richard, Jack. C & Theodore, S.R. (2001). Approaches and Methods in Language
Teaching Second Edition, UK: Cambridge University Press.


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