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Filter Networks - Network Theory

Questions and Answers
by Manish
4-5 minutes

This set of Network Theory Multiple Choice Questions &

Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Filter Networks”.

1. The value of one decibel is equal to?

a) 0.115 N
b) 0.125 N
c) 0.135 N
d) 0.145 N
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Answer: a
Explanation: The value of one decibel is equal to 0.115 N.
One decibel = 0.115 N where N is the number of nepers
and N = loge(V1/V2).

2. A filter which passes without attenuation all frequencies

up to the cut-off frequency fc and attenuates all other
frequencies greater than fc is called?
a) high pass filter
b) low pass filter
c) band elimination filter

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d) band pass filter

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Answer: b
Explanation: A filter is called a low pass filter if it passes all
frequencies up to the cut-off frequency fc without
attenuation and attenuates all other frequencies greater
than fc. This transmits currents of all frequencies from zero
up to the cut-off frequency.

3. A filter which attenuates all frequencies below a

designated cut-off frequency fc and passes all other
frequencies greater than fc is called?
a) band elimination filter
b) band pass filter
c) low pass filter
d) high pass filter
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Answer: d
Explanation: A filter is called high pass filter if attenuates all
frequencies below a designated cut-off frequency fc and
passes all other frequencies greater than fc. Thus the pass
band of this filter is the frequency range above fc and the
stop band is the frequency range below fc.

4. A filter that passes frequencies between two designated

cut-off frequencies and attenuates all other frequencies is
a) high pass filter
b) band elimination filter
c) band pass filter

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d) low pass filter

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Answer: c
Explanation: A band pass filter passes frequencies between
two designated cut-off frequencies and attenuates all other
frequencies. A band pass filter has two cut-off frequencies
and will have the pass band f2-f1; f1 is the lower cut-off
frequency, f2 is the upper cut-off frequency.

5. A filter that passes all frequencies lying outside a certain

range, while it attenuates all frequencies between the two
designated frequencies is called?
a) low pass filter
b) high pass filter
c) band elimination filter
d) band pass filter
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Answer: c
Explanation: A band elimination filter passes all frequencies
lying outside a certain range, while it attenuates all
frequencies between the two designated frequencies. It is
also referred to as band stop filter.

6. The expression of the characteristic impedance of a

symmetrical T-section is?
a) ZOT=√(Z12/4-Z1Z2)
b) ZOT=√(Z12/4+Z1)
c) ZOT=√(Z12/4+Z2)
d) ZOT=√(Z12/4+Z1Z2)
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Answer: d
Explanation: For a T-section, the value of input impedance
when it is terminated in Zo is
Zin=(Z1/2)+(Z2((Z1/2)+Zo))/((Z1/2)+Z2+Zo) and Zin=Zo. On
solving, the expression of the characteristic impedance of a
symmetrical T-section is ZOT=√(Z12/4+Z1Z2).

7. The expression of the open circuit impedance Zoc is?

a) Zoc=Z1/2+Z2
b) Zoc=Z2/2+Z2
c) Zoc=Z1/2+Z1
d) Zoc=Z1/2-Z2
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Answer: a
Explanation: On open circuiting the port 2 of T-section, we
get the expression of the open circuit impedance Zoc as

8. The expression of short circuit impedance Zsc is?

a) Zsc=(Z12-4Z1Z2)/(2Z1-4Z2)
b) Zsc=(Z12+4Z1Z2)/(2Z1+4Z2)
c) Zsc=(Z12-4Z1Z2)/(2Z1+4Z2)
d) Zsc=(Z12+4Z1Z2)/(2Z1-4Z2)
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Answer: b
Explanation: On short circuiting the port 2 of T-section, we
get the expression of short circuit impedance Zsc as
Zsc=(Z1/2)+((Z1/2)xZ2)/((Z1/2)+Z2). On solving we get

9. The relation between ZOT, Zoc, Zsc is?

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a) ZOT=√ZocZsc
b) Zoc=√(ZOT Zsc)
c) Zsc=√(ZOT Zoc)
d) Zoc=√(ZOT Zoc)
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Answer: a
Explanation: Zoc=Z1/2+Z2 and Zsc=(Z12+4Z1Z2)/(2Z1+4Z2)
=> ZocxZsc=Z1Z2+Z12/4 =Zo2T. The relation between ZOT,
Zoc, Zsc is ZOT=√ZocZsc.

10. The value of sinhϒ/2 in terms of Z1 and Z2 is?

a) sinhϒ/2=√(4Z1/Z2)
b) sinhϒ/2=√(Z1/Z2)
c) sinhϒ/2=√(Z1/4Z2)
d) sinhϒ/2=√(2Z1/Z2)
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Answer: c
Explanation: sinhϒ/2=√((1/2(coshϒ-1)/(1/2(1+Z1/2Z2-1))).
The value of sinhϒ/2 in terms of Z1 and Z2 is sinhϒ/2=√(Z1

Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series –

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set of 1000+ Multiple Choice Questions and Answers.

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Network Theory Questions for Entrance Exams about:reader?url=

Network Theory Questions for

Entrance Exams
by Manish
4-5 minutes

This set of Network Theory Questions and Answers for

Entrance exams focuses on “Classification of Pass Band
and Stop Band”.

1. The relation between α, β, ϒ is?

a) α = ϒ + jβ
b) ϒ = α + jβ
c) β = ϒ + jα
d) α = β + jϒ
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Answer: b
Explanation: We know that the propogation constant is a
complex function and the real part of the complex
propogation constant is a measure of the change in
magnitude of the current or voltage in the network known as
attenuation constant and imaginary part is a measure of the
difference in phase between the input and output currents
or voltages known as phase shift constant. ϒ = α + jβ.

2. If Z1, Z2 are same type of reactance, then |Z1/4 Z2| is

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real, then the value of α is?

a) α = sinh-1√( Z1/4 Z2)
b) α = sinh-1√( Z1/Z2)
c) α = sinh-1√( 4 Z1/Z2)
d) α = sinh-1√( Z1/2 Z2)
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Answer: a
Explanation: Z1, Z2 are same type of reactance and |Z1/4
Z2| is real. |Z1/4 Z2| > 0. The value of α is α = sinh-1√(Z1/4

3. If Z1, Z2 are same type of reactance, then |Z1/4 Z2| is

real, then?
a) |Z1/4 Z2|=0
b) |Z1/4 Z2| < 0
c) |Z1/4 Z2| > 0
d) | Z1/4 Z2|>= 0
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Answer: c
Explanation: If Z1 and Z2 are same type of reactances, then
√(Z1/4 Z2) should be always positive implies that |Z1/4

4. Which of the following expression is true if Z1, Z2 are

same type of reactance?
a) sinhα/2 sinβ/2=0
b) coshα/2 sinβ/2=0
c) coshα/2 cosβ/2=0
d) sinhα/2 cosβ/2=0
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Answer: d
Explanation: If Z1, Z2 are same type of reactance, then the
real part of sinhϒ/2 = sinhα/2 cosβ/2 + jcoshα/2 sinβ/2
should be zero. So sinhα/2 cosβ/2=0.

5. Which of the following expression is true if Z1, Z2 are

same type of reactance?
a) sinhα/2 cosβ/2=x
b) coshα/2 cosβ/2=0
c) coshα/2 sinβ/2=x
d) sinhα/2 sinβ/2=0
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Answer: c
Explanation: If Z1, Z2 are same type of reactance, then the
imaginary part of sinhϒ/2 = sinhα/2 cosβ/2 + jcoshα/2
sinβ/2 should be some value. So coshα/2 sinβ/2=x.

6. The value of α if Z1, Z2 are same type of reactance?

a) 0
b) π/2
c) π
d) 2π
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Answer: a
Explanation: As sinhα/2 cosβ/2=0 and coshα/2 sinβ/2=x,
the value of α if Z1, Z2 are same type of reactance is α= 0.

7. The value of β if Z1, Z2 are same type of reactance?

a) 2π
b) π
c) π/2

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d) 0
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Answer: b
Explanation: The value of β if Z1, Z2 are same type of
reactances, then
sinhα/2 cosβ/2=0 and coshα/2 sinβ/2=x. So the value of β is
β= π.

8. If Z1, Z2 are same type of reactance, and if α = 0, then

the value of β is?
a) β=2 sin-1(√(Z1/4 Z2))
b) β=2 sin-1(√(4 Z1/Z2))
c) β=2 sin-1(√(4 Z1/Z2))
d) β=2 sin-1(√(Z1/Z2))
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Answer: a
Explanation: If α = 0, sin β/2 = x(√(Z1/4 Z2). But sine can
have a maximum value of 1. Therefore the above solution is
valid only for Z1/4 Z2, and having a maximum value of unity.
It indicates the condition of pass band with zero attenuation
and follows the condition as -1 < Z1/4 Z2 <= 0. So β=2
sin-1(√(Z1/4 Z2)).

9. If the value of β is π, and Z1, Z2 are same type of

reactance, then the value of β is?
a) α=2 cosh-1√(Z1/2 Z2)
b) α=2 cosh-1√(Z1/Z2)
c) α=2 cosh-1√(4 Z1/Z2)
d) α=2 cosh-1√(Z1/4 Z2)
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Answer: d
Explanation: If the value of β is π, cos β/2 = 0. So sin β/2 =
±1; cosh α/2 = x = √(Z1/4 Z2). This solution is valid for
negative Z1/4 Z2 and having magnitude greater than or
equal to unity. -α &lt= Z1/2 Z2 <= -1. α=2 cosh-1√(Z1/4 Z2).

10. The relation between Zoπ, Z1, Z2, ZoT is?

a) ZoT = Z1Z2/Zoπ
b) Zoπ = Z1Z2/ZoT
c) ZoT = Z1Z1/Zoπ
d) ZoT = Z2Z2/Zoπ
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Answer: b
Explanation: The characteristic impedance of a symmetrical
π-section can be expressed in terms of T. Zoπ = Z1Z2/ZoT.

Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series –

Network Theory.

To practice all areas of Network Theory for Entrance

exams, here is complete set of 1000+ Multiple Choice
Questions and Answers.

5 of 5 3/19/18, 01:44
Constant-K Low Pass Filter - Network Theory Q... about:reader?url=

Constant-K Low Pass Filter -

Network Theory Questions and
by Manish
3-4 minutes

This set of Network Theory Multiple Choice Questions &

Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Constant-K Low Pass Filter”.

1. A network either T or π, is said to be of the constant-k

type if Z1 and Z2 of the network satisfy the relation?
a) Z1Z2 = k
b) Z1Z2 = k2
c) Z1Z2 = k3
d) Z1Z2 = k4
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Answer: b
Explanation: Z1,Z2 are inverse if their product is a constant,
independent of frequency, k is real constant, that is the
resistance. k is often termed as design impedance or
nominal impedance of the constant k-filter.

2. In the circuit shown below, find the value of Z1.

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a) jωL
b) 2 jωL
c) jωL/2
d) 4 jωL
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Answer: a
Explanation: The constant k, T or π type filter is also known
as the prototype because other more complex networks can
be derived from it. From the given figure, the value of Z1 is

3. In the circuit shown in the question 2, find the value of Z2.

a) jωC
b) 2 jωC
c) 1/jωC
d) 1/2 jωC
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Answer: c
Explanation: From the prototype T section and prototype π
section shown in figures, we get the value of Z2 is 1/jωC.

4. The value of Z1Z2 in the circuit shown in the question 2

a) L/C
b) C/L
c) 1/LC

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d) LC
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Answer: a
Explanation: Z1 = jωL and Z2 = 1/jωC. So the product Z1Z2
is jωL x 1/jωC = L/C.

5. Determine the value of k in the circuit shown in the

question 2.
a) √LC
b) √((L/C) )
c) √((C/L) )
d) √((1/CL) )
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Answer: b
Explanation: We got Z1Z2 = L/C. And we know Z1Z2= k2.
So k2 = L/C. So the value of k is √(L/C).

6. The cut-off frequency of the constant k-low pass filter is?

a) 1/√LC
b) 1/(π√LC)
c) √LC
d) π√LC
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Answer: b
Explanation: Z1/4Z2 = 0. Z1 = jωL and Z2 = 1/jωC. On
solving the cut-off frequency of the constant k-low pass filter
is fc= 1/(π√LC).

7. The value of α in the pass band of constant k-low pass

filter is?

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a) 2 cosh-1(fc/f)
b) cosh-1(fc/f)
c) cosh-1(f/fc)
d) 2 cosh-1(f/fc)
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Answer: d
Explanation: The value of α in the pass band of constant
k-low pass filter is α= 2 cosh-1(f/fc).

8. The value of β in the attenuation band of constant k-low

pass filter is?
a) 0
b) π
c) π/2
d) π/4
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Answer: b
Explanation: We know that in the attenuation band, Z1/4Z2
< -1 i.e., f/fc < 1. So the value of β in the pass band of
constant k-low pass filter is β= π.

9. The value of α in the attenuation band of constant k-low

pass filter is?
a) α=2 cosh-1(fc/f)
b) α=cosh-1(f/fc)
c) α=2 cosh-1(f/fc)
d) α=cosh-1(fc/f)
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Answer: c
Explanation: α = 2 cosh-1[Z1/4Z2] and Z1/4Z2 = f/fc. On

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substituting we get α = 2 cosh-1(f/fc).

10. The value of α in the pass band of constant k-low pass

filter is?
a) π
b) π/4
c) π/2
d) 0
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Answer: d
Explanation: We know that in the pass band, the condition
is -1 < Z1/4Z2 < 0. So α= π.

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set of 1000+ Multiple Choice Questions and Answers.

5 of 5 3/19/18, 01:44
m-Derived T-Section - Network Theory Question... about:reader?url=

m-Derived T-Section - Network

Theory Questions and Answers
by Manish
4 minutes

This set of Network Theory Multiple Choice Questions &

Answers (MCQs) focuses on “m-Derived T-Section”.

1.The relation between ZoT and ZoT‘ in the circuits shown


a) ZoT = ZoT‘
b) ZoT = 2 ZoT‘
c) ZoT = 3 ZoT‘
d) ZoT = 4 ZoT‘

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Answer: a
Explanation: The relation between ZoT and ZoT’ is ZoT =
ZoT’ where ZoT’ is the characteristic impedance of the
modified (m-derived) T-network.

2. The value of Z2’ in terms of Z1, Z2 from the circuits

shown in question 1 is?
a) Z2‘=Z2/4 m (1-m2 )+Z2/m
b) Z2‘=Z1/4 m (1-m2 )+Z1/m
c) Z2‘=Z2/4 m (1-m2 )+Z1/m
d) Z2‘=Z1/4 m (1-m2 )+Z2/m
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Answer: d
Explanation: As ZoT = ZoT’, √(Z12/4+Z1Z2)=√(m2 Z12/4+m
Z2‘). On solving, Z2‘=Z1/(4 m (1-m2))+Z2/m.

3. The relation between Zoπ and Zoπ’ in the circuits shown

below is?

a) Zoπ = 2 Zoπ’

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b) Zoπ = 4 Zoπ’
c) Zoπ = Zoπ’
d) Zoπ = 3 Zoπ’
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Answer: c
Explanation: The characteristic impedances of the
prototype and its modified sections have to be equal for
matching. The relation between Zoπ and Zoπ‘ is Zoπ = Zoπ’.

4. The value of Z1‘ in terms of Z1, Z2 from the circuits

shown in question 3 is?
a) Z1‘=(m Z2(Z2 4 m)/(1-m2 ))/m Z1(Z2 4 m/(1-m2 ))
b) Z1‘=(m Z1(Z2 4 m)/(1-m2 ))/m Z2(Z2 4 m/(1-m2 ))
c) Z1‘=(m Z1(Z2 4 m)/(1-m2 ))/m Z1(Z2 4 m/(1-m2 ))
d) Z1‘=(m Z1(Z2 4 m)/(1-m2 ))/m Z1(Z1 4 m/(1-m2 ))
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Answer: c
Explanation: As Zoπ = Zoπ’, √(Z1Z2/(1+Z1/4 Z2))=√(((Z1‘
Z2)/m)/(1+(Z1‘)/(4 Z2/m))). On solving, Z1‘=(m Z1(Z2 4 m)/(1-
m2 ))/m Z1(Z2 4 m/(1-m2 )) .

5. The value of resonant frequency in the m-derived low

pass filter is?
a) fr=1/(√(LC(1+m2 ) ))
b) fr=1/(√(πLC(1+m2 ) ))
c) fr=1/(√(LC(1-m2 ) ))
d) fr=1/(√(πLC(1-m2 ) ))
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Answer: d

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Explanation: ωr2 = 1/(LC(1-m2)). So the value of resonant

frequency in the m-derived low pass filter is fr=1/√(πLC(1-
m2 ) ).

6. The cut-off frequency of the low pass filter is?

a) 1/√LC
b) 1/(π√LC)
c) 1/√L
d) 1/(π√L)
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Answer: b
Explanation: To determine the cut-off frequency of the low
pass filter we place m = 0. So fc=1/(π√LC).

7. The resonant frequency of m-derived low pass filter in

terms of the cut-off frequency of low pass filter is?
a) fc/√(1-m2 )
b) fc/√(1+m2 )
c) fc/(π√(1-m2 ))
d) fc/(π√(1+m2 ))
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Answer: a
Explanation: If a sharp cut-off is desired, the frequency at
infinity should be near to fc. The resonant frequency of
m-derived low pass filter in terms of the cut-off frequency of
low pass filter is fr=fc/√(1-m2).

8. The expression of m of the m-derived low pass filter is?

a) m=√(1+(fc/fr)2 )
b) m=√(1+(fc/f)2)
c) m=√(1-(fc/fr)2 )

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d) m=√(1-(fc/f)2 )
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Answer: c
Explanation: As fr=fc/√(1-m2). The expression of m of the
m-derived low pass filter is m=√(1-(fc/fr)2 ).

9. Given a m-derived low pass filter has cut-off frequency 1

kHz, design impedance of 400Ω and the resonant
frequency of 1100 Hz. Find the value of k.
a) 400
b) 1000
c) 1100
d) 2100
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Answer: a
Explanation: The value of k is equal to the design
impedance. Given design impedance is 400Ω. So, k = 400.

10. The value of m from the information provided in

question 9.
a) 0.216
b) 0.316
c) 0.416
d) 0.516
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Answer: c
Explanation: m=√(1-(fc/fr)2) fc = 1000, fr = 1100. On
substituting m=√(1-(1000/1100)2 )=0.416.

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Network Theory.

To practice all areas of Network Theory, here is complete

set of 1000+ Multiple Choice Questions and Answers.

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Attenuators - Network Theory Questions and A... about:reader?url=

Attenuators - Network Theory

Questions and Answers
by Manish
4-5 minutes

This set of Network Theory Multiple Choice Questions &

Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Attenuators”.

1. The attenuation in dB in terms of input power (P1) and

output power (P2) is?
a) log10 (P1/P2)
b)10 log10 (P1/P2)
c) log10 (P2/P1)
d) 10 log10 (P2/P1)
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Answer: b
Explanation: The increase or decrease in power due to
insertion or substitution of a new element in a network can
be conveniently expressed in decibels or in nepers. The
attenuation in dB in terms of input power (P1) and output
power (P2) is Attenuation in dB = 10 log10 (P1/P2).

2. If V1 is the voltage at port 1 and V2 is the voltage at port

2, then the attenuation in dB is?
a) 20 log10 (V1/V2)

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b) 10 log10 (V1/V2)
c) 20 log10 (V2/V1)
d) 10 log10 (V2/V1)
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Answer: a
Explanation: If V1 is the voltage at port 1 and V2 is the
voltage at port 2, then the attenuation in dB is Attenuation in
dB =20 log10 (V1/V2) where V1 is the voltage at port 1 and
V2 is the voltage at port 2.

3. What is the attenuation in dB assuming I1 is the input

current and I2 is the output current leaving the port?
a) 10 log10 (I1/I2)
b) 10 log10 (I2/I1)
c) 20 log10 (I2/I1)
d) 20 log10 (I1/I2)
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Answer: d
Explanation: Assuming I1 is the input current and I2 is the
output current leaving the port, the attenuation in dB is
Attenuation in dB =20 log10 (I1/I2) where I1 is the input
current and I2 is the output current leaving the port.

4. The value of one decibel is equal to?

a) log10 (N)
b) 10 log10 (N)
c) 20 log10 (N)
d) 40 log10 (N)
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Answer: c

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Explanation: The value of one decibel is equal to 20 log10

(N). One decibel = 20 log10 (N) where N is the attenuation.

5. The value of N in dB is?

a) N= anti log (dB)
b) N= anti log(dB/10)
c) N=anti log(dB/20)
d) N=anti log(dB/40)
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Answer: c
Explanation: The value of N in dB can be expressed as
N=anti log(dB/20).

6. In the circuit shown below, find the value of I1/I2.

a) (R1-R2+R0)/R2
b) (R1+R2+R0)/R2
c) (R1-R2-R0)/R2
d) (R1+R2-R0)/R2
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Answer: b
Explanation: R2(I1-I2)=I2(R1+R0)
=> I2(R2+R1+R0)I1R2. On solving, I1/I2=(R1+R2+R1)/R2.

7. Determine the value of N in the circuit shown in question

a) (R1+R2-R0)/R2

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b) (R1-R2-R0)/R2
c) (R1+R2+R0)/R2
d) (R1-R2+R0)/R2
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Answer: c
Explanation: N = I1/I2. We got I1/I2=(R1+R2+R1)/R2. So on
substituting we get N = (R1+R2+R0)/R2.

8. The value of the characteristic impedance R0 in terms of

R1 and R2 and R0 in the circuit shown in question 6 is?
a) R1+R2(R1+R0)/(R1+R0+R2)
b) R1+ R2(R1+R0)/(R1+R0+R2)
c) R2+ R2(R1+R0)/(R1+R0+R2)
d) R0+R2(R1+R2)/(R1+R0+R2)
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Answer: b
Explanation: The value of the characteristic impedance R0
in terms of R1 and R2 and R0 when it is terminated in a load
of R0 is R0=R1+ R2(R1+R0)/(R1+R0+R2).

9. Determine the value of R1 in terms of R0 and N in the

circuit shown in question 6 is?
a) R1= R0(N-1)/(N+1)
b) R1= R0(N+1)/(N+1)
c) R1= R0(N-1)/(N-1)
d) R1= R0(N+1)/(N-1)
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Answer: a
Explanation: R0 = R1+(R1+R0)/N. On solving, the value of
R1 in terms of R0 and N is R1= R0(N-1)/(N+1).

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10. Determine the value of R2 in terms of R0 and N in the

circuit shown in question 6 is?
a) R2= NR0/(N2-1)
b) R2= 2 NR0/(N2-1)
c) R2= 3 NR0/(N2-1)
d) R2= 4 NR0/(N2-1)
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Answer: b
Explanation: NR2 = R1+R0+R2. On substituting the value of
R1, we get the value of R2 in terms of R0 and N as R2= 2

Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series –

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set of 1000+ Multiple Choice Questions and Answers.

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Inverse Network Questions and Answers about:reader?url=

Inverse Network Questions and

by Manish
4-5 minutes

This set of Network Theory Multiple Choice Questions &

Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Inverse Network”.

1. The impedances Z1 and Z2are said to be inverse if?

a) Z1Z2 = R0
b) Z1 + Z2 = R0
c) 1/Z1+1/Z2=R0
d) Z1Z2 = R02
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Answer: d
Explanation: The impedances Z1 and Z2 are said to be
inverse if the geometric mean of the two impedances is a
real number.

2. An inverse network may be obtained by?

a) Converting each series branch into another series branch
b) Converting each series branch into another parallel
c) Converting each parallel branch into another series

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d) None of the mentioned

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Answer: c
Explanation: An inverse network may be obtained by
converting each parallel branch into another series branch
and vice-versa and not by converting each series branch
into another series branch and not by converting each
series branch into another parallel branch.

3. An inverse network may be obtained by converting each

resistance element R into a corresponding resistive element
of value?
a) R02/R
b) R/R02
c) R0/R
d) R/R0
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Answer: a
Explanation: To obtain the inverse network we have to
convert each resistance element R into a corresponding
resistive element of value R02/R.

4. An inverse network may be obtained by converting each

inductance L into a capacitance of value?
a) L/R0
b) L/R02
c) R0/L
d) R02/L
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Answer: b

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Explanation: An inverse network may be obtained by

converting Each inductance L should be converted into a
capacitance of value L/R02 to obtain the inverse network.

5. An inverse network may be obtained by converting each

capacitance C into an inductance of value?
a) CR02
b) CR0
c) R02/C
d) C/R02
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Answer: a
Explanation: An inverse network is obtained by converting
each capacitance C into an inductance of value CR02
where R0 is resistance.

6. Consider the network shown below. Find the value of

capacitance C1‘ after converting the inductance L1 into a

a) R02/L1
b) R0/L1
c) L1/R02
d) L1/R0
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Answer: c
Explanation: An inverse network may be obtained by
converting Each inductance L should be converted into a
capacitance of value L/R02 to obtain the inverse network.
The value of capacitance C1‘ after converting the
inductance into a capacitance is L1/R02. C1’ = L1/R02.

7. In the network showed in question 6, find the value of

inductance L1‘ after converting the capacitance into an
a) C1/R02
b) R02/C1
c) C1R0
d) C1R02
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Answer: d
Explanation: An inverse network is obtained by converting
each capacitance C into an inductance of value CR02
where R0 is resistance. The value of inductance L1‘ after
converting the capacitance into an inductance is L1‘ =

8. From the network showed in question 6, find the value of

resistance R1‘ after converting the resistance R1.
a) R1/R0
b) R0/R1
c) R1/R02
d) R02/R1
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Answer: d

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Explanation: To obtain the inverse network we have to

convert each resistance element R into a corresponding
resistive element of value R02/R. The value of resistance
R1‘ after converting R1 is R1‘ = R02/R1.

9. The value of the capacitance C2‘ after converting the

inductor into the C2‘ in the network showed in question 6.
a) L2/R02
b) L2/R0
c) R02/L2
d) R0/L2
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Answer: a
Explanation: An inverse network may be obtained by
converting Each inductance L should be converted into a
capacitance of value L/R02 to obtain the inverse network.
The value of the capacitance C2‘ after converting the
inductor into the capacitance is
C2‘ = L2/R02.

10. The value of the inductor L2‘ after converting the

capacitor into the L2‘ in the network showed in question 6.
a) R02/C2
b) C2R02
c) C2R0
d) R02/C2
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Answer: b
Explanation: An inverse network is obtained by converting
each capacitance C into an inductance of value CR02

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where R0 is resistance. The value of the inductor L2‘ after

converting the capacitor into the inductance is L2‘ = C2R02.

Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series –

Network Theory.

To practice all areas of Network Theory, here is complete

set of 1000+ Multiple Choice Questions and Answers.

6 of 6 3/19/18, 01:45
Series Equalizer - Network Theory Questions a... about:reader?url=

Series Equalizer - Network Theory

Questions and Answers
by Manish
4-5 minutes

This set of Network Theory Multiple Choice Questions &

Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Series Equalizer”.

1. The value of attenuation D is equal to?

a) log10 (N)
b) 10 log10 (N)
c) 20 log10 (N)
d) 40 log10 (N)
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Answer: a
Explanation: The value of attenuation D is equal to log10
(N). Attenuation D = log10 (N) where N is input to output
power ratio of the load.

2. The value of N in terms of attenuation D is?

a) antilog(D)
b) antilog(D/10)
c) antilog(D/20)
d) antilog(D/40)
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Answer: b
Explanation: The value of N in terms of attenuation D is
antilog(D/10). N = antilog(D/10) where D is attenuation in

3. The input to output power ratio of the load (N) is the ratio
of the________ to the __________
a) Maximum power delivered to the load when the equalizer
is not present, power delivered to the load when equalizer is
b) Power delivered to the load when equalizer is present,
maximum power delivered to the load when the equalizer is
not present
c) Maximum power delivered to the load when the equalizer
is present, power delivered to the load when equalizer is not
d) Power delivered to the load when equalizer is not
present, maximum power delivered to the load when the
equalizer is present
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Answer: a
Explanation: The input to output power ratio of the load (N)
is the ratio of the maximum power delivered to the load
when the equalizer is not present to the power delivered to
the load when equalizer is present.

4. The N is defined as?

a) output power/ input power
b) input power/ output power
c) output power at inductor/ input power

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d) output power at capacitor/ input power

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Answer: b
Explanation: The N is defined as the ratio of input power to
the output power. N =Pi/Pl where Pi is input power and Pl is
output power.

5. The expression of input power of a series equalizer is?

a) Vmax2/Ro
b) Vmax2/2Ro
c) Vmax2/3Ro
d) Vmax2/4Ro
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Answer: d
Explanation: The expression of input power of a series
equalizer is Pi=(Vmax/2Ro)2 Ro=Vmax2/4Ro.

6. The expression of current flowing in a series equalizer is?

a) Vmax/√((Ro)2+(X1)2)
b) Vmax/√((2Ro)2+(X1)2 )
c) Vmax/√((2Ro)2+(2X1)2 )
d) Vmax/√((Ro)2+(2X1)2 )
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Answer: c
Explanation: When the equalizer is connected, the
expression of current flowing in a series equalizer is I1=
Vmax/√((2Ro)2+(2X1)2 ) where Vmax is voltage applied to
the network and Ro is resistance of the load as well as
source and 2X1 is the reactance of the equalizer.

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7. What is the power at the load of a series equalizer?

a) [ Vmax2/(Ro2+X12 )]Ro
b) [ Vmax2/(2(Ro2+X12))]Ro
c) [ Vmax2/(3(Ro2+X12))]Ro
d) [ Vmax2/(4(Ro2+X12))]Ro
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Answer: d
Explanation: The power at the load of a series equalizer is
P=(Vmax/√((2Ro)2+(2X1)2 ))2 Ro =[Vmax2/(4(Ro2+X12))]Ro.

8. Determine the value of N in the series equalizer.

a) 1+ X12/Ro2
b) X12/Ro2
c) 1+ Ro2/X12
d) Ro2/X12
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Answer: a
Explanation: The N is defined as the ratio of input power to
the output power.
N=Pi/Pl =(Vmax2/4Ro)/[Vmax2/(4(Ro2+X12))]Ro=1+X12/Ro2 .

9. The expression of N in a full series equalizer considering

Z1 as inductor and Z2 as capacitor is?
a) Ro2/(ωL1)2
b) 1+ Ro2/(ωL1)2
c) (ω2 L12)/Ro2
d) 1+ (ω2 L12)/Ro2
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Answer: d

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Explanation: The expression of N in a full series equalizer

considering Z1 as inductor and Z2 as capacitor is N = 1 +
X12/Ro2 = 1+ (ω2 L12)/Ro2 .

10. The expression of N in a full series equalizer

considering Z1 as capacitor and Z2 as inductor is?
a) 1+ (ω2 L12)/Ro2
b) (ω2 L12)/Ro2
c) 1+ Ro2/(ωL1)2
d) Ro2/(ωL1)2
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Answer: c
Explanation: The expression of N in a full series equalizer
considering Z1 as capacitor and Z2 as inductor is N = 1+
Ro2/X22 = 1+Ro2/(ωL1)2 .

Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series –

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set of 1000+ Multiple Choice Questions and Answers.

5 of 5 3/19/18, 01:45
Shunt Equalizer - Network Theory Questions an... about:reader?url=

Shunt Equalizer - Network Theory

Questions and Answers
by Manish
3-4 minutes

This set of Network Theory Multiple Choice Questions &

Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Shunt Equalizer”.

1. In the shunt equalizer, the current flowing from the

source is?
a) Vmax(2Ro+jX1)/2Ro(Ro+jX1)
b) Vmax(Ro+jX1)/Ro(Ro+jX1)
c) Vmax(Ro+jX1)/2Ro(Ro+jX1)
d) Vmax(2Ro+jX1)/Ro(Ro+jX1)
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Answer: a
Explanation: In the shunt equalizer, the current flowing from
the source is Is= Vmax/(Ro+(Ro||jX1/2)). On solving, Is=
Vmax(2Ro+jX1)/2Ro(Ro+jX1) .

2. What is the load current in terms of source current in the

shunt equalizer?
a) Is jX1/(Ro+jX1)
b) Is jX1/(Ro+2jX1)
c) Is jX1/(2Ro+2jX1)

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d) Is jX1/(2Ro+jX1)
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Answer: d
Explanation: The load current in terms of source current in
the shunt equalizer is Il = Is (jX1/2)/(Ro+jX1/2)). On solving,
Il= Is jX1/(2Ro+jX1).

3. What is the load current in terms of Vmax in the shunt

a) (VmaxjX1)/(Ro(2Ro+jX1))
b) (VmaxjX1)/(2Ro(2Ro+jX1))
c) (VmaxjX1)/(2Ro(Ro+jX1))
d) (VmaxjX1)/(Ro(Ro+jX1))
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Answer: c
Explanation: On substituting Is in the load current equation
we get the load current in terms of Vmax in the shunt
equalizer as Il= (VmaxjX1)/(2Ro(Ro+jX1)).

4. The input power in shunt equalizer is?

a) Vmax2/Ro
b) Vmax2/2Ro
c) Vmax2/3Ro
d) Vmax2/4Ro
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Answer: d
Explanation: The expression of input power of a shunt
equalizer is Pi=(Vmax/2Ro)2 Ro=Vmax2/4Ro.

5. What is the power at the load of a shunt equalizer?

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a) [ (Vmax2 X12)/(Ro(Ro2+X12))].

b) [ (Vmax2 X12)/(2Ro(Ro2+X12))].

c) [ (Vmax2 X12)/(3Ro(Ro2+X12))].

d) [ (Vmax2 X12)/(4Ro(Ro2+X12))].
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Answer: d
Explanation: The power at the load of a series equalizer is
P=((Vmax jX1)/(2Ro(Ro+jX1)))2 Ro =[(Vmax2

6. The value of N in shunt equalizer is?

a) 1+ X12/Ro2
b) X12/Ro2
c) 1+ Ro2/X12
d) Ro2/X12
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Answer: c
Explanation: The N is defined as the ratio of input power to
the output power. N=Pi/Pl=(Vmax2/4Ro)/( (Vmax2
X12)/4Ro(Ro2+X12 ) )=1+ Ro2/X12 .

7. The propagation constant of a symmetrical T-section and

π-section are the same.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: The propagation constant of a symmetrical
T-section and π-section are the same.

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8. The attenuation is not sharp in the stop band for an

m-derived filter.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: The attenuation is sharp in the stop band for
an m-derived filter. So the given statement is not true.

9. The bridged-T phase equalizer consists of?

a) Only pure inductors
b) Only pure capacitors
c) Only pure resistors
d) Only pure reactance
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Answer: d
Explanation: The bridged-T phase equalizer consists of only
pure reactances. So the bridged T-circuit consists of only
inductive or capacitive elements not resistive elements.

10. A lattice phase equalizer is a constant equalizer which

satisfies the equation?
a) Z1Z2 = Ro
b) Z1 + Z2 = Ro
c) 1/Z1+1/Z2=Ro
d) Z1Z2 = Ro2
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Answer: d
Explanation: The lattice phase equalizer consists of only
reactive components. So a lattice phase equalizer is a

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constant equalizer if the following equation is satisfied. Z1Z2

= Ro2.

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