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Report Battery Student Grade School Period

Student Score Snapshot Math PPPPPPPPPPPPP
F.E. Smith Elementary School Winter 2018

Math Summary Spring Performance Goal: 50th national percentile

100 100

90 90
80 80

National Percentile
National Percentile

70 70

60 60

50 50
40 40
30 30

20 20

10 10

0 0
Math Composite

What do these math scores mean?   What does this Math Composite Score mean?
This graph shows Lukas's
PPPPPPPPWinter benchmark test results compared to a national Lukas's
XXXXXXXXMath Composite national percentile score is 58,
sample of students. which is average. This score is above the 80% line. Students
At the skill level, PPPPPPP
Lukas's score on... with scores in this range have a greater than 80% chance of
achieving spring performance goals. XXXXX
Lukas's risk level is
 Number Sense Fluency shows an average performance on basic number and low.
computation skills. NSF is the sum of Number Comparison Fluency-Triads
and Mental Computation and provides a more reliable estimate of  At the composite level, Lukas's score is average.
performance on these skills. XXXXX
 Number Comparison Fluency-Triads shows an average ability to assess
magnitude and compare 2-, 3-, and 4-digit whole numbers. Recommendation
This score should be interpreted with caution because the test session was Based on Lukas's
XXXXXXaverage performance on the Math
either interrupted or repeated. Composite, this student should continue to benefit from the
current math curriculum.
 Mental Computation Fluency shows a well-above average ability to
mentally solve addition, subtraction, and multiplication problems involving
1-, 2-, 3-, and 4-digit whole numbers.
This score should be interpreted with caution because the test session was
either interrupted or repeated.
 Concepts & Applications shows an average understanding of important
math concepts and ability to solve problems.

v16.4 Copyright © 2018 NCS Pearson, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Patent No. 7,311,524
Print Date: 3/25/2018 Pg. 2 of 2

Report Battery Student Grade School Period

Student Score Snapshot Math Lukas Norman
XXXXXXXXXXXX 3rd F.E. Smith Elementary School

Student Growth

Student National
  Are Lukas's
XXXXXXX math skills improving?
This graph shows XXXXXXX
Lukas's Math Composite benchmark
performance compared to a national sample of students. The
220 solid line represents Lukas's
XXXXXXX scores, and the dashed line
represents the average math-skill growth of the national norm
210 group.

200 Lukas's math-skill growth is greater than 95% of students in

the national sample who have Math Composite scores in the
average range.
Math Composite







Fall Winter

v16.4 Copyright © 2018 NCS Pearson, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Patent No. 7,311,524

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