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Principle of inertia

a body keeps its state of rest or of rectilinear and uniformly motion if does not act a force (or more
forces) to change this state.

Principle of the independent action of the force

if about a body acts a force, this produces an acceleration proportional with them, having the same
direction and sense as the force, independently by the action of other forces.

Principle of the parallelogram

if about a body act two forces, the effect of these forces may be replaced with a single force having as
magnitude, direction and sense of the diagonal of the parallelogram having as sides the two forces.

Principle of the action and the reaction

for each action corresponds a reaction having the same magnitude, direction and opposite sense, or: the
mutual actions of two bodies are equal, with the same directions and opposite senses.

Principle of transmissibility

the state of a body (nondeformable) does not change if the force acting in a point of the body is
replaced with another force having the same magnitude, direction and sense but with the point of
application in another point on the support line of the force

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