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Light in Film Description

Light in Film is a ministry dedicated to the film and entertainment industry across Canada and
Hollywood. With a divorce, suicide and drug  rate through the roof, having
Jesus Christ present on this influential industry is extremely necessary. Light "If we can activate the
in Film has 4 different channels of ministry to make sure it has the most Christians in the Film &
impact on the entertainment industry. Entertainment Industry
to live a lifestyle of
1. Underground (Church/Gathering): There are 4 Undergrounds across power & love or in other
Canada. Vancouver, Calgary, Montreal & Toronto.  The Underground is an words, evangelism.
exclusive entertainment circle that meets across North America  to do life Then it's only a matter
together. If you're in Film, Music, Theatre, Dance, DJ, Model, Sports of time before revival
will break out in
Hollywood" - Jamie

industry etc, you're officially qualified to be in the circle. This is a place where there's no camera's, no
pictures, no social media, no autographs, no schmoozing or networking and is invite only, which
gives you the ability to invite people if you've been invited.  This is a Life-Giving community
exclusively for you to experience true faith, hope and love in a demanding industry. This is where
people actually CARE about you that are like-minded. Each Underground has it's own leader and
leadership team. Currently there are 25 leaders in total across Canada.

2. Mentorship (Discipleship): Light in Film take people in the entertainment industry and trains
them how to walk out a supernatural Christian lifestyle. As Jamie Rauch get's invited to speak and
train churches and other ministries across the world, he takes the entertainment people with him to
learn how to minister to people. Jamie believes that if they can minister in a safe atmosphere first,
then they'll be able to in a more intense place like a movie set ETC. This ministry outlet is called
"Influence & Love."

3. On-Set Emissary (Chaplaincy):  We are present on set, in studios &   production offices
throughout the whole process of making a film. We are there to pray, talk, serve, counsel, disciple &
love. "We are ambassadors[s] of the Anointed One who carry the message of Christ to the world, as
though God were tenderly pleading[t] with them directly through our lips. So we tenderly plead with
you on Christ’s behalf, “Turn back to God and be reconciled to him.” - 2 Corinthians 5:20.  An
Emissary is described as: "A person sent on a special mission, usually as a diplomatic(ambassador)
representative."  So, why are we diplomatic? Well, diplomatic is described as:  Of, relating to, or
engaged in diplomacy. (Between Heaven and Earth). We are skilled in dealing with sensitive matters
or people; tactful.  Employing tact and conciliation especially in situations of stress.  "But we are a
colony[citizenship] of Heaven on Earth as we cling tightly to our life-giver, the Lord Jesus Christ," -
Philippians 3:20

4. Films (Light in Film Productions): Light in Film makes movies, TV shows

and  Documentaries. By doing this Light in Film creates a platform that rubs shoulders with top
people in Hollywood, so we can have direct influence on the influencers. By producing
entertainment, we get to release on-set Emissaries and provide new culture setting ideas like "family
trailers" so that families can be close while they work (98% divorce rate).

It is our goal to influence the film and entertainment industry in anyway possible. We will look at
every outlet as a way to minister to the people. We will bring LIFE into the entertainment industry
across Canada and beyond.

Today’s Numbers:

As The Ministry has grown across Canada with exponential fruit with over 500 salvations and
physical healings, this summer alone! We are currently -$2000 a month from one year ago. Please
pray for the monthly partnerships to catch up with the organic growth of Light in Film.

Donate Today:

Light in Film
25 Leaders - 16 Interns - 4 Underground’s - 3 Discipleship Schools - 3 Film Projects - 2 Emissaries


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