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When we want to say that something is certain, possible or questionable, we use a verb called mo
Below is a list of modals:
-shall -could -will -would
-can -should -may -might
-have to -ought to -must

Modals are used to:

Have to We have to wash our hands before eatin
You should tell your teacher if the big b
Should Show that it is necessary to do something
bullies you.
I must ask permission from my mother
want to go out.
Can Aleya can speak Hindi fluently.
They will go home after they have
Will Show ability or possibility
completed thefor
He could run work.
10 kilometres before t
Can Can I borrow your eraser?
Could Show politeness when you want Could you be quiet, please?
May something or requesting something May I carry the books for you?
Would you please help me to clean th
Must We must not spit everywhere.
Ought to Pupils ought to obey the school rules.
Show that it is the right thing to do
Should Hisham should finish his homework.

May You may use my room to do your work

Show permission You can watch television after you do y
Shall Suggest doing something with someone Shall we go for a picnic?
Could else Could we visit the old folks’ home tod

A. Fill in the blanks correctly.

could, couldn’t, must, mustn’t,shouldn’t, ought to, can, cannot

1 We have a lot of work tommor You be late.

2 You have to clean the floor today because I cleaned it yesterday.
3 It have rain a lot in the night. There are puddles everywhere.
4 This be John's house. This house has a red door and it's number is 24, just like
5 I read the book three times, but understand it.
6 John play tennis really well. He's champion of his club.
7 He open this window! I think it's stuck.
8 you lend me your eraser?
9 That boy is naughty. Yo keep away from him.
10 You watch television after you finish your homework.
e use a verb called modal.

ash our hands before eating.

ll your teacher if the big boy
mission from my mother if I
ak Hindi fluently.
home after they have
for 10 kilometres before the
w your eraser?
quiet, please?
the books for you?
ease help me to clean the
pit everywhere.
o obey the school rules.

d finish his homework.

my room to do your work.
h television after you do your
or a picnic?
t the old folks’ home today?

, can, cannot

number is 24, just like you 0

Exercise A TOTAL 0

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