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Course: Fundamental 2 Saturday five hours Date: March 24th, 2018

Number of students: 15
Unit 4: Unit 5: Inventions Lesson 5c: Solar Ovens Lesson 5d: How much is it? Lesson 5e: Can you help me?
Lesson 5f: The owl and the pussy cat
Goals: - Identify vocabulary about technology.
- Talk and ask about shopping.
-give a recommendation.
Setting up: Give them the rubrics and make them sign their rubrics.
-Remind students the conversation clubs.
Transition: Teacher will tell the students that they will watch a video about how to ask for their food in a
restaurant then they will act out their role plays doing the exercise from their previous class.
Pre-activities: listening page 48 exercise 35
Warm up: Teacher will ask students to look at the photo of the “Jetman” on page 57 and ask orally some
questions about what they observe in the photo, when students elicit some words then teacher will ask where
do they think he is from? what place is he flying over? And how many minutes does he fly with his jetpack?
Transition: Teacher will ask students to listen to track 39, and then they will complete exercise 3 on page 57.
Activity 1: Teacher will play the CD of intermediate (unit 8: videos 46 and 47), then students will look at the
photo on page 58, and then they will describe what an invention can do for them, and if they consider only
technology is an invention or it could be other thing like a new genre of music, a new strategy in business, a
new compound in chemistry, etc.
Transition: Teacher will ask students if they remember how to create sentences and questions with can,
students will elicit the affirmative and negative form of the sentences with can using the lecture that is next to
the photo on page 58 then teacher will remind them how to pronounce can and can’t and finally, ask if they
think that they can differentiate which sentences are in affirmative or negative forms from the listening of
track 40?.
Activity 2: students will listen to track 40 and copy their answer on a piece of paper. Teacher will repeat the
audio as many times as students need it, then they will answer exercises 6 and 7 on page 59, and they will
communicate with the rest of the class as chit-chat time using the questions such as can Juan cook lemon pie?
Or can Gina sing popular music? , after they will listen to track 41, then students will complete exercises 8 and
9 on page 59.
Transition: Teacher will tell student that they are going to discuss their homework about their favorite
technology gadgets and students will match and answer some questions about adjectives to describe
technology in exercises 1 and 5 on pages 60 and 61, teacher will introduce some vocabulary such as: high tech,
low tech, cutting-hedge, wacky, etc. to do this part of the lesson use flashcards 29.
Activity 3: students will answer some questions about their technology gadgets and organize their ideas to tell
their classmates what they have in their backpacks or purses and ask each other some information questions
such as who has a charger in the classroom? what color is Laura’s notebook? Why do you have a lipstick in
your backpack? etc.
Transition: Teacher will tell students that they will go to the multimedia room, then teacher will explain the
instructions about the activity they will do there.
Activity 4: students will be in groups of 3 or 2, teacher will tell them that one group will ask the yes or no
question to the group that is in front of them in a Zig zag way about a poster that they will create using power
point or prezi of different new robots’ abilities and colors, then they will present it, before the break.
4:00 BREAK
Transition: teacher will organize the classroom as a restaurant with some stuff from the material room such as
plastic fruits and vegetables, table clothing and so on, then teacher will give to students some examples of a
conversation in a restaurant (a worksheet per pair or trio).
Activity 5: teacher will give them feedback about their performances, and they will have an active
participation of their students role-play, because they will be making questions about ingredients and if they
liked their food?
Transition: students will watch a video of solar ovens how they help to reduce the pollution, and then teacher
will ask where are they?, How is the weather in the countries where people is using them? And if they will use
Activity 6: students will answer exercises 1 to 3 on page 62 according with the pictures and reading on page
63, but it will be orally.
5:50 Transition: Teacher will ask students if they understand the grammar in chart about really and very and if
they don’t understand teacher will explain it and then he will tell them that they will complete exercises 5 and
Activity 7: students are going to speak using their descriptions about technology on pages 154 and 158 to
describe microwaves. This is an activity in pairs one will be student a and the other will be student b.
Transition: teacher will ask students what product they would like to have in their houses to make easier their
life or improve some of their skills (this activity could be worked in pairs or trios).
Wrap up: After students will describe their inventions with some drawings and sentences using the verb to
have and can to describe product features, finally they will present their inventions to the rest of the groups.
Materials: book life 1, CDs of audios from life 1, CD intermediate videos (unit8 videos 46 and 47), flashcards 1
and 29, folder 66, big papers and variety of color markers, worksheets of Menu and videos about robots and
solar ovens.
Homework: If they don’t finish the wrap up activity, they will bring it as homework with a price for the next
class, but if they finish it, then they will research how to make a solar oven with materials that they can get
easily, writing the list of materials and the procedure to elaborate it.

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