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67, 1^ Corresponrlence^ 75

17. SP'ECTOR, S. L., Snn na , L. J., Gi.ASS, M. and the Kt_uNEK, M. M., Biow', T. D., WONG, G. A.,
AccoLATE T " ASriIMA TRIALIST GROUP. Effects of I-IELNIERS, R. A. and DRAZEN, J. M. Pulmonary in-
6 wceks of therapy with oral doses of ICI 204, filtrates, cosinophilia, and cardiomyopathy follow-
219, a Ieukotriene D4 receptor antagonist, in sub- ing corticosteroid withdrawal in patients with
jects with bronchial asthma. Am. J. Respir. Crit. asthma receiving zafirlukast. JAMA 279 (1998)
Care Mcd. 150 (1994) 618-623. 455-457.
18. Wi:c•iist.t:r., M. E., GARPEsTAU, E.,, S. R.,
Kociu:R, O., WI:n.ANU, D. A., Poi.rro, A. J.,

Effect of Prophylactic Corticosteroids on the

Incidence of Reactions in Newly Diagnosed
Multibacillary Leprosy Patients

To Tf1E EDITOR: patients experiencing a leprosy reaction af-

ter treatment commences. We felt that a re-
Leprosy reactions, including reversal re- duction in the proportion of MB patients
actions and episodes of neuritis, are known experiencing a reaction by about 50%
to occur in leprosy patients most frequently would be a worthwhile result, and may be
in the first few months after starting mul- widely applicable for leprosy treatment. We
tidrug therapy (MDT), especially in cases decided to conduct an uncontrolled study to
with multibacillary (MB) disease('''. 7 . 5 . "'.' 2 ). investigate the hypothesis that prophylactic
Such reactions can lead to impairment of corticosteroids can preveni the occurrence
nerve function, and subsequent deformity of reactions in newly diagnosed MB lep-
and disability. That this can occur in lep- rosy patients.
rosy patients who present without any nerve The study was based at the Danish-
function impairment (NFI) at diagnosis is a Bangladesh Leprosy Mission (DBLM) in
discouraging phenomenon for both the pa- Nilphamari, Bangladesh. DBLM operates a
tient and the doctor or health worker. vertical leprosy program and has a field-
It is an axiom of modern leprosy control based system of treatment of leprosy reac-
that early case detection and treatment with tions(`). A prospective cohort study was
MDT can prevent much NFI by halting the started there in 1995 to investigate the epi-
multiplication of the leprosy bacillus, and demiology of NFI in leprosy patients, the
that Chis is the single most important activ- Bangladesh Acute Nerve Damage Study
ity in the prevention of NFI(`'). So far, little (BANDS). This study has recruited 2664
attention has been focused on the preven- new leprosy cases who are being regularly
tion of NFI after starting MDT, although followed up for signs of reaction and NFI.
there is some evidence that clofazimine has It was decided to use MB patients from
a prophylactic role in preventing type 2 re- among the BANDS cohort to act as histori-
actions(") and even reversal reactions('). It cal controls in this trial.
is generally accepted that corticosteroids The selection criteria for including pa-
are an effective treatment for reactions, and tients in the treatment group and the control
that they may reverse the effects of nerve group were as follows: MB classification
damage( 3 . 4 ). Since Chis is the case, can they (>5 skin lesions and/or skin-smear posi-
also be used to preveni reactions if given tive); no acute reaction present at diagnosis
prophylactically at the time of registration needing treatment; age 15-50; weight >35
and commencement of MDT? kg; not pregnant; no contraindications to
The incidence of reactions after the start prednisolone. In addition, informed, written
of MDT is known to be higher in MB pa- consent was obtained from patients receiv-
tients than PB("), with around 30% of MB ing prophylactic corticosteroid treatment.
76^ Inte rnational Journal o f Leproso^ 1999

Ninety-two new MB leprosy patients ful- The results must be interpreted with cau-
filling the above criteria were recruited isto tion, however, since follow up is not complete
the study during a 10-month period from among the trial patients recruited toward the
May 1997 to February 1998. These patients end of the study. Further, this is an open trial
were given prednisolone 20 mg/day for 3 and numbers are relatively small. However,
months, tapering to zero in the fourth the results do indicate that there is an effect
month. Patients were normally recruited at worth investigating more thoroughly.
registration, and given their first dose of A randomized, double-blind, controlled
prednisolone at the same time as their first trial to investigate the effectiveness of pro-
MDT dose. However, a few cases initially phylactic corticosteroids in the prevention
classified as PB were reclassified as MB of reactions in MB leprosy patients has been
when their skin smears were found to be designed by this study group, and is one of a
positive. These cases were included in the trio of trials aimed at investigating the pre-
study if their prednisolone was started vention of disability in leprosy. These are
within 2 weeks of their first MDT dose. known as the TRIPOD (Trials in Prevention
All patients were followed up monthly of Disability) Trials and are currently run-
with sensory testing using a ballpoint pen ning in six centers in Bangladesh and Nepal.
applied to 12 standard points on each palm
and 11 on each sole, and Medical Research Richard P. Croft, M.A., B.M., B.Ch.,
Council (MRC) motor strength testing to M.R.C.G.P., D.T.M.&H.
one movement of each of the facial, ulnar, Danish Bangladesh Leprosa° Mission
median, radial and lateral popliteal nerves.
Nilphanuiri, Bangladesh
The trial outcome was defined as the pro-
portion of patients developing one or more
of the following signs of reaction: a) the —Peter Nicholls, MSc., M.Sc.
loss of 2 or more points in the sensory
Department of Public Health
score, or b) the loss of 2 or more MRC
University of Aberdeen
grades for one nerve's function, or c) severe
Aberdeen, Scotland
nerve pain, or d) 1 point sensory or motor
loss combined with moderate pain in the
—Alison M. Anderson, Ph.D.
nerve of supply, or e) a severe type 1 reac-
Wim H. van Brakel, M.D., M.Sc., Ph.D.
tion in the skin.
Patients developing a type 2 reaction INF RELEASE Project,
were excluded from the calculations. The Pokhara, Nepal
proportion of patients developing a reactive
phenomenon was then compared with an —W. Cairns S. Smith, M.D., Ph.D.
historical cohort of 200 MB patients drawn
Department of Public Health
from the BANDS cohort matched for Rid-
University o Aberdeen
ley-Jopling classification using random
Aberdeen, Scotland
numbers to exclude or include. Patients re-
cruited at the start of the study have com-
—Jan Hendrik Richardus, M.D., Ph.D.
pleted 12 months of follow up; those re-
cruited in the last months have received Department of Public Health
only 4 months. Erasmus University
Among the 200 control patients, there Rotterdam, The Netherlands
were 53 events of reaction as defined above
during 77,316 days at risk, a proportion of Reprint requests to Dr. Richard P. Croft,
0.265. Among the 92 treatment patients, 14 70 Culver Lane, Reading, RG6 1DY, U.K.
reactive events occurred during 20,937 or e-mail:
days at risk, a proportion of 0.152. The
odds ratio is 2.01 (95% CI 1.05 to 3.85), in-
dicating that there is a prophylactic effect of REFERENCES
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sought. Lepr. Rev. 68 (1997) 233-241.
67, 1^ Corre.spondence^ 77

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