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People who work together are communicating with each other. If they communicate
effectively, this will enhance the performance of the group. If communication is poor, the quality
of group work will suffer. The importance of a good communication is demonstrated in this
“Whispering game” (also called “Message Relay”).


1. To illustrate the breakdown of communication.

2. To demonstrate the importance of effective communication.


1. Ask all the participants to form a circle. The facilitator also takes a place in this circle.
2. The facilitator then whispers a message to one neighboring person.
3. The message will now be passed round the circle by whispering to the next person and
the next, until it reaches the last person at the other end of the circle (just before the
4. Ask the last person to say the sentence aloud or write the sentence on the board.
5. Ask the first person who received the message from the facilitator if the message is
6. Ask several persons of the circle in order to trace the changes.
7. Discuss the activity.

Example of messages that can be used in this activity

1. No hay mal que por bien no venga

Literal translation:
There’s nothing bad that doesn’t occur in the name of a greater good.

What it actually means:

Every cloud has a silver lining.
2. Él que transa no avanza

Literal translation:
He/she who deceives never advances.

What it actually means:

Deception never pays.

3. Caras vemos corazones no sabemos

Literal translation:
We see faces but we don’t know hearts.

What it actually means:

Don’t judge a book by its cover.

4. Palabras necias, oídos sordos

Literal translation:
Annoying words, deaf ears.

What it actually means:

If you don’t have anything positive to say, don’t say anything at all.

5. Del dicho al hecho hay mucho trecho

Literal translation:
There’s a giant gap between the saying and the action.

What it actually means:

It’s easier said than done.

6. A quien se hace de miel las moscas le comen

English equivalent:

He that makes himself an ass must not take it ill if men ride him

7. Árbol que nace torcido, jamás su tronco endereza

English equivalent:

A tree that is born twisted never grows straight

8. Aquél es rico, que está bien con Dios

English equivalent:

He who serves God has a good master.

9. Con el tiempo todo se consigue

English equivalent:

Time heals all wounds.

10. Cuidado ajeno de pelo ruelga

English equivalent:

No one knows where the shoe pinches, but he who wears it


"Nobody can fully understand another person's hardship or suffering."


The idea is to accurately relay a message back and forth between team members as fast as

Mark a race course, such as around the building, out to a tree and back, or whatever is

One scout from each team gets ready on the starting line. The other members stand off to one
side, out of the way and at least 15 yards from the starting line so they cannot hear conversations.

The leader from each team gathers by the game leader, out of hearing of all other scouts. The
game leader tells them a secret message, such as "Everyone knows it snows when the wind

On "GO" signal, each team leader runs to his first teammate waiting at the starting line and tells
him the secret message. The leader steps off the course to the side opposite all the waiting scouts
to prevent accidentally passing the message ahead.

While the scout is running the course, the next teammate gets ready at the starting line. The
message is passed through each scout until it reaches the last one. He runs the course, passes the
finish line, and then runs to tell the game leader the message.
The first team, or the most accurate message, wins.
Eating Contest


There will be two rounds of competition for both male and female contestants. Genders will be
kept separate in eating challenges. Each competition will run for 10 minutes, as each contestant
attempts to eat as many hot dogs in buns as possible during this time frame. The winner is judged
by the amount of complete hot dogs consumed during this time.

Contestants may eat either sitting or standing in their pre-designated area using their hands only.
A contestant must completely eat one hot dog and bun before proceeding to the next. Contestants
may eat dogs and bun separately and are permitted to dunk hot dogs in water provided. A
contestant must wait for the starting signal to begin eating and may not touch any hot dogs prior
to the starting signal. A contestant must stop eating and must promptly place their hands down
on the table or at their side at the 10 minute mark deemed by the stop watch. A contestant may
not put any additional food in their mouth after the ending signal, but will be allowed 15 seconds
to swallow any food already in their mouth. If a contestant regurgitates, he or she will be

Judges will be on hand to assure adherence to contest rules and to disqualify a contestant who
fails to adhere to the rules. Grounds for disqualification include:

 Continuing to eat after the ending signal.

 Failure to completely eat a hot dog and bun before beginning to eat another hot dog and
 Regurgitating.

Winners will be determined by:

 Eating the most complete hot dog and buns in the allotted 10 minute timeframe.

Grounds for disqualification include:

• Any health risks that could jeopardize the contestant’s health or wellbeing
• Under the influence of any substance
• Appearance is deemed inappropriate or unattractive
• Starting prior to the start signal.
• Continuing to eat after the ending signal.
• Failure to completely eat a rib before beginning to eat another rib.
• Throwing up/ vomiting
Eating Competition Rules:

• The object is to 9 Ribs as fast as you can (First one to finish with clean bones wins).
• Contestants may eat either sitting or standing in their designated area using hands, knife, and/or fork.
• Contestants will be allowed to drink water during the competition.
• Contestants must wait for the starting signal to begin eating and may not touch any food or utensil
prior to the starting signal.
• Contestants must stop eating and must promptly place their hands down on the table or at their side at
the ending signal.
• Contestants may not put additional portions in their mouths after the ending signal, but will be
allowed 15 seconds to swallow any rib already in mouth.
• If a contestant throws up or regurgitates, he or she will automatically be disqualified.
• Judges will be on hand to assure adherence to contest rules, tally the number of items eaten, monitor
the “no throw up or regurgitating” rule, and to disqualify contestants who fail to adhere to the rules.
• Winners will be determined by counting the number of food items finished.
• In the event of a tie, after a brief interval, 1 minute and 30 second eat-offs will take place until a
winner is selected.

See for other references:

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