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Q) an aggregate bound with a polymer binder instead of Portland cement as in conventional concrete.

Polymer Concrete
Q)Some chemicals are mixed with concrete ingredients and spread throughout the body of concrete to favorably
modify the moulding and setting properties of the concrete mix known as--> Chemical Admixtures
Q). produce extreme workability and thus flowing concrete. And can achieve reduction in the water content
without loss of workability.--> Super Plasticizers
Q).... is a type of thin reinforced concrete, constructed of cement mortar reinforced with closely spaced layers of

continuous and small diameter wire mesh.--> Ferro cement
Q)increases the setting time of the concrete mix and reduce the water-cement ratio--> Retarders

Q)Which of the following is used as the special mortar for repair and rehabilitation process?--> All
Q)is defined as an admixture added to wet concrete mix to impart adequate workability properties--> Plasticizers
Q)reduce the setting time, generally produce early removal of forms and early setting of concrete repair, and patch
work--> Accelerators
Q)Expand SIFCON in admixtures--> Slurry infiltrated fiber Concrete
Q)The Result for the Check list for regular inspection of cranes may include--> All
Q).. a mixer of cementitious content and fine steel fibers and further reinforced with a high concentration of
continuous and uniformly placed larger steel bars--> Compact Reinforces Concrete

Q). possess very high tensile strength 2110 to 2815 N/mm2 and youngs modulus.--> Carbon Fiber
Q)Which of the following is not a type of glass fiber--> Chemical Fiber reagent
Q).. is a recent introduction in making fiber concrete and has very high tensile strength of 1020 to 4080 N/mm2-->
Glass fiber
Q)as a composites material, consisting of mixtures of cement mortar or concrete and discontinuous, discrete
uniformly dispersed suitable fibers.--> Fiber Reinforced Concrete
Q)The aspect ratio of the fiber is the ratio of its length to its diameter. Typical aspect ratio ranges from--> 30-150
Q)As corrosion progresses, formation of multiple layers of rust on the reinforcement which in turn exert
considerable pressure on the surrounding concrete resulting in of hair cracks--> Widening
Q)The continued reduction in the size of bars results in . of the bars--> Snapping
Q)When reinforcement starts corroding, a layer a ferric oxide is formed resulting the formation of--> Brown
Q)..comprises of application of impressed current, to an electrode laid on the concrete, above steel reinforcement.--
> Cathode protection
Q)CO2 reacts with Ca(OH)2 in the cement paste to form CaCO3 resulting in the formation of.--> White patches
Q)The increase in volume exerts considerable bursting pressure on the surrounding concrete resulting in.-->
Q)help in protecting concrete subjected to repeated freeze thaw cycles and concrete with higher workability and
cohesiveness.--> Plasticizers
Q)What does CFRP stand for?--> Carbon fiber reinforced polymer
Q)The corrosion of reinforced steel is because of--> Porosity of concrete

Q)Any factor, which influences the modulus of elasticity of concrete, will also affect--> pulse velocity Test
Q)carbonation proceeds deeper into the mass as __________ diffuses inwards from the surface--> carbon dioxide
Q)By carbonation test is used to find carbonated _______--> depth of concrete.
Q)Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity (USPV) method is being extensively used to assess the __________ concrete--> quality
Q)Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity (USPV ) is generally used for measurement of concrete uniformity assessment of
concrete deterioration..--> concrete deterioration
Q).an admixture that is used in concrete to prevent the metal, Embedded in concrete form cording.--> Corrosion

Q)Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity test belongs to--> Strength Tests.
Q)Thermal conductivity is measured in _____________.--> Joules per second per square meter
Q)_________ is the process of deterioration and consequent loss of a solid metallic material, through an unwanted
chemical or electro-chemical attack by its environment, starting at its surface.--> Corrosion
Q)Temperatures of concrete, other than special refractory concrete, have to be kept below--> 3000c
Q)Corrosion of steel concrete is an ____________process--> Electro- Chemical process
Q)Factors Affecting the measurements of pulse velocity--> All
Q)The study of thermal properties of concrete is an important aspect while dealing with the __________ of concrete.--
> Durability
Q)The color of carbonated effected area--> Pink
Q)Higher amount of chlorides may give rise to--> Corrosion risk.
Q)The capillary pores in the cement are of such a size that water in them will freeze when the ambient
temperatures is below_____--> 0oc
Q)As water when freezing expands by_____ of its volume, excess water in the capillaries has to move.--> 9%
Q)The calcium hydroxide in hydrated cement paste will combine with carbon dioxide in the air to form calcium

carbonate which occupies smaller volume tan the calcium hydroxide resulting called __________________-->
Carbonation shrinkage

Q)When the tensile strain due to differential volume change exceeds the tensile strain capacity of concrete, it will
_______--> Crack
Q)_______normally provides a highly alkaline environment that projects embedded steel against corrosion.-->
Cement paste
Q)Shrinkage of concrete is one of the important factors contributing to lack of durability of concrete, this
phenomenon is called as--> Bleeding
Q)The products of corrosion occupy a volume as much as ___times the original volume of steel, depending upon the
oxidation state--> 6

Q)Increase of the _________has 2 effects it forces the cathodic reaction to the right, producing more OH- ions-->
Oxygen content
Q)What reference material must the contractor have knowledge of to review reports to identify hazardous
materials, lead, and asbestos?--> Cal/OSHA Construction Safety Orders
Q)Asbestos is encountered during demolition work. You may only remove the asbestos yourself if simple actions
suffice to do this. No dust or fibers may be released during this process. Which specific safety measure, among
others, must then be implemented?--> Wear disposable overalls.
Q)What is important for manually lifting an object standing on the ground?--> That you lift with a straight back
and bent knees
Q)For fire protection roadways between and around combustible storage piles, what MINIMUM number of feet
must be maintained free from accumulation of rubbish, equipment, or other materials?--> 15 feet
Q)If wood guardrails are required to be installed on a demolition job, the railing must be made of what kind of
wood?--> Douglas fir
Q)When a house is to be moved, who has the responsibility for verifying that utilities have been disconnected?-->
The contractor
Q)The more massive the structure, the _______is the potential for temperature differential and degree of restraint.-->
Q)____________gradients cause deflection and rotation in structural members; if these are restrained serious stresses
can result.--> None
Q)Which of the following measures of a training programs effectiveness is ultimately most important?--> Business
impact analysis

Q)In the development of customer-survey questionnaires, the most important design feature is--> Presenting the
questions from the customers perspective
Q)Rank order, from first to last, the following training design steps.1. Prepare training materials.2. Define training
objectives.3. Determine course structure and sequence.4. Establish consensus on needs--> 4, 2, 3, 1
Q)To determine who the customers are for a specific process, it would be most useful to create a--> Flow diagram
Q)Which of the following is one advantage of group decision-making?--> Increased acceptance of decisions
Q)If wind speed is so great that the structure being moved swerves from side to side, what action should the

contractor take?--> Postpone the move until these conditions cease.

Q)What should you do with your personal protective equipment (PPE)?--> Take proper care of it.
Q)Execution of a quality plan should be the responsibility of--> Individual workers
Q)How can a hazardous substance get directly into the blood?--> Via an open wound.
Q)What are the load combinations for the design purposes?--> All
Q)Which of the following hand tools is unsafe?--> A hammer with a dented head.
Q)It is not necessary to correct performance when it--> Is illegal or injurious to the organization
Q)What is a major hazard when you are working with machines?--> Being caught by moving parts.
Q)Which of the following is a hazard when working with lifting equipment?--> The load falling off the hook.
Q)For design purpose, the moment at the support where two unequal spans or spans not equally loaded meet, is-->
Average value
Q)In what direction do you evacuate in case of fire?--> Across the wind direction.
Q)The effective and actual lengths of a cantilever are same if continuous at the support--> Restrained against
torsion at the support and free at the end
Q)How the beams are failed?1. Bending failure2. Shear failure3. Deflection failure--> 3, 2, 1
Q)Name the types of beam connections?--> All

Q)The gross section of the web of a beam is defined as--> Depth of the beam multiplied by its web thickness
Q)Where the steel roof trusses are used?--> All

Q)___________ is the process of fastening a durable material over concrete and filling the gap with a grout that
provides needed performance characteristics.--> Jacketing
Q)The shear transfer strength is provided by both ___________ resistance to sliding and dowel action of
reinforcement crossing the crack.--> Frictional
Q)The least size of the underpinning pits to provide working place, for workers is 1m x 1.3m.--> 1m x 1.3m
Q)What are hazardous substances?--> All substances that pose a danger to health and/or to the environment.
Q)The operation of providing new permanent foundation is known as--> Underpinning
Q)Which method is most suitable in dry ground--> Pear Underpinning

Q)In which method proper care must be taken to prevent loss of ground installing the sheeting, otherwise the
building structure mar sink.--> Pear Underpinning
Q)mortar conveyed through a hose and pneumatically projected at a high velocity on to a surface.--> Gunite
Q)Admixtures which cause early setting, and hardening of concrete are called--> Accelerators
Q)The gradual deterioration of concrete by chemically aggressive agent is called _______--> Corrosion
Q)When the jacket is provided around the periphery of the column, it is termed a _______.--> Collar
Q)To transfer vertical load to the column is known as _______________--> Collar
Q)Coating for reinforcement to prevent corrosion?--> Organic coating Epoxy coating
Q)What changes occur, when hot rolled steel is heated to 500 o C.--> elastic modulus is reduced
Q)Addition of a retarder to concrete decreases all of the following except--> Workability and compressive
Q)Addition of air-entraining agents to concrete increases all the following expect--> Strength of concrete
Q)Following compounds can be used as accelerators except--> CaSO4
Q)The most commonly used admixtures which prolongs the setting and hardening time is--> Gypsum
Q)An admixture--> Offers improvement not economically attained by adjusting mix proportions
Q)Adding an accelerator to concrete increases all of the following except--> Resistance to alkali-aggregate
Q)An accelerator shortens all of the following expect--> Strength of concrete
Q)Industrial safety management if that branch of management which is concerned with ______ hazards from the
industries.--> All
Q)_____ is best suited to extinguishing oil or flammable liquid fire.--> Foam

Q)Which of the following extinguisher types will not have a gauge?--> A carbon dioxide extinguisher
Q)Which one of the following extinguishing properties is NOT consistent with the methods in which a water spray
protection system extinguishes an oil fire?--> Reduction of the amount of fuel available.
Q)Which THREE of the following are features of Open Circuit Alarm Systems? i) Detectors are wired in parallelii)
There is no current flow when on standby iii) A broken circuit will raise an alarmiv) The operation of a detector
activates the alarm--> i, ii, iii
Q)An extinguisher with an A rating is designed for use on which type of fire?--> A fire involving combustible

Q)Which of the following is true regarding a flammable gas fire?--> Only extinguish the fire if you are capable of
promptly turning off the supply of gas
Q)Intervention measures activated by the fire control panel include:--> All
Q)Large volumes of volatile fire aerosols are produced with almost--> All hostile fires
Q)What is a key drawback of using gaseous extinguishing agents, such as carbon dioxide, to extinguish a fire?-->
The displacement of oxygen can also have a suffocating effect on the people in the immediate vicinity.
Q)The following extinguisher is suitable for cotton or other textile fire--> Dry chemicals
Q)Under the Work Health and Safety Act, workers must--> All
Q)Social workers skilled in crisis management work--> All
Q)What is a risk associated with static electricity?--> Static electricity can result in a spark which can cause an
Q)Identify what fire protection measures would be appropriate and assess their effectiveness in reducing the risks-
-> All
Q)Which of these materials would you use a water fire extinguisher on?--> Paper, wood, textiles and solid

Q)The colour coding for a dry powder fire extinguisher is--> Blue
Q)The purpose of a fire alarm is to warn people about the presence of a fire within the premises. In a data center

context these people may be divided into these target groups a. Selected members of staffb. Staff working in the
building (in general) or visitorsc. The municipal fire service--> a, b, c
Q)If a fire should occur, then it should be a. Detected early b. Extinguished quickly c. Restricted to a small area of
the building--> a, b, c
Q)Reduce the risk of those hazards causing harm to an acceptable minimum--> All
Q)What type of fire extinguisher with cream colour band above is--> Foam fire extinguisher
Q)Fire safety training is required in which of the following circumstances?--> All
Q)The three elements needed for a fire include:--> All

Q)Smoke alarms:--> All
Q)Which fire extinguisher should you use for fires involving flammable liquids?--> Dry powder
Q)Wood, Plastic & Paper are classified as :--> Class A
Q)Which of the following activities are considered hot work?--> All
Q)What is meant by the evaluation of risks?--> The determination of the severity of the risks.
Q)If a fire occurred in your home, the time you have to escape could be as little as:--> 1 minute
Q)If your clothing catches fire, the best thing to do is:--> Stop, drop to the ground, and roll back and forth to
smother the flames
Q)Below is a list of fire extinguisher types matched with surfaces on which they can be used? Which is
theincorrectoption?--> Class B - Plastics, oils, grease, gasoline, solvents, and other flammable liquids
Q)Where should you aim a fire extinguisher nozzle when putting out a fire?--> At the base of the fire
Q)Portable heaters can cause fires when:--> All
Q)According to the Ontario Fire Code, smoke alarms are required to be installed:--> On every storey and outside
all sleeping areas
Q)Industrial safety management if that branch of management which is concerned with ______ hazards from the
industries--> All
Q)You discover the electrical cord on a drill has been damaged and some of the cords insulation is missing. You
should?--> Tag the drill out of service and notify the department responsible for equipment maintenance.
Q)A tree is a common natural path for what type of electrical hazard?--> Lightning
Q)Before an emergency occurs, you should.--> All
Q)Working with gas cylinders/bottles in an excavation can create added danger. What safety measure do you need

to take?--> Do not place any gas cylinders/bottles in the excavation.

Q)What action is an employee required to take if a protective device adversely impacts the pace of work?--> Do
not remove the protective device and use it in the correct way
Q)Which elements must be taken into consideration in establishing the working hours?--> The employees
personal situation.
Q)What is the objective of a task risk analysis?--> To control the risks associated with the work.
Q)Which factor has a direct impact on the risks associated with work?--> The workplace.

Q)What is the best way of limiting exposure to toxic substances?--> By using another, non-toxic substance.
Q)You are working on electrical installations. What is the best way to avoid accidents?--> Disconnect the
electrical power supply.
Q)The main reason electrical injuries occur is:--> Procedures are inappropriate, procedures are not followed
or ignored, and safety systems are bypassed.

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