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Spikeball Lesson Plan #1

1. What is/are the outcome(s)?

W3 Plan for and engage in movement activity to increase confidence, competence, and
sustainability in self-selected individual and/or partner movement activities

 Target games (e.g., bowling, golf, archery, bocce ball)

 Net/Wall games (e.g., tennis, table tennis, racquetball, squash)

2. How are we achieving this outcome? Assessment piece?

a. In this lesson, students will be taking part in passing and spiking drills to develop
their skill set in this sport.
b. They will work on skills individually and then with a partner followed by game play.
This will help increase their confidence, competence and sustainability through out
the activity achieving the outcome
c. Assessment handout separate document- outcome based assessment with a couple
questions for students to reflect upon at the end of the unit

3. Warmup: Knee tag (2 mins)

 The object is to tag your opponent’s knee cap with one of your hands for a point while
staying in an approximate 5-foot radius of one another.

 Start in an athletic stance facing your opponent.

 Games are played to 7 points... once a group is done they yell stop to get everyone’s
attention, then you immediately find a new opponent
 Adaptation/Differentiation
o Have the students stand closer together
o Have the students tag any part of their partner

Passing Drill (7 mins)

 Individual: Keep the ball up in the air using a combination of passes: below and above
chest using left and right arms
 Partner: Same as individual but with a partner
 Adaptation/Differentiation
o Allow the ball to bounce on ground in between hits during individual and partner

Spiking Drill (7 mins)

 Self Toss with a partner: Start by throwing the ball up in the air and hitting it towards
your partner. Partner will catch the ball or self pass and catch if possible
 Taking turns with your partner while a team defends: Toss, pass, pass, spike
 Partner 1 tosses an easy to get ball to partner 2 who passes back to partner 1. Partner 1
then passes the ball near the net
 so that partner 2 can spike it. Switch roles after each
spike. After 2 team attempts let the fielding team have 2 attempts.

Kings Court (30-35 mins)

 2v2 games
 Rally up to 11 winning teams move left losing teams move right

4. Resources and Materials

 Spikeball sets – 8 (includes nets and balls (24))

 Spikeball Curriculum Guide

5. Closure:

 - Review intended outcomes

 - Review skills
Spikeball Lesson Plan #2:

1. What is/are the outcome(s)?

W3 Plan for and engage in movement activity to increase confidence, competence, and
sustainability in self-selected individual and/or partner movement activities

 Target games (e.g., bowling, golf, archery, bocce ball)

 Net/Wall games (e.g., tennis, table tennis, racquetball, squash)

2. How are we achieving this outcome? Assessment piece?

a. In this lesson, students will be taking part in defensive drills to develop their skills,
understanding of knowledge in this sport. They will work on skills individually and
then with a partner followed by game play. This will help increase their confidence,
competence and sustainability through out the activity.
b. Assessment handout separate document- outcome based assessment with a couple
questions for students to reflect upon.

3. Warm-up: Spikeball Net Shuffle (5 mins)

 4 students around a Spikeball net. Shuffle one direction around the net while keeping a
Spikeball up in the air using passing or spiking hits. If the ball hits the ground the group
does 5 jumping jacks and begins again shuffling the opposite direction at the end of the
 Adaptation/Differentiation
o Have students stand in one place instead of shuffling

Dill 1: Working with a partner across a Spikeball net (10mins)

- note: each portion of the drill will be played up till 10 points
 Partner 1 spikes a ball that is challenging to get but not impossible...partner 2 passes the
ball to self and then catches it. Success = catch! Switch roles after each attempt.

 Partner 1 spikes a ball that is challenging to get but not impossible...partner 2 passes the
ball to self and then catches it. Success = catch! Switch roles after each attempt.

 Partner 1 spikes a ball that is challenging to get but not impossible...partner 2 passes the
ball back to partner. Success = partner catch! Switch roles after each attempt.

Drill 2: Working with another team (10mins)

- note: each portion of the drill will be played up till 10 points
 Team 1 serves an easy hit ball to team 2. Team 2’s objective is to score a point with a kill
shot...within their allotted 3 contacts. Team 1 scores a point if they can catch the ball
when it hits off the net or team 2 makes an error. Switch roles after each rally. Success =
a point
 Same as above, except now you have to pass the kill shot and your partner must catch it
for a point. Success = a point.
 Same as above except now no catching...Team 2 scores a point by getting it back on the
net within 3 contacts. The rally stops immediately. Teams switch roles after a point is
scored. Success = a point.

Kings Court (20-25 mins)

 2v2 games
 Rally up to 11 winning teams move left losing teams move right

4. Resources and Materials

 Spikeball sets – 8 (includes nets and balls(24))

 Spikeball Curriculum Guide

5. Closure:

- Review intended outcomes

- Review skills
SpikeBall Lesson #3:

1. What is/are the outcome(s)?

W3 Plan for and engage in movement activity to increase confidence, competence, and
sustainability in self-selected individual and/or partner movement activities

 Target games (e.g., bowling, golf, archery, bocce ball)

 Net/Wall games (e.g., tennis, table tennis, racquetball, squash)

2. How are we achieving this outcome? Assessment piece?

c. In this lesson, students will be taking part in offensive drills to develop their skills,
understanding of knowledge in this sport. They will work on skills individually and
then with a partner followed by game play. This will help increase their confidence,
competence and sustainability through out the activity.
d. Assessment handout separate document- outcome based assessment with a couple
questions for students to reflect upon.

3. Warm-up: Spikeball Net Shuffle (5 mins)

 4 students around a Spikeball net. Shuffle one direction around the net while keeping a
Spikeball up in the air using passing or spiking hits. If the ball hits the ground the group
does 5 jumping jacks and begins again shuffling the opposite direction.
 Adaptation/Differentiation
o Have students stand in one place instead of shuffling

Dill 1: Working with a partner across a Spikeball net (10mins)

- note: each portion of the drill will be played up till 10 points
 Partner 1 tosses a ball to Partner 2 near the net. Partner 2 plays a drop shot. Success = just
past the rim. Switch roles every 3 successes.
 Partner 1 tosses a ball to Partner 2 near the net. Partner 2 tries to play shot with their non
dominate hand. Success = off the net and past the rim. Switch roles every 3 successes.

 Partner 1 tosses a ball to Partner 2 near the net. While the toss is in the air Partner 1
moves a few steps left or right and stops. Partner 2 must hit the ball off the net so that
Partner 1 can catch it without moving. Success = a catch. Switch roles every 3 successes.

Drill 2: Working with another team (10mins)

- note: each portion of the drill will be played up till 10 points
 Team 1 underhand tosses a ball to team 2. Team 2’s objective is to score a point with a
kill shot...within their allotted 3 contacts. Team 1 scores a point if they can catch the ball
when it hits off the net or team 2 makes an error. Switch roles after each rally. Success =
a point
 Same as above but instead of a toss to begin the 1 must serve an easy ball.
Success = a point.
 Same as above except now you have to pass the kill shot and your partner must catch it
for a point. Success = a point.
 Same as above except now no catching. Team 2 scores a point by getting it back on the
net within 3 contacts. The rally stops immediately. Teams switch roles after a point is
scored. Success = a point.

Kings Court (30-35 mins)

 2v2 games
 Rally up to 11 winning teams move left losing teams move right

4. Resources and Materials

 Spikeball sets – 8 (includes nets and balls(24))

 Spikeball Curriculum Guide

5. Closure:

- Review intended outcomes

- Review skills

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