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Window functions

int BarsPerWindow()

Function returns the amount of bars visible on the chart.

// work with visible bars.
int bars_count=BarsPerWindow();
int bar=FirstVisibleBar();
for(int i=0; i<bars_count; i++,bar--)
// ...

int FirstVisibleBar()

Function returns index of the first visible bar.

// work with visible bars.
int bars_count=BarsPerWindow();
int bar=FirstVisibleBar();
for(int i=0; i<bars_count; i++,bar--)
// ...

double PriceOnDropped()

Returns price part of dropped point where expert or script was dropped. This value is valid when expert or script dropped by mouse.
Note: For custom indicators this value is undefined.
double drop_price=PriceOnDropped();
datetime drop_time=TimeOnDropped();
//---- may be undefined (zero)
ObjectCreate("Dropped price line", OBJ_HLINE, 0, drop_price);
ObjectCreate("Dropped time line", OBJ_VLINE, 0, drop_time);

datetime TimeOnDropped()

Returns time part of dropped point where expert or script was dropped. This value is valid when expert or script dropped by mouse.
Note: For custom indicators this value is undefined.
double drop_price=PriceOnDropped();
datetime drop_time=TimeOnDropped();
//---- may be undefined (zero)
ObjectCreate("Dropped price line", OBJ_HLINE, 0, drop_price);
ObjectCreate("Dropped time line", OBJ_VLINE, 0, drop_time);
int WindowFind(string name)

If indicator with name found returns the window index containing specified indicator, otherwise returns -1.
Note: WindowFind() returns -1 if ustom indicator searches itself when init() function works.
name - Indicator short name.

int win_idx=WindowFind("MACD(12,26,9)");

int WindowHandle(string symbol, int timeframe)

If chart of symbol and timeframe is currently opened returns the window handle, otherwise returns 0.
symbol - symbol name.
timeframe - Time frame. It can be any of Time frame enumeration values.

int win_handle=WindowHandle("USDX",PERIOD_H1);
Print("Window with USDX,H1 detected. Rates array will be copied immediately.");

bool WindowIsVisible(int index)

Returns true if the chart subwindow is visible, otherwise returns false.

index - Chart subwindow index.

int maywin=WindowFind("MyMACD");
if(maywin>-1 && WindowIsVisible(maywin)==true)
Print("window of MyMACD is visible");
Print("window of MyMACD not found or is not visible");

int WindowOnDropped()

Returns window index where expert, custom indicator or script was dropped. This value is valid when expert, custom indicator or script
dropped by mouse.
Note: For custom indicators this index is undefined when init() function works and returning index is window index where custom
indicator works (may be different from dropping window index, because custom indicator can create its own new window). See also
WindowXOnDropped(), WindowYOnDropped()
Print("Indicator 'MyIndicator' must be applied to main chart window!");

int WindowsTotal()

Returns count of indicator windows on the chart (including main chart).

Print("Windows count = ", WindowsTotal());
int WindowXOnDropped()

Returns x-axis coordinate in pixels were expert or script dropped to the chart. See also WindowYOnDropped(), WindowOnDropped()
Print("Expert dropped point x=",WindowXOnDropped()," y=",WindowYOnDropped());

int WindowYOnDropped()

Returns y-axis coordinate in pixels were expert or script dropped to the chart. See also WindowYOnDropped(), WindowOnDropped()
Print("Expert dropped point x=",WindowXOnDropped()," y=",WindowYOnDropped());

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